def plotspFluxcalibRatios(plate,mjd,fiberlist=[],verbose=False): # Look up exposure ids if verbose: print 'Looking up exposureIDs for %s-%s...' % (plate,mjd) exposureIDs = getExposureIDs(plate,mjd,camera='b') # Iterate over exposure ids if verbose: print 'Found %d frames...' % len(exposureIDs) for exposureID in exposureIDs: bossFluxcalibname = os.path.join(BSR,redVersion,plate,'spFluxcalib-%s.fits.gz'%exposureID) blueFluxcalibname = os.path.join(BSR,blueVersion,plate,'spFluxcalib-%s.fits.gz'%exposureID) # Read boss standard calibrated spFluxcalib bosshdu = npix = bosshdu[0].header['naxis1'] wave = np.arange(npix) bossflux = bosshdu[0].data bossheader = bosshdu[0].header bosshdu.close() # Read blue standard calibrated spFluxcalib bluehdu = bluenpix = bluehdu[0].header['naxis1'] blueflux = bluehdu[0].data bluehdu.close() if bluenpix != npix: print '!! warning bossnpix != bluenpix: %d != %d' % (npix,bluenpix) print '!! skipping %s-%s...' % (plate,mjd) return -1 # Plot ratio savedir = os.path.join(BSR,blueVersion,plate)
def calc_alm_chisq_fromfits(almfile, clfile): alm =[0].data cls =[0].data numiter = alm.shape[0] numchain = alm.shape[1] alm = np.reshape(alm, (numiter*numchain,alm.shape[2], alm.shape[3], alm.shape[4], alm.shape[5])) alm = alm[:, :, :, 2:, :] cls = cls[1:] cls = np.reshape(cls, (numiter * numchain, cls.shape[2], cls.shape[3])) if alm.shape[1] == 3: cls = np.concatenate((cls[:, 0:1, :], cls[:, 3:4, :], cls[:, 5:6, :]), 1) elif alm.shape[1] == 1: cls = cls[:, 0:1, :] cls = cls[:, :, 2:] cls = np.transpose(cls).copy() alm = np.transpose(alm).copy() chisq = np.zeros(cls.shape) for i in range(cls.shape[0]): l = i + 2 for m in range(l): if m == 0: chisq[i, :, :] += alm[0, i, m, :, :] ** 2 else: chisq[i, :, :] += np.sum(2 * alm[:, i, m, :, :] ** 2, 0) chisq[i, :, :] = chisq[i, :, :] / cls[i, :, :] / (2 * l + 1) * (l * (l + 1)) / (2 * np.pi) return chisq
def combine_seg_map(self, filt, out_dir): """Combines bright and faint segmentation maps. Regions belonging to bright objects are expanded by 5 pixels""" cat_name = out_dir + '/' + filt + '' bright_name = out_dir + '/' + filt + '_bright_seg_map.fits' faint_name = out_dir + '/' + filt + '_faint_seg_map.fits' hdu1 = hdu2 = br = hdu1[0].data ft = hdu2[0].data hdu2.close() hdu1.close() cat =, format='ascii.basic') new_seg = br # Expand bright regions by 5 pixels q, = np.where(cat['IS_BRIGHT'] == 1) for i in q: new_seg = fn.seg_expand(new_seg, buff=5, val=int(i) + 1, set_to=int(i) + 1) # +1 to account for renumbering q, = np.where(cat['IS_BRIGHT'] == 0) s = ft.shape for i in q: for j in range(s[0]): pix, = np.where((ft[j, :] == cat['OLD_NUMBER'][i]) & (new_seg[j, :] == 0)) new_seg[j][pix] = cat['NUMBER'][i] + 1 new_seg_name = out_dir + '/' + filt + '_comb_seg_map.fits' print "Bright faint combined seg map created at", new_seg_name pyfits.writeto(new_seg_name, new_seg, clobber=True) os.remove(bright_name) os.remove(faint_name)
def loadFiles( imName = None, maskName = None, satMaskName = None, invertMask = False, ): """Load a new image and/or mask and/or satMask from a fits file. Inputs: - imName: path to image FITS file; None to use current image - maskName: path to bad pixel mask; 0=good unless invertMask is true; None to use current mask, if any - satMaskName: path to saturated pixel mask; 0=good regardless of invertMask; None to use current mask, if any """ global im, imFits, mask, maskFits, satMask, satMaskFits, isSat, sd if imName: imFits = print("Loading image %s into imFits and im" % (imName,)) dataSec = parseDataSec(imFits[0].header.get("DATASEC")) dataShape = imFits[0].data.shape if dataSec is None: dataSec = [0, dataShape[0], 0, dataShape[1]] im = imFits[0].data[dataSec[0]:dataSec[1], dataSec[2]:dataSec[3]] if maskName: print("Loading bad pixel mask %s into maskFits and mask" % (maskName,)) maskFits = mask = maskFits[0].data[dataSec[0]:dataSec[1], dataSec[2]:dataSec[3]] > 0.1 if satMaskName: print("Loading saturated pixel mask %s into satMaskFits and satMask" % (satMaskName,)) satMaskFits = satMask = satMaskFits[0].data[dataSec[0]:dataSec[1], dataSec[2]:dataSec[3]] > 0.1 return im, mask, satMask
def combine_off_on(maskname, band, options, lampsOff=False): ''' combine list of flats into a flat file''' file_off = os.path.join("combflat_lamps_off_2d_%s.fits" % (band)) file_on = os.path.join("combflat_2d_%s.fits" % (band)) file_on_save = os.path.join("combflat_lamps_on_2d_%s.fits" % (band)) hdu_off = hdu_on = #save lamps On data set to new name hdu_on.writeto(file_on_save, clobber=True) hdu_on[0].data = hdu_on[0].data - hdu_off[0].data #Add comment that the difference was completed hdu_on[0].header.add_history("Differenced the Lamps on and Lamps off images ") #save lamps On data set to new name hdu_on.writeto(file_on, clobber=True)
def __init__(self, parset): self.method = parset.get_value('sourceSelection','none') self.setFluxType("peak") if self.method == 'threshold': self.threshImageName = parset.get_value('thresholdImage','detectionThreshold.i.clean.fits') if os.path.exists(self.threshImageName): self.threshmap = threshim[0].data threshHeader = threshim[0].header self.threshWCS = pywcs.WCS(threshHeader) threshim.close() print "Using threshold map %s to determine source inclusion"%self.threshImageName else: print "Threshold image %s not available. Switching sourceSelection to 'none'."%self.threshImageName self.method='none' elif self.method == 'weights': self.weightsImageName = parset.get_value('weightsImage','weights.i.clean.fits') if os.path.exists(self.weightsImageName): weightsim = self.weightsmap = weightsim[0].data weightsHeader = weightsim[0].header self.weightsWCS = pywcs.WCS(weightsHeader) self.weightCutoff = parset.get_value('weightsCutoff',0.1) print "Using weights image %s with relative cutoff %f (=%f) to determine source inclusion"%(self.weightsImageName,self.weightCutoff,self.weightCutoff*self.weightsmap.max()) self.weightCutoff = self.weightCutoff * self.weightsmap.max() else: print "Weights image %s not available. Switching sourceSelection to 'none'."%self.weightsImageName self.method='none'
def plot_psi_weights(output, modelfile='/d/monk/eigenbrot/WIYN/14B-0456/anal/models/allZ2_vardisp/allz2_vardisp_batch_interp.fits'): #Like the last page of all the fit plots, but for all pointings at once #cribbed from m =[1].data[0] numZ = np.unique(m['Z'][:,0]).size numAge = np.unique(m['AGE'][:,0]).size big_W = np.zeros((numZ,numAge)) for p in range(6): coeffile = 'NGC_891_P{}_bin30_allz2.coef.fits'.format(p+1) print coeffile coef_arr =[1].data numap = coef_arr['VSYS'].size for i in range(numap): wdata = coef_arr[i]['LIGHT_FRAC'].reshape(numZ,numAge) big_W += wdata/np.max(wdata) bwax = plt.figure().add_subplot(111) bwax.imshow(big_W,origin='lower',cmap='Blues',interpolation='none') bwax.set_xlabel('SSP Age [Gyr]') bwax.set_xticks(range(numAge)) bwax.set_xticklabels(m['AGE'][:numAge,0]/1e9) bwax.set_ylabel(r'$Z/Z_{\odot}$') bwax.set_yticks(range(numZ)) bwax.set_yticklabels(m['Z'][::numAge,0]) pp = PDF(output) pp.savefig(bwax.figure) pp.close() plt.close(bwax.figure) return
def add_real_back(main_path, nm_stm, gal_im, ICL_im, useICL,back_im, rowc, colc, petrorad_pix): sigma = 1.0 back_image = back_head = back_image[0].header back_data = back_image[0].data back_image.close() data_image = data = data_image[0].data data = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(data,sigma,mode='constant',cval=0.0) header = data_image[0].header data_image.close() new_dat= insert_im(data,back_data,rowc,colc) new_head = combine_head(header, back_head,rowc,colc, icl=False) if useICL: ICL_image = ICL = ICL_image[0].data ICL=ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(ICL,sigma,mode='constant',cval=0.0) ICLheader = ICL_image[0].header ICL_image.close() new_dat = insert_im(ICL,new_dat,rowc,colc) new_head = combine_head(ICLheader, new_head, rowc,colc,icl=True) new_dat = cut_im(new_dat, rowc, colc, petrorad_pix) new_head.update("PSF", sigma, "gaussian sigma used in convolution") ext = pf.PrimaryHDU(new_dat, new_head) ext.writeto(main_path+nm_stm+"chipflat.fits", clobber = 1) return new_dat, new_head
def fitstoarrays(ffile,fmask): fitsfile = data = fitsfile[0].data header = pyfits.getheader(ffile) naxis1 = header['naxis1'] naxis2 = header['naxis2'] cdelt1 = header['cdelt1'] cdelt2 = header['cdelt2'] crpix1 = header['crpix1'] crpix2 = header['crpix2'] crval1 = header['crval1'] crval2 = header['crval2'] X = zeros(data.shape) Y = zeros(data.shape) for j in range(data.shape[0]): for i in range(data.shape[1]): X[j,i] = (1+i)*cdelt1 Y[j,i] = (1+j)*cdelt2 maskfile = datam = maskfile[0].data mask = datam!=0 #Z = (X**2+Y**2) return X[mask],Y[mask],data[mask]
def get_model_spec_martell(): # Carbon and nitrogen theoretical gradient spectra DATA_DIR = "/Users/annaho/Data/Martell" inputf = "ssg_wv.fits" a = + "/" + inputf) wl = a[1].data a.close() inputf = "ssg_nowv.fits" a = + "/" + inputf) dat = a[1].data a.close() ind = np.where(np.logical_and(dat['Nfe']==0.6, dat['FeH']==-1.41))[0] cfe = dat['cfe'][ind] # only step from -0.4 to 0.4 #dflux = cannon_normalize(dat[ind[-1]][3])-cannon_normalize(dat[ind[0]][3]) dflux = cannon_normalize(dat[ind[9]][3])-cannon_normalize(dat[ind[5]][3]) #dcfe = cfe[1]-cfe[0] dcfe = cfe[9]-cfe[5] c_grad_spec = (dflux/dcfe) ind = np.where(np.logical_and(dat['cfe']==-0.4, dat['FeH']==-1.41))[0] nfe = dat['nfe'][ind] # only step from -0.4 to 0.4 dflux = cannon_normalize(dat[ind[5]][3])-cannon_normalize(dat[ind[1]][3]) dnfe = nfe[5]-nfe[1] n_grad_spec = (dflux/dnfe) return wl, c_grad_spec, n_grad_spec
def test_parnames_round_trip(self): """ Regression test for Ensures that opening a random groups file in update mode or writing it to a new file does not cause any change to the parameter names. """ # Because this test tries to update the random_groups.fits file, let's # make a copy of it first (so that the file doesn't actually get # modified in the off chance that the test fails self.copy_file('random_groups.fits') parameters = ['UU', 'VV', 'WW', 'BASELINE', 'DATE'] with'random_groups.fits'), mode='update') as h: assert h[0].parnames == parameters h.flush() # Open again just in read-only mode to ensure the parnames didn't # change with'random_groups.fits')) as h: assert h[0].parnames == parameters h.writeto(self.temp('test.fits')) with'test.fits')) as h: assert h[0].parnames == parameters
def test_update_resized_header2(self): """ Regression test for This is similar to test_update_resized_header, but specifically tests a case of multiple consecutive flush() calls on the same HDUList object, where each flush() requires a resize. """ data1 = np.arange(100) data2 = np.arange(100) + 100 phdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=data1) hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=data2) phdu.writeto(self.temp('temp.fits')) with'temp.fits'), mode='append') as hdul: hdul.append(hdu) with'temp.fits'), mode='update') as hdul: idx = 1 while len(str(hdul[0].header)) <= 2880 * 2: hdul[0].header['TEST%d' % idx] = idx idx += 1 hdul.flush() hdul.append(hdu) with'temp.fits')) as hdul: assert (hdul[0].data == data1).all() assert hdul[1].header == hdu.header assert (hdul[1].data == data2).all() assert (hdul[2].data == data2).all()
def test_save_backup(self): """Test for Save backup of file before flushing changes. """ self.copy_file('scale.fits') with ignore_warnings(): with'scale.fits'), mode='update', save_backup=True) as hdul: # Make some changes to the original file to force its header # and data to be rewritten hdul[0].header['TEST'] = 'TEST' hdul[0].data[0] = 0 assert os.path.exists(self.temp('scale.fits.bak')) with'scale.fits'), do_not_scale_image_data=True) as hdul1: with'scale.fits.bak'), do_not_scale_image_data=True) as hdul2: assert hdul1[0].header == hdul2[0].header assert (hdul1[0].data == hdul2[0].data).all() with ignore_warnings(): with'scale.fits'), mode='update', save_backup=True) as hdul: # One more time to see if multiple backups are made hdul[0].header['TEST2'] = 'TEST' hdul[0].data[0] = 1 assert os.path.exists(self.temp('scale.fits.bak')) assert os.path.exists(self.temp('scale.fits.bak.1'))
def pixelizeCatalog(infiles, config, force=False): """ Break catalog up into a set of healpix files. """ nside_catalog = config['coords']['nside_catalog'] nside_pixel = config['coords']['nside_pixel'] outdir = mkdir(config['catalog']['dirname']) filenames = config.getFilenames() for ii,infile in enumerate(infiles):'(%i/%i) %s'%(ii+1, len(infiles), infile)) f = data = f[1].data header = f[1].header"%i objects found"%len(data)) if not len(data): continue glon,glat = cel2gal(data['RA'],data['DEC']) catalog_pix = ang2pix(nside_catalog,glon,glat,coord='GAL') pixel_pix = ang2pix(nside_pixel,glon,glat,coord='GAL') names = [n.upper() for n in data.columns.names] ra_idx = names.index('RA'); dec_idx = names.index('DEC') idx = ra_idx if ra_idx > dec_idx else dec_idx catalog_pix_name = 'PIX%i'%nside_catalog pixel_pix_name = 'PIX%i'%nside_pixel coldefs = pyfits.ColDefs( [pyfits.Column(name='GLON',format='1D',array=glon), pyfits.Column(name='GLAT',format='1D',array=glat), pyfits.Column(name=catalog_pix_name,format='1J',array=catalog_pix), pyfits.Column(name=pixel_pix_name ,format='1J',array=pixel_pix)] ) hdu = pyfits.new_table(data.columns[:idx+1]+coldefs+data.columns[idx+1:]) table = for pix in numpy.unique(catalog_pix): logger.debug("Processing pixel %s"%pix) outfile =['catalog'][pix] if not os.path.exists(outfile): logger.debug("Creating %s"%outfile) names = [n.upper() for n in table.columns.names] formats = table.columns.formats columns = [pyfits.Column(n,f) for n,f in zip(names,formats)] out = pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(),pyfits.new_table(columns)]) out[1].header['NSIDE'] = nside_catalog out[1].header['PIX'] = pix out.writeto(outfile) hdulist =,mode='update') t1 = hdulist[1].data # Could we speed up with sorting and indexing? t2 = table[ table[catalog_pix_name] == pix ] nrows1 = t1.shape[0] nrows2 = t2.shape[0] nrows = nrows1 + nrows2 out = pyfits.new_table(t1.columns, nrows=nrows) for name in t1.columns.names:[nrows1:]=t2.field(name) hdulist[1] = out logger.debug("Writing %s"%outfile) hdulist.flush() hdulist.close()
def CoaddExposures(exposures, outnumber, datapath='/nfs/lsst2/photocalData/data/observer2/', verbose=False, normalise=False): import pyfits as pf import shutil import sys N_HDUS = 70 print 'Coadding %s'%(exposures); sys.stdout.flush() n_exp = float(len(exposures)) filenames = [datapath + 'DECam_00' + str(_) + '.fits.fz' for _ in exposures] outfilename = datapath + 'DECam_0' + str(9000000 + outnumber) + '.fits.fz' shutil.copyfile(filenames[0],outfilename,) out_file =, mode='update') primaryHeader = out_file[0].header total_EXPTIME = primaryHeader['EXPTIME'] total_EXPREQ = primaryHeader['EXPREQ'] total_DARKTIME = primaryHeader['DARKTIME'] # convert all arrays to floats for summing and dividing purposes if verbose: print 'loading first file & converting dtype' for hdu in range(1, N_HDUS+1): out_file[hdu].data = out_file[hdu].data.astype(np.float32) # add other files to the original, collecting relevant metadata for i, filename in enumerate(filenames[1:]): this_file = total_EXPTIME += this_file[0].header['EXPTIME'] total_EXPREQ += this_file[0].header['EXPREQ'] total_DARKTIME += this_file[0].header['DARKTIME'] for hdu in range(1, N_HDUS+1): if verbose: print 'adding hdu %s for file %s of %s'%(hdu,i+2,n_exp) out_file[hdu].data += this_file[hdu].data # Normalise if normalise: for hdu in range(1, N_HDUS+1): if verbose: print 'Normalising hdu %s'%hdu out_file[hdu].data /= n_exp # Update headers primaryHeader['nCOADDED'] = n_exp primaryHeader['filename'] = 'DECam_0' + str(9000000 + outnumber) + '.fits' primaryHeader['expnum'] = 9000000 + outnumber primaryHeader['COADD_OF'] = str(['DECam_00' + str(_) for _ in exposures]).translate(None, ''.join(['[',']',' ','\''])) primaryHeader['COADNUMS'] = (str(exposures).translate(None, ''.join(['[',']',' ']))) if not normalise: n_exp = 1. primaryHeader['NORMED'] = str(normalise) primaryHeader['EXP_TOT'] = total_EXPTIME # always equal to the total exposure time primaryHeader['DARK_TOT'] = total_DARKTIME # always equal to the total darktime primaryHeader['EXP_T_EQ'] = total_EXPTIME / n_exp #equivalent expousre time, depending on noralisation primaryHeader['EXPREQ'] = total_EXPREQ / n_exp #equivalent EXPREQ time, depending on noralisation primaryHeader['DARKTIME'] = total_DARKTIME / n_exp #equivalent DARKTIME time, depending on noralisation if verbose: print 'Headers updated, writing to disk...'; sys.stdout.flush() out_file.flush() out_file.close() if verbose: print 'Fished coaddition of %s, written to %s'%(exposures, outfilename)
def test_compressed_image_data_float32(self): n = np.arange(100, dtype='float32') hdu = fits.ImageHDU(n) comp_hdu = fits.CompImageHDU(, hdu.header) comp_hdu.writeto(self.temp('tmp.fits'), checksum=True) hdu.writeto(self.temp('uncomp.fits'), checksum=True) with'tmp.fits'), checksum=True) as hdul: assert np.all(hdul[1].data == assert np.all(hdul[1].data == assert 'CHECKSUM' in hdul[0].header assert hdul[0].header['CHECKSUM'] == 'D8iBD6ZAD6fAD6ZA' assert 'DATASUM' in hdul[0].header assert hdul[0].header['DATASUM'] == '0' assert 'CHECKSUM' in hdul[1].header assert 'DATASUM' in hdul[1].header if not sys.platform.startswith('win32'): assert hdul[1]._header['CHECKSUM'] == 'eATIf3SHe9SHe9SH' assert hdul[1]._header['DATASUM'] == '1277667818' with'uncomp.fits'), checksum=True) as hdul2: header_comp = hdul[1]._header header_uncomp = hdul2[1].header assert 'ZHECKSUM' in header_comp assert 'CHECKSUM' in header_uncomp assert header_uncomp['CHECKSUM'] == 'Cgr5FZo2Cdo2CZo2' assert header_comp['ZHECKSUM'] == header_uncomp['CHECKSUM'] assert 'ZDATASUM' in header_comp assert 'DATASUM' in header_uncomp assert header_uncomp['DATASUM'] == '2393636889' assert header_comp['ZDATASUM'] == header_uncomp['DATASUM']
def Select(dirin, filein , selfn, dirout, overwrite=False): "Select a subsample from ma table " """ If overwrite is False, will skip existing files in destination directory. """ mask=[ selfn(row) for row in[1].data ] mind=[ x for x,f in enumerate (mask) if f] nrows=len(mind) print "Selected %i rows." % nrows fitsel=re.compile(".*fits?") flist = [ fnamein for fnamein in os.listdir(dirin) if fitsel.match(fnamein) ] for fnamein in flist: foutname=os.path.join(dirout,fnamein) if os.access(foutname, os.F_OK) and (not overwrite): print "Skipping %s as it already exists" % fnamein else:,fnamein)) newtab=pyfits.new_table( fin[1].columns , nrows= nrows) for cname in fin[1].columns.names: fin[1].data.field(cname)[ mind] ) Write([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(), newtab], foutname, overwrite=1)
def imarith(input_1, op, input_2, output, simple): stdout_write("\nOpening input files ...") # Open both input fits files hdu_1 = numeric_2 = None hdu_2 = None if (not os.path.isfile(input_2)): numeric_2 = float(input_2) print(numeric_2) else: hdu_2 = stdout_write(" done!\n") rebin_fac = int(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-bin", 1)) output_hdu = hdu_imarith(hdu_1, op, hdu_2, simple=simple, numeric_2=numeric_2, rebin_fac=rebin_fac) stdout_write(" writing output ...") clobberfile(output) output_hdu.writeto(output, output_verify='fix+ignore') stdout_write(" done!\n\n") return
def test_compressed_image_data_int16(self): n = np.arange(100, dtype='int16') hdu = fits.ImageHDU(n) comp_hdu = fits.CompImageHDU(, hdu.header) comp_hdu.writeto(self.temp('tmp.fits'), checksum=True) hdu.writeto(self.temp('uncomp.fits'), checksum=True) with'tmp.fits'), checksum=True) as hdul: assert np.all(hdul[1].data == assert np.all(hdul[1].data == assert 'CHECKSUM' in hdul[0].header assert hdul[0].header['CHECKSUM'] == 'D8iBD6ZAD6fAD6ZA' assert 'DATASUM' in hdul[0].header assert hdul[0].header['DATASUM'] == '0' assert 'CHECKSUM' in hdul[1].header assert hdul[1]._header['CHECKSUM'] == 'J5cCJ5c9J5cAJ5c9' assert 'DATASUM' in hdul[1].header assert hdul[1]._header['DATASUM'] == '2453673070' assert 'CHECKSUM' in hdul[1].header with'uncomp.fits'), checksum=True) as hdul2: header_comp = hdul[1]._header header_uncomp = hdul2[1].header assert 'ZHECKSUM' in header_comp assert 'CHECKSUM' in header_uncomp assert header_uncomp['CHECKSUM'] == 'ZE94eE91ZE91bE91' assert header_comp['ZHECKSUM'] == header_uncomp['CHECKSUM'] assert 'ZDATASUM' in header_comp assert 'DATASUM' in header_uncomp assert header_uncomp['DATASUM'] == '160565700' assert header_comp['ZDATASUM'] == header_uncomp['DATASUM']
def test_compressed_image_data_float32(self): n = np.arange(100, dtype='float32') hdu = fits.ImageHDU(n) comp_hdu = fits.CompImageHDU(, hdu.header) comp_hdu.writeto(self.temp('tmp.fits'), checksum=True) hdu.writeto(self.temp('uncomp.fits'), checksum=True) with'tmp.fits'), checksum=True) as hdul: assert np.all(hdul[1].data == assert np.all(hdul[1].data == assert 'CHECKSUM' in hdul[0].header assert hdul[0].header['CHECKSUM'] == 'D8iBD6ZAD6fAD6ZA' assert 'DATASUM' in hdul[0].header assert hdul[0].header['DATASUM'] == '0' assert 'CHECKSUM' in hdul[1].header assert 'DATASUM' in hdul[1].header assert 'CHECKSUM' in hdul[1].header if sys.platform != 'win32': # The checksum ends up being different on Windows, possibly due # to slight floating point differences # TODO: In Astropy mark these properly as known fail assert hdul[1]._header['CHECKSUM'] == 'eATIf3SHe9SHe9SH' assert hdul[1]._header['DATASUM'] == '1277667818' with'uncomp.fits'), checksum=True) as hdul2: header_comp = hdul[1]._header header_uncomp = hdul2[1].header assert 'ZHECKSUM' in header_comp assert 'CHECKSUM' in header_uncomp assert header_uncomp['CHECKSUM'] == 'Cgr5FZo2Cdo2CZo2' assert header_comp['ZHECKSUM'] == header_uncomp['CHECKSUM'] assert 'ZDATASUM' in header_comp assert 'DATASUM' in header_uncomp assert header_uncomp['DATASUM'] == '2393636889' assert header_comp['ZDATASUM'] == header_uncomp['DATASUM']
def main(options): if options.qFile == '': raise Exception('An input Q or U file must be specified.') if options.freq == '': raise Exception('A file containing frequency list must be specified.') if options.polInt == '': raise Exception('An input polarized intensity map must be specified.') # If all input options are valid: print 'INFO: Reading the input files' try: qData =[0].data pData =[0].data header =[0].header freqFile = open(options.freq) except: raise Exception('Unable to read the input files.') print 'INFO: Image have the following dimensions:' print 'Stokes Q:', qData.shape print 'Stokes U:', pData.shape if qData.shape[1] != pData.shape[1] or qData.shape[2] != pData.shape[2]: raise Exception('Input fits have different image dimensions.') # Estimate the number of frequencies listed in the freq file freqArray = [] for line in freqFile: freqArray.append(float(line)) print 'INFO: {:} frequencies list in the input file'.format(len(freqArray)) if len(freqArray) != qData.shape[0]: raise Exception('No. of frequency channels in input files do not match.') # Compute variance in \lambda^2: \sigma^2_{\lambda^2} print 'INFO: Computing variance in lambda^2' freqArray = np.asarray(freqArray) lambdaVals = lightSpeed / freqArray lambda_pow2 = np.square(lambdaVals) varLambda2 = np.absolute(np.var(lambda_pow2)) # Estimate the noise in the Q-cube along each line of sight print 'INFO: Estimating noise variance in Q' varInQ = np.zeros(pData.shape) for i in range(pData.shape[1]): for j in range(pData.shape[2]): varInQ[0,i,j] = np.absolute(np.var(qData[:,i,j])) hdu = pf.PrimaryHDU(data=varInQ, header=header) hdu.writeto('varInQ.fits', clobber=True) del hdu # Compute the variance in RM using equation 2.73 in Brentjens' thesis print 'INFO: Computing variance of RM' denom = 4*(len(freqArray)-2) * np.square(pData) * varLambda2 varInRM = np.absolute(np.divide(varInQ, denom)) hdu = pf.PrimaryHDU(data=varInRM) hdu.writeto('varInRM.fits', clobber=True) del hdu print varInRM.shape # Compute noise in RM print 'INFO: Computing standard deviation in RM' noiseInRM = np.sqrt(varInRM) hdu = pf.PrimaryHDU(data=noiseInRM, header=header) hdu.writeto('noiseInRM.fits', clobber=True) del hdu
def get_ABmag_HST(self,band='f105w'): ''' -----PURPOSE----- Calculate the AB magnitude from the HST photometry in the nearest band to MOSFIRE Y-band -----INPUT------- band The photometric band in which you want magnitudes, default is 'f105w' ''' ra, dec = self.radec # mags =[1].data['%s_mag_iso' % band] mags =[1].data['%s_mag_AUTO' % band] phot_ras =[1].data['ALPHA_J2000'] phot_decs =[1].data['DELTA_J2000'] thresh=0.35 mindist=thresh for jj in range(len(mags)): phot_ra, phot_dec = phot_ras[jj], phot_decs[jj] mag = mags[jj] # phot_F125W_magerr = phot_F125W_magerrs[jj] dist = np.sqrt(((ra-phot_ra)*3600*np.cos(np.pi/180*phot_dec))**2 + ((dec-phot_dec)*3600)**2) # in arcseconds if dist < mindist: keep_mag = mag keep_ra = phot_ra keep_dec = phot_dec # keep_id = phot_id mindist=dist if mindist >= thresh: # no match sys.exit("NO MATCH") return keep_mag
def compute_DC(pointing, folder, uw_chi): CI_file = glob('{}/*P{}*CI*.dat'.format(folder,pointing))[0] bestZ = np.loadtxt(CI_file, usecols=(5,), unpack=True, fzlist = ['0.005Z','0.02Z','0.2Z','0.4Z','1Z','2.5Z','allZ'] hdu ='NGC_891_P{}_bin30.mso.fits'.format(pointing))[0] head = hdu.header data = error ='NGC_891_P{}'.format(pointing))[0].data wave = (np.arange(data.shape[1]) - head['CRPIX1'] - 1)*head['CDELT1'] + head['CRVAL1'] idx = np.where((wave >= 3800.) & (wave <= 6800.))[0] wave = wave[idx] data = data[:,idx] error = error[:,idx] outarr = np.zeros(data.shape[0]) for i, bz in enumerate(bestZ): best_file = '{}/{}/NGC_891_P{}'.\ format(folder,fzlist[bz],pointing) print i+1, fzlist[bz] models =[0].data coef_file = '{}/{}/NGC_891_P{}_bin30_allz2.coef.fits'.\ format(folder,fzlist[bz],pointing) coefs =[1].data chisq = np.sum((data[i,:] - models[i,:])**2/error[i,:]**2)/coefs['TOTFREE'][i] outarr[i] = uw_chi[i] - chisq return outarr
def fig11(): hdulist1 ='/import/phy-pc1064_a/Documents/SiOJets_New/run4ALMA/imageShock_J2-1_45deg_molcool_dirty.fits.gz') hdulist2 ='/import/phy-pc1064_a/Documents/SiOJets_New/run4ALMA/imageShock_J5-4_45deg_molcool_dirty.fits.gz') hdulist3 ='/import/phy-pc1064_a/Documents/SiOJets_New/run4ALMA/imageShock_J8-7_45deg_molcool_dirty.fits.gz') A = hdulist1[0].header RAarr = [A['CRVAL1'] - i*A['CDELT1'] for i in range(A['NAXIS1']/2)] + [A['CRVAL1'] + i*A['CDELT1'] for i in range(A['NAXIS1']/2,A['NAXIS1'])] DECarr = [A['CRVAL2'] - i*A['CDELT2'] for i in range(A['NAXIS2']/2)] + [A['CRVAL2'] + i*A['CDELT2'] for i in range(A['NAXIS2']/2,A['NAXIS2'])] RAarr2 = RA2ICRS(RAarr) DECarr2 = DEC2ICRS(DECarr) VELarr2 = Velarr(pi/4.,100.0, A) print VELarr2[0] clevs1 = [0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.025, 0.125] clevs2 = [0.01,0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4,0.8,1.2] # Get ALMA images f1 = plt.figure(figsize=[11,8]) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05) ax1 = f1.add_subplot(121) im1 = imshow(hdulist1[0].data[:,:,:].sum(0),origin='image',vmin = 0.001, vmax = 0.25,cmap=cm.gist_heat) plt.colorbar(im1,ticks=clevs2) im2 = contour(hdulist3[0].data[:,:,:].sum(0),levels=clevs2,colors='b',linewidths=.70) im3 = contour(hdulist2[0].data[:,:,:].sum(0),levels=clevs2,colors='g',linewidths=.70) axis([100.0,250.0,0.0,320.0]) ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(4)) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(4)) locs,labels = plt.xticks() plt.xticks(locs,[RAarr2[int(i)] for i in locs],rotation=15) locs,labels = plt.yticks() plt.yticks(locs[1:-1],[DECarr2[int(i)] for i in locs[1:-1]],rotation=90) ax1.set_ylabel('Declination [J2000]') ax1.set_xlabel('Right Ascention [J2000]') plt.figtext(0.16,0.2,r'Image [Jy/beam] : 2-$>$1',color='r') plt.figtext(0.16,0.175,r'Green Contour : 5-$>$4',color='g') plt.figtext(0.16,0.15,r'Blue Contour : 8-$>$7',color='b') ax2 = f1.add_subplot(122) im1b = imshow(hdulist1[0].data[:,:,175].T,origin='image', vmax = 0.025,cmap=cm.gist_heat) plt.colorbar(im1b,ticks=clevs1) im2b = contour(hdulist3[0].data[:,:,175].T,levels=clevs1,colors='b',linewidths=.70) im3b = contour(hdulist2[0].data[:,:,175].T,levels=clevs1,colors='g',linewidths=.70) axis([0.0,150.0,0.0,320.0]) ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(4)) #ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(4)) locs,labels = plt.xticks() plt.xticks(locs,[str('%.1f'%VELarr2[int(i)]) for i in locs]) plt.setp(ax2,yticks=[]) ax2.set_xlabel(r'Velocity [km s$^{-1}$]') plt.figtext(0.53,0.2,r'PV Diagram [Jy/beam] : 2-$>$1',color='r') plt.figtext(0.53,0.175,r'Green Contour : 5-$>$4',color='g') plt.figtext(0.53,0.15,r'Blue Contour : 8-$>$7',color='b')
def FixTHINGS(imageIn, imageOut): print sys.stdout.write('Fixing file %s ... ' % imageIn) sys.stdout.flush() if imageOut != imageIn: hdu = else: hdu =, mode='update') dataNew = hdu[0].data[0,0,:,:] del hdu[0].header['CTYPE3']; del hdu[0].header['CDELT3']; del hdu[0].header['CRVAL3'] del hdu[0].header['CRPIX3']; del hdu[0].header['CROTA3'] del hdu[0].header['CTYPE4']; del hdu[0].header['CDELT4']; del hdu[0].header['CRVAL4'] del hdu[0].header['CRPIX4']; del hdu[0].header['CROTA4'] if imageOut != imageIn: if os.path.exists(imageOut): os.remove(imageOut) pf.writeto(imageOut, dataNew, hdu[0].header) else: hdu[0].data = dataNew hdu.flush() print 'Done' print return
def test_uint(self): hdulist_f ='o4sp040b0_raw.fits')) hdulist_i ='o4sp040b0_raw.fits'), uint=True) assert hdulist_f[1].data.dtype == np.float32 assert hdulist_i[1].data.dtype == np.uint16 assert np.all(hdulist_f[1].data == hdulist_i[1].data)
def test_hdu_fromstring(self): """ Tests creating a fully-formed HDU object from a string containing the bytes of the HDU. """ dat = open('test0.fits'), 'rb').read() offset = 0 with'test0.fits')) as hdul: hdulen = hdul[0]._data_offset + hdul[0]._data_size hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU.fromstring(dat[:hdulen]) assert isinstance(hdu, fits.PrimaryHDU) assert hdul[0].header == hdu.header assert is None hdu.header['TEST'] = 'TEST' hdu.writeto(self.temp('test.fits')) with'test.fits')) as hdul: assert isinstance(hdu, fits.PrimaryHDU) assert hdul[0].header[:-1] == hdu.header[:-1] assert hdul[0].header['TEST'] == 'TEST' assert is None with'test0.fits'))as hdul: for ext_hdu in hdul[1:]: offset += hdulen hdulen = len(str(ext_hdu.header)) + ext_hdu._data_size hdu = fits.ImageHDU.fromstring(dat[offset:offset + hdulen]) assert isinstance(hdu, fits.ImageHDU) assert ext_hdu.header == hdu.header assert ( ==
def skyvar(wave, sky = 'kecksky.fits'): if False: sky ="kecksky.fits") crval = sky[0].header['CRVAL1'] delta = sky[0].header['CDELT1'] sky_flux = sky[0].data[0] print "Keck Sky used" else: sky ="licksky.fits") crval = sky[0].header['CRVAL1'] delta = sky[0].header['CDELT1'] sky_flux = sky[0].data print "Lick sky used" start = crval - math.ceil(0.5*len(sky_flux)*delta) stop = crval + math.ceil(0.5*len(sky_flux)*delta) sky_wave = [(start+delta*i) for i in range(len(sky_flux))] plt.plot(sky_wave, sky_flux) return new_sky
def plant(image,psf,outfile,list,dtime): import pyfits,os import numarray as N psf_flux=psf_f[0].data.sum() psf_x_size=psf_f[0].header.get('NAXIS1',0) psf_y_size=psf_f[0].header.get('NAXIS2',0) psf_x=psf_f[0].header.get('PSF_X',0) psf_y=psf_f[0].header.get('PSF_Y',0) psf_mag=psf_f[0].header.get('PSFMAG',26.0) xmax=image_f[0].header.get('NAXIS1',0) ymax=image_f[0].header.get('NAXIS2',0) exptime=image_f[0].header.get('EXPTIME',1) zeropoint=image_f[0].header.get('PHOT_C',26.5) import mop_files import string,math,re from numarray.nd_image.interpolation import shift as shift from string import atof for i in range(len(ahdu['data']['x'])): x=float(ahdu['data']['x'][i]) y=float(ahdu['data']['y'][i]) mag=float(ahdu['data']['mag'][i]) rate=float(ahdu['data']['pix_rate'][i])/3600.0 angle=float(ahdu['data']['angle'][i]) x_shift_rate=rate*math.cos(angle/57.3) y_shift_rate=rate*math.sin(angle/57.3) #flux=exptime*10**((zeropoint-mag)/2.5) #scale=flux/psf_flux scale=10**((psf_mag-mag)/2.5)*exptime #print scale niter=int(rate*exptime)+1 scale=scale/niter dt = exptime/niter #print x,y,mag,niter for i in range(niter): curtime = dtime+dt*i x=x+x_shift_rate*curtime y=y+y_shift_rate*curtime x1=int(max(0,x-psf_x)) x2=int(min(xmax,x+psf_x_size-psf_x)) y1=int(max(0,y-psf_y)) y2=int(min(ymax,y+psf_y_size-psf_y)) #print x2,x1,y2,y1 px1=int((psf_x-(x-x1))) px2=int(px1+(x2-x1)) py1=int(psf_y-(y-y1)) py2=int(py1+(y2-y1)) sec = psf_f[0].data[py1:py2,px1:px2].copy() sec = shift(sec,(y-int(y),x-int(x)),order=3) #print sec.shape,y2-y1,x2-x1 #print "Adding @ ",x,y,mag,scale," data=> ",y1,y2,x1,x2," PSF=> ",py1,py2,px1,px2 image_f[0].data[y1:y2,x1:x2]+=scale*sec image_f.writeto(outfile) image_f.close()
def emission_templates(velscale): """ Load files with stellar library used as templates. """ current_dir = os.getcwd() # Template directory is also set in os.chdir(template_dir) emission = [x for x in os.listdir(".") if x.startswith("emission") and x.endswith(".fits")] emission.sort() c = 299792.458 FWHM_tem = 2.1 # MILES library spectra have a resolution FWHM of 2.54A. # Extract the wavelength range and logarithmically rebin one spectrum # to the same velocity scale of the SAURON galaxy spectrum, to determine # the size needed for the array which will contain the template spectra. # hdu =[0]) ssp = hdu[0].data h2 = hdu[0].header lamRange2 = h2["CRVAL1"] + np.array([0.0, h2["CDELT1"] * (h2["NAXIS1"] - 1)]) sspNew, logLam2, velscale = util.log_rebin(lamRange2, ssp, velscale=velscale) templates = np.empty((sspNew.size, len(emission))) for j in range(len(emission)): hdu =[j]) ssp = hdu[0].data sspNew, logLam2, velscale = util.log_rebin(lamRange2, ssp, velscale=velscale) templates[:, j] = sspNew # templates *= 1e5 # Normalize templates os.chdir(current_dir) return templates, logLam2, h2["CDELT1"], emission
def cc_centroid(refimage, image=None, frame=None, usemask=True, side=None): """ function cc_centroid(refimage, image=None, frame=None) refimage should be a 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray. If a 3D array, the first index runs over the template images. Must supply either image, a 2D numpy.ndarray to be centroided, or frame, the filename from which that image may be loaded. The function returns the centroid [yc, xc] if successful, None otherwise. Description: cc_centroid finds the centroid of the input image using the following algorithm: 1. Flag saturated pixels, centroid the greatest concentration of such pixels to compute a provisional center. 2. Mask pixels near the provisional center, compute a variance for all other pixels. Variance = shot noise + read noise. 3. Fit the PSF templates using \chi^2 at a grid of offsets. 4. Centroid the map of \chi^2 merit statistics. """ np.seterr(all='ignore') #################################################################### # Locate data if no frame supplied, load data #################################################################### if image is None and frame is None: print "Error: must supply either data or a filename to crosscorr_centroid." sys.exit(1) elif image == None: if not "_dw.fits" in frame: frame_dw = re.sub(".fits", "_dw.fits", frame) else: frame_dw = frame try: image =[-1].data except: frame_ds = re.sub(".fits", "_ds.fits", frame) try: image =[-1].data except: print "Error, cannot read data from " + frame_ds sys.exit(1) #################################################################### # Add the capability to only search the left or right half of the # image #################################################################### image_save = image.copy() dimy, dimx = image.shape if side is not None: if'[Ll]eft', side): image[:, dimx // 2:] = 0 elif'[Rr]ight', side): image[:, :dimx // 2] = 0 #################################################################### # Find approximate centroid by flagging (near-)saturated pixels # and locating the greatest concentration of them #################################################################### sat = min(image.max() * 0.7, 1e5) x = np.arange(image.shape[1]) y = np.arange(image.shape[0]) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) satpts = image > 0.8 * sat image = image_save maxpts = 0 imax, jmax = [0, 0] for i in range(100, image.shape[0] - 100, 100): for j in range(100, image.shape[1] - 100, 100): npts = np.sum(satpts[i - 100:i + 100, j - 100:j + 100]) if npts > maxpts: maxpts = npts imax, jmax = [i, j] #################################################################### # Check to see that this guess is in the central half of the FOV. # Then refine the estimate by calculating the mean position of the # (near-)saturated pixels in the neighborhood of the guess. # Do this iteratively, with the final estimate computed from a # 100x100 pixel region. #################################################################### di, dj = [image.shape[0] // 2, image.shape[1] // 2] if side is None and (np.abs(imax - di) > di / 2 or np.abs(jmax - dj) > dj / 2): return None # failure for di in range(100, 70, -10): npts = 1. * np.sum(satpts[imax - di:imax + di, jmax - di:jmax + di]) yc = np.sum(satpts[imax - di:imax + di, jmax - di:jmax + di] * y[imax - di:imax + di, jmax - di:jmax + di]) / npts xc = np.sum(satpts[imax - di:imax + di, jmax - di:jmax + di] * x[imax - di:imax + di, jmax - di:jmax + di]) / npts try: imax, jmax = [int(yc), int(xc)] except: return None # failure #################################################################### # Calculate the typical saturation radius; cap at 700 mas #################################################################### dr_rms = np.sum(satpts[imax - di:imax + di, jmax - di:jmax + di] * (y[imax - di:imax + di, jmax - di:jmax + di] - yc)**2) dr_rms += np.sum(satpts[imax - di:imax + di, jmax - di:jmax + di] * (x[imax - di:imax + di, jmax - di:jmax + di] - xc)**2) dr_rms = np.sqrt(dr_rms / npts) dr_rms = min(dr_rms, 70) center = [imax, jmax] #################################################################### # Verify shape of reference PSF #################################################################### if len(refimage.shape) == 2: dimy, dimx = refimage.shape nref = 1 elif len(refimage.shape) == 3: nref, dimy, dimx = refimage.shape else: print "Reference image must be a single 2D image or an array of 2D images." sys.exit(1) if dimy % 2 == 0 or dimx % 2 == 0 or dimy != dimx: print "Reference image to crosscorr_centroid must be square and\nhave an odd dimension." sys.exit(1) #################################################################### # Mask questionable data in the image, reshape arrays #################################################################### di = dimy // 2 r_im = np.sqrt((x[imax - di:imax + di, jmax - di:jmax + di] - jmax)**2 + (y[imax - di:imax + di, jmax - di:jmax + di] - imax)**2) mask = np.all([image < 0.5 * sat, image > 0], axis=0) baddata = np.all([ image[imax - di:imax + di, jmax - di:jmax + di] < 0.2 * sat, r_im < 2 * dr_rms ], axis=0) if usemask: np.putmask(mask[imax - di:imax + di, jmax - di:jmax + di], r_im < 1.5 * dr_rms, 0) np.putmask(mask[imax - di:imax + di, jmax - di:jmax + di], baddata, 0) refimage2 = np.reshape(refimage, (nref, -1)) sub_istd = np.ndarray(refimage2.shape) if usemask: istd = np.sqrt(mask / (np.abs(image) + 200)) else: istd = np.sqrt(1 / (np.abs(image) + 200)) #################################################################### # Produce an nxn map of chi2 as a function of offset. # Use SVD to do the fitting at each offset. #################################################################### chi2_best = np.inf n = 21 x = np.arange(n) - n // 2 x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x) chi2 = np.zeros((n, n)) ybest, xbest = [0, 0] for i in range(n): for j in range(n): y1 = center[0] + y[i, j] - dimy // 2 x1 = center[1] + x[i, j] - dimx // 2 subarr = np.reshape(image[y1:y1 + dimy, x1:x1 + dimx], -1) for k in range(nref): sub_istd[k] = np.reshape(istd[y1:y1 + dimy, x1:x1 + dimx], -1) A = sub_istd * refimage2 b = sub_istd[0] * subarr coef = linalg.lstsq(A.T, b)[0] # Compute residuals, sum to get chi2 resid = subarr - coef[0] * refimage2[0] for k in range(1, nref): resid -= coef[k] * refimage2[k] chi2[i, j] = np.sum((resid * sub_istd[0])**2) if chi2[i, j] < chi2_best: chi2_best = chi2[i, j] ibest, jbest = [i, j] #################################################################### # Take a 5x5 map around the best chi2, centroid this. # If that 5x5 map would be off the grid, return the initial guess. # If the centroiding fails (result falls outside the 5x5 grid), # return the [y, x] with the best chi2. #################################################################### ybest0, xbest0 = [y[ibest, jbest], x[ibest, jbest]] p0 = [chi2_best, 2., 2., ybest0, xbest0] if ibest < 2 or ibest >= n - 3 or jbest < 2 or jbest >= n - 3: return None #failure x = np.reshape(x[ibest - 2:ibest + 3, jbest - 2:jbest + 3], -1) y = np.reshape(y[ibest - 2:ibest + 3, jbest - 2:jbest + 3], -1) chi2 = np.reshape(chi2[ibest - 2:ibest + 3, jbest - 2:jbest + 3], -1) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') p1, success = optimize.leastsq(errorfunc, p0[:], args=(y, x, chi2)) ybest, xbest = [p1[3], p1[4]] if ybest > y.min() and ybest < y.max() and xbest > x.min( ) and xbest < x.max(): return [center[0] + ybest, center[1] + xbest, dr_rms] else: return None # failure
continue if name in ['multi_chan_beam']: multi_chan_beam = value continue if name in write_catalog: write_opts[name] = value elif name in ['freq0', 'frequency']: freq0 = value else: img_opts[name] = value if name == 'spectralindex_do': spi_do = value img_opts.pop('freq0', None) if freq0 is None: with['filename']) as hdu: hdr = hdu[0].header for i in xrange(1, hdr['NAXIS'] + 1): if hdr['CTYPE{0:d}'.format(i)].startswith('FREQ'): freq0 = hdr['CRVAL{0:d}'.format(i)] if spi_do and multi_chan_beam: with['filename']) as hdu: hdr = hdu[0].header beams = [] # Get a sequence of BMAJ with digit suffix from the image header keys bmaj_ind = filter(lambda a: a.startswith('BMAJ') and a[-1].isdigit(), hdr.keys()) for bmaj in bmaj_ind: ind = bmaj.split('BMAJ')[-1] beam = [
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Plot FITS spectrum to file') parser.add_argument('infile', type=str, help='FITS filename') parser.add_argument('outfile', type=str, help='output image filename') parser.add_argument('--width', '-W', type=int, default=640, help='image width') parser.add_argument('--height', '-H', type=int, default=480, help='image height') parser.add_argument('--compact', '-c', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() hdulist = spectrum = BessSpectra(hdulist) outfile = open(args.outfile, 'w') style = None dpi = 72. x, y = (args.width, args.height) x = x / dpi y = y / dpi fig = Figure(figsize=(x, y), dpi=dpi, facecolor='white') ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if args.compact:
def main(args): if args.plotimg: import pylab as plt # Generate lists of input images and check that they exist images = [] facets = [] psf_fwhm = [] # resolution frequency = [] # frequency of images (should be equal?) basestring = args.basestring imlist = glob.glob(basestring + '*.image') images = [i for i in imlist if not ('nm' in i)] #construct image, facet number list images = [] fields = [] fnumbers = [] p = re.compile('imfield(\d)_cluster(.*)\.') for i in imlist: if 'nm' in i: continue m = p.match(i) if m is None: print 'failed to match', i assert (m is not None) images.append(i) fields.append( fnumbers.append( fnumberset = set(fnumbers) for f in fnumberset: fieldlist = [] for i, (field, facet) in enumerate(zip(fields, fnumbers)): if f == facet: fieldlist.append((field, i)) while len(fieldlist) > 1: # more than one field for the same facet... delfield, i = min(fieldlist) print 'de-duplicating', images[i] del (images[i]) del (fields[i]) del (fnumbers[i]) del (fieldlist[fieldlist.index((delfield, i))]) # now we have a non-redundant list for i in range(len(images)): print i, images[i], fields[i], fnumbers[i] # get the facet mask for fn in fnumbers: facets.append('templatemask_' + fn + '.masktmp') if not os.path.exists(facets[-1]): print "Error: facet image", facets[-1], "does not exist" return 1 formstr = '{0:45s} {1:45s} {2:s} {3:s} {4:s} {5:s}' print formstr.format("-----", "--------", "------------", "-------", "-------", "------") print formstr.format("Image", "FC image", "Norm. weight", "Maj(ac)", "Min(ac)", "PA(deg)") print formstr.format("-----", "--------", "------------", "-------", "-------", "------") for i in range(len(images)): this_pim = pim.image(images[i]) info_dict =['imageinfo']['restoringbeam'] # get beam info bpar_ma = quanta.quantity(info_dict['major']).get_value('deg') bpar_mi = quanta.quantity(info_dict['minor']).get_value('deg') bpar_pa = quanta.quantity(info_dict['positionangle']).get_value('deg') psf_fwhm.append([bpar_ma, bpar_mi, bpar_pa]) frequency.append(['coordinates']['spectral2']['restfreq']) print '{0:45.45s} {1:45.45s} {2:0.2f} {3:0.2f} {4:0.2f} {5:0.2f}'.format( images[i], facets[i], 0, bpar_ma * 60, bpar_mi * 60, bpar_pa) psf_fwhm = np.array(psf_fwhm) frequency = np.array(frequency) mean_psf_fwhm = np.mean(psf_fwhm, axis=0) mean_frequency = np.mean(frequency) print '\nmean Beam: {0:0.3f} maj (arcmin), {1:2.3f} min (arcmin), {2:0.2f} pa (deg)'.format( mean_psf_fwhm[0] * 60, mean_psf_fwhm[1] * 60, mean_psf_fwhm[2]) print '(Frequency (MHz):', mean_frequency * 1e-6 if np.max(mean_frequency - frequency) / mean_frequency > 1e-6: print '\n\nWARNING.\nAre you using images from different bands?' print 'Frequencies (Hz):', frequency time.sleep(2) # give user time to see this ... # Initialize some vectors declims = [] # store the limits of the declination axes #ralims = [] # store the limits of the r.a. axes raleft = [] raright = [] rainc = [] # store the r.a. increments in case they differ decinc = [] # store the dec increments in case they differ pims = [] # stores the pyrap images of the data pfcs = [] # stores the pyrap images of the facet images # Get image frames for input images for im, fa in zip(images, facets): image = pim.image(im) sptcoords = image.coordinates().get_coordinate('spectral') nc = sptcoords.get_axis_size() # assert(sptcoords.get_image_axis() == 0) # Get Stokes axis. Ensure we are working with the Stokes parameter requested. stkcoords = image.coordinates().get_coordinate('stokes') # assert(stkcoords.get_image_axis() == 1) if stkcoords.get_axis_size() == 1: assert (stkcoords.get_stokes()[0] == args.stokes) else: stks = stkcoords.get_stokes().index(args.stokes) image = image.subimage(blc=(0, stks), trc=(nc - 1, stks), dropdegenerate=False) ns = 1 dircoords = image.coordinates().get_coordinate('direction') nx = dircoords.get_axis_size(axis=1) ny = dircoords.get_axis_size(axis=0) c = [] c.append(image.toworld((0, 0, 0, 0))) c.append(image.toworld((0, 0, 0, nx))) c.append(image.toworld((0, 0, ny, 0))) c.append(image.toworld((0, 0, ny, nx))) c = np.array(c) for i in range(4): if c[i, 3] < 0: c[i, 3] += 2 * np.pi inc = dircoords.get_increment() ref = dircoords.get_referencepixel() val = dircoords.get_referencevalue() # wsclean image header is weird if val[1] < 0: val[1] += 2 * np.pi ra_axis = (range(nx) - ref[1]) * inc[1] + val[1] dec_axis = (range(ny) - ref[0]) * inc[0] + val[0] rainc.append(inc[1]) decinc.append(inc[0]) declims.append(np.min(c[:, 2])) declims.append(np.max(c[:, 2])) #mean_ra = np.mean(ra_axis) #ralims.append((min(ra_axis)-mean_ra)*np.cos(val[0])+mean_ra) #ralims.append((max(ra_axis)-mean_ra)*np.cos(val[0])+mean_ra) #raleft.append((ra_axis[0]-mean_ra)*np.cos(val[0])+mean_ra) #raright.append((ra_axis[-1]-mean_ra)*np.cos(val[0])+mean_ra) raleft.append(np.max(c[:, 3])) raright.append(np.min(c[:, 3])) print im, raleft[-1], raright[-1], rainc[-1] pims.append(image) pfcs.append(pim.image(fa)) # Generate the mosaic coordinate frame if not args.NCP: print('Using the regular mosaic mode.') master_dec = np.arange(min(declims), max(declims), min(decinc)) if max(raleft) - min(raright) > 5. * np.pi / 3.: # crossed RA=0 print "Warning: I think the mosaic crosses RA=0, treating the coordinates as such." ##ralims[ralims>np.pi] -= 2.*np.pi #for i in range(len(ralims)): # if ralims[i]>np.pi: ralims[i] = ralims[i]-2.*np.pi for i in range(len(raright)): raright[i] = raright[i] - 2. * np.pi master_ra = np.arange(max(raleft), min(raright), max(rainc) / (np.cos(min(declims)))) lmra = len(master_ra) if args.maxwidth != 0: if lmra > args.maxwidth: xboundary = (lmra - args.maxwidth) / 2 master_ra = master_ra[xboundary:-xboundary] if args.verbose: print "Found ra,dec pixel increments (arcsec):" print np.array(rainc) * 206265., np.array(decinc) * 206265. ma = pims[-1].coordinates() ma['direction'].set_referencepixel( [len(master_dec) / 2, len(master_ra) / 2]) ma['direction'].set_increment([ decinc[np.argmin(np.abs(decinc))], rainc[np.argmin(np.abs(rainc))] ]) ma['direction'].set_referencevalue( [master_dec[len(master_dec) / 2], master_ra[len(master_ra) / 2]]) else: print('Using the special NCP mosaic mode.') ra_width = 20. / 180 * np.pi dec_width = 20. / 180 * np.pi rainc = rainc[np.argmin(np.abs(rainc))] decinc = decinc[np.argmin(np.abs(decinc))] ra_imsize = int(ra_width / np.abs(rainc)) dec_imsize = int(dec_width / np.abs(decinc)) master_ra = np.arange(ra_imsize, dtype=float) / ra_imsize * rainc - ra_width / 2 master_dec = np.arange( dec_imsize, dtype=float) / dec_imsize * decinc - dec_width / 2 ma = pims[-1].coordinates() ma['direction'].set_referencevalue([np.pi / 2, 0.]) ma['direction'].set_increment([decinc, rainc]) ma['direction'].set_referencepixel([dec_imsize / 2., ra_imsize / 2.]) # Initialize the arrays for the output image, sensitivity, and weights print 'making output image of size', len(master_dec), 'x', len(master_ra) master_im = np.zeros((len(master_dec), len(master_ra))) master_mask = np.zeros((len(master_dec), len(master_ra))) # Reproject the images onto the master grid, weight and normalize for i in range(len(pims)): print 'doing image', i im = pims[i].regrid([2, 3], ma, outshape=(nc, ns, len(master_dec), len(master_ra))) fa = pfcs[i].regrid([2, 3], ma, outshape=(nc, ns, len(master_dec), len(master_ra))) imdata = np.squeeze(im.getdata()) facmask = np.squeeze(fa.getdata()) newim = imdata * facmask # newpb = pbdata # newwt = (weights[i]*newpb)**2 master_im += newim master_mask += facmask # master_sens += newpb*newwt # master_weight += newwt print 'Blanking' blank = np.ones_like(im) * np.nan master_im = np.where(master_mask, master_im, blank) # Show image if requested if args.plotimg: plt.imshow(master_im, vmin=0., vmax=0.5) # Write fits files arrax = np.zeros((1, 1, len(master_im[:, 0]), len(master_im[0, :]))) arrax[0, 0, :, :] = master_im # Open new casa image for mosaic new_pim = pim.image('', shape=(1, 1, len(master_dec), len(master_ra)), coordsys=ma) new_pim.putdata(arrax) # Write fits new_pim.tofits(args.outfits, overwrite=True) # need to add new beam info (not sure if this is possible with pyrap) hdu =, mode='update') header = hdu[0].header header.update('BMAJ', mean_psf_fwhm[0]) header.update('BMIN', mean_psf_fwhm[1]) header.update('BPA', mean_psf_fwhm[2]) header.update('BUNIT', pims[-1].info()['unit']) header.update('RESTFRQ', mean_frequency) header.update('RESTFREQ', mean_frequency) newhdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=hdu[0].data, header=header) newhdu.writeto(args.outfits, clobber=True) return
fitsfile = imagefile # This should always be True for fitsimage conversions. input_image_origin_is_lower_left = True else: image = # Check for input FITS file with WCS. if not os.path.exists(fitsfile): print "Error: file '%s' doesn't exist" % fitsfile sys.exit(2) # Read the WCS. sys.stdout.write("Reading WCS from %s... " % fitsfile) sys.stdout.flush() fitslib.fits_simple_verify(fitsfile) fits = try: header = fits[0].header wcs = wcslib.WcsProjection(header) finally: fits.close() sys.stdout.write("done\n") # Set the various warping options and warp the input image. projection = SkyProjection(image, wcs) projection.backgroundColor = (0, 0, 0, 0) projection.maxSideLength = max_side_length if input_image_origin_is_lower_left: projection.inputImageOrigin = ImageOrigin.LOWER_LEFT else: projection.inputImageOrigin = ImageOrigin.UPPER_LEFT
import os import sys import pyfits if __name__ == "__main__": for fn in sys.argv[1:]: out_fn = fn[:-5] + ".mini.fits" if (os.path.isfile(out_fn)): continue print("Minimizing %s to %s" % (fn, out_fn)) hdulist = col_names = ['ra', 'dec', 'ra_error', 'dec_error', 'phot_g_mean_mag'] flux = hdulist[1].data.field('phot_g_mean_flux') flux_error = hdulist[1].data.field('phot_g_mean_flux_error') mag_error = flux_error / flux mag_error[(flux <= 0) | (flux_error <= 0)] = -99.9 mas_to_deg = (1 / 1000.) / 3600. columns = [ pyfits.Column(name='ra', format='D', unit='Angle[deg]', array=hdulist[1].data.field('ra')), pyfits.Column(name='dec',
def fwhm(incat): """ Get the median FWHM and ELLIPTICITY from the scamp catalog (incat) """ CLASSLIM = 0.75 # class threshold to define star MAGERRLIMIT = 0.1 # mag error threshold for stars if debug: print "!!!! WUTL_STS: (fwhm): Opening scamp_cat to calculate median FWHM & ELLIPTICITY.\n" hdu =, "readonly") if debug: print "!!!! WUTL_STS: (fwhm): Checking to see that hdu2 in scamp_cat is a binary table.\n" if 'XTENSION' in hdu[2].header: if hdu[2].header['XTENSION'] != 'BINTABLE': print "!!!! WUTL_ERR: (fwhm): this HDU is not a binary table" exit(1) else: print "!!!! WUTL_ERR: (fwhm): XTENSION keyword not found" exit(1) if 'NAXIS2' in hdu[2].header: nrows = hdu[2].header['NAXIS2'] print "!!!! WUTL_INF: (fwhm): Found %s rows in table" % nrows else: print "!!!! WUTL_ERR: (fwhm): NAXIS2 keyword not found" exit(1) tbldct = {} for colname in [ 'FWHM_IMAGE', 'ELLIPTICITY', 'FLAGS', 'MAGERR_AUTO', 'CLASS_STAR' ]: if colname in hdu[2].columns.names: tbldct[colname] = hdu[2].data.field(colname) else: print "!!!! WUTL_ERR: (fwhm): No %s column in binary table" % colname exit(1) hdu.close() flags = tbldct['FLAGS'] cstar = tbldct['CLASS_STAR'] mgerr = tbldct['MAGERR_AUTO'] fwhm = tbldct['FWHM_IMAGE'] ellp = tbldct['ELLIPTICITY'] fwhm_sel = [] ellp_sel = [] count = 0 for i in range(nrows): if flags[i] < 1 and cstar[i] > CLASSLIM and mgerr[ i] < MAGERRLIMIT and fwhm[i] > 0.5 and ellp[i] >= 0.0: fwhm_sel.append(fwhm[i]) ellp_sel.append(ellp[i]) count += 1 fwhm_sel.sort() ellp_sel.sort() # allow the no-stars case count = 0 to proceed without crashing if count <= 0: fwhm_med = 4.0 ellp_med = 0.0 else: if count % 2: # Odd number of elements fwhm_med = fwhm_sel[count / 2] ellp_med = ellp_sel[count / 2] else: # Even number of elements fwhm_med = 0.5 * (fwhm_sel[count / 2] + fwhm_sel[count / 2 - 1]) ellp_med = 0.5 * (ellp_sel[count / 2] + ellp_sel[count / 2 - 1]) if debug: print "FWHM=%.4f" % fwhm_med print "ELLIPTIC=%.4f" % ellp_med print "NFWHMCNT=%s" % count return (fwhm_med, ellp_med, count)
def buildDthProduct(pardict, output, extlist=None, outlist=None, wcs=None): """ Parameters: pardict - a dictionary containing (at least): 'data','outdata','outweight','outcontext' where 'data' serves as the name of the backup template image, and the others are filenames of the drizzle products. output - filename of the final combined output image extlist - list of EXTNAME's to be searched in the template image outlist - list of EXTNAME's to be used for naming the output extensions This function will package the two or three output files from 'drizzle' or 'tdrizzle' into a single output multi-extension FITS file. It uses a pre-existing multi-extension FITS file as a template for the output product. The list 'extlist' contains the names of the extensions from the template image which will be used to build the output file. A number of keywords are also updated based on values from the drizzle products, including the CD matrix, CRPIX[1,2], CRVAL[1,2]. In addition, the template images will be of different size than the drizzle products, yet this is handled automatically by PyFITS. NOTE: The output file will ALWAYS contain 'SCI','WHT', and 'CTX' extensions. """ # Set up default extlist list if extlist == None: extlist = ('SCI', 'ERR', 'DQ') if outlist == None: outlist = ('SCI', 'WHT', 'CTX') # Get default headers from multi-extension FITS file # If input data is not in MEF FITS format, it will return 'None' # and those headers will have to be generated from drizzle output # file FITS headers. # NOTE: These are HEADER objects, not HDUs prihdr, scihdr, errhdr, dqhdr = getTemplates(output, pardict['data'], extlist) if prihdr == None: # Open FITS image and use its Primary header fpri =['outdata']) prihdr = pyfits.Header(cards=fpri[0].header.ascard.copy()) fpri.close() del fpri # Setup primary header as an HDU ready for appending to output FITS file prihdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr, data=None) # Start by updating PRIMARY header keywords... prihdu.header.update('EXTEND', pyfits.TRUE) prihdu.header.update('NEXTEND', 3) prihdu.header.update('FILENAME', output) # Open the dither output SCI image fsci =['outdata']) # Get the total exposure time for the image # If not calculated by PyDrizzle and passed through # the pardict, then pulled from the template image. inhdr = fsci[0].header if pardict.has_key('texptime'): _exptime = pardict['texptime'] _expstart = pardict['expstart'] _expend = pardict['expend'] else: _exptime = inhdr['EXPTIME'] _expstart = inhdr['EXPSTART'] _expend = inhdr['EXPEND'] prihdu.header.update('EXPTIME', _exptime) prihdu.header.update('TEXPTIME', _exptime) prihdu.header.update('EXPSTART', _expstart) prihdu.header.update('EXPEND', _expend) # Update DITHCORR calibration keyword if present # Remove when we can modify FITS headers in place... if prihdu.header.has_key('DITHCORR') > 0: prihdu.header['DITHCORR'] = 'COMPLETE' # Now, build the output file fo =, 'append') # Add primary header to output file... fo.append(prihdu) # Now, build SCI extension HDU if scihdr == None: scihdr = inhdr if wcs != None: # Update ORIENTAT based on PyDrizzle product's value # since 'drizzle' itself doesn't update that keyword. scihdr.update('ORIENTAT', wcs.orient) # Does this need to be explicitly created or can the pre-existing # one simply be appended? # hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=fsci[0].data, header=scihdr, name=outlist[0]) updateDTHKeywords(hdu.header, fsci[0].header, output) fo.append(hdu) fo.flush() fsci.close() del fsci[0].data del fsci del hdu # Write out the WEIGHT image in the ERR array extension fweight =['outweight']) if errhdr == None: errhdr = fweight[0].header hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=fweight[0].data, header=errhdr, name=outlist[1]) updateDTHKeywords(hdu.header, fweight[0].header, output) fo.append(hdu) fo.flush() fweight.close() del fweight[0].data del fweight del hdu # Write out the Context image (if any was created) cfile = pardict['outcontext'] _ctx = yes if findFile(cfile): fctx =['outcontext']) if dqhdr == None: dqhdr = fctx[0].header hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=fctx[0].data, header=dqhdr, name=outlist[2]) updateDTHKeywords(hdu.header, fctx[0].header, output) else: _ctx = no # Use the SCI HDU for the shape and build a default array imarr = N.ones(shape=fo[1].data.shape, dtype=N.int16) if dqhdr == None: dqhdr = scihdr dqhdr.update('EXTVER', scihdr['EXTVER']) hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=imarr, header=dqhdr, name=outlist[2]) print 'Dither Product: writing out empty context extension.' fo.append(hdu) # Close the output and template file print 'Finished creating FINAL dither product ', output fo.close() del fo[1].data del fo if _ctx: fctx.close() del fctx[0].data del fctx
def OBSOLETE_readIDCtab(tabname, chip=1, direction='forward'): try: ftab = except: raise IOError, "IDC table '%s' not valid as specified!" % tabname #First thing we need, is to read in the coefficients from the IDC # table and populate the Fx and Fy matrices. # Read FITS header to determine order of fit, i.e. k order = ftab['PRIMARY'].header['NORDER'] fx = N.zeros(shape=(order + 1, order + 1), dtype=N.float32) fy = N.zeros(shape=(order + 1, order + 1), dtype=N.float32) #Determine row from which to get the coefficients. # How many rows do we have in the table... fshape = ftab[1].data.shape colnames = ftab[1].data._names row = -1 # Loop over all the rows looking for the one which corresponds # to the value of CCDCHIP we are working on... for i in xrange(fshape[0]): if 'DETCHIP' in colnames: detchip = ftab[1].data.field('DETCHIP')[i] else: detchip = 1 # Below is the pydirzzle 3.0 solution to the problem of SBC idctabs # having a detchip of -999 in SBC idctabs. Better would be to explicity # set the detchip to -999 if the detector is 'SBC'. # Below is the old, legacy pydrizzle 2.6 code if 'DIRECTION' in colnames: direct = string.lower(ftab[1].data.field('DIRECTION')[i]) else: direct = 'forward' if string.strip(direct) == string.strip(direction): if int(detchip) == int(chip) or int(detchip) == -999: row = i break # if 'DIRECTION' in colnames: # direct = string.lower(ftab[1].data.field('DIRECTION')[i]) # else: # raise LookupError,'fileutil: readIDCtab did not find valid DIRECTION' # if (string.strip(direct) == string.strip(direction)) and (int(detchip) == int(chip)): # row = i # print '_readIDCtab breaking on row ',i, 'detchip,direction: ',detchip,direct # break if row < 0: print 'Row corresponding to DETCHIP of ', chip, ' was not found!' raise LookupError refpix = {} refpix['XREF'] = ftab[1].data.field('XREF')[row] refpix['YREF'] = ftab[1].data.field('YREF')[row] refpix['XSIZE'] = ftab[1].data.field('XSIZE')[row] refpix['YSIZE'] = ftab[1].data.field('YSIZE')[row] refpix['PSCALE'] = ftab[1].data.field('SCALE')[row] refpix['V2REF'] = ftab[1].data.field('V2REF')[row] refpix['V3REF'] = ftab[1].data.field('V3REF')[row] refpix['XDELTA'] = 0.0 refpix['YDELTA'] = 0.0 refpix['centered'] = no # Now that we know which row to look at, read coefficients into the # numeric arrays we have set up... # Setup which column name convention the IDCTAB follows # either: A,B or CX,CY if 'CX10' in ftab[1].data._names: cxstr = 'CX' cystr = 'CY' else: cxstr = 'A' cystr = 'B' for i in xrange(order + 1): if i > 0: for j in xrange(i + 1): xcname = cxstr + str(i) + str(j) ycname = cystr + str(i) + str(j) fx[i, j] = ftab[1].data.field(xcname)[row] fy[i, j] = ftab[1].data.field(ycname)[row] ftab.close() del ftab # Return arrays and polynomial order read in from table. # NOTE: XREF and YREF are stored in Fx,Fy arrays respectively. return fx, fy, refpix, order
def getTemplates(oname, tname, extlist): # Obtain default headers for output file # If the output file already exists, use it # If not, use an input file for this information. # # NOTE: Returns 'pyfits.Header' objects, not HDU objects! # fname = None if checkFileExists(oname): fname = oname else: fname = tname if fname != None and string.find(fname, '.fits') > 0: # Open an calibrated ACS image as a template _indx = string.find(tname, '[') if _indx > 0: template = tname[:_indx] else: template = tname ftemplate = # Setup which keyword we will use to select each # extension... _extkey = 'EXTNAME' # # Now, extract the headers necessary for output (as copies) # 1. Find the SCI extension in the template image # 2. Make a COPY of the extension header for use in new output file prihdr = pyfits.Header(cards=ftemplate['PRIMARY'].header.ascard.copy()) extnum = findKeywordExtn(ftemplate, _extkey, extlist[0]) scihdr = pyfits.Header(cards=ftemplate[extnum].header.ascard.copy()) extnum = findKeywordExtn(ftemplate, _extkey, extlist[1]) errhdr = pyfits.Header(cards=ftemplate[extnum].header.ascard.copy()) extnum = findKeywordExtn(ftemplate, _extkey, extlist[2]) dqhdr = pyfits.Header(cards=ftemplate[extnum].header.ascard.copy()) ftemplate.close() del ftemplate else: # Create default headers from scratch prihdr = None scihdr = None errhdr = None dqhdr = None # Now, safeguard against having BSCALE and BZERO try: del scihdr['bscale'] del scihdr['bzero'] del errhdr['bscale'] del errhdr['bzero'] del dqhdr['bscale'] del dqhdr['bzero'] except: # If these don't work, they didn't exist to start with... pass # At this point, check errhdr and dqhdr to make sure they # have all the requisite keywords (as listed in updateDTHKeywords). # Simply copy them from scihdr if they don't exist... if errhdr != None and dqhdr != None: for keyword in DTH_KEYWORDS: if not errhdr.has_key(keyword): errhdr.update(keyword, scihdr[keyword]) if not dqhdr.has_key(keyword): dqhdr.update(keyword, scihdr[keyword]) return prihdr, scihdr, errhdr, dqhdr
####################################################################################### ################################################################## # GET redshift - time conversion ###### # F737 Cosmology F737 = 'Redshift_time_F737_cosmology.fits' # PLanck cosmology FPlanck = 'Redshift_time_FPlanck_cosmology.fits' # Which Cosmology to use: USING_NOW = FPlanck #LOAD Redshift-time dependence A = NOW = A[1].data #LOAD GENERAL PROPERTIES - what will be plotted Redshift = NOW.field('Redshift') Time = NOW.field('Time_Gyr') # time to redshift relation t_to_z = interp1d(Time, Redshift, kind='linear', bounds_error=None) ############################################################ # Integration limits and conversion z to time # ts = np.linspace( 0.25, 13.4, 60000 ) # Produce time grid - 50000 steps seems to be a good minimum for convergence zs = t_to_z(ts) t0 = 0.0
def readAsnTable(fname, output, prodonly=yes): """ This function reads the filenames/rootnames and shifts from a FITS ASN table. Column names expected are: MEMNAME - rootname of each member MEMTYPE - type of member in association(PROD-* or EXP-*) XOFFSET - shift in X for this observation YOFFSET - shift in Y for this observation ROTATION - additional rotation to be applied SCALE - scale image by this value This will return a nested dictionary corresponding to this association table. Observation dictionary: {'xsh':0.,'ysh':0.,'rot':0.,'scale':1.} Product dictionary: {'output':type, 'memname1':dict, 'memname2':dict,...} where dict: Observation dictionary The dictionary using EXP* will be: p = {'output':'dthname','members':{ 'name1':{'xsh':0.,...}, 'name2':{'xsh':0.,...},... } } You get a list of input names using 'p.keys()'. Parameters: output: output - desired name of output image (None,'EXP', or user-filename) prodonly: yes - only select MEMTYPE=PROD* as input observations no - use MEMTYPE=EXP* as input observations Output: If none is specified by user, the first 'PROD-DTH' filename found in the ASN table will be used. If there is no 'PROD-DTH' entry, the first 'PROD' entry will be used instead. Finally, if 'output' = 'EXP', the value 'EXP' will be passed along and interpreted as a switch to use the input filename as the output resulting in every input creating a separate output. """ # Initialize this dictionary for output asndict = {'output': None, 'members': {}} #print "Read ASN table" #pdb.set_trace() # Open the table... try: ftab = except: raise IOError, "Association table '%s' not valid as specified!" % fname tablen = ftab[1].data.shape[0] colnames = ftab[1].data._names # Set a flag to specify whether ASN has a PROD-DTH member dthprod = no # Now, put it together with rootname and type... for row in xrange(tablen): # Read in required columns for each row if 'MEMNAME' in colnames and 'MEMTYPE' in colnames: # We need to make sure no EOS characters remain part of # the strings we read out... mname = string.split(ftab[1].data.field('MEMNAME')[row], '\0', 1)[0] mtype = string.split(ftab[1].data.field('MEMTYPE')[row], '\0', 1)[0] memname = string.strip(mname) memtype = string.strip(mtype) memrow = row else: print 'Association table incomplete: required column(s) MEMNAME/MEMTYPE NOT found!' raise LookupError # Do we care about this entry? # Entries that should be used to build DTH product are: # PROD-RPT, PROD-CRJ, EXP-DTH if string.find(memtype, 'PROD') < 0 and string.find( memtype, 'EXP-DTH') < 0: if prodonly == yes: # We are looking at an EXP* entry we don't want... continue memdict = {} # Keep track of which order they were read in by their row number memdict['row'] = memrow memdict['xoff'] = 0. memdict['yoff'] = 0. memdict['rot'] = 0. # Read in optional data from columns # X offset if 'XOFFSET' in colnames: memdict['delta_x'] = ftab[1].data.field('XOFFSET')[row] else: memdict['delta_x'] = 0. # Y offset if 'YOFFSET' in colnames: memdict['delta_y'] = ftab[1].data.field('YOFFSET')[row] else: memdict['delta_y'] = 0. # Rotation angle if 'ROTATION' in colnames: memdict['delta_rot'] = ftab[1].data.field('ROTATION')[row] else: memdict['delta_rot'] = 0. # Scale: output pixel size if 'SCALE' in colnames: memdict['scale'] = ftab[1].data.field('SCALE')[row] else: memdict['scale'] = 1. # Build the shifts dictionary now... if string.find(memtype, 'PROD') < 0 and prodonly == no: # We want to use this EXP* entry. asndict['members'][memname] = memdict elif memtype == 'PROD-DTH': # We have found a dither product specified in ASN # Not to be used for input, but # has one already been specified as the final output? if dthprod == no: if output == None: # Use default output name asndict['output'] = memname else: # Use user-specified output name here asndict['output'] = output dthprod = yes else: # We are working with a PROD* entry... if prodonly == yes: asndict['members'][memname] = memdict # Set up a default output filename # This will be overwritten by a different output # name if a PROD-DTH entry is found in the ASN table # and 'output' was not specified by the user. # Useful for CR-SPLIT/REPEAT-OBS ASN tables. if asndict['output'] == None: if output == None: asndict['output'] = memname else: asndict['output'] = output # Finished reading all relevant rows from table ftab.close() del ftab return asndict
def do_one_file(dirname, fitsfile, run, ccd, plate, ndfclass_updated, cob_id, runccd_id, run_id, motherfolder, n, N): print n, "/", N, print " + Creating table for file", str(dirname) + "/" + fitsfile out_storage = [] i = (dirname, fitsfile, run, ccd, plate, ndfclass_updated, cob_id, runccd_id, run_id) path = find_file(i[0], i[1], i[3], motherfolder) if path == None: print " - No file found for %s/%s" % (i[0], i[1]) hdulist = fdata = hdulist["STRUCT.MORE.FIBRES"].data name = fdata["NAME"] ra = fdata["RA"] de = fdata["DEC"] x = fdata["X"] y = fdata["Y"] xe = fdata["XERR"] ye = fdata["YERR"] tp = fdata["TYPE"] pivot = fdata["PIVOT"] mag = fdata["MAGNITUDE"] comment = fdata["COMMENT"] name = fdata["NAME"] mag = fdata["MAGNITUDE"] theta = fdata["THETA"] pmra = fdata["PMRA"] pmdec = fdata["PMDEC"] pid = fdata["PID"] retractor = fdata["RETRACTOR"] wlen = fdata["WLEN"] hdulist.close() h0 = pyfits.getheader(path, 0) utdate = h0["UTDATE"] utstart = h0["UTSTART"] zenithh = h0["ZDSTART"] for j in range(1, 401): #change coordinates into degrees ra_ins = np.degrees(ra[j - 1]) de_ins = np.degrees(de[j - 1]) #fix observations type tp_ins = tp[j - 1] if tp_ins == '.': tp_ins = 'P' #calculate airmass zenith = zenith_distance(utdate, utstart, ra_ins, de_ins) airmass = 1.0 / np.cos(np.radians(float(zenith))) #calculate barycentric velocity barycentric, heliocentric = sol_corrections(ra_ins, de_ins, h0) barycentric ="km/s").value heliocentric ="km/s").value galahic = find_galah_id(name[j - 1]) outname = ((i[0] * 10000 + i[2]) * 100000 + pivot[j - 1]) * 10 + i[3] #[date][run][algo][pivot][ccd] #print i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3],i[4],i[5],i[6],pivot[j-1],j,tp_ins,ra_ins,de_ins,x[j-1],y[j-1],xe[j-1],ye[j-1],name[j-1],comment[j-1],mag[j-1],galahic, outname, airmass, barycentric, heliocentric out_storage.append( (i[7], i[8], pivot[j - 1], j, tp_ins, ra_ins, de_ins, x[j - 1], y[j - 1], xe[j - 1], ye[j - 1], theta[j - 1], name[j - 1], comment[j - 1], mag[j - 1], pmra[j - 1], pmdec[j - 1], round(pid[j - 1], 12), retractor[j - 1], round(wlen[j - 1], 12), galahic, outname, airmass, barycentric, heliocentric)) #cur.execute("insert into objects values (%s, '%s', %s, %s, %s, '%s', %s, %s, %s, '%s', %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, '%s', '%s', %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3],i[4],i[5],i[6],pivot[j-1],j,tp_ins,ra_ins,de_ins,x[j-1],y[j-1],xe[j-1],ye[j-1],name[j-1],comment[j-1],mag[j-1],galahic, outname, airmass, barycentric, heliocentric)) #con.commit() return out_storage
def fits_open(file_in): Open_C = Fits_catalogue = Open_C[1].data return Fits_catalogue
#!/usr/local/bin/python import numpy import numpy as np import pyfits from pyslalib import slalib import pywcs import math from math import * import re from glob import glob degtorad = math.pi / 180 file = 'pnS005-cheese.fits' hdulist = cra = hdulist[0].header['CRVAL1'] # cra = central ra cdec = hdulist[0].header['CRVAL2'] # cdec = central dec hdulist.close() file = 'CDFS4MS_REVISED.fits' f = open(file) lines = f.readlines() f.close() chandra_ra = [] chandra_dec = [] chandra_r = [] chandra_theta = [] chandra_type = [] chandra_flux = []
def get_NUV_PSA_WCA(psalist, wcalist, scale=False, width=512, ishift=1, extrakeys=False, debug=False): """ Does a cross-correlation between a pair of x1d files containing the PSA and WCA spectra for the same central wavelegth. input: psalist - a list containing filenames of the x1d spectra for the PSA wcalist - a list containing filenames of the x1d spectra for the WCA optional input: scale - whether wca spectrum is multiplied with boxcar smoothing factor of the ratio between psa and wca spectrum ishift - guess of the intial shift in pixels, int width - width of the search area in pixels, int returns: a list with central wavelengths, stripes, and calculated offset values. """ if scale: from numarray.convolve import boxcar as bc if extrakeys: import glob lpsa = len(psalist) lwca = len(wcalist) result = [] if debug: print '%i and %i PSA and WCA files will be processed, respectively' % (lpsa, lwca) if lpsa != lwca: print 'The lists of filenames do not have the same number of elements.' print 'psalist has %i elements while wcalist has %i' % (lpsa, lwca) print 'Will exit now...' sys.exit(-1) for psafile, wcafile in zip(psalist, wcalist): if debug: print 'Running files %s and %s' % (psafile, wcafile) try: #psadata, psahdr = pf.getdata(psafile, header = True) #wcadata, wcahdr = pf.getdata(wcafile, header = True) #Above did not return the whole header for some reason? psa = wca = psahdr = psa[0].header wcahdr = wca[0].header psadata = psa[1].data wcadata = wca[1].data psa.close() wca.close() except: print 'Error while reading data...' if extrakeys: try: #path = '/Volumes/cos/PreLaunch/Data/TV06/FITS/Test_Processing/Jan_15_2009_fixed/' #spt = path + psafile[:21] + '_spt.fits' path = '/Volumes/cos/PreLaunch/Data/TV03/FITS/Test_Processing/Jan_05_2009/' spt = path + psafile[50:-19] + '_spt.fits' sptlist = spthdr = sptlist[2].header sptlist.close() except: print 'Error while opening %s file...' % spt cenwav = psahdr['CENWAVE'] stripe = psahdr['SEGMENT'] grating = psahdr['OPT_ELEM'] fppos = psahdr['FPPOS'] psay = psadata[0][1] wcay = wcadata[0][1] ldstp = -999. ldvdt = -999. lxstp = -999. lxvdt = -999. if extrakeys: try: ldstp = spthdr['LAPDSTP'] ldvdt = spthdr['LAPDLVDT'] lxstp = spthdr['LAPXSTP'] lxvdt = spthdr['LAPXLVDT'] except: print 'Error while reading extra keys...' if cenwav != wcahdr['CENWAVE']: print 'Error - PSA and WCA files are not at same CENWAVE' print 'Will skip the files' continue if stripe != wcahdr['SEGMENT']: print 'Error - PSA and WCA files are not from the same STRIPE' print 'Will skip the files' continue if debug: print 'Processing the central wavelenght of %i Angstroms' % cenwav if debug: print 'Processing the %s segment' % stripe if scale: mpsay = max(bc(psay, (5,))) mwcay = max(bc(wcay, (5,))) factor = mpsay / mwcay wcay *= factor print 'Boxcar smoothing for psa: %s and wca %s' % (mpsay, mwcay) #correlation: #correlation2 = correlate(psay, wcay, mode = conv.VALID) #correlation2 = correlate(psay, wcay, mode = conv.FULL) #correlation2 = correlate(psay, wcay) #VALID gives the same result as this #t = Numeric.cross_correlate(psay, wcay) offs, correlation = SpectrumOffset(psay, wcay, width=width, i1=ishift) if debug: print 'Correlation: %s' % correlation if debug: print 'Offset %8.6f found' % offs #NOTE: #there is - in front of the offs #fix this if used properly calibrated data!!! if extrakeys: result.append([cenwav, stripe, -offs, psafile, grating, fppos, ldstp, ldvdt, lxstp, lxvdt]) else: result.append([cenwav, stripe, -offs, psafile, grating, fppos]) return result
def keptrim(infile, outfile, kepid, column, row, imsize, clobber, verbose, logfile, status): # startup parameters status = 0 # log the call hashline = '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' kepmsg.log(logfile, hashline, verbose) call = 'KEPTRIM -- ' call += 'infile=' + infile + ' ' call += 'outfile=' + outfile + ' ' call += 'kepid=' + str(kepid) + ' ' call += 'column=' + str(column) + ' ' call += 'row=' + str(row) + ' ' call += 'imsize=' + str(imsize) + ' ' overwrite = 'n' if (clobber): overwrite = 'y' call += 'clobber=' + overwrite + ' ' chatter = 'n' if (verbose): chatter = 'y' call += 'verbose=' + chatter + ' ' call += 'logfile=' + logfile kepmsg.log(logfile, call + '\n', verbose) # start time kepmsg.clock('KEPTRIM started at', logfile, verbose) # test log file logfile = kepmsg.test(logfile) # clobber output file if clobber: status = kepio.clobber(outfile, logfile, verbose) if kepio.fileexists(outfile): message = 'ERROR -- KEPTRIM: ' + outfile + ' exists. Use --clobber' status = kepmsg.err(logfile, message, verbose) # open input file status = 0 instr =, mode='readonly', memmap=True) cards0 = instr[0] cards1 = instr[1] cards2 = instr[2] # fudge non-compliant FITS keywords with no values if status == 0: instr = kepkey.emptykeys(instr, file, logfile, verbose) # identify the season of observation if status == 0: try: season = cards0['SEASON'].value except: season = 0 # retrieve column and row from KIC try: kic = FOVKepID(str(kepid)) column = int(kic[98 + season * 5]) row = int(kic[97 + season * 5]) except: pass # convert CCD column and row to image column and row if status == 0: if imsize % 2 == 0: imsize += 1 crpix1p = cards2['CRPIX1P'].value crpix2p = cards2['CRPIX2P'].value crval1p = cards2['CRVAL1P'].value crval2p = cards2['CRVAL2P'].value cdelt1p = cards2['CDELT1P'].value cdelt2p = cards2['CDELT2P'].value imcol = (column - crval1p) * cdelt1p + crpix1p - 1 imrow = (row - crval2p) * cdelt2p + crpix2p - 1 crval1p = column - imsize / 2 + 0.5 crval2p = row - imsize / 2 + 0.5 # check subimage is contained inside the input image if status == 0: naxis1 = cards2['NAXIS1'].value naxis2 = cards2['NAXIS2'].value x1 = imcol - imsize / 2 + 0.5 x2 = x1 + imsize y1 = imrow - imsize / 2 + 0.5 y2 = y1 + imsize if x1 < 0 or y1 < 0 or x2 > naxis1 or y2 > naxis2: message = 'ERROR -- KEPTRIM: Requested pixel area falls outside of the pixel image in file ' + infile message += '. Make the pixel area smaller or relocate it' 's center.' status = kepmsg.err(logfile, message, verbose) # time series data if status == 0: time = instr[1].data.field('TIME')[:] timecorr = instr[1].data.field('TIMECORR')[:] cadenceno = instr[1].data.field('CADENCENO')[:] raw_cnts = instr[1].data.field('RAW_CNTS')[:] flux = instr[1].data.field('FLUX')[:] flux_err = instr[1].data.field('FLUX_ERR')[:] flux_bkg = instr[1].data.field('FLUX_BKG')[:] flux_bkg_err = instr[1].data.field('FLUX_BKG_ERR')[:] cosmic_rays = instr[1].data.field('COSMIC_RAYS')[:] quality = instr[1].data.field('QUALITY')[:] pos_corr1 = instr[1].data.field('POS_CORR1')[:] pos_corr2 = instr[1].data.field('POS_CORR2')[:] # resize time series if status == 0: raw_cnts = raw_cnts[:, y1:y2, x1:x2] flux = flux[:, y1:y2, x1:x2] flux_err = flux_err[:, y1:y2, x1:x2] flux_bkg = flux_bkg[:, y1:y2, x1:x2] flux_bkg_err = flux_bkg_err[:, y1:y2, x1:x2] cosmic_rays = cosmic_rays[:, y1:y2, x1:x2] # reshape time series images if status == 0: isize = numpy.shape(flux)[0] jsize = numpy.shape(flux)[1] ksize = numpy.shape(flux)[2] raw_cnts = numpy.reshape(raw_cnts, (isize, jsize * ksize)) flux = numpy.reshape(flux, (isize, jsize * ksize)) flux_err = numpy.reshape(flux_err, (isize, jsize * ksize)) flux_bkg = numpy.reshape(flux_bkg, (isize, jsize * ksize)) flux_bkg_err = numpy.reshape(flux_bkg_err, (isize, jsize * ksize)) cosmic_rays = numpy.reshape(cosmic_rays, (isize, jsize * ksize)) # pixel map data if status == 0: maskmap = array(instr[2].data[y1:y2, x1:x2]) # construct output primary extension if status == 0: hdu0 = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() for i in range(len(cards0)): try: if cards0[i].key not in list(hdu0.header.keys()): hdu0.header.update(cards0[i].key, cards0[i].value, cards0[i].comment) else:[ cards0[i].key].comment = cards0[i].comment except: pass status = kepkey.history(call, hdu0, outfile, logfile, verbose) outstr = HDUList(hdu0) # construct output light curve extension if status == 0: coldim = '(' + str(imsize) + ',' + str(imsize) + ')' eformat = str(imsize * imsize) + 'E' jformat = str(imsize * imsize) + 'J' kformat = str(imsize * imsize) + 'K' col1 = Column(name='TIME', format='D', unit='BJD - 2454833', array=time) col2 = Column(name='TIMECORR', format='E', unit='d', array=timecorr) col3 = Column(name='CADENCENO', format='J', array=cadenceno) col4 = Column(name='RAW_CNTS', format=jformat, unit='count', dim=coldim, array=raw_cnts) col5 = Column(name='FLUX', format=eformat, unit='e-/s', dim=coldim, array=flux) col6 = Column(name='FLUX_ERR', format=eformat, unit='e-/s', dim=coldim, array=flux_err) col7 = Column(name='FLUX_BKG', format=eformat, unit='e-/s', dim=coldim, array=flux_bkg) col8 = Column(name='FLUX_BKG_ERR', format=eformat, unit='e-/s', dim=coldim, array=flux_bkg_err) col9 = Column(name='COSMIC_RAYS', format=eformat, unit='e-/s', dim=coldim, array=cosmic_rays) col10 = Column(name='QUALITY', format='J', array=quality) col11 = Column(name='POS_CORR1', format='E', unit='pixel', array=pos_corr1) col12 = Column(name='POS_CORR2', format='E', unit='pixel', array=pos_corr2) cols = ColDefs([ col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8, col9, col10, col11, col12 ]) hdu1 = new_table(cols) for i in range(len(cards1)): try: if cards1[i].key not in list(hdu1.header.keys()): hdu1.header.update(cards1[i].key, cards1[i].value, cards1[i].comment) else:[ cards1[i].key].comment = cards1[i].comment except: pass hdu1.header.update('1CRV4P', crval1p, '[pixel] detector coordinate at reference pixel') hdu1.header.update('2CRV4P', crval2p, '[pixel] detector coordinate at reference pixel') hdu1.header.update('1CRPX4', (imsize + 1) / 2, '[pixel] reference pixel along image axis 1') hdu1.header.update('2CRPX4', (imsize + 1) / 2, '[pixel] reference pixel along image axis 2') hdu1.header.update('1CRV5P', crval1p, '[pixel] detector coordinate at reference pixel') hdu1.header.update('2CRV5P', crval2p, '[pixel] detector coordinate at reference pixel') hdu1.header.update('1CRPX5', (imsize + 1) / 2, '[pixel] reference pixel along image axis 1') hdu1.header.update('2CRPX5', (imsize + 1) / 2, '[pixel] reference pixel along image axis 2') hdu1.header.update('1CRV6P', crval1p, '[pixel] detector coordinate at reference pixel') hdu1.header.update('2CRV6P', crval2p, '[pixel] detector coordinate at reference pixel') hdu1.header.update('1CRPX6', (imsize + 1) / 2, '[pixel] reference pixel along image axis 1') hdu1.header.update('2CRPX6', (imsize + 1) / 2, '[pixel] reference pixel along image axis 2') hdu1.header.update('1CRV7P', crval1p, '[pixel] detector coordinate at reference pixel') hdu1.header.update('2CRV7P', crval2p, '[pixel] detector coordinate at reference pixel') hdu1.header.update('1CRPX7', (imsize + 1) / 2, '[pixel] reference pixel along image axis 1') hdu1.header.update('2CRPX7', (imsize + 1) / 2, '[pixel] reference pixel along image axis 2') hdu1.header.update('1CRV8P', crval1p, '[pixel] detector coordinate at reference pixel') hdu1.header.update('2CRV8P', crval2p, '[pixel] detector coordinate at reference pixel') hdu1.header.update('1CRPX8', (imsize + 1) / 2, '[pixel] reference pixel along image axis 1') hdu1.header.update('2CRPX8', (imsize + 1) / 2, '[pixel] reference pixel along image axis 2') hdu1.header.update('1CRV9P', crval1p, '[pixel] detector coordinate at reference pixel') hdu1.header.update('2CRV9P', crval2p, '[pixel] detector coordinate at reference pixel') hdu1.header.update('1CRPX9', (imsize + 1) / 2, '[pixel] reference pixel along image axis 1') hdu1.header.update('2CRPX9', (imsize + 1) / 2, '[pixel] reference pixel along image axis 2') outstr.append(hdu1) # construct output mask bitmap extension if status == 0: hdu2 = ImageHDU(maskmap) for i in range(len(cards2)): try: if cards2[i].key not in list(hdu2.header.keys()): hdu2.header.update(cards2[i].key, cards2[i].value, cards2[i].comment) else:[ cards2[i].key].comment = cards2[i].comment except: pass hdu2.header.update('NAXIS1', imsize, '') hdu2.header.update('NAXIS2', imsize, '') hdu2.header.update('CRVAL1P', crval1p, '[pixel] detector coordinate at reference pixel') hdu2.header.update('CRVAL2P', crval2p, '[pixel] detector coordinate at reference pixel') hdu2.header.update('CRPIX1', (imsize + 1) / 2, '[pixel] reference pixel along image axis 1') hdu2.header.update('CRPIX2', (imsize + 1) / 2, '[pixel] reference pixel along image axis 2') outstr.append(hdu2) # write output file if status == 0: outstr.writeto(outfile, checksum=True) # close input structure if status == 0: status = kepio.closefits(instr, logfile, verbose) # end time kepmsg.clock('KEPTRIM finished at', logfile, verbose)
import pyfits import pylab import ephem import time from PIL import Image from numpy import * file = '/home/scratch/kbandura/GBT09C_075/00_zCOSMOS_drift_9-17.raw.acs.fits') gbt_data = file[1].data #for drift scan crval2 is az, crval3 is el #for ra-long maps, crval2 is ra, crval3 is dec az_gbt = gbt_data.field('crval2') el_gbt = gbt_data.field('crval3') times = gbt_data.field('DATE-OBS') dur = gbt_data.field('DURATION') GBT = ephem.Observer() GBT.long = '-79:50:23.4' = '38:25:59.23' GBT.pressure = 0 GBT.temp = 0 az_r = az_gbt * pi / 180.0 el_r = el_gbt * pi / 180.0 max_times = times.shape[0] rag = zeros(max_times) decg = zeros(max_times)
input_fits_image_band1 = './input/ngp7_ks_2h30min_20160228_astro_2MASS_0p231rms.fits' #=====Ks input_fits_image_band2 = './input/ngp7_j_1h_20160228_astro_2MASS_0p231rms.fits' #=====J input_fits_image_band3 = './input/ngp7_h_54min_20160228_astro_2MASS_0p232rms.fits' #=====H #input_fits_image_band4='./input/gama12_i_band_ACAM_53min_20160226_astro_0p241rms.fits' #=====I #input_fits_image_band5='./input/G12v230_IRAC_Mosaic_36.fits' #=====3.6 micron #input_fits_image_band6='./input/G12v230_IRAC_Mosaic_45.fits' #=====4.5 micron band4_present = 0 #=================================================================1:yes 0:no (I band) band5_present = 0 #=================================================================1:yes 0:no (3.6 band) band6_present = 0 #=================================================================1:yes 0:no (4.5 band) #================================Load in fits table=============================================== names_cutoff = './aplpy_subset_combined.fits' ) #========================================================HERE names_cutoff_data = names_cutoff[1].data X_WORLD_K = names_cutoff_data.field('X_WORLD_K') Y_WORLD_K = names_cutoff_data.field('Y_WORLD_K') K_mag = names_cutoff_data.field( 'M_calibrated_K=MAG_APER_K+26.2715655err0.0033601851' ) #==================================================HERE note to correct column name J_mag = names_cutoff_data.field( 'M_calibrated_J=MAG_APER_J+-27.7601671913err0.0105872686' ) #==================================================HERE note to correct column name H_mag = names_cutoff_data.field( 'M_calibrated_H=MAG_APER_H+-27.3164248253err0.0079622063' ) #==================================================HERE note to correct column name #I_mag = names_cutoff_data.field('M_calibrated_I=MAG_APER_I+32.5366530465err0.0029509302') #==================================================HERE note to correct column name NUMBER_K = names_cutoff_data.field('NUMBER_K')
kb = 1.38E-16 pixel_area = (10 / 180. * math.pi / 1024)**2 def Tb2flux(Tb, nu_MHz): nu = nu_MHz * 1E6 return kb * Tb * 2 * nu**2 / c**2 * pixel_area fout = open('spec.qdp', 'w') for k in range(0, len(freq_list)): fname = fprefix + ` freq_list[k] ` + '.fits' img =[0].data center_ij = img_utils.max_element(img) print center_ij for i in range(-rmax, rmax + 1): for j in range(-rmax, rmax + 1): r = int(math.sqrt(i**2 + j**2)) if img[center_ij[0] + i, center_ij[1] + j] > 0 and r < rmax: profile_sum[k][int(r)] += img[center_ij[0] + i, center_ij[1] + j] profile_cnt[k][int(r)] += 1 for i in range(0, len(profile_sum[k])): if profile_cnt[k][i] > 0: profile_sum[k][i] /= profile_cnt[k][i] if profile_sum[k][i] < profile_sum[k][0] / 10.:
def get_pc_setpts(log_name = "setpt_log.csv", mode = "science"): ''' Take FFT of PSF, and calculate new Phasecam PL and TT setpoints INPUTS: log_name: name of the csv file to which FFT information will be printed mode: "fake_fits": read in fake FITS files (but continue sending LMIR and mirror commands) "artif_source": use an artificial source (either laser or pinhole) "science": on-sky ''' ampArray = [] counter_num = 0 take_roi_background() if (mode == "fake_fits"): #f ="test_fits_files/test_frame_fiz_large.fits") f ="test_fits_files/test_frame_fiz_small.fits") elif (mode == "science"): # take a frame with background subtracting print("Taking a background-subtracted frame") f = pi.getFITS("LMIRCAM.fizPSFImage.File", "LMIRCAM.acquire.enable_bg=1;int_time=%i;is_bg=0;is_cont=0;num_coadds=1;num_seqs=1" % 100, timeout=60) image = f[0].data for f in range(0,1): # just 1 sample for now start = time.time() # start timer ## ##image, header = fits.getdata(filename_str,0,header=True) # locate PSF psf_loc = overlap_psfs.find_airy_psf(image) # size of cookie cut-out (measured center-to-edge) #cookie_size = 100 # maximum control radius as of 2018 July corresponds to 130.0 pixels # take FFT # cookie_cut = image[psf_loc[0]-cookie_size:psf_loc[0]+cookie_size,psf_loc[1]-cookie_size:psf_loc[1]+cookie_size] cookie_cut = np.copy(image) amp, arg = fft_img(cookie_cut).fft(padding=int(5*cookie_size), mask_thresh=1e5) # test: image with a perfect slope ''' testing, header = fits.getdata('slope_test_psf.fits',0,header=True) cookie_cut_testing = testing[psf_loc[0]-cookie_size:psf_loc[0]+ cookie_size,psf_loc[1]-cookie_size:psf_loc[1]+cookie_size] #sciImg = ma.asarray(sciImg) amp[np.isfinite(amp)] = -1 #cookie_cut_testing[np.isfinite(amp)] ''' # sanity check (and to avoid getting for loop stuck) if (np.shape(amp)[0]!=np.shape(amp)[1]): # if the FFT doesn't make sense (i.e., if PSF was not found) print('PSF does not make sense ... aborting this one ...') continue print( print( # analyze FFTs fftInfo_amp = fftMask(amp,wavel_lambda,plateScale, fyi_string=str("{:0>6d}".format(f))+' FFT amp') fftInfo_arg = fftMask(arg,wavel_lambda,plateScale, fyi_string=str("{:0>6d}".format(f))+' FFT phase') print(fftInfo_amp) print(fftInfo_arg) # save fyi FITS files hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU( hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu]) hdu.writeto('junk_test_amp.fits', clobber=True) hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU( hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu]) hdu.writeto('junk_test_arg.fits', clobber=True) ## take info from the FFTs to send corrective movements # thresholds fft_ampl_high_freq_lowlimit = 2.4e5 # for good fringe visibility fft_ampl_low_freq_lowlimit = 1.4e6 # for acceptable AO correction fft_phase_vec_high_freq_highlimit = 5 # for Airy overlap std_lowFreqPerfect_lowlimit = 10 # for Airy overlap phase_normVec_highFreqPerfect_R_x # for phase of high-freq fringes # poor overlap of the Airy PSFs? print("--------------------------") print("Std of phase of low freq lobe:") print(fftInfo_arg["std_lowFreqPerfect"]) ## HOW DOES IT COMPARE WITH std_lowFreqPerfect_lowlimit ? # poor fringe visibility print("Median of ampl of high freq lobe:") print(fftInfo_amp["med_highFreqPerfect_R"]) ## HOW DOES IT COMPARE W fft_ampl_high_freq_lowlimit # high-freq fringes have strange phase ## ## change FPC TT until phase gradients in PTF are removed ## ## 1. Differential tip: phase gradient is all up-down, and the low-freq node in FT amplitude takes on a crushed ellipticity. ## ## 2. Differentia tilt: phase gradient is left-right, but it is not continuous; it is divided among the three nodes. print("Phase gradient in x of high freq in PTF:") print(fftInfo_arg["phase_normVec_highFreqPerfect_R"][0]) print("Phase gradient in y of high freq in PTF:") print(fftInfo_arg["phase_normVec_highFreqPerfect_R"][1]) # other quality control metrics from Phasecam (email from D. Defrere, 2018 Dec 17) # PCMSNR: S/N of K-band fringes # PCPHSTD: noise of phase in the integration time of NOMIC # all together now, lets make corrective movements # for better Airy overlap: tip-tilt the FPC pi.setINDI("Acromag.FPC.Tip="+'{0:.1f}'.format(vector_move_asec[0])+";Tilt="+'{0:.1f}'.format(vector_move_asec[1])+";Piston=0;Mode=1") # for better fringe visibility: move the FPC or HPC in piston stepSize = 5. # (um, total OPD) # big steps, translation stage: Ubcs.SPC_Trans.command=>5 pi.setINDI("Ubcs.SPC_Trans.command=>"+'{0:.1f}'.format(10*0.5*stepSize)) # factor of 10 bcz command is in 0.1 um # small steps, piezos: Acromag.HPC.Tip=0;Tilt=0;Piston=[stepSize];Mode=1 ## ## pi.setINDI("Acromag.HPC.Tip=0;Tilt=0;Piston="+'{0:.1f}'.format(stepSize)+";Mode=1") ## ## pi.setINDI("Acromag.FPC.Tip=0;Tilt=0;Piston="+'{0:.1f}'.format(stepSize)+";Mode=1") end = time.time() print(end - start) print('-----') # turn off fizeau flag to avoid problems with other observations print("De-activating ROI aquisition flag") pi.setINDI("LMIRCAM.fizRun.value=Off") return
if "F1065C" in indir: lambda0 = 10.65 if "F1140C" in indir: lambda0 = 11.40 if "F1550C" in indir: lambda0 = 15.50 # size of input images (7.04 arcseconds) if "MIRI" in indir: instr = 'MIRI' elif "NIRCam" in indir: instr = 'NIRCam' os.chdir( '/Users/lajoie/Documents/Work/Projects/JWST/Simulations/Coronagraphs/Dither-LOCI/Results/' + indir) #os.chdir('/Users/lajoie/Documents/Work/Projects/JWST/CWG/SGD/'+indir) directory = os.getcwd() input_Unocculted = glob.glob('*run1_Unocculted*.fits') hdu =[0]) unocculted = hdu[0].data hdu.close() dim = unocculted.shape[0] npix = dim**2 # Binary aperture centered on (xmid, ymid): 0 within "radius", 1 outside xmid, ymid = dim / 2 - 1, dim / 2 - 1 radius = 4 aperture = np.array([[ 1. if (np.sqrt((i - xmid)**2 + (j - ymid)**2) < radius) else 0. for i in xrange(dim) ] for j in xrange(dim)]) psf_aper = np.convolve(unocculted.flatten(), aperture.flatten()) binsize = 1.0
# script to produce moon and sun az an el synchronized to 10 and 15 GHz pointing files import cofe_util as util import pyfits import numpy as np import cPickle #start with 10 GHz # open up the data and pointing files s10 ='c:/cofe/flight_data/Level1/1.1/all_10GHz_servo.fits') ut10 = s10['TIME'].data['UT'] lat = s10['gyro_hid'].data['hybridlatitude'] lon = s10['gyro_hid'].data['hybridlongitude'] s10.close() ndata = len(ut10) lat = np.zeros(ndata, dtype=np.float32) + 0.596 lon = np.zeros(ndata, dtype=np.float32) - 1.8179 azsun, elsun = util.get_cofe_target(ut10, lat, lon, 'Sun') azmoon, elmoon = util.get_cofe_target(ut10, lat, lon, 'Moon') azsun = azsun * 180. / np.pi elsun = elsun * 180. / np.pi azmoon = azmoon * 180. / np.pi elmoon = elmoon * 180. / np.pi sun = [azsun, elsun] moon = [azmoon, elmoon] sunfile10 = open('c:/cofe/flight_data/Level1/1.1/sunazel10ghz.pkl', 'wb') cPickle.dump(sun, sunfile10) sunfile10.close() moonfile10 = open('c:/cofe/flight_data/Level1/1.1/moonazel10ghz.pkl', 'wb') cPickle.dump(moon, moonfile10)
def calfits_to_Bcal(cfits, inp_cfile, out_cfile=None, overwrite=False): """ Take a calfits antenna gain file and insert data into an existing CASA bandpass calibration table. Note that due to the obtuseness of CASA, this function is VERY rigid: the calfits file must be very similar in shape and order to the CASA Bcal table. It is only recommended to use this script on calfits files that were originally * tables, exported to files by and then converted to calfits via Args: cfits : str, filepath to pyuvdata calfits file inp_cfile : str, filepath to CASA Bandpass calibration table to use as a template out_cfile : str, filepath for output CASA Bcal table with cfits data overwrite : bool, if True, overwrite output Bcal table """ # assert IO if out_cfile is None: out_cfile = inp_cfile if os.path.exists(out_cfile) and not overwrite: raise IOError("Output cal table {} exists and overwrite is False...".format(out_cfile)) # move inp_cfile to out_cfile if os.path.exists(out_cfile): shutil.rmtree(out_cfile) shutil.copytree(inp_cfile, out_cfile) # load cfits data and get metadata hdu = head = hdu[0].header data = hdu[0].data # open out_cfile descriptor assert "CPARAM" in tb.getdminfo()['*1']['COLUMNS'], "{} is not a CASA bandpass table...".format(inp_cfile) d = tb.getcol("CPARAM") f = tb.getcol("FLAG") a = tb.getcol("ANTENNA1") # The pol axes must match in size assert head['NAXIS2'] == d.shape[0], "Npols doesn't match between {} and {}".format(inp_cfile, cfits) # real and imag are 0, 1 Image Array axes of fits file flags = data[:, 0, :, :, :, 2] data = data[:, 0, :, :, :, 0].astype(np.complex) - 1j * data[:, 0, :, :, :, 1] # CASA conjugates cal solutions... # extend to matching antennas Nants, Nfreqs, Ntimes, Npols = data.shape ants = hdu[1].data['ANTARR'].astype( _data, _flags = [], [] for i, ant in enumerate(a): if ant in ants: aind = ants.index(ant) _data.append(data[aind]) _flags.append(flags[aind]) else: _data.append(np.ones((Nfreqs, Ntimes, Npols), dtype=np.complex)) _flags.append(np.ones((Nfreqs, Ntimes, Npols), dtype=np.float)) data = np.asarray(_data, dtype=np.complex) flags = np.asarray(_flags, dtype=np.float) # cal table is ordered as ant1_time1, ant2_time1, ... ant1_time2, ant2_time2 Nants, Nfreqs, Ntimes, Npols = data.shape data = np.moveaxis(data, 2, 0).reshape(Nants * Ntimes, Nfreqs, Npols).T flags = np.moveaxis(flags, 2, 0).reshape(Nants * Ntimes, Nfreqs, Npols).T # now select frequencies that match cal table tb.close()"{}/SPECTRAL_WINDOW".format(out_cfile)) fr = tb.getcol("CHAN_FREQ")[:, 0] tb.close() freqs = np.arange(head["NAXIS4"]) * head["CDELT4"] + head["CRVAL4"] fselect = np.array([np.isclose(_f, fr).any() for _f in freqs]) data = data[:, fselect, :] flags = flags[:, fselect, :] # the two arrays must match in shape now assert data.shape == d.shape, "fits_data.shape != cal_data.shape..." assert flags.shape == f.shape, "fits_flags.shape != cal_flags.shape..." # putcol print("...inserting {} data and flags into {}".format(cfits, out_cfile)), nomodify=False) tb.putcol("CPARAM", data) tb.putcol("FLAG", flags) tb.close() return out_cfile
def update_keyword(self, keyword, value, comment=None): """ Updates the value of a FITS keyword, adding it if it does not exist. The method updates the value of a keyword in the FITS header, replacing it with the specified value or simply adding it in case if does not yet exist. Note that, although always upper-case inside the FITS file, keywords are here case-insensitive, for user's convenience. Raises ValueError if a HIERARCH keyword (that is, a keyword longer than eight characters or that contains spaces) and its value exceed eighty characters. The reason for this limitation is that PyFITS does not support CONTINUE for HIERARCH. If the value is too long, therefore, make sure that the keyword does not need to be HIERARCH-ed. Keyword arguments: comment - the comment to be added to the keyword. """ if len(keyword) > 8: msg = "%s: keyword '%s' is longer than eight characters or " \ "contains spaces; a HIERARCH card will be created" logging.debug(msg % (self.path, keyword)) handler =, mode='update') msg = "%s: file opened to update '%s' keyword" % (self.path, keyword) logging.debug(msg) try: header = handler[0].header # Ignore the 'card is too long, comment is truncated' warning # printed by PyRAF in case, well, the comment is too long. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') header[keyword] = (value, comment) args = self.path, keyword, value msg = "%s: keyword '%s' updated to '%s'" % args if comment: msg += " with comment '%s'" % comment logging.debug(msg) # Update in-memory copy of the FITS header self._header = header except ValueError, e: # ValueError is raised if a HIERARCH keyword is used and the total # length (keyword, equal sign string and value) is greater than 80 # characters. The default exception message is a bit cryptic ("The # keyword {...} with its value is too long"), so add some more # information to help the user understand what went wrong. pattern = "The keyword .*? with its value is too long" if re.match(pattern, str(e)): assert len(keyword) > 8 msg = ("%s: keyword '%s' could not be updated (\"%s\"). Note " "that PyFITS does not support CONTINUE for HIERARCH. " "In other words: if your keyword has more than eight " "characters or contains spaces, the total length of " "the keyword with its value cannot be longer than %d " "characters.") args = self.path, keyword, str(e), pyfits.Card.length logging.warning(msg % args) raise ValueError(msg % args) else: # Different ValueError, re-raise it msg = "%s: keyword '%s' could not be updated (%s)" args = self.path, keyword, e logging.warning(msg % args) raise
if 'VELSHIFT' in imfits[0].header: old_sh = imfits[0].header['VELSHIFT'] imfits[0].header['VELSHIFT'] = (vshift + old_sh, 'Lambda shift in km/s') print('# {0} updated with {1:.1f} km/s shift (accum. {2:.0f} km/s)'.format( fitsfile, vshift, vshift + old_sh)) return if __name__ == '__main__': lbc = args.line linput = args.INPUT for fitsfile in glob(linput): imfits =, mode='update') if args.rm is True: if 'VELSHIFT' in imfits[0].header: vshift = -imfits[0].header['VELSHIFT'] apply_shift(imfits, vshift) else: warn('No VELSHIFT for {0}'.format(fitsfile)) elif args.vs != 0: v0 = 0 if 'VELSHIFT' in imfits[0].header: v0 = imfits[0].header['VELSHIFT'] vshift = args.vs - v0 apply_shift(imfits, vshift)
#sources=self.source_list self.source_list = [] return result if __name__ == "__main__": nsources = len(sys.argv) - 4 if nsources < 2: print "Usage:", sys.argv[ 0], " <mask> <nout> <signal 1> <signal 2> [signal 3,4...] <out prefix>" sys.exit(-1) mask =[1])[0].data nout = int(sys.argv[2]) out_prefix = sys.argv[3 + nsources] print "out prefix:", out_prefix mi = mask_icaer(nout) mi.mask = (mask.astype('int')) for i in range(3, 3 + nsources): print "loading:", sys.argv[i] mi.append_source([i])[0].data) print "Performing ICA" sources = mi.perform() for i in range(0, nout):
def __init__(self, path): """ Instantiation method for the FITSImage class. A copy of the header of the FITS file is kept in memory for fast access to its keywords. IOError is raised if 'path' does not exist or is not readable, and NonStardardFITS in case that it does not conform to the FITS standard or it simply is not a FITS file at all. FITS Standard Document: An image is considered to follow the FITS standard if it has 'SIMPLE' as its first keyword of the primary header. According to the standard, it contains a logical constant with the value 'T' if the file conforms to it. This keyword is mandatory for the primary header and is not permitted in extension headers. A value of 'F', on the other hand, means that the file does not conform to the standard. We trust the 'SIMPLE' keyword blindly: if is says that the FITS image follows the standard, we believe it. Period. We do not consider the possibility (although this may change in the future, if we begin to work with much less reliable data) that the keyword has a value of 'T' while at the same time there are violations of the standard. That is why we instruct PyFITS to ignore any FITS standard violations we come across (output_verify = 'ignore'). """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise IOError("file '%s' does not exist" % path) self.path = path try: # The file must be opened to make sure it is a standard FITS. # We would rather use the with statement, but in that case we # would not be able to set the output verification of close() to # 'ignore'. Thus, the default option, 'exception', which raises # an exception if any FITS standard is violated, would be used. handler =, mode='readonly') try: # This is kind of an ugly hack to make sure that all PyFITS # versions are supported. Up to version 3.2, PyFITS returned # the HDUs exactly as it saw them. This allowed us to check the # existence and value of the 'SIMPLE' keyword in order to make # sure the file conforms to the FITS standard. However, PyFITS # 3.3 changed this, and now adds the keywords required for a # minimal viable primary HDU: this means that the header will # always contain the 'SIMPLE' keyword. Refer to this link for # more info: try: type_ =, output=False)[0][2] if type_ == 'NonstandardHDU': # 'SIMPLE' exists but does not equal 'T' msg = "%s: value of 'SIMPLE' keyword is not 'T'" raise NonStandardFITS(msg % self.path) except AttributeError as e: # 'SIMPLE' keyword does not exist error_msg = "'_ValidHDU' object has no attribute '_summary'" assert error_msg in str(e) msg = "%s: 'SIMPLE' keyword missing from header" raise NonStandardFITS(msg % self.path) # A copy of the FITS header is kept in memory and the file is # closed; otherwise we may run into trouble when working with # thousands of images ("too many open files" and such). This # approach gives us fast read-only access to the image header; # if modified, we will have to take care of 'reloading' (call # it synchronize, if you wish) the header. self.size = handler[0].data.shape[::-1] self._header = handler[0].header finally: handler.close(output_verify='ignore') # PyFITS raises IOError if we do not have permission to open the file, # if we attempt to open a non-FITS file, and also if we open one whose # first keyword is not either SIMPLE or XTENSION. Nothing is raised if # the value of SIMPLE is 'F'; that is why we had to specifically make # sure it was 'T' a few lines above. except IOError, e: pyfits_msg = "Block does not begin with SIMPLE or XTENSION" if str(e) == pyfits_msg: msg = "%s: 'SIMPLE' keyword missing from primary header" raise NonStandardFITS(msg % self.path) elif "Permission denied" in str(e): raise else: msg = "%s (%s)" % (self.path, str(e)) raise NonStandardFITS(msg)
def run_momentum_figure(gal, aname): print 'Making plot...' eps_min = -2 eps_max = 2 rr_min = 0 rr_max = 30 zz_min = -10 zz_max = 10 rad_min = 0 rad_max = 100. print aname plt.ioff() plt.close('all') fig = figure(figsize=(9,12)) a ='/nobackupp2/rcsimons/momentum_measurements/%s/%s_%s_momentum.fits'%(gal, gal, aname)) epsilon_stars = a['STARS_EPSILON'].data rr_stars=a['STARS_CYLINDRICAL_POSITION'].data[0] zz_stars=a['STARS_CYLINDRICAL_POSITION'].data[1] rad_stars = sqrt(sum(a['STARS_XYZ_POSITION'].data**2., axis = 0)) star_age=a['STAR_AGE'].data star_mass=a['STAR_MASS'].data ax = fig.add_subplot(431) cg_str = "Cold Gas\n"+r"T < 10$^4$ K" ax = make_cold_gas_heatmap(ax, a['GAS_ZZ_EPSILON'].data, a['GAS_ZZ_EPSILON_EDGES'].data[0], a['GAS_ZZ_EPSILON_EDGES'].data[1], xlabel = '', ylabel = r'$\frac{j_z}{j_{circ}}$') add_at(ax, cg_str, loc=4) ax = fig.add_subplot(432) ax = make_cold_gas_heatmap(ax, a['GAS_RR_EPSILON'].data, a['GAS_RR_EPSILON_EDGES'].data[0], a['GAS_RR_EPSILON_EDGES'].data[1], xlabel = '', ylabel = '') add_at(ax, cg_str, loc=4) ax.set_title(gal+"\n"+r"$z=%.2f$"%(1./float(aname.strip('a'))-1.), fontweight = 'bold') ax = fig.add_subplot(433) ax = make_cold_gas_heatmap(ax, a['GAS_RAD_EPSILON'].data, a['GAS_RAD_EPSILON_EDGES'].data[0], a['GAS_RAD_EPSILON_EDGES'].data[1], xlabel = '', ylabel = '') add_at(ax, cg_str, loc=4) ax = fig.add_subplot(434) good = where((abs(rr_stars) < rr_max) & (star_age < 20.e6)) ys_str = "Young stars\nage < 20 Myr" ax = make_heatmap(ax, epsilon_stars, zz_stars, zz_min, zz_max, weights = star_mass, good = good, xlabel = '', ylabel = r'$\frac{j_z}{j_{circ}}$', bins_n = 50, eps_min = eps_min, eps_max = eps_max) add_at(ax, ys_str, loc=4) ax = fig.add_subplot(435) good = where((abs(zz_stars) < zz_max) & (star_age < 20.e6) & isfinite(epsilon_stars)) ax = make_heatmap(ax, epsilon_stars, rr_stars, rr_min, rr_max, weights = star_mass, good = good, xlabel = '', ylabel = '', bins_n = 50, eps_min = eps_min, eps_max = eps_max) add_at(ax, ys_str, loc=4) ax = fig.add_subplot(436) good = where((rad_stars < rad_max) & (star_age < 20.e6) & isfinite(epsilon_stars)) ax = make_heatmap(ax, epsilon_stars, rad_stars, rad_min, rad_max, weights = star_mass, good = good, xlabel = '', ylabel = '', bins_n = 50, eps_min = eps_min, eps_max = eps_max) add_at(ax, ys_str, loc=4) is_str = "Intermediate stars\n100 < age < 300 Myr" ax = fig.add_subplot(437) good = where((abs(rr_stars) < rr_max) & (star_age > 1.e8) & (star_age < 3.e8)) ax = make_heatmap(ax, epsilon_stars, zz_stars, zz_min, zz_max, weights = star_mass, good = good, xlabel = '', ylabel = r'$\frac{j_z}{j_{circ}}$', bins_n = 50, eps_min = eps_min, eps_max = eps_max) add_at(ax, is_str, loc=4) ax = fig.add_subplot(438) good = where((abs(zz_stars) < zz_max) & (star_age > 1.e8) & (star_age < 3.e8) & isfinite(epsilon_stars)) ax = make_heatmap(ax, epsilon_stars, rr_stars, rr_min, rr_max, weights = star_mass, good = good, xlabel = '', ylabel = '', bins_n = 50, eps_min = eps_min, eps_max = eps_max) add_at(ax, is_str, loc=4) ax = fig.add_subplot(439) good = where((rad_stars < rad_max) & (star_age > 1.e8) & (star_age < 3.e8) & isfinite(epsilon_stars)) ax = make_heatmap(ax, epsilon_stars, rad_stars, rad_min, rad_max, weights = star_mass, good = good, xlabel = '', ylabel = '', bins_n = 50, eps_min = eps_min, eps_max = eps_max) add_at(ax, is_str, loc=4) ax = fig.add_subplot(4,3,10) os_str = "Old stars\nage > 1 Gyr" good = where((abs(rr_stars) < rr_max) & (star_age > 1.e9)) ax = make_heatmap(ax, epsilon_stars, zz_stars, zz_min, zz_max, weights = star_mass, good = good, xlabel = 'distance above disk\n(kpc)', ylabel = r'$\frac{j_z}{j_{circ}}$', bins_n = 50, eps_min = eps_min, eps_max = eps_max) add_at(ax, os_str, loc=4) ax = fig.add_subplot(4,3,11) good = where((abs(zz_stars) < zz_max) & (star_age > 1.e9) & isfinite(epsilon_stars)) ax = make_heatmap(ax, epsilon_stars, rr_stars, rr_min, rr_max, weights = star_mass, good = good, xlabel = 'distance along disk\n(kpc)', ylabel = '', bins_n = 50, eps_min = eps_min, eps_max = eps_max) add_at(ax, os_str, loc=4) ax = fig.add_subplot(4,3,12) good = where((rad_stars < rad_max) & (star_age > 1.e9) & isfinite(epsilon_stars)) ax = make_heatmap(ax, epsilon_stars, rad_stars, rad_min, rad_max, weights = star_mass, good = good, xlabel = 'distance radial\n(kpc)', ylabel = '', bins_n = 50, eps_min = eps_min, eps_max = eps_max) add_at(ax, os_str, loc=4) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.0) print 'Saving plot...' savefig('/nobackupp2/rcsimons/figures/momentum_figures/%s_%s_momentum_heat.png'%(gal, aname), dpi = 300) plt.close('all') return
def __init__(self, prefix): self.prefix = prefix self.fullname = fullname[self.prefix] self.cra = racenter[self.prefix] self.cdec = deccenter[self.prefix] = redshift[self.prefix] self.f80 = F80[self.prefix] self.errf80 = ErrorF80[self.prefix] self.csigma = sigma[self.prefix] self.csigmaerrplus = errsigmaplus[self.prefix] self.csigmaerrminus = errsigmaminus[self.prefix] self.r200 = 2.02 * ( self.csigma) / 1000. / sqrt(OmegaL + OmegaM * (1. +**3) * H0 / 70. # in Mpc if self.r200 < .5: print 'WARNING: R200 unrealistically small for ', self.prefix print 'resetting R200 to 0.5 Mpc' self.r200 = .5 self.r200deg = self.r200 * 1000. / my.DA(, h) / 3600. self.mcl = my.clusterMass(self.csigma,, h) mastertable = mastertablepath + self.fullname + 'mastertable.fits' tb = tbdata = tb[1].data tb.close() self.ediscsID = tbdata.field('EDISCS-ID') self.ediscsIDold = tbdata.field('EDISCS-ID-OLD') self.ra = tbdata.field('RA') self.dec = tbdata.field('DEC') self.xcorr = tbdata.field('xcorr') self.ycorr = tbdata.field('ycorr') self.starflag = tbdata.field('starflag') self.EW = tbdata.field('EW') self.EWerr = tbdata.field('EWerr') self.SFR = tbdata.field('SFR') self.SFRerr = tbdata.field('SFRerr') self.matchflaghalpha = tbdata.field('matchflaghalpha') self.onHaimageflag = tbdata.field('onHaimageflag') self.sfflag = tbdata.field('sfflag') self.matchflag24 = tbdata.field('matchflag24') self.on24imageflag = tbdata.field('on24imageflag') self.flux24 = tbdata.field('flux24') self.flux24err = tbdata.field('flux24err') self.nmatchediscs24 = tbdata.field('nmatchediscs24') self.snr24 = tbdata.field('snr24') self.imagex24 = tbdata.field('imagex24') self.imagey24 = tbdata.field('imagey24') self.ra24 = tbdata.field('ra24') self.dec24 = tbdata.field('dec24') self.flux80flag = tbdata.field('flux80flag') self.L24 = tbdata.field('L24') self.L24err = tbdata.field('L24err') self.Lir = tbdata.field('Lir') self.errLir = tbdata.field('errLir') self.SFRir = tbdata.field('SFRir') self.SFRirerr = tbdata.field('SFRirerr') self.matchflagediscsirac = tbdata.field('matchflagediscsirac') self.iracf1 = tbdata.field('iracf1') self.iracf2 = tbdata.field('iracf2') self.iracf3 = tbdata.field('iracf3') self.iracf4 = tbdata.field('iracf4') self.erriracf1 = tbdata.field('erriracf1') self.erriracf2 = tbdata.field('erriracf2') self.erriracf3 = tbdata.field('erriracf3') self.erriracf4 = tbdata.field('erriracf4') self.iracsexflag0 = tbdata.field('iracsexflag0') self.iracsexflag1 = tbdata.field('iracsexflag1') self.iracwch1 = tbdata.field('iracwch1') self.iracwch2 = tbdata.field('iracwch2') self.iracwch3 = tbdata.field('iracwch3') self.iracwch4 = tbdata.field('iracwch4') self.iracwmin = tbdata.field('iracwmin') self.nmatchediscsirac = tbdata.field('nmatchediscsirac') self.matchflagmorphgimtype = tbdata.field('matchflagmorphgimtype') self.gimtype = tbdata.field('gimtype') self.matchflagvistype = tbdata.field('matchflagvistype') self.vistype = tbdata.field('vistype') self.misoV = tbdata.field('misoV') self.misoeVapsim = tbdata.field('misoeVapsim') self.misoR = tbdata.field('misoR') self.misoeRapsim = tbdata.field('misoeRapsim') self.misoI = tbdata.field('misoI') self.misoeIapsim = tbdata.field('misoeIapsim') self.misoJ = tbdata.field('misoJ') self.misoeJapsim = tbdata.field('misoeJapsim') self.misoK = tbdata.field('misoK') self.misoeKapsim = tbdata.field('misoeKapsim') self.magV = tbdata.field('magV') self.mageVapsim = tbdata.field('mageVapsim') self.magR = tbdata.field('magR') self.mageRapsim = tbdata.field('mageRapsim') self.magI = tbdata.field('magI') self.mageIapsim = tbdata.field('mageIapsim') self.magJ = tbdata.field('magJ') self.mageJapsim = tbdata.field('mageJapsim') self.magK = tbdata.field('magK') self.mageKapsim = tbdata.field('mageKapsim') self.membflag = tbdata.field('membflag') self.newspecmatchflag = tbdata.field('newspecmatchflag') self.defmembflag = tbdata.field('defmembflag') self.photmembflag = tbdata.field('photmembflag') self.supermembflag = tbdata.field('supermembflag') self.specz = tbdata.field('specz') self.spectype = tbdata.field('spectype') self.specEWOII = tbdata.field('specEWOII') self.matchflagspecediscs = tbdata.field('matchflagspecediscs') self.specEWOIIflag = tbdata.field('specEWOIIflag') self.bestz = tbdata.field('bestz') self.lowz = tbdata.field('lowz') self.highz = tbdata.field('highz') self.wmin = tbdata.field('wmin') self.Pclust = tbdata.field('Pclust') self.MR = tbdata.field('MR') self.MU = tbdata.field('MU') self.MV = tbdata.field('MV') self.MB = tbdata.field('MB') self.stellarmass = tbdata.field('stellmass') self.redflag = tbdata.field('redflag') self.LUlowzclust = tbdata.field('LUlowzclust') self.LUbestzclust = tbdata.field('LUbestzclust') self.LUhighzclust = tbdata.field('LUhighzclust') self.LBlowzclust = tbdata.field('LBlowzclust') self.LBbestzclust = tbdata.field('LBbestzclust') self.LBhighzclust = tbdata.field('LBhighzclust') self.LVlowzclust = tbdata.field('LVlowzclust ') self.LVbestzclust = tbdata.field('LVbestzclust') self.LVhighzclust = tbdata.field('LVhighzclust') self.LRlowzclust = tbdata.field('LRlowzclust') self.LRbestzclust = tbdata.field('LRbestzclust') self.LRhighzclust = tbdata.field('LRhighzclust') self.LIlowzclust = tbdata.field('LIlowzclust') self.LIbestzclust = tbdata.field('LIbestzclust') self.LIhighzclust = tbdata.field('LIhighzclust') self.LJlowzclust = tbdata.field('LJlowzclust') self.LJbestzclust = tbdata.field('LJbestzclust') self.LJhighzclust = tbdata.field('LJhighzclust') self.LKlowzclust = tbdata.field('LKlowzclust') self.LKbestzclust = tbdata.field('LKbestzclust') self.LKhighzclust = tbdata.field('LKhighzclust') # some extra quantities that are not included in the mastertable dr = sqrt((self.ra - self.cra)**2 + (self.dec - self.cdec)**2) self.drflag = (dr < self.r200deg)