コード例 #1
    def validate(
        cls, value: Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime, str, bytes, int, float]
    ) -> Union[datetime.datetime, datetime.date, str]:
        """ """
        if isinstance(value, datetime.date):
            return value

        if not isinstance(value, str):
            # default handler
            return parse_datetime(value)
        match = FHIR_DATE_PARTS.match(value)
        if match:
            if (
                and match.groupdict().get("month")
                and match.groupdict().get("day")
                return parse_date(value)
            elif match.groupdict().get("year") and match.groupdict().get("month"):
                if int(match.groupdict()["month"]) > 12:
                    raise DateError()
            # we don't want to loose actual information, so keep as string
            return value
        if not cls.regex.match(value):
            raise DateTimeError()

        return parse_datetime(value)
コード例 #2
    def validate(
        cls, value: Union[datetime.date, str, bytes, int, float]
    ) -> Union[datetime.date, str]:
        """ """
        if not isinstance(value, str):
            # default handler
            return parse_date(value)

        match = FHIR_DATE_PARTS.match(value)

        if not match:
            if not cls.regex.match(value):
                raise DateError()
        elif not match.groupdict().get("day"):
            if match.groupdict().get("month") and int(match.groupdict()["month"]) > 12:
                raise DateError()
            # we keep original
            return value
        return parse_date(value)