コード例 #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.total = 0
     self.matched = 0
     self.notfound = 0
     dbs = get_db_engines(**{'dbconnstrs' : FLAGS.xdbconnstrs})
     self.guangdb = dbs[0]
     self.statdb = dbs[1]
コード例 #2
def crawl_main():
    write_db, read_db = get_db_engines(**{'dbconnstrs': FLAGS.xdbconnstrs})

    sql = "select item.id, item.num_id, item.price, item.pic_url, item.volume from item_hotest, item, shop where item_hotest.item_id = item.id and item.status = 1 and item.shop_id = shop.id and shop.type <= 2 and shop.status=1 limit %s" % FLAGS.limit

    rows = read_db.execute(sql)

    counter = 0
    off_counter = 0
    change_counter = 0
    vol_change_counter = 0
    total = rows.rowcount
    results = get_taobao_items(
        fn_join_iids=lambda x: ','.join([str(i[1]) for i in x]),
    for batch_item in results:
        for iid, item in batch_item.items.items():
                counter += 1
                item_id = item['req'][0]
                item_iid = item['req'][1]
                item_price = item['req'][2]
                #item_picurl = item['req'][3]
                if item['resp']:
                    if item['resp']['approve_status'] != 'onsale':
                        logger.debug("Item %s/%s %s %s is offshelf", counter,
                                     total, item_id, item_iid)
                        off_counter += 1
                            "update item set status=2, modified=now()  where id=%s"
                            % item_id)
                        price = float(item['resp']['price'])
                        #title = item['resp']['title']
                        #pic_url = item['resp']['pic_url']
                        if abs(item_price -
                               price) / (item_price + 0.0000001) > 0.2 or abs(
                                   item_price - price) > 2.0:
                            change_counter += 1
                            logger.debug("Item %s/%s %s %s price %s -> %s",
                                         counter, total, item_id, item_iid,
                                         item_price, price)
                            if FLAGS.commit_price:
                                    "update item set price=%s where id=%s" %
                                    (price, item_id))
                logger.debug("req %s resp %s", item['req'], item['resp'])
                logger.error("update failed %s", traceback.format_exc())
        "Taobao quickupdate, total %s, off %s, price change %s, volume change %s",
        total, off_counter, change_counter, vol_change_counter)
コード例 #3
 def __init__(self):
     self.total = 0
     self.matched = 0
     self.shop_matched = 0
     self.item_matched = 0
     self.notmatched_item_exists = 0
     dbs = get_db_engines(**{'dbconnstrs' : FLAGS.xdbconnstrs})
     self.guangdb = dbs[0]
     self.statdb = dbs[1]
     self.timediffs = []
     self.pricediffs = []
     self.volumediffs = []
     self.volumesignal_diffs = []
     self.volume2signal = numberic2SignalFn(int, [1, 10, 100, 400])
コード例 #4
def crawl_main():
    write_db, read_db = get_db_engines(**{'dbconnstrs' : FLAGS.xdbconnstrs})

    sql = "select item.id, item.num_id, item.price, item.pic_url, item.volume from item_hotest, item, shop where item_hotest.item_id = item.id and item.status = 1 and item.shop_id = shop.id and shop.type <= 2 and shop.status=1 limit %s" % FLAGS.limit

    rows = read_db.execute(sql)

    counter = 0
    off_counter = 0
    change_counter = 0
    vol_change_counter = 0
    total = rows.rowcount
    results = get_taobao_items(get_top(), rows, fn_join_iids=lambda x:','.join([str(i[1]) for i in x]), calllimit=300)
    for batch_item in results:
        for iid, item in batch_item.items.items():
                counter += 1
                item_id = item['req'][0]
                item_iid = item['req'][1]
                item_price = item['req'][2]
                #item_picurl = item['req'][3]
                if item['resp']:
                    if item['resp']['approve_status'] != 'onsale':
                        logger.debug("Item %s/%s %s %s is offshelf", counter, total, item_id, item_iid)
                        off_counter += 1
                        write_db.execute("update item set status=2, modified=now()  where id=%s" % item_id)
                        price = float(item['resp']['price'])
                        #title = item['resp']['title']
                        #pic_url = item['resp']['pic_url']
                        if abs(item_price - price) / (item_price + 0.0000001) > 0.2 or abs(item_price - price) > 2.0:
                            change_counter += 1
                            logger.debug("Item %s/%s %s %s price %s -> %s", counter, total, item_id, item_iid, item_price, price)
                            if FLAGS.commit_price:
                                write_db.execute("update item set price=%s where id=%s" % (price, item_id))
                logger.debug("req %s resp %s", item['req'], item['resp'])
                logger.error("update failed %s", traceback.format_exc())
    logger.info("Taobao quickupdate, total %s, off %s, price change %s, volume change %s", total, off_counter, change_counter, vol_change_counter)