コード例 #1
ファイル: md_tools.py プロジェクト: Picchu/MD-tools
def plot_lnD_v_Tinv(Ds, Ts, save = False):

    ln_D = np.log(np.array(Ds))
    T_inv = 1000./np.array(Ts)

    plt.plot(T_inv, ln_D, 'ro')

    T_inv_stack = np.column_stack([T_inv**1, T_inv**0])

    p, pint, se = regress(T_inv_stack, ln_D, 0.05)

    ln_D_fit = np.dot(T_inv_stack, p)

    plt.plot(T_inv, ln_D_fit)
    plt.xlabel('1000/T (1/K)')

    if save != False:


    slope = p[0]

    R = 5.189e19
    Na = 6.023e23
    E_act = -slope*R/Na

    E_act_int = - np.array(pint[0]) * R/Na

    return E_act, E_act_int
コード例 #2
def test():
    A = np.column_stack([T**0, T**1, T**2, T**3, T**4])
    p, pint, se = regress(A, E, alpha=0.05)
    print p
    print pint
    print se
    # there should not be any np.nan in se
    assert ~np.isnan(se).all()
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_regress.py プロジェクト: Shibabrat/pycse
def test():
    A = np.column_stack([T**0, T**1, T**2, T**3, T**4])
    p, pint, se = regress(A, E, alpha=0.05)
    print p
    print pint
    print se
    # there should not be any np.nan in se
    assert ~np.isnan(se).all()
コード例 #4
def regression(E1, E2, alpha=0.05):
    '''Perform regression but remove nan values'''

    xy = np.transpose(np.array([E1, E2]))
    xy = xy[~np.any(np.isnan(xy), axis=1)]
    x = xy[:, 0]
    A = np.column_stack((x**1, x**0))
    y = xy[:, 1]

    pars, pint, se = regress(A, y, alpha)

    y = np.dot(A, pars)
    return x, y, pars, pint, se
コード例 #5
ファイル: md_tools.py プロジェクト: Picchu/MD-tools
def plot_msd(t, msd,  f = 0.25, skiprows = 0, save = False, show = False, t_units = 'ps', msd_units = '$\AA^{2}$',  slope = True, T = None, legend = False, label = None):

    # TODO make this simpler!!!
    Plots a mean square displacement trajectory
    Args: save = filepath to save
          show = Turns off/on plt.show()
          Note: Both savefig and show can be done in the main function also
          slope = Turns slope on/off
          T = Temperature for legend
          f = fraction of data to discard for equilibration
          Units are only for the labels
    if label!= None:
        plt.plot(t, msd, label = label, lw=2.5)
        plt.plot(t,msd, lw=2.5)
    if slope == True:
        # Cutting out the equilibration data and using the rest to fit slope
        t_cut = t[int(len(t)*f):]
        msd_cut= msd[int(len(t)*f):]
        # Fitting using linear regression and 95 percent confidence intervals - p = [slope, intercept]

        t_stack = np.column_stack([t_cut**1, t_cut**0])
        p, pint, se = regress(t_stack, msd_cut, 0.05)
        msd_fit = np.dot(t_stack,p)

        plt.plot(t_cut, msd_fit, 'r--',lw=2.5)

    plt.xlabel('Time ({0})'.format(t_units))
    plt.ylabel('MSD ({0})'.format(msd_units))

    if legend ==True:
        plt.legend(loc = 'best')

    if save != False:

    if show == True:

    if slope == True:
        return p, pint, se
コード例 #6
curve1 = df1.iloc[:, 0]
curve2 = df1.iloc[:, 1]

T = np.array(np.linspace(0, 1, 419))
E1 = np.array(curve1)
print("T length " + str(E1.size))
E2 = np.array(curve2)
print("T length " + str(E2.size))
E = E1 - E2

# columns of the x-values for a line: constant, T
A = np.column_stack([T**0, T])

p, pint, se = regress(A, E, alpha=0.005)

b = u.ufloat((p[0], se[0]))
m = u.ufloat((p[1], se[1]))

def f(b, m):
    X, = fsolve(lambda x: b + m * x, 800)
    return X

print("EER point is " + str(f(b, m)))
コード例 #7
# _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_

from pycse import regress
import numpy as np

time = np.array([0.0, 50.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 250.0, 300.0])
Ca = np.array([50.0, 38.0, 30.6, 25.6, 22.2, 19.5, 17.4]) * 1e-3

T = np.column_stack([time**0, time, time**2, time**3, time**4])

alpha = 0.05
p, pint, se = regress(T, Ca, alpha)

# new one

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats.distributions import t

time = np.array([0.0, 50.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 250.0, 300.0])
Ca = np.array([50.0, 38.0, 30.6, 25.6, 22.2, 19.5, 17.4]) * 1e-3

T = np.column_stack([time**0, time, time**2, time**3, time**4])

p, res, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(T, Ca)
# the parameter are now in p

# compute the confidence intervals

n = len(Ca)
k = len(p)
コード例 #8
ファイル: espresso_lrU.py プロジェクト: vns391/espresso
def python_calc_single_U(self, key, alphas=(-0.15, -0.07, 0, 0.07, 0.15)):
    '''This is a function to calculate the linear response U of a single atom'''

    from pycse import regress
    from uncertainties import ufloat
    calc_name = os.path.basename(self.espressodir)

    if not isdir('Ucalc'):

    cwd = os.getcwd()

    os.chdir(calc_name + '-1-pert')
    # First assert that the calculations are done
    for alpha in alphas:
        assert isfile('results/alpha_{0}.out'.format(alpha))
        assert self.check_calc_complete(

    # First create the matrix for storing occupancies
    occ_0s, occ_fs = [], []

    # Store the initial and final occupations in arrays
    for alpha in alphas:
        outfile = open('results/alpha_{0}.out'.format(alpha))
        lines = outfile.readlines()
        calc_started = False
        calc_finished = False
        for line in lines:
            # We first want to read the initial occupancies. This happens after
            # the calculation starts.
            if line.startswith('     Self'):
                calc_started = True
            if line.startswith('     End'):
                calc_finished = True
            # We will first
            if not line.startswith('atom '):
            if not int(line.split()[1]) == key + 1:
            occ = float(line.split()[-1])
            if calc_started == True and calc_finished == False:
            elif calc_finished == True:

    x = np.column_stack([np.array(alphas)**0, np.array(alphas)])

    bare_slope, bare_uncert, bare_e = regress(x, occ_0s, 0.05)
    convg_slope, convg_uncert, convg_e = regress(x, occ_fs, 0.05)

    bare_slope = ufloat(bare_slope[1],
                        (abs(bare_uncert[1][0] - bare_uncert[1][1])) / 2)
    convg_slope = ufloat(convg_slope[1],
                         (abs(convg_uncert[1][0] - convg_uncert[1][1])) / 2)

    U = 1 / bare_slope - 1 / convg_slope

    return U