コード例 #1
def substring(w_string, w_start, w_end):
    (substring str start [end]) -> string?
        str : string?
        start : exact-nonnegative-integer?
        end : exact-nonnegative-integer? = (string-length str)
    lenstring = w_string.length()
    start = w_start.value
    if start > lenstring or start < 0:
        raise SchemeException("substring: end index out of bounds")
    if w_end is not None:
        end = w_end.value
        if end > lenstring or end < 0:
            raise SchemeException("substring: end index out of bounds")
        end = lenstring
    if end < start:
        raise SchemeException(
            "substring: ending index is smaller than starting index")
    return w_string.getslice(start, end)
コード例 #2
def string_copy_bang(w_dest, w_dest_start, w_src, w_src_start, w_src_end):
    from pycket.interpreter import return_value

    # FIXME: custom ports
    if w_dest.immutable():
        raise SchemeException("string-copy!: given immutable string")

    dest_start = w_dest_start.value
    dest_len = w_dest.length()
    dest_max = (dest_len - dest_start)

    src_len = w_src.length()
    src_start =  w_src_start.value
    src_end = w_src.length() if w_src_end is None else w_src_end.value
    if src_start >= src_len:
        raise SchemeException("string-copy!: source start too large")
    if src_end > src_len:
        raise SchemeException("string-copy!: source end too large")
    if src_end < src_start:
        raise SchemeException("string-copy!: source end before start")
    if dest_start >= dest_len:
        raise SchemeException("string-copy!: destination start too large")
    if src_end - src_start > dest_max:
        raise SchemeException("string-copy!: not enough room in target string")
    w_dest.setslice(dest_start, w_src, src_start, src_end)
    return values.w_void
コード例 #3
ファイル: regexp.py プロジェクト: yws/pycket-1
def rmpe(pat, input, inp_start, inp_end, output_port, prefix, count, env,
    from pycket.interpreter import return_multi_vals

    start = inp_start.value
    if inp_end is values.w_false:
        end = sys.maxint
    elif isinstance(inp_end, values.W_Fixnum):
        end = inp_end.value
        raise SchemeException(
            "regexp-match-positions/end: expected fixnum or #f for argument 3")

    assert output_port is values.w_false, "output port not supported yet"

    matches = match_positions(pat, input, start, end)
    if matches is None:
        return return_multi_vals(NO_MATCH, env, cont)

    acc, end = make_match_list(matches)

    length = count.value
    start = max(0, end - length)

    assert start >= 0 and end >= 0

    if isinstance(input, values_string.W_String):
        bytestring = ['\0'] * (end - start)
        matched = input.getslice(start, end)
        for i in range(end - start):
            bytestring[i] = chr(ord(matched.getitem(i)) % 256)
    elif isinstance(input, values.W_Bytes):
        bytestring = input.getslice(start, end)
        raise SchemeException(
            "regexp-match-positions/end: unsupported input type")

    bytes = values.W_Bytes.from_charlist(bytestring, immutable=False)
    result = values.Values._make2(acc, bytes)
    return return_multi_vals(result, env, cont)
コード例 #4
ファイル: values.py プロジェクト: vishesh/pycket
def from_list(w_curr, unroll_to=0):
    result = []
    n = 0
    while isinstance(w_curr, W_Cons):
        if from_list_unroll_pred(w_curr, n, unroll_to=unroll_to):
            return result + from_list_elidable(w_curr)
        w_curr = w_curr.cdr()
        n += 1
    if w_curr is w_null:
        return result[:] # copy to make result non-resizable
        raise SchemeException("Expected list, but got something else")
コード例 #5
ファイル: input_output.py プロジェクト: yws/pycket-1
def format(form, vals, name):
    fmt = form.as_str_utf8()  # XXX for now
    i = 0
    j = 0
    result = []
    len_fmt = len(fmt)
    while True:
        start = i
        while i < len_fmt:
            if fmt[i] == '~':
            i += 1
            # not left via break, so we're done
        if i + 1 == len_fmt:
            raise SchemeException(name + ": bad format string")
        s = fmt[i + 1]
        if (s == 'a' or  # turns into switch
                s == 'A' or s == 's' or s == 'S' or s == 'v' or s == 'V' or
                s == 'e' or s == 'E' or s == '.'):
            if j >= len(vals):
                raise SchemeException(
                    name + ": not enough arguments for format string")
            j += 1
        elif s == 'n' or s == '%':
            result.append("\n")  # newline
        elif s == '~':
            raise SchemeException("%s: undexpected format character '%s'" %
                                  (name, s))
        i += 2
    if j != len(vals):
        raise SchemeException(name + ": not all values used")
    return "".join(result)
コード例 #6
ファイル: foreign.py プロジェクト: yws/pycket-1
def _compiler_sizeof(ctype):
    if ctype.is_proper_list():
        acc = 0
        for type in values.from_list_iter(ctype):
            if not isinstance(type, values.W_Symbol):
            size = _compiler_sizeof(type)
            acc = max(size, acc)
            return acc

    if not isinstance(ctype, values.W_Symbol):
        msg = (
            "compiler-sizeof: expected (or/c symbol? (listof symbol?)) in argument 0 got %s"
            % ctype.tostring())
        raise SchemeException(msg)

    for sym, size in COMPILER_SIZEOF:
        if ctype is sym:
            return size
    raise SchemeException("compiler-sizeof: %s is not a valid C type" %
コード例 #7
ファイル: values_parameter.py プロジェクト: pycket/pycket
    def call(self, args, env, cont):
        from pycket.interpreter import return_value

        if len(args) == 0:
            return self.parameter.call(args, env,
                                       call_cont(self.wrap, env, cont))
        elif len(args) == 1:
            if self.guard:
                return self.guard.call(args, env,
                                       call_cont(self.parameter, env, cont))
            return self.parameter.call(args, env, cont)
            raise SchemeException("wrong number of arguments to parameter")
コード例 #8
def build_path(args):
    # XXX Does not check that we are joining absolute paths
    # Sorry again Windows
    if not args:
        raise SchemeException("build-path: expected at least 1 argument")
    result = [None] * len(args)
    for i, s in enumerate(args):
        if s is UP:
            part = ".."
        elif s is SAME:
            part = "."
            part = extract_path(s)
        if not part:
            raise SchemeException("build-path: path element is empty")
        if part == os.path.sep:
            part = ""
        result[i] = part
    path = os.path.sep.join(result)
    if not path:
        return ROOT
    return values.W_Path(path)
コード例 #9
ファイル: general.py プロジェクト: vishesh/pycket
def error(args):
    if len(args) == 1:
        sym = args[0]
        raise SchemeException("error: %s" % sym.tostring())
        first_arg = args[0]
        if isinstance(first_arg, values_string.W_String):
            from rpython.rlib.rstring import StringBuilder
            msg = StringBuilder()
            v = args[1:]
            for item in v:
                msg.append(" %s" % item.tostring())
            raise SchemeException(msg.build())
            src = first_arg
            form = args[1]
            v = args[2:]
            assert isinstance(src, values.W_Symbol)
            assert isinstance(form, values_string.W_String)
            raise SchemeException("%s: %s" % (
                src.tostring(), input_output.format(form, v, "error")))
コード例 #10
def match(w_re, w_str):
    w_re = promote_to_regexp(w_re)
    if isinstance(w_str, values_string.W_String):
        s = w_str.as_str_ascii()  # XXX for now
        result = w_re.match_string(s)
        return result
    if isinstance(w_str, values.W_Bytes):
        result = w_re.match_string(w_str.as_str())
        return result
    if isinstance(w_str, values.W_InputPort):
        result = w_re.match_port(w_str)
        return result
    raise SchemeException("regexp-match: can't deal with this type")
コード例 #11
def bytes(args):
    if len(args) == 0:
        return values.W_MutableBytes([])
    assert len(args) > 0

    builder = StringBuilder()
    for char in args:
        if not (isinstance(char, values.W_Fixnum)
                and 0 <= char.value <= 255):
            raise SchemeException("string: expected a character int")

    return values.W_Bytes.from_string(builder.build(), immutable=False)
コード例 #12
ファイル: expose.py プロジェクト: pycket/pycket
 def func_arg_unwrap(*allargs):
     from pycket import values
     args = allargs[0]
     rest = allargs[1:]
     typed_args = ()
     lenargs = len(args)
     if lenargs != num_args:
         raise SchemeException(errormsg_arity + str(lenargs))
     if num_args == 1:
         return func_direct_unwrap(args[0], *rest)
         assert num_args == 2
         return func_direct_unwrap(args[0], args[1], *rest)
コード例 #13
def integer_bytes_to_integer(bstr, signed):
    # XXX Currently does not make use of the signed parameter
    bytes = bstr.as_bytes_list()
    if len(bytes) not in (4, 8):
        raise SchemeException(
            "floating-point-bytes->real: byte string must have length 2, 4, or 8"

    val = rarithmetic.r_int64(0)
    for i, v in enumerate(bytes):
        val += rarithmetic.r_int64(ord(v)) << (i * 8)

    return values.W_Flonum(longlong2float.longlong2float(val))
コード例 #14
ファイル: regexp.py プロジェクト: cderici/pycket
def regexp_replace(pattern, input, insert, prefix):
    matches = match_positions(pattern, input)
    if not matches:
        return input
    if isinstance(input, values_string.W_String):
        str = input.as_unicode()
    elif isinstance(input, values.W_Bytes):
        str = input.as_str().decode("utf-8")
        raise SchemeException("regexp-replace*: expected string or bytes input")
    if isinstance(insert, values_string.W_String):
        ins = insert.as_unicode()
    elif isinstance(insert, values.W_Bytes):
        ins = insert.as_str().decode("utf-8")
        raise SchemeException("regexp-replace*: expected string or bytes insert string")
    formatter = values_regex.parse_insert_string(ins)
    subs = values_regex.do_input_substitution(formatter, str, matches)
    start, end = matches[0]
    assert start >= 0 and end >= 0
    result = u"".join([str[0:start], subs, str[end:]])
    return values_string.W_String.fromunicode(result)
コード例 #15
ファイル: expose.py プロジェクト: pycket/pycket
 def func_direct_unwrap(arg1, arg2, *rest):
     typed_arg1 = unwrapper1(arg1)
     if typed_arg1 is not None:
         typed_arg2 = unwrapper2(arg2)
         if typed_arg2 is not None:
             return func(typed_arg1, typed_arg2, *rest)
             type_errormsg = type_errormsg2
             arg = arg2
         type_errormsg = type_errormsg1
         arg = arg1
     raise SchemeException(type_errormsg + arg.tostring())
コード例 #16
ファイル: regexp.py プロジェクト: cderici/pycket
def match_positions(w_re, w_str, start=0, end=sys.maxint):
    w_re = promote_to_regexp(w_re)
    if isinstance(w_str, values_string.W_String):
        s = w_str.as_unicode() # XXX for now
        result = w_re.match_string_positions(s, start, end)
        return result
    if isinstance(w_str, values.W_Bytes):
        result = w_re.match_string_positions(w_str.as_str(), start, end)
        return result
    if isinstance(w_str, values.W_InputPort):
        result = w_re.match_port_positions(w_str)
        return result
    raise SchemeException("regexp-match-positions: can't deal with this type")
コード例 #17
def build_path(args):
    # this is terrible
    r = ""
    for a in args:
        if isinstance(a, values.W_Bytes):
            r = r + str(a.value)
        elif isinstance(a, values_string.W_String):
            r = r + a.as_str_utf8()
        elif isinstance(a, values.W_Path):
            r = r + a.path
            raise SchemeException("bad input to build-path: %s" % a)
    return values.W_Path(r)
コード例 #18
def subbytes(w_bytes, w_start, w_end):
    (subbytes bstr start [end]) → bytes?
        bstr : bytes?
        start : exact-nonnegative-integer?
        end : exact-nonnegative-integer? = (bytes-length str)
    start = w_start.value
    length = w_bytes.length()
    if start > length or start < 0:
        raise SchemeException("subbytes: end index out of bounds")
    if w_end is not None:
        end = w_end.value
        if end > length or end < 0:
            raise SchemeException("subbytes: end index out of bounds")
        end = length
    if end < start:
        raise SchemeException(
            "subbytes: ending index is smaller than starting index")
    slice = w_bytes.getslice(start, end)
    return values.W_Bytes.from_charlist(slice, immutable=False)
コード例 #19
ファイル: input_output.py プロジェクト: yws/pycket-1
def read_stream(stream):
    next_token = read_token(stream)
    if isinstance(next_token, SpecialToken):
        v = read_stream(stream)
        return next_token.finish(v)
    if isinstance(next_token, DelimToken):
        if not isinstance(next_token, LParenToken):
            raise SchemeException("read: unexpected %s" % next_token.str)
        v = read_list(stream, next_token.str)
        return v
        assert isinstance(next_token, values.W_Object)
        return next_token
コード例 #20
ファイル: string.py プロジェクト: vishesh/pycket
def make_string(k, char):
    if char is None:
        char = u'\0'
        char = char.value
    c = ord(char)
    if k.value < 0:
        raise SchemeException("make-string: around negative")
    if c < 128:
        char = chr(c)
        return W_String.fromascii(char * k.value)
        char = unichr(c)
        return W_String.fromunicode(char * k.value)
コード例 #21
ファイル: regexp.py プロジェクト: cderici/pycket
def rmp(pat, input, inp_start, inp_end, output_port, prefix):
    start = inp_start.value
    if inp_end is values.w_false:
        end = sys.maxint
    elif isinstance(inp_end, values.W_Fixnum):
        end = inp_end.value
        raise SchemeException("regexp-match-positions: expected fixnum or #f for argument 3")
    assert output_port is values.w_false, "output port not supported yet"
    matches = match_positions(pat, input, start, end)
    if matches is None:
        return values.w_false
    lst, _ = make_match_list(matches)
    return lst
コード例 #22
ファイル: regexp.py プロジェクト: cderici/pycket
def match_all_positions(who, w_re, w_str, start=0, end=sys.maxint):
    w_re = promote_to_regexp(w_re)
    if isinstance(w_str, values_string.W_String):
        s = w_str.as_unicode() # XXX for now
        result = w_re.match_all_string_positions(s, start, end)
        return result
    if isinstance(w_str, values.W_Bytes):
        result = w_re.match_all_string_positions(w_str.as_str(), start, end)
        return result
    if isinstance(w_str, values.W_InputPort):
        assert False, "not yet supported"
        # result = w_re.match_port_positions(w_str)
        # return result
    raise SchemeException("%s: can't deal with this type" % who)
コード例 #23
ファイル: ast_vs_sexp.py プロジェクト: shiplift/PycketOnAShip
def deserialize_exports(w_exports):
    r_exports, exports_len = to_rpython_list(w_exports)
    exports = {}
    for i, exp in enumerate(r_exports):
        if looks_like_an_export(exp):
            k = exp.cdr().car()
            gen_int_id = exp.cdr().cdr().car()
            ext_id = exp.cdr().cdr().cdr().car()
            exports[k] = Export(gen_int_id, ext_id)
            raise SchemeException(
                "looks like an invalid serialization of export : %s" %
    return exports
コード例 #24
ファイル: input_output.py プロジェクト: 8l/pycket
def do_write_string(w_str, port, start_pos, end_pos, env, cont):
    from pycket.interpreter import return_value
    start = start_pos.value
    assert start >= 0
    if end_pos:
        end_pos = end_pos.value
        if end_pos < 0 or end_pos > w_str.length():
            raise SchemeException("write-string: ending index out of range")
        end_pos = w_str.length()
    if port is None:
        port = current_out_param.get(cont)
    port.write(w_str.getslice(start, end_pos).as_str_utf8())
    return return_value(values.W_Fixnum(end_pos - start), env, cont)
コード例 #25
ファイル: values_struct.py プロジェクト: vishesh/pycket
 def get_arity(self):
     if self.iscallable():
         typ = self.struct_type()
         proc = typ.prop_procedure
         if isinstance(proc, values.W_Fixnum):
             offset = typ.get_offset(typ.procedure_source)
             proc = self._ref(proc.value + offset)
             return proc.get_arity()
             # -1 for the self argument
             arity = proc.get_arity()
             return arity.shift_arity(-1)
         raise SchemeException("%s does not have arity" % self.tostring())
コード例 #26
ファイル: linklet.py プロジェクト: pmatos/pycket
def instantiate_def_cont(forms, form, index, return_val, target, env, cont, _vals):

    values = _vals.get_all_values()
    len_values = len(values)
    if len(form.names) != len_values:
        raise SchemeException("%s -- expected %s values but got %s" % (form.tostring(), str(len(form.names)), str(len_values)))

    for i in range(len_values):
        name = form.names[i]
        value = values[i]

        env.toplevel_env().toplevel_set(name, value)

    return return_value(w_void, env, instantiate_val_cont(forms, index + 1, return_val, target, env, cont))
コード例 #27
ファイル: linklet.py プロジェクト: pmatos/pycket
def instantiate_linklet(linkl, import_instances, target_instance, use_prompt, env, cont):
    from pycket.util import console_log
    console_log("instantiating linklet : %s" % linkl.name.tostring(), 4)

    prompt = False
    if use_prompt is not w_false: # use-prompt? : any/c = #t - what happens when it is 3 ?
        prompt = True

    im_list, im_length = to_rpython_list(import_instances)
    expected = len(linkl.importss)

    if expected != im_length:
        raise SchemeException("The number of instances in import-instances must match the number of import sets in linklet. Expected %s but got %s" % (expected, im_length))

    if target_instance is w_false:
        target = None
    elif isinstance(target_instance, W_LinkletInstance):
        target = target_instance
        raise SchemeException("Expected #f or instance? as target-instance, got : %s" % target_instance)
    with PerfRegionCPS("instantiate-linklet"):
        cont_ = finish_perf_region_cont("instantiate-linklet", env, cont)
        return linkl.instantiate(im_list, env.toplevel_env()._pycketconfig, prompt, target, env, cont_)
コード例 #28
 def arith_quotient_same(self, other):
     assert isinstance(other, values.W_Fixnum)
     x = self.value
     y = other.value
     if y:
             res = int_floordiv_ovf(
                 x, y)  # misnomer, should be int_truncdiv or so
         except OverflowError:
             return self.arith_quotient(
         raise SchemeException("zero_divisor")
     return values.W_Fixnum(res)
コード例 #29
ファイル: struct_structinfo.py プロジェクト: samth/pycket
def do_make_struct_type(name, super_type, w_init_field_cnt, w_auto_field_cnt,
        auto_v, props, inspector, proc_spec, w_immutables, guard, constr_name, env, cont):
    if inspector is None:
        inspector = values_struct.current_inspector_param.get(cont)

    if constr_name is not values.w_false and not isinstance(constr_name, values.W_Symbol):
        raise SchemeException("make-struct-type: constructor name mustbe be symbol? or #f")

    if not isinstance(super_type, values_struct.W_StructType) and super_type is not values.w_false:
        raise SchemeException("make-struct-type: expected a struct-type? or #f for the super type , but got %s : %s" % (super_type, super_type.tostring()))

    init_field_cnt = w_init_field_cnt.value
    auto_field_cnt = w_auto_field_cnt.value

    immutables = []
    for i in values.from_list_iter(w_immutables):
        if not isinstance(i, values.W_Fixnum) or i.value < 0:
            raise SchemeException("make-struct-type: expected list of positive integers for immutable fields")

    return values_struct.W_StructType.make(name, super_type, init_field_cnt,
        auto_field_cnt, auto_v, props, inspector, proc_spec, immutables,
        guard, constr_name, env, cont)
コード例 #30
 def call(self, args, env, cont):
     from pycket.interpreter import return_value
     if len(args) == 0:
         return return_value(self.get(cont), env, cont)
     elif len(args) == 1:
         cell = find_param_cell(cont, self)
         assert isinstance(cell, values.W_ThreadCell)
         if self.guard:
             return self.guard.call([args[0]], env, param_set_cont(cell, env, cont))
             return return_value(values.w_void, env, cont)
         raise SchemeException("wrong number of arguments to parameter")