def __init__(self, files_in, lh5_group, dsp_config=None, database=None, n_drawn=1, x_unit='ns', x_lim=None, waveforms='waveform', wf_styles=None, lines=None, legend=None, legend_opts=None, norm=None, align=None, selection=None, buffer_len=128, block_width=8, verbosity=1): """Constructor for WaveformBrowser: - file_in: name of file or list of names to browse. Can use wildcards - lh5_group: name of LH5 group in file to browse - dsp_config (optional): name of DSP config json file containing transforms available to draw - database (optional): dict with database of processing parameters - n_drawn (default 1): number of events to draw simultaneously when calling DrawNext - x_unit (default ns): unit for x-axis - x_lim (default auto): range of x-values passes as tuple - waveforms (default 'waveform'): name of wf or list of wf names to draw - wf_styles (default None): waveform colors and other style parameters to cycle through when drawing waveforms. Can be given as: dict of lists: e.g. {'color':['r', 'g', 'b'], 'linestyle':['-', '--', '.']} name of predefined style; see documentation None: use current matplotlib style If a single style cycle is given, use for all lines; if a list is given, match to waveforms list. - lines (default None): name of parameter or list of parameters to draw hlines and vlines for - legend (default None): formatting string and values to include in the legend. This can be a list of values (one for each waveform in waveforms). The values can be given as a tuple whose first entry is a formatting string and subsequent entries are the values to place in the formatting string. When building a formatting string, if a name is given in the {}s, it is assumed to be a parameter from the DSP config file. An example is: ("{:0.1f} keV", energy) - legend_opts (default None): dict containing kwargs for formatting the legend - norm (default None): name of parameter (probably energy) to use to normalize WFs; useful when drawing multiple - align (default None): name of time parameter to set as 0 time; useful for aligning multiple waveforms - selection (optional): selection of events to draw. Can be either a list of event indices or a numpy array mask (ala pandas). - buffer_len (default 128): number of waveforms to keep in memory at a time - block_width (default 8): block width for processing chain """ self.verbosity = verbosity # data i/o initialization self.lh5_st = lh5.Store(keep_open=True) if isinstance(files_in, str): files_in = [files_in] # Expand wildcards and map out the files self.lh5_files = [ f for f_wc in files_in for f in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.expandvars(f_wc))) ] self.lh5_group = lh5_group # file map is cumulative lenght of files up to file n. By doing searchsorted left, we can get the file for a given wf index self.file_map = np.array( [self.lh5_st.read_n_rows(lh5_group, f) for f in self.lh5_files], 'int64') np.cumsum(self.file_map, out=self.file_map) # Get the input buffer and read the first chunk self.lh5_in = self.lh5_st.get_buffer(self.lh5_group, self.lh5_files[0], buffer_len) self.lh5_st.read_object(self.lh5_group, self.lh5_files[0], start_row=0, n_rows=buffer_len, obj_buf=self.lh5_in) self.buffer_len = buffer_len self.current_file = None self.current_chunk = None # initialize stuff for iteration self.selection = selection self.index_it = None self.reset() self.n_drawn = n_drawn # initialize list of objects to draw if isinstance(waveforms, str): self.wf_names = [waveforms] elif waveforms is None: self.wf_names = [] else: self.wf_names = list(waveforms) self.wf_data = [[] for _ in self.wf_names] # wf_styles if isinstance(wf_styles, list) or isinstance(wf_styles, tuple): self.wf_styles = [None for _ in self.wf_data] for i, sty in enumerate(wf_styles): if isinstance(sty, str): try: self.wf_styles[i] =[sty][ 'axes.prop_cycle'] except: self.wf_styles[i] = itertools.repeat(None) elif sty is None: self.wf_styles[i] = itertools.repeat(None) else: self.wf_styles[i] = cycler(**sty) else: if isinstance(wf_styles, str): try: self.wf_styles =[wf_styles][ 'axes.prop_cycle'] except: self.wf_styles = itertools.repeat(None) elif wf_styles is None: self.wf_styles = itertools.repeat(None) else: self.wf_styles = cycler(**wf_styles) if lines is None: self.line_names = [] elif isinstance(lines, list): self.line_names = lines elif isinstance(lines, tuple): self.line_names = list(lines) else: self.line_names = [lines] self.line_data = [[] for _ in self.line_names] if legend is None: legend = [] elif not isinstance(legend, list): legend = [legend] # Set up the legend format strings and collect input values self.legend_input = [] self.legend_format = [] for entry in legend: legend_input = [] legend_format = '' if not isinstance(entry, tuple): entry = (entry, ) for val in entry: if isinstance(val, str): for st, name, form, cv in string.Formatter().parse(val): legend_format += st if name is not None: legend_format += '{' legend_input.append(name) if form is not None and form != '': legend_format += ':' + form if cv is not None and cv != '': legend_format += '!' + cv legend_format += '}' else: # find any {}s to fill from the formatter idxs = [ i for i, inp in enumerate(legend_input) if isinstance(inp, str) and inp == '' ] if idxs: # if we found a {}. it's already in the formatter legend_input[idxs[0]] = val else: # otherwise add to formatter legend_input.append(val) if legend_format != '': legend_format += ', ' if isinstance(val, pd.Series): legend_format += + ' = {:.3g}' elif isinstance(val, np.ndarray): legend_format += '{:.3g}' self.legend_input.append(legend_input) self.legend_format.append(legend_format) self.legend_data = [[] for _ in self.legend_input] self.legend_kwargs = legend_opts if legend_opts else {} self.norm_par = norm self.align_par = align self.x_unit = units.unit_parser.parse_unit(x_unit) self.x_lim = x_lim # make processing chain and output buffer outputs = self.wf_names + \ [name for name in self.line_names if isinstance(name, str)] + \ [name for name in self.legend_input if isinstance(name, str)] if isinstance(self.norm_par, str): outputs += [self.norm_par] if isinstance(self.align_par, str): outputs += [self.align_par] self.proc_chain, self.lh5_out = build_processing_chain( self.lh5_in, dsp_config, db_dict=database, outputs=outputs, verbosity=self.verbosity, block_width=block_width) self.fig = None = None
def run_dsp(dfrow): """ run dsp on the test file, editing the processor list alternate idea: generate a long list of processors with different names """ # adjust dsp config dictionary rise, flat = dfrow # dsp_config['processors']['wf_pz']['defaults']['db.pz.tau'] = f'{tau}*us' dsp_config['processors']['wf_trap']['args'][1] = f'{rise}*us' dsp_config['processors']['wf_trap']['args'][2] = f'{flat}*us' # pprint(dsp_config) # run dsp pc, tb_out = build_processing_chain(tb_data, dsp_config, verbosity=0) pc.execute() # analyze peak e_peak = 1460. etype = 'trapEmax' elo, ehi, epb = 4000, 4500, 3 # the peak moves around a bunch energy = tb_out[etype].nda # get histogram hE, bins, vE = pgh.get_hist(energy, range=(elo, ehi), dx=epb) xE = bins[1:] # should I center the max at 1460? # simple numerical width i_max = np.argmax(hE) h_max = hE[i_max] upr_half = xE[(xE > xE[i_max]) & (hE <= h_max / 2)][0] bot_half = xE[(xE < xE[i_max]) & (hE >= h_max / 2)][0] fwhm = upr_half - bot_half sig = fwhm / 2.355 # fit to gaussian: amp, mu, sig, bkg fit_func = pgf.gauss_bkg amp = h_max * fwhm bg0 = np.mean(hE[:20]) x0 = [amp, xE[i_max], sig, bg0] xF, xF_cov = pgf.fit_hist(fit_func, hE, bins, var=vE, guess=x0) # collect results e_fit = xF[0] xF_err = np.sqrt(np.diag(xF_cov)) e_err = xF fwhm_fit = xF[1] * 2.355 * 1460. / e_fit fwhm_err = xF_err[2] * 2.355 * 1460. / e_fit chisq = [] for i, h in enumerate(hE): model = fit_func(xE[i], *xF) diff = (model - h)**2 / model chisq.append(abs(diff)) rchisq = sum(np.array(chisq) / len(hE)) fwhm_ovr_mean = fwhm_fit / e_fit if show_movie: plt.plot(xE, hE, ds='steps', c='b', lw=2, label=f'{etype} {rise}--{flat}') # peak shape plt.plot(xE, fit_func(xE, *x0), '-', c='orange', alpha=0.5, label='init. guess') plt.plot(xE, fit_func(xE, *xF), '-r', alpha=0.8, label='peakshape fit') plt.plot(np.nan, np.nan, '-w', label=f'mu={e_fit:.1f}, fwhm={fwhm_fit:.2f}') plt.xlabel(etype, ha='right', x=1) plt.ylabel('Counts', ha='right', y=1) plt.legend(loc=2) # show a little movie plt.pause(0.01) plt.cla() # return results return pd.Series({ 'e_fit': e_fit, 'fwhm_fit': fwhm_fit, 'rchisq': rchisq, 'fwhm_err': xF_err[0], 'fwhm_ovr_mean': fwhm_ovr_mean })
def optimize_dcr(dg): """ I don't have an a priori figure of merit for the DCR parameter, until I can verify that we're seeing alphas. So this function should just run processing on a CAGE run with known alpha events, and show you the 2d DCR vs. energy. Once we know we can reliably measure the alpha distribution somehow, then perhaps we can try a grid search optimization like the one done in optimize_trap. """ # files to consider. fixme: right now only works with one file sto = lh5.Store() lh5_dir = os.path.expandvars(dg.config['lh5_dir']) raw_list = lh5_dir + dg.fileDB['raw_path'] + '/' + dg.fileDB['raw_file'] f_raw = raw_list.values[0] tb_raw = 'ORSIS3302DecoderForEnergy/raw/' tb_data = sto.read_object(tb_raw, f_raw) cycle = dg.fileDB['cycle'].values[0] f_results = f'./temp_{cycle}.h5' write_output = True # adjust dsp config with open('opt_dcr.json') as f: dsp_config = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) # pprint(dsp_config) # exit() # set dcr parameters # rise, flat, dcr_tstart = 200, 1000, 'tp_0+1.5*us' # default # dcr_rise, dcr_flat, dcr_tstart = 100, 3000, 'tp_0+3*us' # best so far? dcr_rise, dcr_flat, dcr_tstart = 100, 2500, 'tp_0+1*us' dsp_config['processors']['dcr_raw']['args'][1] = dcr_rise dsp_config['processors']['dcr_raw']['args'][2] = dcr_flat dsp_config['processors']['dcr_raw']['args'][3] = dcr_tstart # set trap energy parameters # ene_rise, ene_flat = "2*us", "1*us" # best? from optimize_trap ene_rise, ene_flat = "10*us", "5*us" dsp_config['processors']['wf_trap']['args'][1] = ene_rise dsp_config['processors']['wf_trap']['args'][2] = ene_flat # adjust pole-zero constant dsp_config['processors']['wf_pz']['defaults']['db.pz.tau'] = '64.4*us' # dsp_config['processors']['wf_pz']['defaults']['db.pz.tau'] = '50*us' # dsp_config['processors']['wf_pz']['defaults']['db.pz.tau'] = '100*us' # run dsp print('Running DSP ...') t_start = time.time() pc, tb_out = build_processing_chain(tb_data, dsp_config, verbosity=1) pc.execute() t_elap = (time.time() - t_start) / 60 print(f'Done. Elapsed: {t_elap:.2f} min') df_out = tb_out.get_dataframe() if write_output: df_out.to_hdf(f_results, key='opt_dcr') print('Wrote output file:', f_results)
def __init__(self, files_in, lh5_group, dsp_config=None, n_drawn=1, x_unit='ns', x_lim=None, waveforms='waveform', lines=None, legend=None, norm=None, align=None, selection=None, buffer_len=128, block_width=8, verbosity=1): """Constructor for WaveformBrowser: - file_in: name of file or list of names to browse. Can use wildcards - lh5_group: name of LH5 group in file to browse - dsp_config (optional): name of DSP config json file containing transforms available to draw - n_drawn (default 1): number of events to draw simultaneously when calling DrawNext - x_unit (default ns): unit for x-axis - x_lim (default auto): range of x-values passes as tuple - waveforms (default 'waveform'): name of wf or list of wf names to draw - lines (default None): name of parameter or list of parameters to draw hlines and vlines for - legend (default None): name of parameters to include in legend - norm (default None): name of parameter (probably energy) to use to normalize WFs; useful when drawing multiple - align (default None): name of time parameter to set as 0 time; useful for aligning multiple waveforms - selection (optional): selection of events to draw. Can be either a list of event indices or a numpy array mask (ala pandas). - buffer_len (default 128): number of waveforms to keep in memory at a time - block_width (default 8): block width for processing chain """ self.verbosity = verbosity # data i/o initialization self.lh5_st = lh5.Store(keep_open=True) if isinstance(files_in, str): files_in = [files_in] # Expand wildcards and map out the files self.lh5_files = [ f for f_wc in files_in for f in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.expandvars(f_wc))) ] self.lh5_group = lh5_group # file map is cumulative lenght of files up to file n. By doing searchsorted left, we can get the file for a given wf index self.file_map = np.array( [self.lh5_st.read_n_rows(lh5_group, f) for f in self.lh5_files], 'int64') np.cumsum(self.file_map, out=self.file_map) # Get the input buffer and read the first chunk self.lh5_in = self.lh5_st.get_buffer(self.lh5_group, self.lh5_files[0], buffer_len) self.lh5_st.read_object(self.lh5_group, self.lh5_files[0], 0, buffer_len, self.lh5_in) self.buffer_len = buffer_len self.current_file = None self.current_chunk = None # initialize stuff for iteration self.selection = selection self.index_it = None self.reset() self.n_drawn = n_drawn # initialize list of objects to draw if isinstance(waveforms, str): self.waveforms = [waveforms] elif waveforms is None: self.waveforms = [] else: self.waveforms = list(waveforms) if isinstance(lines, str): self.lines = [lines] elif lines is None: self.lines = [] else: self.lines = list(lines) if isinstance(legend, str): self.legend = [legend] elif legend is None: self.legend = [] else: self.legend = list(legend) self.labels = [] self.norm_par = norm self.align_par = align self.x_unit = units.unit_parser.parse_unit(x_unit) self.x_lim = x_lim # make processing chain and output buffer outputs = self.waveforms + self.lines + self.legend + ( [self.norm_par] if self.norm_par is not None else []) + ([self.align_par] if self.align_par is not None else []) self.proc_chain, self.lh5_out = build_processing_chain( self.lh5_in, dsp_config, outputs, verbosity=self.verbosity, block_width=block_width) self.fig = None = None