def test03cpTests(self): """ Test the cp (copy) command """ self.env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=self.env, command="load", argv=[self.test_case,]) ## Make a directory for the files: tmpname = os.tmpnam() os.mkdir(tmpname) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=self.env, command="cp", argv=["/dscf108*", tmpname]) ## Now verify the copy worked: fd = open(tmpname+"/dscf1080.jpg",'r') data = md5sum = md5sum.update(data) self.assertEqual(md5sum.hexdigest(),'9e03e022404a945575b813ffb56fd841') ## Clean up: for file in os.listdir(tmpname): os.unlink(tmpname+'/'+file) os.rmdir(tmpname)
def test01ls(self): """ Test the ls command """ self.env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=self.env, command="load", argv=[self.test_case,]) ## Check we can list default directory lines = [ l for l in pyflagsh.shell_execv_iter(env=self.env, command="ls", argv=[])] self.assertEqual(len(lines),18) ## Check we can list directories lines = [ l for l in pyflagsh.shell_execv_iter(env=self.env, command="ls", argv=["docs"])] self.assert_(len(lines)>=3) ## Check that we can glob files: lines = [ l for l in pyflagsh.shell_execv_iter(env=self.env, command="ls", argv=["*.jpg"])] self.assertEqual(len(lines),5) ## Check that we can glob directories: lines = [ l for l in pyflagsh.shell_execv_iter(env=self.env, command="ls", argv=["do*"])] self.assert_(len(lines)>3)
def test01RunScanners(self): """ Running Logical Index Scanner """ ## Make sure the word secret is in there. pdbh = DB.DBO() pdbh.execute("select * from dictionary where word='secret' limit 1") row = pdbh.fetch() if not row: pdbh.insert('dictionary', **{'word':'secret', 'class':'English', 'type':'word'}) env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'IndexScan']) dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case) dbh2 = DB.DBO(self.test_case) fsfd = DBFS(self.test_case) dbh.execute("select inode_id, word,offset,length from LogicalIndexOffsets join %s.dictionary on where word='secret'", (config.FLAGDB,config.FLAGDB)) count = 0 for row in dbh: count += 1 path, inode, inode_id = fsfd.lookup(inode_id = row['inode_id']) fd = fd.overread = True fd.slack = True['offset']) data =['length']) print "Looking for %s: Found in %s at offset %s length %s %r" % ( row['word'], inode, row['offset'], row['length'],data) self.assertEqual(data.lower(), row['word'].lower()) ## Did we find all the secrets? self.assertEqual(count,2)
def test01RunScanner(self): """ Test cache scanner """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'ZipScan']) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'MozCacheScan','GoogleImageScanner'])
def test02catTests(self): """ Test the cat command """ self.env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=self.env, command="load", argv=[self.test_case,]) self.fsfd = FileSystem.DBFS(self.test_case) fd ="/dscf1080.jpg") fd ="/dscf1081.jpg") fd ="/dscf1082.jpg") result = '' for l in pyflagsh.shell_execv_iter(env=self.env, command="cat", argv=["/dscf1081.jpg"]): result+=l self.assertEqual(result,data2) result = '' for l in pyflagsh.shell_execv_iter(env=self.env, command="cat", argv=["/dscf108*"]): result+=l self.assertEqual(len(result),len(data1)+len(data2)+len(data3)) self.assert_(result==data1+data2+data3)
def test01SMTPScanner(self): """ Test SMTP Scanner """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*", ## Inodes (All) "SMTPScanner", "RFC2822", "TypeScan" ]) ## List of Scanners
def test01GmailScanner(self): """ Test Google Image Scanner """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*", ## Inodes (All) "GoogleImageScanner", ]) ## List of Scanners
def test01YahooMailScanner(self): """ Test Scanner """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*", ## Inodes (All) "YahooMail20Scan", ]) ## List of Scanners
def test01(self): """ Test Reassebler """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*", ## Inodes (All) "NetworkScanners", ]) ## List of Scanners
def test01RunScanner(self): """ Running scanners """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'ZipScan', 'TarScan', 'GZScan']) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'JPEGCarver', 'ZipScan', 'TarScan', 'GZScan', 'TypeScan', 'IndexScan'])
def test01GmailScanner(self): """ Test Gmail Scanner """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*", ## Inodes (All) "GmailScanner", "YahooMailScan", "SquirrelMailScan", "HotmailScanner" ]) ## List of Scanners
def test02Hash(self): """ Test the hashes of loaded files """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'MD5Scan']) dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case) dbh.execute("select binary_md5 from hash where binary_md5=%b", "04D68B7C8993A3A485A5780EC1A8D62D".decode("hex")) self.assert_(dbh.fetch(), "Expected hash not found")
def test01CarveImage(self): """ Carving from Image """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'ScriptCarver']) dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case) dbh.execute("select count(*) as c from type where type like %r", "%script") row = dbh.fetch() self.assert_(row != None) self.assert_(row['c']>=3)
def test01RunScanner(self): """ Test IE History scanner """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'IECarver']) dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case) dbh.execute("select count(*) as c from ie_history") row = dbh.fetch()['c'] print "Got %s rows" % row self.assert_(row >= 20)
def test01TypeScan(self): """ Check the type scanner works """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'TypeScan']) ## Make sure the extra magic is being used properly. dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case) dbh.execute('select count(*) as count from type where type like "%%Outlook%%"') count = dbh.fetch()['count'] self.failIf(count==0, "Unable to locate an Outlook PST file - maybe we are not using our custom magic file?")
def test01FTPScanner(self): """ Test basic FTP scanning """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*", ## Inodes (All) "FTPScanner" ]) ## List of Scanners ## What should we have found? FIXME dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case)
def setUp(self): """ Load test Case""" env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(command="delete_case", env=env, argv=[self.test_case]) pyflagsh.shell_execv(command="create_case", env=env, argv=[self.test_case]) if self.test_case: pyflagsh.shell_execv(command='execute', env=env, argv=['Load Data.Load AFF4 Volume', 'case=%s' % self.test_case, 'filename=%s' % self.test_file])
def test04LocatingNTFS_ADS(self): """ Test for finding ADS files """ ## Do type scanning: env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'TypeScan']) dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case) dbh.execute('select type.type from type,inode where type.inode_id=inode.inode_id and type like "%executable%" and inode.inode like "%33-128-7%"') row = dbh.fetch() self.assert_(row, "Executable within ADS was not found???")
def test01TypeScan(self): """ Check the type scanner works """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'TypeScan']) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="export", argv=["Images","HTMLDirectoryRenderer", "TypeCaseTable.Thumbnail", "TypeCaseTable.Type","InodeTable.Size", #'filter=Type contains JPEG', ])
def test01SMTPScanner(self): """ Test POP Scanner """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*", ## Inodes (All) "POPScanner", "RFC2822", ]) ## List of Scanners dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case) dbh.execute("select count(*) as total from passwords where type='POP3'") row = dbh.fetch() self.failIf(row['total']==0,"Could not parse any POP3 passwords")
def test01HotmailScanner(self): """ Test Hotmail Scanner """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*", ## Inodes (All) "HotmailScanner", ]) ## List of Scanners dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case) dbh.execute("select count(*) as c from webmail_messages") row = dbh.fetch() self.assert_(row['c'] > 0, "No hotmail messages were found")
def test01HTTPScanner(self): """ Test HTTP Scanner """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*", ## Inodes (All) "HTTPScanner", ]) ## List of Scanners dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case) dbh.execute("select count(*) as total from http") row = dbh.fetch() print "Number of HTTP transfers found %s" % row['total'] self.failIf(row['total']==0,"Count not find any HTTP transfers?")
def test01RunScanner(self): """ Test IE History scanner """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'ZipScan']) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'IEIndex','GoogleImageScanner']) dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case) dbh.execute("select count(*) as c from http_parameters where `key`='q' and value='anna netrebko'") row=dbh.fetch() self.assertEqual(row['c'], 3, 'Unable to find all search URLs')
def test01DNS(self): "Test DNS handling" env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*", ## Inodes (All) "DNSScanner", ]) ## List of Scanners dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case) dbh.execute("select * from dns where name = ''") self.assert_(dbh.fetch()) dbh.execute("select count(*) as c from dns where name like '%google%'") row = dbh.fetch() self.assertEqual(row['c'], 14)
def test_scanner(self): """ Check the virus scanner works """ dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case) env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'VirScan','ZipScan','TypeScan']) dbh.execute("select * from virus limit 1") row = dbh.fetch() ## We expect to pick this rootkit: self.assert_(row, "Unable to find any viruses") self.assert_("NTRootKit" in row['virus'] , "Unable to find Trojan.NTRootKit.044")
def test01YahooMailScanner(self): """ Test Scanner """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*", ## Inodes (All) "YahooMail20Scan", "YahooMailScan", ]) ## List of Scanners print "Closing volume" t = time.time() #CacheManager.AFF4_MANAGER.close(self.test_case) print "Closed in %s seconds " % (time.time()- t) print
def test_scanner(self): """ Check the hash scanner works """ dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case) env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'ZipScan']) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'MD5Scan']) dbh.execute("select count(*) as c,NSRL_product, NSRL_filename from hash where NSRL_product like 'Guide to Hacking %%' group by NSRL_product") row = dbh.fetch() self.assertEqual(row['c'], 14, "Hashes not recognised. You might need to load the NSRL database")
def test01CarveImage(self): """ Carving from Image """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'JPEGCarver']) ## See if we found the two images from within the word ## document: expected = [ "Itest|K1289-0-0|o150712:85550", "Itest|K1289-0-0|o96317:141763"] dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case) for inode in expected: dbh.execute("select inode from inode where inode=%r limit 1", inode) row = dbh.fetch() self.assert_(row != None)
def test_type_scan(self): """ Check the Zip scanner works """ dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case) env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*",'ZipScan','GZScan','TarScan','TypeScan']) dbh.execute("select count(*) as count from inode where inode like '%%|Z%%'") count = dbh.fetch()['count'] self.failIf(count==0, "Could not find any zip files?") dbh.execute("select count(*) as count from inode where inode like '%%|G0'") count = dbh.fetch()['count'] self.failIf(count==0, "Could not find any gzip files?")
def test01Scan(self): """ Scan for MSN Messages """ env = pyflagsh.environment(case=self.test_case) pyflagsh.shell_execv(env=env, command="scan", argv=["*", ## Inodes (All) "MSNScanner" ]) ## List of Scanners ## What should we have found? dbh = DB.DBO(self.test_case) dbh.execute("""select count(*) as total from `msn_session` where type=\"MESSAGE\"""") row = dbh.fetch() assert row['total'] == 10 CacheManager.AFF4_MANAGER.close(self.test_case)