def events(): if (request.method == 'POST'): username = session['username'] eventname = request.form['eventname'] date = request.form['dateinput'] stime = request.form['stime'] etime = request.form['etime'] descrip = request.form['description'] eventId = get_random_number() con = sqlite3.connect('database.db') con.execute( "INSERT INTO events (username, eventName, date, startTime, endTime, description, eventId) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (username, eventname, date, stime, etime, descrip, eventId)) con.commit() con.close() return redirect(url_for('events')) if 'id' in session: events = fetchEvents(session['username']) frndRequests = fetchFriendRequests(session['username']) if (len(frndRequests) > 0): return render_template('events.html', username=session['username'], e=events, no=len(events), tempdate="1234", alert=len(frndRequests)) return render_template('events.html', username=session['username'], e=events, no=len(events), tempdate="1234") else: return redirect('login')
def home(): if 'id' in session: frndRequests = fetchFriendRequests(session['username']) if (len(frndRequests) > 0): return render_template('home.html', alert=len(frndRequests)) return render_template('home.html') else: return redirect(url_for('login'))
def tweets(): if request.method == 'POST': global f_name username = session['username'] message = request.form['message'] posttime = str([0:19] Id = random.randint(0, 9999999999) if request.files['fileupload']: f = request.files['fileupload'] f_name = 'static/uploads/' + str(Id) + '.' + f.filename.split( '.')[1] uploadedIMG = os.path.join(f_name) + '.' + f.filename.split('.')[1])) upload(str(Id) + '.' + f.filename.split('.')[1], 'wdlminiproject') os.remove(str(Id) + '.' + f.filename.split('.')[1]) con = sqlite3.connect('database.db') con.execute( "INSERT INTO tweets (username, message, postTime, Id, filename) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (username, message, posttime, Id, f_name)) con.commit() con.close() else: con = sqlite3.connect('database.db') con.execute( "INSERT INTO tweets (username, message, postTime, Id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (username, message, posttime, Id)) con.commit() con.close() if 'id' in session: username = session['username'] frndRequests = fetchFriendRequests(username) tweets = [] friends = fetchFriends(username) friends.append(username) now = str([0:19] for i in friends: row = fetchTweets(i) for j in row: j = list(j) ago = timeago.format(j[2], now) j.append(ago) j = [j[2]] + j tweets.append(j) tweets.sort(reverse=True) if (len(frndRequests) > 0): print(tweets) return render_template('tweets.html', tweets=tweets, alert=len(frndRequests)) return render_template('tweets.html', tweets=tweets) return redirect(url_for('home'))
def notifications(): if 'id' in session: username = session['username'] friendRequests = fetchFriendRequests(username) frndData = [] for i in friendRequests: row = fetchUser(i[0]) frndData.append(row) if (len(frndData) == 0): return render_template('notifications.html', msg="No new friend request") return render_template('notifications.html', frndData=frndData, alert=len(friendRequests))
def profile(): if 'id' in session: username = session['username'] updateNumEvents(username) updateNumFriends(username) updateNumTweets(username) data = fetchUser(session['username']) frndRequests = fetchFriendRequests(session['username']) if (len(frndRequests) > 0): return render_template('profile.html', username=session['username'], data=data[0], alert=len(frndRequests)) return render_template('profile.html', username=session['username'], data=data[0]) return redirect('home')
def friends(): if request.method == 'POST': username = session['username'] suser = request.form['suser'] suserData = fetchUser(suser) friends = fetchFriends(username) friendsdata = fetchFriendsdata(username) frndRequests = fetchFriendRequests(username) if (checkRequestExists(username, suser)): if (len(frndRequests) > 0): return render_template('friends.html', msg="Request already sent to user", friends=friendsdata, alert=len(frndRequests)) return render_template('friends.html', msg="Request already sent to user", friends=friendsdata) if (len(suserData) == 0): if (len(frndRequests) > 0): return render_template('friends.html', msg="No such user found", friends=friendsdata, alert=len(frndRequests)) return render_template('friends.html', msg="No such user found", friends=friendsdata) else: if suserData[0][0] in friends: if (len(frndRequests) > 0): return render_template('friends.html', msg="User already your friend.", friends=friendsdata, alert=len(frndRequests)) return render_template('friends.html', msg="User already your friend.", friends=friendsdata) elif suserData[0][0] == username: if (len(frndRequests) > 0): return render_template( 'friends.html', msg="Find a friend other than yourself.", friends=friendsdata, alert=len(frndRequests)) return render_template( 'friends.html', msg="Find a friend other than yourself.", friends=friendsdata) else: if (len(frndRequests) > 0): return render_template('friends.html', msg="User found", sfriend=suserData, friends=friendsdata, alert=len(frndRequests)) return render_template('friends.html', msg="User found", sfriend=suserData, friends=friendsdata) if 'id' in session: username = session['username'] friendsdata = fetchFriendsdata(username) frndRequests = fetchFriendRequests(username) if (len(frndRequests) > 0): return render_template( 'friends.html', msg="Search for friends to connect with them.", friends=friendsdata, alert=len(frndRequests)) return render_template('friends.html', msg="Search for friends to connect with them.", friends=friendsdata) return render_template('friends.html', msg="Search for friends to connect with them.")