コード例 #1
ファイル: nbody.py プロジェクト: tricecold/pynbody
def integrate(stepsize = .01, stores = 5, steps=10000, number_of_particles=2**10):
    gpu_r, gpu_v, gpu_mass = create_particles(number_of_particles)
    number_of_particles = np.int32(number_of_particles)
    gpu_rs, gpu_vs = [gpu_r], [gpu_v]
    for i in xrange(stores-1):
    advance = SourceModule(advance_kernel).get_function("advance")
    advance.prepare([np.intp, np.intp, np.intp, np.intp, np.intp, np.int32])
    block_size = (32,0,0)
    grid_size = (int(number_of_particles/32), 0, 0)
    advance.prepared_call(block_size, grid_size ,gpu_r[0], gpu_v[0], gpu_mass, gpu_r[1], gpu_v[1], number_of_particles)

    old, new = 1, 2
    for i in xrange(steps):
        r = rs_gpu[old].get_async()
        v = vs_gpu[old].get_async()
        advance.prepared_call_async(block_size, grid_size ,gpu_rs[old], gpu_vs[old], gpu_mass, gpu_rs[new], gpu_vs[new], number_of_particles)
        np.write("step{i:4}_r".format(i*stepsize)+".dat", r)
        np.write("step{i:4}_v".format(i*stepsize)+".dat", r)
        old, new = new, (new+1)%stores
コード例 #2
ファイル: nbody.py プロジェクト: tricecold/pynbody
def integrate(stepsize=0.01, stores=5, steps=10000, number_of_particles=2 ** 10):
    gpu_r, gpu_v, gpu_mass = create_particles(number_of_particles)
    number_of_particles = np.int32(number_of_particles)
    gpu_rs, gpu_vs = [gpu_r], [gpu_v]

    for i in xrange(stores - 1):

    advance = SourceModule(advance_kernel).get_function("advance")
    advance.prepare([np.intp, np.intp, np.intp, np.intp, np.intp, np.int32])

    block_size = (32, 0, 0)
    grid_size = (int(number_of_particles / 32), 0, 0)

    advance.prepared_call(block_size, grid_size, gpu_r[0], gpu_v[0], gpu_mass, gpu_r[1], gpu_v[1], number_of_particles)

    old, new = 1, 2
    for i in xrange(steps):
        r = rs_gpu[old].get_async()
        v = vs_gpu[old].get_async()
            block_size, grid_size, gpu_rs[old], gpu_vs[old], gpu_mass, gpu_rs[new], gpu_vs[new], number_of_particles

        np.write("step{i:4}_r".format(i * stepsize) + ".dat", r)
        np.write("step{i:4}_v".format(i * stepsize) + ".dat", r)

        old, new = new, (new + 1) % stores
コード例 #3
ファイル: slfn_skcuda.py プロジェクト: IstanbulBoy/hpelm
    """Single Layer Feed-forward Network (SLFN) implementation on GPU with pyCUDA.

    To choose a specific GPU, use environmental variable ``CUDA_DEVICE``, for exampe
    ``CUDA_DEVICE=0 python myscript1.py & CUDA_DEVICE=1 python myscript2.py``.

    In single precision, only upper triangular part of HH matrix is computed to speedup the method.

    def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, norm=None, precision=np.float64):
        super(SLFNSkCUDA, self).__init__(inputs, outputs, norm, precision)

        # startup GPU
        #self.ctx = misc.init_context(misc.init_device(nDevice))  # NO NO NO, crashes and does not release memory
        # use CUDA_DEVICE=0 python my-script.py
        except OSError as e:
            pass  # no 'cusolver' library which is paid and not needed
            # print "error initializing scikit-cuda: %s" % e
            # print "ignore if toolbox works"

        # precision-dependent stuff
        if precision is np.float64:
            self.posv = lapack.dposv
            self.posv = lapack.sposv
            self.handle = cublas.cublasCreate()

        # prepare GPU function kernels
        kernel = """
            __global__ void dev_sigm(%s *a) {
                unsigned idx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
                a[idx] = 1.0 / ( exp(a[idx]) + 1 );
        kernel = kernel % "double" if self.precision is np.float64 else kernel % "float"
        self.dev_sigm = SourceModule(kernel).get_function("dev_sigm")

        # GPU transformation functions
        self.func["lin"] = self._dev_lin
        self.func["sigm"] = self._dev_sigm
        self.func["tanh"] = self._dev_tanh
        self.func["rbf_l1"] = self._dev_rbfl1
        self.func["rbf_l2"] = self._dev_rbfl2
        self.func["rbf_linf"] = self._dev_rbflinf

    def _dev_lin(self, devX, devW, devB):
        """Linear function on GPU.

            devH (gpuarray): GPU matrix with the result.
        devH = misc.add_matvec(linalg.dot(devX, devW), devB, axis=1)
        return devH

    def _dev_sigm(self, devX, devW, devB):
        """Compute Sigmoid on GPU for a given array and return array."""

#        def sigm(a):
#            block = a._block
#            grid = (int(np.ceil(1.0 * np.prod(a.shape) / block[0])), 1)
#            dev_sigm.prepared_call(grid, block, a.gpudata)
#            return a

        devH = misc.add_matvec(linalg.dot(devX, devW), devB, axis=1)
        block = devH._block
        grid = (int(np.ceil(1.0 * np.prod(devH.shape) / block[0])), 1)
        self.dev_sigm.prepared_call(grid, block, devH.gpudata)
        return devH

    def _dev_tanh(self, devX, devW, devB):
        """Hyperbolic tangent function on GPU.

            devH (gpuarray): GPU matrix with the result.
        devH = misc.add_matvec(linalg.dot(devX, devW), devB, axis=1)
        cumath.tanh(devH, out=devH)
        return devH

    def _dev_rbfl1(self, devX, devW, devB):
        # TODO: make proper GPU implementation of RBF_L1
        X = devX.get()
        W = devW.get()
        B = devB.get()
        devH = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.exp(-cdist(X, W.T, "cityblock")**2 / B))
        return devH

    def _dev_rbfl2(self, devX, devW, devB):
        # TODO: make proper GPU implementation of RBF_L2
        X = devX.get()
        W = devW.get()
        B = devB.get()
        devH = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.exp(-cdist(X, W.T, "euclidean")**2 / B))
        return devH

    def _dev_rbflinf(self, devX, devW, devB):
        # TODO: make proper GPU implementation of RBF_Linf
        X = devX.get()
        W = devW.get()
        B = devB.get()
        devH = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.exp(-cdist(X, W.T, "chebyshev")**2 / B))
        return devH

    def add_neurons(self, number, func, W, B):
        """Add prepared neurons to the SLFN, merge with existing ones.

        Adds a number of specific neurons to SLFN network. Weights and biases
        must be provided for that function.

        If neurons of such type already exist, they are merged together.

            number (int): the number of new neurons to add
            func (str): transformation function of hidden layer. Linear function creates a linear model.
            W (matrix): a 2-D matrix of neuron weights, size (`inputs` * `number`)
            B (vector): a 1-D vector of neuron biases, size (`number` * 1)
        ntypes = [nr[1] for nr in self.neurons]  # existing types of neurons
        if func in ntypes:
            # add to an existing neuron type
            i = ntypes.index(func)
            nn0, _, devW, devB = self.neurons[i]
            number = nn0 + number
            devW = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.hstack((devW.get(), W)))
            devB = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.hstack((devB.get(), B)))
            self.neurons[i] = (number, func, devW, devB)
            # create a new neuron type
            devW = gpuarray.to_gpu(W)
            devB = gpuarray.to_gpu(B)
            self.neurons.append((number, func, devW, devB))
        self.B = None

    def reset(self):
        """ Resets intermediate training results, releases memory that they use.

        Keeps solution of ELM, so a trained ELM remains operational.
        Can be called to free memory after an ELM is trained.
        self.L = sum([n[0] for n in self.neurons])  # get number of neurons
        self.HH = None
        self.HT = None

    def _project(self, X, dev=False):
        """Projects X to H, an auxiliary function that implements a particular projection.

        For actual projection, use `ELM.project()` instead.

            X (matrix): an input data matrix, size (N * `inputs`)
            dev (bool, optional): whether leave result in the GPU memory

            H (matrix): an SLFN hidden layer representation, size (N * `L`) where 'L' is number of neurons
        assert self.neurons is not None, "ELM has no neurons"
        X = np.array(X, order="C", dtype=self.precision)
        devX = gpuarray.to_gpu(X)
        devH = gpuarray.empty((X.shape[0], self.L), dtype=self.precision)
        i = 0
        for nn, ftype, devW, devB in self.neurons:
            devH[:, i:i+nn] = self.func[ftype](devX, devW, devB)
            i += nn

        H = devH if dev else devH.get()
        return H

    def _predict(self, X, dev=False):
        """Predict a batch of data. Auxiliary function that implements a particular prediction.

        For prediction, use `ELM.predict()` instead.

            X (matrix): input data size (N * `inputs`)
            dev (bool, optional): whether leave result in the GPU memory

            Y (matrix): predicted outputs size (N * `outputs`), always in float/double format.
        assert self.B is not None, "Solve the task before predicting"
        devH = self._project(X, dev=True)
        devY = linalg.dot(devH, self.B)
        Y = devY if dev else devY.get()
        return Y

    def add_batch(self, X, T, wc=None):
        """Add a batch of training data to an iterative solution, weighted if neeed.

        The batch is processed as a whole, the training data is splitted in `ELM.add_data()` method.
        With parameters HH_out, HT_out, the output will be put into these matrices instead of model.

            X (matrix): input data matrix size (N * `inputs`)
            T (matrix): output data matrix size (N * `outputs`)
            wc (vector): vector of weights for data samples, one weight per sample, size (N * 1)
            HH_out, HT_out (matrix, optional): output matrices to add batch result into, always given together
        devH = self._project(X, dev=True)
        T = np.array(T, order="C", dtype=self.precision)
        devT = gpuarray.to_gpu(T)
        if wc is not None:  # apply weights if given
            w = np.array(wc**0.5, dtype=self.precision)[:, None]  # re-shape to column matrix
            devWC = gpuarray.to_gpu(w)
            misc.mult_matvec(devH, devWC, axis=0, out=devH)
            misc.mult_matvec(devT, devWC, axis=0, out=devT)

        if self.HH is None:  # initialize space for self.HH, self.HT
            self.HT = misc.zeros((self.L, self.outputs), dtype=self.precision)
            self.HH = linalg.eye(self.L, dtype=self.precision)
            self.HH *= self.norm

        linalg.add_dot(devH, devT, self.HT, transa='T')
        if self.precision is np.float64:
            linalg.add_dot(devH, devH, self.HH, transa='T')
            cublas.cublasSsyrk(self.handle, 'L', 'N', self.L, X.shape[0], 1, devH.ptr, self.L, 1, self.HH.ptr, self.L)
#        self.ctx.synchronize()  # GPU runs asyncronously without that

    def solve(self):
        """Compute output weights B, with fix for unstable solution.
        HH = self.HH.get()
        HT = self.HT.get()
        B = self.solve_corr(HH, HT)
        self.B = gpuarray.to_gpu(B)

    def solve_corr(self, HH, HT):
        """Compute output weights B for given HH and HT.

        Simple but inefficient version, see a better one in solver_python.

            HH (matrix): covariance matrix of hidden layer represenation H, size (`L` * `L`)
            HT (matrix): correlation matrix between H and outputs T, size (`L` * `outputs`)
        _, B, info = self.posv(HH, HT)
        if info > 0:
            print "ELM covariance matrix is not full rank; solving with SVD (slow)"
            print "This happened because you have duplicated or too many neurons"
            HH = np.triu(HH) + np.triu(HH, k=1).T
            B = np.linalg.lstsq(HH, HT)[0]
        B = np.array(B, order='C', dtype=self.precision)
        return B

    def _prune(self, idx):
        """Leave only neurons with the given indexes.
        idx = list(idx)
        neurons = []
        for k, func, devW, devB in self.neurons:
            ix1 = [i for i in idx if i < k]  # index for current neuron type
            idx = [i-k for i in idx if i >= k]
            number = len(ix1)
            W = devW.get()
            W = np.array(W[:, ix1], order='C')
            devW = gpuarray.to_gpu(W)
            B = devB.get()
            B = np.array(B[ix1], order='C')
            devB = gpuarray.to_gpu(B)
            neurons.append((number, func, devW, devB))
        self.neurons = neurons
        # reset invalid parameters
        self.B = None

    def get_B(self):
        """Return B as a numpy array.
        if self.B is None:
            B = None
            B = self.B.get()
        return B

    def set_B(self, B):
        """Set B as a numpy array.

            B (matrix): output layer weights matrix, size (`L` * `outputs`)
        assert B.shape[0] == self.L, "Incorrect first dimension: %d expected, %d found" % (self.L, B.shape[0])
        assert B.shape[1] == self.outputs, "Incorrect output dimension: %d expected, %d found" % (self.outputs, B.shape[1])
        self.B = gpuarray.to_gpu(B.astype(self.precision))

    def get_corr(self):
        """Return current correlation matrices.
        if self.HH is None:
            HH = None
            HT = None
            HH = self.HH.get()
            HT = self.HT.get()
            HH = np.triu(HH) + np.triu(HH, k=1).T
        return HH, HT

    def set_corr(self, HH, HT):
        """Set pre-computed correlation matrices.

            HH (matrix): covariance matrix of hidden layer represenation H, size (`L` * `L`)
            HT (matrix): correlation matrix between H and outputs T, size (`L` * `outputs`)
        assert self.neurons is not None, "Add or load neurons before using ELM"
        assert HH.shape[0] == HH.shape[1], "HH must be a square matrix"
        msg = "Wrong HH dimension: (%d, %d) expected, %s found" % (self.L, self.L, HH.shape)
        assert HH.shape[0] == self.L, msg
        assert HH.shape[0] == HT.shape[0], "HH and HT must have the same number of rows (%d)" % self.L
        assert HT.shape[1] == self.outputs, "Number of columns in HT must equal number of outputs (%d)" % self.outputs
        self.HH = gpuarray.to_gpu(HH.astype(self.precision))
        self.HT = gpuarray.to_gpu(HT.astype(self.precision))

    def get_neurons(self):
        """Return current neurons.

            neurons (list of tuples (number/int, func/string, W/matrix, B/vector)): current neurons in the model
        neurons = []
        for number, func, devW, devB in self.neurons:
            neurons.append((number, func, devW.get(), devB.get()))
        return neurons
コード例 #4
ファイル: slfn_skcuda.py プロジェクト: zhucer2003/hpelm
    """Single Layer Feed-forward Network (SLFN) implementation on GPU with pyCUDA.

    To choose a specific GPU, use environmental variable ``CUDA_DEVICE``, for exampe
    ``CUDA_DEVICE=0 python myscript1.py & CUDA_DEVICE=1 python myscript2.py``.

    In single precision, only upper triangular part of HH matrix is computed to speedup the method.
    def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, norm=None, precision=np.float64):
        super(SLFNSkCUDA, self).__init__(inputs, outputs, norm, precision)

        # startup GPU
        #self.ctx = misc.init_context(misc.init_device(nDevice))  # NO NO NO, crashes and does not release memory
        # use CUDA_DEVICE=0 python my-script.py
        except OSError as e:
            pass  # no 'cusolver' library which is paid and not needed
            # print "error initializing scikit-cuda: %s" % e
            # print "ignore if toolbox works"

        # precision-dependent stuff
        if precision is np.float64:
            self.posv = lapack.dposv
            self.posv = lapack.sposv
            self.handle = cublas.cublasCreate()

        # prepare GPU function kernels
        kernel = """
            __global__ void dev_sigm(%s *a) {
                unsigned idx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
                a[idx] = 1.0 / ( exp(a[idx]) + 1 );
        kernel = kernel % "double" if self.precision is np.float64 else kernel % "float"
        self.dev_sigm = SourceModule(kernel).get_function("dev_sigm")

        # GPU transformation functions
        self.func["lin"] = self._dev_lin
        self.func["sigm"] = self._dev_sigm
        self.func["tanh"] = self._dev_tanh
        self.func["rbf_l1"] = self._dev_rbfl1
        self.func["rbf_l2"] = self._dev_rbfl2
        self.func["rbf_linf"] = self._dev_rbflinf

    def _dev_lin(self, devX, devW, devB):
        """Linear function on GPU.

            devH (gpuarray): GPU matrix with the result.
        devH = misc.add_matvec(linalg.dot(devX, devW), devB, axis=1)
        return devH

    def _dev_sigm(self, devX, devW, devB):
        """Compute Sigmoid on GPU for a given array and return array."""

        #        def sigm(a):
        #            block = a._block
        #            grid = (int(np.ceil(1.0 * np.prod(a.shape) / block[0])), 1)
        #            dev_sigm.prepared_call(grid, block, a.gpudata)
        #            return a

        devH = misc.add_matvec(linalg.dot(devX, devW), devB, axis=1)
        block = devH._block
        grid = (int(np.ceil(1.0 * np.prod(devH.shape) / block[0])), 1)
        self.dev_sigm.prepared_call(grid, block, devH.gpudata)
        return devH

    def _dev_tanh(self, devX, devW, devB):
        """Hyperbolic tangent function on GPU.

            devH (gpuarray): GPU matrix with the result.
        devH = misc.add_matvec(linalg.dot(devX, devW), devB, axis=1)
        cumath.tanh(devH, out=devH)
        return devH

    def _dev_rbfl1(self, devX, devW, devB):
        # TODO: make proper GPU implementation of RBF_L1
        X = devX.get()
        W = devW.get()
        B = devB.get()
        devH = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.exp(-cdist(X, W.T, "cityblock")**2 / B))
        return devH

    def _dev_rbfl2(self, devX, devW, devB):
        # TODO: make proper GPU implementation of RBF_L2
        X = devX.get()
        W = devW.get()
        B = devB.get()
        devH = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.exp(-cdist(X, W.T, "euclidean")**2 / B))
        return devH

    def _dev_rbflinf(self, devX, devW, devB):
        # TODO: make proper GPU implementation of RBF_Linf
        X = devX.get()
        W = devW.get()
        B = devB.get()
        devH = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.exp(-cdist(X, W.T, "chebyshev")**2 / B))
        return devH

    def add_neurons(self, number, func, W, B):
        """Add prepared neurons to the SLFN, merge with existing ones.

        Adds a number of specific neurons to SLFN network. Weights and biases
        must be provided for that function.

        If neurons of such type already exist, they are merged together.

            number (int): the number of new neurons to add
            func (str): transformation function of hidden layer. Linear function creates a linear model.
            W (matrix): a 2-D matrix of neuron weights, size (`inputs` * `number`)
            B (vector): a 1-D vector of neuron biases, size (`number` * 1)
        ntypes = [nr[1] for nr in self.neurons]  # existing types of neurons
        if func in ntypes:
            # add to an existing neuron type
            i = ntypes.index(func)
            nn0, _, devW, devB = self.neurons[i]
            number = nn0 + number
            devW = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.hstack((devW.get(), W)))
            devB = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.hstack((devB.get(), B)))
            self.neurons[i] = (number, func, devW, devB)
            # create a new neuron type
            devW = gpuarray.to_gpu(W)
            devB = gpuarray.to_gpu(B)
            self.neurons.append((number, func, devW, devB))
        self.B = None

    def reset(self):
        """ Resets intermediate training results, releases memory that they use.

        Keeps solution of ELM, so a trained ELM remains operational.
        Can be called to free memory after an ELM is trained.
        self.L = sum([n[0] for n in self.neurons])  # get number of neurons
        self.HH = None
        self.HT = None

    def _project(self, X, dev=False):
        """Projects X to H, an auxiliary function that implements a particular projection.

        For actual projection, use `ELM.project()` instead.

            X (matrix): an input data matrix, size (N * `inputs`)
            dev (bool, optional): whether leave result in the GPU memory

            H (matrix): an SLFN hidden layer representation, size (N * `L`) where 'L' is number of neurons
        assert self.neurons is not None, "ELM has no neurons"
        X = np.array(X, order="C", dtype=self.precision)
        devX = gpuarray.to_gpu(X)
        devH = gpuarray.empty((X.shape[0], self.L), dtype=self.precision)
        i = 0
        for nn, ftype, devW, devB in self.neurons:
            devH[:, i:i + nn] = self.func[ftype](devX, devW, devB)
            i += nn

        H = devH if dev else devH.get()
        return H

    def _predict(self, X, dev=False):
        """Predict a batch of data. Auxiliary function that implements a particular prediction.

        For prediction, use `ELM.predict()` instead.

            X (matrix): input data size (N * `inputs`)
            dev (bool, optional): whether leave result in the GPU memory

            Y (matrix): predicted outputs size (N * `outputs`), always in float/double format.
        assert self.B is not None, "Solve the task before predicting"
        devH = self._project(X, dev=True)
        devY = linalg.dot(devH, self.B)
        Y = devY if dev else devY.get()
        return Y

    def add_batch(self, X, T, wc=None):
        """Add a batch of training data to an iterative solution, weighted if neeed.

        The batch is processed as a whole, the training data is splitted in `ELM.add_data()` method.
        With parameters HH_out, HT_out, the output will be put into these matrices instead of model.

            X (matrix): input data matrix size (N * `inputs`)
            T (matrix): output data matrix size (N * `outputs`)
            wc (vector): vector of weights for data samples, one weight per sample, size (N * 1)
            HH_out, HT_out (matrix, optional): output matrices to add batch result into, always given together
        devH = self._project(X, dev=True)
        T = np.array(T, order="C", dtype=self.precision)
        devT = gpuarray.to_gpu(T)
        if wc is not None:  # apply weights if given
            w = np.array(
                dtype=self.precision)[:, None]  # re-shape to column matrix
            devWC = gpuarray.to_gpu(w)
            misc.mult_matvec(devH, devWC, axis=0, out=devH)
            misc.mult_matvec(devT, devWC, axis=0, out=devT)

        if self.HH is None:  # initialize space for self.HH, self.HT
            self.HT = misc.zeros((self.L, self.outputs), dtype=self.precision)
            self.HH = linalg.eye(self.L, dtype=self.precision)
            self.HH *= self.norm

        linalg.add_dot(devH, devT, self.HT, transa='T')
        if self.precision is np.float64:
            linalg.add_dot(devH, devH, self.HH, transa='T')
            cublas.cublasSsyrk(self.handle, 'L', 'N', self.L, X.shape[0], 1,
                               devH.ptr, self.L, 1, self.HH.ptr, self.L)
#        self.ctx.synchronize()  # GPU runs asyncronously without that

    def solve(self):
        """Compute output weights B, with fix for unstable solution.
        HH = self.HH.get()
        HT = self.HT.get()
        B = self.solve_corr(HH, HT)
        self.B = gpuarray.to_gpu(B)

    def solve_corr(self, HH, HT):
        """Compute output weights B for given HH and HT.

        Simple but inefficient version, see a better one in solver_python.

            HH (matrix): covariance matrix of hidden layer represenation H, size (`L` * `L`)
            HT (matrix): correlation matrix between H and outputs T, size (`L` * `outputs`)
        _, B, info = self.posv(HH, HT)
        if info > 0:
                "ELM covariance matrix is not full rank; solving with SVD (slow)"
                "This happened because you have duplicated or too many neurons"
            HH = np.triu(HH) + np.triu(HH, k=1).T
            B = np.linalg.lstsq(HH, HT)[0]
        B = np.array(B, order='C', dtype=self.precision)
        return B

    def _prune(self, idx):
        """Leave only neurons with the given indexes.
        idx = list(idx)
        neurons = []
        for k, func, devW, devB in self.neurons:
            ix1 = [i for i in idx if i < k]  # index for current neuron type
            idx = [i - k for i in idx if i >= k]
            number = len(ix1)
            W = devW.get()
            W = np.array(W[:, ix1], order='C')
            devW = gpuarray.to_gpu(W)
            B = devB.get()
            B = np.array(B[ix1], order='C')
            devB = gpuarray.to_gpu(B)
            neurons.append((number, func, devW, devB))
        self.neurons = neurons
        # reset invalid parameters
        self.B = None

    def get_B(self):
        """Return B as a numpy array.
        if self.B is None:
            B = None
            B = self.B.get()
        return B

    def set_B(self, B):
        """Set B as a numpy array.

            B (matrix): output layer weights matrix, size (`L` * `outputs`)
        assert B.shape[
            0] == self.L, "Incorrect first dimension: %d expected, %d found" % (
                self.L, B.shape[0])
        assert B.shape[
            1] == self.outputs, "Incorrect output dimension: %d expected, %d found" % (
                self.outputs, B.shape[1])
        self.B = gpuarray.to_gpu(B.astype(self.precision))

    def get_corr(self):
        """Return current correlation matrices.
        if self.HH is None:
            HH = None
            HT = None
            HH = self.HH.get()
            HT = self.HT.get()
            HH = np.triu(HH) + np.triu(HH, k=1).T
        return HH, HT

    def set_corr(self, HH, HT):
        """Set pre-computed correlation matrices.

            HH (matrix): covariance matrix of hidden layer represenation H, size (`L` * `L`)
            HT (matrix): correlation matrix between H and outputs T, size (`L` * `outputs`)
        assert self.neurons is not None, "Add or load neurons before using ELM"
        assert HH.shape[0] == HH.shape[1], "HH must be a square matrix"
        msg = "Wrong HH dimension: (%d, %d) expected, %s found" % (
            self.L, self.L, HH.shape)
        assert HH.shape[0] == self.L, msg
        assert HH.shape[0] == HT.shape[
            0], "HH and HT must have the same number of rows (%d)" % self.L
        assert HT.shape[
            1] == self.outputs, "Number of columns in HT must equal number of outputs (%d)" % self.outputs
        self.HH = gpuarray.to_gpu(HH.astype(self.precision))
        self.HT = gpuarray.to_gpu(HT.astype(self.precision))

    def get_neurons(self):
        """Return current neurons.

            neurons (list of tuples (number/int, func/string, W/matrix, B/vector)): current neurons in the model
        neurons = []
        for number, func, devW, devB in self.neurons:
            neurons.append((number, func, devW.get(), devB.get()))
        return neurons