def test_batch_with_individual_rqst_errors(self, request): """ Ensure that when single requests in the batch contain an error, the error json is deserialized properly and returned for individual requests. """ request.return_value = Mock() request.return_value.status_code = 200 with open('./pyfaceb/test/test_batch_with_individual_rqst_errors.json', 'rb') as jsonfile: request.return_value.text = batch_requests = [ {'method': 'GET', 'relative_url': 'kevin.r.stanton'}, {'method': 'GET', 'relative_url': 'sproutsocialinc'} ] fbg = FBGraph('mocktoken') responses = fbg.batch(batch_requests) self.assertTrue(len(responses), 2) self.assertEquals(responses[0]['code'], 200) self.assertEquals(responses[0]['body']['id'], '537208670') self.assertEquals(responses[1]['code'], 400) self.assertDictEqual(responses[1]['body']['error'], { 'code': 190, 'type': 'OAuthException', 'error_subcode': 460, 'message': 'Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user has changed the password.' })
def test_basic_get_company_profile(self): fbg = FBGraph() result = fbg.get('SproutSocialInc') self.assertIsInstance(result, dict) self.assertEquals('2009', result['founded']) self.assertEquals('Sprout Social', result['name']) self.assertEquals('138467959508514', result['id']) self.assertEquals('SproutSocialInc', result['username'])
def test_get_with_fields_arguments(self, request): mock_response = Mock() mock_response.text = '{"talking_about_count": 309, "likes": 6201, "id": "138467959508514"}' mock_response.status_code = 200 request.return_value = mock_response f = FBGraph() result = f.get( 'sproutsocialinc', {'fields': 'likes,talking_about_count'}) self.assertDictEqual(result, { "id": "138467959508514", "likes": 6201, "talking_about_count": 309 })
def test_basic_get_personal_profile(self): expected = { u'username': u'kevin.r.stanton', u'first_name': u'Kevin', u'last_name': u'Stanton', u'name': u'Kevin Stanton', u'locale': u'en_US', u'gender': u'male', u'id': u'537208670' } fbg = FBGraph() result = fbg.get('kevin.r.stanton') self.assertDictEqual(expected, result)
def test_FBJSONException(self, request): mock_response = Mock() mock_response.text = 'i am bad json' mock_response.status_code = 200 request.return_value = mock_response fbg = FBGraph() self.assertRaises(FBJSONException, fbg.get, 'me') try: fbg.get('me') except FBJSONException as e: self.assertEquals( 'No JSON object could be decoded (i am bad json)', e.message)
def test_request_hooks(self, request): request.return_value = Mock() request.return_value.status_code = 200 request.return_value.text = '{}' pre_hook = Mock() post_hook = Mock() f = FBGraph(pre_hook=pre_hook, post_hook=post_hook) result = f.get('thing1') self.assertDictEqual(result, {}) result = f.get('thing2') self.assertDictEqual(result, {}) self.assertEquals(pre_hook.call_count, 2) self.assertEquals(post_hook.call_count, 2)
def test_FBHTTPException(self, request): mock_response = Mock() mock_response.text = 'some fb error' mock_response.status_code = 400 request.return_value = mock_response fbg = FBGraph() self.assertRaises(FBHTTPException, fbg.get, 'me') try: data = fbg.get('me') except FBHTTPException as e: self.assertEquals(e.code, mock_response.status_code) self.assertEquals(e.body, mock_response.text) self.assertEquals(e.message, 'some fb error') self.assertEquals( e.__str__(), 'FBHTTPException(400, \'some fb error\')') self.assertEquals( e.__repr__(), 'FBHTTPException(400, \'some fb error\')')
def get_facebook_graph(graph_id): token = get_facebook_token() fbg = FBGraph(token) return fbg.get(graph_id)
def set_user_profile(backend, details, response, social_user, uid, \ user, *args, **kwargs): if user: uprof = user.profile usa = social_user if usa.provider == 'facebook': GENDER = { 'male': 2, 'female': 1 } facebook_api = '' %\ str(usa.uid) image_url = urlopen(facebook_api).url img_temp = StringIO(urlopen(image_url).read()) img = if img.mode != 'RGB': img = img.convert('RGB') min_side = min(img.size) max_side = max(img.size) offsets = [0, 0] size = [min_side, min_side] offsets[img.size.index(max_side)] = (max_side - min_side) / 2 size[img.size.index(max_side)] = min_side + max(offsets) img = img.crop((offsets[0], offsets[1], size[0], size[1])) img = img.resize(settings.AVATAR_SIZE, Image.ANTIALIAS) f = StringIO(), 'PNG') img_filename = '%i.png' % usa.user_id, File(f)) fb = FBGraph(usa.extra_data['access_token']) me = fb.get('me') = GENDER.get(me['gender'], 0) bdate = me['birthday'].split('/') bdate = map(int, bdate) uprof.bdate = date(bdate[2], bdate[0], bdate[1]) if usa.provider == 'vk-oauth': vk_api = vkontakte.API(token=usa.extra_data['access_token']) result = vk_api.users.get(fields='sex,bdate,photo_100,country,city', uids=usa.uid) image_url = result[0]['photo_100'] img_temp = StringIO(urlopen(image_url).read()) img_temp.flush() img = if img.mode != 'RGB': img = img.convert('RGB') f = StringIO(), 'PNG') img_filename = '%i.png' % usa.user_id, File(f)) = result[0]['sex'] bdate = result[0]['bdate'].split('.') bdate.reverse() if len(bdate) == 2: bdate.insert(0, '0') uprof.bdate = date(*map(int, bdate))