コード例 #1
 def update(self, screen: pygame.Surface) -> None:
     """Get information from player, level and render."""
     health: int = self._player.get_health()
     spheres: int = self._player.get_num_spheres()
     level: int = self._level.get_level()
     total_spheres: int = self._level.get_total_spheres()
     if pygame.font:
         level_surf: pygame.Surface = self._font.render(
             "Level " + str(level), True, (0, 0, 0))
         health_surf: pygame.Surface = self._font.render(
             "Health " + str(health), True, (0, 0, 0))
         spheres_surf: pygame.Surface = self._font.render(
             "Spheres " + str(spheres) + "/" + str(total_spheres), True,
             (0, 0, 0))
         self.image = pygame.Surface(
             (screen.get_width(), self._font.get_height()))
         self.image.fill((200, 200, 200))
         self.image.blit(level_surf, (0, 0))
                         (screen.get_width() - spheres_surf.get_width(), 0))
             ((screen.get_width() - health_surf.get_width()) / 2, 0))
         self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
         pygame.display.set_caption("Level " + str(level) + " Health " +
                                    str(health) + " Spheres " +
                                    str(spheres) + "/" + str(total_spheres))
コード例 #2
ファイル: LemonadeGui.py プロジェクト: nswarup14/Lemonade
    def ingredient_count(self, items, money):
        # sides are at 650 and 675
        #            /1200    /900
        #            13/24   27/36
        ingredient_block = Surface((self.game_engine.width * 11/24,
                                    self.game_engine.height * 9/36))
        ingredient_block.fill((255, 255, 255))
        icon_size = int(ingredient_block.get_width() / (len(items) * 1.5))
        icon_width = ingredient_block.get_width() / len(items)
        j = icon_size / 3
        render_top = 15 + icon_size
        for name, count in items.items():
            icon = image.load("images/icon-%s.gif" % name).convert()
            icon = transform.scale(icon, (icon_size, icon_size))
            ingredient_block.blit(icon, (j, 10))

            # Put an item count under the icon.
            ren = self.__font.render(str(count), True, (0, 0, 0))
            fw, fh = ren.get_size()
            render_left = j + (icon_size / 2) - (fw / 2)
            ingredient_block.blit(ren, (render_left, render_top))
            j += icon_width

        ren = self.__font.render("Funds: %s" % format_money(money), True, (0, 0, 0))
        fw, fh = ren.get_size()
        render_left = ingredient_block.get_width() / 2 - fw / 2
        render_top = (ingredient_block.get_height() - render_top) / 2 + render_top
        ingredient_block.blit(ren, (render_left, render_top))

        return ingredient_block
コード例 #3
ファイル: LemonadeGui.py プロジェクト: FOSSRIT/lemonade-stand
    def ingredient_count(self, items, money):
        # sides are at 650 and 675
        #            /1200    /900
        #            13/24   27/36
        ingredient_block = Surface((self.game_engine.width * 11/24,
                                    self.game_engine.height * 9/36))
        ingredient_block.fill((255, 255, 255))
        icon_size = int(ingredient_block.get_width() / (len(items) * 1.5))
        icon_width = ingredient_block.get_width() / len(items)
        j = icon_size / 3
        render_top = 15 + icon_size
        for name, count in items.items():
            icon = image.load("images/icon-%s.gif" % name).convert()
            icon = transform.scale(icon, (icon_size, icon_size))
            ingredient_block.blit(icon, (j, 10))

            # Put an item count under the icon.
            ren = self.__font.render(str(count), True, (0, 0, 0))
            fw, fh = ren.get_size()
            render_left = j + (icon_size / 2) - (fw / 2)
            ingredient_block.blit(ren, (render_left, render_top))
            j += icon_width

        ren = self.__font.render("Funds: %s" % format_money(money), True, (0, 0, 0))
        fw, fh = ren.get_size()
        render_left = ingredient_block.get_width() / 2 - fw / 2
        render_top = (ingredient_block.get_height() - render_top) / 2 + render_top
        ingredient_block.blit(ren, (render_left, render_top))

        return ingredient_block
コード例 #4
 def draw(self, surface: pygame.Surface) -> None:
     if self.__show:
         self.__rect.width = surface.get_width()
         for button in self.__buttons:
                          "white", (0, 0, surface.get_width(), 20),
                          "black", (0, 0, surface.get_width(), 20),
コード例 #5
ファイル: playback_viewer.py プロジェクト: axlan/sushi_go_ai
    def draw_card(surface: pygame.Surface,
                  card: SushiCardType,
                  color_fore: Color,
                  color_back: Color,
                  num: int = 1,
                  wasabi: bool = False):
        OFFSET = 0.03
        BORDER_SIZE = 2
        if wasabi:
            num = 2
        offset = max(OFFSET * surface.get_width(),
                     OFFSET * surface.get_height())
        h = surface.get_height() - offset * (num - 1)
        w = surface.get_width() - offset * (num - 1)

        for i in range(num):
            x = int(offset * i)
            y = int(offset * i)
            pygame.draw.rect(surface, color_back, Rect(x, y, w, h))
            pygame.draw.rect(surface, color_fore, Rect(x, y, w, h),

        App.draw_centered_text(surface, w / 2 + x, h / 2 + y, card, color_fore,
        if wasabi:
            App.draw_centered_text(surface, w / 2 + x, h / 2 + y + 15,
                                   'with WASABI', color_fore, 14)
            App.draw_centered_text(surface, w / 2 + x, h / 2 + y + 15,
                                   f'x{num}', color_fore, 14)
コード例 #6
    def move_x(self, screen: pygame.Surface, threshold: int,
               background: ScrollingBackground) -> int:
        """Attempt to move, return True if moved."""
        moved: bool = False
        scroll_dir: int = NOT_MOVING

        # Adjust x according to dx.
        if self._dx < 0:
            can_scroll = background.can_scroll(screen, LEFT)
            if not (can_scroll and self.rect.left < threshold):
                self._x += self._dx
                if self._x < 0:
                    self._x = 0
                self.rect.left = self._x
                scroll_dir = LEFT
        elif self._dx > 0:
            can_scroll = background.can_scroll(screen, RIGHT)
            if not (can_scroll
                    and self.rect.right > screen.get_width() - threshold):
                self._x += self._dx
                if self._x > screen.get_width() - self.rect.width:
                    self._x = screen.get_width() - self.rect.width
                self.rect.left = self._x
                scroll_dir = RIGHT

        return scroll_dir
コード例 #7
def finish_game(win: bool, screen: pygame.Surface):
    """ Is called when game is finished. """

    if win:
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, pygame.Color('yellow'), screen.get_rect())
        final_message = 'You win!'
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, pygame.Color('red'), screen.get_rect())
        final_message = 'You lost...'
    # Set font.
    font = pygame.font.SysFont(name='Ani', size=100)
    # Place messages.
    screen.blit(font.render(final_message, True, pygame.Color('black')),
                (screen.get_width() // 3 + 80, screen.get_height() // 5))
        font.render('To exit, press ESC.', True, pygame.Color('black')),
        (screen.get_width() // 6, screen.get_height() // 4 + 150))
        font.render('To restart the game, press any other button.', True,
        (screen.get_width() // 4 + 30, screen.get_height() // 4 + 300))
    # Display changes.

コード例 #8
 def update_percent(self, screen: pygame.Surface) -> None:
     pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0),
                      (0, screen.get_height() - 20, screen.get_width(), 10))
     pygame.draw.rect(screen, (187, 11, 11),
                      (0, screen.get_height() - 20,
                       (screen.get_width() / 100) * self.percent, 10))
コード例 #9
 def move(self, screen: pygame.Surface, direction: int) -> None:
     """Move in direction."""
     if direction == LEFT:
         self._angle = 180
         self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self._raw_image, 180)
         self.rect.left -= self._speed
         if self.rect.left < 0:
             self.rect.left = 0
     elif direction == RIGHT:
         self._angle = 0
         self.image = self._raw_image
         self.rect.left += self._speed
         if self.rect.right > screen.get_width():
             self.rect.right = screen.get_width()
     elif direction == UP:
         self._angle = 270
         self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self._raw_image, 90)
         self.rect.top -= self._speed
         if self.rect.top < 0:
             self.rect.top = 0
     elif direction == DOWN:
         self._angle = 90
         self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self._raw_image, -90)
         self.rect.top += self._speed
         if self.rect.bottom > screen.get_height():
             self.rect.bottom = screen.get_height()
コード例 #10
class Cell():
  def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, block_image):
    self.x = x
    self.y = y
    self.activated = False
    self.small_block_image = scale_image(block_image, (20, 20))
    self.image = Surface((width, height))
  def update(self, event, cells):
    if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
      if event.button == 1:
        if event.pos[0] in range(self.x, self.x + self.image.get_width()) and event.pos[1] in range(self.y, self.y + self.image.get_height()):
          self.activated = True
          for cell in cells:
            if cell != self:
              cell.activated = False
  def draw(self, window):
    window.blit(self.image, (self.x, self.y))
    if self.activated:
      draw_rect(window, (0, 0, 0), (self.x, self.y, self.image.get_width(), self.image.get_height()), 2)
      draw_rect(window, (150, 150, 150), (self.x, self.y, self.image.get_width(), self.image.get_height()), 2)
    window.blit(self.small_block_image, ((self.x + self.image.get_width() // 2) - self.small_block_image.get_width() // 2, (self.y + self.image.get_height() // 2) - self.small_block_image.get_height() // 2))
コード例 #11
    def update(self, screen: pygame.Surface) -> None:
        """Move the goat."""
        if self._timer % 60 == 0:
            self._timer += random.choice([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
        self._x += self._speed * math.cos(math.radians(self._angle))
        self._y += self._speed * math.sin(math.radians(self._angle))
        if self._x <= 0:
            self._x = 0
            self._angle += 10
        elif self._x + self.image.get_width() >= screen.get_width():
            self._x = screen.get_width() - self.image.get_width()
            self._angle += 10
        if self._y <= 0:
            self._y = 0
            self._angle += 10
        elif self._y + self.image.get_height() >= screen.get_height():
            self._y = screen.get_height() - self.image.get_height()
            self._angle += 10
        self.rect.top = self._y
        self.rect.left = self._x

        self._timer += 1
        if self._timer == self._max_timer:
コード例 #12
 def update(self, screen: pygame.Surface) -> None:
     """Move the object by _dx and boundary check."""
     self.rect.centerx += self._dx
     if self.rect.right > screen.get_width():
         self.rect.right = screen.get_width()
     elif self.rect.left < 0:
         self.rect.left = 0
コード例 #13
    def _inner_pre_draw(self, surface: Surface):

        main_group_x = surface.get_width() / 2
        main_group_y = surface.get_height() / 2 + 100

        aux_group_x = surface.get_width() - 200 - 20
        aux_group_y = surface.get_height() - 20

        surface.blit(self._background_image, (0, 0))

                                                 main_group_y - 80)
        self._how_to_play.set_position_centered(main_group_x, main_group_y)
        self._settings_button.set_position(aux_group_x, aux_group_y - 115)
        self._credits_button.set_position(aux_group_x, aux_group_y - 75)
        self._quit_button.set_position(aux_group_x, aux_group_y - 35)

        title_pos = (main_group_x - (self._title_surface.get_width() / 2), 50)

        surface.blit(self._title_surface, title_pos)

        surface.blit(self._espiria_image, (main_group_x - 110, 690))

        surface.blit(self._insta_image, (10, 650))
        surface.blit(self._discord_image, (10, 710))
        surface.blit(self._insta_text, (70, 670))
        surface.blit(self._discord_text, (70, 730))
コード例 #14
ファイル: ball.py プロジェクト: burenotti/pygame
 def draw(self, screen: pygame.Surface) -> None:
     screen.blit(self.image, tuple(self.top_left_point))
     scrrect = Rect(Color(0, 0, 0), Vector2D(0, 0), Vector2D(screen.get_width(), screen.get_height()), 0)
     radius = self.width / 2
     if self.center.x - radius < 0 or self.center.x + radius > screen.get_width():
         self.speed = Vector2D(-self.speed.x, self.speed.y)
     if self.center.y - radius < 0 or self.center.y + radius > screen.get_height():
         self.speed = Vector2D(self.speed.x, -self.speed.y)
コード例 #15
def double_tile_surface(surfaceIn: Surface):
    surfaceOut = Surface(
        (surfaceIn.get_width() * 2, surfaceIn.get_height() * 2), SRCALPHA)
    surfaceOut.blit(surfaceIn, (0, 0))
    surfaceOut.blit(surfaceIn, (surfaceIn.get_width(), 0))
    surfaceOut.blit(surfaceIn, (0, surfaceIn.get_height()))
    surfaceOut.blit(surfaceIn, (surfaceIn.get_width(), surfaceIn.get_height()))
    return surfaceOut
コード例 #16
ファイル: playback_viewer.py プロジェクト: axlan/sushi_go_ai
    def draw_Player(surface: pygame.Surface, state: GameState,
                    player_idx: int):

        CARD_SPACING = 5

        CARD_W = int((surface.get_width() + CARD_SPACING) / 11)
        CARD_H = int(surface.get_height() / 3)
        FORE_C = Color('RED')
        BACK_C = Color('BLUE')
        LABEL_SIZE = 24

        y = 10
                               surface.get_width() / 2, y,
                               f'Player {player_idx + 1}', FORE_C, LABEL_SIZE)

        y += 20
                               surface.get_width() / 2, y, 'Hand', FORE_C,
        counts = count_card_types(state.hands[player_idx])
        counts = {card: count for card, count in counts.items() if count > 0}
        y += 10
        for k, card in enumerate(counts):
            count = counts[card]
            x = k * (CARD_W + CARD_SPACING)
            App.draw_card(surface.subsurface(Rect(x, y, CARD_W, CARD_H)), card,
                          FORE_C, BACK_C, count)

        y += CARD_H + 10
                               surface.get_width() / 2, y, 'Played', FORE_C,
        played_cards = list(state.played_cards[player_idx])
        wasabi_combos = pair_wasabi(played_cards)
        for card in wasabi_combos:
        counts = count_card_types(played_cards)
        counts = {card: count for card, count in counts.items() if count > 0}
        y += 10
        for k, card in enumerate(counts):
            count = counts[card]
            x = k * (CARD_W + CARD_SPACING)
            App.draw_card(surface.subsurface(Rect(x, y, CARD_W, CARD_H)), card,
                          FORE_C, BACK_C, count)
        for k, card in enumerate(wasabi_combos):
            x = (k + len(counts)) * (CARD_W + CARD_SPACING)
            App.draw_card(surface.subsurface(Rect(x, y, CARD_W, CARD_H)), card,
                          FORE_C, BACK_C, 1, True)

        y += CARD_H + 10
        pudding = state.puddings[player_idx]
        score = state.scores[player_idx]
                               surface.get_width() / 2, y,
                               f'Pudding: {pudding}    Score: {score}', FORE_C,
コード例 #17
ファイル: tree.py プロジェクト: tps12/Dorftris
    def _drawbranch(self, indent, branch):
        result = []
        truths = []
        boxoffset = 0
        for key, name, expanded, value in branch:
            space = self._font.render(' '*4*indent, False, (0,0,0))
            title = self._font.render(name, True, (255,255,255))

            if hasattr(value, '__iter__'):
                arrow = self._exp if expanded else self._col
                lines, suboffset, allsame = self._drawbranch(indent+1, value)
                selected = allsame
                boxoffset = max(boxoffset, suboffset)
                arrow = None
                lines = []
                selected = value

            width = (space.get_width() +
                     (arrow.get_width() if arrow else 0) +
            height = title.get_height()
            image = Surface((width, height), flags=SRCALPHA)
            image.blit(space, (0,0))
            if arrow:
                loc = space.get_width(), 0
                image.blit(arrow, loc)
                buttons = [(Rect(loc, arrow.get_size()), 0,
                            self._arrowhandler(branch, key, not expanded))]
                buttons = []
            image.blit(title, (image.get_width()-title.get_width(), 0))

            if selected:
                boxes = self._y, self._emp
                actions = None, False
            elif selected == False:
                boxes = self._emp, self._n
                actions = True, None
                boxes = self._emp, self._emp
                actions = True, False

            boxbuttons, boximage = self._drawboxes(branch, key,
                                                   *(boxes + actions))

            result.append((image, buttons, boximage))
            if expanded:
            boxoffset = max(boxoffset, image.get_width())

        allsame = (True if all(truths) else
                   False if all([t == False for t in truths]) else
        return result, boxoffset, allsame
コード例 #18
 def update(self, screen: pygame.Surface) -> None:
     """Move left to right and back."""
     self.rect.centerx += self._dx
     if self.rect.right > screen.get_width():
         self.rect.right = screen.get_width()
         self._dx *= -1
     elif self.rect.left < 0:
         self.rect.left = 0
         self._dx *= -1
コード例 #19
ファイル: appearance.py プロジェクト: zormit/miniworldmaker
 def image_action_upscale(self, image: pygame.Surface,
                          parent) -> pygame.Surface:
     if parent.size != 0:
         scale_factor_x = parent.size[0] / image.get_width()
         scale_factor_y = parent.size[1] / image.get_height()
         scale_factor = min(scale_factor_x, scale_factor_y)
         new_width = int(image.get_width() * scale_factor)
         new_height = int(image.get_height() * scale_factor)
         image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (new_width, new_height))
     return image
コード例 #20
ファイル: appearance.py プロジェクト: zormit/miniworldmaker
 def image_action_scale_to_width(
     image: pygame.Surface,
 ) -> pygame.Surface:
     scale_factor = parent.size[0] / image.get_width()
     new_width = int(image.get_width() * scale_factor)
     new_height = int(image.get_height() * scale_factor)
     image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (new_width, new_height))
     return image
 def update(self, screen: pygame.Surface) -> None:
     self.rect.top += self._dy
     self.rect.left += self._dx
     if self.rect.right > screen.get_width():
         self.rect.right = screen.get_width()
     elif self.rect.left < 0:
         self.rect.left = 0
     if self.rect.bottom > screen.get_height():
         self.rect.bottom = screen.get_height()
     elif self.rect.top < 0:
         self.rect.top = 0
コード例 #22
    def _render_score(self, surface: pygame.Surface) -> None:
        text, _ = self.score_font.render(str(int(self.score)),

            surface, self.scores_bg,
            (int(surface.get_width() - text.get_width() / 2 - 20),
             int(20 + text.get_height() / 2)),
            int(max([text.get_width() / 2 + 10,
                     text.get_height() / 2 + 10])))
        surface.blit(text, (surface.get_width() - text.get_width() - 20, 20))
コード例 #23
 def update(self, screen: pygame.Surface) -> None:
     """Update sprite location."""
     self.rect.left += self._dx
     self.rect.top += self._dy
     if self.rect.left < 0:
         self.rect.left = 0
     elif self.rect.right > screen.get_width():
         self.rect.right = screen.get_width()
     if self.rect.top < 0:
         self.rect.top = 0
     elif self.rect.bottom > screen.get_height():
         self.rect.bottom = screen.get_height()
コード例 #24
 def update(self, screen: pygame.Surface) -> None:
     """Move sprite by _dx, _dy."""
     self.rect.top += self._dy
     self.rect.left += self._dx
     if self.rect.right < screen.get_width():
         self.rect.right = screen.get_width()
     elif self.rect.left > 0:
         self.rect.left = 0
     if self.rect.bottom < screen.get_height():
         self.rect.bottom = screen.get_height()
     elif self.rect.top > 0:
         self.rect.top = 0
コード例 #25
 def update(self, screen: pygame.Surface) -> None:
     """Move sprite by _dx, _dy."""
     self.rect.top += self._boost * self._dy
     self.rect.left += self._boost * self._dx
     if self.rect.right > screen.get_width():
         self.rect.right = screen.get_width() - int(self.rect.width / 2)
     elif self.rect.left < 0:
         self.rect.left = int(self.rect.width / 2)
     if self.rect.bottom > screen.get_height():
         self.rect.bottom = screen.get_height() - int(self.rect.height / 4)
     elif self.rect.top < 0:
         self.rect.top = int(self.rect.height / 4)
コード例 #26
 def pos_of_picture(picture: pygame.Surface, pos: int) -> Point:
     x = pic_size.w * (pos % COLUMNS)
     y = pic_size.h * int(pos / COLUMNS)
     if (picture.get_width() / picture.get_height()) > screen_ratio:
         h = int((pic_size.w - BORDER * 2) /
                 (picture.get_width() / picture.get_height()))
         y += int((pic_size.h - h) / 2)
     elif (picture.get_width() / picture.get_height()) < screen_ratio:
         w = int((pic_size.h - BORDER * 2) *
                 (picture.get_width() / picture.get_height()))
         x += int((pic_size.w - w) / 2)
     return Point(x, y)
コード例 #27
 def __init__(self, image: pygame.Surface, screen: pygame.Surface) -> None:
     """Initialize the sprite."""
     self.image = image
     self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
     self.rect.left = random.randint(
         int(-image.get_width() / 2),
         screen.get_width() + int(image.get_width() / 2))
     self.rect.top = random.randint(
         int(-image.get_height() / 2),
         screen.get_height() + int(image.get_height() / 2))
     self._dy = random.randint(4, 10)
コード例 #28
    def _slam_position_calc(self, player: GameObject,
                            surface: Surface) -> Vector2:
        x = player.center.x
        if self.level == 1:
            if player._last_direction == -1:
                x -= surface.get_width()

        if self.level >= 2:
            x -= surface.get_width() / 2

        return Vector2(
            x, player.transform.y - surface.get_height() + player.height)
コード例 #29
ファイル: props.py プロジェクト: TNtube/Train-Jam
 def draw(self, screen: pygame.Surface, camera: pygame.Vector3, rx: int,
          ry: int):
     vec3 = projection(self.points[0], camera, rx, ry)
     if (-screen.get_width() < vec3.x < screen.get_width() * 2 and
             -screen.get_height() * 1 < vec3.y < screen.get_height() * 1.5):
         c = [
             min(max(0, vec3.z * 2) + self.color[0], 255),
             min(max(0, vec3.z * 2) + self.color[1], 255),
             min(max(0, vec3.z * 2) + self.color[2], 255)
         if vec3.z > 0:
             pygame.draw.circle(screen, c, vec3.xy, 30, 10)
コード例 #30
    def render(self, surface: pygame.Surface, size_factor: float):
        self.previous_state.render(surface, size_factor)

        s = pygame.Surface((surface.get_width(), surface.get_height()))
        s.fill((0, 0, 0))
        surface.blit(s, (0, 0))

        surface_width = surface.get_width()
        surface_height = surface.get_height()

        font = pygame.font.Font("res/arcade.ttf", surface_height // 10)
        entries = [(font.render(text, True, (255, 255, 255)),
                    font.render(str(score), True, (255, 255, 255)))
                   for text, score in self.high_score]

        height = max(x.get_height() for x, _ in entries) + 2 * GameMenu.PADDING

        left = int(surface_width * 0.25)
        right = int(surface_width * 0.75)

        top = surface_height // 2 - (height *
                                     (len(self.high_score) + 1.5) // 2)

        header = font.render("High score", True, (255, 255, 255))
        header_left = surface_width // 2 - header.get_width() // 2
        surface.blit(header, (header_left, top))
        top += int(height * 1.5)

        index = 0
        for text, score in entries:
            if self.index == index:
                s = pygame.Surface(
                    (surface_width // 2 + GameMenu.PADDING * 2, height))
                s.fill((255, 255, 255))
                             (left - GameMenu.PADDING, top + index * height))

            surface.blit(text, (left, top + index * height + GameMenu.PADDING))
            surface.blit(score, (right - score.get_width(),
                                 top + index * height + GameMenu.PADDING))

            t = time.time()
            if self.index == index and self.score is not None and t - int(
                    t) < 0.5:
                    (255, 255, 255),
                    pygame.Rect(left + text.get_width(), top + index * height,
                                size_factor * Const.pixel_size, height))

            index += 1
コード例 #31
ファイル: info_tab.py プロジェクト: xchsp/Tower_Defense
class InfoTab():
    def __init__(self):
        self.surface_inside = Surface((295, 128)).convert()
        self.surface = Surface((300, 130)).convert()

        self.surface_inside.fill((255, 255, 255))
        self.surface.fill((0, 0, 0))
        self.font = font.Font(None, 15)
        self.l_font = font.Font(None, 25)

    def update(self, obj=None):
        self.surface_inside.fill((255, 255, 255))
        self.surface.fill((0, 0, 0))
        if obj is not None:
            self.surface_inside.blit(transform.scale(obj.image, (20, 20)),
                                     (5, 5))
                self.l_font.render(obj.name, 1, (0, 0, 0)),
                (30, 25 - self.l_font.get_height()))

            cost_str = "$" + str(obj.cost)
                self.l_font.render(cost_str, 1, (0, 255, 0)),
                (self.surface_inside.get_width() -
                 self.l_font.size(cost_str)[0] - 10, 5))

            y_val = 30
            for line in self.length_splitter(
                    self.font, obj.description,
                    self.surface_inside.get_width() - 10):
                self.surface_inside.blit(self.font.render(line, 1, (0, 0, 0)),
                                         (5, y_val))
                y_val += self.font.size(line)[1] + 5

        self.surface.blit(self.surface_inside, (1, 1))

    # Word-wrap function
    def length_splitter(font, text, max_length):
        ret_list = []
        explode = text.split()
        t_str = ""
        while len(explode) > 0:
            if font.size(t_str + explode[0])[0] > max_length:
                t_str = ""
                t_str += explode.pop(0) + " "
                if len(explode) == 0:
        return ret_list
コード例 #32
 def update(self, screen: pygame.Surface) -> None:
     """Get information from player, level and render."""
     coins: int = self._player.get_coins()
     level: int = self._level.get_level()
     if pygame.font:
         level_surf: pygame.Surface = self._font.render("Level " + str(level), True, (0, 0, 0))
         coins_surf: pygame.Surface = self._font.render("Coins " + str(coins), True, (0, 0, 0))
         self.image = pygame.Surface((screen.get_width(), self._font.get_height()))
         self.image.fill((222, 237, 244))
         self.image.blit(level_surf, (0, 0))
         self.image.blit(coins_surf, (screen.get_width() - coins_surf.get_width(), 0))
         self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
         pygame.display.set_caption("Level " + str(level) + " Coins " + str(coins))
コード例 #33
ファイル: imageExample.py プロジェクト: giorgiocarta/patterns
	def make_background(self,img_file,desktop_size):
		in_img = image.load(img_file)
		out_img = Surface(desktop_size)
		for x in range((out_img.get_width() // in_img.get_width()) + 1):
			for y in range((out_img.get_height() // in_img.get_height()) + 1):
				out_img.blit(in_img, (in_img.get_width() * x, in_img.get_height() * y))
		return out_img
コード例 #34
 def create_dialog(self):
     f = font.Font(font.get_default_font(), 30)
     text = f.render(self.text, True, (255, 255, 255))
     dialog = Surface((text.get_width() + 20, text.get_height() + 20))
     self.stroke(dialog, (255, 0, 0))
     dialog.blit(text, ((dialog.get_width() - text.get_width()) / 2, (dialog.get_height() - text.get_height()) / 2))
     return dialog
コード例 #35
 def make_background(self, img_file, desktop_size):
     in_img = image.load(img_file)
     out_img = Surface(desktop_size)
     out_img.fill((0, 0, 0))
     left = (out_img.get_width() - in_img.get_width()) / 2
     top = (out_img.get_height() - in_img.get_height()) / 2
     out_img.blit(in_img, (left, top))
     return out_img
コード例 #36
class InfoTab():
    def __init__(self):
        self.surface_inside = Surface((295, 128)).convert()
        self.surface = Surface((300, 130)).convert()

        self.surface_inside.fill((255, 255, 255))
        self.surface.fill((0, 0, 0))
        self.font = font.Font(None, 15)
        self.l_font = font.Font(None, 25)

    def update(self, obj=None):
        self.surface_inside.fill((255, 255, 255))
        self.surface.fill((0, 0, 0))
        if obj is not None:
            self.surface_inside.blit(transform.scale(obj.image, (20, 20)), (5, 5))
            self.surface_inside.blit(self.l_font.render(obj.name, 1, (0, 0, 0)), (30, 25-self.l_font.get_height()))

            cost_str = "$"+str(obj.cost)
            self.surface_inside.blit(self.l_font.render(cost_str, 1, (0, 255, 0)),
                                     (self.surface_inside.get_width() - self.l_font.size(cost_str)[0] - 10, 5))

            y_val = 30
            for line in self.length_splitter(self.font, obj.description, self.surface_inside.get_width()-10):
                self.surface_inside.blit(self.font.render(line, 1, (0, 0, 0)), (5, y_val))
                y_val += self.font.size(line)[1]+5

        self.surface.blit(self.surface_inside, (1, 1))

    # Word-wrap function
    def length_splitter(font, text, max_length):
        ret_list = []
        explode = text.split()
        t_str = ""
        while len(explode) > 0:
            if font.size(t_str + explode[0])[0] > max_length:
                t_str = ""
                t_str += explode.pop(0) + " "
                if len(explode) == 0:
        return ret_list
コード例 #37
ファイル: ion_field.py プロジェクト: rubiximus/yars-revenge
class IonField(Sprite):
    """Sprite that draws a bunch of random horizontal lines inside a rectangle."""
    def __init__(self, left, top, width, height, noise_width, noise_height, delay):

        self.top = top
        self.left = left
        self.width = width
        self.height = height

        self.image = Surface((self.width, self.height))
        self.rect = Rect(left, top, self.width, self.height)
        self.rect = Rect(left, top, 0, 0)
        self.mask = Mask((self.width, self.height))

        self.noise_width = noise_width
        self.noise_height = noise_height

        self.tick = 0
        self.delay = delay

    def update(self):
        self.tick = self.tick + 1
        if self.tick % self.delay == 0:

    def draw(self, screen):
        screen.blit(self.image, self.rect)

    def generate_noise(self):
        for col in range(0, self.image.get_width(), self.noise_width):
            for row in range(0, self.image.get_height(), self.noise_height):
                c = choice(COLORS)
                draw.rect(self.image, c, Rect(col, row, self.noise_width, self.noise_height))
コード例 #38
ファイル: Garden.py プロジェクト: oflatt/pythonRpgProject
    def draw(self, time, settings, screen : Surface, scale, bottomypos : float, cursoroffset = 0, currentxscroll = 0, drawcursorindex = None, nodraw = False):

        # first draw wood
        if not nodraw:
            self.drawwood(time, settings, screen, scale, currentxscroll, bottomypos)
        xspace = screen.get_width()/50
        currentx = xspace
        cursordrawpos = None
        for i in range(cursoroffset, len(self.plants)):
            currentpos = (currentx, bottomypos)
            if not nodraw:
                self.plants[i].draw(time, settings, screen, scale,
            if drawcursorindex == i:
                potpos = self.plants[i].pot_pos(currentpos, scale)
                cursordrawpos = Rect(potpos[0]-xspace, potpos[1]-xspace,
                                     xspace, xspace)
                gfxdraw.box(screen, cursordrawpos, (211, 214, 64))
            currentx += self.plants[i].plantwidth*scale + xspace
        return cursordrawpos
コード例 #39
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: tps12/Generation-Generation
mdx = randint(-2048,2048)
mdy = randint(-2048,2048)
def spouses(x, y):
    global mdx
    global mdy
    m = noise.snoise2((x+mdx),(y+mdy),1,1)
    m = max(0, m)
    return int(4*m) + 1

shownoise = '-shownoise' in [a.lower() for a in argv]
background = Surface(screen.get_size())
if shownoise:
    for y in range(0, background.get_height()):
        for x in range(0, background.get_width()):
            background.set_at((x,y), grayvalue(noiseat(x,y)))

screen.blit(background, (0,0))

sprites = Group()

def personat(x,y):
    return noiseat(x*8,y*8) <= 0.95

for x in range(0, background.get_width(), 8):
    for y in range(0, background.get_height(), 8):
        present = personat(x/8, y/8)
コード例 #40
ファイル: regimes.py プロジェクト: tps12/Dorftris
from factions import *


screen = display.set_mode((800,600),HWSURFACE)
display.set_caption('Regime Change')

background = Surface(screen.get_size())

text = font.SysFont('Courier', 10)

plot = background.subsurface(Rect(0,
chart = background.subsurface(Rect(0,

values = 'militarism', 'moralism'
society = Society([Faction('aristocracy', (0,0,255), random(), values),
                   Faction('merchant class', (0,255,0), random(), values),
                   Faction('populace', (255,0,0), random(), values)])
for f in society.factions:
    for v in f.values.keys():
        f.values[v] = random()

charts = [chart.subsurface(Rect(i * chart.get_width()/len(society.factions),
コード例 #41
ファイル: shop.py プロジェクト: brandonsturgeon/Oregon_Trail
class Shop():
    def __init__(self, name, inventory, price_mod, group_inventory,
                 group_money, item_prices, position, blit_position, money, resource_path):
        self.yvalue = 40
        self.group_inventory = group_inventory
        self.group_money = group_money
        self.price_mod = price_mod
        self.item_prices = item_prices
        self.inventory = inventory
        self.position = position
        self.blit_position = blit_position
        self.resource_path = resource_path
        self.buy_button_list = []
        self.sell_button_list = []
        # TODO: figure out what these magic numbers mean
        self.x_pos = (-self.position * 40) + 1280

        # Gui stuff #

        # Main Window
        self.shop_surface = Surface((500, 300)).convert()
        # Separator Line
        self.sep_line = Surface((self.shop_surface.get_width(), 10)).convert()
        self.sep_line.fill((0, 0, 0))
        # Inventory container box
        self.inv_container = Surface((self.shop_surface.get_width()-20,
                                             self.shop_surface.get_height()/2 - 35)).convert()
        self.inv_container.fill((255, 255, 255))
        # Font creation
        self.title_font = font.Font(None, 30)
        self.text_font = font.Font(None, 20)

        # Random name generation
        if name == "":
            self.name = capitalize(choice(SHOP_NAME_PREFIX) + "'s " + choice(SHOP_NAME_SUFFIX))
            self.name = name
        # Random inventory generation
        if self.inventory == {}:
            # TODO: The shop should have random items, not just what the group currently has
            inventory_random = copy(self.group_inventory)

            # Assign a random value between 1,10 to each inventory item
            for key in list(inventory_random.keys()):
                inventory_random[key] = randint(0, 10)

            # Inflate food count
            inventory_random["Food"] *= 20
            self.inventory = inventory_random

        # Random money generation
        if money is None:
            self.money = randint(200, 500)
            self.name = name

    # Used to get the surface created in self.render()
    def get_surface(self):
        return self.shop_surface

    # Updates the group_inv and group_money to blit in self.render
    def update(self, group_inv, group_m):
        self.group_inventory = group_inv
        self.group_money = group_m

    def move(self, move_value):
        self.x_pos += (2 * move_value)

    def render(self):
        self.yvalue = 40
        self.shop_surface.fill((133, 94, 66))
        self.shop_surface.blit(self.title_font.render(self.name + " - $"+str(self.money), 1, (0, 0, 255)), (10, 5))
        self.shop_surface.blit(self.inv_container, (10, 25))
        self.shop_surface.blit(self.inv_container, (10, self.shop_surface.get_height()/2 + 30))
        self.shop_surface.blit(self.text_font.render("Inventory", 1, (255, 0, 0)), (10, 25))
        self.shop_surface.blit(self.text_font.render("Amount", 1, (255, 0, 0)), (130, 25))
        self.shop_surface.blit(self.text_font.render("Price", 1, (255, 0, 0)), (200, 25))

        #Blit the shop's inventory
        for key in list(self.inventory.keys()):
            self.shop_surface.blit(self.text_font.render(key+":", 1, (0, 0, 0)), (10, self.yvalue))
            self.shop_surface.blit(self.text_font.render(str(self.inventory[key]), 1,
                                                        (0, 0, 0)), (150, self.yvalue))
            self.shop_surface.blit(self.text_font.render("$"+str(self.item_prices[key]*self.price_mod), 1,
                                                        (0, 0, 0)), (200, self.yvalue))
            if len(self.buy_button_list) < len(self.inventory.keys()):
                button_pos = tuple(map(sum, zip(self.blit_position, (250, self.yvalue))))
                                                              image_position=(250, self.yvalue),
            self.yvalue += 30

        # Shows each button
        for button in self.buy_button_list:
            self.shop_surface.blit(button.image, button.image_position)

        self.shop_surface.blit(self.sep_line, (0, float(self.shop_surface.get_height())/2))

        self.shop_surface.blit(self.title_font.render("You - $"+str(self.group_money), 1, (0, 0, 255)),
                               (10, float(self.shop_surface.get_height()) / 2 + 10))
        self.shop_surface.blit(self.text_font.render("Inventory", 1, (255, 0, 0)),
                               (10, float(self.shop_surface.get_height()) / 2 + 30))
        self.shop_surface.blit(self.text_font.render("Amount", 1, (255, 0, 0)),
                               (130, float(self.shop_surface.get_height()) / 2 + 30))
        self.shop_surface.blit(self.text_font.render("Price", 1, (255, 0, 0)),
                               (200, float(self.shop_surface.get_height()) / 2 + 30))

        self.yvalue = (float(self.shop_surface.get_height())/2) + 45

        #Blit the player's inventory
        for key in list(self.group_inventory.keys()):
            self.shop_surface.blit(self.text_font.render(key+":", 1, (0, 0, 0)), (10, self.yvalue))
            self.shop_surface.blit(self.text_font.render(str(self.group_inventory[key]), 1,
                                                         (0, 0, 0)), (150, self.yvalue))
            self.shop_surface.blit(self.text_font.render("$"+str(self.item_prices[key]*self.price_mod), 1,
                                                        (0, 0, 0)), (200, self.yvalue))
            if len(self.sell_button_list) < len(self.inventory.keys()):
                button_pos = tuple(map(sum, zip(self.blit_position, (250, self.yvalue))))
                                                               image_position=(250, self.yvalue),
            self.yvalue += 30

        for button in self.sell_button_list:
            self.shop_surface.blit(button.image, button.image_position)
コード例 #42
class TowerFrame():
    """ Creates a frame full of information for the selected tower """
    def __init__(self, tower, extra_attributes=None):
        self.tower = tower
        self.image = Surface((200, 300)).convert()
        self.image.fill((200, 115, 0))
        self.s_width = self.image.get_width()
        self.s_height = self.image.get_height()

        # Can't divide by 0
        if self.tower.fire_rate == 0:
            dps_calc = 0
            dps_calc = self.tower.damage/self.tower.fire_rate

        tower_attributes = {"Name": self.tower.name,
                            "Fire Rate": self.tower.fire_rate,
                            "Damage": self.tower.damage,
                            "DPS": dps_calc,
                            "Damage Done": self.tower.damage_done}
        if extra_attributes is None:
            extra_attributes = dict()
        self.t_attributes = dict(tower_attributes.items() + extra_attributes.items())

        # Upgrades
        self.font = font.Font(None, 18)
        self.upgrade_button = Surface((100, 50)).convert()
        self.upgrade_button.fill((0, 255, 0))
        self.upgrade_button.blit(self.font.render("Upgrade", 1, (0, 0, 0)),
                                 (self.upgrade_button.get_width()/2 - self.font.size("Upgrade")[0]/2,
                                  self.upgrade_button.get_height()/2 - self.font.size("Upgrade")[1]/2))
        self.image.blit(self.upgrade_button, (self.image.get_width() - self.upgrade_button.get_width(),
                                              self.image.get_height() - self.upgrade_button.get_height()))

        level_text = "Level: " + str(self.tower.level)
        self.image.blit(self.font.render(level_text, 1, (0, 0, 0)),
                       (self.image.get_width() - self.upgrade_button.get_width(),
                        self.image.get_height() - self.upgrade_button.get_height() - self.font.size(level_text)[1]))
        self.image.blit(self.tower.image, (self.s_width/2 - self.tower.image.get_width()/2, 2))

        y_value = self.tower.image.get_width() + 7

        # Blits the tower description
        for desc in self.length_splitter(self.font, self.tower.description, self.image.get_width() - 5):
            self.image.blit(self.font.render(desc, 1, (0, 0, 0)), (5, y_value))
            y_value += self.font.get_height() + 1
        y_value += 5

        # Blits the tower's attributes in this order, tacking all extra stuff at the end
        for attr in ["Name", "Fire Rate", "Damage", "DPS", "Damage Done"]+extra_attributes.keys():
            value = self.t_attributes[attr]
            self.image.blit(self.font.render(attr + ": " + str(value), 1, (0, 0, 0)), (5, y_value))
            y_value += self.font.get_height() + 1
        #self.image = OutlinedSurface(self.image, 5).surface

    # Used to split text up into lines that will fit the surface
    def length_splitter(font, text, maxlength):
        ret_list = []
        explode = text.split()
        t_str = ""
        while len(explode) > 0:
            if font.size(t_str + explode[0])[0] > maxlength:
                t_str = ""
                t_str += explode.pop(0) + " "
                if len(explode) == 0:
        return ret_list
コード例 #43
ファイル: Gameboard.py プロジェクト: SamuraiJam/SamuraiJam
class Gameboard(object):

    def __init__(self, surface, width, height, song_filename):
        #progressively increase; must end with 1
        self.PROB_HEALTH = 0.4
        self.PROB_KI = 0.7
        self.PROB_SHIELD = 0.9
        self.PROB_SWORD = 1.0
        self.windowSurface = surface
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.song_filename = song_filename
        board_size = (width, height)
        self.gameSurface = Surface(board_size) # This will be drawn every frame to the window
        song_file = open(song_filename)
        self.song_name = song_file.readline().strip()
        self.song_length = float(song_file.readline())
        self.pixels_per_second = float(song_file.readline())
        self.level_filename = song_file.readline().strip()
        self.music_filename = song_file.readline().strip()
        self.background_filename = song_file.readline().strip()
        self.pixel_offset = 0
        self.last_frame_time = -1
        self.frac_scroll = 0
#        print "{0}[{1}] : {2}".format(self.song_name, self.song_length, self.pixels_per_second)
#        self.background_width = (self.pixels_per_second * self.song_length) + width
        self.background_width = width + 96  # Jank scroll edition!
        background_size = (self.background_width, height)
        self.backgroundSurface = Surface(background_size)
        self.mainScreenBackground,self.mainScreenBackgroundRect = load_image_from_folder('backgrounds', self.background_filename)
        #self.backgroundSurface.blit(mainScreenBackground, (0,0))
        possible_samurai_positions = []
        for i in range(0, 6):
            possible_samurai_positions.append(PATH_HEIGHT * i + 15)
        self.samurai = Samurai(possible_samurai_positions)
        self.samurai_sprite_group = Group(self.samurai)
        self.bridge_group = OrderedUpdates()
        self.mine_group = OrderedUpdates()
        self.enemy_group = OrderedUpdates()
        self.attack_group = OrderedUpdates()
        self.healthpack_group = OrderedUpdates()
        self.ki_potion_group = OrderedUpdates()
        self.shield_group = OrderedUpdates()
        self.sword_group = OrderedUpdates()
        self.explosion_group = OrderedUpdates()
#        tempSprite = self.samurai_sprite_group.sprites()
#        tempRect = tempSprite[0].get_rect()
#        self.testSword = VerticalSlash(tempRect.centerx,tempRect.centery, self.remove_attack)
#        self.attack_group.add(self.testSword)
        if sys.platform == "win32":
            # On Windows, the best timer is time.clock()
            self.default_timer = time.clock
            # On most other platforms, the best timer is time.time()
            self.default_timer = time.time
    def draw(self):
        origin = (0, 0)
#        this_scroll = 0
        self.scroll_amount = 0
        if self.last_frame_time > 0:
            cur_time = self.default_timer()
            self.gap_time = cur_time - self.last_frame_time
#            print "Pixels per second: {0}\nGap Time: {1}\nScrollAmount: {2}".format(self.pixels_per_second, self.gap_time, this_scroll)
            self.last_frame_time = cur_time
            self.gap_time = 0
            self.last_frame_time = self.default_timer()
        this_scroll = self.pixels_per_second * self.gap_time
        self.frac_scroll += this_scroll
        if self.frac_scroll >= 1:
            self.scroll_amount = math.floor(self.frac_scroll)
            self.pixel_offset += self.scroll_amount
#            print "Now scrolling {0} pixel(s)".format(whole_part)
            self.frac_scroll -= self.scroll_amount

        if self.pixel_offset > 96:
            self.pixel_offset = self.pixel_offset - 96
            if self.pixel_offset < 0:
                self.pixel_offset = 0
        self.gameSurface.blit(self.mainScreenBackground, origin)
        window_rect = Rect(self.pixel_offset, 0, self.gameSurface.get_width(), self.gameSurface.get_height()) 
#        print window_rect
        self.gameSurface.blit(self.backgroundSurface, origin, window_rect)
        #All other drawing
        #self.testSword = VerticalSlash(400,400)
#        self.testSword.draw(self.gameSurface)
        for bridge in self.bridge_group.sprites():
            if bridge.rect.left < 0:
        #Annnnd blast it back to the screen
        window_origin = (0, 60)
        self.windowSurface.blit(self.gameSurface, window_origin)
    def add_bridge(self, bridge_num):
#        print "FAKE BRIDGE"
        new_bridge = Bridge(1101, bridge_num * PATH_HEIGHT + 39)
    def add_mine(self, string_num):
#        print "CREATE ZE LANDMINE"
        new_mine = Mine(1101, PATH_HEIGHT * string_num + 42)
    def add_powerup(self, string_num):
        r = random.random()
        if r < self.PROB_HEALTH:
        elif r < self.PROB_KI:
        elif r < self.PROB_SHIELD:
        elif r < self.PROB_SWORD:

    def add_healthpack(self, string_num):
#        print "such a healthy young man!"
        new_healthpack = Healthpack(1101, PATH_HEIGHT * string_num + 42)
    def add_shield(self, string_num):
        new_shield = Shield(1101, PATH_HEIGHT * string_num + 42)
    def add_sword(self, string_num):
        new_sword = MegaSword(1101, PATH_HEIGHT * string_num + 42)
    def add_kiboost(self, string_num):
        new_ki_potion = KiPotion(1101, PATH_HEIGHT * string_num + 42)
    def add_enemy(self, string_num):
        new_enemy = Enemy(1111, PATH_HEIGHT * string_num + 42)
    def add_male_groupie(self, string_num):
        new_enemy = MaleGroupie(1111, PATH_HEIGHT * string_num + 15)
    def add_lawyer(self, string_num):
        new_lawyer = Lawyer(1111, PATH_HEIGHT * string_num + 15)
    def add_bodyguard(self, string_num):
        new_bodyguard = Bodyguard(1111, PATH_HEIGHT * string_num + 15)
    def remove_attack(self, attack):
    def add_attack(self, attack):
    def add_explosion(self, y_val):
        new_explosion = Explosion(20, y_val, self.explosion_group)
    def __render_background(self):
        # Jank implementation that just uses that one sprite over and over again!
        # Jay's jank dirtBlockThingy is 96x48 pixels
        num_blocks = int(math.ceil(self.background_width / 96.0))
        cur_width = 0
        for bI in range(0, num_blocks):
            for hI in range(0, 6):
                my_location = (cur_width, (PATH_HEIGHT * hI + 35))
                dp = DirtPath(my_location)
#                print "DirtPath at {0}".format(my_location)
                self.backgroundSurface.blit(dp.image, my_location)
            cur_width += 96
コード例 #44
ファイル: powerups.py プロジェクト: skeleborg/pyrkanoid
def change_vaus_behavior(state, vaus):
    if state == 'C':
    elif state == 'L':
        VAUS LASER
        surfaces = []
        laser_sheet_area = Surface((160, 8))    # 32 * 5
        laser1_posx = 0
        laser2_posx = 32
        laser3_posx = 64
        laser4_posx = 96
        laser5_posx = 128

        # En este caso el área 1 coincide con el área del recuadro para el estado inicial
        area1 = (0, 0, 32, 8)

        area2 = Surface((32, 8))
        area2_borderlaser = (64, 8, 8, 8)
        area2_normalbody = (80, 0, 8, 7)
        area2_borderright = (112, 0, 8, 8)  # borde izquierdo vaus láser
        area2.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area2_borderlaser), (0, 0))
        area2.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area2_normalbody), (8, 0))
        area2.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area2_normalbody), (16, 0))
        area2.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area2_borderright), (24, 0))
        surfaces.append((laser2_posx, 0, area2.get_width(), area2.get_height()))

        area3 = Surface((32, 8))
        # Vamos reciclando piezas del vaus láser de áreas anteriores (por ejemplo, podemos reusar el borde del láser)
        area3_laserbody = (80, 8, 8, 7)
        area3.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area2_borderlaser), (0, 0))
        area3.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area3_laserbody), (8, 0))
        area3.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area2_normalbody), (16, 0))
        area3.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area2_borderright), (24, 0))
        surfaces.append((laser3_posx, 0, area3.get_width(), area3.get_height()))

        area4 = Surface((32, 8))
        area4.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area2_borderlaser), (0, 0))
        area4.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area3_laserbody), (8, 0))
        area4.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area3_laserbody), (16, 0))
        area4.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area2_borderright), (24, 0))
        surfaces.append((laser4_posx, 0, area4.get_width(), area4.get_height()))

        area5 = (0, 16, 32, 8)
        surfaces.append((laser5_posx, 0, area5[2], area5[3]))

        laser_sheet_area.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area1), (laser1_posx, 0))
        laser_sheet_area.blit(area2, (laser2_posx, 0))
        laser_sheet_area.blit(area3, (laser3_posx, 0))
        laser_sheet_area.blit(area4, (laser4_posx, 0))
        laser_sheet_area.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area5), (laser5_posx, 0))

        vaus.animation_sheet = laser_sheet_area
        vaus.frames = 5
        vaus.current_frame = 0
        vaus.animate = True
        vaus.shoot = True
        return surfaces

    elif state == 'E':
        # Creamos superficie uniendo subsuperficies de una misma sprite sheet
        # 4 fotogramas
        # Listado en blanco de áreas, sobre el que se iterará en play_animation() (sprite_factory.py)
        surfaces = []
        elongated_sheet_area = Surface((120, 8))
        elongated1_posx = 0
        elongated2_posx = 32    # Ancho elongated1
        elongated3_posx = 72   # Ancho elongated1 más ancho elongated2 (32 + 40 = 72)
        # areax = área calculada DE LA SPRITE SHEET ORIGINAL
        # Original: 32x8
        # Esta primera área vale tanto para el sprite en la original como para el sprite en la nueva sprite sheet
        area1 = (0, 0, 32, 8)

        # Elongated 1: 40x8
        area2 = Surface((40, 8))
        area2_borderleft = (64, 0, 8, 8)
        area2_center = (80, 0, 8, 7)  # x3
        area2_borderright = (112, 0, 8, 8)
        area2.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area2_borderleft), (0, 0))
        area2.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area2_center), (8, 0))
        area2.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area2_center), (16, 0))
        area2.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area2_center), (24, 0))
        area2.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area2_borderright), (32, 0))
        # Ubicación del segundo sprite en la nueva sprite sheet
        surfaces.append((elongated2_posx, 0, area2.get_width(), area2.get_height()))

        # Elongated final: 48x8
        area3 = (0, 8, 48, 8)
        # Ubicación del tercer sprite en la nueva sprite sheet
        surfaces.append((elongated3_posx, 0, area3[2], area3[3]))

        # Pintamos las áreas en la superficie en blanco
        elongated_sheet_area.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area1), (elongated1_posx, 0))
        elongated_sheet_area.blit(area2, (elongated2_posx, 0))
        elongated_sheet_area.blit(vaus.animation_sheet.subsurface(area3), (elongated3_posx, 0))

        vaus.animation_sheet = elongated_sheet_area
        vaus.frames = 3
        vaus.current_frame = 0
        vaus.animate = True
        return surfaces

    elif state == 'D':
コード例 #45
ファイル: shop.py プロジェクト: ZakFarmer/OregonTrail
class Shop():
	def __init__(self, name, inventory, priceModifier, groupInventory, groupMoney, itemPrices, position, blitPosition, money, resourcePath):
		self.yValue = 40
		self.groupInventory = groupInventory
		self.groupMoney = groupMoney
		self.priceModifier = priceModifier
		self.itemPrices = itemPrices
		self.inventory = inventory
		self.position = position
		self.blitPosition = blitPosition
		self.resourcePath = resourcePath
		self.buyButtonList = []
		self.sellButtonList = []
		self.xPos = (-self.position * 40) + 1280
		self.shopSurface = Surface((500, 300)).convert()
		self.sepLine = Surface((self.shopSurface.get_width(), 10)).convert()
		self.sepLine.fill((0, 0, 0))
		self.invContainer = Surface((self.shopSurface.get_width() - 20,
									 self.shopSurface.get_height() / 2 - 35)).convert()
		self.invContainer.fill((255, 255, 255))
		self.titleFont = font.Font("res/fonts/west.ttf", 17)
		self.textFont = font.Font("res/fonts/west.ttf", 15)
		if (name == ""):
			self.name = (choice(SHOP_PREFIX) + "'s " + choice(SHOP_SUFFIX)).capitalize()
			self.name = name
		if (self.inventory == {}):
			inventoryRandom = copy(self.groupInventory)
			for key in list(inventoryRandom.keys()):
				inventoryRandom[key] = randint(0, 10)
			inventoryRandom["Food"] *= 20
			self.inventory = inventoryRandom
		if (money is None):
			self.money = randint(200, 500)
			self.name = name
	def get_surface(self):
		return self.shopSurface
	def update(self, groupInv, groupMoney):
		self.groupInventory = groupInv
		self.groupMoney = groupMoney
	def move(self, moveValue):
		self.xPos += (2 * moveValue)
	def render(self):
		self.yValue = 40
		self.shopSurface.fill((133, 94, 66))
		self.shopSurface.blit(self.titleFont.render(self.name + " - $" + str(self.money), 1, (0, 0, 255)), (10, 5))
		self.shopSurface.blit(self.invContainer, (10, 25))
		self.shopSurface.blit(self.invContainer, (10, self.shopSurface.get_height() / 2 + 30))
		self.shopSurface.blit(self.textFont.render("Inventory", 1, (255, 0, 0)), (10, 25))
		self.shopSurface.blit(self.textFont.render("Amount", 1, (255, 0, 0)), (130, 25))
		self.shopSurface.blit(self.textFont.render("Price", 1, (255, 0, 0)), (200, 25))
		for key in list(self.inventory.keys()):
			self.shopSurface.blit(self.textFont.render(key + ":", 1, (0, 0, 0)), (10, self.yValue))
			self.shopSurface.blit(self.textFont.render(str(self.inventory[key]), 1,
													   (0, 0, 0)), (150, self.yValue))
			self.shopSurface.blit(self.textFont.render("$"+str(self.itemPrices[key] * self.priceModifier), 1, 
													   (0, 0, 0)), (200, self.yValue))
			if (len(self.buyButtonList) < len(self.inventory.keys())):
				buttonPos = tuple(map(sum, zip(self.blitPosition, (250, self.yValue))))
				self.buyButtonList.append(TransactionButton(transaction = "buy",
															item = key,
															imagePosition = (250, self.yValue),
															rectPosition = buttonPos,
															resourcePath = self.resourcePath))
			self.yValue += 30
		for button in self.buyButtonList:
			self.shopSurface.blit(button.image, button.imagePosition)
		self.shopSurface.blit(self.sepLine, (0, float(self.shopSurface.get_height()) / 2))
		self.shopSurface.blit(self.titleFont.render("You - $" + str(self.groupMoney), 1, (0, 0, 255)),
												    (10, float(self.shopSurface.get_height()) / 2 + 10))
		self.shopSurface.blit(self.titleFont.render("Inventory", 1, (255, 0, 0)),
													(10, float(self.shopSurface.get_height()) / 2 + 30))
		self.shopSurface.blit(self.titleFont.render("Amount", 1, (255, 0, 0)),
													(130, float(self.shopSurface.get_height()) / 2 + 30))
		self.shopSurface.blit(self.titleFont.render("Price", 1, (255, 0, 0)),
													(200, float(self.shopSurface.get_height()) / 2 + 30))
		self.yValue = (float(self.shopSurface.get_height()) / 2) + 45
		for key in list(self.groupInventory.keys()):
			self.shopSurface.blit(self.textFont.render(key + ":", 1, (0, 0, 0)), (10, self.yValue))
			self.shopSurface.blit(self.textFont.render(str(self.groupInventory[key]), 1,
													  (0, 0, 0)), (150, self.yValue))
			self.shopSurface.blit(self.textFont.render("$" + str(self.itemPrices[key] * self.priceModifier), 1,
													  (0, 0, 0)), (200, self.yValue))
			if (len(self.sellButtonList) < len(self.inventory.keys())):
				buttonPos = tuple(map(sum, zip(self.blitPosition, (250, self.yValue))))
				self.sellButtonList.append(TransactionButton(transaction = "sell",
															 item = key,
															 imagePosition = (250, self.yValue),
															 rectPosition = buttonPos,
															 resourcePath = self.resourcePath))
			self.yValue += 30
		for button in self.sellButtonList:
			self.shopSurface.blit(button.image, button.imagePosition)
コード例 #46
ファイル: snakegui.py プロジェクト: ngkolev/snake
class SnakeUI:
    """Snake's game menu

    def __init__(self, main_ui, game=None):
        if game != None:
            self.snake_game = game
            level_manager = LevelManager(LEVELS_DIRECTORY)
            self.snake_game = Game(level_manager)
        self.last_move = GameMoves.PASS
        self.main_ui = main_ui
        level = self.snake_game.current_level
        self.maze_size = (level.maze_height, level.maze_width)
        self.game_surface = Surface(transform(self.maze_size, 2, 2))
        #colors and images
        self.green_color = Color(151, 255, 148)
        self.white_color = Color(255, 255, 255)
        self.black_color = Color(0, 0, 0)
        self.apple = image.load('images/apple.png')
        self.block = image.load('images/block.png')
        self.brick = image.load('images/brick.jpg')
        self.info_font = font.Font(None, 23)
        self.is_running = True

    def draw(self):
        if self.is_running and self.main_ui.frame % GUI_GAME_SPEED == 0:
            self.last_move = GameMoves.PASS
        level = self.snake_game.current_level
        if self.maze_size != (level.maze_width, level.maze_height):
            self.maze_size = (level.maze_height, level.maze_width)
            self.game_surface = Surface(transform(self.maze_size, 2, 2))
        surface_width = self.main_ui.surface.get_width()
        surface_height = self.main_ui.surface.get_height()
        game_width = self.game_surface.get_width()
        game_height = self.game_surface.get_height()
        y_pos = surface_width / 2 - game_width / 2
        x_pos  = surface_height / 2 - game_height / 2
        game_surface_pos = (y_pos, x_pos)
        self.main_ui.surface.blit(self.game_surface, game_surface_pos)

    def __draw_apple(self):
        apple_position = transform(self.snake_game.current_level.apple, 1, 1)
        self.game_surface.blit(self.apple, apple_position)

    def __draw_snake(self):
        level = self.snake_game.current_level
        for block in level.snake:
            self.game_surface.blit(self.block, transform(block, 1, 1))

    def __draw_barrier(self):
        level = self.snake_game.current_level
        for brick in level.barrier:
            self.game_surface.blit(self.brick, transform(brick, 1, 1))
        brick_height = self.brick.get_height()
        brick_width = self.brick.get_width()
        maze_height = self.game_surface.get_height()
        maze_width = self.game_surface.get_width()
        for x in range(0, maze_width, brick_width):
            self.game_surface.blit(self.brick, (x, 0))
        for x in range(0, maze_width, brick_width):
            self.game_surface.blit(self.brick, (x, maze_height - brick_height))
        for y in range(0, maze_height, brick_height):
            self.game_surface.blit(self.brick, (0, y))
        for y in range(0, maze_height, brick_height):
            self.game_surface.blit(self.brick, (maze_width - brick_width, y))

    def __draw_level_info(self):
        level = self.snake_game.current_level
        current_level = level.level
        snake_len = level.snake_length
        snake_max_len = level.snake_max_length
        info ='Level: {0} Snake Length: {1}/{2}'\
            .format(current_level, snake_len, snake_max_len)
        info_surface = self.info_font.render(info, False, self.black_color)
        self.main_ui.surface.blit(info_surface, (10, 10))

    def handle_events(self):
        for current_event in pygame.event.get():
            if current_event.type == QUIT:
            elif  current_event.type == KEYDOWN:
                if current_event.key == K_LEFT:
                   self.last_move = GameMoves.LEFT
                elif current_event.key == K_RIGHT:
                    self.last_move = GameMoves.RIGHT
                elif current_event.key == K_UP:
                    self.last_move = GameMoves.UP
                elif current_event.key == K_DOWN:
                    self.last_move = GameMoves.DOWN
                elif current_event.key == K_ESCAPE:
                    self.main_ui.state = GameMenuUI(self.main_ui, self)
コード例 #47
ファイル: drawplant.py プロジェクト: oflatt/pythonRpgProject
def surface_with_node(surface, node, angle, offset_in, current_resize_offset, widthscalar, heightscalar):
    transformedlists = transformtopointlists(node.plantshapelist,
                                        node.shiftchance, angle,
                                        widthscalar, heightscalar)

    mainloffset = None
    mainltranslated = None

    def currentoffset():
        return (offset_in[0] + current_resize_offset[0], offset_in[1] + current_resize_offset[1])

    def surface_offset(pointlist_bounds):
        return Rect(currentoffset()[0]-node.anchor[0]+pointlist_bounds[0], currentoffset()[1]-node.anchor[1]+pointlist_bounds[1], pointlist_bounds.width, pointlist_bounds.height)

    # go through all the plantshapes and their corresponding transformed lists
    for i in range(len(transformedlists)):
        currentlist = transformedlists[i]
        bounds = getlistbounds(currentlist)

        # make the surface
        shape_surface = Surface((bounds.width, bounds.height), SRCALPHA)
        # translate points into this surface
        shiftedlist = offsetpointlist(currentlist, (-bounds[0], -bounds[1]))

        # draw the plant shape onto the new surface
        plantshape = node.plantshapelist[i]
        if plantshape.fillcolor != None:
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(shape_surface, shiftedlist, plantshape.fillcolor)
        if plantshape.outlinecolor != None:
            gfxdraw.polygon(shape_surface, shiftedlist, plantshape.outlinecolor)

        # apply the texture if any
        for ptexture in plantshape.textures:
            addtexture(shape_surface, ptexture)

        # now check if resizing is needed
        newsurfacerect = surface.get_rect().union(surface_offset(bounds))
        if not newsurfacerect == surface.get_rect():
            new_surface = Surface((newsurfacerect.width, newsurfacerect.height), SRCALPHA)
            new_surface.blit(surface, (-newsurfacerect.x, -newsurfacerect.y))

            current_resize_offset = (current_resize_offset[0]-newsurfacerect.x, current_resize_offset[1]-newsurfacerect.y)

            surface = new_surface
            devprint("Resized surface to " + str(new_surface.get_width()) + " by " + str(new_surface.get_height()))

        surface.blit(shape_surface, surface_offset(bounds))

        # also save the first list for other nodes to go off of
        if i == 0:
            # save the offset of l without the resizing
            mainloffset = surface_offset(bounds)
            # also remove the current resize offset
            mainloffset = (mainloffset[0] - current_resize_offset[0], mainloffset[1]-current_resize_offset[1])
            mainltranslated = shiftedlist
    return surface, mainltranslated, mainloffset, current_resize_offset
コード例 #48
ファイル: buffalo.py プロジェクト: ZakFarmer/OregonTrail
class Buffalo():
	def __init__(self, posX, posY, picture, size, resourcePath):
		self.picture = picture
		self.size = size
		self.resourcePath = resourcePath
		self.maxHealth = 100 * self.size
		self.health = self.maxHealth
		self.preimage = image.load(self.resourcePath + "img/" + self.picture + "_buffalo.png")
		self.image = scale(self.preimage, (int(self.preimage.get_width() * self.size),
										   int(self.preimage.get_height() * self.size)))
		self.healthFont = font.Font(None, 20)
		self.healthBarContainer = Surface((int(75 * self.size), int(12 * self.size))).convert()
		self.healthBarShader = Surface((self.healthBarContainer.get_width() + 6,
										self.healthBarContainer.get_height() + 6)).convert()
		self.healthNumber = self.healthFont.render(str(self.health), 1, (0, 0, 0))
		self.healthBarShader.fill((175, 175, 175))
		self.healthBar = Surface(self.healthBarContainer.get_size()).convert()
		self.healthColour = ()
		if (self.health >= 50):
			self.healthColour = (float((self.maxHealth - self.health) * 2 / self.maxHealth * 255), 255, 0)
			self.healthColour = (255, float(self.health * 2 / self.maxHealth * 255), 0)
		except TypeError:
			self.healthBar.fill((0, 0, 0))
		self.healthBarContainer.blit(self.healthBar, (0, 0))
		self.value = 20 * self.size
		self.rect = Rect((0, 0), self.image.get_size())
		self.rect.x = posX
		self.rect.y = posY
		self.status = "alive"
		self.targetY = posY
	def update(self):
		self.preimage = image.load(self.resourcePath + "img/" + self.status + "_buffalo.png")
		self.image = scale(self.preimage, (int(self.preimage.get_width() * self.size),
										   int(self.preimage.get_height() * self.size)))
		self.healthBarContainer = Surface((int(75 * self.size), int(12 * self.size))).convert()
		self.healthNumber = self.healthFont.render(str(int(self.health)), 1, (255, 255, 255))
		self.healthBarShader = Surface((self.healthBarContainer.get_width() + 6,
										self.healthBarContainer.get_height() + 6)).convert()
		self.healthBarShader.fill((175, 175, 175))
		if (self.health <= 0):
			self.healthBar = Surface((0, 0)).convert()
			self.healthBar = Surface((int(self.healthBarContainer.get_width() / self.maxHealth * self.health),
			if (self.health >= 50):
				self.healthColour = (float((self.maxHealth - self.health) * 2 / self.maxHealth * 255), 255, 0)
				self.healthColour = (255, float(self.health * 2 / self.maxHealth * 255), 0)
			except TypeError:
				self.healthBar.fill((0, 0, 0))
			self.healthBarContainer.blit(self.healthBar, (0, 0))
		self.healthBarContainer.blit(self.healthNumber, (self.healthBarContainer.get_width() / 2 -
														 self.healthNumber.get_width() / 2,
														 self.healthBarContainer.get_height() / 2 -
														 self.healthNumber.get_height() / 2))
		self.healthBarShader.blit(self.healthBarContainer, (3, 3))
		if (self.status == "alive"):
			self.rect.x += float(3 - self.size)
			if (self.rect.y != self.targetY):
				if (self.rect.y < self.targetY):
					self.rect.y += float(3 - self.size)
				elif (self.rect.y > self.targetY):
					self.rect.y -= float(3 - self.size)
			return self.rect.center
コード例 #49
ファイル: equipment.py プロジェクト: ajay05/Necromonster
class Weapon(Item):
    def __init__(self, game, name):
        Slightly depreciated weapon class. Will need major rewriting.
        Used for loading and applying weapon characteristics to the player.
        self.game = game
        #setup base vars of all weapon(s)
        self.type = None
        self.shown = True
        self.range = 10
        self.damage = 1
        self.cooldown = 500 # in MS
        self.speed = 4
        self.projectile = None

        # attack based vars
        self.attacking = False

    def loadWeapon(self, name):
        Uses the weapon config file to load all weapon characteristics.
        config_file = open(os.path.join('rec', 'weapon', name, 'config.py')).read()
        self.hold_image = img_load(os.path.join('rec', 'weapon', name, 'hold.png')).convert_alpha()
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join('rec', 'weapon', name, 'attack.png')):
            self.attack_image = img_load(os.path.join('rec', 'weapon', name, 'attack.png')).convert_alpha()
            self.attack_image = Surface([1, 1])

    def getSurface(self, name):
        fi_name = name.lower().replace(' ', '_') + '.png'
        return img_load(os.path.join(self.game.main_path, 'rec', 'weapon', name, fi_name))

    def preUpdate(self, ttime):
        Called before the update function, can be overriden for new functionality.

    def update(self, ttime):
        Main weapon update, should not be overriden.
        if self.type == 'short':
        elif self.type == 'long':
        elif self.type == 'ranged':

    def shortAttack(self):
        self.attacking = True
        if self.game.Player.player_face == 'front':
            # I do not know why this vector needs to be 0 while the others are like, 1
            self.directional_attack_image = rotate(self.attack_image, 180)
            self.sub_vector = [0, 0]
        elif self.game.Player.player_face == 'left':
            self.directional_attack_image = rotate(self.attack_image, 90)
            self.sub_vector = [-1, 0]
        elif self.game.Player.player_face == 'back':
            self.directional_attack_image = rotate(self.attack_image, 0)
            self.sub_vector = [0, -1]
        elif self.game.Player.player_face == 'right':
            self.directional_attack_image = rotate(self.attack_image, 270)
            self.sub_vector = [0.8, 0] # editing this seems to change the speed of the right dagger swing a bit

        self.game.Player.can_move = False
        self.receding = False
        self.potent = True
        self.weapon_rect = Rect(1, 1, 1, 1)
        p_coords = [self.game.Player.player_r.x, self.game.Player.player_r.y]
        a_coords = [p_coords[0] + self.game.Player.getRigging()[0], p_coords[1] + self.game.Player.getRigging()[1]]
        if self.game.Player.player_face == 'right' or self.game.Player.player_face == 'left':
            a_coords = [a_coords[0] - self.attack_image.get_height(), a_coords[1] - self.attack_image.get_width()]
        self.blit_pos = a_coords
        self.attack_ticks = self.range

    def shortUpdate(self):
        if self.attacking:
            for repeats in xrange(self.speed):
                self.game.Player.player_state = 3
                self.blit_pos[0] += self.sub_vector[0]
                self.blit_pos[1] += self.sub_vector[1]
                if self.receding:
                    self.attack_ticks += 1
                elif not self.receding:
                    self.attack_ticks -= 1
                # check all monsters for touching weapon
                for index, monster in enumerate(self.game.EntityHandler.monsters):
                    if monster.rect.colliderect(self.weapon_rect):
                        if self.potent:
                            monster.takeDamage(index, self.damage)
                            self.potent = False

        if self.attacking and self.attack_ticks == self.range and self.receding:
            self.attacking = False
            self.game.Player.can_move = True
        elif self.attacking and self.attack_ticks <= 0 and not self.receding:
            self.receding = True
            self.sub_vector[0] *= -1
            self.sub_vector[1] *= -1

    def shortBlit(self):
        if self.attacking:
            if self.game.Player.player_face == 'front' or self.game.Player.player_face == 'back':
                height = self.directional_attack_image.get_rect().height
                d_rect = Rect([0, height - (self.range - self.attack_ticks)], [100, 100])
                self.weapon_rect = self.game.screen.blit(self.directional_attack_image, self.game.off([self.blit_pos[0], self.blit_pos[1]]), d_rect)
                unoff_pos = self.game.unoff([self.weapon_rect.x, self.weapon_rect.y])
                self.weapon_rect.x = unoff_pos[0]
                self.weapon_rect.y = unoff_pos[1]
            elif self.game.Player.player_face == 'right' or self.game.Player.player_face == 'left':
                pos = self.game.off([self.blit_pos[0] + self.rigging[1], self.blit_pos[1]])
                if self.game.Player.player_face == 'left':
                    #this prevents the "hover" look of the dagger off the default player body
                    pos[0] += 7
                width = self.directional_attack_image.get_rect().width
                d_rect = Rect([width - (self.range - self.attack_ticks), 0], [100, 100])
                self.weapon_rect = self.game.screen.blit(self.directional_attack_image, pos, d_rect)
                unoff_pos = self.game.unoff([self.weapon_rect.x, self.weapon_rect.y])
                self.weapon_rect.x = unoff_pos[0]
                self.weapon_rect.y = unoff_pos[1]

    def longAttack(self):
        self.attacking = True
        self.y_offset = 0
        self.x_offset = 0
        if self.game.Player.player_face == "front":
            self.init_angle = 180
        elif self.game.Player.player_face == "back":
            self.init_angle = 0
            self.y_offset = -self.game.Player.getSize()[1]*0.60 - self.attack_image.get_height()
            self.x_offset = -self.game.Player.getSize()[0]*0.60
        elif self.game.Player.player_face == "left":
            self.init_angle = 90
            self.x_offset = -self.game.Player.getSize()[0] - self.attack_image.get_height()
        elif self.game.Player.player_face == "right":
            self.init_angle = 270
        self.directional_attack_image = rotate(self.attack_image, self.init_angle)
        self.attack_rect = self.directional_attack_image.get_rect()
        self.angle = 0

    def longUpdate(self):
        if self.attacking:
            for x in xrange(5):
                attack_size = self.directional_attack_image.get_size()
                turn_point = [0, 0]
                if self.game.Player.isVertical():
                    turn_point = [attack_size[0]/2, 0]
                elif self.game.Player.isHorizontal():
                    turn_point = [0, attack_size[1]/2]
                self.mod_DAT = rotate(self.directional_attack_image, self.angle + 45)
                if self.angle < -90:
                    self.attacking = False
                self.angle -= 1

    def longBlit(self):
        if self.attacking:
            blit_pos = self.game.off(self.game.Player.getPos())
            blit_pos = vector.add(blit_pos, self.game.Player.getRigging())
            blit_pos = vector.sub(blit_pos, self.attack_image.get_size())

            #offset for left/back
            blit_pos[0] += self.x_offset
            blit_pos[1] += self.y_offset
            self.new_rect = self.game.screen.blit(self.mod_DAT, blit_pos)
            self.new_rect.center = self.attack_rect.center
            self.attack_rect = self.new_rect

    def rangedAttack(self):

    def rangedUpdate(self):

    def rangedBlit(self):

    def blit(self):
        Called before the player is blitted
        if self.game.Player.player_face == 'back' and not self.attacking:
        if self.type == 'short':
        elif self.type == 'long':
        elif self.type == 'ranged':

    def blitAfter(self):
        if self.game.Player.player_face == 'front' and not self.attacking:

    def drawInHand(self):
        p_coords = [self.game.Player.player_r.x, self.game.Player.player_r.y]
        a_coords = [p_coords[0] + self.game.Player.getRigging()[0] - self.game.Player.equipment['weapon'].rigging[0], p_coords[1] + self.game.Player.getRigging()[1] - self.game.Player.equipment['weapon'].rigging[1]]
        self.game.screen.blit(self.hold_image, self.game.off(a_coords))

    def onClick(self, game, vector):
        Called when the world is clicked. Activates the weapon.
        if self.projectile:
            game.Projectile(game, self.projectile, vector)
        if self.type == 'short':
        elif self.type == 'long':
        elif self.type == 'ranged':
コード例 #50
ファイル: drawplant.py プロジェクト: oflatt/pythonRpgProject
def drawplant(head_node):
    devprint("drawing plant")
    surface = Surface((40, 43), SRCALPHA)
    rootpos = (surface.get_width()/2, surface.get_height()-3)
    # the stack has the node, the currentx, and the currenty for each node in it
    # currentx and currenty are without resizing of the surface
    stack = []
    # keeps track of offset needed because of resizing the surface
    resizeoffset = (0, 0)

    for i in range(head_node.repeatnumseparate):
        firstx = potwidth * random.random() * head_node.brancharea + rootpos[0]
        stack.append(math.pi/2) # base angle strait up to start with
    callcount = 0

    while len(stack) != 0 and callcount < 1000:
        callcount += 1
        base_angle = stack.pop()
        currenty = stack.pop()
        currentx = stack.pop()
        node = stack.pop()
        randomspacings = [0]
        spacingLength = 0
        for i in range(node.repeatnumcircle-1):
            randomspacings.append(random.uniform(node.anglespace-node.anglevariance*node.anglespace, node.anglespace+node.anglevariance*node.anglespace))
            spacingLength += randomspacings[i+1]

        startspacing = random.uniform(-node.anglevariance*node.anglespace, node.anglevariance*node.anglespace)/2 * random.choice((-1, 1))
        # start angle so that it points up on average
        angle = base_angle + startspacing - (spacingLength/2)  + node.angleoffset*random.choice((-1, 1))

        # update the random spacing to be final angles
        for i in range(len(randomspacings)):
            angle = angle + randomspacings[i]
            randomspacings[i] = angle

        for i in range(node.repeatnumcircle):
            # draw all the plantshapes at this angle
            # pick a random angle out of the list
            angle = randomspacings.pop(random.randint(0, len(randomspacings)-1))

            widthscalar = 1 + random.random()*node.widthvariance
            heightscalar = 1 + random.random()*node.heightvariance

            # now add the current node
            surface, mainltranslated, mainloffset, new_resize_offset = surface_with_node(surface, node, angle, (currentx, currenty), resizeoffset,  widthscalar, heightscalar)
            resizeoffset = new_resize_offset

            # find the new currentx and currenty
            mainlistlen = len(mainltranslated)

            # add all the children at the current position
            for childnode in node.children:
                futureindexpositions = getfuturenodeindexpositions(childnode.repeatnumseparate, mainlistlen, childnode.brancharea)
                for i in range(childnode.repeatnumseparate):
                    futurex = mainltranslated[futureindexpositions[i]][0]+mainloffset[0]
                    futurey = mainltranslated[futureindexpositions[i]][1]+mainloffset[1]
                    futureangle = listangleatindex(mainltranslated, futureindexpositions[i])

    finalsurfaceanchor = (rootpos[0] + resizeoffset[0], rootpos[1]+resizeoffset[1])
    # draw dirt clumps at bottom
    clumpradius = 4
    clumprange = 14
    clumpnum = 4
    for i in range(clumpnum):
        gfxdraw.filled_circle(surface, int(finalsurfaceanchor[0] + i * clumprange/clumpnum - clumprange/2)+1,
                       int(random.uniform(clumpradius/3, clumpradius)),
                        brighten(dirtcolor, -10))
    return surface, finalsurfaceanchor 
コード例 #51
class Buffalo():
    """ Buffalo object used in the Hunting minigame """
    def __init__(self, pos_x, pos_y, picture, size, resource_path):
        self.picture = picture
        self.size = size
        self.resource_path = resource_path
        self.max_health = 100 * self.size
        self.health = self.max_health
        self.preimage = image.load(self.resource_path+"Images/"+self.picture+"_buffalo.png")
        self.image = scale(self.preimage, (int(self.preimage.get_width()*self.size),
        self.health_font = font.Font(None, 20)
        self.health_bar_container = Surface((int(75*self.size), int(12*self.size))).convert()
        self.health_bar_shader = Surface((self.health_bar_container.get_width() + 6,
                                                 self.health_bar_container.get_height() + 6)).convert()
        self.health_number = self.health_font.render(str(self.health), 1, (0, 0, 0))
        self.health_bar_shader.fill((175, 175, 175))
        self.health_bar = Surface(self.health_bar_container.get_size()).convert()
        self.health_color = ()
        if self.health >= 50:
                    self.health_color = (float((self.max_health-self.health)*2/self.max_health*255), 255, 0)
            self.health_color = (255, float(self.health*2/self.max_health*255), 0)
        except TypeError:
            self.health_bar.fill((0, 0, 0))
        self.health_bar_container.blit(self.health_bar, (0, 0))
        self.value = 20 * self.size
        self.rect = Rect((0, 0), self.image.get_size())
        self.rect.x = pos_x
        self.rect.y = pos_y
        self.status = "alive"
        self.target_y = pos_y

    def update(self):
        # Checks the health and updates the health bar
        self.preimage = image.load(self.resource_path+"Images/"+self.status+"_buffalo.png")
        self.image = scale(self.preimage, (int(self.preimage.get_width()*self.size),
        #Create health bar + shader + container
        self.health_bar_container = Surface((int(75*self.size), int(12*self.size))).convert()
        self.health_number = self.health_font.render(str(int(self.health)), 1, (255, 255, 255))
        self.health_bar_shader = Surface((self.health_bar_container.get_width() + 6,
                                                 self.health_bar_container.get_height() + 6)).convert()
        self.health_bar_shader.fill((175, 175, 175))
        if self.health <= 0:
            self.health_bar = Surface((0, 0)).convert()
            self.health_bar = Surface((int(self.health_bar_container.get_width()/self.max_health*self.health),
            # Set the color of the health_bar_container Red->Yellow->Red based on HP
            if self.health >= 50:
                self.health_color = (float((self.max_health-self.health)*2/self.max_health*255), 255, 0)
                self.health_color = (255, float(self.health*2/self.max_health*255), 0)

            # Band-aid solution
            # It tends to crash here when self.health_color isn't a valid RGB for some reason
            except TypeError:
                self.health_bar.fill((0, 0, 0))
            self.health_bar_container.blit(self.health_bar, (0, 0))
        self.health_bar_container.blit(self.health_number, (self.health_bar_container.get_width()/2 -
                                                            self.health_bar_container.get_height()/2 -
        self.health_bar_shader.blit(self.health_bar_container, (3, 3))

        # Defines movement
        if self.status == "alive":
            # If buffalo is alive, move them until they reach their target X and Y positions
            # TODO: this logic should be reworked
            self.rect.x += float(3 - self.size)
            if self.rect.y != self.target_y:
                if self.rect.y < self.target_y:
                    self.rect.y += float(3 - self.size)
                elif self.rect.y > self.target_y:
                    self.rect.y -= float(3 - self.size)
            return self.rect.center