def game_init(mode, fieldsize, level): """ Initialize the game depending on the given mode, either from scratch, or by loading an existing saved state. This handles non-existing save files too. """ if mode == "new": field = control.make_field(fieldsize) next = control.make_random([fieldsize * 2, 0]) mainloop(control.make_random([fieldsize // 4, 0]), field, next, 0, level) elif mode == "load": loaded = control.load_game("save.txt") if loaded is not None: (field, shape, pos, next, points, level) = loaded else: pyconio.gotoxy(5, 20) pyconio.write("Nem található mentés, biztosan mentettél már?") pyconio.gotoxy(20, 29) pyconio.write("Vissza: ESC") key = pyconio.getch() while key != pyconio.ESCAPE: key = pyconio.getch() return main() fieldsize = len(field) tetro = draw.Tetromino(shape, pos[0], pos[1]) next = draw.Tetromino(next, fieldsize * 2, 0) mainloop(tetro, field, next, points, level)
def setting_adjust(setting, label, min_val, max_val, delta=1): """ Used in the options menu, lets the user change the default options with the UP and DOWN keys. The actual setting, its label, value interval (and granularity) should be given as parameters. """ draw.logo() pyconio.textbackground(pyconio.RESET) pyconio.textcolor(pyconio.RESET) pyconio.gotoxy(20, 20) pyconio.write("{}: {:3}".format(label, setting), flush=True) pyconio.gotoxy(15, 29) pyconio.write("Irányítás: ↑ ↓ ENTER ESC") initial = setting pyconio.rawmode() key = pyconio.getch() while key != pyconio.ENTER: if key == pyconio.UP: if setting < max_val: setting += delta elif key == pyconio.DOWN: if setting > min_val: setting -= delta elif key == pyconio.ESCAPE: setting = initial break pyconio.gotoxy(20, 20) pyconio.write("{}: {:3}".format(label, setting), flush=True) key = pyconio.getch() return setting
def list_scores(scorelist, pos, data=None): """ Lists the scores from the given scorelist to the given position. Adds numbering and colors (for the top 3) to the list elements, and prints out the proper errors when needed. Returns to the main menu, with optional data if passed. """ pyconio.clrscr() draw.logo() pyconio.gotoxy(pos[0], pos[1]) pyconio.textcolor(pyconio.RESET) if scorelist is None: pyconio.gotoxy(pos[0] - 15, pos[1]) pyconio.write("A file nem található, biztosan játszottál már?") elif scorelist == -1: pyconio.gotoxy(pos[0] - 10, pos[1]) pyconio.write("Hibás file, ellenőrizd a pontszámokat!") else: for i in range(len(scorelist)): if i + 1 == 1: pyconio.textcolor(pyconio.YELLOW) elif i + 1 == 2: pyconio.textcolor(pyconio.LIGHTGRAY) elif i + 1 == 3: pyconio.textcolor(pyconio.BROWN) else: pyconio.textcolor(pyconio.RESET) pyconio.gotoxy(pos[0], pos[1] + i) pyconio.write("{}. {}".format(i + 1, scorelist[i])) pyconio.gotoxy(pos[0] + 2, pos[1] + pos[1] // 2) pyconio.textcolor(pyconio.RESET) pyconio.write("Vissza: ESC") pyconio.flush() pyconio.rawmode() key = pyconio.getch() while key != pyconio.ESCAPE: key = pyconio.getch() pyconio.clrscr() return main_menu(data)
def menu(buttons, data=None): """ Common menu mechanism, including the indication of the selected button and navigation. Returns None if the user selected quit (either by pressing ESC or selecting the option), or executes the selected function otherwise, with optional data. """ pyconio.textcolor(pyconio.WHITE) buttons[0].active = True draw.logo() while True: for btn in buttons: if pyconio.textbackground(pyconio.WHITE) pyconio.textcolor(pyconio.BLACK) else: pyconio.textbackground(pyconio.RESET) pyconio.textcolor(pyconio.RESET) pyconio.gotoxy(20, 20 + buttons.index(btn)) pyconio.write(btn) pyconio.gotoxy(15, 29) pyconio.textcolor(pyconio.RESET) pyconio.textbackground(pyconio.RESET) pyconio.write("Irányítás: ↑ ↓ ENTER ESC") pyconio.flush() pyconio.rawmode() key = pyconio.getch() active = buttons.index([x for x in buttons if][0]) if key == pyconio.ENTER: return select(buttons[active].function, data) elif key == pyconio.DOWN: buttons[active].active = False if active == len(buttons) - 1: buttons[0].active = True else: buttons[active + 1].active = True elif key == pyconio.UP: buttons[active].active = False if active == 0: buttons[-1].active = True else: buttons[active - 1].active = True elif key == pyconio.ESCAPE: return select("quit")
for b in range(0, 16): pyconio.gotoxy(5, 5+b) for t in range(0, 16): pyconio.textcolor(t) pyconio.textbackground(b) pyconio.write(" X ") pyconio.write("\n") print() # Raw input pyconio.textbackground(pyconio.RESET) pyconio.textcolor(pyconio.RESET) print("Raw input test, press keys and then Enter:") pyconio.rawmode() while True: ch = pyconio.getch() if ch == pyconio.ENTER: break print(ch, end=" ") print() pyconio.normalmode() # Raw input buffering print("Raw input buffering test, 3s delay, press any keys") pyconio.rawmode() time.sleep(3) if not pyconio.kbhit(): print("No keys pressed.") else: while pyconio.kbhit(): print(pyconio.getch(), end=" ")
import pyconio pyconio.clrscr() print("Use cursor keys to control the asterisk") x = 40 y = 12 pyconio.rawmode() while True: pyconio.gotoxy(x, y) pyconio.textcolor(pyconio.LIGHTGREEN) pyconio.write("*") pyconio.gotoxy(80, 24) key = pyconio.getch() pyconio.gotoxy(x, y) pyconio.textcolor(pyconio.BLUE) pyconio.write(".") if key == pyconio.UP: y = max(y - 1, 1) elif key == pyconio.DOWN: y = min(y + 1, 23) elif key == pyconio.LEFT: x = max(x - 1, 0) elif key == pyconio.RIGHT: x = min(x + 1, 79) elif key == pyconio.ESCAPE: break pyconio.normalmode()