def bfs(draw, grid, start, end): q = Queue() q.put((0, start, "#")) check = {} came_from = {} while not q.empty(): vals = q.get() cur = vals[1] prev = vals[2] dist = vals[0] if check.get(cur, False): continue check[cur] = True if cur != start: came_from[cur] = prev if cur == end: reconstruct_path(came_from, end, draw) start.make_start() end.make_end() return True for neighbor in cur.neighbors: if check.get(neighbor, False): continue q.put((dist + 1, neighbor, cur)) neighbor.make_close() draw()
def main(): global screen, font pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, channels=1) pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption("pyfxr") screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600)) font = pygame.font.SysFont('sans-serif', 24, bold=False) while True: draw() pygame.display.flip() ev = pygame.event.wait() if ev.type == pygame.QUIT: return elif ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if ev.button == pygame.BUTTON_LEFT: clicked = widget_at(ev.pos) if clicked: clicked.on_click(ev.pos) elif ev.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: if pygame.BUTTON_LEFT in ev.buttons: if clicked: clicked.on_drag(ev.pos) elif ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if ev.button == pygame.BUTTON_LEFT: if clicked: clicked.on_release(ev.pos) clicked = None elif ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if ev.key == pygame.K_F1: tones_tab() elif ev.key == pygame.K_F2: fxr_tab()
def draw(self): for a in self.model.spacejunks: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, pygame.Color(a.color[0], a.color[1], a.color[2]), pygame.Rect(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height)) for b in self.model.spacejunkm: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, pygame.Color(b.color[0], b.color[1], b.color[2]), pygame.Rect(b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height)) pygame.draw(self.screen, (self.model.sandra.width, self.model.sandra.height), pygame.Surface(self.model.sandra.x, self.model.sandra.y)) pygame.display.update()
def mouse_clique(x, y): global state if state == State.PLAY_STONE: s = get_square(x, y) if s != False and add_stone(s): state = State.MOVE draw()
def draw_grid(surface, grid): sx=top_left_x sy=top_left_y for i in range(len(grid)): pygame.draw(surface,(128,128,128),(sx,sy+i*block_size), (sx+play_width,sy+i*block_size)) for j in range(len(grid[i])): pygame.draw(surface,(128,128,128),(sx+j*block_size,sy), (sx+j*block_size,sy+play_height))
def all_move(): """Сразу передвигаем все шарики""" for i in range(len(balls)): balls[i].move(h_max=screen_h_max - 50, h_min=screen_h_min + 50, w_max=screen_w_max - 50, w_min=screen_w_min + 50) draw(screen, balls[i])
def draw(self, screen, offset, zoom): i = 1 for point in self.path: i += 1, self.color, ((int((point[0]+offset[0]) * zoom),int((point[1]+offset[1])* zoom))), 0, 0) pygame.draw(screen, (11,223,0,0), ((int((self.position[0]+offset[0]) * zoom),int((self.position[1]+offset[1])* zoom))), 10, 0) pygame.draw(screen, (150,150,150,0), ((int((self.position[0]+offset[0]) * zoom),int((self.position[1]+offset[1])* zoom))), 15, 10) self.path.append((self.position[0],self.position[1])) self.path = self.path[-5000:] #This deletes any points older than 500
def draw_tank(x, y, width, height, direction, **kwargs): print(kwargs) tank_c = (x + int(width / 2), y + int(width / 2)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 0, 0), (x, y, width, width), 2), (255, 0, 0), tank_c, int(width / 2)) for x in state["gamefild"]['tanks']: color = (255, 255, 255) if x[id] == id: color = (0, 0, 0) pygame.draw()
def main(win, width): ROWS = 50 grid = make_grid(ROWS, width) start = None end = None run = True started = False while run: draw(win, grid, ROWS, width) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False if started: continue if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() row, col = get_clicked_pos(pos, ROWS, width) spot = grid[row][col] if not start and spot != end: start = spot start.make_start() elif not end and spot != start: end = spot end.make_end() elif spot != end and spot != start: spot.make_barrier() elif pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[2]: pass if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE and start and end: for row in grid: for spot in row: spot.update_neighbors(grid) algorithm(lambda: draw(win, grid, ROWS, width), grid, start, end) if event.key == pygame.K_c: # 키보드 c start = None end = None grid = make_grid(ROWS, width) pygame.quit()
def main(Win, width): ROWS = 50 grid = makeGrid(ROWS, width) start = None end = None run = True started = False Win.fill((255, 0, 0)) while run: draw(Win, grid, ROWS, width) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False if started: continue if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: print("clicked") position = pygame.mouse.get_pos() row, col = getClickedPosition(position, ROWS, width) print(row, col) node = grid[row][col] if not start and node != end: start = node start.makeStart() elif not end: end = node end.makeEnd() elif node != end and node != start: node.makeBarrier() elif pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[2]: position = pygame.mouse.get_pos() row, col = getClickedPosition(position, ROWS, width) node = grid[row][col] node.reset() if node == start: start = None elif node == end: end = None #pygame.display.update() pygame.quit()
def __init__(self): # makes player by calling parent class super().__init__() self.image = pygame.draw([20, 20]) self.image.fill = (GREEN) self.rect = self.image.get_rect:()
def a_star(draw, grid, start, end): count = 0 open_set = PriorityQueue() open_set.put((0, count, start)) came_from = {} g_score = {spot: float("inf") for row in grid for spot in row} g_score[start] = 0 f_score = {spot: float("inf") for row in grid for spot in row} f_score[start] = h(start.get_pos(), end.get_pos()) open_set_hash = {start} while not open_set.empty(): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() current = open_set.get()[2] open_set_hash.remove(current) if current == end: reconstruct_path(came_from, end, draw) start.make_start() end.make_end() return True #make_path for neighbor in current.neighbors: temp_g_score = g_score[current] + 1 if temp_g_score < g_score[neighbor]: came_from[neighbor] = current g_score[neighbor] = temp_g_score f_score[neighbor] = temp_g_score + h(neighbor.get_pos(), end.get_pos()) if neighbor not in open_set_hash: open_set.put((f_score[neighbor], count, neighbor)) open_set_hash.add(neighbor) neighbor.make_open() draw() if current != start: current.make_close()
def algorithm(draw, grid, start, end): count = 0 open_set = PriorityQueue() open_set.put((0, count, start)) came_from = {} g_score = {spot: float("inf") for row in grid for spot in row} g_score[start] = 0 f_score = {spot: float("inf") for row in grid for spot in row} f_score[start] = h(start.get_pos(), end.get_pos()) open_set_hash = {start} while not open_set.empty(): current = open_set.get()[2] open_set_hash.remove(current) if current == end: shortest_path(came_from, end, draw) end.make_end() return True for neighbor in current.neighbors: temp_g_score = g_score[current] + 1 if temp_g_score < g_score[neighbor]: came_from[neighbor] = current g_score[neighbor] = temp_g_score f_score[neighbor] = temp_g_score + h(neighbor.get_pos(), end.get_pos()) if neighbor not in open_set_hash: count += 1 open_set.put((f_score[neighbor], count, neighbor)) open_set_hash.add(neighbor) neighbor.make_open() draw() if current != start: current.make_closed() return False
def dfs(draw, grid, start, end): stack = deque([]) stack.append((0, start, "#")) check = {} came_from = {} while len(stack) > 0: vals = stack[-1] cur = vals[1] prev = vals[2] dist = vals[0] check[cur] = True if cur != start: came_from[cur] = prev if cur == end: reconstruct_path(came_from, end, draw) start.make_start() end.make_end() return True pushed = False for neighbor in cur.neighbors: if check.get(neighbor, False): continue stack.append((dist + 1, neighbor, cur)) neighbor.make_close() pushed = True break if pushed == False: stack.pop() draw() return False
balls[i] = new_ball() pygame.display.update() clock = pygame.time.Clock() finished = False while not finished: clock.tick(FPS) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: finished = True print("Всего очков:", score) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: for i, ball in enumerate(balls): x1, y1 = event.pos x = ball[X] y = ball[Y] r = ball[R] if (x - x1)**2 + (y - y1)**2 <= r**2: balls[i] = new_ball() score += 100 - r text(str(score)) for ball in balls: ball = move_ball(ball) draw(ball) pygame.display.update() screen.fill(BLACK) pygame.quit()
def draw(self): for p in self.projectilelist: p.draw()
def spike(x, y): for i in range (20): a = random.randint(0, 60) b = random.randint(-10, 20) polygon(screen, (0, 0, 0), [[x+a, y+b], [x+a+3, y+b-60], [x+a+6, y+b]], 0) polygon(screen, (255, 255, 255), [[x+a, y+b], [x+a+3, y+b-60], [x+a+6, y+b]], 1) def sonic(x, y): body(x, y) mushroom(x, y, 1, 0.5) mushroom(x+70, y-20, -1, 0.7) spike(x, y) pygame.init() FPS = 30 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 400)) draw() # - function for drawing pygame.display.update() clock = pygame.time.Clock() finished = False while not finished: clock.tick(FPS) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: finished = True pygame.quit()
def things(thingx, thingy, thingw, thingh, color): pygame.draw(gameDisplay, color, [thingx, thingy, thingw, thingh])
def update_highscores(score): #запись результатов игры time = temp = str( + "." + str(time.month) + "." + str( time.year) + " " + str(time.hour) + ":" + str(time.minute) + ":" + str( time.second) + " score :" + str(score) + "\n" hsfile.write(temp) pygame.display.update() clock = pygame.time.Clock() finished = False init_balls() init_rects() #основоной цикл while not finished: clock.tick(FPS) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: update_highscores(score) finished = True elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: score = update_score(event, score) points = update_points(event, points) update_balls() update_rects() draw(score, points) pygame.quit()
polygon(DISPLAYSURF, RED, ((x, y + (SIZE / 5)), (x, y + SIZE), (x + SIZE / 2, y + (SIZE / 5 * 6)), (x + SIZE, y + SIZE), (x + SIZE, y + SIZE / 5), (x + SIZE / 2, y), (x, y + SIZE / 5)), 2) for s in position_now.stones: pos = calculate_position(s[0], s[1], True) DISPLAYSURF.blit(stoneImg, pos) perso_x_pix, perso_y_pix = calculate_position(position_now.x_perso, position_now.y_perso, True) DISPLAYSURF.blit(perso, (perso_x_pix, perso_y_pix)) pygame.display.flip() draw() def move(): global state, position_now if state == State.MOVE: if is_border(position_now.x_perso, position_now.y_perso): state = State.GAME_OVER else: pos = get_direction(position_now) if pos == False: state = State.GAME_OVER else: position_now.setPerson(pos[0], pos[1]) # print("Person is moved on ", pos) #draw()
text = f.render(s, 0, (0, 30, 100)) screen.blit(text, (x + m*40, y + m*80)) while not finished: polygon(screen, (100, 100, 200), [(0, 0), (0,160), (1200, 160), (1200, 0)]) polygon(screen, (100, 120, 100), [(0, 400), (0,160), (1200, 160), (1200, 400)]) d = 0 dt = pygame.time.get_ticks() % 2000 / 2000 for i in range(len(u)): draw(dt, u[i][0], d, 100, 0.35*u[i][1]) d += u[i][1]*100 + 15 d += 50 draw(dt, "боманка", d, 100 + pygame.time.get_ticks()/130, 0.4) polygon(screen, (100, 120, 100), [(d, 400), (d, 220), (1200, 220), (1200, 400)]) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(FPS) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: finished = True pygame.quit()
def shortest_path(came_from, current, draw): while current in came_from: current = came_from[current] current.make_path() draw()
import pygame pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode([500 , 500]) running = True while running : for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT : running = False screen.fill((0,0,0)) pygame.draw(screen ,(255 , 250 , 255) , (250,250)) pygame.display.flip() pygame.quit()
circle(screen, (250, 200 - 50 * math.sin(t * 6.28), 200 - 50 * math.sin(t * 6.28)), (130, 140), 40) circle(screen, (250, 200 - 50 * math.cos(t * 6.28), 200 - 50 * math.cos(t * 6.28)), (270, 140), 40) circle(screen, (0, 0, 0), (130, 140), 20) circle(screen, (0, 0, 0), (270, 140), 20) polygon(screen, (50, 50, 50), [(70, 80), (170, 100), (170, 80), (70, 60)]) polygon(screen, (50, 50, 50), [(330, 80), (230, 100), (230, 80), (330, 60)]) polygon(screen, (170, 80, 100), [(300, 280), (200, 250), (200, 230), (300, 260)]) polygon(screen, (170, 80, 100), [(100, 280), (200, 250), (200, 230), (100, 260)]) pygame.display.update() while not finished: draw(pygame.time.get_ticks() % 2000 / 2000) clock.tick(FPS) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: finished = True pygame.quit()
p.init() s = p.display.set_mode((900, 700)) done = False # x=Rect(10,10,100,100) rectab = [[0 for _ in range(28)] for _ in range(28)] while not done: for event in p.event.get(): if event.type == p.QUIT: done = True for x_n in range(28): for y_n in range(28): color = (255, 255, 255) if rectab[x_n][y_n] == 0 else (0, 0, 0) dx = x_n * 25 dy = y_n * 25 p.draw.rect(s, color, p.Rect(dx + 1, dy + 1, 23, 23)) p.draw.rect(s, (150, 150, 150), p.Rect(760, 350, 100, 50)) if p.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: # reset x, y = p.mouse.get_pos() if 760 < x < 860 and 350 < y < 400: rectab = [[0 for _ in range(28)] for _ in range(28)] if 0 < x < 700: x_n = x // 25 y_n = y // 25 rectab[x_n][y_n] = 1 p.draw(f.render(15)) p.display.flip()
def draw( self ): for p in self.projectilelist: p.draw( )
y = y0 + int(320/620*height) girl1(x0 + int(550/1500*width), y0 + int(320/620*height), width, height) x = x0 + int(850/1500*width) y = y0 + int(320/620*height) girl2(x0 + int(850/1500*width), y0 + int(320/620*height), width, height) icecreamgirl(x0, y0, width, height) heart(x0, y0, width, height) icecreamboy(x0, y0, width, height) n = int(input('Введите количество рисунков ')) for i in range (n): x0 = int(input('Координата х ')) y0 = int(input('Координата y ')) width = int(input('Введите ширину изображения ')) height = int(input('Введите высоту изображения ')) draw(x0, y0, width, height) pygame.display.update() clock = pygame.time.Clock() finished = False while not finished: clock.tick(FPS) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: finished = True pygame.quit()
125, ), (485, 690), 3, 1) # иголки прямо j = 1 def draw(x, y): polygon(screen, (36, 28, 28), [(360 + x, 680), (370 + x, 680), (365 + x, 642)]) polygon(screen, (8, 6, 6), [(360 + x, 680), (370 + x, 680), (365 + x, 642)], 1) while j <= 11: draw(-15 + (10 * j), 15) j += 1 # гриб ellipse(screen, (225, 225, 225), (395, 622, 10, 40)) ellipse(screen, (154, 143, 143), (395, 622, 10, 40), 1) ellipse(screen, (225, 0, 0), (380, 620, 40, 15)) ellipse(screen, (154, 143, 143), (380, 620, 40, 15), 1) ellipse(screen, (225, 225, 225), (389, 622, 4, 2)) ellipse(screen, (154, 143, 143), (389, 621, 4, 2), 1) ellipse(screen, (225, 225, 225), (400, 625, 6, 3)) ellipse(screen, (154, 143, 143), (400, 625, 6, 3), 1) ellipse(screen, (225, 225, 225), (392, 628, 6, 4)) ellipse(screen, (154, 143, 143), (392, 628, 6, 4), 1) ellipse(screen, (225, 225, 225), (410, 622, 3, 4)) ellipse(screen, (154, 143, 143), (410, 622, 3, 4), 1)
top(screen, width, length) front(screen, width, column_x) side(screen, length, column_y) # рисует проекцию дома первый раз number_l = 1 number_w = 1 column_x = 0 column_y = 0 length = number_l * match # длина домика width = number_w + match # ширина домика rect(screen, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, w, h)) draw(screen, width, length, column_x, column_y) pygame.display.update() # основное тело программы while not finished: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: finished = True elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE: user_input = user_input[:-1] elif event.key == pygame.K_TAB: if count == 1: number_w = int(user_input) user_input = '' elif count == 2: number_l = int(user_input)
def dibujarFicha(self): pygame.draw(self.window, self.color, (self.x, self.y), 20)
for j in range(3): roofcolor[i][j] = randint(0, 255) housecolor[i][j] = randint(0, 255) pygame.display.update() clock = pygame.time.Clock() finished = False while not finished: polygon(screen, (20, 193, 224), [(0, 0), (2000, 0), (2000, 1000), (0, 1000)]) polygon(screen, (48, 140, 9), [(0, 500), (2000, 500), (2000, 1000), (0, 1000)]) circle(screen, (255, 255, 0), (110, 120), 100) cloud(x + 300, y) cloud(x + 600, y + 100) cloud(x + 900, y - 40) x = x + 1 for i in range(0, 6, 1): draw(k1[i], x0, housecolor[i], windowtype[i], rooftype[i], roofcolor[i]) x0 = x0 + 70 * k1[i] x0 = 20 pygame.display.update() clock.tick(FPS) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: finished = True pygame.quit()
if event.key == pygame.K_n: game.wait = False SNAKES = [snake, robot] if event.key == pygame.K_x: snake.dead = True if event.key == pygame.K_o: # save the highest score out of all the players if snake.score < snake_2.score: save(snake_2) if snake.score > snake_2.score: save(snake) if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: snake.size += 20 # Mover the snakes and the robot if not game.paused and not game.wait and not any([s.dead for s in SNAKES]): for s in SNAKES: update_snake(s) move() game_timer = pygame.time game_timer.wait(1) update_board() # Render draw()
Scale = getScale(planets) while not finished: clock.tick(FPS) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: finished = True i = 0 while (i < len(planets)): p = planets[i] if i > 0: p.move(DT) R = p.getPos() for p2 in planets: if p != p2: gravitate(p, p2, DT) draw(p, Scale) if i>0 and (R < CRASH_DIST): planets.pop(i) else: i+=1 pygame.display.update() screen.fill(BLACK) if R < CRASH_DIST: finished = True print("Crashed")