コード例 #1
ファイル: Weighted.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/pydsl-1
def mix_results(resultll, productionset):
    """ Mix n sets of results """
    #We mix all results into final result
    midlist = _create_combined_list(resultll)
    finallist = []
    for combination in midlist:
        if len(combination) == 1:
            left_pos = [x.leftpos for x in combination if x.leftpos is not None][0]
            right_pos = [x.rightpos for x in combination if x.rightpos is not None][-1]
            #Creates a node with all elements, and originals nodes are the childs of the new node
            symbollist = []
            compoundword = ""
            for element in combination:
                compoundword += element.content
                symbollist += element.symbollist
            finalresult = ParseTree(left_pos, right_pos, symbollist, compoundword, combination[0].production, valid = all([x for x in combination]))
            #Add childs to result. FIXME El problema es que estamos añadiendo como hijos del nuevo los elementos ya creados
            rightside = []
            for child in combination:
                assert(child != finalresult) #Avoid recursion
                rightside += child.symbollist #Creating the rightside of the production to guess the full production #FIXME doesn't work with terminals
                finalresult.production = productionset.getProductionsBySide(rightside, "right")
            except IndexError:
                finalresult.production = None
                finallist.append(finalresult) #rule found; we add binded together version
    return finallist
コード例 #2
ファイル: Parser.py プロジェクト: momirza/pydsl
def mix_results(resultll:list, productionset):
    """ Mix n sets of results """
    from pydsl.Grammar.Tree import ParseTree
    production = None
    for resultl in resultll:
        assert(isinstance(resultl, TypeCheckList) and resultl.instancetype == ParseTree)
    midlist = [] #All blocks combinations are stored here
    firstindex = 0
    while firstindex < len(resultll) and len(resultll[firstindex]) == 0: 
        firstindex += 1
    if firstindex == len(resultll):
        return []
    validsets = 1

    #Processing head set

    firstresultl = resultll[firstindex]
    for result in firstresultl:
        if not(isinstance(result, ParseTree)):
            raise TypeError
        if result.leftpos == 0:
        elif result.leftpos == None:
            raise Exception #FIXME:What's the right thing to do here? 

    #Processing Tail sets
    for resultl in resultll[firstindex + 1:]:
        #For each result list
        if len(resultl) == 0:
        for result in resultl:
            #for each result
            tmp = []
            for middleresult in midlist:
                #combinamos todos los elementos con los ya apuntados en la lista intermedia
                #Here we mix every result with intermediate results list
                lastresult = middleresult[-1]
                if lastresult.production != result.production:
                if result.rightpos == None:
                    result.rightpos = lastresult.rightpos
                    result.leftpos = lastresult.rightpos
                if lastresult.rightpos == None or result.leftpos == None:
                    tmp.append(middleresult + [ParseTree(result.leftpos, result.rightpos, \
                            result.symbollist, result.content, result.production, \
                            TypeCheckList(ParseTree, result.childlist), result.valid)])
                elif lastresult.rightpos == result.leftpos:
                    tmp.append(middleresult + [ParseTree(result.leftpos, result.rightpos, \
                            result.symbollist, result.content, result.production, \
                            TypeCheckList(ParseTree, result.childlist), result.valid)])
            midlist += tmp
        validsets += 1
        #eliminamos los resultados intermedios que no contienen tantos elementos como hemos procesado. Es decir, no se ha encontrado una combinacion valida en la ultima mezcla
        #Removes all results that have less elements than the number of valid sets
        for element in midlist[:]:
            if len(element) != validsets:

    #Combinamos resultados en la lista final
    #We mix all results into final result
    finallist = TypeCheckList(ParseTree)
    for middleresult in midlist:
        if len(middleresult) == 1:
        elif middleresult[0].leftpos != None and middleresult[-1].rightpos != None:
            #mezclamos la coleccion y dejamos los originales como hijos
            #Creates a node with all elements, and originals nodes are the childs of the new node
            symbollist = []
            for element in middleresult:
                compoundword += element.content
                symbollist += element.symbollist
            finalresult = ParseTree(middleresult[0].leftpos, middleresult[-1].rightpos, symbollist, compoundword, middleresult[0].production, valid = result.valid)
            psl = middleresult[0].production
            #Add childs to result. FIXME El problema es que estamos añadiendo como hijos del nuevo los elementos ya creados
            error = False
            rightside = []
            for child in middleresult:
                assert(child != finalresult)
                if child.production:
                    rightside += child.production.leftside
                if not child.valid:
                    finalresult.valid = False #valid status propagates upwards
            #if error:
            #    print([str(x.production) for x in middleresult])
            #    continue
            if productionset:
                    finalresult.production = productionset.getProductionsBySide(rightside, "right")
                except IndexError:
                    finallist += middleresult #rule not found: we add it unprocessed (non joined version)
                    finallist.append(finalresult) #rule found; we add binded together version
            raise Exception
    return finallist