コード例 #1
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: divya-gopinath/chatterbox
    def _get_frame(self):

        """Use this function to implement how the EyeTracker should obtain
        a frame. A frame is supposed to be a two-dimensional image, usually
        an image from a webcam or a video that was converted to greyscale.
        Note that a frame should be a numpy.ndarray with shape=(w,h), and
        dtype='uint8'. In addition to the frame, a success Boolean should
        be returned by this function. It tells the functions that call
        _get_frame whether a new frame was available. (See below what the
        returned values should be exactly.)

        IMPORTANT: This function should not have any keyword arguments.
        Any settings should be handled through properties of self.


        success, frame	-	success is a Boolean that indicates whether
                        a frame could be obtained.
                        frame is a numpy.ndarray with unsigned,
                        8-bit integers that reflect the greyscale
                        values of the image. If no frame could be
                        obtained, None will be returned.

        # Obtain a frame.
        _message('message', 'generic.EyeTracker._get_frame',
                 "Implement your own _get_frame functionality")

        return False, None
コード例 #2
ファイル: webcam.py プロジェクト: divya-gopinath/chatterbox
    def connect(self, camnr=0, mode='RGB', **kwargs):

        """Use this function to implement the initialisation of a specific
        type of eye tracking.

        camnr			-	Integer that indicates what webcam should be
                        used. Default = 0.

        mode			-	String that indicates how the captured frame
                        should be processed before it's returned.
                        'R' returns the red component of the frame,
                        'G' returns the green component of the frame,
                        'B' returns the blue component of the frame,
                        'RGB' returns the greyscale version of the
                        frame (converted by OpenCV). Default = 'RGB'.

        # Only initialise if it hasn't been done yet.
        if not self._connected:
            # Set mode and camera number
            self._camnr = camnr
            self._mode = mode

            # DEBUG message.
            _message('debug', 'webcam.WebCamTracker.connect',
                     "Connecting to webcam %d." % self._camnr)

            # Initialise the webcam.
            self._vidcap = cv2.VideoCapture(self._camnr)
            self._connected = True

            # DEBUG message.
            _message('debug', 'webcam.WebCamTracker.connect',
                     "Successfully connected to webcam %d!" % self._camnr)
コード例 #3
    def _close(self):
        """Doesn't really do anything, but is implemented for consistency's

        # DEBUG message.
        _message('debug', 'images.ImageTracker.close', \
                 "Closed connection.")
コード例 #4
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: divya-gopinath/chatterbox
    def _close(self, **kwargs):

        """Use this function to implement the specifics of closing a
        connection in your eye-tracking implementation. You could, for
        example, use it to close the connection to a webcam. This function
        is automatically called when the close() method is passed, and this
        setup allows you to pass your own keyword arguments to close (which
        will then be passed on to _close).

        _message('message', 'generic.EyeTracker._close',
                 "Implement your own _close functionality")
コード例 #5
ファイル: webcam.py プロジェクト: divya-gopinath/chatterbox
    def _close(self):

        """Closes the connection to the OpenCV VideoCapture.

        # DEBUG message.
        _message('debug', 'webcam.WebCamTracker.close',
                 "Disconnecting from webcam.")

        # Release the video capture from the current webcam.

        # DEBUG message.
        _message('debug', 'webcam.WebCamTracker.close',
                 "Successfully disconnected from webcam.")
コード例 #6
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: divya-gopinath/chatterbox
    def start_recording(self):

        """Starts the writing of samples to the log file.

        # Only start recording if it isn't currently active.
        if not self._recording:
            _message('debug', 'generic.EyeTracker.__init__',
                     "Starting recording, and re-opening logfile '%s'."
                     % self._logfilename)
            # Signal the recording thread to start.
            self._recording = True
            # Re-open the logfile.
            self._logfile = open(self._logfilename, 'a')
コード例 #7
ファイル: webcam.py プロジェクト: divya-gopinath/chatterbox
    def _get_frame(self):

        """Reads the next frame from the active OpenCV VideoCapture.

        Keyword Arguments


        success, frame	-	success is a Boolean that indicates whether
                        a frame could be obtained.
                        frame is a numpy.ndarray with unsigned,
                        8-bit integers that reflect the greyscale
                        values of the image. If no frame could be
                        obtained, None will be returned.

        # Take a photo with the webcam.
        # (ret is the return value: True if everything went ok, False if
        # there was a problem. frame is the image taken from the webcam as
        # a NumPy ndarray, where the image is coded as BGR
        ret, frame = self._vidcap.read()

        # If a new frame was available, proceed to process and return it.
        if ret:
            # Return the red component of the obtained frame.
            if self._mode == 'R':
                return ret, frame[:, :, 2]
            # Return the green component of the obtained frame.
            elif self._mode == 'G':
                return ret, frame[:, :, 1]
            # Return the blue component of the obtained frame.
            elif self._mode == 'B':
                return ret, frame[:, :, 0]
            # Convert to grey.
            elif self._mode == 'RGB':
                return ret, cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            # Throw an exception if the mode can't be recognised.
                _message('error', 'webcam.WebCamTracker._get_frame',
                         "Mode '%s' not recognised. Supported modes: 'R', 'G', 'B', or 'RGB'."
                         % (self._mode))

        # If a new frame wasn't available, return None.
            return ret, None
コード例 #8
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: divya-gopinath/chatterbox
    def stop_recording(self):

        """Pauses the writing of samples to the log file.

        # Only pause recording if recording is currently active.
        if self._recording:
            # Signal the recording Thread to stop what it's doing.
            self._recording = False
            # Wait for a bit, to allow the emptying of the local queue.
            # Close the logfile.
            _message('debug', 'generic.EyeTracker.__init__',
                     "Stopped recording, and closed logfile '%s'"
                     % self._logfilename)
コード例 #9
    def connect(self, imgdir=None, mode='RGB', **kwargs):
        """Use this function to implement the initialisation of a specific
        type of eye tracking.

        imgdir		-	String that is a path to the directory that
                        contains the images of eyes. The names in
                        the frame directory will be sorted, and are
                        thus expected to be in a sortable format;
                        for example '00000001.png', '00000002.png',
                        etc. If None is passed, an Exception will be
                        raised. Default = None.

        mode			-	String that indicates how the captured frame
                        should be processed before it's returned.
                        'R' returns the red component of the frame,
                        'G' returns the green component of the frame,
                        'B' returns the blue component of the frame,
                        'RGB' returns the greyscale version of the
                        frame (converted by OpenCV). Default = 'RGB'.

        # Only initialise if it hasn't been done yet.
        if not self._connected:

            # Set mode and camera number
            self._imgdir = imgdir
            self._mode = mode

            # DEBUG message.
            _message('debug', 'images.ImageTracker.connect', \
                     "Checking directory %s." % (self._imgdir))

            # Check whether the directory exists.
            if self._imgdir == None:
                _message('error', 'images.ImageTracker.connect', \
                         "No directory specified; use the imgdir keyword to pass the path to a directory with eye images.")
            if not os.path.isdir(self._imgdir):
                _message('error', 'images.ImageTracker.connect', \
                         "Image directory does not exist ('%s')" \
                         % (self._imgdir))
            self._framenames = os.listdir(self._imgdir)
            self._framenr = 0
            self._nframes = len(self._framenames)
            self._connected = True

            # DEBUG message.
            _message('debug', 'images.ImageTracker.connect', \
                     "Successfully connected to directory %s!" % (self._imgdir))
コード例 #10
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: divya-gopinath/chatterbox
    def __init__(self, logfile='default', facedetect=True, eyedetect=True,
                 pupthreshold=50, glintthreshold=200, glintdetect=True,
                 pupsizemode='diameter', minfacesize=(30, 30), Lexpect=(0.7, 0.4),
                 Rexpect=(0.3, 0.4), maxpupdist=0.2, maxpupsize=0.3, maxcpu=6,

        """Initialises an EyeTracker class.

        Keyword Arguments

        logfile		-	A string that indicates the path to the log
                        file. An extension will be added
                        automatically. Default = 'default'.

        facedetect		-	A Boolean that indicates whether face
                        detection should be attempted before further
                        processing (eye detection, and pupil/glint
                        detection). Set this to False if you will
                        be using the EyeTracker from close to an
                        eye, in which cases faces need and could not
                        be detected. Default = True.

        pupthreshold	-	An integer that indicates what the highest
                        luminance value is that is still considered
                        to be part of the pupil. This value needs to
                        be between 0 and 255. Default = 50.

        glintthreshold	-	An integer that indicates what the lowest
                        luminance value is that is still considered
                        to be part of the glint. This value needs to
                        be between 0 and 255. Default = 200.

        glintdetect		-	A Boolean that indicates whether the glint
                        (the corneal reflection) should also be
                        detected. Default = True.

        pupsizemode		-	A string that indicates how the pupil size
                        should be reported.
                        'diameter' reports the width of the rect in
                        which the thresholded pupil fits.
                        'surface' reports the number of thresholded
                        pixels that are assumed to be the pupil.

        minfacesize		-	A (w,h) tuple that indicates what size a
                        face should minimally be. Default = (30,30)

        Lexpect		-	A (x,y) tuple that indicates where the left
                        eye is expected to be. Note that the
                        coordinates are in relative space, where
                        (0,0) is the top-left of the image, (0,1)
                        is the bottom-left, and (1,1) is the
                        bottom-right. Also note that the left eye is
                        likely to be on the right side of the image,
                        and the right eye is likely to be in the
                        left part of the image. Default = (0.7,0.4)

        Rexpect		-	A (x,y) tuple that indicates where the right
                        eye is expected to be. Note that the
                        coordinates are in relative space, where
                        (0,0) is the top-left of the image, (0,1)
                        is the bottom-left, and (1,1) is the
                        bottom-right. Also note that the left eye is
                        likely to be on the right side of the image,
                        and the right eye is likely to be in the
                        left part of the image. Default = (0.3,0.4)

        maxpupdist		-	A float that indicates what the maximal
                        allowable distance is between the expected
                        eye position, and the position of detected
                        potential eye. The maximal distance is
                        defined as a proportion of the image height.
                        It can also be set to None. Default = (0.2)

        maxpupsize		-	A float that indicates what the maximal
                        allowable width is of the detected eyes. The
                        maximal size is defined as a proportion of
                        the image width. It can also be set to None.
                        Default = (0.3)

        maxcpu		-	Integer indicating the maximum amount of
                        parallel processes that will be doing all
                        of the image processing. This happens in
                        parallel to speed things up; the processing
                        time on one CPU can't keep up with the
                        camera's sampling rate. Default = 6.

        # DEBUG message.
        _message('debug', 'generic.EyeTracker.__init__',
                 "Initialising a new EyeTracker.")

        # Face detection yes/no, and from what size.
        self._facedetect = facedetect
        self._minfacesize = minfacesize
        # Face eye yes/no.
        self._eyedetect = eyedetect
        # Eye detection settings. These are relative positions of where
        # each eye is expected to be in a frame, how far away detected eyes
        # are allowed to be from the expected locations, and how large the
        # detected eyes are allowed to be. (All defined as proportions of
        # the frame's width and height.)
        self._Lexpect = Lexpect
        self._Rexpect = Rexpect
        self._maxpupdist = maxpupdist
        self._maxpupsize = maxpupsize
        # Pupil detection thresholds (dark for pupil, bright for glint),
        # and additional options that determine whether glints should be
        # detected, and how the pupil size should be reported.
        self._pupt = pupthreshold
        self._glit = glintthreshold
        self._glintdetect = glintdetect
        self._pupsizemode = pupsizemode

        # ALIVE EVENT
        # This event signals whether the tracker is still alive. It should
        # only be cleared when closing the connection to the tracker!
        self._alive = Event()

        # Boolean that turns to True when a connection with the source of
        # frames has been established.
        self._connected = False
        # We need a Queue for frames that are generated in the obtainer
        # Thread. The Queue is read out by the parallel processes.
        self._framequeue = Queue()
        # We need a lock to prevent potential simultaneous attempts to
        # access the image source at the same time. This shouldn't actually
        # be possible in the current implementation, but may be added in
        # the future.
        self._sourcelock = Lock()
        # Start the frame obtaining Thread
        _message('debug', 'generic.EyeTracker.__init__',
                 "Starting a Thread to obtain frames.")
        self._frame_obtainer_thread = Thread(target=self._frame_obtainer,
                                             args=[self._alive, self._framequeue])
        self._frame_obtainer_thread.name = 'frame_obtainer'
        self._frame_obtainer_thread.daemon = True

        # We need a Queue for samples that are generated in the parallel
        # processes that are simultaneously processing new frames.
        self._samplequeue = Queue()
        # Check how many CPUs we can use.
        cpus = cpu_count()
        if cpus > maxcpu:
            cpus = maxcpu
        # Start parallel processes to do image processing.
        _message('debug', 'generic.EyeTracker.__init__',
                 "Starting %d parallel processes to process frames into samples." \
                 % (cpus - 1))
        self._frame_processes = []
        for i in range(1, cpus):
            p = Process(target=_frame_processer,
                        args=[self._alive, self._framequeue, self._samplequeue,
                              self._pupt, self._glit, self._facedetect, self._eyedetect,
                              self._minfacesize, self._Lexpect, self._Rexpect,
                              self._maxpupdist, self._maxpupsize, self._glintdetect,
            p.name = 'frame_processor_%d' % i
            p.daemon = True

        # Variable that keeps track of the latest sample.
        self._latest_sample = [0, numpy.zeros((2, 5)) * numpy.NaN]
        # Boolean that signals whether the recording Thread should be
        # active or not.
        self._recording = False
        # Lock to prevent simultaneous access to the log file.
        self._loglock = Lock()
        # The log file is an open text file. It will be opened when
        # self._start_recording is called, and it will be closed when
        # self._stop_recording is called. Between calling those two
        # functions, samples will be appended to the log. To prevent
        # samples from being appended to an existing log file, here we
        # open a new logfile with in 'w' mode, thereby erasing any existing
        # content of a previous log file. This means users need to be
        # careful when naming their files, to prevent overwriting.
        self._logfilename = '%s.tsv' % logfile
        _message('debug', 'generic.EyeTracker.__init__',
                 "Creating new logfile '%s'."
                 % self._logfilename)
        # Create a header for the log file.
        l = ['time']
        l.extend(['Lpx', 'Lpy', 'Lps', 'Lgx', 'Lgy'])
        l.extend(['Rpx', 'Rpy', 'Rps', 'Rgx', 'Rgy'])
        line = '\t'.join(map(str, l)) + '\n'
        # Create a new log file.
        self._logfile = open(self._logfilename, 'w')

        # Start the sample logging Thread
        _message('debug', 'generic.EyeTracker.__init__',
                 "Starting a Thread to log samples to file '%s'."
                 % self._logfilename)
        self._sample_logging_thread = Thread(target=self._sample_logger,
                                             args=[self._alive, self._samplequeue])
        self._sample_logging_thread.name = 'sample_logger'
        self._sample_logging_thread.daemon = True

        # Run the custom initialisation procedure.
コード例 #11
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: divya-gopinath/chatterbox
from pygazetracker.__init__ import _message, _DEBUG, _DEBUGDIR, _EYECASCADE, _FACECASCADE

import time
from threading import Thread
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Event, Lock, Process, Queue

import cv2
import numpy
from scipy import ndimage

# # # # #
# In DEBUG mode, create a Matplotlib figure.
if _DEBUG:
    _message('debug', 'generic', "DEBUG mode active; creating plots of each frame's processing steps.")
    import os
    from matplotlib import patches, pyplot

    global _FIG, _AX
    _FIG, _AX = pyplot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3)

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# This class is intended to act as a parent class to specific implementations
# of eye tracking through different image sources. The routines are generic
# image processing routines that take care of the eye-tracking part of things,
# but the input of images needs to be implemented in a sub-class. For an
コード例 #12
    def _get_frame(self):
        """Reads the next frame from the image directory.

        Keyword Arguments


        success, frame	-	success is a Boolean that indicates whether
                        a frame could be obtained.
                        frame is a numpy.ndarray with unsigned,
                        8-bit integers that reflect the greyscale
                        values of the image. If no frame could be
                        obtained, None will be returned.

        # Check if there is a next image. If there isn't, disconnect.
        if self._framenr >= self._nframes:
            ret = False
            self._connected = False
        # Load the next image.
            # Construct the path to the current image.
            framepath = os.path.join(self._imgdir, \
            # Use OpenCV to load the image. This will return a numerical
            # representation of the image in BGR format. It can also
            # return None if imread fails.
            frame = cv2.imread(framepath)
            # If no image was read, set the return value to False. If
            # an image was loaded, the return value should be True, which
            # will allow further processing.
            if frame is None:
                ret = False
                ret = True
            # Increase the frame counter by one, so that next time this
            # function is called, the next image will be loaded.
            self._framenr += 1

        # If a new frame was available, proceed to process and return it.
        if ret:
            # Return the red component of the obtained frame.
            if self._mode == 'R':
                return ret, frame[:, :, 2]
            # Return the green component of the obtained frame.
            elif self._mode == 'G':
                return ret, frame[:, :, 1]
            # Return the blue component of the obtained frame.
            elif self._mode == 'B':
                return ret, frame[:, :, 0]
            # Convert to grey.
            elif self._mode == 'RGB':
                return ret, cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            # Throw an exception if the mode can't be recognised.
                _message('error', 'webcam.WebCamTracker._get_frame', \
                         "Mode '%s' not recognised. Supported modes: 'R', 'G', 'B', or 'RGB'." \
                         % (self._mode))

        # If a new frame wasn't available, return None.
            return ret, None