コード例 #1
def benchmark(maxdepth=6):
    """ Times a search of a static list of positions. """

    suite_time = time()
    suite_nodes = lsearch.nodes
    lsearch.endtime = sys.maxsize
    lsearch.searching = True
    for i, fen in enumerate(benchmarkPositions):
        board = LBoard(NORMALCHESS)
        pos_start_time = time()
        pos_start_nodes = lsearch.nodes
        for depth in range(1, maxdepth):
            mvs, scr = lsearch.alphaBeta(board, depth)
            pos_time = time() - pos_start_time
            pos_nodes = lsearch.nodes - pos_start_nodes
            pv = " ".join(listToSan(board, mvs))
            time_cs = int(100 * pos_time)
            print(depth, scr, time_cs, pos_nodes, pv)
        print("Searched position", i, "at",
              int(pos_nodes / pos_time) if pos_time > 0 else pos_nodes, "n/s")
    suite_time = time() - suite_time
    suite_nodes = lsearch.nodes - suite_nodes
    print("Total:", suite_nodes, "nodes in", suite_time, "s: ",
          suite_nodes / suite_time, "n/s")
    lsearch.nodes = 0
コード例 #2
ファイル: Benchmark.py プロジェクト: leogregianin/pychess
def benchmark(maxdepth=6):
    """ Times a search of a static list of positions. """

    suite_time = time()
    suite_nodes = lsearch.nodes
    lsearch.endtime = sys.maxsize
    lsearch.searching = True
    for i, fen in enumerate(benchmarkPositions):
        board = LBoard(NORMALCHESS)
        pos_start_time = time()
        pos_start_nodes = lsearch.nodes
        for depth in range(1, maxdepth):
            mvs, scr = lsearch.alphaBeta(board, depth)
            pos_time = time() - pos_start_time
            pos_nodes = lsearch.nodes - pos_start_nodes
            pv = " ".join(listToSan(board, mvs))
            time_cs = int(100 * pos_time)
            print(depth, scr, time_cs, pos_nodes, pv)
        print("Searched position", i, "at", int(pos_nodes / pos_time) if pos_time > 0 else pos_nodes, "n/s")
    suite_time = time() - suite_time
    suite_nodes = lsearch.nodes - suite_nodes
    print("Total:", suite_nodes, "nodes in", suite_time, "s: ", suite_nodes /
          suite_time, "n/s")
    lsearch.nodes = 0
コード例 #3
 def __analyze (self, worker):
     """ Searches, and prints info from, the position as stated in the cecp
         protocol """
     start = time()
     lsearch.endtime = sys.maxint
     lsearch.searching = True
     for depth in xrange (1, 10):
         if not lsearch.searching:
         t = time()
         mvs, scr = alphaBeta (self.board, depth)
         # Analyze strings are given in the following format:
         # depth in plies, evaluation, time used, nodes searched, p/v
         movstrs = " ".join(listToSan(self.board, mvs))
         worker.publish("\t".join(("%d","%d","%0.2f","%d","%s")) %
                        (depth, scr, time()-start, lsearch.nodes, movstrs))
         if lsearch.movesearches:
             mvs_pos = lsearch.nodes/float(lsearch.movesearches)
             mvs_tim = lsearch.nodes/(time()-t)
             worker.publish("%0.1f moves/position; %0.1f n/s" % (mvs_pos, mvs_tim))
         lsearch.nodes = 0
         lsearch.movesearches = 0
コード例 #4
ファイル: alphabeta.py プロジェクト: zhaoshaojun/pychess
    def test1(self):
        """Testing lsearch.alphaBeta() Losers variant"""

        board = LosersBoard(setup=FEN0)

        lsearch.searching = True
        lsearch.timecheck_counter = lsearch.TIMECHECK_FREQ
        lsearch.endtime = time() + 1

        mvs, scr = lsearch.alphaBeta(board.board, 1)

        self.assertNotEqual(mvs, [])
コード例 #5
    def __analyze(self):
        """ Searches, and prints info from, the position as stated in the cecp
            protocol """

        start = time()
        lsearch.endtime = sys.maxsize
        lsearch.searching = True

        for depth in range(1, self.sd):
            if not lsearch.searching:
            board = self.board.clone()
            mvs, scr = alphaBeta(board, depth)

            pv1 = " ".join(listToSan(board, mvs))
            time_cs = int(100 * (time() - start))
            print("%s %s %s %s %s" % (depth, scr, time_cs, lsearch.nodes, pv1))

            lsearch.nodes = 0
コード例 #6
ファイル: PyChess.py プロジェクト: leogregianin/pychess
    def __analyze(self):
        """ Searches, and prints info from, the position as stated in the cecp
            protocol """

        start = time()
        lsearch.endtime = sys.maxsize
        lsearch.searching = True

        for depth in range(1, self.sd):
            if not lsearch.searching:
            board = self.board.clone()
            mvs, scr = alphaBeta(board, depth)

            pv1 = " ".join(listToSan(board, mvs))
            time_cs = int(100 * (time() - start))
            self.print("%s %s %s %s %s" % (depth, scr, time_cs, lsearch.nodes, pv1))

            lsearch.nodes = 0
コード例 #7
    def __go(self, ondone=None):
        """ Finds and prints the best move from the current position """

        mv = False if self.outOfBook else self.__getBestOpening()
        if mv:
            mvs = [mv]

        if not mv:

            lsearch.skipPruneChance = self.skipPruneChance
            lsearch.searching = True

            timed = self.basetime > 0

            if self.searchtime > 0:
                usetime = self.searchtime
                usetime = self.clock[self.playingAs] / self.__remainingMovesA()
                if self.clock[self.playingAs] > 10:
                    # If we have time, we assume 40 moves rather than 80
                    usetime *= 2
                # The increment is a constant. We'll use this always
                usetime += self.increment[self.playingAs]

            prevtime = 0
            starttime = time()
            lsearch.endtime = starttime + usetime if timed else sys.maxsize
            if self.debug:
                if timed:
                    print("# Time left: %3.2f s; Planing to think for %3.2f s" %
                          (self.clock[self.playingAs], usetime))
                    print("# Searching to depth %d without timelimit" % self.sd)

            for depth in range(1, self.sd + 1):
                # Heuristic time saving
                # Don't waste time, if the estimated isn't enough to complete
                # next depth
                if timed and usetime <= prevtime * 4 and usetime > 1:
                lsearch.timecheck_counter = lsearch.TIMECHECK_FREQ
                search_result = alphaBeta(self.board, depth)
                if lsearch.searching:
                    mvs, self.scr = search_result
                    if time() > lsearch.endtime:
                    if self.post:
                        pv1 = " ".join(listToSan(self.board, mvs))
                        time_cs = int(100 * (time() - starttime))
                        print("%s %s %s %s %s" % (
                            depth, self.scr, time_cs, lsearch.nodes, pv1))
                    # We were interrupted
                    if depth == 1:
                        mvs, self.scr = search_result
                prevtime = time() - starttime - prevtime

                self.clock[self.playingAs] -= time(
                ) - starttime - self.increment[self.playingAs]

            if not mvs:
                if not lsearch.searching:
                    # We were interupted
                    lsearch.nodes = 0

                # This should only happen in terminal mode

                if self.scr == 0:
                    print("result %s" % reprResult[DRAW])
                elif self.scr < 0:
                    if self.board.color == WHITE:
                        print("result %s" % reprResult[BLACKWON])
                        print("result %s" % reprResult[WHITEWON])
                    if self.board.color == WHITE:
                        print("result %s" % reprResult[WHITEWON])
                        print("result %s" % reprResult[BLACKWON])

            lsearch.nodes = 0
            lsearch.searching = False

        move = mvs[0]
        sanmove = toSAN(self.board, move)
        if ondone:
        return sanmove
コード例 #8
ファイル: PyChess.py プロジェクト: btrent/knave
    def __go (self, ondone=None):
        """ Finds and prints the best move from the current position """
        mv = self.__getBestOpening()
        if mv:
            mvs = [mv]
        if not mv:
            lsearch.skipPruneChance = self.skipPruneChance
            lsearch.searching = True
            timed = self.basetime > 0
            if self.searchtime > 0:
                usetime = self.searchtime
                usetime = self.clock[self.playingAs] / self.__remainingMovesA()
                if self.clock[self.playingAs] < 6*60+self.increment[self.playingAs]*40:
                    # If game is blitz, we assume 40 moves rather than 80
                    usetime *= 2
                # The increment is a constant. We'll use this always
                usetime += self.increment[self.playingAs]
                if usetime < 0.5:
                    # We don't wan't to search for e.g. 0 secs
                    usetime = 0.5

            prevtime = 0
            starttime = time()
            lsearch.endtime = starttime + usetime if timed else sys.maxint
            if self.debug:
                if timed:
                    print "# Time left: %3.2f s; Planing to think for %3.2f s" % (self.clock[self.playingAs], usetime)
                    print "# Searching to depth %d without timelimit" % self.sd

            for depth in range(1, self.sd+1):
                # Heuristic time saving
                # Don't waste time, if the estimated isn't enough to complete next depth
                if timed and usetime <= prevtime*4 and usetime > 1:
                lsearch.timecheck_counter = lsearch.TIMECHECK_FREQ
                search_result = alphaBeta(self.board, depth)
                if lsearch.searching:
                    mvs, self.scr = search_result
                    if time() > lsearch.endtime:
                    if self.post:
                        pv = " ".join(listToSan(self.board, mvs))
                        time_cs = int(100 * (time()-starttime))
                        print depth, self.scr, time_cs, lsearch.nodes, pv
                    # We were interrupted
                    if depth == 1:
                        mvs, self.scr = search_result
                prevtime = time()-starttime - prevtime
                self.clock[self.playingAs] -= time() - starttime - self.increment[self.playingAs]
            if not mvs:
                if not lsearch.searching:
                    # We were interupted
                    lsearch.nodes = 0
                # This should only happen in terminal mode
                if self.scr == 0:
                    print "result %s" % reprResult[DRAW]
                elif self.scr < 0:
                    if self.board.color == WHITE:
                        print "result %s" % reprResult[BLACKWON]
                    else: print "result %s" % reprResult[WHITEWON]
                    if self.board.color == WHITE:
                        print "result %s" % reprResult[WHITEWON]
                    else: print "result %s" % reprResult[BLACKWON]
            lsearch.nodes = 0
            lsearch.searching = False
        move = mvs[0]
        sanmove = toSAN(self.board, move)
        if ondone: ondone(sanmove)
        return sanmove
コード例 #9
 def __go (self, worker):
     """ Finds and prints the best move from the current position """
     # TODO: Length info should be put in the book.
     # Btw. 10 is not enough. Try 20
     #if len(self.board.history) < 14:
     movestr = self.__getBestOpening()
     if movestr:
         mvs = [parseSAN(self.board, movestr)]
     #if len(self.board.history) >= 14 or not movestr:
     if not movestr:
         lsearch.skipPruneChance = self.skipPruneChance
         lsearch.useegtb = self.useegtb
         lsearch.searching = True
         if self.mytime == None:
             lsearch.endtime = sys.maxint
             worker.publish("Searching to depth %d without timelimit" % self.sd)
             mvs, self.scr = alphaBeta (self.board, self.sd)
             usetime = self.mytime / self.__remainingMovesA()
             if self.mytime < 6*60+self.increment*40:
                 # If game is blitz, we assume 40 moves rather than 80
                 usetime *= 2
             # The increment is a constant. We'll use this allways
             usetime += self.increment
             if usetime < 0.5:
                 # We don't wan't to search for e.g. 0 secs
                 usetime = 0.5
             starttime = time()
             lsearch.endtime = starttime + usetime
             prevtime = 0
             worker.publish("Time left: %3.2f seconds; Planing to thinking for %3.2f seconds" % (self.mytime, usetime))
             for depth in range(1, self.sd+1):
                 # Heuristic time saving
                 # Don't waste time, if the estimated isn't enough to complete next depth
                 if usetime > prevtime*4 or usetime <= 1:
                     lsearch.timecheck_counter = lsearch.TIMECHECK_FREQ
                     search_result = alphaBeta(self.board, depth)
                     if lsearch.searching:
                         mvs, self.scr = search_result
                         if time() > lsearch.endtime:
                             # Endtime occured after depth
                             worker.publish("Endtime occured after depth")
                         worker.publish("got moves %s from depth %d" % (" ".join(listToSan(self.board, mvs)), depth))
                         # We were interrupted
                         worker.publish("I was interrupted (%d) while searching depth %d" % (lsearch.last, depth))
                         if depth == 1:
                             worker.publish("I've got to have some move, so I use what we got")
                             mvs, self.scr = search_result
                     prevtime = time()-starttime - prevtime
                     worker.publish("I don't have enough time to go into depth %d" % depth)
                     # Not enough time for depth
                 worker.publish("I searched through depths [1, %d]" % (self.sd+1))
             self.mytime -= time() - starttime
             self.mytime += self.increment
         if not mvs:
             if not lsearch.searching:
                 # We were interupted
                 lsearch.movesearches = 0
                 lsearch.nodes = 0
             # This should only happen in terminal mode
             #if lsearch.last == 4:
             #    print "resign"
             if self.scr == 0:
                 worker.publish("result %s" % reprResult[DRAW])
             elif self.scr < 0:
                 if self.board.color == WHITE:
                     worker.publish("result %s" % reprResult[BLACKWON])
                 else: worker.publish("result %s" % reprResult[WHITEWON])
                 if self.board.color == WHITE:
                     worker.publish("result %s" % reprResult[WHITEWON])
                 else: worker.publish("result %s" % reprResult[BLACKWON])
             worker.publish("last: %d %d" % (lsearch.last, self.scr))
         worker.publish("moves were: %s %d" % (" ".join(listToSan(self.board, mvs)), self.scr))
         lsearch.movesearches = 0
         lsearch.nodes = 0
         lsearch.searching = False
     move = mvs[0]
     sanmove = toSAN(self.board, move)
     return sanmove