def add_ground(plant): ground_model = plant.AddModelInstance("ground_model") ground_box = plant.AddRigidBody( "ground", ground_model, SpatialInertia(1, np.array([0, 0, 0]), UnitInertia(1, 1, 1))) X_WG = RigidTransform([0, 0, -0.05]) ground_geometry_id = plant.RegisterCollisionGeometry( ground_box, RigidTransform(), Box(10, 10, 0.1), "ground", CoulombFriction(0.3, 0.25)) plant.RegisterVisualGeometry(ground_box, RigidTransform(), Box(10, 10, 0.1), "ground", [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.]) plant.WeldFrames(plant.world_frame(), ground_box.body_frame(), X_WG)
def __init__(self, name, tf, height, width): PhysicsGeometryNodeMixin.__init__(self, tf=tf, fixed=True) # Handle geometry and physics. self.wall_thickness = 0.1 self.width = width self.height = height # Move the collision geometry so the wall surface is at y=0 (local frame), # and is open in the -y direction, and the base of the wall is at z=0. geom_tf = pose_to_tf_matrix( torch.tensor( [0., self.wall_thickness / 2., height / 2., 0., 0., 0.])) geometry = Box(width=width, depth=self.wall_thickness, height=height) self.register_geometry(geom_tf, geometry, color=np.array([1., 0.898, 0.706, 1.0])) # Use the same geom as clearance geometry self.register_clearance_geometry(geom_tf, geometry) # This node produces a geometric number of cabinets on its surface. cabinet_production_rule = RandomRelativePoseProductionRule( Cabinet, "%s_cabinet" % name, self._sample_cabinet_pose_on_wall) GeometricSetNode.__init__(self, name=name, production_rule=cabinet_production_rule, geometric_prob=0.5)
def __init__(self, name, tf, width, length): PhysicsGeometryNodeMixin.__init__(self, tf=tf, fixed=True) floor_depth = 0.1 # Move the collision geometry so the surface is at z=0 geom_tf = pose_to_tf_matrix( torch.tensor([0., 0., -floor_depth / 2., 0., 0., 0.])) geometry = Box(width=width, depth=length, height=floor_depth) self.register_geometry(geom_tf, geometry, color=np.array([0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0])) # Spawn a table at a determined location. # (Currently just for testing item placement.) table_spawn_rule = DeterministicRelativePoseProductionRule( child_constructor=Table, child_name="%s_table" % name, relative_tf=pose_to_tf_matrix( torch.tensor([1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]))) robot_spawn_rule = DeterministicRelativePoseProductionRule( child_constructor=RobotSpawnLocation, child_name="%s_robot_spawn" % name, relative_tf=pose_to_tf_matrix( torch.tensor([-1, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]))) AndNode.__init__(self, name=name, production_rules=[table_spawn_rule, robot_spawn_rule])
def AddPlanarBinAndSimpleBox(plant, mass=1.0, mu=1.0, width=0.2, depth=0.05, height=0.3): parser = Parser(plant) bin = parser.AddModelFromFile(FindResource("models/planar_bin.sdf")) plant.WeldFrames( plant.world_frame(), plant.GetFrameByName("bin_base", bin), RigidTransform(RotationMatrix.MakeZRotation(np.pi / 2.0), [0, 0, -0.015])) planar_joint_frame = plant.AddFrame( FixedOffsetFrame( "planar_joint_frame", plant.world_frame(), RigidTransform(RotationMatrix.MakeXRotation(np.pi / 2)))) # TODO(russt): make this a *random* box? # TODO(russt): move random box to a shared py file. box_instance = AddShape(plant, Box(width, depth, height), "box", mass, mu) box_joint = plant.AddJoint( PlanarJoint("box", planar_joint_frame, plant.GetFrameByName("box", box_instance))) box_joint.set_position_limits([-.5, -.1, -np.pi], [.5, .3, np.pi]) box_joint.set_velocity_limits([-2, -2, -2], [2, 2, 2]) box_joint.set_default_translation([0, depth / 2.0]) return box_instance
def __init__(self, name, tf): # Handle geometry and physics. PhysicsGeometryNodeMixin.__init__(self, tf=tf, fixed=True, is_container=True) geom_tf = pose_to_tf_matrix(torch.tensor([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])) # TODO(gizatt) Resource path management to be done here... model_path = "/home/gizatt/drake/examples/kuka_iiwa_arm/models/table/extra_heavy_duty_table_surface_only_collision.sdf" self.register_model_file(tf=geom_tf, model_path=model_path, root_body_name="link") geom_tf = pose_to_tf_matrix(torch.tensor([0., 0., 0.6251, 0., 0., 0.])) self.register_clearance_geometry(tf=geom_tf, geometry=Box(width=1., depth=1., height=1.0)) # Put an object spawning volume on the table surface. rules = [] rules.append( DeterministicRelativePoseProductionRule( child_constructor=PlanarObjectRegion, child_name="table_object_region", relative_tf=pose_to_tf_matrix( torch.tensor([0., 0., 0.8, 0., 0., 0.])), object_production_rate=0.5, bounds=((-0.25, 0.25), (-0.25, 0.25), (0., 0.2)))) AndNode.__init__(self, name=name, production_rules=rules)
def __init__(self, name, tf): # Handle geometry and physics. PhysicsGeometryNodeMixin.__init__(self, tf=tf, fixed=True, is_container=True) # Offset cabinet geometry from the wall geom_tf = pose_to_tf_matrix(torch.tensor([0.15, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])) # TODO(gizatt) Resource path management to be done here... model_path = "/home/gizatt/drake/examples/manipulation_station/models/cupboard.sdf" # Randomly open doors random amounts. # Left door is straight open at -pi/2 and closed at 0. left_door_state = pyro.sample("%s_left_door_state" % name, dist.Uniform(-np.pi / 2., 0.)) # Right door is straight open at pi/2 and closed at 0. right_door_state = pyro.sample("%s_right_door_state" % name, dist.Uniform(0.0, np.pi / 2.)) self.register_model_file(tf=geom_tf, model_path=model_path, root_body_name="cupboard_body", q0_dict={ "left_door_hinge": left_door_state.detach().numpy(), "right_door_hinge": right_door_state.detach().numpy() }) # Add clearance geometry to indicate that shelves shouldn't # penetrate each other and should have clearance to open the doors. clearance_depth = 0.75 # Offset out from wall just a bit more to give collision detection # a margin geom_tf = pose_to_tf_matrix( torch.tensor( [clearance_depth / 2. + 0.001, 0., 0., 0., 0., np.pi / 2.])) geometry = Box(width=0.6, depth=clearance_depth, height=1.) self.register_clearance_geometry(geom_tf, geometry) # Place shelf nodes. # Dimensions of a single shelf, in terms of the shelf_height = 0.13115 * 2 bottom_shelf_z_local = -0.3995 num_shelves = 3 rules = [] for k in range(num_shelves): rules.append( DeterministicRelativePoseProductionRule( child_constructor=PlanarObjectRegion, child_name="cabinet_level_%02d" % k, relative_tf=pose_to_tf_matrix( torch.tensor([ 0.15, 0., bottom_shelf_z_local + shelf_height * k, 0., 0., 0. ])), object_production_rate=0.5, bounds=((-0.1, 0.1), (-0.2, 0.2), (0., 0.2)))) AndNode.__init__(self, name=name, production_rules=rules)
def __init__(self, name, tf): PhysicsGeometryNodeMixin.__init__(self, tf=tf, fixed=True) # Only has clearance geometry: indicates robot start location, and # ensures that there's space to put a robot into this scene. geom_tf = pose_to_tf_matrix(torch.tensor([0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.])) geometry = Box( width=1., depth=1., height=2., ) self.register_clearance_geometry(geom_tf, geometry) TerminalNode.__init__(self, name=name)
def AddShape(plant, shape, name, mass=1, mu=1, color=[.5, .5, .9, 1.0]): instance = plant.AddModelInstance(name) # TODO: Add a method to UnitInertia that accepts a geometry shape (unless # that dependency is somehow gross) and does this. if isinstance(shape, Box): inertia = UnitInertia.SolidBox(shape.width(), shape.depth(), shape.height()) elif isinstance(shape, Cylinder): inertia = UnitInertia.SolidCylinder(shape.radius(), shape.length()) elif isinstance(shape, Sphere): inertia = UnitInertia.SolidSphere(shape.radius()) else: raise RunTimeError( f"need to write the unit inertia for shapes of type {shape}") body = plant.AddRigidBody( name, instance, SpatialInertia(mass=mass, p_PScm_E=np.array([0., 0., 0.]), G_SP_E=inertia)) if plant.geometry_source_is_registered(): if isinstance(shape, Box): plant.RegisterCollisionGeometry( body, RigidTransform(), Box(shape.width() - 0.001, shape.depth() - 0.001, shape.height() - 0.001), name, CoulombFriction(mu, mu)) i = 0 for x in [-shape.width() / 2.0, shape.width() / 2.0]: for y in [-shape.depth() / 2.0, shape.depth() / 2.0]: for z in [-shape.height() / 2.0, shape.height() / 2.0]: plant.RegisterCollisionGeometry( body, RigidTransform([x, y, z]), Sphere(radius=1e-7), f"contact_sphere{i}", CoulombFriction(mu, mu)) i += 1 else: plant.RegisterCollisionGeometry(body, RigidTransform(), shape, name, CoulombFriction(mu, mu)) plant.RegisterVisualGeometry(body, RigidTransform(), shape, name, color) return instance
def __init__(self, name, tf, object_production_rate, bounds, show_geometry=False): PhysicsGeometryNodeMixin.__init__(self, tf=tf, fixed=True) self.x_bounds = bounds[0] self.y_bounds = bounds[1] self.z_bounds = bounds[2] # Add some geometry for viz purposes geom_tf = pose_to_tf_matrix( torch.tensor([ np.mean(self.x_bounds), np.mean(self.y_bounds), np.mean(self.z_bounds), 0., 0., 0. ])) geometry = Box(width=self.x_bounds[1] - self.x_bounds[0], depth=self.y_bounds[1] - self.y_bounds[0], height=self.z_bounds[1] - self.z_bounds[0]) if show_geometry: self.register_visual_geometry(geom_tf, geometry, color=np.array([0.5, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2])) style_group_options = ["utensils", "foodstuffs"] # Do foodstuffs more often than plates and things style_group_k = pyro.sample("%s_style" % name, dist.Categorical(torch.tensor([0.3, 0.7 ]))).item() style_group = style_group_options[style_group_k] # Produce a geometric number of objects within bounds. object_production_rule = RandomRelativePoseProductionRule( RandomKitchenStuff, "%s_object" % name, self._sample_object_pose, style_group=style_group) GeometricSetNode.__init__(self, name=name, production_rule=object_production_rule, geometric_prob=object_production_rate)
def add_geometry(plant, body): box = Box( width=0.2, depth=0.2, height=0.2, ) plant.RegisterVisualGeometry( body=body, X_BG=RigidTransform(), shape=box, name=f"visual", diffuse_color=[1, 1, 1, 1], ) static_friction = 1. plant.RegisterCollisionGeometry(body=body, X_BG=RigidTransform(), shape=box, name="collision", coulomb_friction=CoulombFriction( static_friction=1, dynamic_friction=1, ))
SignalLogger, Simulator, VisualElement) from pydrake.examples.compass_gait import (CompassGait, CompassGaitParams) from underactuated import (PlanarRigidBodyVisualizer) tree = RigidBodyTree( FindResourceOrThrow("drake/examples/compass_gait/CompassGait.urdf"), FloatingBaseType.kRollPitchYaw) params = CompassGaitParams() R = np.identity(3) R[0, 0] = math.cos(params.slope()) R[0, 2] = math.sin(params.slope()) R[2, 0] = -math.sin(params.slope()) R[2, 2] = math.cos(params.slope()) X = Isometry3(rotation=R, translation=[0, 0, -5.]) color = np.array([0.9297, 0.7930, 0.6758, 1])[100., 1., 10.]), X, color)) tree.compile() builder = DiagramBuilder() compass_gait = builder.AddSystem(CompassGait()) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-T", "--duration", type=float, help="Duration to run sim.", default=10.0) args = parser.parse_args() visualizer = builder.AddSystem( PlanarRigidBodyVisualizer(tree,
if __name__ == "__main__": # Random seed setup for reproducibility. np.random.seed(int(codecs.encode(os.urandom(4), 'hex'), 32) & (2**32 - 1)) random.seed(os.urandom(4)) for scene_k in range(25): # Set up a new Drake scene from scratch. builder = DiagramBuilder() mbp, scene_graph = AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph( builder, MultibodyPlant(time_step=0.005)) # Add "tabletop" (ground) as a fixed Box welded to the world. world_body = mbp.world_body() ground_shape = Box(1., 1., 1.) ground_body = mbp.AddRigidBody("ground", SpatialInertia( mass=10.0, p_PScm_E=np.array([0., 0., 0.]), G_SP_E=UnitInertia(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))) mbp.WeldFrames(world_body.body_frame(), ground_body.body_frame(), RigidTransform()) RegisterVisualAndCollisionGeometry( mbp, ground_body, RigidTransform(p=[0, 0, -0.5]), ground_shape, "ground", np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.]), CoulombFriction(0.9, 0.8)) # Figure out what YCB objects we have available to add. ycb_object_dir = os.path.join( getDrakePath(), "manipulation/models/ycb/sdf/") ycb_object_sdfs = os.listdir(ycb_object_dir)