def perft(self, board, depth, prevmoves): if depth == 0: self.count += 1 return for move in genAllMoves(board): board.applyMove(move) if board.opIsChecked(): board.popMove() continue # Validator test board.popMove() self.assertTrue(validateMove(board, move)) board.applyMove(move) self.perft(board, depth - 1, prevmoves) board.popMove()
def perft(self, board, depth, prevmoves): if depth == 0: self.count += 1 return for move in genAllMoves(board): board.applyMove(move) if board.opIsChecked(): board.popMove() continue # Validator test board.popMove() self.assertTrue(validateMove(board, move)) board.applyMove (move) self.perft(board, depth-1, prevmoves) board.popMove()
def perft(self, board, depth, prevmoves): if depth == 0: self.count += 1 return if board.isChecked(): # If we are checked we can use the genCheckEvasions function as well # as genAllMoves. Here we try both functions to ensure they return # the same result. nmoves = [] for nmove in genAllMoves(board): board.applyMove(nmove) if board.opIsChecked(): board.popMove() continue nmoves.append(nmove) board.popMove() # Validator test self.assertTrue(validateMove(board, nmove)) cmoves = [] for move in genCheckEvasions(board): board.applyMove(move) if board.opIsChecked(): board.popMove() continue cmoves.append(move) board.popMove() # Validator test self.assertTrue(validateMove(board, move)) # This is not any kind of alphaBeta sort. Only int sorting, to make # comparison possible nmoves.sort() cmoves.sort() if nmoves == cmoves: for move in cmoves: prevmoves.append(toSAN(board, move)) board.applyMove(move) self.perft(board, depth - 1, prevmoves) board.popMove() else: print(board) print("nmoves") for move in nmoves: print(toSAN(board, move)) print("cmoves") for move in cmoves: print(toSAN(board, move)) self.assertEqual(nmoves, cmoves) else: for move in genAllMoves(board): board.applyMove(move) if board.opIsChecked(): board.popMove() continue # Validator test board.popMove() self.assertTrue(validateMove(board, move)) # San test san = toSAN(board, move) # print(san) try: move2 = parseSAN(board, san) except ParsingError as e: print(prevmoves) raise ParsingError(e) self.assertEqual(move, move2) board.applyMove(move) self.perft(board, depth - 1, prevmoves) board.popMove()
def run(self): while True: try: line = raw_input() except EOFError: line = "quit" lines = line.split() try: if not lines: continue log.debug(line, extra={"task": "xboard"}) ########## CECP commands ########## # See if lines[0] == "xboard": pass elif lines[0] == "protover": stringPairs = [ "=".join( [k, '"%s"' % v if isinstance(v, str) else str(v)]) for k, v in self.features.items() ] self.print("feature %s" % " ".join(stringPairs)) self.print("feature done=1") elif lines[0] in ("accepted", "rejected"): # We only really care about one case: if tuple(lines) == ("rejected", "debug"): self.debug = False elif lines[0] == "new": self.__stopSearching() self.board = LBoard(NORMALCHESS) self.board.applyFen(FEN_START) self.outOfBook = False self.forced = False self.playingAs = BLACK self.clock[:] = self.basetime, self.basetime self.searchtime = 0 = MAXPLY if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] == "variant": if len(lines) > 1: if lines[1] == "fischerandom": self.board.variant = FISCHERRANDOMCHESS elif lines[1] == "crazyhouse": self.board.variant = CRAZYHOUSECHESS self.board.iniHouse() elif lines[1] == "wildcastle": self.board.variant = WILDCASTLESHUFFLECHESS elif lines[1] == "losers": self.board.variant = LOSERSCHESS elif lines[1] == "suicide": self.board.variant = SUICIDECHESS elif lines[1] == "atomic": self.board.variant = ATOMICCHESS self.board.iniAtomic() elif lines[1] == "3check": self.board.variant = THREECHECKCHESS elif lines[1] == "kingofthehill": self.board.variant = KINGOFTHEHILLCHESS self.print("setup (PNBRQKpnbrqk) 8x8+0_fairy %s" % FEN_START) elif lines[1] == "asean": self.board = LBoard(ASEANCHESS) self.board.applyFen(ASEANSTART) elif lines[1] == "makruk": self.board = LBoard(MAKRUKCHESS) self.board.applyFen(MAKRUKSTART) elif lines[1] == "cambodian": self.board = LBoard(CAMBODIANCHESS) self.board.applyFen(KAMBODIANSTART) self.print( "setup ( 8x8+0_makruk %s" % KAMBODIANSTART) self.print("piece K& KiN") self.print("piece M& FifD") elif lines[1] == "sittuyin": self.board = LBoard(SITTUYINCHESS) self.board.applyFen(SITTUYINSTART) self.print( "setup ( 8x8+6_bughouse %s" % SITTUYINSTART) self.print("piece N& Nj@3") self.print("piece S& FfWj@3") self.print("piece F& Fjb@3") self.print("piece R& R@1") self.print("piece K& Kj@3") self.print("piece P& fmWfcFj@3") elif lines[0] == "quit": self.forced = True self.__stopSearching() sys.exit(0) elif lines[0] == "random": leval.random = True elif lines[0] == "force": if not self.forced and not self.analyzing: self.forced = True self.__stopSearching() elif lines[0] == "go": self.playingAs = self.board.color self.forced = False self.__go() elif lines[0] == "playother": self.playingAs = 1 - self.board.color self.forced = False # TODO: start pondering, if possible elif lines[0] in ("black", "white"): newColor = lines[0] == "black" and BLACK or WHITE self.__stopSearching() self.playingAs = 1 - newColor if self.board.color != newColor: self.board.setColor(newColor) self.board.setEnpassant(None) if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] == "level": self.movestogo = int(lines[1]) inc = int(lines[3]) minutes = lines[2].split(":") # Per protocol spec, strip off any non-numeric suffixes. for i in range(len(minutes)): minutes[i] = re.match(r'\d*', minutes[i]).group() self.basetime = int(minutes[0]) * 60 if len(minutes) > 1 and minutes[1]: self.basetime += int(minutes[1]) self.clock[:] = self.basetime, self.basetime self.increment = inc, inc elif lines[0] == "st": self.searchtime = float(lines[1]) elif lines[0] == "sd": = int(lines[1]) # Unimplemented: nps elif lines[0] == "time": self.clock[self.playingAs] = float(lines[1]) / 100. elif lines[0] == "otim": self.clock[1 - self.playingAs] = float(lines[1]) / 100. elif lines[0] == "usermove": self.__stopSearching() try: move = parseAny(self.board, lines[1]) except ParsingError as e: self.print("Error (unknown command): %s" % lines[1]) self.print(self.board) continue if not validateMove(self.board, move): self.print("Illegal move: %s" % lines[1]) self.print(self.board) continue self.board.applyMove(move) self.playingAs = self.board.color if not self.forced and not self.analyzing: self.__go() if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] == "?": if not self.forced and not self.analyzing: self.__stopSearching() elif lines[0] == "ping": self.print("pong %s" % lines[1]) elif lines[0] == "draw": if self.__willingToDraw(): self.print("offer draw") elif lines[0] == "result": # We don't really care what the result is at the moment. pass elif lines[0] == "setboard": self.__stopSearching() try: self.board = LBoard(self.board.variant) fen = " ".join(lines[1:]) self.board.applyFen( fen.replace("[", "/").replace("]", "")) except SyntaxError as e: self.print("tellusererror Illegal position: %s" % str(e)) # "edit" is unimplemented. See docs. Exiting edit mode returns to analyze mode. elif lines[0] == "hint": pass # TODO: Respond "Hint: MOVE" if we have an expected reply elif lines[0] == "bk": entries = getOpenings(self.board) if entries: totalWeight = sum(entry[1] for entry in entries) for entry in entries: self.print("\t%s\t%02.2f%%" % (toSAN(self.board, entry[0]), entry[1] * 100.0 / totalWeight)) elif lines[0] == "undo": self.__stopSearching() self.board.popMove() if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] == "remove": self.__stopSearching() self.board.popMove() self.board.popMove() if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] in ("hard", "easy"): self.ponder = (lines[0] == "hard") elif lines[0] in ("post", "nopost"): = (lines[0] == "post") elif lines[0] == "analyze": self.analyzing = True self.__analyze() elif lines[0] in ("name", "rating", "ics", "computer"): pass # We don't care. # Unimplemented: pause, resume elif lines[0] == "memory": # FIXME: this is supposed to control the *total* memory use. if lsearch.searching: self.print("Error (already searching):", line) else: limit = int(lines[1]) if limit < 1: self.print("Error (limit too low):", line) else: pass # TODO implement #lsearch.setHashSize(limit) elif lines[0] == "cores": pass # We aren't SMP-capable. elif lines[0] == "egtpath": if len(lines) >= 3 and lines[1] == "gaviota": conf.set("egtb_path", conf.get("egtb_path", lines[2])) from pychess.Utils.lutils.lsearch import enableEGTB enableEGTB() elif lines[0] == "option" and len(lines) > 1: name, eq, value = lines[1].partition("=") if value: value = int( value ) # CECP spec says option values are *always* numeric if name == "skipPruneChance": if 0 <= value <= 100: self.skipPruneChance = value / 100.0 else: self.print( "Error (argument must be an integer 0..100): %s" % line) ########## CECP analyze mode commands ########## # See elif lines[0] == "exit": if self.analyzing: self.__stopSearching() self.analyzing = False # Periodic updates (".") are not implemented. ########## Custom commands ########## elif lines[0] == "moves": self.print(self.board) self.print([ toSAN(self.board, move) for move in genAllMoves(self.board) ]) elif lines[0] == "captures": self.print(self.board) self.print([ toSAN(self.board, move) for move in genCaptures(self.board) ]) elif lines[0] == "evasions": self.print(self.board) self.print([ toSAN(self.board, move) for move in genCheckEvasions(self.board) ]) elif lines[0] == "benchmark": benchmark() elif lines[0] == "profile": if len(lines) > 1: import cProfile cProfile.runctx("benchmark()", locals(), globals(), lines[1]) else: self.print("Usage: profile outputfilename") elif lines[0] == "perft": root = "0" if len(lines) < 3 else lines[2] depth = "1" if len(lines) == 1 else lines[1] if root.isdigit() and depth.isdigit(): perft(self.board, int(depth), int(root)) else: self.print("Error (arguments must be integer") elif len(lines) == 1: # A GUI without usermove support might try to send a move. try: move = parseAny(self.board, line) except: self.print("Error (unknown command): %s" % line) continue if not validateMove(self.board, move): self.print("Illegal move: %s" % lines[0]) self.print(self.board) continue self.__stopSearching() self.board.applyMove(move) self.playingAs = self.board.color if not self.forced and not self.analyzing: self.__go() if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() else: self.print("Error (unknown command): %s" % line) except IndexError: self.print("Error (missing argument): %s" % line)
def run (self): while True: try: line = raw_input() except EOFError: line = "quit" lines = line.split() if 1: #try: if not lines: continue ########## CECP commands ########## # See elif lines[0] == "xboard": pass elif lines[0] == "protover": stringPairs = ["=".join([k, '"%s"' % v if type(v) is str else str(v)]) for k,v in self.features.iteritems()] print "feature %s" % " ".join(stringPairs) print "feature done=1" elif lines[0] in ("accepted", "rejected"): # We only really care about one case: if tuple(lines) == ("rejected", "debug"): self.debug = False elif lines[0] == "new": self.__stopSearching() self.board = LBoard(NORMALCHESS) self.board.applyFen(FEN_START) self.forced = False self.playingAs = BLACK self.clock[:] = self.basetime, self.basetime self.searchtime = 0 = MAXPLY if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] == "variant": if len(lines) > 1: if lines[1] == "fischerandom": self.board.variant = FISCHERRANDOMCHESS elif lines[1] == "crazyhouse": self.board.variant = CRAZYHOUSECHESS self.board.iniHouse() elif lines[1] == "wildcastle": self.board.variant = WILDCASTLESHUFFLECHESS elif lines[1] == "losers": self.board.variant = LOSERSCHESS elif lines[1] == "suicide": self.board.variant = SUICIDECHESS elif lines[1] == "atomic": self.board.variant = ATOMICCHESS self.board.iniAtomic() elif lines[0] == "quit": self.forced = True self.__stopSearching() sys.exit(0) elif lines[0] == "random": leval.random = True elif lines[0] == "force": if not self.forced and not self.analyzing: self.forced = True self.__stopSearching() elif lines[0] == "go": self.playingAs = self.board.color self.forced = False self.__go() elif lines[0] == "playother": self.playingAs = 1-self.board.color self.forced = False # TODO: start pondering, if possible elif lines[0] in ("black", "white"): newColor = lines[0] == "black" and BLACK or WHITE self.__stopSearching() self.playingAs = 1-newColor if self.board.color != newColor: self.board.setColor(newColor) self.board.setEnpassant(None) if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] == "level": self.movestogo = int(lines[1]) inc = int(lines[3]) minutes = lines[2].split(":") # Per protocol spec, strip off any non-numeric suffixes. for i in xrange(len(minutes)): minutes[i] = re.match(r'\d*', minutes[i]).group() self.basetime = int(minutes[0])*60 if len(minutes) > 1 and minutes[1]: self.basetime += int(minutes[1]) self.clock[:] = self.basetime, self.basetime self.increment = inc, inc elif lines[0] == "st": self.searchtime = float(lines[1]) elif lines[0] == "sd": = int(lines[1]) # Unimplemented: nps elif lines[0] == "time": self.clock[self.playingAs] = float(lines[1])/100. elif lines[0] == "otim": self.clock[1-self.playingAs] = float(lines[1])/100. elif lines[0] == "usermove": self.__stopSearching() try: move = parseAny (self.board, lines[1]) except ParsingError, e: print "Error (unknown command):", lines[1] print self.board continue if not validateMove(self.board, move): print "Illegal move", lines[1] print self.board continue self.board.applyMove(move) self.playingAs = self.board.color if not self.forced and not self.analyzing: self.__go() if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] == "?": if not self.forced and not self.analyzing: self.__stopSearching() elif lines[0] == "ping": print "pong", lines[1] elif lines[0] == "draw": if self.__willingToDraw(): print "offer draw" elif lines[0] == "result": # We don't really care what the result is at the moment. pass elif lines[0] == "setboard": self.__stopSearching() try: self.board = LBoard(self.board.variant) fen = " ".join(lines[1:]) self.board.applyFen(fen.replace("[", "/").replace("]", "")) except SyntaxError as e: print "tellusererror Illegal position:", str(e) if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() # "edit" is unimplemented. See docs. Exiting edit mode returns to analyze mode. elif lines[0] == "hint": pass # TODO: Respond "Hint: MOVE" if we have an expected reply elif lines[0] == "bk": entries = getOpenings(self.board) if entries: totalWeight = sum(entry[1] for entry in entries) for entry in entries: print "\t%s\t%02.2f%%" % (toSAN(self.board, entry[0]), entry[1] * 100.0 / totalWeight) elif lines[0] == "undo": self.__stopSearching() self.board.popMove() if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] == "remove": self.__stopSearching() self.board.popMove() self.board.popMove() if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] in ("hard", "easy"): self.ponder = (lines[0] == "hard") elif lines[0] in ("post", "nopost"): = (lines[0] == "post") elif lines[0] == "analyze": self.analyzing = True self.__analyze() elif lines[0] in ("name", "rating", "ics", "computer"): pass # We don't care. # Unimplemented: pause, resume elif lines[0] == "memory": # FIXME: this is supposed to control the *total* memory use. if lsearch.searching: print "Error (already searching):", line else: limit = int(lines[1]) if limit < 1: print "Error (limit too low):", line else: pass # TODO implement #lsearch.setHashSize(limit) elif lines[0] == "cores": pass # We aren't SMP-capable. elif lines[0] == "egtpath": # TODO: Accept "egtpath TYPE PATH" commands, at least for Gaviota EGTBs pass elif lines[0] == "option" and len(lines) > 1: name, eq, value = lines[1].partition("=") if value: value = int(value) # CECP spec says option values are *always* numeric if name == "skipPruneChance": if 0 <= value <= 100: self.skipPruneChance = value / 100.0 else: print "Error (argument must be an integer 0..100):", line ########## CECP analyze mode commands ########## # See elif lines[0] == "exit": if self.analyzing: self.__stopSearching() self.analyzing = False # Periodic updates (".") are not implemented. ########## Custom commands ########## elif lines[0] == "egtb": enableEGTB() elif lines[0] == "benchmark": benchmark() elif lines[0] == "profile": if len(lines) > 1: import cProfile cProfile.runctx("benchmark()", locals(), globals(), lines[1]) else: print "Usage: profile outputfilename" elif len(lines) == 1: # A GUI without usermove support might try to send a move. try: move = parseAny (self.board, line) except: print "Error (unknown command):", line continue if not validateMove(self.board, move): print "Illegal move", lines[0] print self.board continue self.__stopSearching() self.board.applyMove(move) self.playingAs = self.board.color if not self.forced and not self.analyzing: self.__go() if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() else: print "Error (unknown command):", line
def perft(self, board, depth, prevmoves): if depth == 0: self.count += 1 return if board.isChecked(): # If we are checked we can use the genCheckEvasions function as well # as genAllMoves. Here we try both functions to ensure they return # the same result. nmoves = [] for nmove in genAllMoves(board): board.applyMove(nmove) if board.opIsChecked(): board.popMove() continue nmoves.append(nmove) board.popMove() # Validator test self.assertTrue(validateMove(board, nmove)) cmoves = [] for move in genCheckEvasions(board): board.applyMove(move) cmoves.append(move) board.popMove() # Validator test self.assertTrue(validateMove(board, move)) # This is not any kind of alphaBeta sort. Only int sorting, to make # comparison possible nmoves.sort() cmoves.sort() if nmoves == cmoves: for move in cmoves: prevmoves.append(toSAN (board, move)) board.applyMove(move) self.perft(board, depth-1, prevmoves) board.popMove() else: print board print "nmoves" for move in nmoves: print toSAN (board, move) print "cmoves" for move in cmoves: print toSAN (board, move) self.assertEqual(nmoves, cmoves) else: for move in genAllMoves(board): board.applyMove(move) if board.opIsChecked(): board.popMove() continue # Validator test board.popMove() self.assertTrue(validateMove(board, move)) # San test san = toSAN (board, move) try: move2 = parseSAN(board, san) except ParsingError, e: print prevmoves raise ParsingError, e self.assertEqual (move, move2) board.applyMove (move) self.perft(board, depth-1, prevmoves) board.popMove()
def defencive_moves_tactic(model, ply, phase): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Test if we threat something, or at least put more pressure on it # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # We set bishop value down to knight value, as it is what most people expect bishopBackup = PIECE_VALUES[BISHOP] PIECE_VALUES[BISHOP] = PIECE_VALUES[KNIGHT] board = model.getBoardAtPly(ply).board oldboard = model.getBoardAtPly(ply - 1).board move = model.getMoveAtPly(ply - 1).move fcord = FCORD(move) tcord = TCORD(move) found_threatens = [] found_increases = [] # What do we attack now? board.setColor(1 - board.color) for ncap in genCaptures(board): # getCaptures also generate promotions if FLAG(ncap) in PROMOTIONS: continue # We are only interested in the attacks of the piece we just moved if FCORD(ncap) != TCORD(move): continue # We don't want to move back if TCORD(ncap) == FCORD(move): continue # We don't thread the king. We check him! (in another function) if board.arBoard[TCORD(ncap)] == KING: continue # If we also was able to attack that cord last time, we don't care if validateMove(oldboard, newMove(FCORD(move), TCORD(ncap))): continue # Test if we threats our enemy, at least more than before see0 = staticExchangeEvaluate(oldboard, TCORD(ncap), 1 - oldboard.color) see1 = staticExchangeEvaluate(board, TCORD(ncap), 1 - oldboard.color) if see1 > see0: # If a new winning capture has been created if see1 > 0: # Find the easiest attack attacks = getAttacks(board, TCORD(ncap), board.color) v, cord = min((PIECE_VALUES[board.arBoard[fc]], fc) for fc in iterBits(attacks)) easiestAttack = newMove(cord, TCORD(ncap)) found_threatens.append(toSAN(board, easiestAttack, True)) # Even though we might not yet be strong enough, we might still # have strengthened another friendly attack else: found_increases.append(reprCord[TCORD(ncap)]) board.setColor(1 - board.color) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Test if we defend a one of our pieces # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # found_defends = [] # Test which pieces were under attack used = [] for ncap in genCaptures(board): # getCaptures also generate promotions if FLAG(ncap) in PROMOTIONS: continue # We don't want to know about the same cord more than once if TCORD(ncap) in used: continue used.append(TCORD(ncap)) # If the attack was poining on the piece we just moved, we ignore it if TCORD(ncap) == FCORD(move) or TCORD(ncap) == TCORD(move): continue # If we were already defending the piece, we don't send a new # message if defends(oldboard, FCORD(move), TCORD(ncap)): continue # If the attack was not strong, we ignore it see = staticExchangeEvaluate(oldboard, ncap) if see < 0: continue v = defends(board, TCORD(move), TCORD(ncap)) # If the defend didn't help, it doesn't matter. Like defending a # bishop, threatened by a pawn, with a queen. # But on the other hand - it might still be a defend... # newsee = staticExchangeEvaluate(board, ncap) # if newsee <= see: continue if v: found_defends.append(reprCord[TCORD(ncap)]) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Test if we are rescuing an otherwise exposed piece # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Rescuing is only an option, if our own move wasn't an attack if oldboard.arBoard[tcord] == EMPTY: see0 = staticExchangeEvaluate(oldboard, fcord, oldboard.color) see1 = staticExchangeEvaluate(board, tcord, oldboard.color) if see1 > see0 and see1 > 0: yield _("rescues a %s") % reprPiece[board.arBoard[tcord]].lower() if found_threatens: yield _("threatens to win material by %s") % join(found_threatens) if found_increases: yield _("increases the pressure on %s") % join(found_increases) if found_defends: yield _("defends %s") % join(found_defends) PIECE_VALUES[BISHOP] = bishopBackup
def run(self): while True: try: line = get_input() except EOFError: line = "quit" lines = line.split() try: if not lines: continue log.debug(line, extra={"task": "xboard"}) # CECP commands # See if lines[0] == "xboard": pass elif lines[0] == "protover": stringPairs = ["=".join([k, '"%s"' % v if isinstance( v, str) else str(v)]) for k, v in self.features.items()] self.print("feature %s" % " ".join(stringPairs)) self.print("feature done=1") elif lines[0] in ("accepted", "rejected"): # We only really care about one case: if tuple(lines) == ("rejected", "debug"): self.debug = False elif lines[0] == "new": self.__stopSearching() self.board = LBoard(NORMALCHESS) self.board.applyFen(FEN_START) self.outOfBook = False self.forced = False self.playingAs = BLACK self.clock[:] = self.basetime, self.basetime self.searchtime = 0 = MAXPLY if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] == "variant": if len(lines) > 1: if lines[1] == "fischerandom": self.board.variant = FISCHERRANDOMCHESS elif lines[1] == "crazyhouse": self.board.variant = CRAZYHOUSECHESS self.board.iniHouse() elif lines[1] == "wildcastle": self.board.variant = WILDCASTLESHUFFLECHESS elif lines[1] == "losers": self.board.variant = LOSERSCHESS elif lines[1] == "suicide": self.board.variant = SUICIDECHESS elif lines[1] == "giveaway": self.board.variant = GIVEAWAYCHESS elif lines[1] == "atomic": self.board.variant = ATOMICCHESS self.board.iniAtomic() elif lines[1] == "3check": self.board.variant = THREECHECKCHESS elif lines[1] == "kingofthehill": self.board.variant = KINGOFTHEHILLCHESS self.print("setup (PNBRQKpnbrqk) 8x8+0_fairy %s" % FEN_START) elif lines[1] == "horde": self.board = LBoard(HORDECHESS) self.board.applyFen(HORDESTART) elif lines[1] == "asean": self.board = LBoard(ASEANCHESS) self.board.applyFen(ASEANSTART) elif lines[1] == "makruk": self.board = LBoard(MAKRUKCHESS) self.board.applyFen(MAKRUKSTART) elif lines[1] == "cambodian": self.board = LBoard(CAMBODIANCHESS) self.board.applyFen(KAMBODIANSTART) self.print( "setup ( 8x8+0_makruk %s" % KAMBODIANSTART) self.print("piece K& KiN") self.print("piece M& FifD") elif lines[1] == "sittuyin": self.board = LBoard(SITTUYINCHESS) self.board.applyFen(SITTUYINSTART) self.print( "setup ( 8x8+6_bughouse %s" % SITTUYINSTART) self.print("piece N& Nj@3") self.print("piece S& FfWj@3") self.print("piece F& Fjb@3") self.print("piece R& R@1") self.print("piece K& Kj@3") self.print("piece P& fmWfcFj@3") elif lines[0] == "quit": self.forced = True self.__stopSearching() sys.exit(0) elif lines[0] == "random": leval.random = True elif lines[0] == "force": if not self.forced and not self.analyzing: self.forced = True self.__stopSearching() elif lines[0] == "go": self.playingAs = self.board.color self.forced = False self.__go() elif lines[0] == "playother": self.playingAs = 1 - self.board.color self.forced = False # TODO: start pondering, if possible elif lines[0] in ("black", "white"): newColor = lines[0] == "black" and BLACK or WHITE self.__stopSearching() self.playingAs = 1 - newColor if self.board.color != newColor: self.board.setColor(newColor) self.board.setEnpassant(None) if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] == "level": self.movestogo = int(lines[1]) inc = int(lines[3]) minutes = lines[2].split(":") # Per protocol spec, strip off any non-numeric suffixes. for i in range(len(minutes)): minutes[i] = re.match(r'\d*', minutes[i]).group() self.basetime = int(minutes[0]) * 60 if len(minutes) > 1 and minutes[1]: self.basetime += int(minutes[1]) self.clock[:] = self.basetime, self.basetime self.increment = inc, inc elif lines[0] == "st": self.searchtime = float(lines[1]) elif lines[0] == "sd": = int(lines[1]) # Unimplemented: nps elif lines[0] == "time": self.clock[self.playingAs] = float(lines[1]) / 100. elif lines[0] == "otim": self.clock[1 - self.playingAs] = float(lines[1]) / 100. elif lines[0] == "usermove": self.__stopSearching() try: move = parseAny(self.board, lines[1]) except ParsingError as err: self.print("Error (unknown command): %s" % lines[1]) self.print(self.board.prepr(ascii=ASCII)) continue if not validateMove(self.board, move): self.print("Illegal move: %s" % lines[1]) self.print(self.board.prepr(ascii=ASCII)) continue self.board.applyMove(move) self.playingAs = self.board.color if not self.forced and not self.analyzing: self.__go() if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] == "?": if not self.forced and not self.analyzing: self.__stopSearching() elif lines[0] == "ping": self.print("pong %s" % lines[1]) elif lines[0] == "draw": if self.__willingToDraw(): self.print("offer draw") elif lines[0] == "result": # We don't really care what the result is at the moment. pass elif lines[0] == "setboard": self.__stopSearching() try: self.board = LBoard(self.board.variant) fen = " ".join(lines[1:]) self.board.applyFen(fen.replace("[", "/").replace("]", "")) except SyntaxError as err: self.print("tellusererror Illegal position: %s" % str(err)) # "edit" is unimplemented. See docs. Exiting edit mode returns to analyze mode. elif lines[0] == "hint": pass # TODO: Respond "Hint: MOVE" if we have an expected reply elif lines[0] == "bk": entries = getOpenings(self.board) if entries: totalWeight = sum(entry[1] for entry in entries) for entry in entries: self.print("\t%s\t%02.2f%%" % (toSAN(self.board, entry[0]), entry[1] * 100.0 / totalWeight)) elif lines[0] == "undo": self.__stopSearching() self.board.popMove() if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] == "remove": self.__stopSearching() self.board.popMove() self.board.popMove() if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] in ("hard", "easy"): self.ponder = (lines[0] == "hard") elif lines[0] in ("post", "nopost"): = (lines[0] == "post") elif lines[0] == "analyze": self.analyzing = True self.__analyze() elif lines[0] in ("name", "rating", "ics", "computer"): pass # We don't care. # Unimplemented: pause, resume elif lines[0] == "memory": # FIXME: this is supposed to control the *total* memory use. if lsearch.searching: self.print("Error (already searching):", line) else: limit = int(lines[1]) if limit < 1: self.print("Error (limit too low):", line) else: pass # TODO implement # lsearch.setHashSize(limit) elif lines[0] == "cores": pass # We aren't SMP-capable. elif lines[0] == "egtpath": if len(lines) >= 3 and lines[1] == "gaviota": conf.set("egtb_path", conf.get("egtb_path", lines[2])) from pychess.Utils.lutils.lsearch import enableEGTB enableEGTB() elif lines[0] == "option" and len(lines) > 1: name, eq, value = lines[1].partition("=") if value: value = int( value ) # CECP spec says option values are *always* numeric if name == "skipPruneChance": if 0 <= value <= 100: self.skipPruneChance = value / 100.0 else: self.print( "Error (argument must be an integer 0..100): %s" % line) # CECP analyze mode commands # See elif lines[0] == "exit": if self.analyzing: self.__stopSearching() self.analyzing = False # Periodic updates (".") are not implemented. # Custom commands elif lines[0] == "moves": self.print(self.board.prepr(ascii=ASCII)) self.print([toSAN(self.board, move) for move in genAllMoves(self.board)]) elif lines[0] == "captures": self.print(self.board.prepr(ascii=ASCII)) self.print([toSAN(self.board, move) for move in genCaptures(self.board)]) elif lines[0] == "evasions": self.print(self.board.prepr(ascii=ASCII)) self.print([toSAN(self.board, move) for move in genCheckEvasions(self.board)]) elif lines[0] == "benchmark": if len(lines) > 1: benchmark(int(lines[1])) else: benchmark() elif lines[0] == "profile": if len(lines) > 1: import cProfile cProfile.runctx("benchmark()", locals(), globals(), lines[1]) else: self.print("Usage: profile outputfilename") elif lines[0] == "perft": root = "0" if len(lines) < 3 else lines[2] depth = "1" if len(lines) == 1 else lines[1] if root.isdigit() and depth.isdigit(): perft(self.board, int(depth), int(root)) else: self.print("Error (arguments must be integer") elif lines[0] == "stop_unittest": break elif len(lines) == 1: # A GUI without usermove support might try to send a move. try: move = parseAny(self.board, line) except ParsingError: self.print("Error (unknown command): %s" % line) continue if not validateMove(self.board, move): self.print("Illegal move: %s" % lines[0]) self.print(self.board.prepr(ascii=ASCII)) continue self.__stopSearching() self.board.applyMove(move) self.playingAs = self.board.color if not self.forced and not self.analyzing: self.__go() if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() else: self.print("Error (unknown command): %s" % line) except IndexError: self.print("Error (missing argument): %s" % line)
def run (self): while True: line = raw_input() if not line.strip(): continue lines = line.split() if lines[0] == "protover": stringPairs = ["=".join([k,repr(v)]) for k,v in self.features.iteritems()] print "feature %s done=1" % " ".join(stringPairs) elif lines[0] == "usermove": self.__stopSearching() move = parseAny (self.board, lines[1]) if not validateMove(self.board, move): print "Illegal move", lines[1] continue self.board.applyMove(move) self.playingAs = self.board.color if not self.forced and not self.analyzing: self.__go() if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] == "sd": = int(lines[1]) self.skipPruneChance = max(0, (*0.02) if >= 5: print "If the game has no timesettings, you probably don't want\n"+\ "to set a search depth much greater than 4" elif lines[0] == "egtb": # This is a crafty command interpreted a bit loose self.useegtb = True elif lines[0] == "level": moves = int(lines[1]) self.increment = int(lines[3]) minutes = lines[2].split(":") self.mytime = int(minutes[0])*60 if len(minutes) > 1: self.mytime += int(minutes[1]) print "Playing %d moves in %d seconds + %d increment" % \ (moves, self.mytime, self.increment) elif lines[0] == "time": self.mytime = int(lines[1])/100. #elif lines[0] == "otim": # self.optime = int(lines[1]) elif lines[0] == "quit": sys.exit() elif lines[0] == "result": # We don't really care what the result is at the moment. sys.exit() elif lines[0] == "force": if not self.forced and not self.analyzing: self.forced = True self.__stopSearching() elif lines[0] == "go": self.playingAs = self.board.color self.forced = False self.__go() elif lines[0] == "undo": self.__stopSearching() self.board.popMove() if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] == "?": self.__stopSearching() elif lines[0] in ("black", "white"): newColor = lines[0] == "black" and BLACK or WHITE if self.playingAs != newColor: self.__stopSearching() self.playingAs = newColor # It is dangerous to use the same table, when we change color #lsearch.table.clear() self.board.setColor(newColor) # Concider the case: # * White moves a pawn and creates a enpassant cord # * Spy analyzer is not set back to white to analyze the # position. An attackable enpassant cord now no longer makes # sense. # * Notice though, that when the color is shifted back to black # to make the actual move - and it is an enpassant move - the # cord won't be set in the lboard. self.board.setEnpassant(None) if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] == "analyze": self.playingAs = self.board.color self.analyzing = True self.__analyze() elif lines[0] == "draw": if self.scr <= 0: print "offer draw" elif lines[0] == "random": leval.random = True elif lines[0] == "variant": if lines[1] == "fischerandom": self.board.variant = FISCHERRANDOMCHESS elif lines[0] == "setboard": self.__stopSearching() self.board.applyFen(" ".join(lines[1:])) if self.analyzing: self.__analyze() elif lines[0] in ("xboard", "otim", "hard", "easy", "nopost", "post", "accepted", "rejected"): pass else: print "Warning (unknown command):", line