コード例 #1
ファイル: distance.py プロジェクト: zhengjianzmy/traj-dist
def sowd_grid(traj_1, traj_2, type_d="euclidean", converted=None, precision=None):
    Compute the Symmetrized One_Way Distance between trajectory traj_1 and traj_2

    type_d's parameters available are "euclidean" or "spherical".
    - "euclidean" can handle every types of coordinate.
    - "spherical" implies a 2-dimensional trajectory where first dimensions is longitudes coordinate and second
    dimension is latitute coordinate.

    'sowd_grid' computes distance between trajectory in grid representation. If the coordinate
    are spherical, this conversion can be made according to the geohash encoding. If so, the geohash 'precision'
    is needed. Otherwise trajectory are considered encoded in cells representation


    param traj_1:        : a 2-D numpry array
    param traj_2:        : a 2-D numpry array
    param type_d :       : string, distance type_d used (spherical or euclidean)
    param converted      : Boolean, if True trajectories are considered in cells representation
    param precision      : Geohash precisions for conversion


    dist : a float. The sowd_grid distance between traj_1 and traj_2
    dim_1 = traj_1.shape[1]
    dim_2 = traj_2.shape[1]

    if dim_1 != 2 or dim_2 != 2:
        raise ValueError("Trajectories should be in 2D. t1 is %dD and t2 is %d given" % (dim_1, dim_2))

    if not (type_d in ["spherical", "euclidean"]):
        raise ValueError("The type_d argument should be 'euclidean' or 'spherical'\ntype_d given is : " + type_d)

    if type_d == "euclidean" and not converted:
        raise Warning("Euclidean implementation for distance sowd_grid is not "
                      "disponible if your data is not already converted in cell format")

    if converted is None:
        warnings.warn("converted parameter should be specified for metric sowd_grid. Default "
                      "is True")
        converted = True
    if converted:
        cells_list = [traj_1, traj_2]
        if precision is None:
            warnings.warn("precision parameter should be specified for metric sowd_grid if converted "
                          "is False. Default is 7")
            precision = 7
        cells_list_, _, _, _, _ = trajectory_set_grid([traj_1, traj_2], precision)
        cells_list = [np.array(cells_list_[0])[:, :2], np.array(cells_list_[1])[:, :2]]

    dist_func = METRIC_DIC[type_d]["sowd_grid"]
    dist = dist_func(cells_list[0], cells_list[1])
    return dist
コード例 #2
ファイル: distance.py プロジェクト: zhengjianzmy/traj-dist
def cdist(traj_list_1, traj_list_2, metric="sspd", type_d="euclidean", converted=None,
          eps=None, g=None):
    Computes distance between each pair of the two list of trajectories

    metrics available are :

    1. 'sspd'

        Computes the distances using the Symmetrized Segment Path distance.

    2. 'dtw'

        Computes the distances using the Dynamic Path Warping distance.

    3. 'lcss'

        Computes the distances using the Longuest Common SubSequence distance

    4. 'hausdorf'

        Computes the distances using the Hausdorff distance.

    5. 'frechet'

        Computes the distances using the Frechet distance.

    6. 'discret_frechet'

        Computes the distances using the Discrete Frechet distance.

    7. 'sowd_grid'

        Computes the distances using the Symmetrized One Way Distance.

    8. 'erp'

        Computes the distances using the Edit Distance with real Penalty.

    9. 'edr'

        Computes the distances using the Edit Distance on Real sequence.

    type_d available are "euclidean" or "spherical". Some distance can be computing according to spherical space
    instead of euclidean. If so, traj_0 and traj_1 have to be 2-dimensional. First column is longitude, second one
    is latitude.

    'sowd_grid', compute distance between trajectory in grid representation. If the coordinate
    are spherical, this conversion can be made according to the geohash encoding. If so, the geohash 'precision'
    is needed.

    'edr' and 'lcss' require 'eps' parameter. These distance assume that two locations are similar, or not, according
    to a given threshold, eps.

    'erp' require g parameter. This distance require a gap parameter. Which must have same dimension that the


    param traj_list:       a list of nT numpy array trajectory
    param metric :         string, distance used
    param type_d :         string, distance type_d used (spherical or euclidean)
    param converted :      boolean, specified if the data are converted in cell format (sowd_grid)
    param precision :      int, precision of geohash (sowd_grid)
    param eps :            float, threshold distance (edr and lcss)
    param g :              numpy arrays, gaps (erp distance)


    M : a nT1 x nT2 numpy array. Where the i,j entry is the distance between traj_list_1[i] and traj_list_2[j]


    list_dim_1 = map(lambda x: x.shape[1], traj_list_1)
    nb_traj_1 = len(traj_list_1)
    list_dim_2 = map(lambda x: x.shape[1], traj_list_2)
    nb_traj_2 = len(traj_list_2)
    if not (len(set(list_dim_1 + list_dim_2)) == 1):
        raise ValueError("All trajectories must have same dimesion !")
    dim = list_dim_1[0]

    if not (metric in ["sspd", "dtw", "lcss", "hausdorff", "frechet", "discret_frechet", "sowd_grid",
                       "erp", "edr"]):
        raise ValueError("The metric argument should be 'sspd', 'dtw', 'lcss','erp','edr' 'hausdorff', 'frechet',"
                         "'discret_frechet' or 'sowd_grid'\nmetric given is : " + metric)

    if not (type_d in ["spherical", "euclidean"]):
        raise ValueError("The type_d argument should be 'euclidean' or 'spherical'\ntype_d given is : " + type_d)

    print("Computing " + type_d + " distance " + metric + " for %d and %d trajectories" % (nb_traj_1, nb_traj_2))
    M = np.zeros((nb_traj_1, nb_traj_2))
    dist = METRIC_DIC[type_d][metric]
    if metric.startswith("sowd_grid"):
        if converted is None:
            warnings.warn("converted parameter should be specified for metric sowd_grid. Default "
                          "is True")
            converted = True
        if converted:
            cells_list_1 = traj_list_1
            cells_list_2 = traj_list_2
            if precision is None:
                warnings.warn("precision parameter should be specified for metric sowd_grid  if converted "
                              "is False. Default is 7")
                precision = 7
            cells_list, _, _, _, _ = trajectory_set_grid(traj_list_1 + traj_list_2, precision)
            cells_list_1 = map(lambda x: np.array(x)[:, :2], cells_list[:nb_traj_1])
            cells_list_2 = map(lambda x: np.array(x)[:, :2], cells_list[nb_traj_1:])
        for i in range(nb_traj_1):
            cells_list_1_i = cells_list_1[i]
            for j in range(nb_traj_2):
                cells_list_2_j = cells_list_2[j]
                M[i, j] = dist(cells_list_1_i, cells_list_2_j)
    elif metric == "erp":
        if g is None:
            g = np.zeros(dim, dtype=float)
            warnings.warn("g parameter should be specified for metric erp. Default is ")
            if g.shape[0] != dim:
                raise ValueError("g and trajectories in list should have same dimension")
        for i in range(nb_traj_1):
            traj_list_1_i = traj_list_1[i]
            for j in range(nb_traj_2):
                traj_list_2_j = traj_list_2[j]
                M[i, j] = dist(traj_list_1_i, traj_list_2_j, g)
    elif metric == "lcss" or metric == "edr":
        if eps is None:
            warnings.warn("eps parameter should be specified for metric 'lcss' and 'edr', default is 100 ")
            eps = 100
        for i in range(nb_traj_1):
            traj_list_1_i = traj_list_1[i]
            for j in range(nb_traj_2):
                traj_list_2_j = traj_list_2[j]
                M[i, j] = dist(traj_list_1_i, traj_list_2_j, eps)
        for i in range(nb_traj_1):
            traj_list_1_i = traj_list_1[i]
            for j in range(nb_traj_2):
                traj_list_2_j = traj_list_2[j]
                M[i, j] = dist(traj_list_1_i, traj_list_2_j)
    return M
コード例 #3
def pdist(traj_list, metric="sspd", type_d="euclidean", implementation="auto", converted = None, precision = None,
              eps= None, g = None ):
    Pairwise distances between trajectory in traj_list.

    metrics available are :

    1. 'sspd'

        Computes the distances using the Symmetrized Segment Path distance.

    2. 'dtw'

        Computes the distances using the Dynamic Path Warping distance.

    3. 'lcss'

        Computes the distances using the Longuest Common SubSequence distance

    4. 'hausdorf'

        Computes the distances using the Hausdorff distance.

    5. 'frechet'

        Computes the distances using the Frechet distance.

    6. 'discret_frechet'

        Computes the distances using the Discrete Frechet distance.

    7. 'sowd_grid'

        Computes the distances using the Symmetrized One Way Distance.

    8. 'erp'

        Computes the distances using the Edit Distance with real Penalty.

    9. 'edr'

        Computes the distances using the Edit Distance on Real sequence.

    type_d available are "euclidean" or "geographical". Some distance can be computing according to geographical space
    instead of euclidean. If so, traj_0 and traj_1 have to be 2-dimensional. First column is longitude, second one
    is latitude.

    If the distance traj_0 and traj_1 are 2-dimensional, the cython implementation is used else the python one is used.
    unless "python" implementation is specified

    'sowd_grid' computes distance between trajectory in grid representation. If the coordinate
    are geographical, this conversion can be made according to the geohash encoding. If so, the geohash 'precision'
    is needed.

    'edr' and 'lcss' require 'eps' parameter. These distance assume that two locations are similar, or not, according
    to a given threshold, eps.

    'erp' require g parameter. This distance require a gap parameter. Which must have same dimension that the


    param traj_list:       a list of nT numpy array trajectory
    param metric :         string, distance used
    param type_d :         string, distance type_d used (geographical or euclidean)
    param implementation : string, implementation used (python, cython, auto)
    param converted :      boolean, specified if the data are converted in cell format (sowd_grid
    param precision :      int, precision of geohash (sowd_grid )
    param eps :            float, threshold distance (edr and lcss)
    param g :              numpy arrays, gaps (erp distance)


    M : a nT x nT numpy array. Where the i,j entry is the distance between traj_list[i] and traj_list[j]

    list_dim = map(lambda x: x.shape[1] if len(x.shape)>1 else 1, traj_list)
    nb_traj = len(traj_list)
    if not (len(set(list_dim)) == 1):
        raise ValueError("All trajectories must have same dimesion !")
    dim= list_dim[0]

    if not (metric in ["sspd", "dtw", "lcss", "hausdorff", "frechet", "discret_frechet", "sowd_grid",
                       "erp", "edr"]):
        raise ValueError("The metric argument should be 'sspd', 'dtw', 'lcss','erp','edr' 'hausdorff', 'frechet',"
                         "'discret_frechet' or 'sowd_grid' \nmetric given is : " + metric)

    if not (type_d in ["geographical", "euclidean"]):
        raise ValueError("The type_d argument should be 'euclidean' or 'geographical'\ntype_d given is : " + type_d)

    if not (implementation in ["cython", "python", "auto"]):
        raise ValueError("The implementation argument should be 'cython', 'python' or 'auto'\n implementation given "
                         "is : " + implementation)

    if type_d == "geographical" and (metric in ["frechet", "discret_frechet"]):
        raise ValueError("Geographical implementation for distance "+metric+" is not "
    if type_d == "euclidean" and (metric in ["sowd","sowd_grid"]):
        if not(converted):
            raise ValueError("Euclidean implementation for distance "+metric+" is not "
                             "disponible if your data is not already converted in cell format")
    if dim!=2 and implementation == "cython":
        raise ValueError("Implementation with cython is disponible only with 2-dimension trajectories, "
                         "not %d-dimension" %dim)
    if dim!=2 and implementation == "geographical":
        raise ValueError("Geographical distance implies 2-dimension trajectories, "
                         "not %d-dimension" %dim)

    if implementation =="auto":
        if dim == 2:
            implementation = "cython"
            implementation = "python"

    print("Computing " + type_d + " distance " + metric + " with implementation " + implementation + " for %d trajectories" % nb_traj)
    M = np.zeros(sum(range(nb_traj)))
    dist = METRIC_DIC[type_d][implementation][metric]
    if metric.startswith("sowd_grid"):
        if converted is None:
            warnings.warn("converted parameter should be specified for metric sowd_grid. Default "
                          "is True")
            converted = True
        if converted:
            if precision is None:
                warnings.warn("precision parameter should be specified for metric sowd_grid if converted "
                      "is False. Default is 7")
                precision = 7
            print("Cells conversion start")
            cells_list_, _, _, _, _ =trajectory_set_grid(traj_list,precision)
            cells_list = map(lambda x : np.array(x)[:,:2],cells_list_)
            print("Cells conversion ok")
        im = 0
        for i in range(nb_traj):
            for j in range(i + 1, nb_traj):
                M[im] = dist(cells_list_i, cells_list_j)
    elif metric == "erp":
        if g is None:
            g = np.zeros(dim,dtype=float)
            warnings.warn("g parameter should be specified for metric erp. Default is ")
            if g.shape[0]!= dim :
                raise ValueError("g and trajectories in list should have same dimension")
        im = 0
        for i in range(nb_traj):
            traj_list_i = traj_list[i]
            for j in range(i + 1, nb_traj):
                traj_list_j = traj_list[j]
                M[im] = dist(traj_list_i, traj_list_j,g)
    elif metric == "lcss" or metric == "edr":
        if eps is None:
            warnings.warn("eps parameter should be specified for metric 'lcss' and 'edr', default is 100 ")
        im = 0
        for i in range(nb_traj):
            traj_list_i = traj_list[i]
            for j in range(i + 1, nb_traj):
                traj_list_j = traj_list[j]
                M[im] = dist(traj_list_i, traj_list_j,eps)
        for i in range(nb_traj):
            traj_list_i = traj_list[i]
            for j in range(i + 1, nb_traj):
                traj_list_j = traj_list[j]
                M[im] = dist(traj_list_i, traj_list_j)
    return M
コード例 #4
def cdist(traj_list_1, traj_list_2, metric="sspd", type_d="euclidean", implementation="auto", converted = None, precision = None,
          eps= None, g = None ):
    Computes distance between each pair of the two list of trajectories

    metrics available are :

    1. 'sspd'

        Computes the distances using the Symmetrized Segment Path distance.

    2. 'dtw'

        Computes the distances using the Dynamic Path Warping distance.

    3. 'lcss'

        Computes the distances using the Longuest Common SubSequence distance

    4. 'hausdorf'

        Computes the distances using the Hausdorff distance.

    5. 'frechet'

        Computes the distances using the Frechet distance.

    6. 'discret_frechet'

        Computes the distances using the Discrete Frechet distance.

    7. 'sowd_grid'

        Computes the distances using the Symmetrized One Way Distance.

    8. 'erp'

        Computes the distances using the Edit Distance with real Penalty.

    9. 'edr'

        Computes the distances using the Edit Distance on Real sequence.

    type_d available are "euclidean" or "geographical". Some distance can be computing according to geographical space
    instead of euclidean. If so, traj_0 and traj_1 have to be 2-dimensional. First column is longitude, second one
    is latitude.

    If the distance traj_0 and traj_1 are 2-dimensional, the cython implementation is used else the python one is used.
    unless "python" implementation is specified

    'sowd_grid', compute distance between trajectory in grid representation. If the coordinate
    are geographical, this conversion can be made according to the geohash encoding. If so, the geohash 'precision'
    is needed.

    'edr' and 'lcss' require 'eps' parameter. These distance assume that two locations are similar, or not, according
    to a given threshold, eps.

    'erp' require g parameter. This distance require a gap parameter. Which must have same dimension that the


    param traj_list:       a list of nT numpy array trajectory
    param metric :         string, distance used
    param type_d :         string, distance type_d used (geographical or euclidean)
    param implementation : string, implementation used (python, cython, auto)
    param converted :      boolean, specified if the data are converted in cell format (sowd_grid)
    param precision :      int, precision of geohash (sowd_grid)
    param eps :            float, threshold distance (edr and lcss)
    param g :              numpy arrays, gaps (erp distance)


    M : a nT1 x nT2 numpy array. Where the i,j entry is the distance between traj_list_1[i] and traj_list_2[j]


    list_dim_1 = map(lambda x: x.shape[1], traj_list_1)
    nb_traj_1 = len(traj_list_1)
    list_dim_2 = map(lambda x: x.shape[1], traj_list_2)
    nb_traj_2 = len(traj_list_2)
    if not (len(set(list_dim_1 + list_dim_2)) == 1):
        raise ValueError("All trajectories must have same dimesion !")
    dim= list_dim_1[0]

    if not (metric in ["sspd", "dtw", "lcss", "hausdorff", "frechet", "discret_frechet", "sowd_grid",
                       "erp", "edr"]):
        raise ValueError("The metric argument should be 'sspd', 'dtw', 'lcss','erp','edr' 'hausdorff', 'frechet',"
                         "'discret_frechet' or 'sowd_grid'\nmetric given is : " + metric)

    if not (type_d in ["geographical", "euclidean"]):
        raise ValueError("The type_d argument should be 'euclidean' or 'geographical'\ntype_d given is : " + type_d)

    if not (implementation in ["cython", "python", "auto"]):
        raise ValueError("The implementation argument should be 'cython', 'python' or 'auto'\n implementation given "
                         "is : " + implementation)

    if type_d == "geographical" and (metric in ["frechet", "discret_frechet"]):
        raise ValueError("Geographical implementation for distance "+metric+" is not "
    if type_d == "euclidean" and (metric in ["sowd","sowd_grid"]):
        if not(converted):
            raise ValueError("Euclidean implementation for distance "+metric+" is not "
                             "disponible if your data is not already converted in cell format")
    if dim!=2 and implementation == "cython":
        raise ValueError("Implementation with cython is disponible only with 2-dimension trajectories, "
                         "not %d-dimension" %dim)

    if implementation =="auto":
        if dim == 2:
            implementation = "cython"
            implementation = "python"

    print("Computing " + type_d + " distance " + metric + " with implementation " + implementation + " for %d and %d "
                                                                                                   "trajectories" %
    M = np.zeros((nb_traj_1, nb_traj_2))
    dist = METRIC_DIC[type_d][implementation][metric]
    if metric.startswith("sowd_grid"):
        if converted is None:
            warnings.warn("converted parameter should be specified for metric sowd_grid. Default "
                          "is True")
            converted = True
        if converted:
            if precision is None:
                warnings.warn("precision parameter should be specified for metric sowd_grid  if converted "
                      "is False. Default is 7")
                precision = 7
            cells_list, _, _, _, _ =trajectory_set_grid(traj_list_1+traj_list_2,precision)
            cells_list_1 =  map(lambda x : np.array(x)[:,:2],cells_list[:nb_traj_1])
            cells_list_2 =  map(lambda x : np.array(x)[:,:2],cells_list[nb_traj_1:])
        for i in range(nb_traj_1):
            cells_list_1_i = cells_list_1[i]
            for j in range(nb_traj_2):
                cells_list_2_j = cells_list_2[j]
                M[i, j] = dist(cells_list_1_i, cells_list_2_j)
    elif metric == "erp":
        if g is None:
            g = np.zeros(dim,dtype=float)
            warnings.warn("g parameter should be specified for metric erp. Default is ")
            if g.shape[0]!= dim :
                raise ValueError("g and trajectories in list should have same dimension")
        for i in range(nb_traj_1):
            traj_list_1_i = traj_list_1[i]
            for j in range(nb_traj_2):
                traj_list_2_j = traj_list_2[j]
                M[i, j] = dist(traj_list_1_i, traj_list_2_j,g)
    elif metric == "lcss" or metric == "edr":
        if eps is None:
            warnings.warn("eps parameter should be specified for metric 'lcss' and 'edr', default is 100 ")
        for i in range(nb_traj_1):
            traj_list_1_i = traj_list_1[i]
            for j in range(nb_traj_2):
                traj_list_2_j = traj_list_2[j]
                M[i, j] = dist(traj_list_1_i, traj_list_2_j,eps)
        for i in range(nb_traj_1):
            traj_list_1_i = traj_list_1[i]
            for j in range(nb_traj_2):
                traj_list_2_j = traj_list_2[j]
                M[i, j] = dist(traj_list_1_i, traj_list_2_j)
    return M
コード例 #5
def sowd_grid(traj_1, traj_2, type_d = "euclidean", implementation = "auto", converted = None, precision=None):
    Compute the Symmetrized One_Way Distance between trajectory traj_1 and traj_2

    type_d's parameters available are "euclidean" or "geographical".
    - "euclidean" can handle every trajectory dimensions.
    - "geographical" implies a 2-dimensional trajectory where first dimensions is longitudes coordinate and second
    dimension is latitute coordinate.

    If the distance traj_0 and traj_1 are 2-dimensional, the cython implementation is used, otherwised the python one
    is used, unless "python" implementation is specified

    'sowd_grid' computes distance between trajectory in grid representation. If the coordinate
    are geographical, this conversion can be made according to the geohash encoding. If so, the geohash 'precision'
    is needed. Otherwise trajectory are considered encoded in cells representation


    param traj_1:        : a 2-D numpry array
    param traj_2:        : a 2-D numpry array
    param type_d :       : string, distance type_d used (geographical or euclidean)
    param implementation : string, implementation used (python, cython, auto)
    param converted      : Boolean, if True trajectories are considered in cells representation
    param precision      : Geohash precisions for conversion


    dist : a float. The sowd_grid distance between traj_1 and traj_2
    dim_1= traj_1.shape[1]
    dim_2= traj_2.shape[1]

    if dim_1 != dim_2:
        raise ValueError("Trajectories should have same dimensions. %d and %d given" %(dim_1,dim_2))
    dim = dim_1

    if not (type_d in ["geographical", "euclidean"]):
        raise ValueError("The type_d argument should be 'euclidean' or 'geographical'\ntype_d given is : " + type_d)

    if not (implementation in ["cython", "python", "auto"]):
        raise ValueError("The implementation argument should be 'cython', 'python' or 'auto'\n implementation given "
                         "is : " + implementation)
    if type_d == "euclidean" and not(converted):
            raise Warning("Euclidean implementation for distance sowd_grid is not "
                             "disponible if your data is not already converted in cell format")
    if dim!=2 and implementation == "cython":
        raise ValueError("Implementation with cython is disponible only with 2-dimension trajectories, "
                         "not %d-dimension" %dim)
    if dim!=2 and implementation == "geographical":
        raise ValueError("Geographical distance implies 2-dimension trajectories, "
                         "not %d-dimension" %dim)

    if implementation =="auto":
        if dim == 2:
            implementation = "cython"
            implementation = "python"

    if converted is None:
        warnings.warn("converted parameter should be specified for metric sowd_grid. Default "
                      "is True")
        converted = True
    if converted:
        cells_list=[traj_1, traj_2]
        if precision is None:
            warnings.warn("precision parameter should be specified for metric sowd_grid if converted "
                  "is False. Default is 7")
            precision = 7
        print("Cells conversion start")
        cells_list_, _, _, _, _ =trajectory_set_grid([traj_1, traj_2],precision)
        cells_list = [np.array(cells_list_[0])[:,:2],np.array(cells_list_[1])[:,:2]]
        print("Cells conversion ok")

    dist_func = METRIC_DIC[type_d][implementation]["sowd_grid"]
    dist = dist_func(cells_list[0], cells_list[1])
    return dist