def __init__(self, table_dim, margins, p1, p2, b): self.p1 = fRect(p1.pos, p2.size) self.p2 = fRect(p1.pos, p2.size) self.b = fRect(b.pos, b.size) self.dim = (table_dim[0], table_dim[1]) self.walls_Rects = [Rect((-100, -100), (table_size[0]+200, 100)), Rect((-100, table_size[1]), (table_size[0]+200, 100))]
def draw(self, p_game_screen: Surface, p_actor: Actor): """ Draw an Energy bar on a Surface using the energy value of an Actor Args: p_game_screen: The Surface to draw to p_actor: The Actor to display the energy status of """ if p_actor.get_energy() > 70: rectangle = Rect(self.coordinate.get_x(), self.coordinate.get_y(), 60, 20) draw.rect(p_game_screen, color.THECOLORS['green'], rectangle) elif p_actor.get_energy() > 30: rectangle = Rect(self.coordinate.get_x(), self.coordinate.get_y(), 60, 20) draw.rect(p_game_screen, color.THECOLORS['orange'], rectangle) else: rectangle = Rect(self.coordinate.get_x(), self.coordinate.get_y(), 60, 20) draw.rect(p_game_screen, color.THECOLORS['red'], rectangle) rectangle_border = Rect(self.coordinate.get_x() - 3, self.coordinate.get_y() - 3, 65, 25) draw.rect(p_game_screen, color.THECOLORS['black'], rectangle_border, 2) self.draw_header(p_game_screen, "Energy")
def 그리기(점수판, 게임종료): # 음식 그리기 for food in 음식: pygame.draw.ellipse(화면, (0, 255, 0), Rect(food[0] * 20, food[1] * 20, 20, 20)) # 타원그리기( 화면이동 , (칼라[RGB] , 타원( x축 , y축 , 가로크기 , 세로크기 ) # 점수 그리기 if 점수판 != None: # 점수에 내용이 있으면 화면.blit(점수판, (10, 10)) # x좌표 y좌표 표기 # 뱀 그리기 for body in 뱀: pygame.draw.rect(화면, (0, 255, 255), Rect(body[0] * 20, body[1] * 20, 20, 20)) # 사각형그리기( 화면이름 , (칼라[RGB] , 사각형( x축 , y축 , 가로크기 , 세로크기 ) # 종료메세지 그리기 if 게임종료: # 게임종료메세지 내용이 있으면 게임종료메세지 = my글꼴.render("게임 종료 [ 획득점수는: ] " + str(점수), True, (255, 255, 0)) 화면.blit(게임종료메세지, (275, 450)) # x좌표 y좌표에 표기 pygame.display.update() # 화면 업데이트
def main(): """ main routine """ while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() SURFACE.fill((255, 255, 255)) # 赤:矩形(塗りつぶし) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), (10, 20, 100, 50)) # 赤:矩形(太さ3) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), (150, 10, 100, 30), 3) # 緑:矩形 pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 255, 0), ((100, 80), (80, 50))) # 青:矩形、Rectオブジェクト rect0 = Rect(200, 60, 140, 80) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 0, 255), rect0) # 黄:矩形、Rectオブジェクト rect1 = Rect((30, 160), (100, 50)) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 255, 0), rect1) pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick(3)
def update(self, game): """update - update the game window""" #self.game_plane.image.blit(self.game_background, (0,0)) #reset background drawing for c in game.cities: if not c.plane: c.plane = clickndrag.Plane("city of %s" %, Rect(c.location, c.image_size)) c.plane.image.blit(c.image, (0, 0)) self.game_plane.sub(c.plane) for d in game.dredges: if not d.plane: image_size = 50, 50 d.plane = clickndrag.Plane(, Rect(d.location, image_size)) d.plane.image.set_colorkey(white) d.plane.image.fill(white) draw_dredge(d.plane.image, d.dimensions, image_size[0]) #todo: figure out scaling #d.plane.image.blit(d.image, (0,0)) d.plane.draggable = True self.game_plane.sub(d.plane) self.date_status.text ="Date: %d %B %Y") self.player_status.text = "Value: {0:,}".format( int(game.players[0].value)) self.screen.update() self.screen.render() pygame.display.flip() return True
def __init__(self, city, msgs=[], padding=0, background_color=None): """ initialize. Initialized with a name, destroy button in upper right, and basic city information. """ planes.gui.Container.__init__(self, "{}_status".format(, padding, background_color) = city if city.owner: owner_name = else: owner_name = 'Neutral' city_data_strs = [('city_name',, ('city owner', owner_name)] city_data_strs.extend(msgs) self.num_proj = -1 name_length = max([len(s[1]) for s in city_data_strs]) * char_width + char_width for s in city_data_strs: name_label = planes.gui.Label(s[0], s[1], Rect(0, 0, name_length, 15), background_color=teal) self.sub(name_label) destroy_button = planes.gui.Button( 'X', Rect(name_label.rect.width - char_width, 0, char_width, 15), lambda x: x.parent.parent.destroy(), background_color=teal) name_label.sub(destroy_button)
def main(): """main routine""" while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() SURFACE.fill((255, 255, 255)) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), (10, 20, 100, 50)) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), (150, 10, 100, 30), 3) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 255, 0), ((100, 80), (80, 50))) rect0 = Rect(200, 60, 140, 80) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 0, 255), rect0) rect1 = Rect((30, 160), (100, 50)) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 255, 0), rect1) # circle( Surface, color, pos, radius, width = 0) -> Rect, (255, 0, 0), (150, 50), 20, 10) # ellipse( Surface, color, Rect, width = 0) -> Rect pygame.draw.ellipse(SURFACE, (0, 255, 0), (50, 150, 110, 60), 5) # line( Surface, color, start_ pos, end_ pos, width = 1) -> Rect # 青: 斜線( 太 さ 10) start_pos = (300, 30) end_pos = (380, 200) pygame.draw.line(SURFACE, (0, 0, 255), start_pos, end_pos, 10) pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick(3)
def draw_scoreboard(self, screen, screen_size, score): """Draws a box with the score in it onto the screen.""" screenw, screenh = screen_size wellx, welly = self.well_pixel_coords(screen_size) wellw, wellh = self.well_size() border_size = 5 padding = 20 height = 50 left = wellx + wellw + padding right = screenw - padding top = welly #bottom = top + height width = right - left + 1 pygame.draw.rect( screen, Color(255, 255, 255, 255), Rect(left - border_size, top - border_size, width + border_size * 2, height + border_size * 2)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, Color(0, 0, 0, 255), Rect(left, top, width, height)) text = str(score) font = pygame.font.SysFont("Lucida Console", 32, 1, 0) text_surface = font.render(text, False, Color(255, 255, 255, 255)) screen.blit(text_surface, (left + (width - text_surface.get_width()) / 2, top + (height - text_surface.get_height()) / 2))
def paint(message): SURFACE.fill((0, 0, 0)) for food in FOODS: pygame.draw.ellipse(SURFACE, (0, 255, 0), Rect(food[0] * 30, food[1] * 30, 30, 30)) for bomb in BOMBS: pygame.draw.ellipse(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), Rect(bomb[0] * 30, bomb[1] * 30, 30, 30)) for body in SNAKE: pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 255, 255), Rect(body[0] * 30, body[1] * 30, 30, 30)) for enemy in ENEMY: pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 30, 30), Rect(enemy[0] * 30, enemy[1] * 30, 30, 30)) for index in range(20): pygame.draw.line(SURFACE, (64, 64, 64), (index * 30, 0), (index * 30, 600)) pygame.draw.line(SURFACE, (64, 64, 64), (0, index * 30), (600, index * 30)) if message is not None: SURFACE.blit(message, (150, 300)) smallfont = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 36) message_score = smallfont.render("SCORE = " f'{len(SNAKE)}', True, (0, 255, 255)) SURFACE.blit(message_score, (250, 0)) pygame.display.update()
def __init__(self, x_dim, y_dim): init() # Dimensions Game Screen (grid) self.x_dim = x_dim self.y_dim = y_dim self.MARGIN = 8 self.HEADER_BAR = 70 self.SPACE_PIXELS = 32 if (self.SPACE_PIXELS*self.x_dim + 2 * self.MARGIN) < 550 : self.WIDTH = 550 else: self.WIDTH = self.SPACE_PIXELS*self.x_dim + 2 * self.MARGIN self.HEIGHT = self.SPACE_PIXELS*self.y_dim + 2 * self.MARGIN + self.HEADER_BAR self._screen = display.set_mode((self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT)) display.set_caption("BitSweeper") if (self.x_dim*self.SPACE_PIXELS) < self.WIDTH : self.GAME_SCREEN_LEFT = (self.WIDTH / 2) - ((self.x_dim* self.SPACE_PIXELS) / 2) else : self.GAME_SCREEN_LEFT = self.MARGIN # Dimensions buttons self.BUTTON_WIDTH = math.floor(self.WIDTH/3) # Dimensions timer and flag counter self.TIMER_WIDTH = 150 self.FLAG_COUNTER_HEIGHT = 20 self.FLAG_COUNTER_WIDTH = 150 # Game Screen (grid) self._gameScreen = self._screen.subsurface( Rect(self.GAME_SCREEN_LEFT, self.HEADER_BAR + self.MARGIN, self.SPACE_PIXELS*self.x_dim, self.SPACE_PIXELS*self.y_dim) ) # Reset button self._reset = self._screen.subsurface( Rect(self.MARGIN, self.MARGIN, self.BUTTON_WIDTH, self.HEADER_BAR-self.MARGIN) ) # Timer and flag counter self._timer = self._screen.subsurface( Rect(self.MARGIN + self.BUTTON_WIDTH + self.MARGIN, self.MARGIN, self.TIMER_WIDTH, self.FLAG_COUNTER_HEIGHT) ) self._flagCounter = self._screen.subsurface( Rect(self.MARGIN + self.BUTTON_WIDTH + self.MARGIN, self.MARGIN + self.FLAG_COUNTER_HEIGHT, self.FLAG_COUNTER_WIDTH, self.FLAG_COUNTER_HEIGHT) ) self._screen.fill(Color('light grey')) # Cheat Mode button self.CHEATMODE_WIDTH = math.floor(self.WIDTH/3) self._cheatMode = self._screen.subsurface( Rect(self.MARGIN + self.BUTTON_WIDTH + self.MARGIN + self.TIMER_WIDTH + self.MARGIN, self.MARGIN, self.CHEATMODE_WIDTH, self.HEADER_BAR-self.MARGIN) ) display.flip()
def paint(): """update the screen""" SURFACE.fill((0, 0, 0)) for shape in SHAPES: polygons = for vertices in polygons: poly = [] for vertex in vertices: pos_z = vertex[2] if pos_z <= 1: continue poly.append((vertex[0] / pos_z * 1000 + 300, -vertex[1] / pos_z * 1000 + 300)) if len(poly) > 1: pygame.draw.lines(SURFACE, shape.get_color(), True, poly) pos_x, pos_z, theta = CAMERA[0], CAMERA[1], CAMERA_THETA RADAR.set_alpha(128) RADAR.fill((128, 128, 128)) pygame.draw.arc(RADAR, (0, 0, 225), Rect(pos_x + 100, -pos_z + 100, 200, 200), theta - 0.6 + pi / 2, theta + 0.6 + pi / 2, 100) pygame.draw.rect(RADAR, (225, 0, 0), Rect(pos_x + 200, -pos_z + 200, 5, 5)) for tank in TANKS: pygame.draw.rect(RADAR, (0, 255, 0), Rect(tank.get_x() + 200, -tank.get_z() + 200, 5, 5)) for shot in SHOTS: pygame.draw.rect(RADAR, (225, 225, 225), Rect(shot.get_x() + 200, -shot.get_z() + 200, 5, 5)) scaled_radar = pygame.transform.scale(RADAR, (300, 300)) SURFACE.blit(scaled_radar, (650, 50)) pygame.display.update()
def chamadaImagensDominoCentroMesa(self): for i in range(len(Utils.listaPedrasInseridasNaMesa)): Utils.img = pygame.image.load( Utils.listaPedrasInseridasNaMesa[i]['url']) size = Utils.listaPedrasInseridasNaMesa[i]['size'] pos = Utils.listaPedrasInseridasNaMesa[i]['pos'] Utils.img = pygame.transform.scale(Utils.img, (size)) if Utils.listaPedrasInseridasNaMesa[i]["rotate"]["verify"] == True: Utils.img = pygame.transform.rotate( Utils.img, Utils.listaPedrasInseridasNaMesa[i]["rotate"]["grau"]) Utils.listaPedrasInseridasNaMesa[i]["rectLadosPedra"][ "rectEsquerda"] = Rect((pos[0], (pos[1] + 2)), ((size[0] - 6), (size[1] / 2))) print "POS = ", pos print "SIZE = ", size Utils.listaPedrasInseridasNaMesa[i]["rectLadosPedra"][ "rectDireita"] = Rect(((pos[0] + 40), pos[1] + 2), ((size[0] - 7), (size[1] / 2))) else: Utils.listaPedrasInseridasNaMesa[i]['rect'] = Rect( Utils.listaPedrasInseridasNaMesa[i]['pos'], (Utils.listaPedrasInseridasNaMesa[i]['size'])) self.screen.blit(Utils.img, Utils.listaPedrasInseridasNaMesa[i]['pos']) pygame.display.update()
def main(): """メインルーチン""" pos_x = 0 pos_y = 0 velocity_x = 5 velocity_y = 6 while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() SURFACE.fill((0, 0, 0)) pos_x += velocity_x if pos_x > 600: pos_x = 0 pos_y += velocity_y if pos_y > 600: pos_y = 0 pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 255, 255), Rect(pos_x, 200, 10, 10)) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 255, 255), Rect(200, pos_y, 10, 10)) pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick(10)
def 그리기(점수판, 게임종료메세지): 화면.fill((0, 0, 0)) # 검정색으로 칠하기 화면.blit(배경, (0, 0)) # 음식 그리기 for food in 음식: pygame.draw.ellipse(화면, (0, 255, 0), Rect(food[0] * 20, food[1] * 20, 20, 20)) # 뱀 그리기 for body in 뱀[::2]: pygame.draw.rect(화면, (0, 0, 0), Rect(body[0] * 20, body[1] * 20, 20, 20)) for body in 뱀[1::2]: pygame.draw.rect(화면, (255, 255, 255), Rect(body[0] * 20, body[1] * 20, 20, 20)) # 점수 그리기 if 점수판 != None: # 점수에 내용이 있으면 화면.blit(점수판, (10, 10)) # 종료 메세지 그리기 if 게임종료메세지 != None: 화면.blit(게임종료메세지, (280, 500)) pygame.display.update() # 화면 업데이트
def main(): while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() SURFACE.fill((255, 255, 255)) # Red rectangle(full) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), (10, 20, 100, 50)) # Red rectangle(not full) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), (150, 10, 100, 50), 3) # Green rectangle pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 255, 0), (100, 80, 80, 50)) # Blue rectangle rect0 = Rect(200, 60, 140, 80) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 0, 255), rect0) # Yellow rectangle rect1 = Rect(30, 160, 100, 50) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 255, 0), rect1) pygame.display.update()
def main(): pygame.init() pygame.key.set_repeat(10, 10) clock = pygame.time.Clock() surface = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption("Squah game") font = pygame.font.Font(None, 80) message_over = font.render("Game Over!!", True, (255, 0, 0)) message_pos = message_over.get_rect() message_pos.centerx = surface.get_rect().centerx message_pos.centery = surface.get_rect().centery ball_num = 3 racket = Rect(RACKET_SIZE) ball = Rect(surface.get_rect().centerx - 10, 0, BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE) dir = randint(ANGLE, 180 - ANGLE) speed = INIT_SPEED game_over = False while True: # キーの判定 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_LEFT: racket.centerx -= 10 elif event.key == K_RIGHT: racket.centerx += 10 elif event.key == K_UP: racket.centery -= 10 elif event.key == K_DOWN: racket.centery += 10 # 判定ボールの移動 if ball.centery < HEIGHT: ball.centerx += cos(radians(dir)) * speed ball.centery += sin(radians(dir)) * speed else: if ball_num > 1: ball_num -= 1 ball.left = surface.get_rect().centerx - 10 = 0 dir = randint(ANGLE, 180 - ANGLE) else: game_over = True if racket.colliderect(ball): dir = -(90 + (racket.centerx - ball.centerx) / racket.width * 100) print(dir) if ball.centerx < 0 or ball.centerx > WIDTH: dir = 180 - dir dir = -dir if ball.centery < 0 else dir surface.fill((255, 255, 255)) if game_over: surface.blit(message_over, (message_pos)) pygame.draw.rect(surface, RACKET_COLOR, racket) pygame.draw.ellipse(surface, BALL_COLOR, ball) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(30)
def main(): # メイン関数 while True: # 無限ループ for event in pygame.event.get(): # イベントキューからイベントを取得 if event.type == QUIT: # 終了イベントの判定 pygame.quit() # PyGameの初期化を解除 sys.exit() # プログラム終了 # White surface SCREEN.fill((255, 255, 255)) # Red:rectangle pygame.draw.rect(SCREEN, (255, 0, 0), (10, 20, 100, 50)) # Red:rectangle pygame.draw.rect(SCREEN, (255, 0, 0), (150, 10, 100, 30), 3) # Green:rectangle pygame.draw.rect(SCREEN, (0, 255, 0), ((100, 80), (80, 50))) # Blue:rectangle Rect object rect0 = Rect(200, 60, 140, 80) pygame.draw.rect(SCREEN, (0, 0, 255), rect0) # Yellow:rectangle Rect object rect1 = Rect((30, 160), (100, 50)) pygame.draw.rect(SCREEN, (255, 255, 0), rect1) pygame.display.update() # 描画内容を画面に反映 FPSCLOCK.tick(3) # 1 秒間に 3 回ループする
def draw_graph(): ''' 根据处理后的频域信息进行图像绘制 ''' # 从左到右让RGB渐变,并尽量不出现RGB(255,255,255)颜色 setColor = list(color) for n in range(0, transformedL.size, GAP): if setColor[0] + 5 <= COLOR_BOUND_H: setColor[0] += 5 elif setColor[1] + 5 <= COLOR_BOUND_H: setColor[1] += 5 setColor[0] -= 2 else: setColor[0] -= 5 # 左耳信息绘制在界面中线上方,右耳信息绘制在界面中线下方 # 为了美观在矩阵(RECT)上方绘制了一条短线 heightL = np.nan_to_num(transformedL[n]) heightR = np.nan_to_num(transformedR[n]) draw.rect( screen, setColor, Rect((GAP + n, WINDOW_SIZE[1] / 2 - heightL / 2 - 5), (GAP * 0.8, 1))) draw.rect( screen, setColor, Rect((GAP + n, WINDOW_SIZE[1] / 2), (GAP * 0.8, -heightL / 2))) draw.rect( screen, setColor, Rect((GAP + n, WINDOW_SIZE[1] / 2 + heightR / 2 + 5), (GAP * 0.8, 1))) draw.rect( screen, setColor, Rect((GAP + n, WINDOW_SIZE[1] / 2), (GAP * 0.8, heightR / 2)))
def update_col(self, col=0, num=3, base=16, blank=False): # ある桁にある数字を表示する関数 # numをcol桁目に表示、桁は最上位桁の左から右へ進む。 block_size = self.BLOCK_SIZE num = num % base # デフォルトは16進数表示 for segment in segments: # 7つのセグメントのうちの、あるセグメントについて、 if segment[num] == 1: color = self.COLOR_ON else: color = self.COLOR_OFF if blank is True: # ブランク表示の場合は、すべてOFFで上書き color = self.COLOR_OFF # 桁の原点 x0 = self.X_ORG + self.COL_INTV * col y0 = self.Y_ORG # ブロック1、ブロック2の座標オフセット x1, y1 = segment[16][0] x2, y2 = segment[16][1] # ブロック1、ブロック2の原点座標 org1 = (x0 + x1 * self.BLOCK_INTV, y0 - y1 * self.BLOCK_INTV) org2 = (x0 + x2 * self.BLOCK_INTV, y0 - y2 * self.BLOCK_INTV) # ブロック1,2を描く pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, color, Rect(org1[0], org1[1], block_size, block_size)) pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, color, Rect(org2[0], org2[1], block_size, block_size))
def 그리기(점수판, 게임종료메시지): # 그리기 함수 선언 화면.blit(배경, (0, 0)) # 화면색상 색으로 칠하기 # 음식 그리기 for food in 음식: # 음식 리스트의 개수 만큼 반복하기 pygame.draw.ellipse(화면, (255, 255, 0), Rect(food[0] * 20, food[1] * 20, 20, 20)) # 음식 그리기(타원) 색 가로 세로 # 뱀 그리기 for body in 뱀: # 뱀 리스트의 개수 만큼 반복하기 pygame.draw.rect(화면, (255, 255, 255), Rect(body[0] * 20, body[1] * 20, 20, 20)) # 음식 그리기(타원) 색 가로 세로 # 점수 그리기 if 점수판 != None: # 점수에 내용이 있으면 화면.blit(점수판, (10, 10)) # 점수판 위치 # 종료 메시지 그리기 if 게임종료: # 게임종료 메시지가 내용이 있으면 게임종료메시지 = my글꼴1.render("게임종료 점수 : " + str(점수), True, (255, 255, 255)) 화면.blit(게임종료메시지, (375, 400)) print(단계) pygame.display.update() # 화면 업데이트
def main(): """main routine""" while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() SURFACE.fill((255, 255, 255)) # 빨간색: 직사각형(꽉 채워서 칠한다.) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), (10, 20, 100, 50)) # 빨간색: 직사각형(굵기3) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), (150, 10, 100, 30), 3) # 녹색:직사각형 pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 255, 0), ((100, 80), (80, 50))) # 파란색:직사각형,Rect객체 rect0 = Rect(200, 60, 140, 80) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 0, 255), rect0) # 노란색:직사각형,Rect객체 rect1 = Rect((30, 160), (100, 50)) pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 255, 0), rect1) pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick(3)
def __init__(self, left: int, top: int, game_player, image_height: int=50): super().__init__() self.game_player = game_player surface = game_player.character.face_image name = stock = game_player.stock # キャラ画像 image_width = image_height rect = Rect(left, top, image_width, image_height) image = surface_fit_to_rect(surface, rect) self.character_sprite = SimpleSprite(rect, image) self.add(self.character_sprite) # ストックの丸 self.stock = stock self.stock_sprites = [Group() for i in range(stock)] x, y = self.character_sprite.rect.bottomright stock_radius = int(0.05 * image_height) left, top = x, y - stock_radius * 2 for i in range(stock): surface = Surface((stock_radius * 2, stock_radius * 2)).convert_alpha() surface.fill((125, 125, 125)) surface.set_colorkey(surface.get_at((0, 0))) pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(surface, stock_radius, stock_radius, stock_radius-1, (255, 255, 255)) stock_sprite = SimpleSprite(Rect(left, top, stock_radius * 2, stock_radius * 2), surface) self.stock_sprites[i].add(stock_sprite) print(self.stock_sprites[i]) left += stock_radius * 2 # プレイヤーネーム font_size = int(0.2 * image_height) font = pygame.font.Font(None, font_size) left, bottom = self.character_sprite.rect.bottomright bottom -= stock_radius * 2 self.player_name_sprite = TextSprite( x=left, y=bottom, align="left", vertical_align="bottom", text=name, font=font, color=(255, 255, 255) ) self.add(self.player_name_sprite) # プレイヤーネームのbg width = self.character_sprite.rect.w + max(stock_radius * 2 * stock, self.player_name_sprite.rect.w) + 10 height = self.character_sprite.rect.h self.base_rect = Rect(*self.character_sprite.rect.topleft, width, height) rect = self.base_rect bg_image = Surface(rect.size).convert_alpha() bg_image.fill((0, 0, 0)) bg_image.set_alpha(225) bg_sprite = SimpleSprite(rect, bg_image) self.bg_group = Group() self.bg_group.add(bg_sprite)
def __init__(self, xpos): self.rect = Rect(xpos, 550, 40, 40) self.exploded = False strip = pygame.image.load("strip.png") self.images = (pygame.Surface((20, 20), pygame.SRCALPHA), pygame.Surface((20, 20), pygame.SRCALPHA)) self.images[0].blit(strip, (0, 0), Rect(0, 0, 20, 20)) self.images[1].blit(strip, (0, 0), Rect(20, 0, 20, 20))
def parallax(surf, initial_pos, img, pos_x): pos_x %= img.get_width() rect1 = Rect((0, 0), (pos_x, img.get_height())) temp_img1 = img.subsurface(rect1) rect2 = Rect((pos_x, 0), (img.get_width() - pos_x, img.get_height())) temp_img2 = img.subsurface(rect2) surf.blit(temp_img1, (img.get_width() - pos_x, initial_pos[1])) surf.blit(temp_img2, initial_pos)
def __init__(self, rect, offset0, offset1): strip = pygame.image.load("./image/strip.png") self.images = (pygame.Surface((24, 24), pygame.SRCALPHA), pygame.Surface((24, 24), pygame.SRCALPHA)) self.rect = rect self.count = 0 self.images[0].blit(strip, (0, 0), Rect(offset0, 0, 24, 24)) self.images[1].blit(strip, (0, 0), Rect(offset1, 0, 24, 24))
def clear(self, surface, bg): # make heavily used symbols local, avoid python performance hit split_rects_add = _split_rects_add spritelist = self._spritelist spritelist_len = len(spritelist) changed = self.lostsprites changed_append = changed.append for sprite in spritelist: if not sprite.last_state_changed(): continue state = sprite.last_state changed_append(state.rect) i = sprite.zindex while i < spritelist_len: s2 = spritelist[i] i += 1 if s2.dirty or not s2.visible: continue r = state.rect.clip(s2.rect) if r: r2 = Rect((r.left - s2.rect.left, -, r.size) s2.damaged_areas.append((r, r2)) s2.damaged = True # for in spritelist changed.sort(_cmp_area) split_rects = [] for r in changed: split_rects_add(split_rects, r) surface_blit = surface.blit dirty = [] dirty_append = dirty.append for r in split_rects: r = surface_blit(bg, r, r) dirty_append(r) for s in spritelist: if s.dirty or s.damaged or not s.visible: continue state = s.last_state r2 = r.clip(state.rect) if r2: r3 = Rect(r2.left - s.rect.left, -, r2.width, r2.height) surface_blit(s.image, r2, r3) # for in spritelist # for in split_rects self.lostsprites = dirty
def _calc_area(self): f = self.get_curr_frame() s = self.srcCorner h = self.h_s v = self.v_s if self.hor_step <> 0: return Rect(s[0] + h * f, s[1], self.size[0], self.size[1]) else: return Rect(s[0], s[1] + v * f, self.size[0], self.size[1])
def __init__(self, width=700, height=800, timeScale=1): self.max_frame_rate = 10 #max frame rate in frames-per-second self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.init() self.screenSize = width, height self.w32windowClass = "pygame" #The win32 window class for this object self.screen = clickndrag.Display( self.screenSize) #pygame.display.set_mode(self.screenSize) self.windowCaption = "Dredge Tycoon" pygame.display.set_caption(self.windowCaption) self.white = pygame.Color("white") self.screen.image.fill(self.white) pygame.display.flip() #The game screen sea_tile = pygame.image.load( os.path.join('graphics', 'sea_tile_32x32.png')).convert() self.sea_tiles = [sea_tile] * 250 self.sea_tiles.append( pygame.image.load(os.path.join('graphics', 'whale_tile_32x32.png')).convert()) self.sea_tiles.append( pygame.image.load( os.path.join('graphics', 'tugboat_tile_32x32.png')).convert()) self.sea_tiles.append( pygame.image.load(os.path.join('graphics', 'turtle_tile_32x32.png')).convert()) self.sea_tiles.append( pygame.image.load( os.path.join('graphics', 'swordfish_tile_32x32.png')).convert()) menu_margin = width #*.75 self.game_plane = clickndrag.Plane("game screen", Rect(0, 0, menu_margin, height)) self.game_background = tile_texture(self.game_plane.image, self.sea_tiles) self.game_plane.image.blit(self.game_background, (0, 0)) self.screen.sub(self.game_plane) #The main status display - Date and player $$ self.date_status = clickndrag.gui.Button("Date: 01 Jan 1900", Rect(0, 0, 150, 15), None) #callback placeholder self.screen.sub(self.date_status) self.player_status = clickndrag.gui.Button("Value: 000,000,000", Rect(150, 0, 125, 15), None) #callback placeholder self.screen.sub(self.player_status) self.status_windows = {} self.city_bubble = None pygame.display.flip()
def paint(message): SURFACE.fill((0,0,0)) for food in FOODS: pygame.draw.ellipse(SURFACE,(0,255,0),Rect(food[0]*30, food[1]*30, 30,30)) for body in SNAKE: pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0,255,255),Rect(body[0]*30, body[1]*30, 30,30)) for index in range(20): pygame.draw.line(SURFACE, (64,64,64),(index*30,0),(index*30, 600)) pygame.draw.line(SURFACE,(64,64,64),(0, index*30),(600, index*30)) if message != None: SURFACE.blit(message, (150,300)) pygame.display.update()
def update(self, HP, stamina, ammo, equiped, pos): = HP self.stamina = stamina self.ammo = ammo if equiped == 'swrd': self.equiped = 0 else: self.equiped = 1 # Draw HP Bar temp = int(( / self.healthTotal) * self.width) pygame.draw.rect( self.SURF, self.RED, Rect(self.healthBarPos[0], self.healthBarPos[1], temp, self.height)) pygame.draw.rect( self.SURF, self.BLACK, Rect(self.healthBarPos[0] - self.borderWidth, self.healthBarPos[1] - self.borderWidth, self.width + 2 * self.borderWidth, self.height + 2 * self.borderWidth), 2 * self.borderWidth) # Draw Stamina Bar temp = int((self.stamina / self.staminaTotal) * self.width) pygame.draw.rect( self.SURF, self.GREEN, Rect(self.staminaBarPos[0], self.staminaBarPos[1], temp, self.height)) pygame.draw.rect( self.SURF, self.BLACK, Rect(self.staminaBarPos[0] - self.borderWidth, self.staminaBarPos[1] - self.borderWidth, self.width + 2 * self.borderWidth, self.height + 2 * self.borderWidth), 2 * self.borderWidth) # Draw toolbar self.tbImgSwitch(self.equiped) self.SURF.blit(self.swrdImg[self.swrdHL], (self.tbPos[0], self.tbPos[1])) self.SURF.blit(self.blndrImg[self.blndrHL], (self.tbPos2[0], self.tbPos2[1])) ammoTxt = self.fontRender(self.ammoFont, 'x ' + str(self.ammo)) self.SURF.blit(ammoTxt, self.tbTxtPos) # Draw MiniMap pygame.draw.rect( self.SURF, self.BLACK, Rect(self.MiniMapX - 10, self.MiniMapY - 10, self.MiniMap.get_size()[0] + 20, self.MiniMap.get_size()[1] + 20)) temp = self.MiniMap.copy() xy = (pos[0] // self.TILESIZE, pos[1] // self.TILESIZE) self.__setPixels(temp, xy, size=5) self.SURF.blit(temp, (self.MiniMapX, self.MiniMapY))