def stanForOb(self, ob, summary=False): current_docstring = self.currentDocstringForObject(ob) if summary: return epydoc2stan.doc2html( ob.doctarget, summary=True, docstring=current_docstring)[0] r = [tags.div[epydoc2stan.doc2html(ob.doctarget, docstring=current_docstring)[0]], tags.a(href="edit?ob="+ob.fullName())["Edit"], " "] if ob.doctarget in self.editsbyob: r.append(tags.a(href="history?ob="+ob.fullName())[ "View docstring history (", len(self.editsbyob[ob.doctarget]), " versions)"]) else: r.append(tags.span(class_='undocumented')["No edits yet."]) return r
def stanForOb(self, ob, summary=False): current_docstring = self.currentDocstringForObject(ob) if summary: return epydoc2stan.doc2html(ob.doctarget, summary=True, docstring=current_docstring)[0] r = [ tags.div[epydoc2stan.doc2html(ob.doctarget, docstring=current_docstring)[0]], tags.a(href="edit?ob=" + ob.fullName())["Edit"], " " ] if ob.doctarget in self.editsbyob: r.append( tags.a(href="history?ob=" + ob.fullName())["View docstring history (", len(self.editsbyob[ob.doctarget]), " versions)"]) else: r.append(tags.span(class_='undocumented')["No edits yet."]) return r
def moduleSummary(modorpack): r =[taglink(modorpack), ' - ', epydoc2stan.doc2html(modorpack, summary=True)[0]] if not isinstance(modorpack, model.Package): return r contents = [m for m in modorpack.orderedcontents if m.isVisible and != '__init__'] if not contents: return r ul = tags.ul() for m in sorted(contents, key=lambda m:m.fullName()): ul[moduleSummary(m)] return r[ul]
def moduleSummary(modorpack): r =[taglink(modorpack), ' - ', epydoc2stan.doc2html(modorpack, summary=True)[0]] if not isinstance(modorpack, model.Package): return r contents = [ m for m in modorpack.orderedcontents if m.isVisible and != '__init__' ] if not contents: return r ul = tags.ul() for m in sorted(contents, key=lambda m: m.fullName()): ul[moduleSummary(m)] return r[ul]
def subclassesFrom(hostsystem, cls, anchors): r = name = cls.fullName() if name not in anchors: r[tags.a(name=name)] anchors.add(name) r[taglink(cls), ' - ', epydoc2stan.doc2html(cls, summary=True)[0]] scs = [sc for sc in cls.subclasses if sc.system is hostsystem and ' ' not in sc.fullName() and sc.isVisible] if len(scs) > 0: ul = tags.ul() for sc in sorted(scs, key=_lckey): ul[subclassesFrom(hostsystem, sc, anchors)] r[ul] return r
def subclassesFrom(hostsystem, cls, anchors): r = name = cls.fullName() if name not in anchors: r[tags.a(name=name)] anchors.add(name) r[taglink(cls), ' - ', epydoc2stan.doc2html(cls, summary=True)[0]] scs = [ sc for sc in cls.subclasses if sc.system is hostsystem and ' ' not in sc.fullName() and sc.isVisible ] if len(scs) > 0: ul = tags.ul() for sc in sorted(scs, key=_lckey): ul[subclassesFrom(hostsystem, sc, anchors)] r[ul] return r
def render_preview(self, context, data): docstring = parse_str(self.docstring) stan, errors = epydoc2stan.doc2html( self.ob, docstring=docstring) if self.isPreview or errors: if errors: tag = context.tag #print stan, errors #assert isinstance(stan, tags.pre) [text] = stan.children lines = text.replace('\r\n', '\n').split('\n') line2err = {} for err in errors: if isinstance(err, str): ln = None else: ln = err.linenum() line2err.setdefault(ln, []).append(err) w = len(str(len(lines))) for i, line in enumerate(lines): i += 1 cls = "preview" if i in line2err: cls += " error" tag[tags.pre(class_=cls)["%*s"%(w, i), ' ', line]] for err in line2err.get(i, []): tag[tags.p(class_="errormessage")[err.descr()]] i += 1 for err in line2err.get(i, []): tag[tags.p(class_="errormessage")[err.descr()]] items = [] for err in line2err.get(None, []): items.append([str(err)]) if items: tag[tags.ul[items]] else: tag = context.tag[stan] return tag[tags.h2["Edit"]] else: return ()
def render_preview(self, context, data): docstring = parse_str(self.docstring) stan, errors = epydoc2stan.doc2html(self.ob, docstring=docstring) if self.isPreview or errors: if errors: tag = context.tag #print stan, errors #assert isinstance(stan, tags.pre) [text] = stan.children lines = text.replace('\r\n', '\n').split('\n') line2err = {} for err in errors: if isinstance(err, str): ln = None else: ln = err.linenum() line2err.setdefault(ln, []).append(err) w = len(str(len(lines))) for i, line in enumerate(lines): i += 1 cls = "preview" if i in line2err: cls += " error" tag[tags.pre(class_=cls)["%*s" % (w, i), ' ', line]] for err in line2err.get(i, []): tag[tags.p(class_="errormessage")[err.descr()]] i += 1 for err in line2err.get(i, []): tag[tags.p(class_="errormessage")[err.descr()]] items = [] for err in line2err.get(None, []): items.append([str(err)]) if items: tag[tags.ul[items]] else: tag = context.tag[stan] return tag[tags.h2["Edit"]] else: return ()
def get(self, ob, summary=False): return epydoc2stan.doc2html(ob, summary=summary)[0]
def main(args): import cPickle options, args = parse_args(args) exitcode = 0 if options.configfile: readConfigFile(options) try: # step 1: make/find the system if options.systemclass: systemclass = findClassFromDottedName(options.systemclass, '--system-class') if not issubclass(systemclass, model.System): msg = "%s is not a subclass of model.System" error(msg, systemclass) else: systemclass = zopeinterface.ZopeInterfaceSystem if options.inputpickle: system = cPickle.load(open(options.inputpickle, 'rb')) if options.systemclass: if type(system) is not systemclass: cls = type(system) msg = ("loaded pickle has class %s.%s, differing " "from explicitly requested %s") error(msg, cls.__module__, cls.__name__, options.systemclass) else: system = systemclass() system.options = options system.urlprefix = '' if options.moresystems: moresystems = [] for fnamepref in options.moresystems: fname, prefix = fnamepref.split(':', 1) moresystems.append(cPickle.load(open(fname, 'rb'))) moresystems[-1].urlprefix = prefix moresystems[-1].options = system.options moresystems[-1].subsystems.append(system) system.moresystems = moresystems system.sourcebase = options.htmlsourcebase if options.abbrevmapping: for thing in options.abbrevmapping.split(','): k, v = thing.split('=') system.abbrevmapping[k] = v # step 1.5: check that we're actually going to accomplish something here if options.server = True options.edit = True for fn in os.listdir('.'): if os.path.isdir(fn) and \ os.path.exists(os.path.join(fn, '')): options.packages.append(fn) elif fn.endswith('.py') and fn != '': options.modules.append(fn) args = list(args) + options.modules + options.packages if options.makehtml == MAKE_HTML_DEFAULT: if not options.outputpickle and not options.testing \ and not options.server: options.makehtml = True else: options.makehtml = False # step 2: add any packages and modules if args: prependedpackage = None if options.prependedpackage: for m in options.prependedpackage.split('.'): prependedpackage = system.Package(system, m, None, prependedpackage) system.addObject(prependedpackage) initmodule = system.Module(system, '__init__', None, prependedpackage) system.addObject(initmodule) for path in args: path = os.path.abspath(path) if path in system.packages: continue if os.path.isdir(path): system.msg('addPackage', 'adding directory ' + path) system.addPackage(path, prependedpackage) else: system.msg('addModuleFromPath', 'adding module ' + path) system.addModuleFromPath(prependedpackage, path) system.packages.append(path) # step 3: move the system to the desired state if not system.packages: error("The system does not contain any code, did you " "forget an --add-package?") system.process() if system.options.livecheck: error("write this") if system.options.projectname is None: name = '/'.join([ for ro in system.rootobjects]) system.msg('warning', 'WARNING: guessing ' + name + ' for project name', thresh=-1) system.guessedprojectname = name # step 4: save the system, if desired if options.outputpickle: system.msg('', 'saving output pickle to ' + options.outputpickle) del system.options # don't persist the options f = open(options.outputpickle, 'wb') cPickle.dump(system, f, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) f.close() system.options = options # step 5: make html, if desired if options.makehtml: if options.htmlwriter: writerclass = findClassFromDottedName(options.htmlwriter, '--html-writer') else: from pydoctor import nevowhtml writerclass = nevowhtml.NevowWriter system.msg( 'html', 'writing html to %s using %s.%s' % (options.htmloutput, writerclass.__module__, writerclass.__name__)) writer = writerclass(options.htmloutput) writer.system = system writer.prepOutputDirectory() system.epytextproblems = [] if options.htmlsubjects: subjects = [] for fn in options.htmlsubjects: subjects.append(system.allobjects[fn]) elif options.htmlsummarypages: writer.writeModuleIndex(system) subjects = [] else: writer.writeModuleIndex(system) subjects = system.rootobjects writer.writeIndividualFiles(subjects, options.htmlfunctionpages) if system.epytextproblems: def p(msg): system.msg(('epytext', 'epytext-summary'), msg, thresh=-1, topthresh=1) p("these %s objects' docstrings are not proper epytext:" % (len(system.epytextproblems), )) exitcode = 2 for fn in system.epytextproblems: p(' ' + fn) if options.outputpickle: system.msg('', 'saving output pickle to ' + options.outputpickle) # save again, with epytextproblems del system.options # don't persist the options f = open(options.outputpickle, 'wb') cPickle.dump(system, f, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) f.close() system.options = options # Finally, if we should serve html, lets serve some html. if options.server: from pydoctor.server import (EditingPyDoctorResource, PyDoctorResource) from pydoctor.epydoc2stan import doc2html from nevow import appserver from twisted.internet import reactor if options.edit: if not options.nocheck: system.msg("server", "Checking formatting of docstrings.") included_obs = [ ob for ob in system.orderedallobjects if ob.isVisible ] for i, ob in enumerate(included_obs): system.progress( "server", i + 1, len(included_obs), "docstrings checked, found %s problems" % (len(system.epytextproblems))) doc2html(ob, docstring=ob.docstring) root = EditingPyDoctorResource(system) else: root = PyDoctorResource(system) if options.facing_path: options.local_only = True from nevow import rend, vhost realroot = rend.Page() cur = realroot realroot.putChild('vhost', vhost.VHostMonsterResource()) segments = options.facing_path.split('/') for segment in segments[:-1]: next = rend.Page() cur.putChild(segment, next) cur = next cur.putChild(segments[-1], root) root = realroot system.msg( "server", "Setting up server at http://localhost:%d/" % options.server_port) if def wb_open(): import webbrowser'http://localhost:%d/' % options.server_port) reactor.callWhenRunning(wb_open) from twisted.python import log log.startLogging(sys.stdout) site = appserver.NevowSite(root) if options.local_only: interface = 'localhost' else: interface = '' reactor.listenTCP(options.server_port, site, interface=interface) except: if options.pdb: import pdb pdb.post_mortem(sys.exc_traceback) raise return exitcode
def main(args): import cPickle options, args = parse_args(args) exitcode = 0 if options.configfile: readConfigFile(options) try: # step 1: make/find the system if options.systemclass: systemclass = findClassFromDottedName(options.systemclass, '--system-class') if not issubclass(systemclass, model.System): msg = "%s is not a subclass of model.System" error(msg, systemclass) else: systemclass = zopeinterface.ZopeInterfaceSystem if options.inputpickle: system = cPickle.load(open(options.inputpickle, 'rb')) if options.systemclass: if type(system) is not systemclass: cls = type(system) msg = ("loaded pickle has class %s.%s, differing " "from explicitly requested %s") error(msg, cls.__module__, cls.__name__, options.systemclass) else: system = systemclass() system.options = options system.urlprefix = '' if options.moresystems: moresystems = [] for fnamepref in options.moresystems: fname, prefix = fnamepref.split(':', 1) moresystems.append(cPickle.load(open(fname, 'rb'))) moresystems[-1].urlprefix = prefix moresystems[-1].options = system.options moresystems[-1].subsystems.append(system) system.moresystems = moresystems system.sourcebase = options.htmlsourcebase if options.abbrevmapping: for thing in options.abbrevmapping.split(','): k, v = thing.split('=') system.abbrevmapping[k] = v # step 1.5: check that we're actually going to accomplish something here if options.server = True options.edit = True for fn in os.listdir('.'): if os.path.isdir(fn) and \ os.path.exists(os.path.join(fn, '')): options.packages.append(fn) elif fn.endswith('.py') and fn != '': options.modules.append(fn) args = list(args) + options.modules + options.packages if options.makehtml == MAKE_HTML_DEFAULT: if not options.outputpickle and not options.testing \ and not options.server: options.makehtml = True else: options.makehtml = False # step 2: add any packages and modules if args: prependedpackage = None if options.prependedpackage: for m in options.prependedpackage.split('.'): prependedpackage = system.Package( system, m, None, prependedpackage) system.addObject(prependedpackage) initmodule = system.Module(system, '__init__', None, prependedpackage) system.addObject(initmodule) for path in args: path = os.path.abspath(path) if path in system.packages: continue if os.path.isdir(path): system.msg('addPackage', 'adding directory ' + path) system.addPackage(path, prependedpackage) else: system.msg('addModuleFromPath', 'adding module ' + path) system.addModuleFromPath(prependedpackage, path) system.packages.append(path) # step 3: move the system to the desired state if not system.packages: error("The system does not contain any code, did you " "forget an --add-package?") system.process() if system.options.livecheck: error("write this") if system.options.projectname is None: name = '/'.join([ for ro in system.rootobjects]) system.msg( 'warning', 'WARNING: guessing '+name+' for project name', thresh=-1) system.guessedprojectname = name # step 4: save the system, if desired if options.outputpickle: system.msg('', 'saving output pickle to ' + options.outputpickle) del system.options # don't persist the options f = open(options.outputpickle, 'wb') cPickle.dump(system, f, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) f.close() system.options = options # step 5: make html, if desired if options.makehtml: if options.htmlwriter: writerclass = findClassFromDottedName( options.htmlwriter, '--html-writer') else: from pydoctor import nevowhtml writerclass = nevowhtml.NevowWriter system.msg('html', 'writing html to %s using %s.%s'%( options.htmloutput, writerclass.__module__, writerclass.__name__)) writer = writerclass(options.htmloutput) writer.system = system writer.prepOutputDirectory() system.epytextproblems = [] if options.htmlsubjects: subjects = [] for fn in options.htmlsubjects: subjects.append(system.allobjects[fn]) elif options.htmlsummarypages: writer.writeModuleIndex(system) subjects = [] else: writer.writeModuleIndex(system) subjects = system.rootobjects writer.writeIndividualFiles(subjects, options.htmlfunctionpages) if system.epytextproblems: def p(msg): system.msg(('epytext', 'epytext-summary'), msg, thresh=-1, topthresh=1) p("these %s objects' docstrings are not proper epytext:" %(len(system.epytextproblems),)) exitcode = 2 for fn in system.epytextproblems: p(' '+fn) if options.outputpickle: system.msg( '', 'saving output pickle to ' + options.outputpickle) # save again, with epytextproblems del system.options # don't persist the options f = open(options.outputpickle, 'wb') cPickle.dump(system, f, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) f.close() system.options = options # Finally, if we should serve html, lets serve some html. if options.server: from pydoctor.server import ( EditingPyDoctorResource, PyDoctorResource) from pydoctor.epydoc2stan import doc2html from nevow import appserver from twisted.internet import reactor if options.edit: if not options.nocheck: system.msg( "server", "Checking formatting of docstrings.") included_obs = [ ob for ob in system.orderedallobjects if ob.isVisible] for i, ob in enumerate(included_obs): system.progress( "server", i+1, len(included_obs), "docstrings checked, found %s problems" % ( len(system.epytextproblems))) doc2html(ob, docstring=ob.docstring) root = EditingPyDoctorResource(system) else: root = PyDoctorResource(system) if options.facing_path: options.local_only = True from nevow import rend, vhost realroot = rend.Page() cur = realroot realroot.putChild('vhost', vhost.VHostMonsterResource()) segments = options.facing_path.split('/') for segment in segments[:-1]: next = rend.Page() cur.putChild(segment, next) cur = next cur.putChild(segments[-1], root) root = realroot system.msg( "server", "Setting up server at http://localhost:%d/" % options.server_port) if def wb_open(): import webbrowser 'http://localhost:%d/' % options.server_port) reactor.callWhenRunning(wb_open) from twisted.python import log log.startLogging(sys.stdout) site = appserver.NevowSite(root) if options.local_only: interface = 'localhost' else: interface = '' reactor.listenTCP(options.server_port, site, interface=interface) except: if options.pdb: import pdb pdb.post_mortem(sys.exc_traceback) raise return exitcode
def render_docstring(self, context, data): docstring = self.root.editsbyob[self.ob][self.rev].newDocstring if docstring is None: docstring = '' return epydoc2stan.doc2html(self.ob, docstring=docstring)[0]