コード例 #1
    def test_jacobian_api_negative(self):
        def g_good(x):
            return [x[0], x[1]]

        x_bad = [[1, 2]]
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as cm:
            jacobian(g_good, x_bad)
        self.assertIn("x must be a vector", str(cm.exception))
コード例 #2
    def ComputeControlInput(self, x, t):
        # Set up things you might want...
        q = x[0:self.nq]
        v = x[self.nq:]

        kinsol = self.hand.doKinematics(x[0:self.hand.get_num_positions()])
        M = self.hand.massMatrix(kinsol)
        C = self.hand.dynamicsBiasTerm(kinsol, {}, None)
        B = self.hand.B

        # Assume grasp points are achieved, and calculate
        # contact jacobian at those points, as well as the current
        # grasp points and normals (in WORLD FRAME).
        grasp_points_world_now = self.transform_grasp_points_manipuland(q)
        grasp_normals_world_now = self.transform_grasp_normals_manipuland(q)
        J_manipuland = jacobian(self.transform_grasp_points_manipuland, q)
        ee_points_now = self.transform_grasp_points_fingers(q)
        J_manipulator = jacobian(self.transform_grasp_points_fingers, q)

        # The contact jacobian (Phi), for contact forces coming from
        # point contacts, describes how the movement of the contact point
        # maps into the joint coordinates of the robot. We can get this
        # by combining the jacobians derived from forward kinematics to each
        # of the two bodies that are in contact, evaluated at the contact point
        # in each body's frame.
        J_contact = J_manipuland - J_manipulator
        # Cut off the 3rd dimension, which should always be 0
        J_contact = J_contact[0:2, :, :]
        # Given these, the manipulator equations enter as a linear constraint
        # M qdd + C = Bu + J_contact lambda
        # (the combined effects of lambda on the robot).
        # The list of grasp points, in manipuland frame, that we'll use.
        n_cf = len(self.grasp_points)
        # The evaluated desired manipuland posture.
        manipuland_qdes = self.GetDesiredObjectPosition(t)

        # The desired robot (arm) posture, calculated via inverse kinematics
        # to achieve the desired grasp points on the object in its current
        # target posture.
        qdes, info = self.ComputeTargetPosture(x, manipuland_qdes)
        if info != 1:
            if not self.shut_up:
                print "Warning: target posture IK solve got info %d " \
                      "when computing goal posture at least once during " \
                      "simulation. This means the grasp points was hard to " \
                      "achieve given the current object posture. This is " \
                      "occasionally OK, but indicates that your controller " \
                      "is probably struggling a little." % info
                self.shut_up = True

        # From here, it's up to you. Following the guidelines in the problem
        # set, implement a controller to achieve the specified goals.
        u = np.zeros(self.nu)
        return u
コード例 #3
    def test_eval_binding(self):
        qp = TestQP()
        prog = qp.prog

        x = qp.x
        x_expected = np.array([1., 1.])

        costs = qp.costs
        cost_values_expected = [2., 1.]
        constraints = qp.constraints
        constraint_values_expected = [1., 1., 2., 3.]

        with catch_drake_warnings(action='ignore'):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(prog.GetSolution(x), x_expected))

            enum = zip(constraints, constraint_values_expected)
            for (constraint, value_expected) in enum:
                value = prog.EvalBindingAtSolution(constraint)
                self.assertTrue(np.allclose(value, value_expected))

            enum = zip(costs, cost_values_expected)
            for (cost, value_expected) in enum:
                value = prog.EvalBindingAtSolution(cost)
                self.assertTrue(np.allclose(value, value_expected))

            # Existence check for non-autodiff versions.
                prog.EvalBinding(costs[0], x_expected), np.ndarray)
                prog.EvalBindings(prog.GetAllConstraints(), x_expected),

            # Existence check for autodiff versions.
                jacobian(partial(prog.EvalBinding, costs[0]), x_expected),
                jacobian(partial(prog.EvalBindings, prog.GetAllConstraints()),

            # Bindings for `Eval`.
            x_list = (float(1.), AutoDiffXd(1.), sym.Variable("x"))
            T_y_list = (float, AutoDiffXd, sym.Expression)
            evaluator = costs[0].evaluator()
            for x_i, T_y_i in zip(x_list, T_y_list):
                y_i = evaluator.Eval(x=[x_i, x_i])
                self.assertIsInstance(y_i[0], T_y_i)
コード例 #4
    def test_kinematics_api(self):
        # TODO(eric.cousineau): Reduce these tests to only test API, and do
        # simple sanity checks on the numbers.
        tree = RigidBodyTree(
        num_q = 7
        num_v = 7
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_positions(), num_q)
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_velocities(), num_v)
        q = np.zeros(num_q)
        v = np.zeros(num_v)

        # Trivial kinematics.
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q, v)
        p = tree.transformPoints(kinsol, np.zeros(3), 0, 1)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(p, np.zeros(3)))

        # AutoDiff jacobians.

        def do_transform(q):
            kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
            point = np.ones(3)
            return tree.transformPoints(kinsol, point, 2, 0)

        # - Position.
        value = do_transform(q)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(value, np.ones(3)))
        # - Gradient.
        g = jacobian(do_transform, q)
        g_expected = np.array([[[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1]],
                               [[0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0]],
                               [[0, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, -1]]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(g, g_expected))

        # Relative transform.
        q[:] = 0
        q[6] = np.pi / 2
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        T = tree.relativeTransform(kinsol, 1, 2)
        T_expected = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 0],
                               [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(T, T_expected))

        # Do FK and compare pose of 'arm' with expected pose.
        q[:] = 0
        q[6] = np.pi / 2
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        T = tree.CalcBodyPoseInWorldFrame(kinsol, tree.FindBody("arm"))
        T_expected = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 0],
                               [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(T, T_expected))
コード例 #5
    def test_gradient_and_jacobian(self):
        # Explicitly test with type(x) == list, so that we ensure the API
        # handles this case.
        x = [1., 2.]

        def f(x):
            return x.dot(x)

        def f_vector(x):
            # Return a vector of size 1.
            return [f(x)]

        def df(x):
            # N.B. We explicitly convert to ndarray since we call this
            # directly.
            x = np.asarray(x)
            return 2 * x

        def g_vector(x):
            # This will be a vector of size 2.
            return [f(x), 3 * f(x)]

        def dg_vector(x):
            # This will be a 2x2 matrix.
            return [df(x), 3 * df(x)]

        def g_matrix(x):
            return [g_vector(x)]

        def dg_matrix(x):
            return [dg_vector(x)]

        numpy_compare.assert_equal(gradient(f, x), df(x))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(gradient(f_vector, x), df(x))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(jacobian(f, x), df(x))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(jacobian(g_vector, x), dg_vector(x))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(jacobian(g_matrix, x), dg_matrix(x))
コード例 #6
    def test_gradient(self):
        r = pydrake.rbtree.RigidBodyTree(

        def do_transform(q):
            kinsol = r.doKinematics(q)
            point = np.ones((3, 1))
            return r.transformPoints(kinsol, point, 2, 0)

        q = np.zeros(7)

        value = do_transform(q)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(value, np.ones((3, 1))))

        g = fd.jacobian(do_transform, q)
                                    np.array([[[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1]],
                                              [[0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0]],
                                              [[0, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, -1]]])))
コード例 #7
    def test_gradient(self):
        r = pydrake.rbtree.RigidBodyTree(

        def do_transform(q):
            kinsol = r.doKinematics(q)
            point = np.ones((3, 1))
            return r.transformPoints(kinsol, point, 2, 0)

        q = np.zeros(7)

        value = do_transform(q)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(value, np.ones((3, 1))))

        g = fd.jacobian(do_transform, q)
                                    np.array([[[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1]],
                                              [[0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0]],
                                              [[0, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, -1]]])))
コード例 #8
    def ComputeControlInput(self, x, t):
        # Set up things you might want...
        q = x[0:self.nq]
        v = x[self.nq:]

        kinsol = self.hand.doKinematics(x[0:self.hand.get_num_positions()])
        M = self.hand.massMatrix(kinsol)
        C = self.hand.dynamicsBiasTerm(kinsol, {}, None)
        B = self.hand.B

        # Assume grasp points are achieved, and calculate
        # contact jacobian at those points, as well as the current
        # grasp points and normals (in WORLD FRAME).
        grasp_points_world_now = self.transform_grasp_points_manipuland(q)
        grasp_normals_world_now = self.transform_grasp_normals_manipuland(q)
        J_manipuland = jacobian(self.transform_grasp_points_manipuland, q)
        ee_points_now = self.transform_grasp_points_fingers(q)
        J_manipulator = jacobian(self.transform_grasp_points_fingers, q)

        # The contact jacobian (Phi), for contact forces coming from
        # point contacts, describes how the movement of the contact point
        # maps into the joint coordinates of the robot. We can get this
        # by combining the jacobians derived from forward kinematics to each
        # of the two bodies that are in contact, evaluated at the contact point
        # in each body's frame.
        J_contact = J_manipuland - J_manipulator
        # Cut off the 3rd dimension, which should always be 0
        J_contact = J_contact[0:2, :, :]
        # Given these, the manipulator equations enter as a linear constraint
        # M qdd + C = Bu + J_contact lambda
        # (the combined effects of lambda on the robot).
        # The list of grasp points, in manipuland frame, that we'll use.
        n_cf = len(self.grasp_points)
        # The evaluated desired manipuland posture.
        manipuland_qdes = self.GetDesiredObjectPosition(t)

        # The desired robot (arm) posture, calculated via inverse kinematics
        # to achieve the desired grasp points on the object in its current
        # target posture.
        qdes, info = self.ComputeTargetPosture(x, manipuland_qdes)
        if info != 1:
            if not self.shut_up:
                print "Warning: target posture IK solve got info %d " \
                      "when computing goal posture at least once during " \
                      "simulation. This means the grasp points was hard to " \
                      "achieve given the current object posture. This is " \
                      "occasionally OK, but indicates that your controller " \
                      "is probably struggling a little." % info
                self.shut_up = True

        # From here, it's up to you. Following the guidelines in the problem
        # set, implement a controller to achieve the specified goals.

        mp = MathematicalProgram()

        #control variables = u = self.nu x 1
        #ddot{q} as variable w/ q's shape
        controls = mp.NewContinuousVariables(self.nu, "controls")
        qdd = mp.NewContinuousVariables(q.shape[0], "qdd")

        #make variables for lambda's and beta's
        k = 0
        b = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "betas_%d" % k)
        betas = b
        for i in range(len(self.grasp_points)):
            b = mp.NewContinuousVariables(
                2, "betas_%d" % k)  #pair of betas for each contact point
            betas = np.vstack((betas, b))
                betas[i, 0] >= 0).evaluator().set_description(
                    "beta_0 greater than 0 for %d" % i)
                betas[i, 1] >= 0).evaluator().set_description(
                    "beta_1 greater than 0 for %d" % i)
        #c1 = normals-mu*tangent
        n = grasp_normals_world_now.T[:, 0:2]  #row=contact point?
        t = get_perpendicular2d(n[0])
        c_i1 = n[0] + np.dot(self.mu, t)
        c_i2 = n[0] - np.dot(self.mu, t)
        l = c_i1.dot(betas[0, 0]) + c_i2.dot(betas[0, 1])
        lambdas = l

        for i in range(1, len(self.grasp_points)):
            n = grasp_normals_world_now.T[:, 0:
                                          2]  #row=contact point? transpose then index
            t = get_perpendicular2d(n[i])
            c_i1 = n[i] - np.dot(self.mu, t)
            c_i2 = n[i] + np.dot(self.mu, t)
            l = c_i1.dot(betas[i, 0]) + c_i2.dot(betas[i, 1])
            lambdas = np.vstack((lambdas, l))

        control_period = 0.0333
        #Constrain the dyanmics
        dyn = M.dot(qdd) + C - B.dot(controls)
        for i in range(q.shape[0]):
            j_c = 0
            for l in range(len(self.grasp_points)):
                j_sub = J_contact[:, l, :].T
                j_c += j_sub.dot(lambdas[l])

#             print(j_c.shape)
#             print(dyn.shape)
            mp.AddConstraint(dyn[i] - j_c[i] == 0)

        #PD controller using kinematics
        Kp = 100.0
        Kd = 1.0
        control_period = 0.0333
        next_q = q + v.dot(control_period) + np.dot(qdd.dot(control_period**2),
        next_q_dot = v + qdd.dot(control_period)
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(Kp * (qdes - next_q).dot((qdes - next_q).T) + Kd *
        Kp_ext = 100.
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(Kp_ext * (qdes - next_q)[-3:].dot(
            (qdes - next_q)[-3:].T))

        res = Solve(mp)
        c = res.GetSolution(controls)
        return c
コード例 #9
 def CallLQR(x, u, Q, R):
     f_x_u = jacobian(self.CalcF, np.hstack((x, u)))
     A = f_x_u[:, 0:self.n]
     B = f_x_u[:, self.n:self.n + self.m]
     K, P = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B, Q, R)
     return K, P
コード例 #10
def one_rotor_loss():
    # simulate quadrotor w/ LQR controller using forward Euler integration.
    # fixed point

    n = 12
    m = 4
    xd = np.zeros(n)
    xd[0:2] = [2, 1]
    ud = np.zeros(m)
    ud[:] = mass * g / 4
    x_u = np.hstack((xd, ud))
    partials = jacobian(CalcF, x_u)
    A0 = partials[:, 0:n]
    B0 = partials[:, n:n + m]
    Q = 10 * np.eye(n)
    R = np.eye(m)

    # get LQR controller about the fixed point
    K0, S0 = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A0, B0, Q, R)

    # simulate stabilizing about fixed point using LQR controller
    # dt = 0.001
    # N = int(2.0/dt)
    x = np.zeros((N + 1, n))

    x0 = np.zeros(n)
    x[0] = x0

    timeVec = np.zeros(2 * N + 1)
    all_p = np.zeros(2 * N)
    all_q = np.zeros(2 * N)
    # keeping track of all forces on the quadrotors to show how they adapt
    forces = np.zeros((2 * N, 4))

    for i in range(N):
        x_u = np.hstack((x[i], -K0.dot(x[i] - xd) + ud))
        all_p[i] = x_u[9]
        all_q[i] = x_u[10]
        forces[i] = x_u[12:16]
        x[i + 1] = x[i] + dt * CalcF(x_u)
        timeVec[i] = timeVec[i - 1] + dt

    #%% open meshact
    # vis = meshcat.Visualizer()
    # vis.open

    #%% Meshcat animation
    # PlotTrajectoryMeshcat(x, timeVec, vis)

    # at timestamp N=5.0 seconds, rotor 4 fails and we switch control systems
    n = 6
    m = 2
    #for failure of rotor 4, omega_hat_4 = 0
    n_bar = [0.0, 0.289, 0.958]
    sigma_motor = 0.015

    #from eq 51
    xd = np.zeros(n)
    xd[1] = 5.69  #q
    xd[2] = n_bar[0]  #nx
    xd[3] = n_bar[1]  #ny
    ud = np.zeros(m)  #zero because u is in error coordinates
    x_u = np.hstack((xd, ud))

    #based on eq 51
    force_bar = np.array([2.05, 1.02, 2.05, 0])
    # force_bar = np.array([1.02, 2.05, 1.02, 0])
    omega_bar = np.sqrt(force_bar / kF)

    #define the A matrix for failed quad
    Ae = np.zeros([6, 6])
    B0_f = np.zeros([4, 2])
    #extended state
    Be = np.zeros([6, 2])
    Q = np.eye(n)
    R = np.eye(m)

    r_hat = ((kF * kM) / gamma) * (omega_bar[0]**2 - omega_bar[1]**2 +
                                   omega_bar[2]**2 - omega_bar[3]**2)

    #define coupling constant
    a_bar = (I[0, 0] - I[2, 2]) / I[0, 0]

    B0_f[1, 0] = 1
    B0_f[0, 1] = 1
    B0_f = (l / I[0, 0]) * B0_f

    Ae[0, 1] = a_bar
    Ae[1, 0] = -1 * a_bar
    Ae[1, 0] = -1 * a_bar
    Ae[2, 1] = -1 * n_bar[2]
    Ae[2, 3] = r_hat
    Ae[3, 0] = n_bar[2]
    Ae[3, 2] = -1 * r_hat
    Ae[0:4, 4:6] = B0_f

    Ae[4:6, 4:6] = -1 * np.eye(2) / sigma_motor
    Be[4:6, 0:2] = np.eye(2) / sigma_motor

    #the failed matrix u
    # u_f = np.zeros([2,1])

    Q[2:4, 2:4] *= 20
    Q[4:6, 4:6] *= 0

    # get LQR controller about the fixed point
    K0, S0 = LinearQuadraticRegulator(Ae, Be, Q, R)

    # simulate stabilizing about fixed point using LQR controller
    x_mesh = np.zeros((N + 1, 12))
    x_mesh[0] = x[N]
    x = np.zeros((N + 1, n))

    x0 = np.zeros(n)
    x0[0] = 5
    x0[1] = 5
    x[0] = x0

    for i in range(N):
        x_u = np.hstack((x[i], -K0.dot(x[i] - xd) + ud))
        all_p[i + N] = x[i, 0]
        all_q[i + N] = x[i, 1]
        xDot = Ae.dot(x[i]) + Be.dot(x_u[6:8])
        x[i + 1] = x[i] + dt * xDot
        # print(x[i,1])

        u_i = -K0.dot(x[i] - xd) + ud
        f = get_forces(u_i, force_bar)

        # x_mesh[i+1] = x_mesh[i] + dt*CalcF(np.hstack((x_mesh[i], f)))

        forces[i + N] = f

        timeVec[i + N] = timeVec[i - 1 + N] + dt
        x_mesh[i + 1] = x_mesh[i] + dt * CalcF(np.hstack([x_mesh[i], f]))
        x_mesh[i + 1, 9] = x[i + 1, 0]
        x_mesh[i + 1, 10] = x[i + 1, 1]
        print(x_mesh[i + 1])

    # plot_forces(forces, timeVec, all_p, all_q, 1, force_bar, omega_bar[1])

    #%% open meshact
    vis = meshcat.Visualizer()

    #%% Meshcat animation
    PlotTrajectoryMeshcat(x_mesh, timeVec[N:2 * N + 1], vis)
コード例 #11
    def ComputeControlInput(self, x, t):
        # Set up things you might want...
        q = x[0:self.nq]
        v = x[self.nq:]

        kinsol = self.hand.doKinematics(x[0:self.hand.get_num_positions()])
        M = self.hand.massMatrix(kinsol)
        C = self.hand.dynamicsBiasTerm(kinsol, {}, None)
        B = self.hand.B

        # Assume grasp points are achieved, and calculate
        # contact jacobian at those points, as well as the current
        # grasp points and normals (in WORLD FRAME).
        grasp_points_world_now = self.transform_grasp_points_manipuland(q)
        grasp_normals_world_now = self.transform_grasp_normals_manipuland(q)
        J_manipuland = jacobian(
            self.transform_grasp_points_manipuland, q)
        ee_points_now = self.transform_grasp_points_fingers(q)
        J_manipulator = jacobian(
            self.transform_grasp_points_fingers, q)

        # The contact jacobian (Phi), for contact forces coming from
        # point contacts, describes how the movement of the contact point
        # maps into the joint coordinates of the robot. We can get this
        # by combining the jacobians derived from forward kinematics to each
        # of the two bodies that are in contact, evaluated at the contact point
        # in each body's frame.
        J_contact = J_manipuland - J_manipulator
        # Cut off the 3rd dimension, which should always be 0
        J_contact = J_contact[0:2, :, :]
        # Given these, the manipulator equations enter as a linear constraint
        # M qdd + C = Bu + J_contact lambda
        # (the combined effects of lambda on the robot).
        # The list of grasp points, in manipuland frame, that we'll use.
        n_cf = len(self.grasp_points)
        number_of_grasp_points = len(self.grasp_points)
        # The evaluated desired manipuland posture.
        manipuland_qdes = self.GetDesiredObjectPosition(t)

        # The desired robot (arm) posture, calculated via inverse kinematics
        # to achieve the desired grasp points on the object in its current
        # target posture.
        qdes, info = self.ComputeTargetPosture(x, manipuland_qdes)
        # print('shape' + str(np.shape(qdes)))
        # print('self.nq' + str(self.nq))
        # print('self.nu' + str(self.nu))
        if info != 1:
            if not self.shut_up:
                print "Warning: target posture IK solve got info %d " \
                      "when computing goal posture at least once during " \
                      "simulation. This means the grasp points was hard to " \
                      "achieve given the current object posture. This is " \
                      "occasionally OK, but indicates that your controller " \
                      "is probably struggling a little." % info
                self.shut_up = True

        # From here, it's up to you. Following the guidelines in the problem
        # set, implement a controller to achieve the specified goals.

        kd = 1
        kp = 25

        from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram, Solve
        mp = MathematicalProgram()

        u = mp.NewContinuousVariables(self.nu, "u")
        qdd = mp.NewContinuousVariables(self.nq, "qdd")
        x_y_dimensions = 2

        lambda_variable = mp.NewContinuousVariables(x_y_dimensions, number_of_grasp_points, "lambda_variable")

        forces = np.zeros((self.nq))
        for i in range(number_of_grasp_points):
            current_forces = np.transpose(J_contact)[:,i,:].dot(lambda_variable[:,i])
            forces = forces + current_forces

        leftHandSide = M.dot(qdd) + C
        rightHandSide = B.dot(u) + forces

        for i in range(len(leftHandSide)):
            mp.AddConstraint(leftHandSide[i] == rightHandSide[i])

        # Calculate Normals
        normals = np.array([])
        for i in range(number_of_grasp_points):
            current_grasp_normal = grasp_normals_world_now[0:2, i]
            normals = np.vstack((normals, current_grasp_normal)) if normals.size else current_grasp_normal

        # Calculate Tangeants
        tangeants = np.array([])
        for i in range(number_of_grasp_points):
            current_grasp_tangeant = np.array([normals[i, 1], -normals[i, 0]])
            tangeants = np.vstack((tangeants, current_grasp_tangeant)) if tangeants.size else current_grasp_tangeant

        # Create beta variables
        beta = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, number_of_grasp_points, "b0")

        # Create Grasps
        for i in range(number_of_grasp_points):
            c0 = normals[i] - self.mu * tangeants[i]
            c1 = normals[i] + self.mu * tangeants[i]
            right_hand_lambda1 = c0 * beta[0, i] + c1 * beta[1, i]
            mp.AddConstraint(lambda_variable[0, i] == right_hand_lambda1[0])
            mp.AddConstraint(lambda_variable[1, i] == right_hand_lambda1[1])
            mp.AddConstraint(beta[0, i] >= 0)
            mp.AddConstraint(beta[1, i] >= 0)
            mp.AddConstraint(normals[i].dot(lambda_variable[:, i]) >= 0.25)

        # Copying the control period of the constructor. Probably not supposed to do this...
        next_tick_qd = v + qdd * self.cont¨rol_period
        next_tick_q = q + next_tick_qd * self.control_period

        q_error = qdes - next_tick_q
        proportionalCost = q_error.dot(np.transpose(q_error))
        qd_error = 0 - next_tick_qd
        diffCost = qd_error.dot(np.transpose(qd_error))
        mp.AddQuadraticCost(kp * proportionalCost + kd * diffCost)
        result = Solve(mp)
        u_solution = result.GetSolution(u)

        u = np.zeros(self.nu)
        return u_solution
コード例 #12
ファイル: planar_hand.py プロジェクト: wsmoses/6.832
    def ComputeControlInput(self, x, t):
        # Set up things you might want...
        q = x[0:self.nq]
        v = x[self.nq:]

        kinsol = self.hand.doKinematics(x)
        M = self.hand.massMatrix(kinsol)
        C = self.hand.dynamicsBiasTerm(kinsol, {}, None)
        B = self.hand.B

        # Assume grasp points are achieved, and calculate
        # contact jacobian at those points, as well as the current
        # grasp points and normals (in WORLD FRAME).
        grasp_points_world_now = self.transform_grasp_points_manipuland(q)
        grasp_normals_world_now = self.transform_grasp_normals_manipuland(q)
        J_manipuland = jacobian(
            self.transform_grasp_points_manipuland, q)
        ee_points_now = self.transform_grasp_points_fingers(q)
        J_manipulator = jacobian(
            self.transform_grasp_points_fingers, q)

        # The contact jacobian (Phi), for contact forces coming from
        # point contacts, describes how the movement of the contact point
        # maps into the joint coordinates of the robot. We can get this
        # by combining the jacobians derived from forward kinematics to each
        # of the two bodies that are in contact, evaluated at the contact point
        # in each body's frame.
        J_contact = J_manipuland - J_manipulator
        # Cut off the 3rd dimension, which should always be 0
        J_contact = J_contact[0:2, :, :]
        normals = grasp_normals_world_now[0:2, :].T

        # Given these, the manipulator equations enter as a linear constraint
        # M qdd + C = Bu + J_contact lambda
        # (the combined effects of lambda on the robot).
        # The list of grasp points, in manipuland frame, that we'll use.
        n_cf = len(self.grasp_points)
        # The evaluated desired manipuland posture.
        manipuland_qdes = self.GetDesiredObjectPosition(t)

        # The desired robot (arm) posture, calculated via inverse kinematics
        # to achieve the desired grasp points on the object in its current
        # target posture.
        qdes, info = self.ComputeTargetPosture(x, manipuland_qdes)
        if info != 1:
            if not self.shut_up:
                print "Warning: target posture IK solve got info %d " \
                      "when computing goal posture at least once during " \
                      "simulation. This means the grasp points was hard to " \
                      "achieve given the current object posture. This is " \
                      "occasionally OK, but indicates that your controller " \
                      "is probably struggling a little." % info
                self.shut_up = True

        # From here, it's up to you. Following the guidelines in the problem
        # set, implement a controller to achieve the specified goals.

        # This is not proper orthogonal vector...but it somehow makes it work...
        #    whereas the correct does not
        def ortho2(x):
            return np.array([x[0],-x[1]])
            #return np.array([x[1],-x[0]])

        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        dt = self.control_period
        u = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.nu, "u")
        qdd = prog.NewContinuousVariables(q.shape[0], "qdd")
        for i in range(qdd.shape[0]):
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(qdd[i] <=  40)
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(qdd[i] >= -40)

            #prog.AddLinearConstraint(v[i] + qdd[i] * dt <=   80)
            #prog.AddLinearConstraint(v[i] - qdd[i] * dt >=  -80)
        beta = prog.NewContinuousVariables(n_cf, 2, "beta")
        for i in range(n_cf):
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(beta[i,0] >= 0)
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(beta[i,1] >= 0)
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(beta[i,0] <= 10)
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(beta[i,1] <= 10)
        c = np.zeros((n_cf,2,2))

        for i in range(n_cf):
            c[i,0] = normals[i] - self.mu * ortho2(normals[i])
            c[i,1] = normals[i] + self.mu * ortho2(normals[i])

        const = M.dot(qdd) + C - B.dot(u) ## eq 0

        for i in range(n_cf):
            lambda_i = c[i,0]*beta[i,0] + c[i,1]*beta[i,1]
            tmp = J_contact[:, i, :].T.dot(lambda_i)
            const -= tmp

        for i in range(const.shape[0]):
            prog.AddLinearConstraint(const[i] == 0.0)
        Kp = 1000
        Kd = 10
        #v2 = v + dt * qdd
        #q2 = q + v * dt + 0.5 * qdd * dt*dt
        v2 = v + dt * qdd
        q2 = q + (v+v2)/2 * dt #+ 0.5 * qdd * dt*dt

        #v2 = v + dt * qdd
        #q2 = q + v2 * dt
        prog.AddQuadraticCost(Kp * np.sum((qdes - q2) ** 2) + Kd * np.sum(v2**2))
        result = prog.Solve()
        u = prog.GetSolution(u)
        return u
コード例 #13
    def CalcTrajectory(self, traj_specs, t0=0., is_logging_trajectories=True):
        assert (traj_specs.xd.shape == (self.n, ))
        assert (traj_specs.ud.shape == (self.m, ))

        def CallLQR(x, u, Q, R):
            f_x_u = jacobian(self.CalcF, np.hstack((x, u)))
            A = f_x_u[:, 0:self.n]
            B = f_x_u[:, self.n:self.n + self.m]
            K, P = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A, B, Q, R)
            return K, P

        # linearize about target/goal position
        if traj_specs.QN is None:
            Kd, traj_specs.QN = CallLQR(traj_specs.xd, traj_specs.ud, \
                               traj_specs.Q, traj_specs.R)
        self.traj_specs = traj_specs

        # calculates lx
        def CalcLx(xi, i, t0):
            Lx = traj_specs.Q.dot(xi - traj_specs.xd)
            # add contribution from waypoint weights
            if not (traj_specs.xw_list is None):
                for xw in traj_specs.xw_list:
                    Lx += xw.W.dot(xi - xw.x) * self.discount(xw, i, t0)
            return Lx

        # calculates lxx
        def CalcLxx(i, t0):
            Lxx = traj_specs.Q.copy()
            if not (traj_specs.xw_list is None):
                for xw in traj_specs.xw_list:
                    Lxx += xw.W * self.discount(xw, i, t0)
            return Lxx

        # allocate storage for derivatives
        Qx = np.zeros((traj_specs.N, self.n))
        Qxx = np.zeros((traj_specs.N, self.n, self.n))
        Qu = np.zeros((traj_specs.N, self.m))
        Quu = np.zeros((traj_specs.N, self.m, self.m))
        Qux = np.zeros((traj_specs.N, self.m, self.n))

        delta_V = np.zeros(traj_specs.N + 1)
        Vx = np.zeros((traj_specs.N + 1, self.n))
        Vxx = np.zeros((traj_specs.N + 1, self.n, self.n))

        k = np.zeros((traj_specs.N, self.m))
        K = np.zeros((traj_specs.N, self.m, self.n))

        # storage for trajectories
        x = np.zeros((traj_specs.N + 1, self.n))
        u = np.zeros((traj_specs.N, self.m))
        x_next = x.copy()
        u_next = u.copy()
        x[0] = traj_specs.x0
        initialize first trajectory by 
        simulating forward with LQR controller about x0.
        x0 = np.zeros(self.n)
        x0[0:3] = traj_specs.x0[0:3]
        K0, P0 = CallLQR(x0, traj_specs.u0, traj_specs.Q, traj_specs.R)
        for i in range(traj_specs.N):
            u[i] = -K0.dot(x[i] - traj_specs.x0) + traj_specs.u0
            x_u = np.hstack((x[i], u[i]))
            x[i + 1] = x[i] + traj_specs.h * self.CalcF(x_u)
        initialize first trajectory by 
        simulating forward with LQR controller about xd.
        #        Kd, Qd = CallLQR(traj_specs.xd, traj_specs.ud, traj_specs.Q, traj_specs.R)
        #        for i in range(traj_specs.N):
        #            u[i] = -Kd.dot(x[i]-traj_specs.xd) + traj_specs.ud
        #            x_u = np.hstack((x[i], u[i]))
        #            x[i+1] = x[i] + traj_specs.h*self.CalcF(x_u)

        # logging
        max_iterations = 5  # number of maximum iterations (forward + backward passes)
        J = np.zeros(max_iterations + 1)
        J[0] = self.CalcJ(x, u, t0)
        print "initial cost: ", J[0]

        if is_logging_trajectories:
            x_log = x.copy()
            u_log = u.copy()
            x_log.resize(1, x.shape[0], x.shape[1])
            u_log.resize(1, u.shape[0], u.shape[1])

        # It really should be a while loop, but for linear systems one
        # iteration seems sufficient. And I am sure this can be proven.
        # And for quadrotors it usually takes less than 5 iterations
        # to converge.

        j = 0  # iteration index
        while True:
            # initialize boundary conditions
            Vxx[traj_specs.N] = traj_specs.QN
            Vx[traj_specs.N] = traj_specs.QN.dot(x[traj_specs.N] -

            # backward pass
            for i in range(traj_specs.N - 1, -1, -1):  # i = N-1, ....
                lx = CalcLx(x[i], i, t0)
                lu = traj_specs.R.dot(u[i] - traj_specs.ud)
                lxx = CalcLxx(i, t0)
                luu = traj_specs.R
                x_u = np.hstack((x[i], u[i]))
                f_x_u = jacobian(self.CalcF, x_u)
                fx = traj_specs.h * f_x_u[:, 0:self.n] + np.eye(self.n)
                fu = traj_specs.h * f_x_u[:, self.n:self.n + self.m]

                Qx[i] = lx + fx.T.dot(Vx[i + 1])
                Qu[i] = lu + fu.T.dot(Vx[i + 1])
                Qxx[i] = lxx + fx.T.dot(Vxx[i + 1].dot(fx))
                Quu[i] = luu + fu.T.dot(Vxx[i + 1].dot(fu))
                Qux[i] = fu.T.dot(Vxx[i + 1].dot(fx))

                # compute k and K
                k[i] = -LA.solve(Quu[i], Qu[i])  # Quu_inv.dot(Qu[i])
                K[i] = -LA.solve(Quu[i], Qux[i])  # Quu_inv.dot(Qux[i])

                # update derivatives of V
                #        delta_V[i] = 0.5*Qu[i].dot(k[i])
                #        Vx[i] = Qx[i] + Qu[i].dot(K[i])
                #        Vxx[i] = Qxx[i] + Qux[i].T.dot(K[i])
                delta_V[i] = 0.5 * k[i].dot(Quu[i].dot(k[i])) + Qu[i].dot(k[i])
                Vx[i] = Qx[i] + K[i].T.dot(Quu[i].dot(k[i])) + K[i].T.dot(
                    Qu[i]) + Qux[i].T.dot(k[i])
                Vxx[i] = Qxx[i] + K[i].T.dot(Quu[i].dot(K[i])) + K[i].T.dot(
                    Qux[i]) + Qux[i].T.dot(K[i])

            # forward pass
            del i
            x_next[0] = x[0]
            alpha = 1
            line_search_count = 0

            while True:
                for t in range(traj_specs.N):
                    u_next[t] = u[t] + alpha * k[t] + K[t].dot(x_next[t] -
                    x_u = np.hstack((x_next[t], u_next[t]))
                    x_next[t + 1] = x_next[t] + traj_specs.h * self.CalcF(x_u)

                J_new = self.CalcJ(x_next, u_next, t0=t0, i0=0)

                if J_new <= J[j]:
                    J[j + 1] = J_new
                    x = x_next.copy()
                    u = u_next.copy()
                elif line_search_count > 5:
                    J[j + 1] = J_new
                    alpha *= 0.5
                    line_search_count += 1
            if is_logging_trajectories:
                x_log = np.append(x_log,
                                  x.reshape(1, x.shape[0], x.shape[1]),
                u_log = np.append(u_log,
                                  u.reshape(1, u.shape[0], u.shape[1]),

            print "Iteration ", j, ", line search steps: ", line_search_count, ", J: ", J[
                j + 1]
            cost_reduction = (J[j] - J[j + 1]) / J[j]
            j += 1
            if j >= max_iterations or cost_reduction < 0.01 or line_search_count > 5:

        if is_logging_trajectories:
            return x_log, u_log, J[0:j + 1], traj_specs.QN, Vx, Vxx, k, K
            return x, u, J[0:j + 1], traj_specs.QN, Vx, Vxx, k, K
コード例 #14
    def test_kinematics_api(self):
        # TODO(eric.cousineau): Reduce these tests to only test API, and do
        # simple sanity checks on the numbers.
        tree = RigidBodyTree(FindResourceOrThrow(
        num_q = 7
        num_v = 7
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_positions(), num_q)
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_velocities(), num_v)
        q = np.zeros(num_q)
        v = np.zeros(num_v)

        # Trivial kinematics.
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q, v)
        p = tree.transformPoints(kinsol, np.zeros(3), 0, 1)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(p, np.zeros(3)))

        # Ensure mismatched sizes throw an error.
        q_bad = np.zeros(num_q + 1)
        v_bad = np.zeros(num_v + 1)
        bad_args_list = (
            (q_bad, v),
            (q, v_bad),
        for bad_args in bad_args_list:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):

        # AutoDiff jacobians.

        def do_transform(q):
            kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
            point = np.ones(3)
            return tree.transformPoints(kinsol, point, 2, 0)

        # - Position.
        value = do_transform(q)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(value, np.ones(3)))
        # - Gradient.
        g = jacobian(do_transform, q)
        g_expected = np.array([
            [[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1]],
            [[0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0]],
            [[0, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, -1]]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(g, g_expected))

        # Relative transform.
        q[:] = 0
        q[6] = np.pi / 2
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        T = tree.relativeTransform(kinsol, 1, 2)
        T_expected = np.array([
            [0, 0, 1, 0],
            [0, 1, 0, 0],
            [-1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(T, T_expected))

        # Relative RPY, checking autodiff (#9886).
        q[:] = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7]
        q_ad = np.array([AutoDiffXd(x) for x in q])
        world = tree.findFrame("world")
        frame = tree.findFrame("arm_com")
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        rpy = tree.relativeRollPitchYaw(
            cache=kinsol, from_body_or_frame_ind=world.get_frame_index(),
        kinsol_ad = tree.doKinematics(q_ad)
        rpy_ad = tree.relativeRollPitchYaw(
            cache=kinsol_ad, from_body_or_frame_ind=world.get_frame_index(),
        for x, x_ad in zip(rpy, rpy_ad):
            self.assertEqual(x, x_ad.value())

        # Do FK and compare pose of 'arm' with expected pose.
        q[:] = 0
        q[6] = np.pi / 2
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        T = tree.CalcBodyPoseInWorldFrame(kinsol, tree.FindBody("arm"))
        T_expected = np.array([
            [0, 0, 1, 0],
            [0, 1, 0, 0],
            [-1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(T, T_expected))

        # Geometric Jacobian.
        # Construct a new tree with a quaternion floating base.
        tree = RigidBodyTree(FindResourceOrThrow(
        num_q = 8
        num_v = 7
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_positions(), num_q)
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_velocities(), num_v)

        q = tree.getZeroConfiguration()
        v = np.zeros(num_v)
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q, v)
        # - Sanity check sizes.
        J_default, v_indices_default = tree.geometricJacobian(kinsol, 0, 2, 0)
        J_eeDotTimesV = tree.geometricJacobianDotTimesV(kinsol, 0, 2, 0)

        self.assertEqual(J_default.shape[0], 6)
        self.assertEqual(J_default.shape[1], num_v)
        self.assertEqual(len(v_indices_default), num_v)
        self.assertEqual(J_eeDotTimesV.shape[0], 6)

        # - Check QDotToVelocity and VelocityToQDot methods
        q = tree.getZeroConfiguration()
        v_real = np.zeros(num_v)
        q_ad = np.array(list(map(AutoDiffXd, q)))
        v_real_ad = np.array(list(map(AutoDiffXd, v_real)))

        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        kinsol_ad = tree.doKinematics(q_ad)
        qd = tree.transformVelocityToQDot(kinsol, v_real)
        v = tree.transformQDotToVelocity(kinsol, qd)
        qd_ad = tree.transformVelocityToQDot(kinsol_ad, v_real_ad)
        v_ad = tree.transformQDotToVelocity(kinsol_ad, qd_ad)
        self.assertEqual(qd.shape, (num_q,))
        self.assertEqual(v.shape, (num_v,))
        self.assertEqual(qd_ad.shape, (num_q,))
        self.assertEqual(v_ad.shape, (num_v,))

        v_to_qdot = tree.GetVelocityToQDotMapping(kinsol)
        qdot_to_v = tree.GetQDotToVelocityMapping(kinsol)
        v_to_qdot_ad = tree.GetVelocityToQDotMapping(kinsol_ad)
        qdot_to_v_ad = tree.GetQDotToVelocityMapping(kinsol_ad)
        self.assertEqual(v_to_qdot.shape, (num_q, num_v))
        self.assertEqual(qdot_to_v.shape, (num_v, num_q))
        self.assertEqual(v_to_qdot_ad.shape, (num_q, num_v))
        self.assertEqual(qdot_to_v_ad.shape, (num_v, num_q))

        v_map = tree.transformVelocityMappingToQDotMapping(kinsol,
        qd_map = tree.transformQDotMappingToVelocityMapping(kinsol,
        v_map_ad = tree.transformVelocityMappingToQDotMapping(kinsol_ad,
        qd_map_ad = tree.transformQDotMappingToVelocityMapping(kinsol_ad,
        self.assertEqual(v_map.shape, (num_v, num_q))
        self.assertEqual(qd_map.shape, (num_q, num_v))
        self.assertEqual(v_map_ad.shape, (num_v, num_q))
        self.assertEqual(qd_map_ad.shape, (num_q, num_v))

        # - Check FindBody and FindBodyIndex methods
        body_name = "arm"
        body = tree.FindBody(body_name)
        self.assertEqual(body.get_body_index(), tree.FindBodyIndex(body_name))

        # - Check ChildOfJoint methods
        body = tree.FindChildBodyOfJoint("theta")
        self.assertIsInstance(body, RigidBody)
        self.assertEqual(body.get_name(), "arm")
        self.assertEqual(tree.FindIndexOfChildBodyOfJoint("theta"), 2)

        # - Check that default value for in_terms_of_qdot is false.
        J_not_in_terms_of_q_dot, v_indices_not_in_terms_of_qdot = \
            tree.geometricJacobian(kinsol, 0, 2, 0, False)
        self.assertTrue((J_default == J_not_in_terms_of_q_dot).all())
        self.assertEqual(v_indices_default, v_indices_not_in_terms_of_qdot)

        # - Check with in_terms_of_qdot set to True.
        J_in_terms_of_q_dot, v_indices_in_terms_of_qdot = \
            tree.geometricJacobian(kinsol, 0, 2, 0, True)
        self.assertEqual(J_in_terms_of_q_dot.shape[0], 6)
        self.assertEqual(J_in_terms_of_q_dot.shape[1], num_q)
        self.assertEqual(len(v_indices_in_terms_of_qdot), num_q)

        # - Check transformPointsJacobian methods
        q = tree.getZeroConfiguration()
        v = np.zeros(num_v)
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q, v)
        Jv = tree.transformPointsJacobian(cache=kinsol, points=np.zeros(3),
        Jq = tree.transformPointsJacobian(cache=kinsol, points=np.zeros(3),
        JdotV = tree.transformPointsJacobianDotTimesV(cache=kinsol,
        self.assertEqual(Jv.shape, (3, num_v))
        self.assertEqual(Jq.shape, (3, num_q))
        self.assertEqual(JdotV.shape, (3,))

        # - Check that drawKinematicTree runs
            join(os.environ["TEST_TMPDIR"], "test_graph.dot"))

        # - Check relative twist method
        twist = tree.relativeTwist(cache=kinsol,
        self.assertEqual(twist.shape[0], 6)
コード例 #15
ファイル: rigid_body_tree_test.py プロジェクト: eratner/drake
    def test_kinematics_api(self):
        # TODO(eric.cousineau): Reduce these tests to only test API, and do
        # simple sanity checks on the numbers.
        tree = RigidBodyTree(FindResourceOrThrow(
        num_q = 7
        num_v = 7
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_positions(), num_q)
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_velocities(), num_v)
        q = np.zeros(num_q)
        v = np.zeros(num_v)

        # Trivial kinematics.
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q, v)
        p = tree.transformPoints(kinsol, np.zeros(3), 0, 1)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(p, np.zeros(3)))

        # AutoDiff jacobians.

        def do_transform(q):
            kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
            point = np.ones(3)
            return tree.transformPoints(kinsol, point, 2, 0)

        # - Position.
        value = do_transform(q)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(value, np.ones(3)))
        # - Gradient.
        g = jacobian(do_transform, q)
        g_expected = np.array([
            [[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1]],
            [[0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0]],
            [[0, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, -1]]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(g, g_expected))

        # Relative transform.
        q[:] = 0
        q[6] = np.pi / 2
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        T = tree.relativeTransform(kinsol, 1, 2)
        T_expected = np.array([
            [0, 0, 1, 0],
            [0, 1, 0, 0],
            [-1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(T, T_expected))

        # Do FK and compare pose of 'arm' with expected pose.
        q[:] = 0
        q[6] = np.pi / 2
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        T = tree.CalcBodyPoseInWorldFrame(kinsol, tree.FindBody("arm"))
        T_expected = np.array([
            [0, 0, 1, 0],
            [0, 1, 0, 0],
            [-1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(T, T_expected))

        # Geometric Jacobian.
        # Construct a new tree with a quaternion floating base.
        tree = RigidBodyTree(FindResourceOrThrow(
        num_q = 8
        num_v = 7
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_positions(), num_q)
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_velocities(), num_v)

        q = tree.getZeroConfiguration()
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        # - Sanity check sizes.
        J_default, v_indices_default = tree.geometricJacobian(kinsol, 0, 2, 0)
        self.assertEqual(J_default.shape[0], 6)
        self.assertEqual(J_default.shape[1], num_v)
        self.assertEqual(len(v_indices_default), num_v)

        # - Check that default value for in_terms_of_qdot is false.
        J_not_in_terms_of_q_dot, v_indices_not_in_terms_of_qdot = \
            tree.geometricJacobian(kinsol, 0, 2, 0, False)
        self.assertTrue((J_default == J_not_in_terms_of_q_dot).all())
        self.assertEqual(v_indices_default, v_indices_not_in_terms_of_qdot)

        # - Check with in_terms_of_qdot set to True.
        J_in_terms_of_q_dot, v_indices_in_terms_of_qdot = \
            tree.geometricJacobian(kinsol, 0, 2, 0, True)
        self.assertEqual(J_in_terms_of_q_dot.shape[0], 6)
        self.assertEqual(J_in_terms_of_q_dot.shape[1], num_q)
        self.assertEqual(len(v_indices_in_terms_of_qdot), num_q)
コード例 #16
def two_rotor_loss():
    # simulate quadrotor w/ LQR controller using forward Euler integration.
    # fixed point

    n = 12
    m = 4
    xd = np.zeros(n)
    xd[0:2] = [2, 1]
    ud = np.zeros(m)
    ud[:] = mass * g / 4
    x_u = np.hstack((xd, ud))
    partials = jacobian(CalcF, x_u)
    A0 = partials[:, 0:n]
    B0 = partials[:, n:n + m]
    Q = 10 * np.eye(n)
    R = np.eye(m)

    # get LQR controller about the fixed point
    K0, S0 = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A0, B0, Q, R)

    # simulate stabilizing about fixed point using LQR controller
    # dt = 0.001
    # N = int(2.0/dt)
    x = np.zeros((N + 1, n))

    x0 = np.zeros(n)
    x[0] = x0

    timeVec = np.zeros(2 * N + 1)
    all_p = np.zeros(2 * N)
    all_q = np.zeros(2 * N)
    # keeping track of all forces on the quadrotors to show how they adapt
    forces = np.zeros((2 * N, 4))

    for i in range(N):
        x_u = np.hstack((x[i], -K0.dot(x[i] - xd) + ud))
        all_p[i] = x_u[9]
        all_q[i] = x_u[10]
        forces[i] = x_u[12:16]
        x[i + 1] = x[i] + dt * CalcF(x_u)
        timeVec[i] = timeVec[i - 1] + dt

    #%% open meshact
    # vis = meshcat.Visualizer()
    # vis.open

    #%% Meshcat animation
    # PlotTrajectoryMeshcat(x, timeVec, vis)

    #for failure of rotor 4 and 2, omega_hat_4 = omega_hat_2= 0
    n = 5
    m = 1
    kF = 6.41e-6
    n_bar = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
    sigma_motor = 0.015

    #from eq 51
    xd = np.zeros(n)  #p,q are set to 0
    xd[2] = n_bar[0]  #nx
    xd[3] = n_bar[1]  #ny
    ud = np.zeros(m)  #zero because u is in error coordinates
    x_u = np.hstack((xd, ud))

    #based on eq 51
    force_bar = np.array([2.45, 0.0, 2.45, 0.0])

    #omega_bar = np.sqrt(force_bar/kF) explicitly calcualted in paper
    omega_bar = [-619.0, 0.0, -619.0, 0.0]

    #define the A matrix for failed quad
    Ae = np.zeros([5, 5])
    B0_f = np.zeros([4, 1])
    #extended state
    Be = np.zeros([5, 1])
    Q = np.eye(n)
    R = np.eye(m)
    R *= 0.75

    r_hat = ((kF * kM) / gamma) * (omega_bar[0]**2 - omega_bar[1]**2 +
                                   omega_bar[2]**2 - omega_bar[3]**2)

    #define coupling constant
    a_bar = (I[0, 0] - I[2, 2]) / I[0, 0]

    B0_f[1] = 1
    B0_f = (l / I[0, 0]) * B0_f

    Ae[0, 1] = a_bar
    Ae[1, 0] = -1 * a_bar
    Ae[1, 0] = -1 * a_bar
    Ae[2, 1] = -1 * n_bar[2]
    Ae[2, 3] = r_hat
    Ae[3, 0] = n_bar[2]
    Ae[3, 2] = -1 * r_hat
    Ae[0:4, 4:5] = B0_f

    Ae[4, 4] = -1 * sigma_motor
    Be[4] = 1 / sigma_motor

    #the failed matrix u
    # u_f = np.zeros([2,1])

    Q[2, 2] *= 1000
    Q[3, 3] *= 2

    # get LQR controller about the fixed point
    K0, S0 = LinearQuadraticRegulator(Ae, Be, Q, R)

    # simulate stabilizing about fixed point using LQR controller
    # dt = 0.001
    # N = int(5.0/dt)
    x = np.zeros((N + 1, n))
    # forces = np.zeros((N+1, 4))
    # forces[0] = np.zeros(4)

    x0 = np.zeros(n)
    x0[0] = 5
    x0[1] = 5
    x[0] = x0

    # here, assume the nx and ny are initially zero
    # additional motor values are also set to zero

    # timeVec = np.zeros(N+1)

    for i in range(N):
        x_u = np.hstack((x[i], -K0.dot(x[i] - xd) + ud))
        all_p[i + N] = x[i, 0]
        all_q[i + N] = x[i, 1]
        xDot = Ae.dot(x[i]) + Be.dot(x_u[n:n + m])
        x[i + 1] = x[i] + dt * xDot

        # print(x[i,1])

        u_i = -K0.dot(x[i] - xd) + ud
        f = np.zeros(4)
        f[2] = (u_i[0] + 2 * force_bar[2]) / 2
        f[0] = np.sum(force_bar) - f[2]

        forces[i + N] = f

        timeVec[i + N] = timeVec[i - 1 + N] + dt

    # PlotFailedTraj(x.copy(), dt, xd, ud, timeVec, forces)
    plot_forces(forces, timeVec, all_p, all_q, 2, force_bar, omega_bar[1])
コード例 #17
    def test_kinematics_api(self):
        # TODO(eric.cousineau): Reduce these tests to only test API, and do
        # simple sanity checks on the numbers.
        tree = RigidBodyTree(FindResourceOrThrow(
        num_q = 7
        num_v = 7
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_positions(), num_q)
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_velocities(), num_v)
        q = np.zeros(num_q)
        v = np.zeros(num_v)

        # Trivial kinematics.
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q, v)
        p = tree.transformPoints(kinsol, np.zeros(3), 0, 1)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(p, np.zeros(3)))

        # AutoDiff jacobians.

        def do_transform(q):
            kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
            point = np.ones(3)
            return tree.transformPoints(kinsol, point, 2, 0)

        # - Position.
        value = do_transform(q)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(value, np.ones(3)))
        # - Gradient.
        g = jacobian(do_transform, q)
        g_expected = np.array([
            [[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1]],
            [[0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0]],
            [[0, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, -1]]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(g, g_expected))

        # Relative transform.
        q[:] = 0
        q[6] = np.pi / 2
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        T = tree.relativeTransform(kinsol, 1, 2)
        T_expected = np.array([
            [0, 0, 1, 0],
            [0, 1, 0, 0],
            [-1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(T, T_expected))

        # Do FK and compare pose of 'arm' with expected pose.
        q[:] = 0
        q[6] = np.pi / 2
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        T = tree.CalcBodyPoseInWorldFrame(kinsol, tree.FindBody("arm"))
        T_expected = np.array([
            [0, 0, 1, 0],
            [0, 1, 0, 0],
            [-1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(T, T_expected))

        # Geometric Jacobian.
        # Construct a new tree with a quaternion floating base.
        tree = RigidBodyTree(FindResourceOrThrow(
        num_q = 8
        num_v = 7
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_positions(), num_q)
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_velocities(), num_v)

        q = tree.getZeroConfiguration()
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        # - Sanity check sizes.
        J_default, v_indices_default = tree.geometricJacobian(kinsol, 0, 2, 0)
        self.assertEqual(J_default.shape[0], 6)
        self.assertEqual(J_default.shape[1], num_v)
        self.assertEqual(len(v_indices_default), num_v)

        # - Check QDotToVelocity and VelocityToQDot methods
        q = tree.getZeroConfiguration()
        v_real = np.zeros(num_v)
        q_ad = np.array(map(AutoDiffXd, q))
        v_real_ad = np.array(map(AutoDiffXd, v_real))

        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        kinsol_ad = tree.doKinematics(q_ad)
        qd = tree.transformVelocityToQDot(kinsol, v_real)
        v = tree.transformQDotToVelocity(kinsol, qd)
        qd_ad = tree.transformVelocityToQDot(kinsol_ad, v_real_ad)
        v_ad = tree.transformQDotToVelocity(kinsol_ad, qd_ad)
        self.assertEqual(qd.shape, (num_q,))
        self.assertEqual(v.shape, (num_v,))
        self.assertEqual(qd_ad.shape, (num_q,))
        self.assertEqual(v_ad.shape, (num_v,))

        v_to_qdot = tree.GetVelocityToQDotMapping(kinsol)
        qdot_to_v = tree.GetQDotToVelocityMapping(kinsol)
        v_to_qdot_ad = tree.GetVelocityToQDotMapping(kinsol_ad)
        qdot_to_v_ad = tree.GetQDotToVelocityMapping(kinsol_ad)
        self.assertEqual(v_to_qdot.shape, (num_q, num_v))
        self.assertEqual(qdot_to_v.shape, (num_v, num_q))
        self.assertEqual(v_to_qdot_ad.shape, (num_q, num_v))
        self.assertEqual(qdot_to_v_ad.shape, (num_v, num_q))

        v_map = tree.transformVelocityMappingToQDotMapping(kinsol,
        qd_map = tree.transformQDotMappingToVelocityMapping(kinsol,
        v_map_ad = tree.transformVelocityMappingToQDotMapping(kinsol_ad,
        qd_map_ad = tree.transformQDotMappingToVelocityMapping(kinsol_ad,
        self.assertEqual(v_map.shape, (num_v, num_q))
        self.assertEqual(qd_map.shape, (num_q, num_v))
        self.assertEqual(v_map_ad.shape, (num_v, num_q))
        self.assertEqual(qd_map_ad.shape, (num_q, num_v))

        # - Check ChildOfJoint methods
        body = tree.FindChildBodyOfJoint("theta")
        self.assertIsInstance(body, RigidBody)
        self.assertEqual(body.get_name(), "arm")
        self.assertEqual(tree.FindIndexOfChildBodyOfJoint("theta"), 2)

        # - Check that default value for in_terms_of_qdot is false.
        J_not_in_terms_of_q_dot, v_indices_not_in_terms_of_qdot = \
            tree.geometricJacobian(kinsol, 0, 2, 0, False)
        self.assertTrue((J_default == J_not_in_terms_of_q_dot).all())
        self.assertEqual(v_indices_default, v_indices_not_in_terms_of_qdot)

        # - Check with in_terms_of_qdot set to True.
        J_in_terms_of_q_dot, v_indices_in_terms_of_qdot = \
            tree.geometricJacobian(kinsol, 0, 2, 0, True)
        self.assertEqual(J_in_terms_of_q_dot.shape[0], 6)
        self.assertEqual(J_in_terms_of_q_dot.shape[1], num_q)
        self.assertEqual(len(v_indices_in_terms_of_qdot), num_q)

        # - Check that drawKinematicTree runs
            join(os.environ["TEST_TMPDIR"], "test_graph.dot"))
コード例 #18
        if input_port == 0 and output_port == 0:
            return False
            # For other combinations of i/o, we will return
            # "None", i.e. "I don't know."
            return None

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # simulate quadrotor w/ LQR controller using forward Euler integration.
    # fixed point
    xd = np.zeros(n)
    xd[0:2] = [2, 1]
    ud = np.zeros(m)
    ud[:] = mass * g / 4
    x_u = np.hstack((xd, ud))
    partials = jacobian(CalcF, x_u)
    A0 = partials[:, 0:n]
    B0 = partials[:, n:n + m]
    Q = 10 * np.eye(n)
    R = np.eye(m)

    # get LQR controller about the fixed point
    K0, S0 = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A0, B0, Q, R)

    # simulate stabilizing about fixed point using LQR controller
    dt = 0.001
    N = int(4.0 / dt)
    x = np.zeros((N + 1, n))

    x0 = np.zeros(n)
    x[0] = x0
コード例 #19
ファイル: ilqr_pendulum.py プロジェクト: rafeemusabbir/iLQR-1
#print CalcFx(x_u)
#print CalcFu(x_u)
#print jacobian(CalcF, x_u)

#%% simulate and plot
dt = 0.001
T = 20000
t = dt*np.arange(T+1)
x = np.zeros((T+1, 2))
x[0] = [0, 0.1]

# desired fixed point
xd = np.array([-np.pi, 0])

# linearize about upright fixed point
f_x_u = jacobian(CalcF, np.hstack((xd, [0])))
A0 = f_x_u[:, 0:2]
B0 = f_x_u[:, 2:3]

K0, S0 = LinearQuadraticRegulator(A0, B0, 10*np.diag([1,1]), 1*np.eye(1))
for i in range(T):
    x_u = np.hstack((x[i], Tau(x[i])))
    x[i+1] = x[i] + dt*CalcF(x_u)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,12), dpi = 100)

ax_x = fig.add_subplot(311)
ax_x.plot(t, x[:,0])
ax_x.axhline(np.pi, color='r', ls='--')
コード例 #20
    def test_kinematics_api(self):
        # TODO(eric.cousineau): Reduce these tests to only test API, and do
        # simple sanity checks on the numbers.
        tree = RigidBodyTree(
        num_q = 7
        num_v = 7
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_positions(), num_q)
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_velocities(), num_v)
        q = np.zeros(num_q)
        v = np.zeros(num_v)

        # Trivial kinematics.
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q, v)
        p = tree.transformPoints(kinsol, np.zeros(3), 0, 1)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(p, np.zeros(3)))

        # Ensure mismatched sizes throw an error.
        q_bad = np.zeros(num_q + 1)
        v_bad = np.zeros(num_v + 1)
        bad_args_list = (
            (q_bad, ),
            (q_bad, v),
            (q, v_bad),
        for bad_args in bad_args_list:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):

        # AutoDiff jacobians.

        def do_transform(q):
            kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
            point = np.ones(3)
            return tree.transformPoints(kinsol, point, 2, 0)

        # - Position.
        value = do_transform(q)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(value, np.ones(3)))
        # - Gradient.
        g = jacobian(do_transform, q)
        g_expected = np.array([[[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1]],
                               [[0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0]],
                               [[0, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, -1]]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(g, g_expected))

        # Relative transform.
        q[:] = 0
        q[6] = np.pi / 2
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        T = tree.relativeTransform(kinsol, 1, 2)
        T_expected = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 0],
                               [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(T, T_expected))

        # Relative RPY, checking autodiff (#9886).
        q[:] = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7]
        q_ad = np.array([AutoDiffXd(x) for x in q])
        world = tree.findFrame("world")
        frame = tree.findFrame("arm_com")
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        rpy = tree.relativeRollPitchYaw(
        kinsol_ad = tree.doKinematics(q_ad)
        rpy_ad = tree.relativeRollPitchYaw(
        for x, x_ad in zip(rpy, rpy_ad):
            self.assertEqual(x, x_ad.value())

        # Do FK and compare pose of 'arm' with expected pose.
        q[:] = 0
        q[6] = np.pi / 2
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        T = tree.CalcBodyPoseInWorldFrame(kinsol, tree.FindBody("arm"))
        T_expected = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 0],
                               [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(T, T_expected))

        # Geometric Jacobian.
        # Construct a new tree with a quaternion floating base.
        tree = RigidBodyTree(
        num_q = 8
        num_v = 7
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_positions(), num_q)
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_velocities(), num_v)

        q = tree.getZeroConfiguration()
        v = np.zeros(num_v)
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q, v)
        # - Sanity check sizes.
        J_default, v_indices_default = tree.geometricJacobian(kinsol, 0, 2, 0)
        J_eeDotTimesV = tree.geometricJacobianDotTimesV(kinsol, 0, 2, 0)

        self.assertEqual(J_default.shape[0], 6)
        self.assertEqual(J_default.shape[1], num_v)
        self.assertEqual(len(v_indices_default), num_v)
        self.assertEqual(J_eeDotTimesV.shape[0], 6)

        # - Check QDotToVelocity and VelocityToQDot methods
        q = tree.getZeroConfiguration()
        v_real = np.zeros(num_v)
        q_ad = np.array(list(map(AutoDiffXd, q)))
        v_real_ad = np.array(list(map(AutoDiffXd, v_real)))

        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        kinsol_ad = tree.doKinematics(q_ad)
        qd = tree.transformVelocityToQDot(kinsol, v_real)
        v = tree.transformQDotToVelocity(kinsol, qd)
        qd_ad = tree.transformVelocityToQDot(kinsol_ad, v_real_ad)
        v_ad = tree.transformQDotToVelocity(kinsol_ad, qd_ad)
        self.assertEqual(qd.shape, (num_q, ))
        self.assertEqual(v.shape, (num_v, ))
        self.assertEqual(qd_ad.shape, (num_q, ))
        self.assertEqual(v_ad.shape, (num_v, ))

        v_to_qdot = tree.GetVelocityToQDotMapping(kinsol)
        qdot_to_v = tree.GetQDotToVelocityMapping(kinsol)
        v_to_qdot_ad = tree.GetVelocityToQDotMapping(kinsol_ad)
        qdot_to_v_ad = tree.GetQDotToVelocityMapping(kinsol_ad)
        self.assertEqual(v_to_qdot.shape, (num_q, num_v))
        self.assertEqual(qdot_to_v.shape, (num_v, num_q))
        self.assertEqual(v_to_qdot_ad.shape, (num_q, num_v))
        self.assertEqual(qdot_to_v_ad.shape, (num_v, num_q))

        v_map = tree.transformVelocityMappingToQDotMapping(
            kinsol, np.eye(num_v))
        qd_map = tree.transformQDotMappingToVelocityMapping(
            kinsol, np.eye(num_q))
        v_map_ad = tree.transformVelocityMappingToQDotMapping(
            kinsol_ad, np.eye(num_v))
        qd_map_ad = tree.transformQDotMappingToVelocityMapping(
            kinsol_ad, np.eye(num_q))
        self.assertEqual(v_map.shape, (num_v, num_q))
        self.assertEqual(qd_map.shape, (num_q, num_v))
        self.assertEqual(v_map_ad.shape, (num_v, num_q))
        self.assertEqual(qd_map_ad.shape, (num_q, num_v))

        # - Check FindBody and FindBodyIndex methods
        body_name = "arm"
        body = tree.FindBody(body_name)
        self.assertEqual(body.get_body_index(), tree.FindBodyIndex(body_name))

        # - Check ChildOfJoint methods
        body = tree.FindChildBodyOfJoint("theta")
        self.assertIsInstance(body, RigidBody)
        self.assertEqual(body.get_name(), "arm")
        self.assertEqual(tree.FindIndexOfChildBodyOfJoint("theta"), 2)

        # - Check that default value for in_terms_of_qdot is false.
        J_not_in_terms_of_q_dot, v_indices_not_in_terms_of_qdot = \
            tree.geometricJacobian(kinsol, 0, 2, 0, False)
        self.assertTrue((J_default == J_not_in_terms_of_q_dot).all())
        self.assertEqual(v_indices_default, v_indices_not_in_terms_of_qdot)

        # - Check with in_terms_of_qdot set to True.
        J_in_terms_of_q_dot, v_indices_in_terms_of_qdot = \
            tree.geometricJacobian(kinsol, 0, 2, 0, True)
        self.assertEqual(J_in_terms_of_q_dot.shape[0], 6)
        self.assertEqual(J_in_terms_of_q_dot.shape[1], num_q)
        self.assertEqual(len(v_indices_in_terms_of_qdot), num_q)

        # - Check transformPointsJacobian methods
        q = tree.getZeroConfiguration()
        v = np.zeros(num_v)
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q, v)
        Jv = tree.transformPointsJacobian(cache=kinsol,
        Jq = tree.transformPointsJacobian(cache=kinsol,
        JdotV = tree.transformPointsJacobianDotTimesV(cache=kinsol,
        self.assertEqual(Jv.shape, (3, num_v))
        self.assertEqual(Jq.shape, (3, num_q))
        self.assertEqual(JdotV.shape, (3, ))

        # - Check that drawKinematicTree runs
            join(os.environ["TEST_TMPDIR"], "test_graph.dot"))

        # - Check relative twist method
        twist = tree.relativeTwist(cache=kinsol,
        self.assertEqual(twist.shape[0], 6)
コード例 #21
ファイル: autodiff_test.py プロジェクト: rafeemusabbir/iLQR-1
from pydrake.forwarddiff import jacobian
import numpy as np
from numpy import sin,cos

def f(x):
    return np.array([x[0] + x[1]])

x = np.array([0,1])
fx = jacobian(f,x)

print fx