def on_mouse_button_down(self, pos, button): if button==3: self.blockedkeys=False if button==1: if self.intervallo_mouse: self.mousenow=time.time() if 'arco' in self.mag.selezionabili: if self.mag.selezionabili['arco']: utensile=Proiettile(self,pos) if 'lasso' in self.mag.selezionabili: if self.mag.selezionabili['lasso']: utensile=Proiettile(self,pos) if 'spada' in self.mag.selezionabili: if self.mag.selezionabili['spada']: utensile=UtensileSpada(self,pos) if 'piccone' in self.mag.selezionabili: if self.mag.selezionabili['piccone']: utensile=UtensilePiccone(self,pos) if 'mappa' in self.mag.selezionabili: if self.mag.selezionabili['mappa']: pgu=PguApp(self,inizio="mappa") if 'utensile' in locals(): utensile.mostra() else: if not 'pgu' in locals(): dialog = DialogoAvvisi(testo="Seleziona un'arma o uno strumento da usare! (tasto T) (tasto H)")
def _processButtonsArray(buttons): buttonOrds = [] if not isinstance(buttons, list): buttons = [buttons] for button in buttons: if isinstance(button, int): buttonOrds.append(button) elif button in locals() and isinstance(locals()[button], int): buttonOrds.append(locals()[button]) else: print("Attempted to bind function with activation button: %s, but could not fine a way to convert to a button ord." % button) return set(buttonOrds)
def __init__(self, location, same=None): super(FaceTracker, self).__init__() set_defaults(self, locals()) self.num = FaceTracker.next_num FaceTracker.next_num += 1 self.tracked = True self.frames = 1
def __init__(self, cascade_path, camera=None, haar_flags=None, haar_scale=None, min_neighbours=None, min_size=None, scale=None): super(FaceDetector, self).__init__() set_defaults(self, locals()) self.cascade = cv.Load(self.cascade_path) self.capture = cv.CreateCameraCapture( print(self.min_size)
def _redraw(self): # draw the background image bg = self.screen.blit(self.credits_bg, (self.bg_x_pos, 0)) # blit the continuation of the background image if self.bg_x_pos < - (self.credits_bg.get_width() - self.screen.get_width()): bg_cont = self.screen.blit(self.credits_bg, (self.bg_x_pos + self.credits_bg.get_width(), 0)) # draw each text item [item.redraw() for item in self.text_items] # draw the frame of the window fr = self.screen.blit(self.window_frame, (0, 0)) # pass bg_cont only if defined if 'bg_cont' in locals(): need_update = (bg, bg_cont, fr) else: need_update = (bg, fr) return need_update
def info(): form=FORM(TABLE(TR("Codification souche:",INPUT(_type="text",_name="souche",value="None",requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY())), TR("Substrat:",INPUT(_type="text",_name="substrat",value="None",requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY())), TR("Durée de fermentation:",INPUT(_type="text",_name="fermentation",value="10",requires=IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, 9999))), TR("Interval de temps entre deux photos:",INPUT(_type="text",_name="interval",value="4",requires=IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, 20))), TR("Commentaires",TEXTAREA(_name="Commentaire",value="Commentaire ici")), TR("",INPUT(_type="submit",_value="SUBMIT")))) if form.accepts(request,session): response.flash="Formulaire accepté" souche = str(request.vars.souche) substrat = str(request.vars.substrat) fermentation = str(request.vars.fermentation) interval = str(request.vars.interval) cx.set('souche', souche) cx.set('substrat', substrat) cx.set('fermentation', fermentation) cx.set('interval', interval) #redirect(URL(request.application, 'capture', 'capture')) return locals() elif form.errors: response.flash="Formulaire invalide" else: response.flash="Remplissez le formulaire" return dict(form=form)
def goto(self,name,value=None): if type(name) != str: self._goto = name return if value == None: value = r = __import__('rooms.%s'%name,globals(),locals(),['Room']) self._goto = r.Room(,value)
def gameEND(reached=False): animateCounter=25 posx,posy = 0,0 closing = pygame.Surface((_MAX,_MAX+_STARTY)) # the size of your rect End_msg="Game Over!" if not reached else "You Won!" End_msgSurfaceObj = fontObj.render(End_msg,True,granite) End_msgRectobj = End_msgSurfaceObj.get_rect() = (_BLOCK_SIZE*2,_BLOCK_SIZE*2) Try_msg= "Try Again?" if not reached else "Continue!" Try_msgSurfaceObj = fontObjbox1.render(Try_msg,True,whiteColor) Try_msgRectobj = Try_msgSurfaceObj.get_rect() = End_msgRectobj.move(-_BLOCK_SIZE//2,60).center Quit_msg= "Quit" Quit_msgSurfaceObj = fontObjbox1.render(Quit_msg,True,whiteColor) Quit_msgRectobj = Quit_msgSurfaceObj.get_rect() = End_msgRectobj.move(_BLOCK_SIZE,60).center if 'fading' not in locals(): fading = 0 # completely transparent while True: drawBG(locked,Total) if fading <140: fading+=5 closing.set_alpha(fading) # alpha level closing.fill(lighterblue) # this fills the entire surface windowSurfaceObj.blit(closing, (0,0)) #draw the semi-transparent surface to main surface. windowSurfaceObj.blit(End_msgSurfaceObj,End_msgRectobj) QuitRect=pygame.draw.rect(windowSurfaceObj,granite,Quit_msgRectobj,0) windowSurfaceObj.fill(granite,QuitRect.inflate(15,15)) windowSurfaceObj.blit(Quit_msgSurfaceObj,Quit_msgRectobj) TryRect=pygame.draw.rect(windowSurfaceObj,granite,Try_msgRectobj,0) windowSurfaceObj.fill(granite,TryRect.inflate(15,15)) windowSurfaceObj.blit(Try_msgSurfaceObj,Try_msgRectobj) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: posx, posy= event.pos elif event.type == pygame.QUIT: _GameOver= True return True elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: _GameOver= True return True elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: if Try_msgRectobj.collidepoint((posx, posy)): #Trying again _GameOver=False return False elif Quit_msgRectobj.collidepoint((posx, posy)): _GameOver= True return True pygame.display.update() fpsClock.tick(60) return True
def example_from_string(self, example_name): import inspect package_name, class_name = example_name.rsplit('.', 1) package = __import__(package_name, globals(), locals(), [class_name], 1) cls = next((c[1] for c in inspect.getmembers(package, inspect.isclass) if c[0] == class_name)) return cls(self)
def __init__(self, damage = 1): = 'bullet' self.__dict__.update(locals()) self.ship_bullet = pygame.image.load('img/bullet_1.png') self.distance = 60 self.range = 0 self.delete_me = False self.bullet_final = self.ship_bullet self.damage = damage self.rect = self.ship_bullet.get_rect() self.hitmask = get_alpha_hitmask(self.ship_bullet, self.rect)
def debugcmd(self): command = self.debug_console.text debug('DEBUG CONSOLE: ', command) self.debug_console.text = '' try: code_locals = locals() code_locals.update({'player':, 'game':, 'frontend':self.frontend, 'messages': self.messages}) code_globals = globals() exec command in code_globals, code_locals except Exception as E: self.messages.message('') self.messages.error('Error executing command: '+str(E)) self.messages.message('')
def ContextMainLoop( cls, *args, **named ): """Initialise the context and start the mainloop""" instance = cls( *args, **named ) if instance.contextDefinition.profileFile: # profiling run... import cProfile return cProfile.runctx( "instance.MainLoop()", globals(), locals(), instance.contextDefinition.profileFile ) return instance.MainLoop()
def __init__(self): gui.Container.__init__(self) #self.cls = "desktop" #self.background = gui.Box( self.screen_w = cfg['screen_w'] self.screen_h = cfg['screen_h'] self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.screen_w, self.screen_h), SWSURFACE) self.fname = cfg['fname'] k = cfg['class'] parts = k.split(".") n = ".".join(parts[:-1]) m = __import__(n,globals(),locals(),parts[-1]) c = getattr(m,parts[-1]) self.level = c() #self.level = pygame.image.load(self.level_fname) #self.level = tilevid.Tilevid() #g = self.level = isovid.Isovid() if self.fname != None: self.level.tga_load_level(self.fname,1) else: self.level.resize((cfg['width'],cfg['height']),1) #self.level_w, self.level_h = (self.level.get_width(), self.level.get_height()) self.level_w, self.level_h = len(self.level.tlayer[0]),len(self.level.tlayer) self.tiles_last_ctime = None self.codes_last_ctime = None self.load_tiles_and_codes() self.tile = 0 self.code = 0 self.mode = 'tile' self.clipboard = None self.history = [] #self.modrect = pygame.Rect(0xffff,0xffff,-0xffff,-0xffff) self.changes = [] self.dirty = 0
def load_layers(self, layers): self.layers_modules = {} for name, params in layers: # import the layer module # (equivalent to "from layers.<name> import main") module = __import__('layers.%s' % name, globals(), locals(), ['main'], -1) main = getattr(module, 'main') if hasattr(main, 'init'): main.init(**params) self.layers_modules[name] = main
def waitFor (self, caption, pollEvent): sprites = self.utilScreen.basicScreen ( caption,['quit'] ) pollEvent = 'self.ready=(' + pollEvent + ')' print ( 'waitFor pollEvent: [' + pollEvent + ']' ) self.ready = False while not self.ready: exec (pollEvent, locals()) # print ( 'Executing: ' + pollEvent ) eventType,data,addr = self.getKeyOrUdp() if eventType == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: sprite = self.utilScreen.getSpriteClick (data,sprites) if sprite != -1: break
def choices(): def fget(self): return self._choices def fset(self, choices): selected_element = self._choices[self.index] self._choices = choices try: self.index = choices.index(selected_element) except ValueError: self.index = 0 self.update() return locals()
def game(player1, player2, width, height, col, ui, synchr, nb_moves, density, test, fps, rng): board = Board(width=width, height=height, colors=col, density=density, ui=ui, rng=rng) p1 = __import__(player1, globals(), locals(), ['Player'], 0).Player() p2 = __import__(player2, globals(), locals(), ['Player'], 0).Player() if test: board.set_board(p1.test(board.automata, Cell.PLAYER1)) if ui: pygame.init() clock = pygame.time.Clock() FPS = fps board.draw_cells() pygame.display.update() limit_time(lambda: p1.preprocessing(copy.deepcopy(board.automata), Cell.PLAYER1), 1) limit_time(lambda: p2.preprocessing(copy.deepcopy(board.automata), Cell.PLAYER2), 1) while True: # Game loop if ui: board.draw_cells() pygame.display.update() p1_move = limit_time(lambda: p1.turn(copy.deepcopy(board.automata), Cell.PLAYER1), 0.2) p2_move = limit_time(lambda: p2.turn(copy.deepcopy(board.automata), Cell.PLAYER2), 0.2) p1_move, p2_move = sanitize_moves(p1_move, p2_move, board), p2_move) nb_moves -= 1 if nb_moves == 0: return exit(board) if ui: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: return exit(board) if not synchr and ui: clock.tick(FPS)
def heading(): def fget(self): return self._heading def fset(self, direction): #if self._heading is self.HEADING_EAST and direction is self.HEADING_WEST: # self.image = pygame.transform.flip(self.image, 1, 0) #if self._heading is self.HEADING_WEST and direction is self.HEADING_EAST: # self.image = pygame.transform.flip(self.image, 1, 0) self._heading = direction return property(**locals())
def keyboard_init(): keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() K_a = 113 K_z = 119 K_m = 59 K_q = 97 K_w = 122 K_l = 108 K_COMMA = 109 K_LEFTPAREN = 53 K_RIGHTPAREN = 45 K_QUOTEDBL = 51 K_PERIOD = 44 K_BACKSLASH = 35 K_COLON = 46 globals().update(locals())
def __init__(self): gui.Container.__init__(self) # self.cls = "desktop" # self.background = gui.Box( self.screen_w = cfg['screen_w'] self.screen_h = cfg['screen_h'] self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.screen_w, self.screen_h), SWSURFACE) self.fname = cfg['fname'] k = cfg['class'] parts = k.split(".") n = ".".join(parts[:-1]) m = __import__(n, globals(), locals(), parts[-1]) c = getattr(m, parts[-1]) self.level = c() # self.level = pygame.image.load(self.level_fname) # self.level = tilevid.Tilevid() # g = self.level = isovid.Isovid() if self.fname != None: self.level.tga_load_level(self.fname, 1) else: self.level.resize((cfg['width'], cfg['height']), 1) # self.level_w, self.level_h = (self.level.get_width(), self.level.get_height()) self.level_w, self.level_h = len(self.level.tlayer[0]), len( self.level.tlayer) self.tiles_last_ctime = None self.codes_last_ctime = None self.load_tiles_and_codes() self.tile = 0 self.code = 0 self.mode = 'tile' self.clipboard = None self.history = [] # self.modrect = pygame.Rect(0xffff,0xffff,-0xffff,-0xffff) self.changes = [] self.dirty = 0
def log(self, action, hex=None): if quiet: return if self.state: state = else: state = None pid = "P%s" % turn = "T%s" % self.turn if hex: xy = "(%s,%s)" % (hex.x, hex.y) else: xy = "-" elapsed = time.time() - self.log_start_time print( "[%(elapsed)7.2f] %(xy)7s : [ %(state)-12s %(turn)4s %(pid)s] %(action)s" % locals())
def Install(): class Clipper: def __init__(self, rect): screen = renderer.screen self.lastrect = screen.get_clip() screen.set_clip(rect) def __del__(self): renderer.screen.set_clip(self.lastrect) videoFlags = DOUBLEBUF def Resize(resolution): renderer.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(resolution ,renderer.videoFlags) def Render(draw=lambda:None): renderer.screen.fill(renderer.fillColor) draw() pygame.display.flip() def FillRect(rect): renderer.screen.fill(renderer.color, rect) def Color(r, g, b, a=1.0): return renderer.ScaleNormalToInteger((r,g,b)) def SetColor(color): renderer.color = color class Image(object): __slots__ = ["surf", "area"] def __init__(self, shader, area=None): = shader if area is None: area = shader.get_rect() self.area = area def Draw(self, pos): renderer.screen.blit(, pos, self.area) def LoadImage(pathname, colorKey=None, area=None): return Image(Surface(pathname, colorKey), area) renderer.Install(__name__, **locals())
def input(events, quit_pos): try: for event in events: if event.type == QUIT: sys.exit(0) elif event.type == KEYDOWN or event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: #print "eepos: %s" % (quit_pos) if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_q: quit_pos = 1 elif ((event.key == K_u) and (quit_pos == 1)): quit_pos = 2 elif event.key == K_i and quit_pos == 2: quit_pos = 3 elif event.key == K_t and quit_pos == 3: quit_pos = 4 else: quit_pos = 0 # Clear the background 5% of the time if random.randint(0, 20) == 1: screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() sound = sounds[random.randint(0, len(sounds) -1)] if sound.get_length() > 10: if pygame.mixer.get_busy() == 0: elif pygame.mixer.get_busy() < 3: if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN or not(is_alpha(event.key)): print_image() else: print_letter(event.key) pygame.display.flip() return quit_pos except: pprint.pprint(locals())
def __init__(self, imagedir=CHECKENV, mapdir=CHECKENV, fontdir=CHECKENV, zipFile=None): l = locals() for path in ("image", "map", "font"): if l[path + "dir"] == CHECKENV: checkPath = "PGAME_" + path.upper() + "S" setattr(self, "%sPath" % path, os.environ[checkPath]) else: setattr(self, "%sPath" % path, l[path + "dir"]) if zipFile: try: Resources.zipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(zipFile, "rb") except RuntimeError: return for item in self.zipFile.infolist(): self.zipDir[item.filename] = item
def main(): main = Main() pygame.init() old_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() pygame.display.set_caption("Space Invaders") pygame.display.set_icon(main.WINDOW_ICON) player_ship = Ship(main.ENEMY_BLUE_SHIP, 1) enemy_ship = Ship(main.ENEMY_BLUE_SHIP, 0) while True: main.draw_background() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() # Shooting Player laser if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_SPACE: player_laser = Lasers(player_ship.player_x, player_ship.player_y, player_ship.PLAYER_LASER) player_ship.shoot_laser(player_laser, False, enemy_ship.enemy_x, enemy_ship.enemy_y, enemy_ship.enemy_img) player_ship.player() enemy_ship.enemy() if 'player_laser' in locals(): player_ship.shoot_laser(player_laser, True, enemy_ship.enemy_x, enemy_ship.enemy_y, enemy_ship.enemy_img) main.update_display()
def _redraw(self): bg = self.screen.blit(self.credits_bg, (self.bg_x_pos, 0)) # blit the continuation of the background image if self.bg_x_pos < -(self.credits_bg.get_width() - self.screen.get_width()): bg_cont = self.screen.blit( self.credits_bg, (self.bg_x_pos + self.credits_bg.get_width(), 0)) tuple(item.redraw() for item in self.text_items) # draw the frame of the window fr = self.screen.blit(self.window_frame, (0, 0)) # pass bg_cont only if defined if 'bg_cont' in locals(): need_update = (bg, bg_cont, fr) else: need_update = (bg, fr) return need_update
def __init__(self, items, DIS, max_list=3, pos=(0, 0), COLOR=(0, 0, 0), BGCOLOR=(0, 200, 200), HCOLOR=(200, 200, 0), height=50, width=200): ## self.items=items ## self.DIS=display ## self.pos=pos ## self.max_list=max_list ## ## self.height=50 ## self.width=200 max_list = min(max_list, len(items)) self.__dict__.update(locals()) del self.__dict__['self'] self.SURF = pygame.surface.Surface( (self.width, self.height * max_list)) self.BGSURF = pygame.surface.Surface( (self.width, self.height * max_list)) self.BGSURF.fill(BGCOLOR) #FontObj=pygame.font.Font('STXINWEI.ttf',20) myfonts = ['stliti', 'stkaiti', '华文新魏', 'arial'] sys_fonts = pygame.font.get_fonts() for font in myfonts: if font in sys_fonts: break else: print("Can't get system's appropriate font.") FontObj = pygame.font.SysFont(font, 20) self.TEXTS = list( map(lambda txt: FontObj.render(txt, True, COLOR), items)) self.focus = self.head = 0 self.update() return
def parse_scene(self): with open(self.scene_path, 'r') as fh: data = yaml.load(fh, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) = data # parse global: section global_d = data.get('global', {}) width = global_d.get('width', 1200) height = global_d.get('height', 900) title = global_d.get('title', 'default title') music = global_d.get('background_music', None) framerate = global_d.get('framerate', os.environ.get('FR', 25)) self.background_color_generator = eval( str( global_d.get('background_color', 'utils.default_generator((0, 0, 0, 255))')), globals(), locals()) self.default_background_color_generator = self.background_color_generator self.background_color = next(self.background_color_generator) self.width = width self.height = height self.title = title self.framerate = framerate self.background_music = music
def __init__(self, face_tracker, mode=None): super(SbFace, self).__init__() set_defaults(self, locals()) self.players = [pygame.image.load(image) for image in ('sb.gif', 'p.gif', 's.png', 'k.gif')]
def main(self): """main loop of editor""" #screen initialise screen = self.screen map_screen = self.screen.subsurface(self.map_screen_rect) #rect of the view screen_rect = self.map_screen_rect.copy() #orange background self.screen.fill(EditorIso.COLOR_BGD) #initialise event pygame.event.clear() pygame.key.set_repeat(200, 50) #thumb & tile window windows = self.init_windows() #Name of the map pygame.display.flip() continuer = True #initialise state button map_left_button_pressed = False start_time = time.time() horloge = pygame.time.Clock() while continuer: for event in pygame.event.get(): ctrl = pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_CTRL if event.type == pygame.QUIT or\ event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: continuer = False return elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION: if self.map_screen_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[1]: screen_rect.move_ip(event.rel[0], event.rel[1]) elif not('last_roll'in locals() and\ time.time() - last_roll < 0.5): x, y = event.pos x -= screen_rect.x x -= windows['map'].contents_rect.x y -= screen_rect.y y -= windows['map'].contents_rect.y self.cursor.move_to_screen(x, y) elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: button = event.button if windows['tilesets'].onclick(event) or\ windows['thumb'].update_onclick(event): pass elif windows['map'].rect.collidepoint(event.pos): if button in [4, 5]: last_roll = time.time() dh = (5 == button) - (4 == button) self.cursor.h += dh x, y = event.pos y -= 8*dh pygame.mouse.set_pos([x,y]) elif button == 3: self.set_tile_infos(windows['thumb']) elif button == 1 : map_left_button_pressed = True elif windows['name'].rect.collidepoint(event.pos): self.rename_map() elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == 1: map_left_button_pressed = False elif pygame.key.get_pressed()[K_SPACE]: map_left_button_pressed = True elif event.type == KEYDOWN: key = event.key if key == K_F11: pygame.display.toggle_fullscreen() elif event.key == K_s and ctrl: self.save_mapdata() elif event.key == K_l and ctrl: self.load_map() windows['map'].map = elif ctrl and event.key == K_n : self.new_map(screen) windows['map'].map = elif key == K_q and ctrl:, {})) elif key in [K_DOWN, K_UP, K_LEFT, K_RIGHT]: self.cursor.update(event) elif key in [K_KP_PLUS, K_KP_MINUS]: dh = (K_KP_PLUS == key) - (K_KP_MINUS == key) self.cursor.h += dh elif key == K_c: self.set_tile_infos(windows['thumb']) elif key == K_v: self.cursor.square_infos = windows['thumb'].tile_infos elif event.type == KEYUP: if event.key == K_SPACE: map_left_button_pressed = False if map_left_button_pressed: #left clic on the map tset, tref, h = windows['thumb'].tile_infos if not(ctrl): h = self.cursor.h self.cursor.square_infos = tset, tref, h windows['name'].update( windows['map'].update(screen_rect, self.cursor) for win in windows.values(): win.draw(screen) pygame.display.flip() horloge.tick(60)
pygame.display.update() # initial player player = Snake_Head(screen, [100, 100]) # bonus and score settings sc = fontObj_score.render('Score: {:d}'.format(player.score), True, RED) # initial body for i in range(1, player.length): if i == 1: pre = player else: pre = locals()['body'+str(i-1)] if pre.direction == 1: X = pre.pos[0] - pre.width Y = pre.pos[1] elif pre.direction == 2: X = pre.pos[0] Y = pre.pos[1] - pre.width elif pre.direction == 3: X = pre.pos[0] + pre.width Y = pre.pos[1] elif pre.direction == 4: X = pre.pos[0] Y = pre.pos[1] + pre.width locals()['body'+str(i)] = Snake_Body(screen, [X,Y], pre.direction)
super_man.rect.midbottom = grid_sprite_group.sprites()[0].rect.centerx, \ grid_sprite_group.sprites()[0].rect.bottom shadow_man.rect.midbottom = super_man.rect.midbottom is_sample = False # 出牌开关 # 创建按钮 button = Button(screen, 195, 388, 150, 64, text = "Click", \ font=pygame.font.Font("font/songti.otf", 40,), fontSize = 30, \ textColour = pygame.Color('green'), onClick = buttonOnClick,\ margin = 6, textVAlign = "left", pressedColour = pygame.Color('red'), \ hoverColour = pygame.Color('blue'), \ onClickParams = [is_sample, ], ) # button.setImage(image = pygame.image.load("img/button.png").convert_alpha()) # 创建筛子 local_var = locals() sieve_group = pygame.sprite.Group() for i in range(1, 7): obj = local_var["num_0" + str(i)] = Ele_Sprite("img/" + str(i) * 2 + ".png") obj.num = i = 670, 300 sieve_group.add(obj) show_obj = sieve_group.sprites()[0] # 所要显示的筛子对象 swing_num = 0 # 摇筛子的 次数 random_num = 0 # 筛子的点数 random_switch = False # 摇筛子的开关 game_switch = True # 游戏的开关 last_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() # 时间 # 创建字体对象 font = freetype.Font("font/songti.otf", 30, )
# group.update_liberties() # if added_stone: # # def main(): while True: pygame.time.wait(250) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1 and board.outline.collidepoint(event.pos): x = int(round(((event.pos[0] - 5) / 40.0), 0)) y = int(round(((event.pos[1] - 5) / 40.0), 0)) stone =, y)) if stone: stone.remove() else: added_stone = Stone(board, (x, y), board.turn()) board.update_liberties(locals().get('added_stone', '')) # if __name__ == '__main__': # pygame.init() # pygame.display.set_caption('Goban') # screen = pygame.display.set_mode(BOARD_SIZE, 0, 32) # background = pygame.image.load(BACKGROUND).convert() # board = Board() # main()
init = 0 play = 0 number_turn = 0 table_button = [] players_lost = [0, 0, 0, 0] # HOME """ DECIDE TO PLAY GAME OR TUTORIAL """ while mode_home: # creating cursor if not exists if not('cursor' in locals() or 'cursor' in globals()): cursor = [0, 0] if not( # displaying background window.blit(background, pos_background) window.blit(logo, pos_logo) window.blit(club, pos_club) # displaying buttons, cursor), cursor), cursor)
#ser = serial.Serial("COM9", 9600) #time.sleep(2) ctr = 0 #Loop until the user clicks the close button. done = False # -------- Main Program Loop ----------- while not done: pygame.time.wait(1) ctr += 1 if ctr > 200: heatList = getHeat() if 'ser' in locals(): updateLEDs(heatList) ctr = 0 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: if 0 <= event.button and event.button <=7: coolantup(event.button) elif 8 <= event.button and event.button <= 15: coolantdown(event.button - 8)
def getKeyOrUdp(self): shiftKeys = { '\\':'|', ']':'}', '[':'{', '/':'?', '.':'>', ',':'<', '-':'_', '=':'+', ';':':', \ '`':'~', '1':'!', '2':'@', '3':'#', '4':'$', '5':'%', '6':'^', '7':'&', '8':'*', '9':'(', '0':')' } key = None upperCase = False typeInput = '' data = '' addr = '' # Note: If timeout is too close to time.time() # udp could be lost timeEvent = time.time() + 1 move = None while data == '': if time.time() > self.udpTimeout: if len(self.udpMessages) > len (self.acks): # Some messages have not been acked. print ( 'udpTimeout [len(udpMessages),len(acks)]: [' + \ str(len(self.udpMessages)) + ',' + str(len(self.acks)) + \ '] elapsedTime: ' + str(time.time() - self.messageStartTime)) message = self.udpMessages [len(self.acks)] self.sendTo (message ) self.waitingCount = self.waitingCount + 1 self.udpTimeout = time.time() + (self.UDPTIMEOUT * self.waitingCount) print ( 'Sending: ' + message + ' waitingCount: ' + str(self.waitingCount)) if self.waitingCount >= 100: print ( 'Wondering if other player is actually there still?' ) else: self.waitingCount = 0 self.udpTimeout = time.time() + self.UDPTIMEOUT rightClick = False ev = pygame.event.get() for event in ev: if event.type == VIDEORESIZE: DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode(event.dict['size'],HWSURFACE|DOUBLEBUF|RESIZABLE) elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: #print( "Got a keydown with value: " + str(event.key) ) if (event.key == 303) or (event.key == 304): #shift upperCase = True # chr(273), 'w', chr(274), 's', chr(275), 'd', chr (276), 'a'] elif (event.key == 273): data = 'w' typeInput = 'key' elif (event.key == 274): data = 's' typeInput = 'key' elif (event.key == 275): data = 'd' typeInput = 'key' elif (event.key == 276): data = 'a' typeInput = 'key' else: key = chr(event.key) if upperCase: if key in shiftKeys.keys(): key = shiftKeys[key] else: key = key.upper() typeInput = 'key' data=key elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: data = ' ' typeInput = pygame.KEYUP addr = 'key' elif event.type == pygame.QUIT: data = 'quit' typeInput = pygame.QUIT addr = 'key' elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: data = pygame.mouse.get_pos() typeInput = pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP addr = 'mouse' elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: #print ( 'Detected a mouse down yo' ) data = pygame.mouse.get_pos() typeInput = pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN addr = 'mouse' rightClick = (event.button == 3) if rightClick: print ("right click detected") elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: data = pygame.mouse.get_pos() typeInput = pygame.MOUSEMOTION addr = 'mouse' # #else: # print ( 'Got a event: ' + str(event.type)) if data == '': if self.tcpConnection != None: i,o,e = ([self.tcpConnection], [], [], 0.0001) elif self.tcpSocket != None: i,o,e = ([self.tcpSocket], [], [], 0.0001) else: #udp i,o,e = ([self.client], [], [], 0.0001) for s in i: if s == self.client: data, addr = self.client.recvfrom (1024) data = data.decode(); addr = str(addr[0]) if (addr == '') and (self.myIpAddress == ''): data = '' elif (addr == self.myIpAddress): data = '' else: print ( '[addr,myIpAddress]: [' + addr + ',' + self.myIpAddress + ']' ) ind = data.find ( ':' ) if data != '': if data[0:3] == 'ack': # I received an ACK of a previous send ackCount = data[4:] ackCount = int(ackCount) if ackCount == len(self.acks): self.acks.append (data) self.commLogWrite ( str( + ' Got an ' + data + '\n') data = '' # Do not send this forward else: udpCount = int(data[0:ind]) message = 'ack:' + str(udpCount) if data != self.lastMessage: # print ( '[lastMessage,data]: [' + self.lastMessage + ',' + data + ']' ) self.commLogWrite ( str( + ':rcv:' + data + ' from: ' + addr + '\n') print ( 'acking...[' + message + '] lastMessage: [' + self.lastMessage + ']') self.sendTo (message) if data != self.lastMessage: self.lastMessage = data data = data[(ind+1):] ind = data.find ( 'exec:') if ind > -1: # joining=,, self.move=, self.opponentDeck command = data[ind+5:] exec (command, locals()) if command.find ('self.move') > -1: self.moves.append (self.move) print ( 'Executing command: ' + command ) typeInput = 'udp' else: print ( 'Not executing this message: [' + data + '] because it is identical to the last message' ) elif s == self.tcpConnection: data, addr = self.tcpConnection.recvfrom (1024) data = data.decode(); #print ("Received tcp data:" + data) addr = str(addr[0]) typeInput = 'tcp' elif s == self.tcpSocket: data, addr = self.tcpSocket.recvfrom (1024) data = data.decode(); #print ("Received tcp data:" + data) typeInput = 'tcp' addr = str(addr[0]) if (data == '') and (time.time() > timeEvent): addr = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) if (self.myIpAddress != addr ): self.commLogWrite ( str( + ':change ip address to: ' + addr + '\n') assert False, 'My ip address has changed, please start over.' ''' self.myIpAddress = addr self.client.close() self.initClient() self.acks = [] ''' typeInput = 'time' data = ' ' addr = 'clock' # print ( 'returning typeInput: ' + str(typeInput)) return typeInput,data,addr
with torch.no_grad(): #Collect list of model subnetworks inference results for iterator in range(sample_size_drop): theta_0_sin, theta_0_cos, theta_1_sin, theta_1_cos = model.forward( input_to_model) theta_0 = np.arctan2(theta_0_sin.item(), theta_0_cos.item()) theta_1 = np.arctan2(theta_1_sin.item(), theta_1_cos.item()) theta_0, theta_1 = helpers.convert_normal_angle( theta_0, theta_1) lst_theta0.append(theta_0) lst_theta1.append(theta_1) #Plot uncertainty_graphs if 'uncertainty_graphs' in locals(): plt.clf() uncertainty_graphs = helpers.make_uncertainty_plots( sorted(lst_theta0[:-1]), sorted(lst_theta1[:-1]), lst_theta0[-1], lst_theta1[-1]) del (lst_theta0[:]) del (lst_theta1[:]) #Inference model using all connections and calc rotation for upper arm and lower arm model.eval() theta_0_sin, theta_0_cos, theta_1_sin, theta_1_cos = model.forward( input_to_model) theta_0 = np.arctan2([0],[0]) theta_1 = np.arctan2([0],[0]) theta_0, theta_1 = helpers.convert_normal_angle(theta_0, theta_1)
def Install(): class Clipper: current = None def __init__(self, rect): x,y,w,h = rect y = renderer.screen.get_height()-(y+h) if self.current is None: glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST) self.lastrect = self.current glScissor(x,y,w,h) self.__class__.current = (x,y,w,h) def __del__(self): if self.lastrect is None: glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST) else: glScissor(*self.lastrect) self.__class__.current = self.lastrect videoFlags = OPENGL|DOUBLEBUF def Resize(resolution, zdepth=10.0): renderer.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(resolution ,renderer.videoFlags) SetViewport(resolution) def SetViewport(resolution): width,height = resolution if height == 0: height = 1 glViewport(0, 0, width, height) SetProjection(resolution, zdepth) Initialize() def SetProjection(resolution, zdepth): width,height = resolution if height == 0: height = 1 glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() glOrtho(0.0, width, height, 0.0, 0.0, zdepth) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) def SetClearColor(): glClearColor(*renderer.fillColor) glClearDepth(1.0) def SetDepthTest(): # a lot of this stuff will be meant for the GUI mode glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL) def Initialize(): # a lot of this stuff won't actually be on by default glLoadIdentity() glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) ## glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH) ## SetClearColor() SetDepthTest() glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST) ## # glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST) # glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.0) # glEnable(GL_BLEND) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) # transparency blend texture.Reload() def Render(draw=lambda:None): glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) draw() pygame.display.flip() def FillRect(rect): x,y,w,h = rect glRecti(x,y,x+w,y+h) def CorrectedY(y, h): return renderer.screen.get_height()-(y+h) SetColor = glColor4fv Image = texture.Image LoadImage = texture.LoadImage Font = imagefont.LoadImageFont renderer.Install(__name__, **locals())
def run(self, arm, control_shell, video=None, video_time=None): self.arm = arm = control_shell # load arm images arm1 = ArmPart('img/three_link/svgupperarm2.png', scale = .7) arm2 = ArmPart('img/three_link/svgforearm2.png', scale = .8) arm3 = ArmPart('img/three_link/svghand2.png', scale= 1) scaling_term = np.ones(2) * 105 upperarm_length = self.arm.L[0] * scaling_term[0] forearm_length = self.arm.L[1] * scaling_term[0] hand_length = self.arm.L[2] * scaling_term[0] line_width = .15 * scaling_term[0] # create transparent arm lines line_upperarm_base = pygame.Surface((upperarm_length, line_width), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) line_forearm_base = pygame.Surface((forearm_length, line_width), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) line_hand_base = pygame.Surface((hand_length, line_width), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) white = (255, 255, 255) red = (255, 0, 0) black = (0, 0, 0) arm_color = (75, 75, 75) line_color = (50, 50, 50, 200) # fourth value is transparency # color in transparent arm lines line_upperarm_base.fill(line_color) line_forearm_base.fill(line_color) line_hand_base.fill(line_color) fps = 20 # frames per second fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock() # constants for magnify plotting magnify_scale = 1.75 magnify_window_size = np.array([200, 200]) first_target = np.array([321, 330]) magnify_offset = first_target * magnify_scale - magnify_window_size / 2 # setup pen trail and appending functions self.trail_data = [] def pen_down1(): self.pen_lifted = False x,y = self.arm.position() x = int( x[-1] * scaling_term[0] + self.base_offset[0]) y = int(-y[-1] * scaling_term[1] + self.base_offset[1]) self.trail_data.append([[x,y],[x,y]]) self.trail_data[self.trail_index].append(points[3]) self.pen_down = pen_down2 def pen_down2(): self.trail_data[self.trail_index].append(points[3]) pygame.init() self.display = pygame.display.set_mode((self.width, self.height)) pygame.display.set_caption(self.title) background = pygame.image.load('img/whiteboard.jpg') # enter simulation / plotting loop while True: self.display.fill(white) = * np.array([1, -1]) * \ scaling_term + self.base_offset # before drawing for j in range(self.display_steps): # update control signal if self.sim_step % self.control_steps == 0 or \ 'tau' not in locals(): tau = # apply control signal and simulate self.arm.apply_torque(u=tau, dt=self.dt) self.sim_step +=1 # get (x,y) positions of the joints x,y = self.arm.position() points = [(int(a * scaling_term[0] + self.base_offset[0]), int(-b * scaling_term[1] + self.base_offset[1])) for a,b in zip(x,y)] arm1_image, arm1_rect = arm1.rotate(self.arm.q[0]) arm2_image, arm2_rect = arm2.rotate(self.arm.q[1] + arm1.rotation) arm3_image, arm3_rect = arm3.rotate(self.arm.q[2] + arm2.rotation) # recenter the image locations appropriately transform(arm1_rect, points[0], arm1) transform(arm2_rect, points[1], arm2) transform(arm3_rect, points[2], arm3) += np.array([np.cos(arm3.rotation), -np.sin(arm3.rotation)]) * -10 # transparent upperarm line line_upperarm = pygame.transform.rotozoom(line_upperarm_base, np.degrees(arm1.rotation), 1) rect_upperarm = line_upperarm.get_rect() transform_lines(rect_upperarm, points[0], arm1) # transparent forearm line line_forearm = pygame.transform.rotozoom(line_forearm_base, np.degrees(arm2.rotation), 1) rect_forearm = line_forearm.get_rect() transform_lines(rect_forearm, points[1], arm2) # transparent hand line line_hand = pygame.transform.rotozoom(line_hand_base, np.degrees(arm3.rotation), 1) rect_hand = line_hand.get_rect() transform_lines(rect_hand, points[2], arm3) # update trail if is True: self.pen_down() elif is False and self.pen_lifted is False: self.pen_down = pen_down1 self.pen_lifted = True self.trail_index += 1 # draw things! self.display.blit(background, (0,0)) # draw on the background for trail in self.trail_data: pygame.draw.aalines(self.display, black, False, trail, True) # draw arm images self.display.blit(arm1_image, arm1_rect) self.display.blit(arm2_image, arm2_rect) self.display.blit(arm3_image, arm3_rect) # draw original arm lines # pygame.draw.lines(self.display, arm_color, False, points, 18) # draw transparent arm lines self.display.blit(line_upperarm, rect_upperarm) self.display.blit(line_forearm, rect_forearm) self.display.blit(line_hand, rect_hand) # draw circles at shoulder, black, points[0], 30), arm_color, points[0], 12) # draw circles at elbow, black, points[1], 20), arm_color, points[1], 7) # draw circles at wrist, black, points[2], 15), arm_color, points[2], 5) # draw target, red, [int(val) for val in], 10) # now display magnification of drawing area magnify = pygame.Surface(magnify_window_size) magnify.blit(background, (-200,-200)) # draw on the background # magnify.fill(white) # put a border on it pygame.draw.rect(magnify, black, (2.5, 2.5, 195, 195), 1) # now we need to rescale the trajectory and targets # using the first target position, which I know to be the # desired center of the magnify area for trail in self.trail_data: pygame.draw.aalines(magnify, black, False, np.asarray(trail) * magnify_scale - magnify_offset, True), red, np.array( * magnify_scale - magnify_offset, dtype=int), 5) # now draw the target and hand line self.display.blit(magnify, (32, 45)) # check for quit for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.locals.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() pygame.display.update() fpsClock.tick(fps)
# Command handlers all have the name command_foo (called on key down) or # command_foo_off (called on key up). # If one of these is missing it's simply not called. # Set up the command handlers for simple methods on the drone that just take # 'speed' as their sole argument, with 0 meaning to stop doing the thing. # The use of partial() here is necessary because if we just use `command` in the # lambda body without making it an argument, all of the handlers will close over # the same binding of `command` and will end up implementing whatever value # `command` had last (in this case take_picture from the second loop below). for command in [ 'forward', 'backward', 'left', 'right', 'up', 'down', 'counter_clockwise', 'clockwise' ]: locals()["command_%s" % command] = partial( lambda command, drone, state: getattr(drone, command)(state.speed), command) locals()["command_%s_off" % command] = partial( lambda command, drone, state: getattr(drone, command)(0), command) # Command handlers for methods on the drone that take no arguments. for command in ['takeoff', 'land', 'palm_land', 'take_picture']: locals()["command_%s" % command] = partial( lambda command, drone, _: getattr(drone, command)(), command) # Command handlers that require special handling on the client. def command_faster(drone, state): state.speed = min(100, state.speed + 10)
e11.delete(0, 'end');e12.delete(0, 'end');e13.delete(0, 'end');e14.delete(0, 'end');e15.delete(0, 'end'); e16.delete(0, 'end');e17.delete(0, 'end');e18.delete(0, 'end');e19.delete(0, 'end');e20.delete(0, 'end'); e21.delete(0, 'end');e22.delete(0, 'end');e23.delete(0, 'end');e24.delete(0, 'end');e25.delete(0, 'end'); e26.delete(0, 'end');e27.delete(0, 'end');e28.delete(0, 'end');e29.delete(0, 'end');e30.delete(0, 'end'); e31.delete(0, 'end');e32.delete(0, 'end');e33.delete(0, 'end');e34.delete(0, 'end');e35.delete(0, 'end'); e36.delete(0, 'end');e37.delete(0, 'end');e38.delete(0, 'end');e39.delete(0, 'end');e40.delete(0, 'end'); e41.delete(0, 'end');e42.delete(0, 'end');e43.delete(0, 'end');e44.delete(0, 'end');e45.delete(0, 'end'); e46.delete(0, 'end'); def cls_pay(): global e47,e48,e49,e50,e51,e52,e53,e54 e47.delete(0, 'end');e48.delete(0, 'end');e49.delete(0, 'end');e50.delete(0, 'end'); e51.delete(0, 'end');e52.delete(0, 'end');e53.delete(0, 'end');e54.delete(0, 'end'); for i in range(len(QU1)): tk.Label(master, text=QU1[i]).grid(row=i) locals()["e%s"%i] = tk.Entry(master) locals()["e%s"%i].grid(row=i, column=1) for i in range(len(QU3)): tk.Label(master, text=QU3[i]).grid(row=8, column=i) a=9 z=7 for j in range(5): for i in range(len(QU3)): if i==1: locals()["e%s"%(z)] = tk.Entry(master,width=60) locals()["e%s"%(z)].grid(row=a+3*j, column=i);z+=1 locals()["e%s"%(z)] = tk.Entry(master,width=60) locals()["e%s"%(z)].grid(row=a+3*j+1, column=i);z+=1
print " GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS =",glGetIntegerv( GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS ) print " GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS =",glGetIntegerv( GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS ) print " GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS =",glGetIntegerv( GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS ) print " GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS =",glGetIntegerv( GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS ) print ### Test OpenGL extensions print "Testing PyOpenGL extension support" for ext in ARB_exts: print " GL_ARB_%s:"%ext, module_name = "OpenGL.GL.ARB.%s"%ext try: mod = __import__(module_name,globals(),locals(),[]) components = string.split(module_name, '.') # make mod refer to deepest module for comp in components[1:]: mod = getattr(mod, comp) init_name = "glInit%sARB"%string.join(map(capitalize_word,string.split(ext,'_')),'') init_func = getattr(mod,init_name) if init_func(): print "OK" else: print "Failed" except Exception, x: print "Failed (exception raised):",x for ext in EXT_exts: print " GL_EXT_%s:"%ext, module_name = "OpenGL.GL.EXT.%s"%ext
def profile(command): import cProfile filename = 'pyweek10-ldnpydojo.profile' cProfile.runctx(command, globals(), locals(), filename=filename)['runsnake', filename])
continuer = False elif evenement.type == KEYDOWN and evenement.key == K_c: box.move = False box2.move = False i_type = str(input("quel type d'objet voulez vous ? (bloc ou objet) \n")) print(i_type) if i_type == "objet": nbBoites += 1 i_name = "box" + str(nbBoites) i_posX = int(input("entrez la position X de départ\n")) i_posY = int(input("entrez la position Y de départ\n")) i_angle = int(input("entrez l'angle de l'objet\n")) i_angle *= 3.14/180 i_masse = int(input("entrez la masse de l'objet\n")) i_velocite = int(input("entrez la vélocité de l'objet\n")) v = locals() v["box%d" % nbBoites] = Objet(i_name, i_posX, i_posY, i_angle, i_masse, i_velocite) print(allBoxes) print( box.eventScan() box2.eventScan() #/BOX_2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #/EVENTS ----------------------------- #PROCESSING ------------------------- clock.tick(60) t = time.get_ticks()
def parse_generators(self, generators): parsed = {} for gen, evalstr in generators.items(): parsed[gen] = eval(str(evalstr), globals(), locals()) return parsed
def __init__(self, face_detector, lag=None, same=None): super(MultiFaceTracker, self).__init__() set_defaults(self, locals()) self.faces = []
# Emergency looks left_time_IC = time.time() right_time_IC = time.time() right_IC_color = alienColorRight left_IC_color = alienColorLeft IC_side = int(round(0.1 * ScreenHeight)) # Music pygame.mixer.init(44100, -16, 2, 2048) + "space.mp3") # Text inits if 'font' not in locals(): font = pygame.font.Font(None, int( ScreenHeight * 0.04)) # Python crashes if SysFont is called > 1 XOR specified font font_FPS = pygame.font.Font(None, int(ScreenHeight * 0.1)) text_y = int(round(ScreenHeight * 0.01)) x_time = int(round(ScreenWidth * 0.025)) x_static = int(round(ScreenWidth * 0.2)) x_shots = int(round(ScreenWidth * 0.21)) x_static2 = int(round(ScreenWidth * 0.35)) x_score = int(round(ScreenWidth * 0.36)) x_static3 = int(round(ScreenWidth * 0.43)) x_accuracy = int(round(ScreenWidth * 0.44)) textColor = (150, 150, 150) # So the bullet over it don't hide the text
"Autopickup has been enabled")) else: messageLog.append(Message.Message(\ "Autopickup has been disabled.")) if event.key == pygame.K_b: background = not(background) ForceDraw = True if cheatMode == True: if event.key == pygame.K_F1: ShowMapCheat = not ShowMapCheat ForceDraw = True if event.key == pygame.K_F2: code.interact(local=locals()) if event.key == pygame.K_F3: PC.ChangeMap(Maps[PC.currentMap.level-1]) PC.currentMap.UpdateVisibility(PC, PC.x, PC.y) ForceDraw = True if event.key == pygame.K_F4: PC.ChangeMap(Maps[PC.currentMap.level+1]) PC.currentMap.UpdateVisibility(PC, PC.x, PC.y) ForceDraw = True else: dialog[0].process(event) if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if not hasattr(event, 'key'): continue if (event.key == K_RIGHT and event.type == KEYDOWN): roll = 2 elif (event.key == K_LEFT and event.type == KEYDOWN): roll = 1 elif (event.key == K_ESCAPE and event.type == KEYDOWN): sys.exit(0) elif (event.key == K_RETURN and event.type == KEYDOWN): p = subprocess.Popen("exec " + emulator_list[0].get_command(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) elif (event.key == K_TAB and event.type == KEYDOWN): p = subprocess.Popen("exec " + emulator_list[3].get_command(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) elif (event.key == K_TAB and event.type == KEYDOWN): p.terminate() if 'device' in locals(): if (device.active_keys() == [314, 315]): p.terminate() print device.active_keys() if hasattr(event, 'key'): pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 255, 255), (0, (resolution[3]) - 130, resolution[0], 260)) screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) # remove when label test ends if (roll == 1): # LEFT emulator_selection = rotate(emulator_selection, 'left') roll = 0 elif (roll == 2): # RIGHT emulator_selection = rotate(emulator_selection, 'right') ntmp = roll
else: #tem mais sprites na tela? então reseta timer latchtimerdown = False pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT+1, 0) # e reseta timer #imprime placar placar=placarf.render(u"MÉDIA: {:10.3f}".format(avgresptime) ,True,(30,30,60)) kanapmplacar = placarf.render(u"仮名 POR MINUTO: " + str(KPM) ,True,(30,30,60)) screen.blit(placar,(10,10)) screen.blit(kanapmplacar,(320,10)) if pygame.key.get_focused(): press=pygame.key.get_pressed() for i in xrange(0,len(press)): if press[i]==1: logging.debug(i) zz = listfind(keystr,i) # cria uma lista com os endereços dos locais onde achou o i dentro de keystr if len(zz)==0: #não achou nenhuma ocorrência if 'lasterror' in locals(): # checa se variável já existe para evitar logar coisas repetidas if not lasterror == i:"To key num. " + str(i) + " no kana box is assigned.") else:"To key num. " + str(i) + " no kana box is assigned.") lasterror=i else: for kkk in xrange(0,len(zz)): #se em o press gerar um zz com mais de uma remoção, faz um for pra remover tudo. z = zz[kkk] boxtoditch = z[0]*12+z[1] logging.debug("z: " + str(z) + " keynumber from pygame.key.get_pressed():" + str(i) + " order on boxes list: " + str(boxtoditch)) # zera timer, integra tempo, calcula média de tempo de reação #as vezes os timers enlouquecem. não sei porque # insisti no meu erro e simplesmente colocar um latch aqui; na verdade não é bem um latch, vou testar se o sprite existe, no fim dá no mesmo #print "i wanto to remove", boxtoditch if boxtoditch in allSprites.kanalindex:
def log(self, action, hex=None): if quiet: return if self.state: state = else: state = None pid = "P%s" % turn = "T%s" % self.turn if hex: xy = "(%s,%s)" % (hex.x, hex.y) else: xy = "-" elapsed = time.time()-self.log_start_time print("[%(elapsed)7.2f] %(xy)7s : [ %(state)-12s %(turn)4s %(pid)s] %(action)s" % locals())
class Sounds(object): # you are not expected to understand this for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '*.wav')): sound_id, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename)) locals()[sound_id] = pygame.mixer.Sound(filename)
# Ask for Player input pos_x = event.pos[0] # Zeroeth element is horizontal axis, first element is vertical axis pos_y = event.pos[1] if SQUARE_SIZE < pos_y < SQUARE_SIZE*(DIM+1) and SQUARE_SIZE < pos_x < SQUARE_SIZE*(DIM+1) : u_row = int(math.floor(pos_y/SQUARE_SIZE))-1 u_col = int(math.floor(pos_x/SQUARE_SIZE))-1 # Check for valid location and drop piece if is_vacant(board, u_row, u_col, turn) and orthello(board, u_row, u_col, turn, False): flip_num = orthello(board, u_row, u_col, turn, True) playable_list = availoc(board, available_board, next_turn) draw_avaiBoard(available_board, next_turn) else: error = True print_special_message(board, available_board, turn,(f"Error. Position not valid. Player {turn} go again." % locals())) playable_list = availoc(board, available_board, turn) draw_avaiBoard(available_board, turn) # Print and draw board. print_board(board, flip_num) draw_board(board) # Check for end game if is_end_game(board): print("End Game. Who wins?") if (p2_score > p1_score): print_special_message(board, available_board, turn, "Player 2 wins!") elif (p2_score == p1_score): print_special_message(board, available_board, turn, "It's a tie! You're both winners/ losers!") else:
def profile(command): import cProfile filename = 'pyweek10-ldnpydojo.profile' cProfile.runctx( command, globals(), locals(), filename=filename ) ['runsnake', filename] )
def playIt(movementInfo, decider): global iters, games, FPS itercount = 0 score = playerIndex = loopIter = 0 playerIndexGen = movementInfo['playerIndexGen'] playerx, playery = int(SCREENWIDTH * 0.2), movementInfo['playery'] basex = movementInfo['basex'] baseShift = IMAGES['base'].get_width() - IMAGES['background'].get_width() # get 2 new pipes to add to upperPipes lowerPipes list newPipe1 = getRandomPipe() newPipe2 = getRandomPipe() # list of upper pipes upperPipes = [ { 'x': 150, 'y': newPipe1[0]['y'] }, { 'x': 150 + (SCREENWIDTH / 2), 'y': newPipe2[0]['y'] }, ] # list of lowerpipe lowerPipes = [ { 'x': 150, 'y': newPipe1[1]['y'] }, { 'x': 150 + (SCREENWIDTH / 2), 'y': newPipe2[1]['y'] }, ] pipeVelX = -4 # player velocity, max velocity, downward accleration, accleration on flap playerVelY = -9 # player's velocity along Y, default same as playerFlapped playerMaxVelY = 10 # max vel along Y, max descend speed playerMinVelY = -8 # min vel along Y, max ascend speed playerAccY = 1 # players downward accleration playerFlapAcc = -9 # players speed on flapping playerFlapped = False # True when player flaps while True: eventLog = None for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key == K_UP): if playery > -2 * IMAGES['player'][0].get_height(): playerVelY = playerFlapAcc playerFlapped = True if event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key == K_SPACE): if FPS == 3000: FPS = 4 elif FPS == 4: FPS = 30 else: FPS = 3000 # check for crash here crashTest = checkCrash( { 'x': playerx, 'y': playery, 'index': playerIndex }, upperPipes, lowerPipes) if crashTest[0]: iters = iters + itercount if itercount > 140: print str(itercount) + "versus " + str(iters / games) return { 'y': playery, 'groundCrash': crashTest[1], 'basex': basex, 'upperPipes': upperPipes, 'lowerPipes': lowerPipes, 'score': score, 'playerVelY': playerVelY, } # check for score playerMidPos = playerx + IMAGES['player'][0].get_width() / 2 for pipe in upperPipes: pipeMidPos = pipe['x'] + IMAGES['pipe'][0].get_width() / 2 if pipeMidPos <= playerMidPos < pipeMidPos + 4: score += 1 if FPS != 3000: SOUNDS['point'].play() # playerIndex basex change if (loopIter + 1) % 3 == 0: playerIndex = loopIter = (loopIter + 1) % 30 basex = -((-basex + 100) % baseShift) # player's movement if playerVelY < playerMaxVelY and not playerFlapped: playerVelY += playerAccY if playerFlapped: playerFlapped = False playerHeight = IMAGES['player'][playerIndex].get_height() playery += min(playerVelY, BASEY - playery - playerHeight) # move pipes to left for uPipe, lPipe in zip(upperPipes, lowerPipes): uPipe['x'] += pipeVelX lPipe['x'] += pipeVelX # add new pipe when first pipe is about to touch left of screen if 0 < upperPipes[0]['x'] < 5: newPipe = getRandomPipe() upperPipes.append(newPipe[0]) lowerPipes.append(newPipe[1]) # remove first pipe if its out of the screen if upperPipes[0]['x'] < -IMAGES['pipe'][0].get_width(): upperPipes.pop(0) lowerPipes.pop(0) # draw sprites if FPS != 3000 or (itercount + iters) % 1000 == 0: SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['background'], (0, 0)) for uPipe, lPipe in zip(upperPipes, lowerPipes): SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['pipe'][0], (uPipe['x'], uPipe['y'])) SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['pipe'][1], (lPipe['x'], lPipe['y'])) SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['base'], (basex, BASEY)) # print score so player overlaps the score showScore(score) SCREEN.blit(IMAGES['player'][playerIndex], (playerx, playery)) pygame.display.update() worldState = { 'x': playerx, 'y': playery, 'upperPipes': upperPipes, 'lowerPipes': lowerPipes, 'playerVelY': playerVelY } action = decider.handleActions(locals()) if action is not None: itercount = itercount + 1 FPSCLOCK.tick(FPS)
def isset(var): return (var in locals() or var in globals())
game_over = True # Next move # If error = False if turn == PLAYER and player_valid == True: turn = AI next_turn = PLAYER elif turn == AI and AI_valid == True: turn = PLAYER next_turn = AI else: pass else: # If either player cannot move, then move on to next player. Blit available locations for next player. cant_move += 1 print_special_message(board, available_board, turn, ( f"Can't Move! Player {turn} cannot move. It is player {next_turn}'s turn." % locals())) if turn == PLAYER: turn = AI next_turn = PLAYER else: turn = PLAYER next_turn = AI playable_list = availoc(board, available_board, turn) draw_avaiBoard(available_board, turn) draw_board(board) if cant_move > 2: terminate_game(board) game_over = True
def populate_scene(self): self.objects = {} self.effects = {} self.overall_effects = {} self.scenes = [] self.scene_counter = 0 data = fobjects = data.get('objects', {}) for objname, objdata in fobjects.items(): o_type = objdata.get('type', None) base_size = objdata.get('base_size', None) generators = objdata.get('generators', {}) if base_size: base_size = tuple(base_size) generators = self.parse_generators(generators) if o_type not in dir(shapes): raise RuntimeError("I don't know shape " + o_type) evalstr = "shapes.{o_type}(base_size=base_size, generators=generators)".format( o_type=o_type) obj = eval(evalstr, globals(), locals()) self.objects[objname] = obj feffects = data.get('effects', {}) for objname, objdata in feffects.items(): o_type = objdata.get('type', None) generators = objdata.get('generators', {}) target_s = objdata.get('target', None) target = self.objects[target_s] if o_type not in dir(effects): raise RuntimeError("I do not know effect " + o_type) evalstr = "effects.{o_type}(other_sprite=target, generators=generators)".format( o_type=o_type) obj = eval(evalstr, globals(), locals()) self.effects[objname] = obj fovreff = data.get('overall_effects', {}) for objname, objdata in fovreff.items(): o_type = objdata.get('type', None) generators = objdata.get('generators', {}) target = self.screen_wrapper if o_type not in dir(effects): raise RuntimeError("I do not know effect " + o_type) evalstr = "effects.{o_type}(other_sprite=target, generators=generators)".format( o_type=o_type) obj = eval(evalstr, globals(), locals()) self.overall_effects[objname] = obj for scene in data.get('scenes', []): title = scene.get('title', None) duration = scene.get('duration', 0) music = scene.get('music', None) scene_objlist = scene.get('objects', []) scene_efflist = scene.get('effects', []) scene_ovreflist = scene.get('overall_effects', []) scene_objs = tuple([self.objects[a] for a in scene_objlist]) scene_effects = tuple([self.effects[a] for a in scene_efflist]) scene_overall_effects = tuple( [self.overall_effects[a] for a in scene_ovreflist]) background_color = eval(str(scene.get('background_color', 'None')), globals(), locals()) self.scenes.append( Scene(title=title, duration=duration, objects=scene_objs, effects=scene_effects, overall_effects=scene_overall_effects, music=music, background_color=background_color))