コード例 #1
def styling_rows_fast():
    from pyexcelerate import Workbook, Color
    from datetime import datetime

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.new_sheet("sheet name")
    ws[1][1].value = 123456
    ws[1].style.fill.background = Color(255, 0, 0)
コード例 #2
def styling_columns_fastest():
    from pyexcelerate import Workbook, Color, Style, Fill
    from datetime import datetime

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.new_sheet("sheet name")
    ws[1][1].value = 123456
    ws.set_col_style(1, Style(fill=Fill(background=Color(255, 0, 0, 0))))
コード例 #3
def styling_available():
    from pyexcelerate import Workbook, Color, Style, Fill, Border
    from datetime import datetime

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.new_sheet("sheet name")
    ws[1][1].value = 123456
    ws[1][1].style.font.bold = True
    ws[1][1].style.font.italic = True
    ws[1][1].style.font.underline = True
    ws[1][1].style.font.strikethrough = True
    ws[1][1].style.font.color = Color(255, 0, 255)
    ws[1][1].style.fill.background = Color(0, 255, 0)
    ws[1][1].style.alignment.vertical = 'top'
    ws[1][1].style.alignment.horizontal = 'right'
    ws[1][1].style.alignment.rotation = 90
    ws[1][1].style.alignment.wrap_text = True
    ws[1][1].style.borders.top.color = Color(255, 0, 0)
        1].style.borders.right.style = '-.'  # available: .-, ..-, --, .., =, ., medium -., medium -.., medium --, /-., _

コード例 #4
def styling_ranges():
    from pyexcelerate import Workbook, Color
    from datetime import datetime

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.new_sheet("test")
    ws.range("A1", "C3").value = 1
    ws.range("A1", "C1").style.font.bold = True
    ws.range("A2", "C3").style.font.italic = True
    ws.range("A3", "C3").style.fill.background = Color(255, 0, 0, 0)
    ws.range("C1", "C3").style.font.strikethrough = True

コード例 #5
def write_excel(file_name, data, engine='pyexcelerate'):
    Write multiple sheets to one excel and save to disk.
    Ignore df's index and forbidden MultiIndex columns.
        1. `pyexcelerate` can be nearly three times faster than `pd.to_excel`.
        2. save as csv much faster than excel
    :param file_name:
    :param data: [(sheet_name, df), ...]
    :param engine:
        pyexcelerate: modify headers' style, display date properly and don't display nan
        pd.to_csv: file_name/sheet_name.csv
    :return: None
    if engine == 'pyexcelerate':
        wb = Workbook()
        for sheet_name, df in data:
            cols = df.columns.tolist()
            if len(df) > 0:
                # don't display nan
                df = df.fillna('')
                # display date properly
                for col in cols:
                    if isinstance(df[col].iloc[0], datetime.date):
                        df[col] = df[col].astype(str)
            ws = wb.new_sheet(sheet_name, [cols] + df.values.tolist())
            # modify headers' style
            h, w = df.shape
            right = num2title(w) + '1'
                     right).style.fill.background = Color(210, 210, 210, 0)
            ws.range("A1", right).style.font.bold = True
            ws.range("A1", right).style.alignment.horizontal = 'center'
            ws.range("A1", right).style.borders.right.style = '_'
            ws.range("A1", right).style.borders.bottom.style = '_'
    elif engine == 'pd.to_excel':
        writer = pd.ExcelWriter(file_name)
        for sheet_name, df in data:
            df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name, index=False)
    elif engine == 'pd.to_csv':
        dir_name = file_name.replace('.xlsx', '')
        for sheet_name, df in data:
            df.to_csv(os.path.join(dir_name, sheet_name + '.csv'), index=False)
コード例 #6
def styling_cell_faster():
    from pyexcelerate import Workbook, Color
    from datetime import datetime

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.new_sheet("sheet name")
    ws.set_cell_value(1, 1, 123456)
    ws.get_cell_style(1, 1).font.bold = True
    ws.get_cell_style(1, 1).font.italic = True
    ws.get_cell_style(1, 1).font.underline = True
    ws.get_cell_style(1, 1).font.strikethrough = True
    ws.get_cell_style(1, 1).fill.background = Color(0, 255, 0, 0)

    ws.set_cell_value(1, 2, datetime.now())
    ws.get_cell_style(1, 2).format.format = 'mm/dd/yy'

コード例 #7
def styling_cell_fast():
    from pyexcelerate import Workbook, Color
    from datetime import datetime

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.new_sheet("sheet name")
    ws[1][1].value = 123456
    ws[1][1].style.font.bold = True
    ws[1][1].style.font.italic = True
    ws[1][1].style.font.underline = True
    ws[1][1].style.font.strikethrough = True
    ws[1][1].style.fill.background = Color(0, 255, 0, 0)

    ws[1][2].value = datetime.now()
    ws[1][2].style.format.format = 'mm/dd/yy'

コード例 #8
def styling_cell_fastest():
    from pyexcelerate import Workbook, Color, Style, Font, Fill, Format
    from datetime import datetime

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.new_sheet("sheet name")
    ws.set_cell_value(1, 1, 123456)
    ws.set_cell_style(1, 1, Style(font=Font(bold=True)))
    ws.set_cell_style(1, 1, Style(font=Font(italic=True)))
    ws.set_cell_style(1, 1, Style(font=Font(underline=True)))
    ws.set_cell_style(1, 1, Style(font=Font(strikethrough=True)))
    ws.set_cell_style(1, 1,
                      Style(fill=Fill(background=Color(255, 228, 75, 52))))

    ws.set_cell_value(1, 2, datetime.now())
    ws.set_cell_style(1, 2, Style(format=Format('mm/dd/yy')))

コード例 #9
def styling_defined_by_objects():
    from pyexcelerate import Workbook, Font, Color, Alignment

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.new_sheet("sheet name")
    ws[1][1].value = datetime.now()

    ws[1][1].style.font = Font(bold=True,
                               color=Color(255, 0, 0))
    ws[1][1].style.format.format = 'mm/dd/yy'
    ws[1][1].style.alignment = Alignment(
        horizontal="left", vertical="bottom", rotation=0,
        wrap_text=True)  #("left", "center", "right"),

コード例 #10
def styling_defined_ALL_style_by_objects():
    from pyexcelerate import Workbook, Style, Font, Color, Fill, Alignment, Borders, Border, Format

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.new_sheet("sheet name")

    borders = Borders.Borders(left=Border.Border(color=Color(255, 0, 0),
                              right=Border.Border(color=Color(255, 0, 0),
                              top=Border.Border(color=Color(255, 0, 0),
                              bottom=Border.Border(color=Color(255, 0, 0),

    ws.cell("E11").value = datetime.now()
    ws.cell("E11").style = Style(
                  color=Color(251, 240, 11)),
        fill=Fill(background=Color(33, 133, 255)),
                            wrap_text=True),  #("left", "center", "right"), 
        ),  # NOTE: if cell string show ###, then decrease font size or increase col size
        # size=-1     # NOTE: don't work, it must use below with row or column statements

    ws.set_col_style(5, Style(size=-1))  # set width of column   # E col
    ws.set_row_style(11, Style(size=-1))  # set height of row

コード例 #11
def render_report(request, org_id):
    organisation = get_object_or_404(Organisation, pk=org_id)
    projects = build_view_object(organisation)

    use_indicator_target = False
    for project in projects:
        if project.use_indicator_target:
            print(project.id, project.use_indicator_target)
            use_indicator_target = True

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.new_sheet('ProjectList')

    ws.set_col_style(1, Style(size=81.5))
    ws.set_col_style(2, Style(size=33.5))
    ws.set_col_style(3, Style(size=27))
    ws.set_col_style(4, Style(size=21))
    ws.set_col_style(5, Style(size=21))
    ws.set_col_style(6, Style(size=21))
    ws.set_col_style(7, Style(size=21))
    ws.set_col_style(8, Style(size=33.5))
    ws.set_col_style(9, Style(size=33.5))
    ws.set_col_style(10, Style(size=14))
    ws.set_col_style(11, Style(size=33.5))
    ws.set_col_style(12, Style(size=33.5))
    ws.set_col_style(13, Style(size=10))
    ws.set_col_style(14, Style(size=10))
    ws.set_col_style(15, Style(size=10))
    ws.set_col_style(16, Style(size=10))
    ws.set_col_style(17, Style(size=33.5))
    ws.set_col_style(18, Style(size=20))
    ws.set_col_style(19, Style(size=20))
    ws.set_col_style(20, Style(size=20))
    ws.set_col_style(21, Style(size=33.5))
    ws.set_col_style(22, Style(size=10))
    ws.set_col_style(23, Style(size=33.5))
    ws.set_col_style(24, Style(size=10))
    ws.set_col_style(25, Style(size=10))
    ws.set_col_style(26, Style(size=33.5))
    ws.set_col_style(27, Style(size=14))
    ws.set_col_style(28, Style(size=14))
    ws.set_col_style(29, Style(size=14))
    ws.set_col_style(30, Style(size=14))

    # r1
    ws.set_cell_style(1, 1, Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=24)))
    ws.set_cell_value(1, 1, 'Organisation Results and Indicators simple table report')

    # r3
    for col in range(1, 31):
        ws.set_cell_style(3, col, Style(
            font=Font(bold=True, size=14, color=Color(255, 255, 255)),
            fill=Fill(background=Color(88, 88, 87))
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 1, 'Project name')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 2, 'Subtitle')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 3, 'IATI id')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 4, 'Date start planned')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 5, 'Date end planned')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 6, 'Date start actual')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 7, 'Date end actual')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 8, 'Result title')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 9, 'Result description')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 10, 'Aggregation')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 11, 'Indicator title')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 12, 'Indicator description')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 13, 'Measure')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 14, 'Ascending')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 15, 'Baseline year')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 16, 'Baseline value')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 17, 'Baseline comment')
    col = 17
    if use_indicator_target:
        col += 1
        ws.set_cell_value(3, col, 'Target')
        col += 1
        ws.set_cell_value(3, col, 'Target comment')
    col += 1
    ws.set_cell_value(3, col, 'Period start')
    col += 1
    ws.set_cell_value(3, col, 'Period end')
    if not use_indicator_target:
        col += 1
        ws.set_cell_value(3, col, 'Target value')
        col += 1
        ws.set_cell_value(3, col, 'Target comment')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 22, 'Actual value')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 23, 'Actual comment')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 24, 'Country')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 25, 'Type')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 26, 'Related partners')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 27, 'Project id')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 28, 'Result id')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 29, 'Indicator id')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 30, 'Period id')

    wrap_text = [2, 8, 9, 11, 12, 17, 21, 23]
    row = 4
    for key, project in enumerate(projects):
        highlight = (key % 2) == 0
        for result in project.results:
            for indicator in result.indicators:
                for period in indicator.periods:
                    for col in range(1, 31):
                        ws.set_cell_style(row, col, Style(
                            alignment=Alignment(wrap_text=True) if col in wrap_text else None,
                            fill=Fill(background=Color(217, 217, 217)) if highlight else None
                    # The empty strings are sort of a hack because the style formatting
                    # are not applied on a cell with empty content.
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, project.title or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, project.subtitle or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, project.iati_activity_id or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, project.date_start_planned or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 5, project.date_end_planned or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 6, project.date_start_actual or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 7, project.date_end_planned or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 8, result.title or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 9, result.description or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 10, 'Yes' if result.aggregation_status else 'No')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 11, indicator.title or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 12, indicator.description or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 13, 'Percentage' if indicator.measure == PERCENTAGE_MEASURE else 'Unit')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 14, 'Yes' if indicator.ascending else 'No')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 15, indicator.baseline_year or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 16, indicator.baseline_value or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 17, indicator.baseline_comment or ' ')
                    col = 17
                    if use_indicator_target:
                        col += 1
                        ws.set_cell_value(row, col, indicator.target_value or ' ')
                        col += 1
                        ws.set_cell_value(row, col, indicator.target_comment or ' ')
                    col += 1
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, col, utils.get_period_start(period, project.in_eutf_hierarchy) or ' ')
                    col += 1
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, col, utils.get_period_end(period, project.in_eutf_hierarchy) or ' ')
                    if not use_indicator_target:
                        col += 1
                        ws.set_cell_value(row, col, period.target_value or ' ')
                        col += 1
                        ws.set_cell_value(row, col, period.target_comment or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 22, period.actual_value or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 23, period.actual_comment or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 24, project.country_codes or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 25, result.iati_type_name or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 26, project.partner_names or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 27, project.id)
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 28, result.id)
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 29, indicator.id)
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 30, period.id)
                    row += 1

    filename = '{}-{}-results-and-indicators-simple-table.xlsx'.format(
        datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d'), organisation.id)

    return utils.make_excel_response(wb, filename)
コード例 #12
def _render_excel(reader):
    section_title_style = Style(font=Font(size=14, bold=True))
    table_header_style = Style(font=Font(bold=True))

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.new_sheet('Sheet0')
    ws.set_col_style(1, Style(size=35))
    ws.set_col_style(2, Style(size=19))
    ws.set_col_style(3, Style(size=26))
    ws.set_col_style(4, Style(size=56))
    ws.set_col_style(5, Style(size=11))
    ws.set_col_style(6, Style(size=5))
    ws.set_col_style(7, Style(size=10))
    ws.set_col_style(8, Style(size=12))
    ws.set_col_style(9, Style(size=12))
    ws.set_col_style(10, Style(size=21))
    ws.set_col_style(11, Style(size=7))
    ws.set_col_style(12, Style(size=16))
    ws.set_col_style(13, Style(size=17))

    # r1
    ws.range('A1', 'B1').merge()
        1, 1, Style(font=Font(size=18, bold=True, color=Color(128, 128, 128))))
    ws.set_cell_value(1, 1, 'RSR Project overview report')

    # r2
    ws.set_row_style(2, Style(size=24))
    ws.range('A2', 'C2').merge()
    ws.set_cell_style(2, 1, section_title_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 1, reader.name)

    # r3
    ws.range('B3', 'C3').merge()
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 2, reader.location['address_1'])

    # r4
    ws.range('B4', 'C4').merge()
    ws.set_cell_value(4, 2, reader.location['address_2'])

    # r5
    ws.range('B5', 'C5').merge()
    ws.set_cell_value(5, 2, reader.location['city'])

    # r6
    ws.range('B6', 'C6').merge()
    ws.set_cell_value(6, 2, reader.location['state'])

    # r7
    ws.range('B7', 'C7').merge()
    ws.set_cell_value(7, 2, reader.location['country'])

    # r8
    ws.set_cell_value(8, 2, 'Phone:')
    ws.set_cell_value(8, 3, reader.phone)

    # r9
    ws.set_cell_value(9, 2, 'Website:')
    ws.set_cell_value(9, 3, reader.url)

    # r10
    ws.set_cell_value(10, 2, 'RSR overview link:')
    ws.set_cell_value(10, 3, reader.rsr_link)

    # r11
    ws.set_cell_style(11, 1, section_title_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(11, 1, 'Statistics')

    # r12
    for i in range(1, 3):
        ws.set_cell_style(12, i, table_header_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(12, 1, 'Name')
    ws.set_cell_value(12, 2, 'Count')

    # r13
    ws.set_cell_value(13, 1, 'Total number of projects')
    ws.set_cell_value(13, 2, reader.projects_count)

    # r14
    ws.set_cell_value(14, 1, 'Published projects')
    ws.set_cell_value(14, 2, reader.published_projects_count)

    # r15
    ws.set_cell_value(15, 1, 'Unpublished projects')
    ws.set_cell_value(15, 2, reader.unpublished_projects_count)

    # r16
    ws.set_cell_value(16, 1, 'Total number of updates (published)')
    ws.set_cell_value(16, 2, reader.updates_count)

    # r17
    ws.set_cell_value(17, 1, 'Users')
    ws.set_cell_value(17, 2, reader.users_count)

    # r18
    ws.set_cell_style(18, 1, section_title_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(18, 1, 'Published project funding')

    # r19
    for i in range(1, 5):
        ws.set_cell_style(19, i, table_header_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(19, 1, 'Currency')
    ws.set_cell_value(19, 2, 'Budget')
    ws.set_cell_value(19, 3, 'Funds')
    ws.set_cell_value(19, 4, 'Needed')

    # r20
    row = 20
    for f in reader.published_projects_funding:
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, f['currency'])
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, f['total_budget'])
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, f['total_funds'])
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, f['total_funds_needed'])
        row += 1

    # r21
    ws.set_cell_style(row, 1, section_title_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, 'Projects by status')
    row += 1

    # r22
    for i in range(1, 3):
        ws.set_cell_style(row, i, table_header_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, 'Status')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, 'Count')
    row += 1

    # r23
    for s in reader.projects_by_activity_status:
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, s['status'])
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, s['count'])
        row += 1

    # r24
    ws.set_cell_style(row, 1, section_title_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, 'Published projects by start year')
    row += 1

    # r25
    for i in range(1, 3):
        ws.set_cell_style(row, i, table_header_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, 'Planned start year')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, 'Count')
    row += 1

    # r26
    for p in reader.projects_per_year:
            row, 1, p['start_year'].strftime('%Y') if p['start_year'] else '')
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, p['projects_count'])
        row += 1

    # r27
    ws.set_cell_style(row, 1, section_title_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, 'Published project statistics by country')
    row += 1

    # r28
    for i in range(1, 4):
        ws.set_cell_style(row, i, table_header_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, 'Country')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, 'Project count')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, 'Update count')
    row += 1

    # r29
    for p in reader.projects_per_country:
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, p['country'])
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, p['projects_count'])
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, p['updates_count'])
        row += 1

    # r30
    ws.set_cell_style(row, 1, section_title_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, 'Published project overview')
    row += 1

    # r31
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, 'Sorted by countries and id')
    row += 1

    # r32
    for i in range(1, 14):
        ws.set_cell_style(row, i, table_header_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, 'Countries')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, 'Title')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, 'Subtitle')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, 'Id')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 5, 'Status')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 6, '¤')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 7, 'Budget')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 8, 'Planned start date')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 9, 'Planned end date')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 10, 'IATI activity id')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 11, '# of updates')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 12, 'Keywords')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 13, 'Project URL')
    row += 1

    # r33
    for country, project in reader.published_projects_overview:
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, country)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, project.title)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, project.subtitle)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, project.id)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 5, project.iati_status)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 6, project.currency)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 7, project.budget)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 8, project.date_start_planned)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 9, project.date_end_planned)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 10, project.iati_activity_id)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 11, project.updates_count)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 12, project.keyword_labels)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 13, project.absolute_url)
        row += 1

    filename = '{}-{}-organisation-projects-overview.xlsx'.format(
        datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d'), reader.id)

    return utils.make_excel_response(wb, filename)
コード例 #13
def render_report(request, program_id):
    program = get_object_or_404(Project.objects.prefetch_related('results'),
    start_date = utils.parse_date(request.GET.get('period_start', '').strip())
    end_date = utils.parse_date(request.GET.get('period_end', '').strip())

    project_view = build_view_object(
        program, start_date or datetime(1900, 1, 1), end_date
        or (datetime.today() + relativedelta(years=10)))

    results_by_types = {}
    for result in project_view.results:
        type = result.iati_type_name
        if not type:
        if type not in results_by_types:
            results_by_types[type] = []

    if not results_by_types:
        results_by_types = {'Sheet1': []}

    report_title = 'Programme Overview Report{}'.format(': {} - {}'.format(
        '' if start_date is None else start_date.strftime('%d-%m-%Y'),
        '' if end_date is None else end_date.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')
    ) if start_date is not None or end_date is not None else '')

    disaggregations = get_disaggregations(program)
    disaggregation_types_length = 0
    for category, types in disaggregations.items():
        disaggregation_types_length += len(types.keys())
    disaggregations_last_colnum = 7 + (disaggregation_types_length * 2)

    wb = Workbook()
    for type, results in results_by_types.items():
        ws = wb.new_sheet(type)

        ws.set_col_style(1, Style(size=60))
        ws.set_col_style(2, Style(size=10))
        ws.set_col_style(3, Style(size=70))
        ws.set_col_style(4, Style(size=25))
        ws.set_col_style(5, Style(size=25))
        ws.set_col_style(6, Style(size=25))
        ws.set_col_style(7, Style(size=25))

        # r1
        ws.set_row_style(1, Style(size=41))
        ws.set_cell_style(1, 1, Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=24)))
        ws.set_cell_value(1, 1, report_title)
        ws.range('A1', 'C1').merge()

        # r2
        ws.set_row_style(2, Style(size=36))
        ws.set_cell_style(2, 1, Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=12)))
        ws.set_cell_value(2, 1, 'Programme title')
        ws.set_cell_style(2, 2, Style(font=Font(size=12)))
        ws.set_cell_value(2, 2, program.title)
        ws.range('B2', 'F2').merge()

        # r3
        ws.set_row_style(3, Style(size=36))
        ws.set_cell_style(3, 1, Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=12)))
        ws.set_cell_value(3, 1, 'Result type')
        ws.set_cell_style(3, 2, Style(font=Font(size=12)))
        ws.set_cell_value(3, 2, '' if type == 'Sheet1' else type)
        ws.range('B3', 'C3').merge()

        # r4

        row = 5
        for result in results:
            # r5
            ws.set_row_style(row, Style(size=36))
            result_header1_style = Style(
                font=Font(bold=True, size=12, color=Color(255, 255, 255)),
                fill=Fill(background=Color(89, 89, 89)))
            for i in range(1, 8):
                ws.set_cell_style(row, i, result_header1_style)
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, 'Result title:')
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, 'Result description:')
            if disaggregation_types_length:
                    row, 8,
                                    color=Color(255, 255, 255)),
                          fill=Fill(background=Color(89, 89, 89))))
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 8, 'Disaggregations')
                    'H' + str(row),
                    utils.xl_column_name(disaggregations_last_colnum) +
            row += 1

            # r6
            ws.set_row_style(row, Style(size=42))
            result_header2_style = Style(
                font=Font(size=12, color=Color(255, 255, 255)),
                fill=Fill(background=Color(89, 89, 89)))
            result_header_disaggregation_style = Style(
                font=Font(size=12, color=Color(255, 255, 255)),
                alignment=Alignment(wrap_text=True, horizontal='center'),
                fill=Fill(background=Color(89, 89, 89)))
            ws.range('A' + str(row), 'C' + str(row)).merge()
            ws.set_cell_style(row, 1, result_header2_style)
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, result.title)
            ws.range('D' + str(row), 'G' + str(row)).merge()
            ws.set_cell_style(row, 4, result_header2_style)
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, result.description)
            if disaggregation_types_length:
                col = 8
                for category, types in disaggregations.items():
                    ws.set_cell_style(row, col,
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, col, category.upper())
                    type_length = len(types.keys()) * 2
                    next_col = col + type_length
                        utils.xl_column_name(col) + str(row),
                        utils.xl_column_name(next_col - 1) + str(row)).merge()
                    col = next_col
            row += 1

            for indicator in result.indicators:
                # r7
                ws.set_row_style(row, Style(size=36))
                row7_style = Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=12),
                                   fill=Fill(background=Color(211, 211, 211)))
                for i in range(1, disaggregations_last_colnum + 1):
                    ws.set_cell_style(row, i, row7_style)
                ws.range('B' + str(row), 'C' + str(row)).merge()
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, 'Indicator title')
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, 'Indicator description')
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, 'Indicator type:')
                if disaggregation_types_length:
                    col = 8
                    types = [
                        t for ts in disaggregations.values()
                        for t in ts.keys()
                    for type in types:
                        ws.set_cell_value(row, col, type)
                        next_col = col + 2
                            utils.xl_column_name(col) + str(row),
                            utils.xl_column_name(next_col - 1) +
                        col = next_col
                row += 1

                # r8
                row8_style = Style(fill=Fill(background=Color(211, 211, 211)),
                for i in range(1, disaggregations_last_colnum + 1):
                    ws.set_cell_style(row, i, row8_style)
                ws.range('B' + str(row), 'C' + str(row)).merge()
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, indicator.title)
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, indicator.description)
                    row, 4, 'Qualitative'
                    if indicator.is_qualitative else 'Quantitative')
                if disaggregation_types_length:
                    col = 8
                    while col <= disaggregations_last_colnum:
                        ws.set_cell_value(row, col, 'value')
                        col += 1
                        ws.set_cell_value(row, col, 'target')
                        col += 1
                row += 1

                for period in indicator.periods:
                    # r9
                    ws.set_row_style(row, Style(size=36))
                    row9_style = Style(
                        font=Font(bold=True, size=12),
                        fill=Fill(background=Color(220, 230, 242)))
                    for i in range(1, disaggregations_last_colnum + 1):
                        ws.set_cell_style(row, i, row9_style)
                    ws.range('B' + str(row), 'C' + str(row)).merge()
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, 'Reporting Period:')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, 'Number of contrributors')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, 'Countries')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 5, 'Aggregated Actual Value')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 6, 'Target value')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 7, '% of Contribution')
                    row += 1

                    # r10
                    number_of_contributors = len(period.contributors)
                    row10_style = Style(
                        fill=Fill(background=Color(220, 230, 242)))
                    for i in range(1, 7):
                        ws.set_cell_style(row, i, row10_style)
                    ws.range('B' + str(row), 'C' + str(row)).merge()
                        row, 1, '{} - {}'.format(period.period_start,
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, number_of_contributors)
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, len(period.countries))
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 5, period.actual_value)
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 6, period.target_value)
                        row, 7,
                              fill=Fill(background=Color(220, 230, 242))))
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 7, '100%')
                    if disaggregation_types_length:
                        for i in range(8, disaggregations_last_colnum + 1):
                            ws.set_cell_style(row, i, row10_style)
                        col = 8
                        for category, types in disaggregations.items():
                            for type in [t for t in types.keys()]:
                                    row, col,
                                        category, type) or '')
                                col += 1
                                    row, col,
                                        category, type) or '')
                                col += 1
                    row += 1

                    if not number_of_contributors:

                    for contrib in period.contributors:
                        # r11
                        ws.range('B' + str(row), 'C' + str(row)).merge()
                        ws.set_cell_style(row, 2, Style(font=Font(bold=True)))
                        ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, 'Level 1 contributor:')
                        row += 1

                        # r12
                        ws.set_row_style(row, Style(size=30))
                        ws.range('B' + str(row), 'C' + str(row)).merge()
                            row, 2,
                        ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, contrib.project.title)
                            row, 4,
                            row, 4, getattr(contrib.country, 'name', ' '))
                        ws.set_cell_value(row, 5, contrib.updates.total_value)
                        ws.set_cell_value(row, 6, contrib.target_value)
                            row, 7,
                            row, 7, '{}%'.format(
                        if disaggregation_types_length:
                            col = 8
                            for category, types in disaggregations.items():
                                for type in [t for t in types.keys()]:
                                        row, col,
                                            category, type) or '')
                                    col += 1
                                        row, col,
                                            category, type) or '')
                                    col += 1
                        row += 1

                        if len(contrib.contributors) < 1:

                        # r13
                        ws.set_cell_style(row, 3, Style(font=Font(bold=True)))
                        ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, 'Level 2 sub-contributors:')
                        row += 1

                        for subcontrib in contrib.contributors:
                            # r14
                                row, 3,
                            ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, subcontrib.project.title)
                                row, 4,
                                row, 4, getattr(subcontrib.country, 'name',
                                                ' '))
                            ws.set_cell_value(row, 5, subcontrib.actual_value)
                            ws.set_cell_value(row, 6, subcontrib.target_value)
                                row, 7,
                                row, 7, '{}%'.format(
                            if disaggregation_types_length:
                                col = 8
                                for category, types in disaggregations.items():
                                    for type in [t for t in types.keys()]:
                                            row, col,
                                                category, type) or '')
                                        col += 1
                                            row, col,
                                                category, type) or '')
                                        col += 1
                            row += 1

    # output
    filename = '{}-{}-program-overview-report.xlsx'.format(
        datetime.today().strftime('%Y%b%d'), program.id)

    return utils.make_excel_response(wb, filename)
コード例 #14
def render_report(request, project_id):
    queryset = Project.objects.prefetch_related(
        'results', 'results__indicators', 'results__indicators__periods')
    project = get_object_or_404(queryset, pk=project_id)
    in_eutf_hierarchy = project.in_eutf_hierarchy()

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.new_sheet('ResultsTable')
    ws.set_col_style(1, Style(size=75))
    ws.set_col_style(2, Style(size=75))
    ws.set_col_style(3, Style(size=41))
    ws.set_col_style(4, Style(size=18.5))
    ws.set_col_style(5, Style(size=34))
    ws.set_col_style(6, Style(size=37.5))
    ws.set_col_style(7, Style(size=47.5))
    ws.set_col_style(8, Style(size=20))
    ws.set_col_style(9, Style(size=20))
    ws.set_col_style(10, Style(size=34))
    ws.set_col_style(11, Style(size=20))
    ws.set_col_style(12, Style(size=20))
    ws.set_col_style(13, Style(size=20))
    ws.set_col_style(14, Style(size=24))
    ws.set_col_style(15, Style(size=20.5))
    ws.set_col_style(16, Style(size=30))
    ws.set_col_style(17, Style(size=22))
    ws.set_col_style(18, Style(size=21))

    # r1
    ws.set_row_style(1, Style(size=36))
        1, 1,
        Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=18, color=Color(255, 255, 255)),
              fill=Fill(background=Color(32, 56, 100)),
    ws.set_cell_value(1, 1,
                      'Project Results and Indicators simple table report')

    # r2
    ws.set_row_style(2, Style(size=36))
    for i in range(1, 19):
            2, i,
            Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=14),
                  fill=Fill(background=Color(214, 234, 248)),
                  borders=Borders(top=Border(color=Color(0, 0, 0)),
                                  bottom=Border(color=Color(0, 0, 0)))))
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 1, 'Project name')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 2, 'Project subtitle')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 3, 'Result title')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 4, 'Result type')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 5, 'Result description')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 6, 'Indicator title')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 7, 'Indicator description')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 8, 'Baseline year')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 9, 'Baseline value')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 10, 'Baseline comment')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 11, 'Period start')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 12, 'Period end')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 13, 'Target value')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 14, 'Target comment')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 15, 'Actual value')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 16, 'Actual comment')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 17, 'Type')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 18, 'Aggregation status')

    # r3
    row = 3
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, project.title)
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, project.subtitle)

    prev_type = ''
    curr_type = ''
    prev_agg_status = ''
    curr_agg_status = ''
    prev_indicator_type = ''
    curr_indicator_type = ''
    for result in project.results.exclude(type__exact='').all():
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, result.title)
        curr_type = result.iati_type().name
        if curr_type != prev_type:
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, curr_type)
            prev_type = curr_type
        ws.set_cell_style(row, 5, Style(alignment=Alignment(wrap_text=True)))
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 5, result.description)
        curr_agg_status = 'Yes' if result.aggregation_status else 'No'
        if curr_agg_status != prev_agg_status:
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 18, curr_agg_status)
            prev_agg_status = curr_agg_status

        for indicator in result.indicators.all():
            ws.set_cell_style(row, 6,
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 6, indicator.title)
            ws.set_cell_style(row, 7,
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 7, indicator.description)
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 8, indicator.baseline_year)
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 9, indicator.baseline_value)
            ws.set_cell_style(row, 10,
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 10, indicator.baseline_comment)
            curr_indicator_type = 'Qualitative' if indicator.type == '2' else 'Quantitative'
            if curr_indicator_type != prev_indicator_type:
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 17, curr_indicator_type)
                prev_indicator_type = curr_indicator_type

            for period in indicator.periods.all():
                    row, 11, utils.get_period_start(period, in_eutf_hierarchy))
                    row, 12, utils.get_period_end(period, in_eutf_hierarchy))
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 13, period.target_value)
                ws.set_cell_style(row, 14,
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 14, period.target_comment)
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 15, ensure_decimal(period.actual_value))
                ws.set_cell_style(row, 16,
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 16, period.actual_comment)

                ws.set_row_style(row, Style(size=68))
                row += 1

    filename = '{}-{}-eutf-project-results-indicators-report.xlsx'.format(
        datetime.today().strftime('%Y%b%d'), project.id)

    return utils.make_excel_response(wb, filename)
コード例 #15
ファイル: writer.py プロジェクト: bazzisoft/dwtools3
 def _to_excel_color(self, color):
     return Color((color >> 16) & 0xFF, (color >> 8) & 0xFF, color & 0xFF)
コード例 #16
def render_report(request, project_id):
    project = get_object_or_404(Project, pk=project_id)
    start_date = utils.parse_date(
        request.GET.get('start_date', '').strip(), datetime(1900, 1, 1))
    end_date = utils.parse_date(
        request.GET.get('end_date', '').strip(),
        datetime.today() + relativedelta(years=10))

    project_view = build_view_object(project, start_date, end_date)
    in_eutf_hierarchy = project_view.in_eutf_hierarchy
    use_indicator_target = project_view.use_indicator_target
    has_disaggregation = IndicatorPeriodDisaggregation.objects\
        .filter(period__indicator__result__project=project).count() > 0

    max_column = 14 if has_disaggregation else 12

    results_by_types = {}
    for result in project_view.results:
        type = result.iati_type_name
        if not type:
        if type not in results_by_types:
            results_by_types[type] = []

    wb = Workbook()
    for type, results in results_by_types.items():
        ws = wb.new_sheet(type)
        ws.set_col_style(1, Style(size=55))
        ws.set_col_style(2, Style(size=60))
        ws.set_col_style(3, Style(size=20))
        ws.set_col_style(4, Style(size=20))
        ws.set_col_style(5, Style(size=35))
        ws.set_col_style(6, Style(size=20))
        ws.set_col_style(7, Style(size=20))
        ws.set_col_style(8, Style(size=20))
        ws.set_col_style(9, Style(size=20))
        ws.set_col_style(10, Style(size=25))
        ws.set_col_style(11, Style(size=20))
        ws.set_col_style(12, Style(size=30))
        if has_disaggregation:
            ws.set_col_style(13, Style(size=30))
            ws.set_col_style(14, Style(size=30))
        ws.set_col_style(max_column, Style(size=25))

        # r1
        ws.set_row_style(1, Style(size=41))
        ws.set_cell_style(1, 1, Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=24)))
            1, 1, 'Project Results and Indicators simple table report')
        ws.range('A1', 'B1').merge()

        # r2
        ws.set_row_style(2, Style(size=36))
        ws.set_cell_style(2, 1, Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=12)))
        ws.set_cell_value(2, 1, 'Project title')
        ws.set_cell_style(2, 2, Style(font=Font(size=12)))
        ws.set_cell_value(2, 2, project.title)

        # r3
        ws.set_row_style(3, Style(size=36))
        ws.set_cell_style(3, 1, Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=12)))
        ws.set_cell_value(3, 1, 'Result type')
        ws.set_cell_style(3, 2, Style(font=Font(size=12)))
        ws.set_cell_value(3, 2, type)

        # r4
        ws.set_row_style(4, Style(size=36))
        ws.set_cell_value(4, 1, '')

        row = 5
        for result in results:
            # r5
            ws.set_row_style(row, Style(size=36))
            result_header1_style = Style(
                font=Font(bold=True, size=12, color=Color(255, 255, 255)),
                fill=Fill(background=Color(89, 89, 89)))
            for i in range(1, max_column + 1):
                ws.set_cell_style(row, i, result_header1_style)
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, 'Result title:')
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, 'Result description:')
            row += 1

            # r6
            ws.set_row_style(row, Style(size=42))
            result_header2_style = Style(
                font=Font(size=12, color=Color(255, 255, 255)),
                fill=Fill(background=Color(89, 89, 89)))
            ws.range('A' + str(row), 'B' + str(row)).merge()
            ws.set_cell_style(row, 1, result_header2_style)
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, result.title)
            ws.range('C' + str(row),
                     ('N' if has_disaggregation else 'L') + str(row)).merge()
            ws.set_cell_style(row, 3, result_header2_style)
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, result.description)
            row += 1

            # r7
            ws.set_row_style(row, Style(size=36))
            row7_style = Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=12),
                               fill=Fill(background=Color(211, 211, 211)))
            for i in range(1, max_column + 1):
                ws.set_cell_style(row, i, row7_style)
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, 'Indicator title')
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, 'Indicator description')
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, 'Baseline year')
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, 'Baseline value')
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 5, 'Baseline comment')
            col = 5
            if use_indicator_target:
                col += 1
                ws.set_cell_value(row, col, 'Target')
                col += 1
                ws.set_cell_value(row, col, 'Target comment')
            col += 1
            ws.set_cell_value(row, col, 'Period start')
            col += 1
            ws.set_cell_value(row, col, 'Period end')
            if not use_indicator_target:
                col += 1
                ws.set_cell_value(row, col, 'Target value')
                col += 1
                ws.set_cell_value(row, col, 'Target comment')
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 10, 'Actual value')
            ws.set_cell_value(row, 11, 'Actual comment')
            if has_disaggregation:
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 12, 'Disaggregation label')
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 13, 'Disaggregation value')
            ws.set_cell_value(row, max_column, 'Aggregation status')
            row += 1

            ws.set_cell_value(row, max_column,
                              'Yes' if result.aggregation_status else 'No')
            for indicator in result.indicators:
                # r8
                ws.set_cell_style(row, 1,
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, indicator.title)
                ws.set_cell_style(row, 2,
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, indicator.description)
                    row, 3, Style(alignment=Alignment(horizontal='right')))
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, indicator.baseline_year)
                    row, 4, Style(alignment=Alignment(horizontal='right')))
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, indicator.baseline_value)
                ws.set_cell_style(row, 5,
                ws.set_cell_value(row, 5, indicator.baseline_comment)
                col = 5
                if use_indicator_target:
                    col += 1
                        row, col,
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, col, indicator.target_value)
                    col += 1
                        row, col, Style(alignment=Alignment(wrap_text=True)))
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, col, indicator.target_comment)

                for period in indicator.periods:
                    period_start = utils.get_period_start(
                        period, in_eutf_hierarchy)
                    period_end = utils.get_period_end(period,
                    inner_col = col
                    inner_col += 1
                        row, inner_col,
                        if period_start else '')
                    inner_col += 1
                        row, inner_col,
                        period_end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if period_end else '')
                    if not use_indicator_target:
                        inner_col += 1
                            row, inner_col,
                        ws.set_cell_value(row, inner_col, period.target_value)
                        inner_col += 1
                            row, inner_col,
                        ws.set_cell_value(row, inner_col,
                        row, 10,
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 10, period.actual_value)
                        row, 11, Style(alignment=Alignment(wrap_text=True)))
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 11, period.actual_comment)

                    disaggregations = period.disaggregations.order_by(
                    if has_disaggregation and disaggregations.count():
                        category = None
                        last_category = None
                        for disaggregation in disaggregations.all():
                            if disaggregation.value is None:
                            category = disaggregation.dimension_value.name.name
                            if category != last_category:
                                    row, 12,
                                    row, 12,
                            last_category = category
                                row, 13,
                                row, 13, disaggregation.dimension_value.value +
                                ': ' + str(disaggregation.value))
                            row += 1
                        row += 1

    filename = '{}-{}-results-indicators-report.xlsx'.format(
        datetime.today().strftime('%Y%b%d'), project.id)

    return utils.make_excel_response(wb, filename)
コード例 #17
def render_report(request, program_id):
    queryset = ProjectHierarchy.objects.prefetch_related('organisation')
    project_hierarchy = get_object_or_404(queryset, root_project=program_id)
    organisation = project_hierarchy.organisation
    projects = build_view_object(organisation)

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.new_sheet('ProjectList')
    ws.set_col_style(1, Style(size=81.5))
    ws.set_col_style(2, Style(size=33.5))
    ws.set_col_style(3, Style(size=7.67))
    ws.set_col_style(4, Style(size=21.17))
    ws.set_col_style(5, Style(size=20.67))
    ws.set_col_style(6, Style(size=19))
    ws.set_col_style(7, Style(size=18.17))
    ws.set_col_style(8, Style(size=33.5))
    ws.set_col_style(9, Style(size=21))
    ws.set_col_style(10, Style(size=14.83))
    ws.set_col_style(11, Style(size=33.5))
    ws.set_col_style(12, Style(size=23.17))
    ws.set_col_style(13, Style(size=10.5))
    ws.set_col_style(14, Style(size=14))
    ws.set_col_style(15, Style(size=16.67))
    ws.set_col_style(16, Style(size=19.5))
    ws.set_col_style(17, Style(size=34.33))
    ws.set_col_style(18, Style(size=15.67))
    ws.set_col_style(19, Style(size=15.67))
    ws.set_col_style(20, Style(size=22.33))
    ws.set_col_style(21, Style(size=25))
    ws.set_col_style(22, Style(size=17.5))
    ws.set_col_style(23, Style(size=20.83))
    ws.set_col_style(24, Style(size=9.67))
    ws.set_col_style(25, Style(size=12.5))
    ws.set_col_style(26, Style(size=26.67))
    ws.set_col_style(27, Style(size=16.33))
    ws.set_col_style(28, Style(size=16.33))
    ws.set_col_style(29, Style(size=16.33))
    ws.set_col_style(30, Style(size=16.33))

    # r1
        1, 1,
        Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=18, color=Color(255, 255, 255)),
              fill=Fill(background=Color(32, 56, 100))))
        1, 1, 'Organisation Results and Indicators simple table report')

    # r3
    for col in range(1, 31):
            3, col,
            Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=14),
                  fill=Fill(background=Color(255, 192, 0)),
                  borders=Borders(bottom=Border(color=Color(0, 0, 0)))))
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 1, 'Project name')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 2, 'Subtitle')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 3, 'IATI id')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 4, 'Date start planned')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 5, 'Date end planned')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 6, 'Date start actual')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 7, 'Date end actual')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 8, 'Result title')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 9, 'Result description')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 10, 'Aggregation')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 11, 'Indicator title')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 12, 'Indicator description')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 13, 'Measure')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 14, 'Ascending')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 15, 'Baseline year')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 16, 'Baseline value')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 17, 'Baseline comment')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 18, 'Period start')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 19, 'Period end')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 20, 'Target value')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 21, 'Target comment')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 22, 'Actual value')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 23, 'Actual comment')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 24, 'Country')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 25, 'Type')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 26, 'Related partners')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 27, 'Project id')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 28, 'Result id')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 29, 'Indicator id')
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 30, 'Period id')

    wrap_text = [2, 8, 9, 11, 12, 17, 21, 23]
    row = 4
    for project in projects:
        highlight = True
        for result in project.results:
            for indicator in result.indicators:
                for period in indicator.periods:
                    for col in range(1, 31):
                            row, col,
                                wrap_text=True) if col in wrap_text else None,
                                  fill=Fill(background=Color(223, 231, 244))
                                  if highlight else None))
                    # The empty strings are sort of a hack because the style formatting
                    # are not applied on a cell with empty content.
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, project.title or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, project.subtitle or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, project.iati_activity_id or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, project.date_start_planned
                                      or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 5, project.date_end_planned or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 6, project.date_start_actual or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 7, project.date_end_planned or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 8, result.title or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 9, result.description or ' ')
                        row, 10, 'Yes' if result.aggregation_status else 'No')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 11, indicator.title or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 12, indicator.description or ' ')
                        row, 13, 'Percentage'
                        if indicator.measure == PERCENTAGE_MEASURE else 'Unit')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 14,
                                      'Yes' if indicator.ascending else 'No')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 15, indicator.baseline_year or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 16, indicator.baseline_value or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 17, indicator.baseline_comment
                                      or ' ')
                        row, 18,
                            period, project.in_eutf_hierarchy) or ' ')
                        row, 19,
                        utils.get_period_end(period, project.in_eutf_hierarchy)
                        or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 20, period.target_value or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 21, period.target_comment or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 22, period.actual_value or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 23, period.actual_comment or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 24, project.country_codes or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 25, result.iati_type_name or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 26, project.partner_names or ' ')
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 27, project.id)
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 28, result.id)
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 29, indicator.id)
                    ws.set_cell_value(row, 30, period.id)
                    row += 1
                    highlight = False

    filename = '{}-{}-eutf-results-and-indicators-simple-table.xlsx'.format(
        datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d'), organisation.id)

    return utils.make_excel_response(wb, filename)
コード例 #18
def _render_excel(reader):
    wb = Workbook()

    # styles
    section_header_style = Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=14))
    table_header_style = Style(font=Font(bold=True))
    table_footer_first_style = Style(
        alignment=Alignment(horizontal='left'), borders=Borders(top=Border(color=Color(0, 0, 0))))
    table_footer_style = Style(
        alignment=Alignment(horizontal='right'), borders=Borders(top=Border(color=Color(0, 0, 0))))

    # sheet0 ==================================================================
    ws = wb.new_sheet('Sheet0')
    ws.set_col_style(1, Style(size=28))
    ws.set_col_style(2, Style(size=35))
    ws.set_col_style(3, Style(size=16))
    ws.set_col_style(4, Style(size=20))
    ws.set_col_style(5, Style(size=33))
    ws.set_col_style(6, Style(size=39))

    # r1
    ws.set_cell_style(1, 1, Style(font=Font(size=18)))
    ws.set_cell_value(1, 1, 'Data quality report for ' + reader.organisation.name)
    # r2
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 1, 'Sorted by country and id, only active and completed projects')

    # r3
    ws.set_cell_style(3, 1, section_header_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 1, 'Project totals')
    # r4
    ws.set_cell_value(4, 1, 'Planned end date overdue')
    ws.set_cell_value(4, 2, reader.planned_and_date_overdue.count())
    # r5
    ws.set_cell_value(5, 1, 'No edits or updates last 3 months')
    ws.set_cell_value(5, 2, reader.no_edit_or_updates.count())
    # r6
    ws.set_cell_value(6, 1, 'Need funding')
    ws.set_cell_value(6, 2, reader.need_funding.count())
    # r7
    ws.set_cell_value(7, 1, 'Without photo')
    ws.set_cell_value(7, 2, reader.without_photo.count())

    # r8
    ws.set_cell_style(8, 1, section_header_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(8, 1, 'Projects with planned end date overdue')
    # r9
    ws.set_cell_value(9, 1, 'Sorted by country and id')

    # r10
    for i in range(1, 7):
        ws.set_cell_style(10, i, table_header_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(10, 1, 'Id')
    ws.set_cell_value(10, 2, 'Title')
    ws.set_cell_value(10, 3, 'Planned start date')
    ws.set_cell_value(10, 4, 'Planned end date')
    ws.set_cell_value(10, 5, 'Country')
    ws.set_cell_value(10, 6, 'Project URL')
    # r11
    row = 11
    for project, country in reader.planned_and_date_overdue_list:
        ws.set_cell_style(row, 1, Style(alignment=Alignment(horizontal='left')))
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, project.id)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, project.title)
        ws.set_cell_style(row, 3, Style(alignment=Alignment(horizontal='right')))
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, project.date_start_planned.strftime('%-d-%b-%Y') if project.date_start_planned else '')
        ws.set_cell_style(row, 4, Style(alignment=Alignment(horizontal='right')))
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, project.date_end_planned.strftime('%-d-%b-%Y') if project.date_end_planned else '')
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 5, country)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 6, 'https://{}{}'.format(settings.RSR_DOMAIN, project.get_absolute_url()))
        row += 1
    # r12
    ws.set_cell_style(row, 1, table_footer_first_style)
    for i in range(2, 7):
        ws.set_cell_style(row, i, table_footer_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, len(reader.planned_and_date_overdue_list))

    # sheet1 ==================================================================
    ws = wb.new_sheet('Sheet1')
    ws.set_col_style(1, Style(size=17))
    ws.set_col_style(2, Style(size=27))
    ws.set_col_style(3, Style(size=20))
    ws.set_col_style(4, Style(size=16))
    ws.set_col_style(5, Style(size=22))
    ws.set_col_style(6, Style(size=11))
    ws.set_col_style(7, Style(size=38))

    # r1
    ws.set_cell_style(1, 1, section_header_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(1, 1, 'Projects with no edits or updates last 3 months')
    # r2
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 1, 'Sorted by country and id')

    # r4
    for i in range(1, 8):
        ws.set_cell_style(4, i, table_header_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(4, 1, 'Id')
    ws.set_cell_value(4, 2, 'Title')
    ws.set_cell_value(4, 3, 'Last modified')
    ws.set_cell_value(4, 4, 'Planned start date')
    ws.set_cell_value(4, 5, 'Planned end date')
    ws.set_cell_value(4, 6, 'Country')
    ws.set_cell_value(4, 7, 'Project URL')
    # r5
    row = 5
    for project, country in reader.no_edit_or_updates_list:
        ws.set_cell_style(row, 1, Style(alignment=Alignment(horizontal='left')))
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, project.id)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, project.title)
        ws.set_cell_style(row, 3, Style(alignment=Alignment(horizontal='right')))
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, project.last_modified_at.strftime('%-d-%b-%Y') if project.last_modified_at else '')
        ws.set_cell_style(row, 4, Style(alignment=Alignment(horizontal='right')))
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, project.date_start_planned.strftime('%-d-%b-%Y') if project.date_start_planned else '')
        ws.set_cell_style(row, 5, Style(alignment=Alignment(horizontal='right')))
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 5, project.date_end_planned.strftime('%-d-%b-%Y') if project.date_end_planned else '')
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 6, country)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 7, 'https://{}{}'.format(settings.RSR_DOMAIN, project.get_absolute_url()))
        row += 1
    # r6
    ws.set_cell_style(row, 1, table_footer_first_style)
    for i in range(2, 8):
        ws.set_cell_style(row, i, table_footer_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, len(reader.no_edit_or_updates_list))

    # sheet2 ==================================================================
    ws = wb.new_sheet('Sheet2')
    ws.set_col_style(1, Style(size=17))
    ws.set_col_style(2, Style(size=27))
    ws.set_col_style(3, Style(size=19))
    ws.set_col_style(4, Style(size=19))
    ws.set_col_style(5, Style(size=33))
    ws.set_col_style(6, Style(size=37))
    ws.set_col_style(7, Style(size=12))
    ws.set_col_style(8, Style(size=38))

    # r1
    ws.set_cell_style(1, 1, section_header_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(1, 1, 'Projects that need funding')

    # r2
    for i in range(1, 9):
        ws.set_cell_style(2, i, table_header_style)
    ws.range('C2', 'D2').merge()
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 1, 'Id')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 2, 'Title')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 3, 'Budget')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 5, 'Funds')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 6, 'Funds needed')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 7, 'Country')
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 8, 'Project URL')
    # r3
    row = 3
    for project, country in reader.need_funding_list:
        ws.set_cell_style(row, 1, Style(alignment=Alignment(horizontal='left')))
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, project.id)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, project.title)
        ws.set_cell_style(row, 3, Style(alignment=Alignment(horizontal='right')))
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, project.currency)
        ws.set_cell_style(row, 4, Style(format=Format("#,#0.00")))
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, project.budget)
        ws.set_cell_style(row, 5, Style(format=Format("#,#0.00")))
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 5, project.funds)
        ws.set_cell_style(row, 6, Style(format=Format("#,#0.00")))
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 6, project.funds_needed)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 7, country)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 8, 'https://{}{}'.format(settings.RSR_DOMAIN, project.get_absolute_url()))
        row += 1
    # r4
    ws.set_cell_style(row, 1, table_footer_first_style)
    for i in range(2, 9):
        ws.set_cell_style(row, i, table_footer_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, len(reader.need_funding_list))
    row += 1

    # r5
    ws.set_cell_style(row, 1, section_header_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, 'Projects without photos')
    row += 1

    # r6
    for i in range(1, 7):
        ws.set_cell_style(row, i, table_header_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, 'Id')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, 'Title')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, 'Planned start date')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, 'Planned end date')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 5, 'Country')
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 6, 'Project URL')
    # r7
    row += 1
    for project, country in reader.without_photo_list:
        ws.set_cell_style(row, 1, Style(alignment=Alignment(horizontal='left')))
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, project.id)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, project.title)
        ws.set_cell_style(row, 3, Style(alignment=Alignment(horizontal='right')))
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, project.date_start_planned.strftime('%-d-%b-%Y') if project.date_start_planned else '')
        ws.set_cell_style(row, 4, Style(alignment=Alignment(horizontal='right')))
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, project.date_end_planned.strftime('%-d-%b-%Y') if project.date_end_planned else '')
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 5, country)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 6, 'https://{}{}'.format(settings.RSR_DOMAIN, project.get_absolute_url()))
        row += 1
    # r8
    ws.set_cell_style(row, 1, table_footer_first_style)
    for i in range(2, 7):
        ws.set_cell_style(row, i, table_footer_style)
    ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, len(reader.without_photo_list))

    filename = '{}-{}-organisation-data-quality.xlsx'.format(
        reader.date.strftime('%Y%m%d'), reader.organisation.id)

    return utils.make_excel_response(wb, filename)
コード例 #19
def generate_workbok(program, start_date=None, end_date=None):
    results = get_results_framework(program, start_date, end_date)
    results_by_types = group_results_by_types(results)
    if not results_by_types:
        results_by_types = {'Sheet1': []}
    aggregate_targets = is_aggregating_targets(program)
    use_indicator_target = utils.is_using_indicator_target(program)
    disaggregations = get_disaggregations(program)
    disaggregations_column_start = 16 if aggregate_targets else 15
    disaggregation_types_length = 0
    for types in disaggregations.values():
        disaggregation_types_length += len(types.keys())
    disaggregations_last_colnum = disaggregations_column_start - 1 + (
        disaggregation_types_length * 2)
    wb = Workbook()
    header_style = Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=12),
                         fill=Fill(background=Color(211, 211, 211)))

    subheader_style = Style(font=Font(size=12),
                            fill=Fill(background=Color(211, 211, 211)))
    header_disaggregation_style = Style(
        font=Font(bold=True, size=12),
        fill=Fill(background=Color(211, 211, 211)),
        alignment=Alignment(wrap_text=True, horizontal='center'),

    for type, results in results_by_types.items():
        ws = wb.new_sheet(type)
        ws.set_col_style(1, Style(size=50))
        ws.set_col_style(2, Style(size=50))
        ws.set_col_style(3, Style(size=50))
        ws.set_col_style(4, Style(size=25))
        ws.set_col_style(5, Style(size=20))
        ws.set_col_style(6, Style(size=60))
        ws.set_col_style(7, Style(size=25))
        ws.set_col_style(8, Style(size=25))
        ws.set_col_style(9, Style(size=25))
        ws.set_col_style(10, Style(size=25))
        if aggregate_targets:
            ws.set_col_style(AGGREGATED_TARGET_VALUE_COLUMN, Style(size=25))
        col = get_dynamic_column_start(aggregate_targets)
        ws.set_col_style(col, Style(size=25))
        col += 1
        ws.set_col_style(col, Style(size=25))
        col += 1
        ws.set_col_style(col, Style(size=25))
        col += 1
        ws.set_col_style(col, Style(size=25))
        # r1
        ws.set_row_style(1, Style(size=36))
        for i in range(1, disaggregations_column_start):
            ws.set_cell_style(1, i, header_style)
        ws.set_cell_value(1, 1, 'Result title')
        ws.set_cell_value(1, 2, 'Result description')
        ws.set_cell_value(1, 3, 'Indicator title')
        ws.set_cell_value(1, 4, 'Reporting period')
        ws.set_cell_value(1, 5, 'Hierarchy level')
        ws.set_cell_value(1, 6, 'Contributor title')
        ws.set_cell_value(1, 7, 'Contributor subtitle')
        ws.set_cell_value(1, 8, 'Countries')
        ws.set_cell_value(1, 9, 'Sector')
        ws.set_cell_value(1, 10, 'Baseline value')
        if aggregate_targets:
            ws.set_cell_value(1, AGGREGATED_TARGET_VALUE_COLUMN,
                              'Aggregated target value')
        col = get_dynamic_column_start(aggregate_targets)
        ws.set_cell_value(1, col, 'Target value')
        col += 1
        ws.set_cell_value(1, col, 'Aggregated actual value')
        col += 1
        ws.set_cell_value(1, col, 'Actual value')
        col += 1
        ws.set_cell_value(1, col, '% of contribution')
        if disaggregation_types_length:
            col = disaggregations_column_start
            for category, types in disaggregations.items():
                ws.set_cell_style(1, col, header_disaggregation_style)
                ws.set_cell_value(1, col, category.upper())
                type_length = len(types.keys()) * 2
                next_col = col + type_length
                    utils.xl_column_name(col) + str(1),
                    utils.xl_column_name(next_col - 1) + str(1)).merge()
                col = next_col
        # r2
        for i in range(1, disaggregations_column_start):
            ws.set_cell_style(2, i, header_style)
        if disaggregation_types_length:
            col = disaggregations_column_start
            types = [t for ts in disaggregations.values() for t in ts.keys()]
            for type in types:
                ws.set_cell_style(2, col, header_disaggregation_style)
                ws.set_cell_value(2, col, type)
                next_col = col + 2
                    utils.xl_column_name(col) + str(2),
                    utils.xl_column_name(next_col - 1) + str(2)).merge()
                col = next_col
        # r3
        for i in range(1, disaggregations_column_start):
            ws.set_cell_style(3, i, header_style)
        if disaggregation_types_length:
            col = disaggregations_column_start
            while col <= disaggregations_last_colnum:
                for label in ['value', 'target']:
                    ws.set_cell_style(3, col, subheader_style)
                    ws.set_cell_value(3, col, label)
                    col += 1
        # r4
        row = 4
        for result in results:
            for indicator in result.indicators:
                for period in indicator.periods:
                    row = render_period(ws, row, result, indicator, period,
                                        use_indicator_target, disaggregations)
                    for contributor in period.contributors:
                        row = render_contributor_hierarchy(
                            ws, row, result, indicator, period, contributor,
                            aggregate_targets, use_indicator_target,
    return wb
コード例 #20
def render_report(request, project_id):
    project = get_object_or_404(Project, pk=project_id)
    start_date = utils.parse_date(request.GET.get('start_date', '').strip(), datetime(1900, 1, 1))
    end_date = utils.parse_date(request.GET.get('end_date', '').strip(), datetime.today() + relativedelta(years=10))

    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.new_sheet('UpdatesTable')
    ws.set_col_style(1, Style(size=17))
    ws.set_col_style(2, Style(size=50))
    ws.set_col_style(3, Style(size=35))
    ws.set_col_style(4, Style(size=27))
    ws.set_col_style(5, Style(size=19))
    ws.set_col_style(6, Style(size=19))
    ws.set_col_style(7, Style(size=19))
    ws.set_col_style(8, Style(size=19))
    ws.set_col_style(9, Style(size=25))
    ws.set_col_style(10, Style(size=25))
    ws.set_col_style(11, Style(size=25))
    ws.set_col_style(12, Style(size=19))
    ws.set_col_style(13, Style(size=19))
    ws.set_col_style(14, Style(size=48.5))

    # r1
    ws.set_row_style(1, Style(size=40.5))
    ws.range('A1', 'B1').merge()
    ws.set_cell_style(1, 1, Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=24)))
    ws.set_cell_value(1, 1, 'Project Updates Review')

    # r2
    ws.set_cell_style(2, 1, Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=13)))
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 1, 'Project title')
    ws.set_cell_style(2, 2, Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=13)))
    ws.set_cell_value(2, 2, project.title)

    # r3
    ws.set_cell_style(3, 1, Style(font=Font(bold=True, size=13)))
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 1, 'Project #')
    ws.set_cell_style(3, 2, Style(
        font=Font(bold=True, size=13), alignment=Alignment(horizontal='left')))
    ws.set_cell_value(3, 2, project.id)

    # r5
    ws.set_row_style(5, Style(size=36))
    for col in range(1, 15):
        ws.set_cell_style(5, col, Style(
            font=Font(bold=True, size=13),
            fill=Fill(background=Color(211, 211, 211))
    ws.set_cell_value(5, 1, 'Update title')
    ws.set_cell_value(5, 2, 'Update text')
    ws.set_cell_value(5, 3, 'Photo')
    ws.set_cell_value(5, 4, 'Photo caption')
    ws.set_cell_value(5, 5, 'Photo credit')
    ws.set_cell_value(5, 6, 'Video')
    ws.set_cell_value(5, 7, 'Video caption')
    ws.set_cell_value(5, 8, 'Video credit')
    ws.set_cell_value(5, 9, 'Created at')
    ws.set_cell_value(5, 10, 'Last modified date')
    ws.set_cell_value(5, 11, 'Event date')
    ws.set_cell_value(5, 12, 'First name')
    ws.set_cell_value(5, 13, 'Last name')
    ws.set_cell_value(5, 14, 'URL')

    # r6
    row = 6
    for update in project.project_updates.filter(event_date__gte=start_date, event_date__lte=end_date):
        for col in range(1, 9):
            ws.set_cell_style(row, col, Style(alignment=Alignment(wrap_text=True, vertical='top')))
        for col in range(9, 15):
            ws.set_cell_style(row, col, Style(alignment=Alignment(vertical='top')))
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 1, update.title)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 2, update.text)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 3, 'https://rsr.akvo.org/media/{}'.format(update.photo) if update.photo else '')
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 4, update.photo_caption)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 5, update.photo_credit)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 6, update.video)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 7, update.video_caption)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 8, update.video_credit)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 9, update.created_at)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 10, update.last_modified_at)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 11, update.event_date)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 12, update.user.first_name)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 13, update.user.last_name)
        ws.set_cell_value(row, 14, 'https://{}{}'.format(settings.RSR_DOMAIN, update.get_absolute_url()))
        row += 1

    filename = '{}-{}-updates-table-report.xlsx'.format(
        datetime.today().strftime('%Y%b%d'), project.id)

    return utils.make_excel_response(wb, filename)