コード例 #1
    def find_feasible_latents(self, observed):
        # Build an optimization to estimate the hidden variables
            prog = MathematicalProgram()
            # Add in all the appropriate variables with their bounds
            all_vars = self.prices[0].GetVariables()
            for price in self.prices[1:]:
                all_vars += price.GetVariables()
            mp_vars = prog.NewContinuousVariables(len(all_vars))
            subs_dict = {}
            for v, mv in zip(all_vars, mp_vars):
                subs_dict[v] = mv
            lb = []
            ub = []
            prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(0., 1., mp_vars)
            prices_mp = [
                self.prices[k].Substitute(subs_dict) for k in range(12)
            # Add the observation constraint
            for k, val in enumerate(observed[1:]):
                if val != 0:
                    prog.AddConstraint(prices_mp[k] >= val - 2.)
                    prog.AddConstraint(prices_mp[k] <= val + 2)

            # Find lower bounds
            solver = SnoptSolver()
            result = solver.Solve(prog)

            if result.is_success():
                lb = [result.GetSolution(x).Evaluate() for x in prices_mp]
                lb_vars = result.GetSolution(mp_vars)
                # Find upper bound too
                prog.AddCost(-2. * sum(prices_mp))
                result = solver.Solve(prog)
                if result.is_success():
                    ub_vars = result.GetSolution(mp_vars)
                    ub = [result.GetSolution(x).Evaluate() for x in prices_mp]
                    self.price_ub = ub
                    self.price_lb = lb
                    subs_dict = {}
                    for k, v in enumerate(all_vars):
                        if lb_vars[k] == ub_vars[k]:
                            subs_dict[v] = lb_vars[k]
                            new_var = sym.Variable(
                                "feasible_%d" % k,
                            subs_dict[v] = new_var * (ub_vars[k] -
                                                      lb_vars[k]) + lb_vars[k]
                    self.prices = [
                        self.prices[k].Substitute(subs_dict) for k in range(12)

        except RuntimeError as e:
            print("Runtime error: ", e)
        self.rollout_probability = 0.
コード例 #2
def findMaxForce(theta1, theta2, theta3):
    theta12 = theta2 + theta1
    theta123 = theta3 + theta12
    s1 = sin(theta1)
    s2 = sin(theta2)
    s3 = sin(theta3)
    s12 = sin(theta12)
    s123 = sin(theta123)
    c1 = cos(theta1)
    c2 = cos(theta2)
    c3 = cos(theta3)
    c12 = cos(theta12)
    c123 = cos(theta123)

    J = np.array([[
        -l_1 * s1 - l_2 * s12 - l_3 * s123, -l_2 * s12 - l_3 * s123,
        -l_3 * s123
    ], [l_1 * c1 + l_2 * c12 + l_3 * c123, l_2 * c12 + l_3 * c123,
        l_3 * c123]])

    tau1 = (
        -l_1 * c1 * m_2 * g  # torque due to l_1 - l_2 link motor
        + (-l_1 * c1 + l_2 / 2.0 * c12) * m_m *
        g  # torque due to battery link motor
        + (-l_1 * c1 + l_2 / 2.0 * c12 + l_b * cos(theta12 + np.pi / 2.0)) *
        m_b * g  # torque due to battery
        + (-l_1 * c1 + l_2) * m_3 * g  # torque due to l_2 - l_3 link motor
        + (-l_1 * c1 + l_2 + l_3 * c3) * m_w * g  # torque due to front wheel

    # print("tau1 = " + str(tau1))

    mp = MathematicalProgram()

    tau23 = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "tau23")
    tau123 = np.append(tau1, tau23)
    mp.AddConstraint(tau23[0]**2 <= LINK_MOTOR_CONTINUOUS_STALL_TORQUE**2)
    mp.AddConstraint(tau23[1]**2 <= LINK_MOTOR_CONTINUOUS_STALL_TORQUE**2)
    mp.AddLinearConstraint(J.dot(tau123)[1] >= -HUB_MOTOR_FORCE / 2.0)

    result = Solve(mp)
    is_success = result.is_success()
    torques = result.GetSolution(tau23)
    full_tau = np.append(tau1, torques)
    output_force = J.dot(full_tau)
    # print("is_success = " + str(is_success))
    # print("tau = " + str(full_tau))
    # print("F = " + str(J.dot(full_tau)))
    return is_success, output_force, torques
コード例 #3
def minimize_height(diagram_f, plant_f, d_context_f, frame_list):
    """Fragile and slow :("""
    context_f = plant_f.GetMyContextFromRoot(d_context_f)
    diagram_ad = diagram_f.ToAutoDiffXd()
    plant_ad = diagram_ad.GetSubsystemByName(plant_f.get_name())
    d_context_ad = diagram_ad.CreateDefaultContext()
    context_ad = plant_ad.GetMyContextFromRoot(d_context_ad)

    def prepare_plant_and_context(z):
        if z.dtype == float:
            plant, context = plant_f, context_f
            plant, context = plant_ad, context_ad
        set_frame_heights(plant, context, frame_list, z)
        return plant, context

    prog = MathematicalProgram()
    num_z = len(frame_list)
    z_vars = prog.NewContinuousVariables(num_z, "z")
    q0 = plant_f.GetPositions(context_f)
    z0 = get_frame_heights(plant_f, context_f, frame_list)
    cost = prog.AddCost(np.sum(z_vars))
    prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint([0.01] * num_z, [5.] * num_z, z_vars)
    # # N.B. Cannot use AutoDiffXd due to cylinders.
    distance = MinimumDistanceConstraint(plant=plant_f,

    def distance_with_z(z):
        plant, context = prepare_plant_and_context(z)
        q = plant.GetPositions(context)
        return distance.Eval(q)


    result = Solve(prog, initial_guess=z0)
    assert result.is_success()
    z = result.GetSolution(z_vars)
    set_frame_heights(plant_f, context_f, frame_list, z)
    q = plant_f.GetPositions(context_f)
    return q
コード例 #4
# "Unable to cast Python instance to c++ type"
link_7_distance_to_target_vector = lambda q: [link_7_distance_to_target(q)]

# New program: Using a custom evaluator
prog = MathematicalProgram()
q = prog.NewContinuousVariables(plant_f.num_positions())

# Define nominal configuration
q0 = np.zeros(plant_f.num_positions())

# Add basic cost. (This will be parsed into a quadratic cost)
prog.AddCost((q - q0).dot(q - q0))

# Add constraint based on custom evaluator.

result = Solve(prog, initial_guess=q0)

print(f"Success? {result.is_success()}")
q_sol = result.GetSolution(q)

prog = MathematicalProgram()

q = prog.NewContinuousVariables(plant_f.num_positions())
# Define nominal configuration.
q0 = np.zeros(plant_f.num_positions())
コード例 #5
this example also demonstrates how to add a callback to the program, and use it to visualize the progression of the solver.

Adapted from the MathematicalProgram tutorial on the Drake website: https://drake.mit.edu 
from pydrake.solvers.mathematicalprogram import MathematicalProgram, Solve
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Create empty MathematicalProgram
prog = MathematicalProgram()

# Add 2 continuous decision variables
# x is a numpy array - we can use an optional second argument to name the variables
x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2)
prog.AddConstraint(x[0] + x[1] == 1)
prog.AddConstraint(x[0] <= x[1])
prog.AddCost(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)

# Make and add a visualization callback
fig = plt.figure()
curve_x = np.linspace(1, 10, 100)
ax = plt.gca()
ax.plot(curve_x, 9. / curve_x)
ax.plot(-curve_x, -9. / curve_x)
ax.plot(0, 0, 'o')
x_init = [4., 5.]
point_x, = ax.plot(x_init[0], x_init[1], 'x')

コード例 #6
ファイル: ctrl_mip.py プロジェクト: hjsuh94/soft_contact
    def compute_input(self, x, xd, initial_guess=None):
        prog = MathematicalProgram()

        # Joint configuration states & Contact forces
        q = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T + 1,
        v = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T + 1,
        u = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T, cols=self.nu, name='u')
        contact = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T,

        z = prog.NewBinaryVariables(rows=self.T, cols=self.nf, name='z')

        # Add Initial Condition Constraint
        prog.AddConstraint(eq(q[0], np.array(x[0:3])))
        prog.AddConstraint(eq(v[0], np.array(x[3:6])))

        # Add Final Condition Constraint
        prog.AddConstraint(eq(q[self.T], np.array(xd[0:3])))
        prog.AddConstraint(eq(v[self.T], np.array(xd[3:6])))

        prog.AddConstraint(z[0, 0] == 0)
        prog.AddConstraint(z[0, 1] == 0)

        # Add Dynamics Constraints
        for t in range(self.T):
            # Add Dynamics Constraints
                eq(q[t + 1], (q[t] + self.sim.params['h'] * v[t + 1])))

            prog.AddConstraint(v[t + 1, 0] == (
                v[t, 0] + self.sim.params['h'] *
                (-self.sim.params['c'] * v[t, 0] - contact[t, 0] + u[t, 0])))
            prog.AddConstraint(v[t + 1,
                                 1] == (v[t, 1] + self.sim.params['h'] *
                                        (-self.sim.params['c'] * v[t, 1] +
                                         contact[t, 0] - contact[t, 1])))
            prog.AddConstraint(v[t + 1, 2] == (
                v[t, 2] + self.sim.params['h'] *
                (-self.sim.params['c'] * v[t, 2] + contact[t, 1] + u[t, 1])))

            # Add Contact Constraints with big M = self.contact
            prog.AddConstraint(ge(contact[t], 0))
            prog.AddConstraint(contact[t, 0] + self.sim.params['k'] *
                               (q[t, 1] - q[t, 0] - self.sim.params['d']) >= 0)
            prog.AddConstraint(contact[t, 1] + self.sim.params['k'] *
                               (q[t, 2] - q[t, 1] - self.sim.params['d']) >= 0)

            # Mixed Integer Constraints
            M = self.contact_max
            prog.AddConstraint(contact[t, 0] <= M)
            prog.AddConstraint(contact[t, 1] <= M)
            prog.AddConstraint(contact[t, 0] <= M * z[t, 0])
            prog.AddConstraint(contact[t, 1] <= M * z[t, 1])
                contact[t, 0] + self.sim.params['k'] *
                (q[t, 1] - q[t, 0] - self.sim.params['d']) <= M *
                (1 - z[t, 0]))
                contact[t, 1] + self.sim.params['k'] *
                (q[t, 2] - q[t, 1] - self.sim.params['d']) <= M *
                (1 - z[t, 1]))
            prog.AddConstraint(z[t, 0] + z[t, 1] == 1)

            # Add Input Constraints. Contact Constraints already enforced in big-M
            # prog.AddConstraint(le(u[t], self.input_max))
            # prog.AddConstraint(ge(u[t], -self.input_max))

            # Add Costs

        # Set Initial Guess as empty. Otherwise, start from last solver iteration.
        if (type(initial_guess) == type(None)):
            initial_guess = np.empty(prog.num_vars())

            # Populate initial guess by linearly interpolating between initial
            # and final states
            #qinit = np.linspace(x[0:3], xd[0:3], self.T + 1)
            qinit = np.tile(np.array(x[0:3]), (self.T + 1, 1))
            vinit = np.tile(np.array(x[3:6]), (self.T + 1, 1))
            uinit = np.tile(np.array([0, 0]), (self.T, 1))
            finit = np.tile(np.array([0, 0]), (self.T, 1))

            prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(q, qinit, initial_guess)
            prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(v, vinit, initial_guess)
            prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(u, uinit, initial_guess)
            prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(contact, finit,

        # Solve the program
        if (self.solver == "ipopt"):
            solver_id = IpoptSolver().solver_id()
        elif (self.solver == "snopt"):
            solver_id = SnoptSolver().solver_id()
        elif (self.solver == "osqp"):
            solver_id = OsqpSolver().solver_id()
        elif (self.solver == "mosek"):
            solver_id = MosekSolver().solver_id()
        elif (self.solver == "gurobi"):
            solver_id = GurobiSolver().solver_id()

        solver = MixedIntegerBranchAndBound(prog, solver_id)

        #result = solver.Solve(prog, initial_guess)
        result = solver.Solve()

        if result != result.kSolutionFound:
            raise ValueError('Infeasible optimization problem')

        sol = result.GetSolution()
        q_opt = result.GetSolution(q)
        v_opt = result.GetSolution(v)
        u_opt = result.GetSolution(u)
        f_opt = result.GetSolution(contact)

        return sol, q_opt, v_opt, u_opt, f_opt
コード例 #7
ファイル: mathProgram.py プロジェクト: craigiedon/drake-exps
prog = MathematicalProgram()

x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2)

print(1 + 2 * x[0] + 3 * x[1] + 4 * x[1])

y = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2, "dog")
print(y[0] + y[0] + y[1] * y[1] * y[1])

var_matrix = prog.NewContinuousVariables(3, 2, "A")

# Add the constraint x(0) * x(1) = 1 to prog
prog.AddConstraint(x[0] * x[1] == 1)
prog.AddConstraint(x[0] >= 0)
prog.AddConstraint(x[0] - x[1] <= 0)

prog.AddCost(x[0]**2 + 3)
prog.AddCost(x[0] + x[1])

# New optimization program, all the way through to solving
prog = MathematicalProgram()
x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2)
prog.AddConstraint(x[0] + x[1] == 1)
prog.AddConstraint(x[0] <= x[1])
prog.AddCost(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)

# Now solve the optimization problem
result = Solve(prog)
コード例 #8
def plot_sublevelset_expression(ax, e, vertices=51, **kwargs):
    Plots the 2D sub-level set e(x) <= 1, which must contain the origin.

        ax:       the matplotlib axis to receive the plot
        e:        a symbolic expression in two variables
        vertices: number of sample points along the boundary
        kwargs:   are passed to the matplotlib fill method

        the return values from matplotlib's fill command.

    x = list(e.GetVariables())
    assert len(x) == 2, "e must be an expression in two variables"

    # Handle the special case where e is a degree 2 polynomial.
    if e.is_polynomial():
        p = Polynomial(e)
        if p.TotalDegree() == 2:
            env = {a: 0 for a in x}
            c = e.Evaluate(env)
            e1 = e.Jacobian(x)
            b = Evaluate(e1, env)
            e2 = Jacobian(e1, x)
            A = 0.5 * Evaluate(e2, env)
            return plot_sublevelset_quadratic(ax, A, b, c, vertices, **kwargs)

    # Find the level-set in polar coordinates, by sampling theta and
    # root-finding (on the scalar expression) to find a rplus and rminus.

    Xplus = np.empty((2, vertices))
    Xminus = np.empty((2, vertices))
    i = 0
    for theta in np.linspace(0, np.pi, vertices):
        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        r = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, "r")[0]
        env = {x[0]: r * np.cos(theta), x[1]: r * np.sin(theta)}
        scalar = e.Substitute(env)
        b = prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(0, np.inf, r)
        prog.AddConstraint(scalar == 1)
        prog.AddQuadraticCost([1], [0], [r])
        prog.SetInitialGuess(r, 0.1)  # or anything non-zero.
        result = Solve(prog)
        assert result.is_success(), "Failed to find the level set"
        rplus = result.GetSolution(r)
        Xplus[0, i] = rplus * np.cos(theta)
        Xplus[1, i] = rplus * np.sin(theta)
        prog.SetInitialGuess(r, -0.1)  # or anything non-zero.
        result = Solve(prog)
        assert result.is_success(), "Failed to find the level set"
        rminus = result.GetSolution(r)
        Xminus[0, i] = rminus * np.cos(theta)
        Xminus[1, i] = rminus * np.sin(theta)
        i = i + 1

    return ax.fill(np.hstack((Xplus[0, :], Xminus[0, :])),
                   np.hstack((Xplus[1, :], Xminus[1, :])), **kwargs)
コード例 #9
    tau234_over_time = np.zeros(shape=(NUM_TIME_STEPS, TORQUE_SIZE),

    initial_state = mp.NewContinuousVariables(8, "state_0")
    initial_theta1 = initial_state[0]
    initial_theta2 = initial_state[1]
    initial_theta3 = initial_state[2]
    initial_theta4 = initial_state[3]

    # Constrain initial velocity to be 0
    # for j in range(4, 8):
    # mp.AddConstraint(initial_state[j] <= 0.0).evaluator().set_description("Constrain initial_state[%d] <= 0.0" % j)
    # mp.AddConstraint(initial_state[j] >= 0.0).evaluator().set_description("Constrain initial_state[%d] >= 0.0" % j)

    # constrain_theta123(mp, initial_theta1, initial_theta2, initial_theta3)
    mp.AddConstraint(initial_theta1 <= -np.pi / 3.0)
    mp.AddConstraint(initial_theta1 >= -np.pi / 3.0)
    mp.AddConstraint(initial_theta2 <= np.pi / 3.0)
    mp.AddConstraint(initial_theta2 >= np.pi / 3.0)
    # mp.AddConstraint(initial_theta4 >= 0.0)
    # mp.AddConstraint(initial_theta4 <= 0.0)

    # Constrain initial front wheel position y position to be 0.0
    initial_wheel_position = eom.findFrontWheelPosition(
        initial_state[0], initial_state[1], initial_state[2])
    mp.AddConstraint(initial_wheel_position[1] <= 0.0).evaluator(
    ).set_description("Constrain initial_wheel_position[1] <= 0.0")
    mp.AddConstraint(initial_wheel_position[1] >= 0.0).evaluator(
    ).set_description("Constrain initial_wheel_position[1] >= 0.0")

    state_over_time[0] = initial_state
コード例 #10
ファイル: ctrl_lcp.py プロジェクト: hjsuh94/soft_contact
    def compute_input(self, x, xd, initial_guess=None, tol=0.0):
        prog = MathematicalProgram()

        # Joint configuration states & Contact forces
        q = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T + 1,
        v = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T + 1,
        u = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T, cols=self.nu, name='u')
        contact = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T,

        alpha = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T, cols=2, name='alpha')
        beta = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T, cols=2, name='beta')

        # Add Initial Condition Constraint
        prog.AddConstraint(eq(q[0], np.array(x[0:3])))
        prog.AddConstraint(eq(v[0], np.array(x[3:6])))

        # Add Final Condition Constraint
        prog.AddConstraint(eq(q[self.T], np.array(xd[0:3])))
        prog.AddConstraint(eq(v[self.T], np.array(xd[3:6])))

        # Add Dynamics Constraints
        for t in range(self.T):
            # Add Dynamics Constraints
                eq(q[t + 1], (q[t] + self.sim.params['h'] * v[t + 1])))

            prog.AddConstraint(v[t + 1, 0] == (
                v[t, 0] + self.sim.params['h'] *
                (-self.sim.params['c'] * v[t, 0] - contact[t, 0] + u[t, 0])))
            prog.AddConstraint(v[t + 1,
                                 1] == (v[t, 1] + self.sim.params['h'] *
                                        (-self.sim.params['c'] * v[t, 1] +
                                         contact[t, 0] - contact[t, 1])))
            prog.AddConstraint(v[t + 1, 2] == (
                v[t, 2] + self.sim.params['h'] *
                (-self.sim.params['c'] * v[t, 2] + contact[t, 1] + u[t, 1])))

            # Add Contact Constraints
            prog.AddConstraint(ge(alpha[t], 0))
            prog.AddConstraint(ge(beta[t], 0))
            prog.AddConstraint(alpha[t, 0] == contact[t, 0])
            prog.AddConstraint(alpha[t, 1] == contact[t, 1])
                beta[t, 0] == (contact[t, 0] + self.sim.params['k'] *
                               (q[t, 1] - q[t, 0] - self.sim.params['d'])))
                beta[t, 1] == (contact[t, 1] + self.sim.params['k'] *
                               (q[t, 2] - q[t, 1] - self.sim.params['d'])))

            # Complementarity constraints. Start with relaxed version and start constraining.
            prog.AddConstraint(alpha[t, 0] * beta[t, 0] <= tol)
            prog.AddConstraint(alpha[t, 1] * beta[t, 1] <= tol)

            # Add Input Constraints and Contact Constraints
            prog.AddConstraint(le(contact[t], self.contact_max))
            prog.AddConstraint(ge(contact[t], -self.contact_max))
            prog.AddConstraint(le(u[t], self.input_max))
            prog.AddConstraint(ge(u[t], -self.input_max))

            # Add Costs

        # Set Initial Guess as empty. Otherwise, start from last solver iteration.
        if (type(initial_guess) == type(None)):
            initial_guess = np.empty(prog.num_vars())

            # Populate initial guess by linearly interpolating between initial
            # and final states
            #qinit = np.linspace(x[0:3], xd[0:3], self.T + 1)
            qinit = np.tile(np.array(x[0:3]), (self.T + 1, 1))
            vinit = np.tile(np.array(x[3:6]), (self.T + 1, 1))
            uinit = np.tile(np.array([0, 0]), (self.T, 1))
            finit = np.tile(np.array([0, 0]), (self.T, 1))

            prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(q, qinit, initial_guess)
            prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(v, vinit, initial_guess)
            prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(u, uinit, initial_guess)
            prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(contact, finit,

        # Solve the program
        if (self.solver == "ipopt"):
            solver = IpoptSolver()
        elif (self.solver == "snopt"):
            solver = SnoptSolver()

        result = solver.Solve(prog, initial_guess)

        if (self.solver == "ipopt"):
            print("Ipopt Solver Status: ",
                  result.get_solver_details().status, ", meaning ",
        elif (self.solver == "snopt"):
            val = result.get_solver_details().info
            status = self.snopt_status(val)
            print("Snopt Solver Status: ",
                  result.get_solver_details().info, ", meaning ", status)

        sol = result.GetSolution()
        q_opt = result.GetSolution(q)
        v_opt = result.GetSolution(v)
        u_opt = result.GetSolution(u)
        f_opt = result.GetSolution(contact)

        return sol, q_opt, v_opt, u_opt, f_opt