コード例 #1
    def __call__(self, func):
        Parse and set the mpi parameters within the task core element.
        :param func: Function to decorate
        :return: Decorated function.
        if not self.scope:
            # from pycompss.api.dummy.mpi import mpi as dummy_mpi
            # d_m = dummy_mpi(self.args, self.kwargs)
            # return d_m.__call__(func)
            raise Exception(
                "The mpi decorator only works within PyCOMPSs framework.")

        if i_am_at_master():
            # master code
            from pycompss.runtime.binding import register_ce

            mod = inspect.getmodule(func)
            self.module = mod.__name__  # not func.__module__

            if (self.module == '__main__'
                    or self.module == 'pycompss.runtime.launch'):
                # The module where the function is defined was run as __main__,
                # we need to find out the real module name.

                # path=mod.__file__
                # dirs=mod.__file__.split(os.sep)
                # file_name=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mod.__file__))[0]

                # Get the real module name from our launch.py variable
                path = getattr(mod, "app_path")

                dirs = path.split(os.path.sep)
                file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
                mod_name = file_name

                i = len(dirs) - 1
                while i > 0:
                    new_l = len(path) - (len(dirs[i]) + 1)
                    path = path[0:new_l]
                    if "__init__.py" in os.listdir(path):
                        # directory is a package
                        i -= 1
                        mod_name = dirs[i] + '.' + mod_name
                self.module = mod_name

            # Include the registering info related to @MPI

            # Retrieve the base coreElement established at @task decorator
            coreElement = func.__to_register__
            # Update the core element information with the mpi information
            binary = self.kwargs['binary']
            if 'workingDir' in self.kwargs:
                workingDir = self.kwargs['workingDir']
                workingDir = '[unassigned]'  # Empty or '[unassigned]'
            runner = self.kwargs['runner']
            implSignature = 'MPI.' + binary
            implArgs = [binary, workingDir, runner]
            func.__to_register__ = coreElement
            # Do the task register if I am the top decorator
            if func.__who_registers__ == __name__:
                if __debug__:
                        "[@MPI] I have to do the register of function %s in module %s"
                        % (func.__name__, self.module))
            # worker code

        def mpi_f(*args, **kwargs):
            # This is executed only when called.
            if __debug__:
                logger.debug("Executing mpi_f wrapper.")

            # Set the computingNodes variable in kwargs for its usage
            # in @task decorator
            kwargs['computingNodes'] = self.kwargs['computingNodes']

            if len(args) > 0:
                # The 'self' for a method function is passed as args[0]
                slf = args[0]

                # Replace and store the attributes
                saved = {}
                for k, v in self.kwargs.items():
                    if hasattr(slf, k):
                        saved[k] = getattr(slf, k)
                        setattr(slf, k, v)

            # Call the method
            ret = func(*args, **kwargs)

            if len(args) > 0:
                # Put things back
                for k, v in saved.items():
                    setattr(slf, k, v)

            return ret

        mpi_f.__doc__ = func.__doc__
        return mpi_f
コード例 #2
    def __call__(self, func):

        if i_am_at_master():
            # master code

            mod = inspect.getmodule(func)
            self.module = mod.__name__    # not func.__module__

            if(self.module == '__main__' or
               self.module == 'pycompss.runtime.launch'):
                # The module where the function is defined was run as __main__,
                # we need to find out the real module name.

                # path=mod.__file__
                # dirs=mod.__file__.split(os.sep)
                # file_name=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mod.__file__))[0]

                # Get the real module name from our launch.py variable
                path = getattr(mod, "app_path")

                dirs = path.split(os.path.sep)
                file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
                mod_name = file_name

                i = len(dirs) - 1
                while i > 0:
                    new_l = len(path) - (len(dirs[i]) + 1)
                    path = path[0:new_l]
                    if "__init__.py" in os.listdir(path):
                        # directory is a package
                        i -= 1
                        mod_name = dirs[i] + '.' + mod_name
                self.module = mod_name

            # Include the registering info related to @constraint

            # Retrieve the base coreElement established at @task decorator
            coreElement = func.__to_register__
            # Update the core element information with the constraints
            func.__to_register__ = coreElement
            # Do the task register if I am the top decorator
            if func.__who_registers__ == __name__:
                logger.debug("[@CONSTRAINT] I have to do the register of function %s in module %s" % (func.__name__, self.module))
            # worker code

        def constrained_f(*args, **kwargs):
            # This is executed only when called.
            logger.debug("Executing constrained_f wrapper.")

            if len(args) > 0:
                # The 'self' for a method function is passed as args[0]
                slf = args[0]

                # Replace and store the attributes
                saved = {}
                for k, v in self.kwargs.items():
                    if hasattr(slf, k):
                        saved[k] = getattr(slf, k)
                        setattr(slf, k, v)

            # Call the method
            ret = func(*args, **kwargs)

            if len(args) > 0:
                # Put things back
                for k, v in saved.items():
                    setattr(slf, k, v)

            return ret
        constrained_f.__doc__ = func.__doc__
        return constrained_f
コード例 #3
    def __call__(self, func):
        Parse and set the implementation parameters within the task core element.
        :param func: Function to decorate
        :return: Decorated function.
        if not self.scope:
            # from pycompss.api.dummy.implement import implement as dummy_implement
            # d_i = dummy_implement(self.args, self.kwargs)
            # return d_i.__call__(func)
            raise Exception("The implement decorator only works within PyCOMPSs framework.")

        if i_am_at_master():
            # master code
            from pycompss.runtime.binding import register_ce

            mod = inspect.getmodule(func)
            self.module = mod.__name__    # not func.__module__

            if(self.module == '__main__' or
               self.module == 'pycompss.runtime.launch'):
                # The module where the function is defined was run as __main__,
                # we need to find out the real module name.

                # path=mod.__file__
                # dirs=mod.__file__.split(os.sep)
                # file_name=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mod.__file__))[0]

                # Get the real module name from our launch.py variable
                path = getattr(mod, "app_path")

                dirs = path.split(os.path.sep)
                file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
                mod_name = file_name

                i = len(dirs) - 1
                while i > 0:
                    new_l = len(path) - (len(dirs[i]) + 1)
                    path = path[0:new_l]
                    if "__init__.py" in os.listdir(path):
                        # directory is a package
                        i -= 1
                        mod_name = dirs[i] + '.' + mod_name
                self.module = mod_name

            # Include the registering info related to @MPI

            # Retrieve the base coreElement established at @task decorator
            coreElement = func.__to_register__
            # Update the core element information with the mpi information
            ce_signature = coreElement.get_ce_signature()
            implSignature = ce_signature

            anotherClass = self.kwargs['source_class']
            anotherMethod = self.kwargs['method']
            ce_signature = anotherClass + '.' + anotherMethod

            # This is not needed since the arguments are already set by the
            # task decorator.
            # implArgs = [anotherClass, anotherMethod]
            # coreElement.set_implTypeArgs(implArgs)

            func.__to_register__ = coreElement
            # Do the task register if I am the top decorator
            if func.__who_registers__ == __name__:
                if __debug__:
                    logger.debug("[@IMPLEMENT] I have to do the register of function %s in module %s" % (func.__name__, self.module))
            # worker code

        def implement_f(*args, **kwargs):
            # This is executed only when called.
            if __debug__:
                logger.debug("Executing implement_f wrapper.")

            # The 'self' for a method function is passed as args[0]
            slf = args[0]

            # Replace and store the attributes
            saved = {}
            for k, v in self.kwargs.items():
                if hasattr(slf, k):
                    saved[k] = getattr(slf, k)
                    setattr(slf, k, v)

            # Call the method
            ret = func(*args, **kwargs)

            # Put things back
            for k, v in saved.items():
                setattr(slf, k, v)

            return ret
        implement_f.__doc__ = func.__doc__
        return implement_f
コード例 #4
def registerTask(f, module, is_instance):
    This function is used to register the task in the runtime.
    This registration must be done only once on the task decorator
    :param f: Function to be registered
    :param module: Module that the function belongs to.
    # Look for the decorator that has to do the registration
    # Since the __init__ of the decorators is independent, there is no way
    # to pass information through them.
    # However, the __call__ method of the decorators can be used.
    # The way that they are called is from bottom to top. So, the first one to
    # call its __call__ method will always be @task. Consequently, the @task
    # decorator __call__ method can detect the top decorator and pass a hint
    # to order that decorator that has to do the registration (not the others).
    gotFuncCode = False
    func = f
    while not gotFuncCode:
            funcCode = inspect.getsourcelines(func)
            gotFuncCode = True
        except IOError:
            # There is one or more decorators below the @task --> undecorate
            # until possible to get the func code.
            # Example of this case: test 19: @timeit decorator below the
            # @task decorator.
            func = func.__wrapped__

    decoratorKeys = ("implement", "constraint", "decaf", "mpi", "ompss",
                     "binary", "opencl", "task")

    topDecorator = getTopDecorator(funcCode, decoratorKeys)
    logger.debug("[@TASK] Top decorator of function %s in module %s: %s" %
                 (f.__name__, module, str(topDecorator)))
    f.__who_registers__ = topDecorator

    # not usual tasks - handled by the runtime without invoking the PyCOMPSs
    # worker. Needed to filter in order not to code the strings when using
    # them in these type of tasks
    filter = ("decaf", "mpi", "ompss", "binary", "opencl")
    default = 'task'
    taskType = getTaskType(funcCode, decoratorKeys, filter, default)
    logger.debug("[@TASK] Task type of function %s in module %s: %s" %
                 (f.__name__, module, str(taskType)))
    f.__task_type__ = taskType
    if taskType == default:
        f.__code_strings__ = True
        f.__code_strings__ = False

    # Include the registering info related to @task
    ins = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())
    # I know that this is ugly, but I see no other way to get the class name
    class_name = ins[2][3]
    # I know that this is ugly, but I see no other way to check if it is a
    # classs method.
    is_classmethod = class_name != '<module>'
    if is_instance or is_classmethod:
        ce_signature = module + "." + class_name + '.' + f.__name__
        implTypeArgs = [module + "." + class_name, f.__name__]
        ce_signature = module + "." + f.__name__
        implTypeArgs = [module, f.__name__]
    implSignature = ce_signature
    implConstraints = {}
    implType = "METHOD"
    coreElement = CE(ce_signature, implSignature, implConstraints, implType,
    f.__to_register__ = coreElement
    # Do the task register if I am the top decorator
    if f.__who_registers__ == __name__:
            "[@TASK] I have to do the register of function %s in module %s" %
            (f.__name__, module))
        logger.debug("[@TASK] %s" % str(f.__to_register__))
コード例 #5
    def __call__(self, func):

        if i_am_at_master():
            # master code
            mod = inspect.getmodule(func)
            self.module = mod.__name__  # not func.__module__

            if (self.module == '__main__'
                    or self.module == 'pycompss.runtime.launch'):
                # The module where the function is defined was run as __main__,
                # we need to find out the real module name.

                # path=mod.__file__
                # dirs=mod.__file__.split(os.sep)
                # file_name=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mod.__file__))[0]

                # Get the real module name from our launch.py variable
                path = getattr(mod, "app_path")

                dirs = path.split(os.path.sep)
                file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
                mod_name = file_name

                i = len(dirs) - 1
                while i > 0:
                    new_l = len(path) - (len(dirs[i]) + 1)
                    path = path[0:new_l]
                    if "__init__.py" in os.listdir(path):
                        # directory is a package
                        i -= 1
                        mod_name = dirs[i] + '.' + mod_name
                self.module = mod_name

            # Include the registering info related to @MPI

            # Retrieve the base coreElement established at @task decorator
            coreElement = func.__to_register__
            # Update the core element information with the mpi information
            if 'workingDir' in self.kwargs:
                workingDir = self.kwargs['workingDir']
                workingDir = '[unassigned]'  # Empty or '[unassigned]'
            if 'mpiRunner' in self.kwargs:
                runner = self.kwargs['mpiRunner']
                runner = 'mpirun'
            dfScript = self.kwargs['dfScript']
            if 'dfExecutor' in self.kwargs:
                dfExecutor = self.kwargs['dfExecutor']
                dfExecutor = '[unassigned]'  # Empty or '[unassigned]'
            if 'dfLib' in self.kwargs:
                dfLib = self.kwargs['dfLib']
                dfLib = '[unassigned]'  # Empty or '[unassigned]'
            implSignature = 'DECAF.' + dfScript
            implArgs = [dfScript, dfExecutor, dfLib, workingDir, runner]
            func.__to_register__ = coreElement
            # Do the task register if I am the top decorator
            if func.__who_registers__ == __name__:
                    "[@DECAF] I have to do the register of function %s in module %s"
                    % (func.__name__, self.module))
            # worker code

        def decaf_f(*args, **kwargs):
            # This is executed only when called.
            logger.debug("Executing decaf_f wrapper.")

            # Set the computingNodes variable in kwargs for its usage in @task decorator
            kwargs['computingNodes'] = self.kwargs['computingNodes']

            if len(args) > 0:
                # The 'self' for a method function is passed as args[0]
                slf = args[0]

                # Replace and store the attributes
                saved = {}
                for k, v in self.kwargs.items():
                    if hasattr(slf, k):
                        saved[k] = getattr(slf, k)
                        setattr(slf, k, v)

            # Call the method
            ret = func(*args, **kwargs)

            if len(args) > 0:
                # Put things back
                for k, v in saved.items():
                    setattr(slf, k, v)

            return ret

        decaf_f.__doc__ = func.__doc__
        return decaf_f