コード例 #1
ファイル: table.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/PyFITS
    def _prewriteto(self, checksum=False, inplace=False):
        if self._data_loaded and self.data is not None:
            # check TFIELDS and NAXIS2
            self._header['TFIELDS'] = len(self.data._coldefs)
            self._header['NAXIS2'] = self.data.shape[0]

            # calculate PCOUNT, for variable length tables
            tbsize = self.header['NAXIS1'] * self.header['NAXIS2']
            heapstart = self.header.get('THEAP', tbsize)
            self.data._gap = heapstart - tbsize
            pcount = self.data._heapsize + self.data._gap
            if pcount > 0:
                self.header['PCOUNT'] = pcount

            # update TFORM for variable length columns
            for idx in range(self.data._nfields):
                format = self.data._coldefs.formats[idx]
                if isinstance(format, _FormatP):
                    max = self.data.field(idx).max
                    format = _FormatP(format, repeat=format.repeat, max=max)
                    self._header['TFORM' + str(idx + 1)] = format.tform
        return super(_TableBaseHDU, self)._prewriteto(checksum, inplace)
コード例 #2
ファイル: table.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/PyFITS
    def _load_data(cls, fileobj, coldefs=None):
        Read the table data from the ASCII file output by BinTableHDU.dump().

        close_file = False

        if isinstance(fileobj, basestring):
            fileobj = open(fileobj, 'r')
            close_file = True

        initialpos = fileobj.tell()  # We'll be returning here later
        linereader = csv.reader(fileobj, dialect=FITSTableDumpDialect)

        # First we need to do some preprocessing on the file to find out how
        # much memory we'll need to reserve for the table.  This is necessary
        # even if we already have the coldefs in order to determine how many
        # rows to reserve memory for
        vla_lengths = []
        recformats = []
        names = []
        nrows = 0
        if coldefs is not None:
            recformats = coldefs._recformats
            names = coldefs.names

        def update_recformats(value, idx):
            fitsformat = _scalar_to_format(value)
            recformat = _convert_format(fitsformat)
            if idx >= len(recformats):
                if _cmp_recformats(recformats[idx], recformat) < 0:
                    recformats[idx] = recformat

        # TODO: The handling of VLAs could probably be simplified a bit
        for row in linereader:
            nrows += 1
            if coldefs is not None:
            col = 0
            idx = 0
            while idx < len(row):
                if row[idx] == 'VLA_Length=':
                    if col < len(vla_lengths):
                        vla_length = vla_lengths[col]
                        vla_length = int(row[idx + 1])
                    idx += 2
                    while vla_length:
                        update_recformats(row[idx], col)
                        vla_length -= 1
                        idx += 1
                    col += 1
                    if col >= len(vla_lengths):
                    update_recformats(row[idx], col)
                    col += 1
                    idx += 1

        # Update the recformats for any VLAs
        for idx, length in enumerate(vla_lengths):
            if length is not None:
                recformats[idx] = str(length) + recformats[idx]

        dtype = np.rec.format_parser(recformats, names, None).dtype

        # TODO: In the future maybe enable loading a bit at a time so that we
        # can convert from this format to an actual FITS file on disk without
        # needing enough physical memory to hold the entire thing at once;
        # new_table() could use a similar feature.
        hdu = new_table(np.recarray(shape=1, dtype=dtype), nrows=nrows,
        data = hdu.data
        for idx, length in enumerate(vla_lengths):
            if length is not None:
                arr = data.columns._arrays[idx]
                dt = recformats[idx][len(str(length)):]
                recformats[idx] = _FormatP(dt, max=length)
                data.columns._recformats[idx] = recformats[idx]
                data._convert[idx] = _makep(arr, arr, recformats[idx])

        # Jump back to the start of the data and create a new line reader
        linereader = csv.reader(fileobj, dialect=FITSTableDumpDialect)
        for row, line in enumerate(linereader):
            col = 0
            idx = 0
            while idx < len(line):
                if line[idx] == 'VLA_Length=':
                    vla_len = vla_lengths[col]
                    idx += 2
                    data[row][col][:] = line[idx:idx + vla_len]
                    idx += vla_len
                    # TODO: This won't work for complex-valued types; fix this
                    # Kind of silly special handling for bools
                    val = line[idx]
                    if recformats[col] == FITS2NUMPY['L']:
                        val = bool(int(val))
                    elif recformats[col] == FITS2NUMPY['M']:
                        # For some reason, in arrays/fields where numpy expects
                        # a complex it's not happy to take a string
                        # representation (though it's happy to do that in other
                        # contexts), so we have to convert the string
                        # representation for it:
                        val = complex(val)
                    data[row][col] = val
                    idx += 1
                col += 1

        if close_file:

        return data