def _construct_UI(self): """ Construct User Interface """ self.layGSpecs = QGridLayout() # Sublayout for spec fields, populated # dynamically in _show_entries() title = "Weight Specifications" bfont = QFont() bfont.setBold(True) lblTitle = QLabel(self) # field for widget title lblTitle.setText(str(title)) lblTitle.setFont(bfont) lblTitle.setWordWrap(True) self.butReset = QToolButton(self) self.butReset.setText("Reset") self.butReset.setToolTip("Reset weights to 1") layHTitle = QHBoxLayout() # Layout for title and reset button layHTitle.addWidget(lblTitle) layHTitle.addWidget(self.butReset) # set the title as the first (fixed) entry in grid layout. The other # fields are added and hidden dynamically in _show_entries and _hide_entries() self.layGSpecs.addLayout(layHTitle, 0, 0, 1, 2) # This is the top level widget, encompassing the other widgets frmMain = QFrame(self) frmMain.setLayout(self.layGSpecs) self.layVMain = QVBoxLayout() # Widget main vertical layout self.layVMain.addWidget(frmMain) self.layVMain.setContentsMargins(*params['wdg_margins']) self.setLayout(self.layVMain) # - Build a list from all entries in the fil_dict dictionary starting # with "W" (= weight specifications of the current filter) # - Pass the list to setEntries which recreates the widget # ATTENTION: Entries need to be converted from QString to str for Py 2 self.n_cur_labels = 0 # number of currently visible labels / qlineedits new_labels = [str(l) for l in fb.fil[0] if l[0] == 'W'] self.update_UI(new_labels=new_labels) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOCAL SIGNALS & SLOTs / EVENT FILTER #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.butReset.clicked.connect(self._reset_weights)
def _construct_UI(self): """ Construct the User Interface """ self.layVMain = QVBoxLayout() # Widget main layout f_units = ['k', 'f_S', 'f_Ny', 'Hz', 'kHz', 'MHz', 'GHz'] self.t_units = ['', 'T_S', 'T_S', 's', 'ms', r'$\mu$s', 'ns'] bfont = QFont() bfont.setBold(True) self.lblUnits = QLabel(self) self.lblUnits.setText("Freq. Unit") self.lblUnits.setFont(bfont) self.fs_old = fb.fil[0]['f_S'] # store current sampling frequency self.lblF_S = QLabel(self) self.lblF_S.setText(to_html("f_S =", frmt='bi')) self.ledF_S = QLineEdit() self.ledF_S.setText(str(fb.fil[0]["f_S"])) self.ledF_S.setObjectName("f_S") self.ledF_S.installEventFilter(self) # filter events self.butLock = QToolButton(self) self.butLock.setIcon(QIcon(':/lock-unlocked.svg')) self.butLock.setCheckable(True) self.butLock.setChecked(False) self.butLock.setToolTip( "<span><b>Unlocked:</b> When f_S is changed, all frequency related " "widgets are updated, normalized frequencies stay the same.<br />" "<b>Locked:</b> When f_S is changed, displayed absolute frequency " "values don't change but normalized frequencies do.</span>") # self.butLock.setStyleSheet("QToolButton:checked {font-weight:bold}") layHF_S = QHBoxLayout() layHF_S.addWidget(self.ledF_S) layHF_S.addWidget(self.butLock) self.cmbUnits = QComboBox(self) self.cmbUnits.setObjectName("cmbUnits") self.cmbUnits.addItems(f_units) self.cmbUnits.setToolTip( 'Select whether frequencies are specified w.r.t. \n' 'the sampling frequency "f_S", to the Nyquist frequency \n' 'f_Ny = f_S/2 or as absolute values. "k" specifies frequencies w.r.t. f_S ' 'but plots graphs over the frequency index k.') self.cmbUnits.setCurrentIndex(1) # self.cmbUnits.setItemData(0, (0,QColor("#FF333D"),Qt.BackgroundColorRole))# # self.cmbUnits.setItemData(0, (QFont('Verdana', bold=True), Qt.FontRole) fRanges = [("0...½", "half"), ("0...1", "whole"), ("-½...½", "sym")] self.cmbFRange = QComboBox(self) self.cmbFRange.setObjectName("cmbFRange") for f in fRanges: self.cmbFRange.addItem(f[0], f[1]) self.cmbFRange.setToolTip("Select frequency range (whole or half).") self.cmbFRange.setCurrentIndex(0) # Combobox resizes with longest entry self.cmbUnits.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToContents) self.cmbFRange.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToContents) self.butSort = QToolButton(self) self.butSort.setText("Sort") self.butSort.setIcon(QIcon(':/sort-ascending.svg')) #self.butDelCells.setIconSize(q_icon_size) self.butSort.setCheckable(True) self.butSort.setChecked(True) self.butSort.setToolTip( "Sort frequencies in ascending order when pushed.") self.butSort.setStyleSheet("QToolButton:checked {font-weight:bold}") self.layHUnits = QHBoxLayout() self.layHUnits.addWidget(self.cmbUnits) self.layHUnits.addWidget(self.cmbFRange) self.layHUnits.addWidget(self.butSort) # Create a gridLayout consisting of QLabel and QLineEdit fields # for setting f_S, the units and the actual frequency specs: self.layGSpecWdg = QGridLayout() # sublayout for spec fields self.layGSpecWdg.addWidget(self.lblF_S, 1, 0) # self.layGSpecWdg.addWidget(self.ledF_S,1,1) self.layGSpecWdg.addLayout(layHF_S, 1, 1) self.layGSpecWdg.addWidget(self.lblUnits, 0, 0) self.layGSpecWdg.addLayout(self.layHUnits, 0, 1) frmMain = QFrame(self) frmMain.setLayout(self.layGSpecWdg) self.layVMain.addWidget(frmMain) self.layVMain.setContentsMargins(*params['wdg_margins']) self.setLayout(self.layVMain) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOCAL SIGNALS & SLOTs #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.cmbUnits.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.update_UI) self.butLock.clicked.connect(self._lock_freqs) self.cmbFRange.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._freq_range) self.butSort.clicked.connect(self._store_sort_flag) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.update_UI() # first-time initialization
class FreqUnits(QWidget): """ Build and update widget for entering frequency unit, frequency range and sampling frequency f_S The following key-value pairs of the `fb.fil[0]` dict are modified: - `'freq_specs_unit'` : The unit ('k', 'f_S', 'f_Ny', 'Hz' etc.) as a string - `'freqSpecsRange'` : A list with two entries for minimum and maximum frequency values for labelling the frequency axis - `'f_S'` : The sampling frequency for referring frequency values to as a float - `'f_max'` : maximum frequency for scaling frequency axis - `'plt_fUnit'`: frequency unit as string - `'plt_tUnit'`: time unit as string - `'plt_fLabel'`: label for frequency axis - `'plt_tLabel'`: label for time axis """ # class variables (shared between instances if more than one exists) sig_tx = pyqtSignal(object) # outgoing from pyfda.libs.pyfda_qt_lib import emit def __init__(self, parent=None, title="Frequency Units"): super(FreqUnits, self).__init__(parent) self.title = title self.spec_edited = False # flag whether QLineEdit field has been edited self._construct_UI() def _construct_UI(self): """ Construct the User Interface """ self.layVMain = QVBoxLayout() # Widget main layout f_units = ['k', 'f_S', 'f_Ny', 'Hz', 'kHz', 'MHz', 'GHz'] self.t_units = ['', 'T_S', 'T_S', 's', 'ms', r'$\mu$s', 'ns'] bfont = QFont() bfont.setBold(True) self.lblUnits = QLabel(self) self.lblUnits.setText("Freq. Unit") self.lblUnits.setFont(bfont) self.fs_old = fb.fil[0]['f_S'] # store current sampling frequency self.lblF_S = QLabel(self) self.lblF_S.setText(to_html("f_S =", frmt='bi')) self.ledF_S = QLineEdit() self.ledF_S.setText(str(fb.fil[0]["f_S"])) self.ledF_S.setObjectName("f_S") self.ledF_S.installEventFilter(self) # filter events self.butLock = QToolButton(self) self.butLock.setIcon(QIcon(':/lock-unlocked.svg')) self.butLock.setCheckable(True) self.butLock.setChecked(False) self.butLock.setToolTip( "<span><b>Unlocked:</b> When f_S is changed, all frequency related " "widgets are updated, normalized frequencies stay the same.<br />" "<b>Locked:</b> When f_S is changed, displayed absolute frequency " "values don't change but normalized frequencies do.</span>") # self.butLock.setStyleSheet("QToolButton:checked {font-weight:bold}") layHF_S = QHBoxLayout() layHF_S.addWidget(self.ledF_S) layHF_S.addWidget(self.butLock) self.cmbUnits = QComboBox(self) self.cmbUnits.setObjectName("cmbUnits") self.cmbUnits.addItems(f_units) self.cmbUnits.setToolTip( 'Select whether frequencies are specified w.r.t. \n' 'the sampling frequency "f_S", to the Nyquist frequency \n' 'f_Ny = f_S/2 or as absolute values. "k" specifies frequencies w.r.t. f_S ' 'but plots graphs over the frequency index k.') self.cmbUnits.setCurrentIndex(1) # self.cmbUnits.setItemData(0, (0,QColor("#FF333D"),Qt.BackgroundColorRole))# # self.cmbUnits.setItemData(0, (QFont('Verdana', bold=True), Qt.FontRole) fRanges = [("0...½", "half"), ("0...1", "whole"), ("-½...½", "sym")] self.cmbFRange = QComboBox(self) self.cmbFRange.setObjectName("cmbFRange") for f in fRanges: self.cmbFRange.addItem(f[0], f[1]) self.cmbFRange.setToolTip("Select frequency range (whole or half).") self.cmbFRange.setCurrentIndex(0) # Combobox resizes with longest entry self.cmbUnits.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToContents) self.cmbFRange.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToContents) self.butSort = QToolButton(self) self.butSort.setText("Sort") self.butSort.setIcon(QIcon(':/sort-ascending.svg')) #self.butDelCells.setIconSize(q_icon_size) self.butSort.setCheckable(True) self.butSort.setChecked(True) self.butSort.setToolTip( "Sort frequencies in ascending order when pushed.") self.butSort.setStyleSheet("QToolButton:checked {font-weight:bold}") self.layHUnits = QHBoxLayout() self.layHUnits.addWidget(self.cmbUnits) self.layHUnits.addWidget(self.cmbFRange) self.layHUnits.addWidget(self.butSort) # Create a gridLayout consisting of QLabel and QLineEdit fields # for setting f_S, the units and the actual frequency specs: self.layGSpecWdg = QGridLayout() # sublayout for spec fields self.layGSpecWdg.addWidget(self.lblF_S, 1, 0) # self.layGSpecWdg.addWidget(self.ledF_S,1,1) self.layGSpecWdg.addLayout(layHF_S, 1, 1) self.layGSpecWdg.addWidget(self.lblUnits, 0, 0) self.layGSpecWdg.addLayout(self.layHUnits, 0, 1) frmMain = QFrame(self) frmMain.setLayout(self.layGSpecWdg) self.layVMain.addWidget(frmMain) self.layVMain.setContentsMargins(*params['wdg_margins']) self.setLayout(self.layVMain) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOCAL SIGNALS & SLOTs #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.cmbUnits.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.update_UI) self.butLock.clicked.connect(self._lock_freqs) self.cmbFRange.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._freq_range) self.butSort.clicked.connect(self._store_sort_flag) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.update_UI() # first-time initialization # ------------------------------------------------------------- def _lock_freqs(self): """ Lock / unlock frequency entries: The values of frequency related widgets are stored in normalized form (w.r.t. sampling frequency)`fb.fil[0]['f_S']`. When the sampling frequency changes, absolute frequencies displayed in the widgets change their values. Most of the time, this is the desired behaviour, the properties of discrete time systems or signals are usually defined by the normalized frequencies. When the effect of varying the sampling frequency is to be analyzed, the displayed values in the widgets can be locked by pressing the Lock button. After changing the sampling frequency, normalized frequencies have to be rescaled like `f_a *= fb.fil[0]['f_S_prev'] / fb.fil[0]['f_S']` to maintain the displayed value `f_a * f_S`. This has to be accomplished by each frequency widget (currently, these are freq_specs and freq_units). The setting is stored as bool in the global dict entry `fb.fil[0]['freq_locked'`, the signal 'view_changed':'f_S' is emitted. """ if self.butLock.isChecked(): # Lock has been activated, keep displayed frequencies locked fb.fil[0]['freq_locked'] = True self.butLock.setIcon(QIcon(':/lock-locked.svg')) else: # Lock has been unlocked, scale displayed frequencies with f_S fb.fil[0]['freq_locked'] = False self.butLock.setIcon(QIcon(':/lock-unlocked.svg')) self.emit({'view_changed': 'f_S'}) # ------------------------------------------------------------- def update_UI(self): """ update_UI is called - during init - when the unit combobox is changed Set various scale factors and labels depending on the setting of the unit combobox. Update the freqSpecsRange and finally, emit 'view_changed':'f_S' signal """ f_unit = str(self.cmbUnits.currentText()) # selected frequency unit idx = self.cmbUnits.currentIndex() # and its index is_normalized_freq = f_unit in {"f_S", "f_Ny", "k"} self.ledF_S.setVisible(not is_normalized_freq) # only vis. when self.lblF_S.setVisible(not is_normalized_freq) # not normalized self.butLock.setVisible(not is_normalized_freq) f_S_scale = 1 # default setting for f_S scale if is_normalized_freq: # store current sampling frequency to restore it when returning to # unnormalized frequencies self.fs_old = fb.fil[0]['f_S'] if f_unit == "f_S": # normalized to f_S fb.fil[0]['f_S'] = fb.fil[0]['f_max'] = 1. fb.fil[0]['T_S'] = 1. f_label = r"$F = f\, /\, f_S = \Omega \, /\, 2 \mathrm{\pi} \; \rightarrow$" t_label = r"$n = t\, /\, T_S \; \rightarrow$" elif f_unit == "f_Ny": # normalized to f_nyq = f_S / 2 fb.fil[0]['f_S'] = fb.fil[0]['f_max'] = 2. fb.fil[0]['T_S'] = 1. f_label = r"$F = 2f \, / \, f_S = \Omega \, / \, \mathrm{\pi} \; \rightarrow$" t_label = r"$n = t\, /\, T_S \; \rightarrow$" else: # frequency index k, fb.fil[0]['f_S'] = 1. fb.fil[0]['T_S'] = 1. fb.fil[0]['f_max'] = params['N_FFT'] f_label = r"$k \; \rightarrow$" t_label = r"$n\; \rightarrow$" self.ledF_S.setText(params['FMT'].format(fb.fil[0]['f_S'])) else: # Hz, kHz, ... # Restore sampling frequency when returning from f_S / f_Ny / k if fb.fil[0]['freq_specs_unit'] in { "f_S", "f_Ny", "k" }: # previous setting normalized? fb.fil[0]['f_S'] = fb.fil[0][ 'f_max'] = self.fs_old # yes, restore prev. fb.fil[0][ 'T_S'] = 1. / self.fs_old # settings for sampling frequency self.ledF_S.setText(params['FMT'].format(fb.fil[0]['f_S'])) if f_unit == "Hz": f_S_scale = 1. elif f_unit == "kHz": f_S_scale = 1.e3 elif f_unit == "MHz": f_S_scale = 1.e6 elif f_unit == "GHz": f_S_scale = 1.e9 else: logger.warning("Unknown frequency unit {0}".format(f_unit)) f_label = r"$f$ in " + f_unit + r"$\; \rightarrow$" t_label = r"$t$ in " + self.t_units[idx] + r"$\; \rightarrow$" if f_unit == "k": plt_f_unit = "f_S" else: plt_f_unit = f_unit fb.fil[0].update({'f_S_scale': f_S_scale}) # scale factor for f_S (Hz, kHz, ...) fb.fil[0].update({'freq_specs_unit': f_unit}) # frequency unit # time and frequency unit as string e.g. for plot axis labeling fb.fil[0].update({"plt_fUnit": plt_f_unit}) fb.fil[0].update({"plt_tUnit": self.t_units[idx]}) # complete plot axis labels including unit and arrow fb.fil[0].update({"plt_fLabel": f_label}) fb.fil[0].update({"plt_tLabel": t_label}) self._freq_range( emit=False) # update f_lim setting without emitting signal self.emit({'view_changed': 'f_S'}) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def eventFilter(self, source, event): """ Filter all events generated by the QLineEdit `f_S` widget. Source and type of all events generated by monitored objects are passed to this eventFilter, evaluated and passed on to the next hierarchy level. - When a QLineEdit widget gains input focus (QEvent.FocusIn`), display the stored value from filter dict with full precision - When a key is pressed inside the text field, set the `spec_edited` flag to True. - When a QLineEdit widget loses input focus (QEvent.FocusOut`), store current value with full precision (only if `spec_edited`== True) and display the stored value in selected format. Emit 'view_changed':'f_S' """ def _store_entry(): """ Update filter dictionary, set line edit entry with reduced precision again. """ if self.spec_edited: fb.fil[0].update({'f_S_prev': fb.fil[0]['f_S']}) fb.fil[0].update({ 'f_S': safe_eval(source.text(), fb.fil[0]['f_S'], sign='pos') }) fb.fil[0].update({'T_S': 1. / fb.fil[0]['f_S']}) fb.fil[0].update({'f_max': fb.fil[0]['f_S']}) self._freq_range(emit=False) # update plotting range self.emit({'view_changed': 'f_S'}) self.spec_edited = False # reset flag, changed entry has been saved if source.objectName() == 'f_S': if event.type() == QEvent.FocusIn: self.spec_edited = False source.setText(str(fb.fil[0]['f_S'])) # full precision elif event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress: self.spec_edited = True # entry has been changed key = event.key() if key in {QtCore.Qt.Key_Return, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter}: _store_entry() elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape: # revert changes self.spec_edited = False source.setText(str(fb.fil[0]['f_S'])) # full precision elif event.type() == QEvent.FocusOut: _store_entry() source.setText(params['FMT'].format( fb.fil[0]['f_S'])) # reduced prec. # Call base class method to continue normal event processing: return super(FreqUnits, self).eventFilter(source, event) # ------------------------------------------------------------- def _freq_range(self, emit=True): """ Set frequency plotting range for single-sided spectrum up to f_S/2 or f_S or for double-sided spectrum between -f_S/2 and f_S/2 Emit 'view_changed':'f_range' when `emit=True` """ if type(emit) == int: # signal was emitted by combobox emit = True rangeType = qget_cmb_box(self.cmbFRange) fb.fil[0].update({'freqSpecsRangeType': rangeType}) f_max = fb.fil[0]["f_max"] if rangeType == 'whole': f_lim = [0, f_max] elif rangeType == 'sym': f_lim = [-f_max / 2., f_max / 2.] else: f_lim = [0, f_max / 2.] fb.fil[0]['freqSpecsRange'] = f_lim # store settings in dict if emit: self.emit({'view_changed': 'f_range'}) # ------------------------------------------------------------- def load_dict(self): """ Reload comboBox settings and textfields from filter dictionary Block signals during update of combobox / lineedit widgets """ self.ledF_S.setText(params['FMT'].format(fb.fil[0]['f_S'])) self.cmbUnits.blockSignals(True) idx = self.cmbUnits.findText( fb.fil[0]['freq_specs_unit']) # get and set self.cmbUnits.setCurrentIndex(idx) # index for freq. unit combo box self.cmbUnits.blockSignals(False) self.cmbFRange.blockSignals(True) idx = self.cmbFRange.findData(fb.fil[0]['freqSpecsRangeType']) self.cmbFRange.setCurrentIndex(idx) # set frequency range self.cmbFRange.blockSignals(False) self.butSort.blockSignals(True) self.butSort.setChecked(fb.fil[0]['freq_specs_sort']) self.butSort.blockSignals(False) # ------------------------------------------------------------- def _store_sort_flag(self): """ Store sort flag in filter dict and emit 'specs_changed':'f_sort' when sort button is checked. """ fb.fil[0]['freq_specs_sort'] = self.butSort.isChecked() if self.butSort.isChecked(): self.emit({'specs_changed': 'f_sort'})
class FreqUnits(QWidget): """ Build and update widget for entering the frequency units The following key-value pairs of the `fb.fil[0]` dict are modified: - `'freq_specs_unit'` : The unit ('k', 'f_S', 'f_Ny', 'Hz' etc.) as a string - `'freqSpecsRange'` : A list with two entries for minimum and maximum frequency values for labelling the frequency axis - `'f_S'` : The sampling frequency for referring frequency values to as a float - `'f_max'` : maximum frequency for scaling frequency axis - `'plt_fUnit'`: frequency unit as string - `'plt_tUnit'`: time unit as string - `'plt_fLabel'`: label for frequency axis - `'plt_tLabel'`: label for time axis """ # class variables (shared between instances if more than one exists) sig_tx = pyqtSignal(object) # outgoing def __init__(self, parent, title="Frequency Units"): super(FreqUnits, self).__init__(parent) self.title = title self.spec_edited = False # flag whether QLineEdit field has been edited self._construct_UI() def _construct_UI(self): """ Construct the User Interface """ self.layVMain = QVBoxLayout() # Widget main layout f_units = ['k', 'f_S', 'f_Ny', 'Hz', 'kHz', 'MHz', 'GHz'] self.t_units = ['', '', '', 's', 'ms', r'$\mu$s', 'ns'] bfont = QFont() bfont.setBold(True) self.lblUnits = QLabel(self) self.lblUnits.setText("Freq. Unit:") self.lblUnits.setFont(bfont) self.fs_old = fb.fil[0]['f_S'] # store current sampling frequency self.ledF_S = QLineEdit() self.ledF_S.setText(str(fb.fil[0]["f_S"])) self.ledF_S.setObjectName("f_S") self.ledF_S.installEventFilter(self) # filter events self.lblF_S = QLabel(self) self.lblF_S.setText(to_html("f_S", frmt='bi')) self.cmbUnits = QComboBox(self) self.cmbUnits.setObjectName("cmbUnits") self.cmbUnits.addItems(f_units) self.cmbUnits.setToolTip( 'Select whether frequencies are specified w.r.t. \n' 'the sampling frequency "f_S", to the Nyquist frequency \n' 'f_Ny = f_S/2 or as absolute values. "k" specifies frequencies w.r.t. f_S ' 'but plots graphs over the frequency index k.') self.cmbUnits.setCurrentIndex(1) # self.cmbUnits.setItemData(0, (0,QColor("#FF333D"),Qt.BackgroundColorRole))# # self.cmbUnits.setItemData(0, (QFont('Verdana', bold=True), Qt.FontRole) fRanges = [("0...½", "half"), ("0...1", "whole"), ("-½...½", "sym")] self.cmbFRange = QComboBox(self) self.cmbFRange.setObjectName("cmbFRange") for f in fRanges: self.cmbFRange.addItem(f[0], f[1]) self.cmbFRange.setToolTip("Select frequency range (whole or half).") self.cmbFRange.setCurrentIndex(0) # Combobox resizes with longest entry self.cmbUnits.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToContents) self.cmbFRange.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToContents) self.butSort = QToolButton(self) self.butSort.setText("Sort") self.butSort.setCheckable(True) self.butSort.setChecked(True) self.butSort.setToolTip( "Sort frequencies in ascending order when pushed.") self.butSort.setStyleSheet("QToolButton:checked {font-weight:bold}") self.layHUnits = QHBoxLayout() self.layHUnits.addWidget(self.cmbUnits) self.layHUnits.addWidget(self.cmbFRange) self.layHUnits.addWidget(self.butSort) # Create a gridLayout consisting of QLabel and QLineEdit fields # for setting f_S, the units and the actual frequency specs: self.layGSpecWdg = QGridLayout() # sublayout for spec fields self.layGSpecWdg.addWidget(self.lblF_S, 1, 0) self.layGSpecWdg.addWidget(self.ledF_S, 1, 1) self.layGSpecWdg.addWidget(self.lblUnits, 0, 0) self.layGSpecWdg.addLayout(self.layHUnits, 0, 1) frmMain = QFrame(self) frmMain.setLayout(self.layGSpecWdg) self.layVMain.addWidget(frmMain) self.layVMain.setContentsMargins(*params['wdg_margins']) self.setLayout(self.layVMain) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOCAL SIGNALS & SLOTs #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.cmbUnits.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.update_UI) self.cmbFRange.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._freq_range) self.butSort.clicked.connect(self._store_sort_flag) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.update_UI() # first-time initialization #------------------------------------------------------------- def update_UI(self): """ Transform the displayed frequency spec input fields according to the units setting. Spec entries are always stored normalized w.r.t. f_S in the dictionary; when f_S or the unit are changed, only the displayed values of the frequency entries are updated, not the dictionary! Signals are blocked before changing the value for f_S programmatically update_UI is called - during init - when the unit combobox is changed Finally, store freqSpecsRange and emit 'view_changed' signal via _freq_range """ idx = self.cmbUnits.currentIndex() # read index of units combobox f_unit = str(self.cmbUnits.currentText()) # and the label self.ledF_S.setVisible(f_unit not in {"f_S", "f_Ny", "k"}) # only vis. when self.lblF_S.setVisible(f_unit not in {"f_S", "f_Ny", "k"}) # not normalized f_S_scale = 1 # default setting for f_S scale if f_unit in {"f_S", "f_Ny", "k"}: # normalized frequency self.fs_old = fb.fil[0]['f_S'] # store current sampling frequency if f_unit == "f_S": # normalized to f_S fb.fil[0]['f_S'] = fb.fil[0]['f_max'] = 1. f_label = r"$F = f\, /\, f_S = \Omega \, /\, 2 \mathrm{\pi} \; \rightarrow$" elif f_unit == "f_Ny": # idx == 1: normalized to f_nyq = f_S / 2 fb.fil[0]['f_S'] = fb.fil[0]['f_max'] = 2. f_label = r"$F = 2f \, / \, f_S = \Omega \, / \, \mathrm{\pi} \; \rightarrow$" else: fb.fil[0]['f_S'] = 1 fb.fil[0]['f_max'] = params['N_FFT'] f_label = r"$k \; \rightarrow$" t_label = r"$n \; \rightarrow$" self.ledF_S.setText(params['FMT'].format(fb.fil[0]['f_S'])) else: # Hz, kHz, ... if fb.fil[0]['freq_specs_unit'] in {"f_S", "f_Ny", "k"}: # previous setting fb.fil[0]['f_S'] = fb.fil[0][ 'f_max'] = self.fs_old # restore prev. sampling frequency self.ledF_S.setText(params['FMT'].format(fb.fil[0]['f_S'])) if f_unit == "Hz": f_S_scale = 1. elif f_unit == "kHz": f_S_scale = 1.e3 elif f_unit == "MHz": f_S_scale = 1.e6 elif f_unit == "GHz": f_S_scale = 1.e9 else: logger.warning("Unknown frequency unit {0}".format(f_unit)) f_label = r"$f$ in " + f_unit + r"$\; \rightarrow$" t_label = r"$t$ in " + self.t_units[idx] + r"$\; \rightarrow$" if f_unit == "k": plt_f_unit = "f_S" else: plt_f_unit = f_unit fb.fil[0].update({'f_S_scale': f_S_scale}) # scale factor for f_S fb.fil[0].update({'freq_specs_unit': f_unit}) # frequency unit fb.fil[0].update({"plt_fLabel": f_label}) # label for freq. axis fb.fil[0].update({"plt_tLabel": t_label}) # label for time axis fb.fil[0].update({"plt_fUnit": plt_f_unit}) # frequency unit as string fb.fil[0].update({"plt_tUnit": self.t_units[idx]}) # time unit as string self._freq_range( ) # update f_lim setting and emit sigUnitChanged signal #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def eventFilter(self, source, event): """ Filter all events generated by the QLineEdit widgets. Source and type of all events generated by monitored objects are passed to this eventFilter, evaluated and passed on to the next hierarchy level. - When a QLineEdit widget gains input focus (QEvent.FocusIn`), display the stored value from filter dict with full precision - When a key is pressed inside the text field, set the `spec_edited` flag to True. - When a QLineEdit widget loses input focus (QEvent.FocusOut`), store current value with full precision (only if `spec_edited`== True) and display the stored value in selected format. Emit 'view_changed':'f_S' """ def _store_entry(): """ Update filter dictionary, set line edit entry with reduced precision again. """ if self.spec_edited: fb.fil[0].update({ 'f_S': safe_eval(source.text(), fb.fil[0]['f_S'], sign='pos') }) # TODO: ?! self._freq_range(emit_sig_range=False) # update plotting range self.sig_tx.emit({'sender': __name__, 'view_changed': 'f_S'}) self.spec_edited = False # reset flag, changed entry has been saved if source.objectName() == 'f_S': if event.type() == QEvent.FocusIn: self.spec_edited = False source.setText(str(fb.fil[0]['f_S'])) # full precision elif event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress: self.spec_edited = True # entry has been changed key = event.key() if key in {QtCore.Qt.Key_Return, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter}: _store_entry() elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape: # revert changes self.spec_edited = False source.setText(str(fb.fil[0]['f_S'])) # full precision elif event.type() == QEvent.FocusOut: _store_entry() source.setText(params['FMT'].format( fb.fil[0]['f_S'])) # reduced precision # Call base class method to continue normal event processing: return super(FreqUnits, self).eventFilter(source, event) #------------------------------------------------------------- def _freq_range(self, emit_sig_range=True): """ Set frequency plotting range for single-sided spectrum up to f_S/2 or f_S or for double-sided spectrum between -f_S/2 and f_S/2 and emit 'view_changed':'f_range'. """ rangeType = qget_cmb_box(self.cmbFRange) fb.fil[0].update({'freqSpecsRangeType': rangeType}) f_max = fb.fil[0]["f_max"] if rangeType == 'whole': f_lim = [0, f_max] elif rangeType == 'sym': f_lim = [-f_max / 2., f_max / 2.] else: f_lim = [0, f_max / 2.] fb.fil[0]['freqSpecsRange'] = f_lim # store settings in dict self.sig_tx.emit({'sender': __name__, 'view_changed': 'f_range'}) #------------------------------------------------------------- def load_dict(self): """ Reload comboBox settings and textfields from filter dictionary Block signals during update of combobox / lineedit widgets """ self.ledF_S.setText(params['FMT'].format(fb.fil[0]['f_S'])) self.cmbUnits.blockSignals(True) idx = self.cmbUnits.findText( fb.fil[0]['freq_specs_unit']) # get and set self.cmbUnits.setCurrentIndex(idx) # index for freq. unit combo box self.cmbUnits.blockSignals(False) self.cmbFRange.blockSignals(True) idx = self.cmbFRange.findData(fb.fil[0]['freqSpecsRangeType']) self.cmbFRange.setCurrentIndex(idx) # set frequency range self.cmbFRange.blockSignals(False) self.butSort.blockSignals(True) self.butSort.setChecked(fb.fil[0]['freq_specs_sort']) self.butSort.blockSignals(False) #------------------------------------------------------------- def _store_sort_flag(self): """ Store sort flag in filter dict and emit 'specs_changed':'f_sort' when sort button is checked. """ fb.fil[0]['freq_specs_sort'] = self.butSort.isChecked() if self.butSort.isChecked(): self.sig_tx.emit({'sender': __name__, 'specs_changed': 'f_sort'})
class WeightSpecs(QWidget): """ Build and update widget for entering the weight specifications like W_SB, W_PB etc. """ sig_tx = pyqtSignal(object) # outgoing from pyfda.libs.pyfda_qt_lib import emit def __init__(self, parent=None): super(WeightSpecs, self).__init__(parent) self.qlabels = [] # list with references to QLabel widgets self.qlineedit = [] # list with references to QLineEdit widgets self.spec_edited = False # flag whether QLineEdit field has been edited self._construct_UI() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _construct_UI(self): """ Construct User Interface """ self.layGSpecs = QGridLayout() # Sublayout for spec fields, populated # dynamically in _show_entries() title = "Weight Specifications" bfont = QFont() bfont.setBold(True) lblTitle = QLabel(self) # field for widget title lblTitle.setText(str(title)) lblTitle.setFont(bfont) lblTitle.setWordWrap(True) self.butReset = QToolButton(self) self.butReset.setText("Reset") self.butReset.setToolTip("Reset weights to 1") layHTitle = QHBoxLayout() # Layout for title and reset button layHTitle.addWidget(lblTitle) layHTitle.addWidget(self.butReset) # set the title as the first (fixed) entry in grid layout. The other # fields are added and hidden dynamically in _show_entries and _hide_entries() self.layGSpecs.addLayout(layHTitle, 0, 0, 1, 2) # This is the top level widget, encompassing the other widgets frmMain = QFrame(self) frmMain.setLayout(self.layGSpecs) self.layVMain = QVBoxLayout() # Widget main vertical layout self.layVMain.addWidget(frmMain) self.layVMain.setContentsMargins(*params['wdg_margins']) self.setLayout(self.layVMain) # - Build a list from all entries in the fil_dict dictionary starting # with "W" (= weight specifications of the current filter) # - Pass the list to setEntries which recreates the widget # ATTENTION: Entries need to be converted from QString to str for Py 2 self.n_cur_labels = 0 # number of currently visible labels / qlineedits new_labels = [str(lbl) for lbl in fb.fil[0] if lbl[0] == 'W'] self.update_UI(new_labels=new_labels) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOCAL SIGNALS & SLOTs / EVENT FILTER # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.butReset.clicked.connect(self._reset_weights) # ^ this also initializes the weight text fields # DYNAMIC EVENT MONITORING # Every time a field is edited, call self._store_entry and # self.load_dict. This is achieved by dynamically installing and # removing event filters when creating / deleting subwidgets. # The event filter monitors the focus of the input fields. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def eventFilter(self, source, event): """ Filter all events generated by the QLineEdit widgets. Source and type of all events generated by monitored objects are passed to this eventFilter, evaluated and passed on to the next hierarchy level. - When a QLineEdit widget gains input focus (QEvent.FocusIn`), display the stored value from filter dict with full precision - When a key is pressed inside the text field, set the `spec_edited` flag to True. - When a QLineEdit widget loses input focus (QEvent.FocusOut`), store current value in linear format with full precision (only if `spec_edited`== True) and display the stored value in selected format """ if isinstance(source, QLineEdit): # could be extended for other widgets if event.type() == QEvent.FocusIn: self.spec_edited = False self.load_dict() # store current entry in case new value can't be evaluated: fb.data_old = source.text() elif event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress: self.spec_edited = True # entry has been changed key = event.key() if key in {QtCore.Qt.Key_Return, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter}: self._store_entry(source) elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape: # revert changes self.spec_edited = False self.load_dict() elif event.type() == QEvent.FocusOut: self._store_entry(source) # Call base class method to continue normal event processing: return super(WeightSpecs, self).eventFilter(source, event) # ------------------------------------------------------------- def update_UI(self, new_labels=[]): """ Called from filter_specs.update_UI() Set labels and get corresponding values from filter dictionary. When number of entries has changed, the layout of subwidget is rebuilt, using - `self.qlabels`, a list with references to existing QLabel widgets, - `new_labels`, a list of strings from the filter_dict for the current filter design - 'num_new_labels`, their number - `self.n_cur_labels`, the number of currently visible labels / qlineedit fields """ state = new_labels[0] new_labels = new_labels[1:] num_new_labels = len(new_labels) # less new labels/qlineedit fields than before if num_new_labels < self.n_cur_labels: self._hide_entries(num_new_labels) # more new labels than before, create / show new ones elif num_new_labels > self.n_cur_labels: self._show_entries(num_new_labels) for i in range(num_new_labels): # Update ALL labels and corresponding values self.qlabels[i].setText(to_html(new_labels[i], frmt='bi')) self.qlineedit[i].setText(str(fb.fil[0][new_labels[i]])) self.qlineedit[i].setObjectName(new_labels[i]) # update ID self.qlineedit[i].setToolTip( "<span>Relative weight (importance) for approximating this band.</span>") qstyle_widget(self.qlineedit[i], state) self.n_cur_labels = num_new_labels # update number of currently visible labels self.load_dict() # display rounded filter dict entries # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def load_dict(self): """ Reload textfields from filter dictionary to update changed settings """ for i in range(len(self.qlineedit)): weight_value = fb.fil[0][str(self.qlineedit[i].objectName())] if not self.qlineedit[i].hasFocus(): # widget has no focus, round the display self.qlineedit[i].setText(params['FMT'].format(weight_value)) else: # widget has focus, show full precision self.qlineedit[i].setText(str(weight_value)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _store_entry(self, widget): """ When the textfield of `widget` has been edited (`self.spec_edited` = True), store the weight spec in filter dict. This is triggered by `QEvent.focusOut` """ if self.spec_edited: w_label = str(widget.objectName()) w_value = safe_eval(widget.text(), fb.data_old, sign='pos') if w_value < 1: w_value = 1 if w_value > 1.e6: w_value = 1.e6 fb.fil[0].update({w_label: w_value}) self.emit({'specs_changed': 'w_specs'}) self.spec_edited = False # reset flag self.load_dict() # ------------------------------------------------------------- def _hide_entries(self, num_new_labels): """ Hide subwidgets so that only `len_new_labels` subwidgets are visible """ for i in range(num_new_labels, len(self.qlabels)): self.qlabels[i].hide() self.qlineedit[i].hide() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _show_entries(self, num_new_labels): """ - check whether enough subwidgets (QLabel und QLineEdit) exist for the the required number of `num_new_labels`: - create new ones if required - initialize them with dummy information - install eventFilter for new QLineEdit widgets so that the filter dict is updated automatically when a QLineEdit field has been edited. - if enough subwidgets exist already, make enough of them visible to show all spec fields """ num_tot_labels = len(self.qlabels) # number of existing labels / qlineedit fields if num_tot_labels < num_new_labels: # new widgets need to be generated for i in range(num_tot_labels, num_new_labels): self.qlabels.append(QLabel(self)) self.qlabels[i].setText(to_html("dummy", frmt='bi')) self.qlineedit.append(QLineEdit("")) self.qlineedit[i].setObjectName("dummy") self.qlineedit[i].installEventFilter(self) # filter events # first entry is title and reset button self.layGSpecs.addWidget(self.qlabels[i], i+1, 0) self.layGSpecs.addWidget(self.qlineedit[i], i+1, 1) else: # make the right number of widgets visible for i in range(self.n_cur_labels, num_new_labels): self.qlabels[i].show() self.qlineedit[i].show() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _reset_weights(self): """ Reset all entries to "1.0" and store them in the filter dictionary """ for i in range(len(self.qlineedit)): self.qlineedit[i].setText("1") w_label = str(self.qlineedit[i].objectName()) fb.fil[0].update({w_label: 1}) self.load_dict() self.emit({'specs_changed': 'w_specs'})
def _construct_UI(self): """ Construct the User Interface """ self.layVMain = QVBoxLayout() # Widget main layout f_units = ['f_S', 'f_Ny', 'Hz', 'kHz', 'MHz', 'GHz'] self.t_units = ['', '', 's', 'ms', r'$\mu$s', 'ns'] bfont = QFont() bfont.setBold(True) self.lblUnits=QLabel(self) self.lblUnits.setText("Freq. Unit:") self.lblUnits.setFont(bfont) self.fs_old = fb.fil[0]['f_S'] # store current sampling frequency self.ledF_S = QLineEdit() self.ledF_S.setText(str(fb.fil[0]["f_S"])) self.ledF_S.setObjectName("f_S") self.ledF_S.installEventFilter(self) # filter events self.lblF_S = QLabel(self) self.lblF_S.setText(to_html("f_S", frmt='bi')) self.cmbUnits = QComboBox(self) self.cmbUnits.setObjectName("cmbUnits") self.cmbUnits.addItems(f_units) self.cmbUnits.setToolTip( "Select whether frequencies are specified with respect to \n" "the sampling frequency f_S, to the Nyquist frequency \n" "f_Ny = f_S/2 or as absolute values.") self.cmbUnits.setCurrentIndex(0) # self.cmbUnits.setItemData(0, (0,QColor("#FF333D"),Qt.BackgroundColorRole))# # self.cmbUnits.setItemData(0, (QFont('Verdana', bold=True), Qt.FontRole) fRanges = [("0...½", "half"), ("0...1","whole"), ("-½...½", "sym")] self.cmbFRange = QComboBox(self) self.cmbFRange.setObjectName("cmbFRange") for f in fRanges: self.cmbFRange.addItem(f[0],f[1]) self.cmbFRange.setToolTip("Select frequency range (whole or half).") self.cmbFRange.setCurrentIndex(0) # Combobox resizes with longest entry self.cmbUnits.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToContents) self.cmbFRange.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToContents) self.butSort = QToolButton(self) self.butSort.setText("Sort") self.butSort.setCheckable(True) self.butSort.setChecked(True) self.butSort.setToolTip("Sort frequencies in ascending order when pushed.") self.butSort.setStyleSheet("QToolButton:checked {font-weight:bold}") self.layHUnits = QHBoxLayout() self.layHUnits.addWidget(self.cmbUnits) self.layHUnits.addWidget(self.cmbFRange) self.layHUnits.addWidget(self.butSort) # Create a gridLayout consisting of QLabel and QLineEdit fields # for setting f_S, the units and the actual frequency specs: self.layGSpecWdg = QGridLayout() # sublayout for spec fields self.layGSpecWdg.addWidget(self.lblF_S,1,0) self.layGSpecWdg.addWidget(self.ledF_S,1,1) self.layGSpecWdg.addWidget(self.lblUnits,0,0) self.layGSpecWdg.addLayout(self.layHUnits,0,1) frmMain = QFrame(self) frmMain.setLayout(self.layGSpecWdg) self.layVMain.addWidget(frmMain) self.layVMain.setContentsMargins(*params['wdg_margins']) self.setLayout(self.layVMain) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOCAL SIGNALS & SLOTs #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.cmbUnits.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.update_UI) self.cmbFRange.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._freq_range) self.butSort.clicked.connect(self._store_sort_flag) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.update_UI() # first-time initialization