コード例 #1
    def calculate_lqr(self):
        upright_plant = AcrobotPlant()
        upright_plant_context = upright_plant.CreateDefaultContext()
        upright_plant_context.get_mutable_continuous_state() \
            .SetFromVector(np.array([np.pi, 0, 0, 0]))
        upright_plant.GetInputPort("elbow_torque") \
            .FixValue(upright_plant_context, 0)

        lqr = LinearQuadraticRegulator(upright_plant, upright_plant_context,
                                       self.Q, self.R)
        return lqr.D()
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self,
                     [0., 0., 0., math.pi, math.pi, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])):
        self.plant = quadrotor_plant
        self.mb = self.plant.mb
        self.lb = self.plant.lb
        self.Ib = self.plant.Ib
        self.m1 = self.plant.m1
        self.l1 = self.plant.l1
        self.I1 = self.plant.I1
        self.m1 = self.plant.m2
        self.l1 = self.plant.l2
        self.I1 = self.plant.I2
        self.g = self.plant.g
        self.input_max = self.plant.input_max

        self.uf = np.array([15., 15.])
        self.xf = xf

        A, B = quadrotor_plant.GetLinearizedDynamics(self.uf, self.xf)

        self.Q = np.diag([1., 1., 2.1, 2., 2., 1., 1., 2., 2., 2.])
        self.R = np.diag([1., 1.]) * .5

        from pydrake.all import LinearQuadraticRegulator
        self.K, self.S = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B, self.Q, self.R)
コード例 #3
 def __init__(self, quadrotor_plant, 
              uf = np.array([10., 10.]), 
              xf = np.array([0., 0., 0., math.pi, 0., 0., 0., 0.]) ):
     self.plant = quadrotor_plant
     self.mb = self.plant.mb
     self.lb = self.plant.lb
     self.Ib = self.plant.Ib
     self.m1 = self.plant.m1
     self.l1 = self.plant.l1
     self.I1 = self.plant.I1
     self.g = self.plant.g
     self.input_max = self.plant.input_max
     self.uf = uf
     self.xf = xf
     self.kp = 10
     self.kb = 8
     A, B = quadrotor_plant.GetLinearizedDynamics(self.uf, self.xf)
     Q = np.eye(8)
     R = np.eye(2)*2
     from pydrake.all import LinearQuadraticRegulator
     self.K, self.S = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B, Q, R)
     self.A = A
     self.B = B
     self.lqr_switch = 0
     self.cnt =0
     self.u_step = 12
     self.J = 1000000
     self.switch_t = 0
コード例 #4
def create_reduced_lqr(A, B):
        Code submission for 3.3: Fill in the missing
        details of this function to produce a control
        matrix K, and cost-to-go matrix S, for the full
        (4-state) system.
    Q = np.zeros((3, 3))
    # Not clear what these gains will do,
    # but as long as Q is positive semidefinite
    # this should find a solution.
    Q1 = np.random.random((3, 3))
    Q = (Q1.T + Q1) # make symmetric and thus psd
    R = [1.]
    A=np.delete(A, 1, 0)
    B=np.delete(B, 1, 0)
    K, S = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B, Q, R)
    # Refer to create_lqr() to see how invocations
    # to LinearQuadraticRegulator work.
    # https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.delete.html
    # and
    # https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.insert.html
    # might be useful for helping with the state reduction.
    #K = np.zeros((1, 4))
    #S = np.eye(4)
    return (K, S)
コード例 #5
		def LQR(self, ztraj, utraj, Q, R, Qf):
			tspan = utraj.get_segment_times()
			dztrajdt = ztraj.derivative(1)
			context = self.CreateDefaultContext()
			nZ = context.num_continuous_states()
			nU = self.GetInputPort('u').size()

			sym_system = self.ToSymbolic()
			sym_context = sym_system.CreateDefaultContext()
			prog = MathematicalProgram()
			z = prog.NewIndeterminates(nZ,'z')
			ucon = prog.NewIndeterminates(nU,'u')
			#nY = self.GetOutputPort('z').size()
			#N = np.zeros([nX, nU])
			times = ztraj.get_segment_times()
			K = []
			S = []
			for t in times:
				# option 1
				z0 = ztraj.value(t).transpose()[0]
				u0 = utraj.value(t).transpose()[0]
				sym_context.FixInputPort(0, u0+ucon )
				# zdot=f(z,u)==>zhdot=f(zh+z0,uh+u0)-z0dot
				f = sym_system.EvalTimeDerivatives(sym_context).CopyToVector() # - dztrajdt.value(t).transpose()
				mapping = dict(zip(z, z0))
				mapping.update(dict(zip(ucon, u0)))
				A = Evaluate(Jacobian(f, z), mapping)
				B = Evaluate(Jacobian(f, ucon), mapping)
				k, s = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B, Q, R)
				import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
				if(len(K) == 0):
					K = np.ravel(k).reshape(nU*nZ,1) 
					S = np.ravel(s).reshape(nZ*nZ,1) 
					K = np.hstack( (K, np.ravel(k).reshape(nU*nZ,1)) )
					S = np.hstack( (S, np.ravel(s).reshape(nZ*nZ,1)) )
				# option 2
				#context.SetContinuousState(xtraj.value(t) )
				#context.FixInputPort(0, utraj.value(t) )
				#linearized_plant = Linearize(self, context)
                #                    	linearized_plant.B(),
                #                      	Q, R)) #self, context, Q, R)

			Kpp = PiecewisePolynomial.FirstOrderHold(times, K)
			return Kpp
コード例 #6
    def create_LQR(self):  # as initialization
        Q = np.eye(2)
        R = np.eye(2)
        A = np.zeros([2, 2])
        B = np.eye(2)

        K, S = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B, Q, R)

        return K, S
コード例 #7
    def lqr_controller(self, x, x_des):
        #Robot parameters manually set according to actual measurements on 5/13/19
        m_s = 0.2  #kg
        d = 0.085  #m
        m_c = 0.056
        I_3 = 0.000228373  #.0000989844 #kg*m^2
        R = 0.0333375
        g = -9.81  #may need to be set as -9.81; test to see

        u = np.zeros((self.plant.num_actuators()))
        theta = math.asin(2 * (x[0] * x[2] - x[1] * x[3]))

        theta_dot = x[
            10]  #Shown to be ~1.5% below true theta_dot on average in experiments

        x_mod = np.asarray(
                x[4] - x_des[0], theta - x_des[1], x[12] - x_des[2],
                theta_dot - x_des[3]
        )  #[x, theta, x_dot, theta_dot] - need to verify positions of theta and theta_dot
        #Assumes that all zeros is optimal state; may add optimal_state variable and subtract from current state to change
        actuator_limit = .05  #must determine limits
        A = np.zeros((4, 4))
        A[0, 2] = 1.
        A[1, 3] = 1.
        A[2, 1] = (m_s**2 * d**2 * g) / (3 * m_c * I_3 + 3 * m_c * m_s * d**2 +
                                         m_s * I_3) * 180 / math.pi
        A[3, 1] = (m_s * d * g *
                   (3 * m_c + m_s)) / (3 * m_c * I_3 + 3 * m_c * m_s * d**2 +
                                       m_s * I_3)
        B = np.zeros((4, 1))
          0] = (-(m_s * d**2 + I_3) / R -
                m_s * d) / (3 * m_c * I_3 + 3 * m_c * m_s * d**2 + m_s * I_3)
        B[3, 0] = (-m_s * d / R - 3 * m_c * m_s) / (
            3 * m_c * I_3 + 3 * m_c * m_s * d**2 + m_s * I_3) * math.pi / 180
        Q = np.zeros((4, 4))
        Q[0, 0] = 3.
        Q[1, 1] = .1
        Q[2, 2] = .1
        Q[3, 3] = 4.
        R = np.asarray([1.])  #0 => costless control
        K, S = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B, Q, R)
        u[0] = np.matmul(K, x_mod)
        u[0] = np.clip(u[0], -actuator_limit, actuator_limit)
        u[1] = -u[0]
        return u
コード例 #8
def QuadrotorLQR(plant):
    context = plant.CreateDefaultContext()
    context.SetContinuousState(np.zeros([6, 1]))
    context.SetContinuousState(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
    context.FixInputPort(0, plant.mass * plant.gravity / 2. * np.array([1, 1]))

    Q = np.diag([
        100000, 100000, 100000, 10000, 10000,
        10000 * (plant.length / 2. / np.pi)
    R = np.array([[0.1, 0.05], [0.05, 0.1]])

    return LinearQuadraticRegulator(plant, context, Q, R)
コード例 #9
 def get_LQR_params(self):
     quadroter = QuadrotorPlant()
     context = quadroter.CreateDefaultContext()
     hover_thrust = self.m * self.g
     quadroter.get_input_port(0).FixValue(context, [
         hover_thrust / 4.0,
     ] * 4)
     linear_sys = Linearize(quadroter, context, InputPortIndex(0),
     return LinearQuadraticRegulator(linear_sys.A(), linear_sys.B(), self.Q,
コード例 #10
def BalancingLQR(robot):
    # Design an LQR controller for stabilizing the CartPole around the upright.
    # Returns a (static) AffineSystem that implements the controller (in
    # the original CartPole coordinates).

    context = robot.CreateDefaultContext()
    context.FixInputPort(0, BasicVector([0]))


    Q = np.diag((10., 10., 1., 1.))
    R = [1]

    return LinearQuadraticRegulator(robot, context, Q, R)
コード例 #11
ファイル: cart_pole_lqr.py プロジェクト: thduynguyen/crap
def BalancingLQR(plant):
    context = plant.CreateDefaultContext()
    plant.get_actuation_input_port().FixValue(context, [0])

    Q = np.diag((10.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0))
    R = [1]

    # MultibodyPlant has many (optional) input ports, so we must pass the
    # input_port_index to LQR.
    return LinearQuadraticRegulator(
コード例 #12
def BalancingLQR():
    # Design an LQR controller for stabilizing the Acrobot around the upright.
    # Returns a (static) AffineSystem that implements the controller (in
    # the original AcrobotState coordinates).

    acrobot = AcrobotPlant()
    context = acrobot.CreateDefaultContext()

    input = AcrobotInput()
    context.FixInputPort(0, input)


    Q = np.diag((10., 10., 1., 1.))
    R = [1]

    return LinearQuadraticRegulator(acrobot, context, Q, R)
コード例 #13
        def LQR(self, xtraj, utraj, Q, R, Qf):
            tspan = utraj.get_segment_times()

            context = self.CreateDefaultContext()
            nX = context.num_continuous_states()
            nU = self.GetInputPort('u').size()

            sym_system = self.ToSymbolic()
            sym_context = sym_system.CreateDefaultContext()
            prog = MathematicalProgram()
            x = prog.NewIndeterminates(nX, 'x')
            ucon = prog.NewIndeterminates(nU, 'u')
            #nY = self.GetOutputPort('x').size()
            #N = np.zeros([nX, nU])

            times = xtraj.get_segment_times()
            K = []

            import pdb
            for t in times:
                # option 1
                x0 = xtraj.value(t).transpose()[0]
                u0 = utraj.value(t).transpose()[0]

                sym_context.SetContinuousState(x0 + x)
                sym_context.FixInputPort(0, u0 + ucon)
                f = sym_system.EvalTimeDerivatives(sym_context).CopyToVector()
                A = Evaluate(Jacobian(f, x), dict(zip(x, x0)))
                B = Evaluate(Jacobian(f, ucon), dict(zip(ucon, u0)))
                K.append(LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B, Q, R))

                # option 2
                #context.SetContinuousState(xtraj.value(t) )
                #context.FixInputPort(0, utraj.value(t) )
                #linearized_plant = Linearize(self, context)
                #                    	linearized_plant.B(),
                #                      	Q, R)) #self, context, Q, R)

            Kpp = PiecewisePolynomial.FirstOrderHold(times, K)

            return Kpp
コード例 #14
def BalancingLQR(plant):
    # Design an LQR controller for stabilizing the CartPole around the upright.
    # Returns a (static) AffineSystem that implements the controller (in
    # the original CartPole coordinates).

    context = plant.CreateDefaultContext()
    plant.get_actuation_input_port().FixValue(context, [0])


    Q = np.diag((10., 10., 1., 1.))
    R = [1]

    # MultibodyPlant has many (optional) input ports, so we must pass the
    # input_port_index to LQR.
    return LinearQuadraticRegulator(
コード例 #15
def BalancingLQR():
    # Design an LQR controller for stabilizing the Acrobot around the upright.
    # Returns a (static) AffineSystem that implements the controller (in
    # the original AcrobotState coordinates).

    pendulum = PendulumPlant()
    context = pendulum.CreateDefaultContext()

    input = PendulumInput()
    context.FixInputPort(0, input)


    Q = np.diag((10., 1.))
    R = [1]

    linearized_pendulum = Linearize(pendulum, context)
    (K, S) = LinearQuadraticRegulator(linearized_pendulum.A(),
                                      linearized_pendulum.B(), Q, R)
    return (K, S)
コード例 #16
cartpole, scene_graph = AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(builder, time_step=0.0)
urdf_path = FindResource('models/undamped_cartpole.urdf')

# set the operating point (vertical unstable equilibrium)
context = cartpole.CreateDefaultContext()

# fix the input port to zero and get its index for the lqr function
cartpole.get_actuation_input_port().FixValue(context, [0])
input_i = cartpole.get_actuation_input_port().get_index()

# synthesize lqr controller directly from
# the nonlinear system and the operating point
lqr = LinearQuadraticRegulator(cartpole, context, Q, R, input_port_index=input_i)
lqr = builder.AddSystem(lqr)

# the following two lines are not needed here...
output_i = cartpole.get_state_output_port().get_index()
cartpole_lin = Linearize(cartpole, context, input_port_index=input_i, output_port_index=output_i)

# wire cart-pole and lqr
builder.Connect(cartpole.get_state_output_port(), lqr.get_input_port(0))
builder.Connect(lqr.get_output_port(0), cartpole.get_actuation_input_port())

# add a visualizer and wire it
visualizer = builder.AddSystem(
    PlanarSceneGraphVisualizer(scene_graph, xlim=[-3., 3.], ylim=[-1.2, 1.2], show=False)
builder.Connect(scene_graph.get_pose_bundle_output_port(), visualizer.get_input_port(0))
コード例 #17
    Ae[2,3] = r_hat
    Ae[3,0] = n_bar[2]
    Ae[3,2] = -1* r_hat
    Ae[0:4,4:5] = B0_f

    Ae[4,4] = -1*sigma_motor
    Be[4] = 1/sigma_motor

    #the failed matrix u
    # u_f = np.zeros([2,1])

    Q[2,2]*= 1000
    Q[3,3]*= 2

    # get LQR controller about the fixed point
    K0, S0 = LinearQuadraticRegulator(Ae, Be, Q, R)

    # simulate stabilizing about fixed point using LQR controller
    dt = 0.001
    N = int(5.0/dt)
    x = np.zeros((N+1, n))
    forces = np.zeros((N+1, 4))
    forces[0] = np.zeros(4)

    x0 = np.zeros(n)
    x0[0] = 5
    x0[1] = 5
    x[0] = x0

    # here, assume the nx and ny are initially zero
    # additional motor values are also set to zero
コード例 #18
def one_rotor_loss():
    # simulate quadrotor w/ LQR controller using forward Euler integration.
    # fixed point

    n = 12
    m = 4
    xd = np.zeros(n)
    xd[0:2] = [2, 1]
    ud = np.zeros(m)
    ud[:] = mass * g / 4
    x_u = np.hstack((xd, ud))
    partials = jacobian(CalcF, x_u)
    A0 = partials[:, 0:n]
    B0 = partials[:, n:n + m]
    Q = 10 * np.eye(n)
    R = np.eye(m)

    # get LQR controller about the fixed point
    K0, S0 = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A0, B0, Q, R)

    # simulate stabilizing about fixed point using LQR controller
    # dt = 0.001
    # N = int(2.0/dt)
    x = np.zeros((N + 1, n))

    x0 = np.zeros(n)
    x[0] = x0

    timeVec = np.zeros(2 * N + 1)
    all_p = np.zeros(2 * N)
    all_q = np.zeros(2 * N)
    # keeping track of all forces on the quadrotors to show how they adapt
    forces = np.zeros((2 * N, 4))

    for i in range(N):
        x_u = np.hstack((x[i], -K0.dot(x[i] - xd) + ud))
        all_p[i] = x_u[9]
        all_q[i] = x_u[10]
        forces[i] = x_u[12:16]
        x[i + 1] = x[i] + dt * CalcF(x_u)
        timeVec[i] = timeVec[i - 1] + dt

    #%% open meshact
    # vis = meshcat.Visualizer()
    # vis.open

    #%% Meshcat animation
    # PlotTrajectoryMeshcat(x, timeVec, vis)

    # at timestamp N=5.0 seconds, rotor 4 fails and we switch control systems
    n = 6
    m = 2
    #for failure of rotor 4, omega_hat_4 = 0
    n_bar = [0.0, 0.289, 0.958]
    sigma_motor = 0.015

    #from eq 51
    xd = np.zeros(n)
    xd[1] = 5.69  #q
    xd[2] = n_bar[0]  #nx
    xd[3] = n_bar[1]  #ny
    ud = np.zeros(m)  #zero because u is in error coordinates
    x_u = np.hstack((xd, ud))

    #based on eq 51
    force_bar = np.array([2.05, 1.02, 2.05, 0])
    # force_bar = np.array([1.02, 2.05, 1.02, 0])
    omega_bar = np.sqrt(force_bar / kF)

    #define the A matrix for failed quad
    Ae = np.zeros([6, 6])
    B0_f = np.zeros([4, 2])
    #extended state
    Be = np.zeros([6, 2])
    Q = np.eye(n)
    R = np.eye(m)

    r_hat = ((kF * kM) / gamma) * (omega_bar[0]**2 - omega_bar[1]**2 +
                                   omega_bar[2]**2 - omega_bar[3]**2)

    #define coupling constant
    a_bar = (I[0, 0] - I[2, 2]) / I[0, 0]

    B0_f[1, 0] = 1
    B0_f[0, 1] = 1
    B0_f = (l / I[0, 0]) * B0_f

    Ae[0, 1] = a_bar
    Ae[1, 0] = -1 * a_bar
    Ae[1, 0] = -1 * a_bar
    Ae[2, 1] = -1 * n_bar[2]
    Ae[2, 3] = r_hat
    Ae[3, 0] = n_bar[2]
    Ae[3, 2] = -1 * r_hat
    Ae[0:4, 4:6] = B0_f

    Ae[4:6, 4:6] = -1 * np.eye(2) / sigma_motor
    Be[4:6, 0:2] = np.eye(2) / sigma_motor

    #the failed matrix u
    # u_f = np.zeros([2,1])

    Q[2:4, 2:4] *= 20
    Q[4:6, 4:6] *= 0

    # get LQR controller about the fixed point
    K0, S0 = LinearQuadraticRegulator(Ae, Be, Q, R)

    # simulate stabilizing about fixed point using LQR controller
    x_mesh = np.zeros((N + 1, 12))
    x_mesh[0] = x[N]
    x = np.zeros((N + 1, n))

    x0 = np.zeros(n)
    x0[0] = 5
    x0[1] = 5
    x[0] = x0

    for i in range(N):
        x_u = np.hstack((x[i], -K0.dot(x[i] - xd) + ud))
        all_p[i + N] = x[i, 0]
        all_q[i + N] = x[i, 1]
        xDot = Ae.dot(x[i]) + Be.dot(x_u[6:8])
        x[i + 1] = x[i] + dt * xDot
        # print(x[i,1])

        u_i = -K0.dot(x[i] - xd) + ud
        f = get_forces(u_i, force_bar)

        # x_mesh[i+1] = x_mesh[i] + dt*CalcF(np.hstack((x_mesh[i], f)))

        forces[i + N] = f

        timeVec[i + N] = timeVec[i - 1 + N] + dt
        x_mesh[i + 1] = x_mesh[i] + dt * CalcF(np.hstack([x_mesh[i], f]))
        x_mesh[i + 1, 9] = x[i + 1, 0]
        x_mesh[i + 1, 10] = x[i + 1, 1]
        print(x_mesh[i + 1])

    # plot_forces(forces, timeVec, all_p, all_q, 1, force_bar, omega_bar[1])

    #%% open meshact
    vis = meshcat.Visualizer()

    #%% Meshcat animation
    PlotTrajectoryMeshcat(x_mesh, timeVec[N:2 * N + 1], vis)
コード例 #19
ファイル: ilqr_pendulum.py プロジェクト: rafeemusabbir/iLQR-1
#%% simulate and plot
dt = 0.001
T = 20000
t = dt*np.arange(T+1)
x = np.zeros((T+1, 2))
x[0] = [0, 0.1]

# desired fixed point
xd = np.array([-np.pi, 0])

# linearize about upright fixed point
f_x_u = jacobian(CalcF, np.hstack((xd, [0])))
A0 = f_x_u[:, 0:2]
B0 = f_x_u[:, 2:3]

K0, S0 = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A0, B0, 10*np.diag([1,1]), 1*np.eye(1))
for i in range(T):
    x_u = np.hstack((x[i], Tau(x[i])))
    x[i+1] = x[i] + dt*CalcF(x_u)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,12), dpi = 100)

ax_x = fig.add_subplot(311)
ax_x.plot(t, x[:,0])
ax_x.axhline(np.pi, color='r', ls='--')

ax_y = fig.add_subplot(312)
ax_y.plot(t, x[:,1])
ax_y.axhline(color='r', ls='--')
コード例 #20
def two_rotor_loss():
    # simulate quadrotor w/ LQR controller using forward Euler integration.
    # fixed point

    n = 12
    m = 4
    xd = np.zeros(n)
    xd[0:2] = [2, 1]
    ud = np.zeros(m)
    ud[:] = mass * g / 4
    x_u = np.hstack((xd, ud))
    partials = jacobian(CalcF, x_u)
    A0 = partials[:, 0:n]
    B0 = partials[:, n:n + m]
    Q = 10 * np.eye(n)
    R = np.eye(m)

    # get LQR controller about the fixed point
    K0, S0 = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A0, B0, Q, R)

    # simulate stabilizing about fixed point using LQR controller
    # dt = 0.001
    # N = int(2.0/dt)
    x = np.zeros((N + 1, n))

    x0 = np.zeros(n)
    x[0] = x0

    timeVec = np.zeros(2 * N + 1)
    all_p = np.zeros(2 * N)
    all_q = np.zeros(2 * N)
    # keeping track of all forces on the quadrotors to show how they adapt
    forces = np.zeros((2 * N, 4))

    for i in range(N):
        x_u = np.hstack((x[i], -K0.dot(x[i] - xd) + ud))
        all_p[i] = x_u[9]
        all_q[i] = x_u[10]
        forces[i] = x_u[12:16]
        x[i + 1] = x[i] + dt * CalcF(x_u)
        timeVec[i] = timeVec[i - 1] + dt

    #%% open meshact
    # vis = meshcat.Visualizer()
    # vis.open

    #%% Meshcat animation
    # PlotTrajectoryMeshcat(x, timeVec, vis)

    #for failure of rotor 4 and 2, omega_hat_4 = omega_hat_2= 0
    n = 5
    m = 1
    kF = 6.41e-6
    n_bar = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
    sigma_motor = 0.015

    #from eq 51
    xd = np.zeros(n)  #p,q are set to 0
    xd[2] = n_bar[0]  #nx
    xd[3] = n_bar[1]  #ny
    ud = np.zeros(m)  #zero because u is in error coordinates
    x_u = np.hstack((xd, ud))

    #based on eq 51
    force_bar = np.array([2.45, 0.0, 2.45, 0.0])

    #omega_bar = np.sqrt(force_bar/kF) explicitly calcualted in paper
    omega_bar = [-619.0, 0.0, -619.0, 0.0]

    #define the A matrix for failed quad
    Ae = np.zeros([5, 5])
    B0_f = np.zeros([4, 1])
    #extended state
    Be = np.zeros([5, 1])
    Q = np.eye(n)
    R = np.eye(m)
    R *= 0.75

    r_hat = ((kF * kM) / gamma) * (omega_bar[0]**2 - omega_bar[1]**2 +
                                   omega_bar[2]**2 - omega_bar[3]**2)

    #define coupling constant
    a_bar = (I[0, 0] - I[2, 2]) / I[0, 0]

    B0_f[1] = 1
    B0_f = (l / I[0, 0]) * B0_f

    Ae[0, 1] = a_bar
    Ae[1, 0] = -1 * a_bar
    Ae[1, 0] = -1 * a_bar
    Ae[2, 1] = -1 * n_bar[2]
    Ae[2, 3] = r_hat
    Ae[3, 0] = n_bar[2]
    Ae[3, 2] = -1 * r_hat
    Ae[0:4, 4:5] = B0_f

    Ae[4, 4] = -1 * sigma_motor
    Be[4] = 1 / sigma_motor

    #the failed matrix u
    # u_f = np.zeros([2,1])

    Q[2, 2] *= 1000
    Q[3, 3] *= 2

    # get LQR controller about the fixed point
    K0, S0 = LinearQuadraticRegulator(Ae, Be, Q, R)

    # simulate stabilizing about fixed point using LQR controller
    # dt = 0.001
    # N = int(5.0/dt)
    x = np.zeros((N + 1, n))
    # forces = np.zeros((N+1, 4))
    # forces[0] = np.zeros(4)

    x0 = np.zeros(n)
    x0[0] = 5
    x0[1] = 5
    x[0] = x0

    # here, assume the nx and ny are initially zero
    # additional motor values are also set to zero

    # timeVec = np.zeros(N+1)

    for i in range(N):
        x_u = np.hstack((x[i], -K0.dot(x[i] - xd) + ud))
        all_p[i + N] = x[i, 0]
        all_q[i + N] = x[i, 1]
        xDot = Ae.dot(x[i]) + Be.dot(x_u[n:n + m])
        x[i + 1] = x[i] + dt * xDot

        # print(x[i,1])

        u_i = -K0.dot(x[i] - xd) + ud
        f = np.zeros(4)
        f[2] = (u_i[0] + 2 * force_bar[2]) / 2
        f[0] = np.sum(force_bar) - f[2]

        forces[i + N] = f

        timeVec[i + N] = timeVec[i - 1 + N] + dt

    # PlotFailedTraj(x.copy(), dt, xd, ud, timeVec, forces)
    plot_forces(forces, timeVec, all_p, all_q, 2, force_bar, omega_bar[1])
コード例 #21
		def RegionOfAttraction(self, xtraj, utraj, V=None):
			# Construct a polynomial V that contains all monomials with s,c,thetadot up to degree 2.
			#deg_V = 2
			do_normalization = False
			do_balancing     = False #True
			do_use_Slti      = True
			# Construct a polynomial L representing the "Lagrange multiplier".
			deg_L = 4
			taylor_order = 3
			Q  = 10.0*np.eye(self.nX)
			R  = 1.0*np.eye(self.nU)
			Qf = 1.0*np.eye(self.nX)
			rho_f = 1.0
			xdotraj = xtraj.derivative(1)
			# set some constraints on inputs
			#context.FixInputPort(0, utraj.value(utraj.end_time()))

			#x0 = context.get_continuous_state_vector().CopyToVector()
			#if(xdotraj is None):
			#	xdotraj = xtraj.Derivative(1)
			# Check that x0 is a "fixed point" (on the trajectory).
			#xdot0 = self.EvalTimeDerivatives(context).CopyToVector()
			#assert np.allclose(xdot0, xdotraj), "context does not describe valid path."   #0*xdot0), 
			prog = MathematicalProgram()
			x = prog.NewIndeterminates(self.nX, 'x')
			ucon = prog.NewIndeterminates(self.nU, 'u')
			#sym_system = self.ToSymbolic()
			#sym_context = sym_system.CreateDefaultContext()
			#sym_context.FixInputPort(0, ucon )
			#f = sym_system.EvalTimeDerivativesTaylor(sym_context).CopyToVector() 
			times = xtraj.get_segment_times()
			all_V   = [] #might be transformed
			all_Vd  = [] #might be transformed
			all_Vd2 = [] 
			all_fcl = [] #might be transformed
			all_T   = [] #might be transformed
			all_x0  = [] #might be transformed
			sumV = 0.0
			zero_map = dict(zip(x,np.zeros(self.nX)))
				# get the final ROA to be the initial condition (of t=end) of the S from Ricatti)
				for tf in [times[-1]]:
					#tf = times[-1]
					xf = xtraj.value(tf).transpose()[0]
					xdf = xdotraj.value(tf).transpose()[0]
					uf = utraj.value(tf).transpose()[0]
					Af, Bf = self.PlantDerivatives(xf, uf) #0.0*uf)
					Kf, __ = LinearQuadraticRegulator(Af, Bf, Q, R)
					# get a polynomial representation of f_closedloop, xdot = f_cl(x)
					# where x is actually in rel. coord.
					f_Lcl   = self.EvalClosedLoopDynamics(x, ucon, xf, uf, xdf, Kf, order=1) # linearization CL
					Af     = Evaluate(Jacobian(f_Lcl, x), zero_map) # because this is rel. coord.
					Qf 	   = RealContinuousLyapunovEquation(Af, Q)
					f_cl   = self.EvalClosedLoopDynamics(x, ucon, xf, uf, xdf, Kf, order=taylor_order) # for dynamics CL
					# make sure Lyapunov candidate is pd
					if (self.isPositiveDefinite(Qf)==False):
						assert False, '******\nQf is not PD for t=%f\n******' %(tf)
					Vf = (x-xf).transpose().dot(Qf.dot((x-xf)))

					#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
						#coeffs = Polynomial(Vf).monomial_to_coefficient_map().values()
						#sumV = 0.
						#for coeff in coeffs:
						#	sumV = sumV + np.abs(coeff.Evaluate())
						sumV = Vf.Evaluate(dict(zip(x, xf+np.ones(self.nX)))) #do: V(1,1,...)=1
						Vf = Vf / sumV  #normalize coefficient sum to one
						Qf = Qf / sumV

					Vfdot = Vf.Jacobian(x).dot(f_cl) # we're just doing the static final point to get Rho_f
					#H = Evaluate(0.5*Jacobian(Vfdot.Jacobian(x),x), zero_map)
					#if (self.isPositiveDefinite(-H)==False):
					#	assert False, '******\nVdot is not ND at the end point, for t=%f\n******' %(tf)

						#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
						S1 = Evaluate(0.5*Jacobian(Vf.Jacobian(x),x), zero_map)
						S2 = Evaluate(0.5*Jacobian(Vfdot.Jacobian(x),x), zero_map)
						T = self.balanceQuadraticForm(S1, S2)
						balanced_x = T.dot(x)
						balance_map = dict(zip(x, balanced_x))
						Vf = Vf.Substitute(balance_map)
						Vfdot = Vfdot.Substitute(balance_map)
						for i in range(len(f_cl)):
							f_cl[i] = f_cl[i].Substitute(balance_map)
						xf = np.linalg.inv(T).dot(xf) #the new coordinates of the equilibrium point

					rhomin = 0.0
					rhomax = 1.0

					#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
					#deg_L = Polynomial(Vfdot).TotalDegree()
					# First bracket the solution
					while self.CheckLevelSet(x, xf, Vf, Vfdot, rhomax, multiplier_degree=deg_L) > 0:
						rhomin = rhomax
						rhomax = 1.2*rhomax

					#print('Rho_max = %f' %(rhomax))
					tolerance = 1e-4
					slack = -1.0
					while rhomax - rhomin > tolerance:
						rho_f = (rhomin + rhomax)/2
						slack = self.CheckLevelSet(x, xf, Vf, Vfdot, rho_f, multiplier_degree=deg_L)
						if  slack >= 0:
							rhomin = rho_f
							rhomax = rho_f

					rho_f = (rhomin + rhomax)/2
					rho_f = rho_f*0.8 # just to be on the safe-side. REMOVE WHEN WORKING
					print('Rho_final(t=%f) = %f; slack=%f' %(tf, rho_f, slack))
					#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
			#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
			# end of getting initial conditions
			if V is None:
				# Do optimization to find the Lyapunov candidate.
				#print('******\nRunning SOS to find Lyapunov function ...') 
				#V, Vdot = self.findLyapunovFunctionSOS(xtraj, utraj, deg_V, deg_L)
				# or Do tvlqr to get S
				print('******\nRunning TVLQR ...')
				K, S  = self.TVLQR(xtraj, utraj, Q, R, Qf) 
				#S0 = S.value(times[-1]).reshape(self.nX, self.nX)
				for t in times:
					x0 = xtraj.value(t).transpose()[0]
					xd0 = xdotraj.value(t).transpose()[0]
					u0 = utraj.value(t).transpose()[0]
					K0 = K.value(t).reshape(self.nU, self.nX)
					S0 = S.value(t).reshape(self.nX, self.nX)
					S0d = S.derivative(1).value(t).reshape(self.nX, self.nX) # Sdot
					# make sure Lyapunov candidate is pd
					if (self.isPositiveDefinite(S0)==False):
						assert False, '******\nS is not PD for t=%f\n******' %(t)
					# for debugging
					#S0 = np.eye(self.nX)
					#V = x.dot(S0.dot(x))
					V = (x-x0).transpose().dot(S0.dot((x-x0)))
					# normalization of the lyapunov function
						#coeffs = Polynomial(V).monomial_to_coefficient_map().values()
						#sumV = 0.
						#for coeff in coeffs:
						#	sumV = sumV + np.abs(coeff.Evaluate())
						#sumV = V.Evaluate(dict(zip(x, x0+np.ones(self.nX)))) #do: V(1,1,...)=1
						V = V / sumV  #normalize coefficient sum to one
					# get a polynomial representation of f_closedloop, xdot = f_cl(x)
					f_cl = self.EvalClosedLoopDynamics(x, ucon, x0, u0, xd0, K0, order=taylor_order)
					#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
					# vdot = x'*Sdot*x + dV/dx*fcl_poly
					#Vdot = (x.transpose().dot(S0d)).dot(x) + V.Jacobian(x).dot(f_cl(xbar)) 
					Vdot = ((x-x0).transpose().dot(S0d)).dot((x-x0)) + V.Jacobian(x).dot(f_cl) 
					#deg_L = np.max([Polynomial(Vdot).TotalDegree(), deg_L])
						#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
						S1 = Evaluate(0.5*Jacobian(V.Jacobian(x),x), zero_map)
						S2 = Evaluate(0.5*Jacobian(Vdot.Jacobian(x),x), zero_map)
						T = self.balanceQuadraticForm(S1, S2)
						balanced_x = T.dot(x)
						balance_map = dict(zip(x, balanced_x))
						V = V.Substitute(balance_map)
						Vdot = Vdot.Substitute(balance_map)
						for i in range(len(f_cl)):
							f_cl[i] = f_cl[i].Substitute(balance_map)
						x0 = np.linalg.inv(T).dot(x0) #the new coordinates of the equilibrium point
						T = np.eye(self.nX)
					# store it for later use
			for i in range(len(times)-1):
				xd0 = xdotraj.value(times[i]).transpose()[0]
				Vdot = (all_V[i+1]-all_V[i])/(times[i+1]-times[i]) + all_V[i].Jacobian(x).dot(all_fcl[i]) 
			#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
			#rho_f = 1.0
			# time-varying PolynomialLyapunovFunction who's one-level set defines the verified invariant region
			V = self.TimeVaryingLyapunovSearchRho(x, all_V, all_Vd, all_T, times, xtraj, utraj, rho_f, \
			# Check Hessian of Vdot at origin
			#H = Evaluate(0.5*Jacobian(Vdot.Jacobian(x),x), dict(zip(x, x0)))
			#assert isPositiveDefinite(-H), "Vdot is not negative definite at the fixed point."
			return V
コード例 #22
from ilqr_quadrotor_3D import traj_specs, planner
import meshcat
#%% get LQR controller about goal point
# fixed point
xd = np.zeros(n)
ud = np.zeros(m)
ud[:] = mass * g / 4
x_u = np.hstack((xd, ud))
partials = jacobian(CalcF, x_u)
A0 = partials[:, 0:n]
B0 = partials[:, n:n + m]
Q = 10 * np.eye(n)
R = np.eye(m)

K0, S0 = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A0, B0, Q, R)

#%% Build drake diagram system and simulate.
builder = DiagramBuilder()
quad = builder.AddSystem(Quadrotor())

# controller system
class QuadLqrController(LeafSystem):
    def __init__(self):
        self._DeclareInputPort(PortDataType.kVectorValued, n)
        self._DeclareVectorOutputPort(BasicVector(m), self._DoCalcVectorOutput)
        self._DeclareDiscreteState(m)  # state of the controller system is u
            period_sec=0.005)  # update u at 200Hz
コード例 #23
    fh_lqr_phi_data = []
    fh_lqr_phi_dot_data = []
    fh_lqr_theta_data = []

# Set up LQR
lqr_plant_vector_system, lqr_position_system = get_plant_and_pos()
lqr_builder = DiagramBuilder()
plant = lqr_builder.AddSystem(lqr_plant_vector_system)
position = lqr_builder.AddSystem(lqr_position_system)

lqr_context = plant.CreateDefaultContext()
plant.get_input_port(0).FixValue(lqr_context, u_bar)
Q = np.diag([1, 100, 100, 1, 1])
R = np.diag([0.5, 0.5, 0.1])
LQR_Controller = LinearQuadraticRegulator(plant, lqr_context, Q, R)

lqr_t, lqr_r_data, lqr_r_dot_data, lqr_theta_dot_data, lqr_phi_data, \
    lqr_phi_dot_data, lqr_theta_data, = simulate(
        lqr_builder, lqr_plant_vector_system, lqr_position_system, LQR_Controller, ss_x0, simulation_time - fh_lqr_time)

if fh_lqr_time > 0:
    lqr_t = lqr_t + fh_lqr_t[-1]
t = np.concatenate((fh_lqr_t, lqr_t))
r_data = np.concatenate((fh_lqr_r_data, lqr_r_data))
r_dot_data = np.concatenate((fh_lqr_r_dot_data, lqr_r_dot_data))
theta_dot_data = np.concatenate((fh_lqr_theta_dot_data, lqr_theta_dot_data))
phi_data = np.concatenate((fh_lqr_phi_data, lqr_phi_data))
phi_dot_data = np.concatenate((fh_lqr_phi_dot_data, lqr_phi_dot_data))
theta_data = np.concatenate((fh_lqr_theta_data, lqr_theta_data))
コード例 #24
# print("A:", A, "B:", B)

Q = 1 * np.eye(13)
Q[0:3, 0:3] = 10 * np.eye(3)
Q[10:13, 10:13] = 1 * np.eye(3)

R = np.eye(4)
N = np.zeros((13, 4))

M_lqr = solve_continuous_are(A, B, Q, R)
# print("M_lqr:", M_lqr)
K_py = np.dot(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(R), B.T), M_lqr)
print("K_py", K_py)
# print("K_py size:", K_py.shape)

K_, S_ = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B, Q, R)

# print("K_:", K_, "S_:", S_)

ControllabilityMatrix = np.zeros((13, 4 * 13))
for i in range(0, 13):
    if i == 0:
        TestAB = B
        ControllabilityMatrix = TestAB
        # print("ControllabilityMatrix:", ControllabilityMatrix)
        TestAB = np.dot(A, TestAB)
        ControllabilityMatrix = np.hstack([ControllabilityMatrix, TestAB])
# print("ContrbM: ", ControllabilityMatrix)
# print("Contrb size:", ControllabilityMatrix.shape)
rankContrb = np.linalg.matrix_rank(ControllabilityMatrix)
コード例 #25
#print CalcFu(x_u)
#print jacobian(CalcF, x_u)

#%% simulate and plot
dt = 0.01
T = 4000
t = dt * np.arange(T + 1)
x = np.zeros((T + 1, 4))
x[0] = [0, 3.19, 0, 0]

xd = np.array([0, np.pi, 0, 0])
f_x_u = jacobian(CalcF, np.hstack((xd, [0])))
A0 = f_x_u[:, 0:4]
B0 = f_x_u[:, 4:5]

K0, S0 = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A0, B0, 100 * np.diag([1, 1, 1, 1]),
                                  1 * np.eye(1))
for i in range(T):
    x_u = np.hstack((x[i], -K0.dot(x[i] - xd)))
    x[i + 1] = x[i] + dt * CalcF(x_u)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 12), dpi=100)

ax_x = fig.add_subplot(311)
ax_x.plot(t, x[:, 0])
ax_x.axhline(color='r', ls='--')

ax_y = fig.add_subplot(312)
ax_y.plot(t, x[:, 1])
ax_y.axhline(color='r', ls='--')
コード例 #26
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # simulate quadrotor w/ LQR controller using forward Euler integration.
    # fixed point
    xd = np.zeros(n)
    xd[0:2] = [2, 1]
    ud = np.zeros(m)
    ud[:] = mass * g / 4
    x_u = np.hstack((xd, ud))
    partials = jacobian(CalcF, x_u)
    A0 = partials[:, 0:n]
    B0 = partials[:, n:n + m]
    Q = 10 * np.eye(n)
    R = np.eye(m)

    # get LQR controller about the fixed point
    K0, S0 = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A0, B0, Q, R)

    # simulate stabilizing about fixed point using LQR controller
    dt = 0.001
    N = int(4.0 / dt)
    x = np.zeros((N + 1, n))

    x0 = np.zeros(n)
    x[0] = x0

    timeVec = np.zeros(N + 1)

    for i in range(N):
        x_u = np.hstack((x[i], -K0.dot(x[i] - xd) + ud))
        x[i + 1] = x[i] + dt * CalcF(x_u)
        timeVec[i] = timeVec[i - 1] + dt
コード例 #27
 def CallLQR(x, u, Q, R):
     f_x_u = jacobian(self.CalcF, np.hstack((x, u)))
     A = f_x_u[:, 0:self.n]
     B = f_x_u[:, self.n:self.n + self.m]
     K, P = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B, Q, R)
     return K, P