コード例 #1
ファイル: hydro.py プロジェクト: lreis2415/PyGeoC
 def output_hillslope(method_id):
     """Output hillslope according different stream cell value method."""
     for (tmp_row, tmp_col) in stream_coors:
         tmp_hillslp_ids = Hillslopes.cal_hs_codes(max_id, stream_data[tmp_row][tmp_col])
         if 0 < method_id < 3:
             hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = tmp_hillslp_ids[method_id]
             # is head stream cell?
             if (tmp_row, tmp_col) in headstream_coors:
                 hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = tmp_hillslp_ids[0]
         elif method_id == 3:
             hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = DEFAULT_NODATA
         elif method_id == 4:
             hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = 0
     # Output to raster file
     hillslope_out_new = hillslope_out
     dirpath = os.path.dirname(hillslope_out_new) + os.path.sep
     corename = FileClass.get_core_name_without_suffix(hillslope_out_new)
     if method_id == 1:
         hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_right.tif'
     elif method_id == 2:
         hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_left.tif'
     elif method_id == 3:
         hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_nodata.tif'
     elif method_id == 4:
         hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_zero.tif'
     RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(hillslope_out_new, nrows, ncols,
                                      geotrans, srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, datatype)
コード例 #2
ファイル: hydro.py プロジェクト: lreis2415/PyGeoC
 def convert_code(in_file, out_file, in_alg='taudem', out_alg='arcgis', datatype=None):
     convert D8 flow direction code from one algorithm to another.
         in_file: input raster file path
         out_file: output raster file path
         in_alg: available algorithms are in FlowModelConst.d8_dirs. "taudem" is the default
         out_alg: same as in_alg. "arcgis" is the default
         datatype: default is None and use the datatype of the in_file
     in_alg = in_alg.lower()
     out_alg = out_alg.lower()
     if in_alg not in FlowModelConst.d8_dirs or out_alg not in FlowModelConst.d8_dirs:
         raise RuntimeError('The input algorithm name should one of %s' %
                            ', '.join(list(FlowModelConst.d8_dirs.keys())))
     convert_dict = dict()
     in_code = FlowModelConst.d8_dirs.get(in_alg)
     out_code = FlowModelConst.d8_dirs.get(out_alg)
     assert len(in_code) == len(out_code)
     for i, tmp_in_code in enumerate(in_code):
         convert_dict[tmp_in_code] = out_code[i]
     if datatype is not None and datatype in GDALDataType:
         RasterUtilClass.raster_reclassify(in_file, convert_dict, out_file, datatype)
         RasterUtilClass.raster_reclassify(in_file, convert_dict, out_file)
コード例 #3
ファイル: sd_hillslope.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
 def output_hillslope(method_id):
     """Output hillslope according different stream cell value method."""
     for (tmp_row, tmp_col) in stream_coors:
         tmp_hillslp_ids = DelineateHillslope.cal_hs_codes(max_id,
         if 0 < method_id < 3:
             hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = tmp_hillslp_ids[method_id]
             # is head stream cell?
             if (tmp_row, tmp_col) in headstream_coors:
                 hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = tmp_hillslp_ids[0]
         elif method_id == 3:
             hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = DEFAULT_NODATA
     # Output to raster file
     hillslope_out_new = hillslope_out
     dirpath = os.path.dirname(hillslope_out_new) + os.path.sep
     corename = FileClass.get_core_name_without_suffix(hillslope_out_new)
     if method_id == 1:
         hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_right.tif'
     elif method_id == 2:
         hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_left.tif'
     elif method_id == 3:
         hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_nodata.tif'
     RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(hillslope_out_new, nrows, ncols,
                                      geotrans, srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, datatype)
コード例 #4
ファイル: sp_landuse.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
 def reclassify_landcover_parameters(landuse_file, landcover_file, landcover_initial_fields_file,
                                     landcover_lookup_file, attr_names, dst_dir):
     """relassify landcover_init_param parameters"""
     land_cover_codes = LanduseUtilClass.initialize_landcover_parameters(
             landuse_file, landcover_initial_fields_file, dst_dir)
     attr_map = LanduseUtilClass.read_crop_lookup_table(landcover_lookup_file)
     n = len(attr_names)
     replace_dicts = list()
     dst_crop_tifs = list()
     for i in range(n):
         cur_attr = attr_names[i]
         cur_dict = dict()
         dic = attr_map[cur_attr]
         for code in land_cover_codes:
             if MathClass.floatequal(code, DEFAULT_NODATA):
             if code not in list(cur_dict.keys()):
                 cur_dict[code] = dic.get(code)
         dst_crop_tifs.append(dst_dir + os.path.sep + cur_attr + '.tif')
     # print(replace_dicts)
     # print(len(replace_dicts))
     # print(dst_crop_tifs)
     # print(len(dst_crop_tifs))
     # Generate GTIFF
     for i, v in enumerate(dst_crop_tifs):
         # print(dst_crop_tifs[i])
         RasterUtilClass.raster_reclassify(landcover_file, replace_dicts[i], v)
コード例 #5
 def connectdown(np,
     """Reads an ad8 contributing area file,
     identifies the location of the largest ad8 value as the outlet of the largest watershed"""
     # If watershed is not specified, use acc to generate a mask layer.
     if wtsd is None or not os.path.isfile(wtsd):
         p, workingdir = TauDEM.check_infile_and_wp(p, workingdir)
         wtsd = workingdir + os.sep + 'wtsd_default.tif'
         RasterUtilClass.get_mask_from_raster(p, wtsd, True)
     fname = TauDEM.func_name('connectdown')
     return TauDEM.run(FileClass.get_executable_fullpath(fname, exedir), {
         '-p': p,
         '-ad8': acc,
         '-w': wtsd
     }, workingdir, None, {'-o': outlet}, {
         'mpipath': mpiexedir,
         'hostfile': hostfile,
         'n': np
     }, {
         'logfile': log_file,
         'runtimefile': runtime_file
コード例 #6
ファイル: sp_terrain.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
    def hydrological_radius(acc_file, radius_file, storm_probability='T2'):
        """Calculate hydrological radius."""
        acc_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(acc_file)
        xsize = acc_r.nCols
        ysize = acc_r.nRows
        nodata_value = acc_r.noDataValue
        cellsize = acc_r.dx
        data = acc_r.data
        coe_table = {"T2": [0.05, 0.48],
                     "T10": [0.12, 0.52],
                     "T100": [0.18, 0.55]}
        ap = coe_table[storm_probability][0]
        bp = coe_table[storm_probability][1]

        def radius_cal(acc):
            """Calculate hydrological radius"""
            if abs(acc - nodata_value) < UTIL_ZERO:
                return DEFAULT_NODATA
            return numpy.power(ap * ((acc + 1) * cellsize * cellsize / 1000000.), bp)

        radius_cal_numpy = numpy.frompyfunc(radius_cal, 1, 1)
        radius = radius_cal_numpy(data)

        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(radius_file, ysize, xsize, radius,
                                         acc_r.geotrans, acc_r.srs,
                                         DEFAULT_NODATA, GDT_Float32)
コード例 #7
    def initialize_landcover_parameters(landcover_file,
        """generate initial landcover_init_param parameters"""
        lc_data_items = read_data_items_from_txt(landcover_initial_fields_file)
        # print(lc_data_items)
        field_names = lc_data_items[0]
        lu_id = -1
        for i, v in enumerate(field_names):
            if StringClass.string_match(v, 'LANDUSE_ID'):
                lu_id = i
        data_items = lc_data_items[1:]
        replace_dicts = dict()
        for item in data_items:
            for i, v in enumerate(item):
                if i != lu_id:
                    if field_names[i].upper() not in list(
                        replace_dicts[field_names[i].upper()] = {
                            float(item[lu_id]): float(v)
                            item[lu_id])] = float(v)
        # print(replace_dicts)

        # Generate GTIFF
        for item, v in list(replace_dicts.items()):
            filename = dst_dir + os.path.sep + item + '.tif'
            RasterUtilClass.raster_reclassify(landcover_file, v, filename)
        return list(replace_dicts['LANDCOVER'].values())
コード例 #8
 def ridge_without_flowin_cell(self):
     """Find the original ridge sources that have no flow-in cells."""
     for row in range(self.nrows):
         for col in range(self.ncols):
             tempdir = self.flowdir_data[row][col]
             if MathClass.floatequal(tempdir, self.nodata_flow):
                 self.rdgsrc_data[row][col] = DEFAULT_NODATA
             if self.flowmodel == 1:  # Dinf flow model
                 temp_coor = DinfUtil.downstream_index_dinf(
                     tempdir, row, col)
                 for temprow, tempcol in temp_coor:
                     if 0 <= temprow < self.nrows and 0 <= tempcol < self.ncols:
                         self.rdgsrc_data[temprow][tempcol] = DEFAULT_NODATA
                         self.rdgsrc_data[row][col] = DEFAULT_NODATA
             else:  # D8 flow model
                 temprow, tempcol = D8Util.downstream_index(
                     tempdir, row, col)
                 if 0 <= temprow < self.nrows and 0 <= tempcol < self.ncols:
                     self.rdgsrc_data[temprow][tempcol] = DEFAULT_NODATA
                     self.rdgsrc_data[row][col] = DEFAULT_NODATA
     RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(self.rdgorg, self.nrows, self.ncols,
                                      self.rdgsrc_data, self.geotrans,
                                      self.srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, 6)
コード例 #9
ファイル: sp_terrain.py プロジェクト: zhizihuaxia/SEIMS
    def hydrological_radius(acc_file, radius_file, storm_probability='T2'):
        """Calculate hydrological radius."""
        acc_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(acc_file)
        xsize = acc_r.nCols
        ysize = acc_r.nRows
        nodata_value = acc_r.noDataValue
        cellsize = acc_r.dx
        data = acc_r.data
        coe_table = {
            "T2": [0.05, 0.48],
            "T10": [0.12, 0.52],
            "T100": [0.18, 0.55]
        ap = coe_table[storm_probability][0]
        bp = coe_table[storm_probability][1]

        def radius_cal(acc):
            """Calculate hydrological radius"""
            if abs(acc - nodata_value) < UTIL_ZERO:
                return DEFAULT_NODATA
            return numpy.power(
                ap * ((acc + 1) * cellsize * cellsize / 1000000.), bp)

        radius_cal_numpy = numpy.frompyfunc(radius_cal, 1, 1)
        radius = radius_cal_numpy(data)

        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(radius_file, ysize, xsize, radius,
                                         acc_r.geotrans, acc_r.srs,
                                         DEFAULT_NODATA, GDT_Float32)
コード例 #10
ファイル: sd_delineation.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
    def generate_lat_raster(cfg):
        """Generate latitude raster"""
        dem_file = cfg.spatials.filldem
        ds = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(dem_file)
        src_srs = ds.srs
        if not src_srs.ExportToProj4():
            raise ValueError('The source raster %s has not coordinate, '
                             'which is required!' % dem_file)
        dst_srs = osr_SpatialReference()
        dst_srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326)  # WGS84
        # dst_wkt = dst_srs.ExportToWkt()
        transform = osr_CoordinateTransformation(src_srs, dst_srs)

        point_ll = ogr_CreateGeometryFromWkt('POINT (%f %f)' % (ds.xMin, ds.yMin))
        point_ur = ogr_CreateGeometryFromWkt('POINT (%f %f)' % (ds.xMax, ds.yMax))


        lower_lat = point_ll.GetY()
        up_lat = point_ur.GetY()

        rows = ds.nRows
        cols = ds.nCols
        delta_lat = (up_lat - lower_lat) / float(rows)

        def cal_cell_lat(row, col):
            """calculate latitude of cell by row number"""
            return up_lat - (row + 0.5) * delta_lat

        data_lat = fromfunction(cal_cell_lat, (rows, cols))
        data_lat = where(ds.validZone, data_lat, ds.data)
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(cfg.spatials.cell_lat, rows, cols, data_lat,
                                         ds.geotrans, ds.srs,
                                         ds.noDataValue, GDT_Float32)
コード例 #11
ファイル: sp_terrain.py プロジェクト: zhizihuaxia/SEIMS
    def flow_velocity(slope_file, radius_file, manning_file, velocity_file):
        slp_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(slope_file)
        slp_data = slp_r.data
        xsize = slp_r.nCols
        ysize = slp_r.nRows
        nodata_value = slp_r.noDataValue

        rad_data = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(radius_file).data
        man_data = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(manning_file).data

        vel_max = 3.0
        vel_min = 0.0001

        def velocity_cal(rad, man, slp):
            """Calculate velocity"""
            if abs(slp - nodata_value) < UTIL_ZERO:
                return DEFAULT_NODATA
            # print(rad, man, slp)
            tmp = numpy.power(man, -1) * numpy.power(
                rad, 2. / 3.) * numpy.power(slp, 0.5)
            if tmp < vel_min:
                return vel_min
            if tmp > vel_max:
                return vel_max
            return tmp

        velocity_cal_numpy = numpy.frompyfunc(velocity_cal, 3, 1)
        velocity = velocity_cal_numpy(rad_data, man_data, slp_data)
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(velocity_file, ysize, xsize, velocity,
                                         slp_r.geotrans, slp_r.srs,
                                         DEFAULT_NODATA, GDT_Float32)
コード例 #12
ファイル: sp_landuse.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
    def initialize_landcover_parameters(landcover_file, landcover_initial_fields_file, dst_dir):
        """generate initial landcover_init_param parameters"""
        lc_data_items = read_data_items_from_txt(landcover_initial_fields_file)
        # print(lc_data_items)
        field_names = lc_data_items[0]
        lu_id = -1
        for i, v in enumerate(field_names):
            if StringClass.string_match(v, 'LANDUSE_ID'):
                lu_id = i
        data_items = lc_data_items[1:]
        replace_dicts = dict()
        for item in data_items:
            for i, v in enumerate(item):
                if i != lu_id:
                    if field_names[i].upper() not in list(replace_dicts.keys()):
                        replace_dicts[field_names[i].upper()] = {float(item[lu_id]): float(v)}
                        replace_dicts[field_names[i].upper()][float(item[lu_id])] = float(v)
        # print(replace_dicts)

        # Generate GTIFF
        for item, v in list(replace_dicts.items()):
            filename = dst_dir + os.path.sep + item + '.tif'
            RasterUtilClass.raster_reclassify(landcover_file, v, filename)
        return list(replace_dicts['LANDCOVER'].values())
コード例 #13
ファイル: sp_landuse_field.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
 def reclassify_landcover_parameters(landuse_file, landcover_file, landcover_initial_fields_file,
                                     landcover_lookup_file, attr_names, dst_dir, landuse_shp):
     """relassify landcover_init_param parameters"""
     land_cover_codes = LanduseUtilClass.initialize_landcover_parameters(
             landuse_file, landcover_initial_fields_file, dst_dir, landuse_shp)
     attr_map = LanduseUtilClass.read_crop_lookup_table(landcover_lookup_file)
     n = len(attr_names)
     replace_dicts = []
     replace_dicts_attrn = dict()
     dst_crop_tifs = []
     for i in range(n):
         cur_attr = attr_names[i]
         cur_dict = dict()
         dic = attr_map[cur_attr]
         for code in land_cover_codes:
             if MathClass.floatequal(code, DEFAULT_NODATA):
             if code not in list(cur_dict.keys()):
                 cur_dict[code] = dic.get(code)
         replace_dicts_attrn[cur_attr] = cur_dict
         dst_crop_tifs.append(dst_dir + os.path.sep + cur_attr + '.tif')
     # print(replace_dicts)
     # print(len(replace_dicts))
     # print(dst_crop_tifs)
     # print(len(dst_crop_tifs))
     # Generate GTIFF
     landcover_rec_csv = r'D:\SEIMS\data\zts\data_prepare\spatial\test\landcover_rec_csv.csv'
     RasterUtilClass.landuse_cover_reclassify(landcover_file, landuse_shp, replace_dicts_attrn, landcover_rec_csv)
     print (landcover_rec_csv)
コード例 #14
 def reclassify_landcover_parameters(landuse_file, landcover_file,
                                     landcover_lookup_file, attr_names,
     """relassify landcover_init_param parameters"""
     land_cover_codes = LanduseUtilClass.initialize_landcover_parameters(
         landuse_file, landcover_initial_fields_file, dst_dir)
     attr_map = LanduseUtilClass.read_crop_lookup_table(
     n = len(attr_names)
     replace_dicts = list()
     dst_crop_tifs = list()
     for i in range(n):
         cur_attr = attr_names[i]
         cur_dict = dict()
         dic = attr_map[cur_attr]
         for code in land_cover_codes:
             if MathClass.floatequal(code, DEFAULT_NODATA):
             if code not in list(cur_dict.keys()):
                 cur_dict[code] = dic.get(code)
         dst_crop_tifs.append(dst_dir + os.path.sep + cur_attr + '.tif')
     # print(replace_dicts)
     # print(len(replace_dicts))
     # print(dst_crop_tifs)
     # print(len(dst_crop_tifs))
     # Generate GTIFF
     for i, v in enumerate(dst_crop_tifs):
         # print(dst_crop_tifs[i])
         RasterUtilClass.raster_reclassify(landcover_file, replace_dicts[i],
コード例 #15
ファイル: sp_terrain.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
    def flow_velocity(slope_file, radius_file, manning_file, velocity_file):
        slp_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(slope_file)
        slp_data = slp_r.data
        xsize = slp_r.nCols
        ysize = slp_r.nRows
        nodata_value = slp_r.noDataValue

        rad_data = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(radius_file).data
        man_data = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(manning_file).data

        vel_max = 3.0
        vel_min = 0.0001

        def velocity_cal(rad, man, slp):
            """Calculate velocity"""
            if abs(slp - nodata_value) < UTIL_ZERO:
                return DEFAULT_NODATA
            # print(rad, man, slp)
            tmp = numpy.power(man, -1) * numpy.power(rad, 2. / 3.) * numpy.power(slp, 0.5)
            if tmp < vel_min:
                return vel_min
            if tmp > vel_max:
                return vel_max
            return tmp

        velocity_cal_numpy = numpy.frompyfunc(velocity_cal, 3, 1)
        velocity = velocity_cal_numpy(rad_data, man_data, slp_data)
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(velocity_file, ysize, xsize, velocity, slp_r.geotrans,
                                         slp_r.srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, GDT_Float32)
コード例 #16
def pitremove_example():
    """run function of TauDEM, take pitremove as an example.
    Compare the max, min, and average of rawdem and filled DEM.
    The result will be::

        RawDEM: Max: 284.07, Min: 139.11, Mean: 203.92
        FilledDEM: Max: 284.07, Min: 139.11, Mean: 203.93

    dem = '../tests/data/Jamaica_dem.tif'
    wp = '../tests/data/tmp_results'
    fel = 'dem_pitremoved.tif'
    taudem_bin = None
    mpi_bin = None
    num_proc = 2


    rawdem = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(dem)
    feldem = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(wp + os.sep + fel)

    print('RawDEM: Max: %.2f, Min: %.2f, Mean: %.2f' %
          (rawdem.get_max(), rawdem.get_min(), rawdem.get_average()))
    print('FilledDEM: Max: %.2f, Min: %.2f, Mean: %.2f' %
          (feldem.get_max(), feldem.get_min(), feldem.get_average()))
コード例 #17
ファイル: sp_landuse_field.py プロジェクト: jx-qqq/SEIMS
 def reclassify_landcover_parameters(landuse_file, landcover_file,
                                     landcover_lookup_file, attr_names,
                                     dst_dir, landuse_shp):
     """relassify landcover_init_param parameters"""
     land_cover_codes = LanduseUtilClass.initialize_landcover_parameters(
         landuse_file, landcover_initial_fields_file, dst_dir, landuse_shp)
     attr_map = LanduseUtilClass.read_crop_lookup_table(
     n = len(attr_names)
     replace_dicts = []
     replace_dicts_attrn = dict()
     dst_crop_tifs = []
     for i in range(n):
         cur_attr = attr_names[i]
         cur_dict = dict()
         dic = attr_map[cur_attr]
         for code in land_cover_codes:
             if MathClass.floatequal(code, DEFAULT_NODATA):
             if code not in list(cur_dict.keys()):
                 cur_dict[code] = dic.get(code)
         replace_dicts_attrn[cur_attr] = cur_dict
         dst_crop_tifs.append(dst_dir + os.path.sep + cur_attr + '.tif')
     # print(replace_dicts)
     # print(len(replace_dicts))
     # print(dst_crop_tifs)
     # print(len(dst_crop_tifs))
     # Generate GTIFF
     landcover_rec_csv = r'D:\SEIMS\data\zts\data_prepare\spatial\test\landcover_rec_csv.csv'
     RasterUtilClass.landuse_cover_reclassify(landcover_file, landuse_shp,
コード例 #18
    def generate_lat_raster(cfg):
        """Generate latitude raster"""
        dem_file = cfg.spatials.filldem
        ds = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(dem_file)
        src_srs = ds.srs
        if not src_srs.ExportToProj4():
            raise ValueError('The source raster %s has not coordinate, '
                             'which is required!' % dem_file)
        dst_srs = osr_SpatialReference()
        dst_srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326)  # WGS84
        # dst_wkt = dst_srs.ExportToWkt()
        transform = osr_CoordinateTransformation(src_srs, dst_srs)

        point_ll = ogr_CreateGeometryFromWkt('POINT (%f %f)' % (ds.xMin, ds.yMin))
        point_ur = ogr_CreateGeometryFromWkt('POINT (%f %f)' % (ds.xMax, ds.yMax))


        lower_lat = point_ll.GetY()
        up_lat = point_ur.GetY()

        rows = ds.nRows
        cols = ds.nCols
        delta_lat = (up_lat - lower_lat) / float(rows)

        def cal_cell_lat(row, col):
            """calculate latitude of cell by row number"""
            return up_lat - (row + 0.5) * delta_lat

        data_lat = fromfunction(cal_cell_lat, (rows, cols))
        data_lat = where(ds.validZone, data_lat, ds.data)
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(cfg.spatials.cell_lat, rows, cols, data_lat,
                                         ds.geotrans, ds.srs,
                                         ds.noDataValue, GDT_Float32)
コード例 #19
ファイル: sp_terrain.py プロジェクト: zhizihuaxia/SEIMS
    def flow_time_to_stream(streamlink,
        """Calculate flow time to the workflow channel from each grid cell."""
        strlk_data = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(streamlink).data

        vel_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(velocity)
        vel_data = vel_r.data
        xsize = vel_r.nCols
        ysize = vel_r.nRows
        # noDataValue = vel_r.noDataValue

        weight = numpy.where(strlk_data <= 0, numpy.ones((ysize, xsize)),
                             numpy.zeros((ysize, xsize)))
        traveltime = numpy.where(vel_r.validZone, numpy.zeros((ysize, xsize)),
        flowlen = TerrainUtilClass.calculate_flow_length(
            flow_dir_file, weight, flow_dir_code)
        traveltime = numpy.where(vel_r.validZone,
                                 flowlen / (vel_data * 5. / 3.) / 3600.,
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(t0_s_file, ysize, xsize, traveltime,
                                         vel_r.geotrans, vel_r.srs,
                                         DEFAULT_NODATA, GDT_Float32)
コード例 #20
ファイル: hydro.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/PyGeoC
 def convert_code(in_file, out_file, in_alg='taudem', out_alg='arcgis', datatype=None):
     convert D8 flow direction code from one algorithm to another.
         in_file: input raster file path
         out_file: output raster file path
         in_alg: available algorithms are in FlowModelConst.d8_dirs. "taudem" is the default
         out_alg: same as in_alg. "arcgis" is the default
         datatype: default is None and use the datatype of the in_file
     in_alg = in_alg.lower()
     out_alg = out_alg.lower()
     if in_alg not in FlowModelConst.d8_dirs or out_alg not in FlowModelConst.d8_dirs:
         raise RuntimeError('The input algorithm name should one of %s' %
                            ', '.join(list(FlowModelConst.d8_dirs.keys())))
     convert_dict = dict()
     in_code = FlowModelConst.d8_dirs.get(in_alg)
     out_code = FlowModelConst.d8_dirs.get(out_alg)
     assert len(in_code) == len(out_code)
     for i, tmp_in_code in enumerate(in_code):
         convert_dict[tmp_in_code] = out_code[i]
     if datatype is not None and datatype in GDALDataType:
         RasterUtilClass.raster_reclassify(in_file, convert_dict, out_file, datatype)
         RasterUtilClass.raster_reclassify(in_file, convert_dict, out_file)
コード例 #21
    def calculate_channel_width(acc_file, chwidth_file):
        """Calculate channel width."""
        acc_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(acc_file)
        xsize = acc_r.nCols
        ysize = acc_r.nRows
        dx = acc_r.dx
        cell_area = dx * dx

        # storm frequency   a      b
        # 2                 1      0.56
        # 10                1.2    0.56
        # 100               1.4    0.56
        a = 1.2
        b = 0.56
        # TODO: Figure out what's means, and move it to text.py or config.py. LJ

        tmp_ones = numpy.ones((ysize, xsize))
        width = tmp_ones * DEFAULT_NODATA
        valid_values = numpy.where(acc_r.validZone, acc_r.data, tmp_ones)
        width = numpy.where(
            numpy.power((a * (valid_values + 1) * cell_area / 1000000.), b),
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(chwidth_file, ysize, xsize, width,
                                         acc_r.geotrans, acc_r.srs,
                                         DEFAULT_NODATA, GDT_Float32)
        return width
コード例 #22
ファイル: sd_delineation.py プロジェクト: zhizihuaxia/SEIMS
    def mask_origin_delineated_data(cfg):
        """Mask the original delineated data by Subbasin raster."""
        subbasin_tau_file = cfg.taudems.subbsn
        geodata2dbdir = cfg.dirs.geodata2db
        mask_file = cfg.spatials.mask
        RasterUtilClass.get_mask_from_raster(subbasin_tau_file, mask_file)
        # Total 12 raster files
        original_files = [
            cfg.taudems.subbsn, cfg.taudems.d8flow, cfg.taudems.stream_raster,
            cfg.taudems.slp, cfg.taudems.filldem, cfg.taudems.d8acc,
            cfg.taudems.stream_order, cfg.taudems.dinf, cfg.taudems.dinf_d8dir,
            cfg.taudems.dinf_slp, cfg.taudems.dinf_weight,
        # output masked files
        output_files = [
            cfg.taudems.subbsn_m, cfg.taudems.d8flow_m, cfg.taudems.stream_m,
            cfg.spatials.slope, cfg.spatials.filldem, cfg.spatials.d8acc,
            cfg.spatials.stream_order, cfg.spatials.dinf,
            cfg.spatials.dinf_d8dir, cfg.spatials.dinf_slp,
            cfg.spatials.dinf_weight, cfg.spatials.dist2stream_d8

        default_values = list()
        for i in range(len(original_files)):

        # other input rasters need to be masked
        # soil and landuse

        # Additional raster file
        for k, v in cfg.additional_rs.items():
            org_v = v
            if not FileClass.is_file_exists(org_v):
                v = cfg.spatial_dir + os.path.sep + org_v
                if not FileClass.is_file_exists(v):
                    print('WARNING: The additional file %s MUST be located in '
                          'SPATIAL_DATA_DIR, or provided as full file path!' %
            output_files.append(cfg.dirs.geodata2db + os.path.sep + k + '.tif')

        config_file = cfg.logs.mask_cfg
        # run mask operation
        print('Mask original delineated data by Subbasin raster...')
        SpatialDelineation.mask_raster_cpp(cfg.seims_bin, mask_file,
                                           original_files, output_files,
                                           default_values, config_file)
コード例 #23
def main(landusef, fieldf, fieldtxt, jsonout):
    """Construct hydrologically connected fields units data in JSON file format."""
    # Check the file existence
    # read raster data and check the extent based on landuse.
    landuser = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(landusef)
    data_landuse = landuser.data
    nrows = landuser.nRows
    ncols = landuser.nCols
    dx = landuser.dx
    nodata_landuse = landuser.noDataValue

    fieldr = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(fieldf)
    if fieldr.nRows != nrows or fieldr.nCols != ncols:
        raise ValueError(
            'The connected_fields raster MUST have the same dimensions'
            ' with landuse!')
    data_fields = fieldr.data
    nodata_fields = fieldr.noDataValue

    # Read the initial relationships between fields
    fields_info = read_field_relationships(fields_txt)

    # add landuse types and areas
    for m in range(nrows):
        for n in range(ncols):
            cur_lu = int(data_landuse[m][n])
            cur_fld = int(data_fields[m][n])
            if cur_fld == nodata_fields or cur_lu == nodata_landuse or cur_lu <= 0:
            if cur_fld not in fields_info['units']:
                raise ValueError(
                    '%d is not recorded in field relationship text!' % cur_fld)
            if cur_lu not in fields_info['units'][cur_fld]['landuse']:
                fields_info['units'][cur_fld]['landuse'][cur_lu] = 1
                fields_info['units'][cur_fld]['landuse'][cur_lu] += 1
    for k, v in viewitems(fields_info['units']):
        area_field = 0.
        area_max = 0.
        area_max_lu = 0
        for luid, luarea in viewitems(v['landuse']):
            v['landuse'][luid] = luarea * dx * dx * 1.e-6
            area_field += v['landuse'][luid]
            if v['landuse'][luid] > area_max:
                area_max = v['landuse'][luid]
                area_max_lu = luid
        v['area'] = area_field
        if v['primarylanduse'] != area_max_lu:
            print(k, v['primarylanduse'], area_max_lu)
            v['primarylanduse'] = area_max_lu

    # save to json
    json_updown_data = json.dumps(fields_info, indent=4)
    with open(jsonout, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        f.write('%s' % json_updown_data)
コード例 #24
    def subbasin_boundary_cells(self, subbsn_perc):
        """Subbasin boundary cells that are potential ridge sources."""
        dir_deltas = FlowModelConst.d8delta_ag.values()
        subbsn_elevs = dict()

        def add_elev_to_subbsn_elevs(sid, elev):
            if sid not in subbsn_elevs:
                subbsn_elevs[sid] = [elev]

        for row in range(self.nrows):
            for col in range(self.ncols):
                if MathClass.floatequal(self.subbsn_data[row][col],
                for r, c in dir_deltas:
                    new_row = row + r
                    new_col = col + c
                    if 0 <= new_row < self.nrows and 0 <= new_col < self.ncols:
                        if MathClass.floatequal(
                            subbsnid = self.subbsn_data[row][col]
                            self.rdgpot[row][col] = subbsnid
                        elif not MathClass.floatequal(
                            subbsnid = self.subbsn_data[row][col]
                            subbsnid2 = self.subbsn_data[new_row][new_col]
                            self.rdgpot[row][col] = subbsnid
                            self.rdgpot[new_row][new_col] = subbsnid2
                                subbsnid2, self.elev_data[new_row][new_col])

        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(self.boundsrc, self.nrows, self.ncols,
                                         self.rdgpot, self.geotrans, self.srs,
                                         DEFAULT_NODATA, 6)
        subbsn_elevs_thresh = dict()
        for sid, elevs in list(subbsn_elevs.items()):
            tmpelev = numpy.array(elevs)
            subbsn_elevs_thresh[sid] = tmpelev[int(len(tmpelev) * subbsn_perc)]
        for row in range(self.nrows):
            for col in range(self.ncols):
                if MathClass.floatequal(self.rdgpot[row][col], DEFAULT_NODATA):
                if self.elev_data[row][col] < subbsn_elevs_thresh[
                    self.rdgpot[row][col] = DEFAULT_NODATA
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(self.boundsrcfilter, self.nrows,
                                         self.ncols, self.rdgpot,
                                         self.geotrans, self.srs,
                                         DEFAULT_NODATA, 6)
コード例 #25
ファイル: Util.py プロジェクト: jx-qqq/SEIMS
def slope_rad_to_deg(tanslp, slp):
    """Convert slope from radius to slope."""
    origin = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(tanslp)
    temp = origin.data == origin.noDataValue
    slpdata = numpy.where(temp, origin.noDataValue,
                          numpy.arctan(origin.data) * 180. / numpy.pi)
    RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(slp, origin.nRows, origin.nCols, slpdata,
                                     origin.geotrans, origin.srs,
                                     origin.noDataValue, origin.dataType)
コード例 #26
ファイル: sp_landuse.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
    def generate_runoff_coefficent(maindb, landuse_file, slope_file, soil_texture_file,
                                   runoff_coeff_file, imper_perc=0.3):
        """Generate potential runoff coefficient."""
        # read landuselookup table from MongoDB
        prc_fields = ['PRC_ST%d' % (i,) for i in range(1, 13)]
        sc_fields = ['SC_ST%d' % (i,) for i in range(1, 13)]
        query_result = maindb['LANDUSELOOKUP'].find()
        if query_result is None:
            raise RuntimeError("LanduseLoop Collection is not existed or empty!")

        runoff_c0 = dict()
        runoff_s0 = dict()
        for row in query_result:
            tmpid = row.get('LANDUSE_ID')
            runoff_c0[tmpid] = [float(row.get(item)) for item in prc_fields]
            runoff_s0[tmpid] = [float(row.get(item)) for item in sc_fields]

        landu_raster = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(landuse_file)
        landu_data = landu_raster.data
        nodata_value1 = landu_raster.noDataValue
        xsize = landu_raster.nCols
        ysize = landu_raster.nRows
        nodata_value2 = landu_raster.noDataValue

        slo_data = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(slope_file).data
        soil_texture_array = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(soil_texture_file).data
        id_omited = list()

        def coef_cal(lu_id, soil_texture, slope):
            """Calculate runoff coefficient by landuse, soil texture and slope."""
            if abs(lu_id - nodata_value1) < UTIL_ZERO or int(lu_id) < 0:
                return nodata_value2
            if int(lu_id) not in list(runoff_c0.keys()):
                if int(lu_id) not in id_omited:
                    print('The landuse ID: %d does not exist.' % int(lu_id))
            stid = int(soil_texture) - 1
            c0 = runoff_c0[int(lu_id)][stid]
            s0 = runoff_s0[int(lu_id)][stid] / 100.
            slp = slope

            if slp + s0 < 0.0001:
                return c0
            coef1 = (1 - c0) * slp / (slp + s0)
            coef2 = c0 + coef1
            # TODO, Check if it is (lu_id >= 98), by lj
            if int(lu_id) == 106 or int(lu_id) == 107 or int(lu_id) == 105:
                return coef2 * (1 - imper_perc) + imper_perc
                return coef2

        coef_cal_numpy = np_frompyfunc(coef_cal, 3, 1)
        coef = coef_cal_numpy(landu_data, soil_texture_array, slo_data)

        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(runoff_coeff_file, ysize, xsize, coef,
                                         landu_raster.geotrans, landu_raster.srs, nodata_value2,
コード例 #27
ファイル: Util.py プロジェクト: jx-qqq/SEIMS
def main():
    """TEST CODE"""
    inf = r'C:\z_data_m\SEIMS2017\fuzslppos_ywz10m\slope_position_units\SLOPPOSITION.tif'
    # inr = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(inf)
    # inr.data[inr.data > 0] = 1.
    # RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(inf, inr.nRows, inr.nCols, inr.data,
    #                                  inr.geotrans, inr.srs, inr.noDataValue,
    #                                  inr.dataType)
    RasterUtilClass.raster_to_gtiff(inf, inf, True, True)
コード例 #28
ファイル: sp_terrain.py プロジェクト: zhizihuaxia/SEIMS
    def calculate_latitude_dependent_parameters(lat_file, min_dayl_file,
                                                dormhr_file, dorm_hr):
        Calculate latitude dependent parameters, include:
           1. minimum daylength (daylmn), 2. day length threshold for dormancy (dormhr)
        # calculate minimum daylength, from readwgn.f of SWAT
        # daylength=2*acos(-tan(sd)*tan(lat))/omega
        # where solar declination, sd, = -23.5 degrees for minimum daylength in
        # northern hemisphere and -tan(sd) = .4348
        # absolute value is taken of tan(lat) to convert southern hemisphere
        # values to northern hemisphere
        # the angular velocity of the earth's rotation, omega, = 15 deg/hr or
        # 0.2618 rad/hr and 2/0.2618 = 7.6394
        cell_lat_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(lat_file)
        lat_data = cell_lat_r.data
        # daylmn_data = cell_lat_r.data
        zero = numpy.zeros((cell_lat_r.nRows, cell_lat_r.nCols))
        # nodata = numpy.ones((cell_lat_r.nRows, cell_lat_r.nCols)) * cell_lat_r.noDataValue
        # convert degrees to radians (2pi/360=1/57.296)
        daylmn_data = 0.4348 * numpy.abs(numpy.tan(lat_data / 57.296))
        condition = daylmn_data < 1.
        daylmn_data = numpy.where(condition, numpy.arccos(daylmn_data), zero)
        # condition2 = lat_data != cell_lat_r.noDataValue
        daylmn_data *= 7.6394
        daylmn_data = numpy.where(cell_lat_r.validZone, daylmn_data, lat_data)
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(min_dayl_file, cell_lat_r.nRows,
                                         cell_lat_r.nCols, daylmn_data,
                                         cell_lat_r.geotrans, cell_lat_r.srs,
                                         cell_lat_r.noDataValue, GDT_Float32)

        def cal_dorm_hr(lat):
            """calculate day length threshold for dormancy"""
            if lat == cell_lat_r.noDataValue:
                return cell_lat_r.noDataValue
                if 20. <= lat <= 40:
                    return (numpy.abs(lat - 20.)) / 20.
                elif lat > 40.:
                    return 1.
                elif lat < 20.:
                    return -1.

        cal_dorm_hr_numpy = numpy.frompyfunc(cal_dorm_hr, 1, 1)

        # dormhr_data = numpy.copy(lat_data)
        if dorm_hr < -UTIL_ZERO:
            dormhr_data = cal_dorm_hr_numpy(lat_data)
            dormhr_data = numpy.where(
                numpy.ones((cell_lat_r.nRows, cell_lat_r.nCols)) * dorm_hr,
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(dormhr_file, cell_lat_r.nRows,
                                         cell_lat_r.nCols, dormhr_data,
                                         cell_lat_r.geotrans, cell_lat_r.srs,
                                         cell_lat_r.noDataValue, GDT_Float32)
コード例 #29
ファイル: sp_landuse.py プロジェクト: shiyaxingstar/SEIMS
    def generate_runoff_coefficent(maindb, landuse_file, slope_file, soil_texture_file,
                                   runoff_coeff_file, imper_perc=0.3):
        """Generate potential runoff coefficient."""
        # read landuselookup table from MongoDB
        prc_fields = ['PRC_ST%d' % (i,) for i in range(1, 13)]
        sc_fields = ['SC_ST%d' % (i,) for i in range(1, 13)]
        query_result = maindb['LANDUSELOOKUP'].find()
        if query_result is None:
            raise RuntimeError("LanduseLoop Collection is not existed or empty!")

        runoff_c0 = dict()
        runoff_s0 = dict()
        for row in query_result:
            tmpid = row.get('LANDUSE_ID')
            runoff_c0[tmpid] = [float(row.get(item)) for item in prc_fields]
            runoff_s0[tmpid] = [float(row.get(item)) for item in sc_fields]

        landu_raster = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(landuse_file)
        landu_data = landu_raster.data
        nodata_value1 = landu_raster.noDataValue
        xsize = landu_raster.nCols
        ysize = landu_raster.nRows
        nodata_value2 = landu_raster.noDataValue

        slo_data = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(slope_file).data
        soil_texture_array = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(soil_texture_file).data
        id_omited = list()

        def coef_cal(lu_id, soil_texture, slope):
            """Calculate runoff coefficient by landuse, soil texture and slope."""
            if abs(lu_id - nodata_value1) < UTIL_ZERO or int(lu_id) < 0:
                return nodata_value2
            if int(lu_id) not in list(runoff_c0.keys()):
                if int(lu_id) not in id_omited:
                    print('The landuse ID: %d does not exist.' % int(lu_id))
            stid = int(soil_texture) - 1
            c0 = runoff_c0[int(lu_id)][stid]
            s0 = runoff_s0[int(lu_id)][stid] / 100.
            slp = slope

            if slp + s0 < 0.0001:
                return c0
            coef1 = (1 - c0) * slp / (slp + s0)
            coef2 = c0 + coef1
            # TODO, Check if it is (lu_id >= 98), by lj
            if int(lu_id) == 106 or int(lu_id) == 107 or int(lu_id) == 105:
                return coef2 * (1 - imper_perc) + imper_perc
                return coef2

        coef_cal_numpy = np_frompyfunc(coef_cal, 3, 1)
        coef = coef_cal_numpy(landu_data, soil_texture_array, slo_data)

        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(runoff_coeff_file, ysize, xsize, coef,
                                         landu_raster.geotrans, landu_raster.srs, nodata_value2,
コード例 #30
 def output(self, jfile, unitraster, unitshp):
     """output json file and slope position units raster file"""
     json_updown_data = json.dumps(self.units_updwon, indent=4)
     with open(jfile, 'w') as f:
     RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(unitraster, self.nrows, self.ncols,
                                      self.slppos_ids, self.geotrans, self.srs,
                                      DEFAULT_NODATA, self.datatype)
     VectorUtilClass.raster2shp(unitraster, unitshp)
     print("Original unique spatial units ID raster saved as '%s'" % unitraster)
コード例 #31
 def output(self, jfile, unitraster, unitshp):
     """output json file and slope position units raster file"""
     json_updown_data = json.dumps(self.units_updwon, indent=4)
     with open(jfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
         f.write('%s' % json_updown_data)
     RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(unitraster, self.nrows, self.ncols,
                                      self.slppos_ids, self.geotrans, self.srs,
                                      DEFAULT_NODATA, self.datatype)
     VectorUtilClass.raster2shp(unitraster, unitshp)
     print("Original unique spatial units ID raster saved as '%s'" % unitraster)
コード例 #32
ファイル: Util.py プロジェクト: jx-qqq/SEIMS
def rpi_calculation(distdown, distup, rpi_outfile):
    """Calculate Relative Position Index (RPI)."""
    down = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(distdown)
    up = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(distup)
    temp = down.data < 0
    rpi_data = numpy.where(temp, down.noDataValue,
                           down.data / (down.data + up.data))
    RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(rpi_outfile, down.nRows, down.nCols,
                                     rpi_data, down.geotrans, down.srs,
                                     down.noDataValue, down.dataType)
コード例 #33
 def filter_ridge_by_subbasin_boundary(self):
     for row in range(self.nrows):
         for col in range(self.ncols):
             if MathClass.floatequal(self.rdgsrc_data[row][col],
             if MathClass.floatequal(self.rdgpot[row][col], DEFAULT_NODATA):
                 self.rdgsrc_data[row][col] = DEFAULT_NODATA
     RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(self.rdgsrc, self.nrows, self.ncols,
                                      self.rdgsrc_data, self.geotrans,
                                      self.srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, 6)
コード例 #34
def main():
    """Read GeoTiff raster data and perform log transformation.
    input_tif = "../tests/data/Jamaica_dem.tif"
    output_tif = "../tests/data/tmp_results/log_dem.tif"
    rst = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(input_tif)
    # raster data (with noDataValue as numpy.nan) as numpy array
    rst_valid = rst.validValues
    output_data = np.log(rst_valid)
    # write output raster
    RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(output_tif, rst.nRows, rst.nCols, output_data, rst.geotrans,
                                     rst.srs, rst.noDataValue, rst.dataType)
コード例 #35
ファイル: sd_delineation.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
    def mask_origin_delineated_data(cfg):
        """Mask the original delineated data by Subbasin raster."""
        subbasin_tau_file = cfg.taudems.subbsn
        geodata2dbdir = cfg.dirs.geodata2db
        mask_file = cfg.spatials.mask
        RasterUtilClass.get_mask_from_raster(subbasin_tau_file, mask_file)
        # Total 12 raster files
        original_files = [cfg.taudems.subbsn, cfg.taudems.d8flow, cfg.taudems.stream_raster,
                          cfg.taudems.slp, cfg.taudems.filldem, cfg.taudems.d8acc,
                          cfg.taudems.stream_order, cfg.taudems.dinf, cfg.taudems.dinf_d8dir,
                          cfg.taudems.dinf_slp, cfg.taudems.dinf_weight,
        # output masked files
        output_files = [cfg.taudems.subbsn_m, cfg.taudems.d8flow_m, cfg.taudems.stream_m,
                        cfg.spatials.slope, cfg.spatials.filldem, cfg.spatials.d8acc,
                        cfg.spatials.stream_order, cfg.spatials.dinf, cfg.spatials.dinf_d8dir,
                        cfg.spatials.dinf_slp, cfg.spatials.dinf_weight,

        default_values = list()
        for i in range(len(original_files)):

        # other input rasters need to be masked
        # soil and landuse

        # Additional raster file
        for k, v in cfg.additional_rs.items():
            org_v = v
            if not FileClass.is_file_exists(org_v):
                v = cfg.spatial_dir + os.path.sep + org_v
                if not FileClass.is_file_exists(v):
                    print('WARNING: The additional file %s MUST be located in '
                          'SPATIAL_DATA_DIR, or provided as full file path!' % k)
            output_files.append(cfg.dirs.geodata2db + os.path.sep + k + '.tif')

        config_file = cfg.logs.mask_cfg
        # run mask operation
        print('Mask original delineated data by Subbasin raster...')
        SpatialDelineation.mask_raster_cpp(cfg.seims_bin, mask_file, original_files,
                                           output_files, default_values, config_file)
コード例 #36
ファイル: sp_terrain.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
    def calculate_latitude_dependent_parameters(lat_file, min_dayl_file, dormhr_file, dorm_hr):
        Calculate latitude dependent parameters, include:
           1. minimum daylength (daylmn), 2. day length threshold for dormancy (dormhr)
        # calculate minimum daylength, from readwgn.f of SWAT
        # daylength=2*acos(-tan(sd)*tan(lat))/omega
        # where solar declination, sd, = -23.5 degrees for minimum daylength in
        # northern hemisphere and -tan(sd) = .4348
        # absolute value is taken of tan(lat) to convert southern hemisphere
        # values to northern hemisphere
        # the angular velocity of the earth's rotation, omega, = 15 deg/hr or
        # 0.2618 rad/hr and 2/0.2618 = 7.6394
        cell_lat_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(lat_file)
        lat_data = cell_lat_r.data
        # daylmn_data = cell_lat_r.data
        zero = numpy.zeros((cell_lat_r.nRows, cell_lat_r.nCols))
        # nodata = numpy.ones((cell_lat_r.nRows, cell_lat_r.nCols)) * cell_lat_r.noDataValue
        # convert degrees to radians (2pi/360=1/57.296)
        daylmn_data = 0.4348 * numpy.abs(numpy.tan(lat_data / 57.296))
        condition = daylmn_data < 1.
        daylmn_data = numpy.where(condition, numpy.arccos(daylmn_data), zero)
        # condition2 = lat_data != cell_lat_r.noDataValue
        daylmn_data *= 7.6394
        daylmn_data = numpy.where(cell_lat_r.validZone, daylmn_data, lat_data)
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(min_dayl_file, cell_lat_r.nRows, cell_lat_r.nCols,
                                         daylmn_data, cell_lat_r.geotrans, cell_lat_r.srs,
                                         cell_lat_r.noDataValue, GDT_Float32)

        def cal_dorm_hr(lat):
            """calculate day length threshold for dormancy"""
            if lat == cell_lat_r.noDataValue:
                return cell_lat_r.noDataValue
                if 20. <= lat <= 40:
                    return (numpy.abs(lat - 20.)) / 20.
                elif lat > 40.:
                    return 1.
                elif lat < 20.:
                    return -1.

        cal_dorm_hr_numpy = numpy.frompyfunc(cal_dorm_hr, 1, 1)

        # dormhr_data = numpy.copy(lat_data)
        if dorm_hr < -UTIL_ZERO:
            dormhr_data = cal_dorm_hr_numpy(lat_data)
            dormhr_data = numpy.where(cell_lat_r.validZone,
                                      numpy.ones((cell_lat_r.nRows, cell_lat_r.nCols)) * dorm_hr,
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(dormhr_file, cell_lat_r.nRows, cell_lat_r.nCols,
                                         dormhr_data, cell_lat_r.geotrans, cell_lat_r.srs,
                                         cell_lat_r.noDataValue, GDT_Float32)
コード例 #37
ファイル: db_import_observed.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
 def match_subbasin(subbsn_file, site_dict, maindb):
     Match the ID of subbasin
         1. Read the coordinates of each subbasin's outlet, and
            the outlet ID of the whole basin (not finished yet)
         2. If the isOutlet field equals to
            2.1 - 0, then return the subbasin_id of the site's location
            2.2 - 1, then return the outlet ID of the whole basiin
            2.3 - 2, then return the outlet ID of nearest subbasin
            2.4 - 3, then return the outlet IDs of the conjunct subbasins
     subbasin_raster = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(subbsn_file)
     localx = site_dict.get(StationFields.x)
     localy = site_dict.get(StationFields.y)
     site_type = site_dict.get(StationFields.outlet)
     subbasin_id = subbasin_raster.get_value_by_xy(localx, localy)
     if subbasin_id is None and site_type != 1:
         # the site is not inside the basin and not the outlet either.
         return False, None
     if site_type == 0:
         return True, [subbasin_id]
     elif site_type == 1:
         outid = int(MongoQuery.get_init_parameter_value(maindb, SubbsnStatsName.outlet))
         return True, [outid]
     elif site_type == 2:
         return True, [subbasin_id]  # TODO
コード例 #38
    def calculate_environment(self):
        if not self.modelrun:  # no evaluate done
            self.economy = self.worst_econ
            self.environment = self.worst_env
        rfile = self.modelout_dir + os.path.sep + self.bmps_info['ENVEVAL']

        if not FileClass.is_file_exists(rfile):
            time.sleep(5)  # sleep 5 seconds wait for the ouput
        if not FileClass.is_file_exists(rfile):
                'WARNING: Although SEIMS model runs successfully, the desired output: %s'
                ' cannot be found!' % rfile)
            self.economy = self.worst_econ
            self.environment = self.worst_env

        base_amount = self.bmps_info['BASE_ENV']
        if StringClass.string_match(rfile.split('.')[-1],
                                    'tif'):  # Raster data
            rr = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(rfile)
            soil_erosion_amount = rr.get_sum() / self.timerange  # unit: year
            # reduction rate of soil erosion
            self.environment = (base_amount -
                                soil_erosion_amount) / base_amount
        elif StringClass.string_match(rfile.split('.')[-1],
                                      'txt'):  # Time series data
            sed_sum = read_simulation_from_txt(
                self.modelout_dir)  # TODO, fix it later, lj
            self.environment = (base_amount - sed_sum) / base_amount
            self.economy = self.worst_econ
            self.environment = self.worst_env
コード例 #39
ファイル: scenario.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
    def calculate_environment(self):
        if not self.modelrun:  # no evaluate done
            self.economy = self.worst_econ
            self.environment = self.worst_env
        rfile = self.modelout_dir + os.path.sep + self.bmps_info['ENVEVAL']

        if not FileClass.is_file_exists(rfile):
            time.sleep(5)  # sleep 5 seconds wait for the ouput
        if not FileClass.is_file_exists(rfile):
            print('WARNING: Although SEIMS model runs successfully, the desired output: %s'
                  ' cannot be found!' % rfile)
            self.economy = self.worst_econ
            self.environment = self.worst_env

        base_amount = self.bmps_info['BASE_ENV']
        if StringClass.string_match(rfile.split('.')[-1], 'tif'):  # Raster data
            rr = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(rfile)
            soil_erosion_amount = rr.get_sum() / self.timerange  # unit: year
            # reduction rate of soil erosion
            self.environment = (base_amount - soil_erosion_amount) / base_amount
        elif StringClass.string_match(rfile.split('.')[-1], 'txt'):  # Time series data
            sed_sum = read_simulation_from_txt(self.modelout_dir)  # TODO, fix it later, lj
            self.environment = (base_amount - sed_sum) / base_amount
            self.economy = self.worst_econ
            self.environment = self.worst_env
コード例 #40
 def match_subbasin(subbsn_file, site_dict, maindb):
     Match the ID of subbasin
         1. Read the coordinates of each subbasin's outlet, and
            the outlet ID of the whole basin (not finished yet)
         2. If the isOutlet field equals to
            2.1 - 0, then return the subbasin_id of the site's location
            2.2 - 1, then return the outlet ID of the whole basiin
            2.3 - 2, then return the outlet ID of nearest subbasin
            2.4 - 3, then return the outlet IDs of the conjunct subbasins
     subbasin_raster = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(subbsn_file)
     localx = site_dict.get(StationFields.x)
     localy = site_dict.get(StationFields.y)
     site_type = site_dict.get(StationFields.outlet)
     subbasin_id = subbasin_raster.get_value_by_xy(localx, localy)
     if subbasin_id is None and site_type != 1:
         # the site is not inside the basin and not the outlet either.
         return False, None
     if site_type == 0:
         return True, [subbasin_id]
     elif site_type == 1:
         outid = int(
         return True, [outid]
     elif site_type == 2:
         return True, [subbasin_id]  # TODO
コード例 #41
ファイル: sd_delineation.py プロジェクト: zhizihuaxia/SEIMS
    def post_process_of_delineated_data(cfg):
        """Do some necessary transfer for subbasin, stream, and flow direction raster."""
        # inputs
        stream_net_file = cfg.taudems.streamnet_shp
        subbasin_file = cfg.taudems.subbsn_m
        flow_dir_file_tau = cfg.taudems.d8flow_m
        stream_raster_file = cfg.taudems.stream_m
        # outputs
        # -- shapefile
        shp_dir = cfg.dirs.geoshp
        # ---- outlet, copy from DirNameUtils.TauDEM
        FileClass.copy_files(cfg.taudems.outlet_m, cfg.vecs.outlet)
        # ---- reaches
        output_reach_file = cfg.vecs.reach
        # ---- subbasins
        subbasin_vector_file = cfg.vecs.subbsn
        # -- raster file
        output_subbasin_file = cfg.spatials.subbsn
        output_flow_dir_file = cfg.spatials.d8flow
        output_stream_link_file = cfg.spatials.stream_link
        output_hillslope_file = cfg.spatials.hillslope

        id_map = StreamnetUtil.serialize_streamnet(stream_net_file,
        RasterUtilClass.raster_reclassify(subbasin_file, id_map,
                                          output_subbasin_file, GDT_Int32)

        # Convert D8 encoding rule to ArcGIS
        D8Util.convert_code(flow_dir_file_tau, output_flow_dir_file)

        # convert raster to shapefile (for subbasin and basin)
        print('Generating subbasin vector...')
        VectorUtilClass.raster2shp(output_subbasin_file, subbasin_vector_file,
                                   'subbasin', FieldNames.subbasin_id)
        mask_file = cfg.spatials.mask
        basin_vector = cfg.vecs.bsn
        print('Generating basin vector...')
        VectorUtilClass.raster2shp(mask_file, basin_vector, 'basin',
        # delineate hillslope
コード例 #42
ファイル: TauDEM.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/PyGeoC
 def connectdown(np, p, acc, outlet, wtsd=None, workingdir=None, mpiexedir=None,
                 exedir=None, log_file=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None):
     """Reads an ad8 contributing area file,
     identifies the location of the largest ad8 value as the outlet of the largest watershed"""
     # If watershed is not specified, use acc to generate a mask layer.
     if wtsd is None or not os.path.isfile(wtsd):
         p, workingdir = TauDEM.check_infile_and_wp(p, workingdir)
         wtsd = workingdir + os.sep + 'wtsd_default.tif'
         RasterUtilClass.get_mask_from_raster(p, wtsd, True)
     fname = TauDEM.func_name('connectdown')
     return TauDEM.run(FileClass.get_executable_fullpath(fname, exedir),
                       {'-p': p, '-ad8': acc, '-w': wtsd},
                       {'-o': outlet},
                       {'mpipath': mpiexedir, 'hostfile': hostfile, 'n': np},
                       {'logfile': log_file, 'runtimefile': runtime_file})
コード例 #43
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize file names."""
        if ws is None:
            ws = os.path.basename(flowdirf)
        self.ws = ws
        if flow_model == 1:
            suffix = '_dinf.tif'
            suffix = '_d8.tif'
        self.rdgorg = self.ws + os.sep + 'RdgOrgSrc' + suffix
        self.boundsrc = self.ws + os.sep + 'RdgPotSrc' + suffix
        self.boundsrcfilter = self.ws + os.sep + 'RdgPotSrcFilter' + suffix

        if rdgsrc is None:
            rdgsrc = self.ws + os.sep + 'rdgsrc' + suffix
        self.rdgsrc = rdgsrc
        self.flowmodel = flow_model
        self.prop = prop
        # read raster data
        flowdir_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(flowdirf)
        self.flowdir_data = flowdir_r.data
        self.nrows = flowdir_r.nRows
        self.ncols = flowdir_r.nCols
        self.nodata_flow = flowdir_r.noDataValue
        self.geotrans = flowdir_r.geotrans
        self.srs = flowdir_r.srs
        subbsn_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(subbsnf)
        self.subbsn_data = subbsn_r.data
        self.nodata_subbsn = subbsn_r.noDataValue
        elev_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(elevf)
        self.elev_data = elev_r.data
        self.nodata_elev = elev_r.noDataValue

        # initialize output arrays
        self.rdgsrc_data = numpy.ones((self.nrows, self.ncols)) * 1
        self.rdgpot = numpy.ones((self.nrows, self.ncols)) * DEFAULT_NODATA
コード例 #44
ファイル: postTauDEM.py プロジェクト: clara-risk/PyGeoC
    def output_compressed_dinf(dinfflowang, compdinffile, weightfile):
        """Output compressed Dinf flow direction and weight to raster file
            dinfflowang: Dinf flow direction raster file
            compdinffile: Compressed D8 flow code
            weightfile: The correspond weight
        dinf_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(dinfflowang)
        data = dinf_r.data
        xsize = dinf_r.nCols
        ysize = dinf_r.nRows
        nodata_value = dinf_r.noDataValue

        cal_dir_code = frompyfunc(DinfUtil.compress_dinf, 2, 3)
        updated_angle, dir_code, weight = cal_dir_code(data, nodata_value)

        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(dinfflowang, ysize, xsize,
                                         updated_angle, dinf_r.geotrans,
                                         dinf_r.srs, DEFAULT_NODATA,
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(compdinffile, ysize, xsize, dir_code,
                                         dinf_r.geotrans, dinf_r.srs,
                                         DEFAULT_NODATA, GDT_Int16)
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(weightfile, ysize, xsize, weight,
                                         dinf_r.geotrans, dinf_r.srs,
                                         DEFAULT_NODATA, GDT_Float32)
コード例 #45
    def generate_cn2(maindb, landuse_file, hydrogroup_file, cn2_filename):
        """Generate CN2 raster."""
        query_result = maindb['LANDUSELOOKUP'].find()
        if query_result is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "LanduseLoop Collection is not existed or empty!")
        # cn2 list for each landuse type and hydrological soil group
        cn2_map = dict()
        for row in query_result:
            lu_id = row.get('LANDUSE_ID')
            cn2_list = [
            cn2_map[lu_id] = cn2_list
        # print(cn2Map)
        lu_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(landuse_file)
        data_landuse = lu_r.data
        xsize = lu_r.nCols
        ysize = lu_r.nRows
        nodata_value = lu_r.noDataValue

        hg_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(hydrogroup_file)
        data_hg = hg_r.data

        def cal_cn2(lucc_id, hg):
            """Calculate CN2 value from landuse ID and Hydro Group number."""
            lucc_id = int(lucc_id)
            if lucc_id < 0 or MathClass.floatequal(lucc_id, nodata_value):
                return DEFAULT_NODATA
                hg = int(hg) - 1
                if lucc_id not in cn2_map:
                    print("lucc %d not existed in cn2 lookup table!" % lucc_id)
                    return DEFAULT_NODATA
                return cn2_map[lucc_id][hg]

        cal_cn2_numpy = np_frompyfunc(cal_cn2, 2, 1)
        data_prop = cal_cn2_numpy(data_landuse, data_hg)
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(cn2_filename, ysize, xsize, data_prop,
                                         lu_r.geotrans, lu_r.srs, nodata_value,
コード例 #46
ファイル: postTauDEM.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/PyGeoC
 def assign_stream_id_raster(stream_file, subbasin_file, out_stream_file):
     """Assign stream link ID according to subbasin ID.
         stream_file: input stream raster file
         subbasin_file: subbasin raster file
         out_stream_file: output stream raster file
     stream_raster = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(stream_file)
     stream_data = stream_raster.data
     nrows = stream_raster.nRows
     ncols = stream_raster.nCols
     nodata = stream_raster.noDataValue
     subbain_data = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(subbasin_file).data
     nodata_array = ones((nrows, ncols)) * DEFAULT_NODATA
     newstream_data = where((stream_data > 0) & (stream_data != nodata),
                            subbain_data, nodata_array)
     RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(out_stream_file, nrows, ncols, newstream_data,
                                      stream_raster.geotrans, stream_raster.srs,
                                      DEFAULT_NODATA, GDT_Int16)
コード例 #47
ファイル: sp_terrain.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
    def flow_time_to_stream(streamlink, velocity, flow_dir_file, t0_s_file,
        """Calculate flow time to the workflow channel from each grid cell."""
        strlk_data = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(streamlink).data

        vel_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(velocity)
        vel_data = vel_r.data
        xsize = vel_r.nCols
        ysize = vel_r.nRows
        # noDataValue = vel_r.noDataValue

        weight = numpy.where(strlk_data <= 0, numpy.ones((ysize, xsize)),
                             numpy.zeros((ysize, xsize)))
        traveltime = numpy.where(vel_r.validZone, numpy.zeros((ysize, xsize)), vel_data)
        flowlen = TerrainUtilClass.calculate_flow_length(flow_dir_file, weight, flow_dir_code)
        traveltime = numpy.where(vel_r.validZone, flowlen / (vel_data * 5. / 3.) / 3600.,
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(t0_s_file, ysize, xsize, traveltime, vel_r.geotrans,
                                         vel_r.srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, GDT_Float32)
コード例 #48
ファイル: sd_delineation.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
    def post_process_of_delineated_data(cfg):
        """Do some necessary transfer for subbasin, stream, and flow direction raster."""
        # inputs
        stream_net_file = cfg.taudems.streamnet_shp
        subbasin_file = cfg.taudems.subbsn_m
        flow_dir_file_tau = cfg.taudems.d8flow_m
        stream_raster_file = cfg.taudems.stream_m
        # outputs
        # -- shapefile
        shp_dir = cfg.dirs.geoshp
        # ---- outlet, copy from DirNameUtils.TauDEM
        FileClass.copy_files(cfg.taudems.outlet_m, cfg.vecs.outlet)
        # ---- reaches
        output_reach_file = cfg.vecs.reach
        # ---- subbasins
        subbasin_vector_file = cfg.vecs.subbsn
        # -- raster file
        output_subbasin_file = cfg.spatials.subbsn
        output_flow_dir_file = cfg.spatials.d8flow
        output_stream_link_file = cfg.spatials.stream_link
        output_hillslope_file = cfg.spatials.hillslope

        id_map = StreamnetUtil.serialize_streamnet(stream_net_file, output_reach_file)
        RasterUtilClass.raster_reclassify(subbasin_file, id_map, output_subbasin_file, GDT_Int32)
        StreamnetUtil.assign_stream_id_raster(stream_raster_file, output_subbasin_file,

        # Convert D8 encoding rule to ArcGIS
        D8Util.convert_code(flow_dir_file_tau, output_flow_dir_file)

        # convert raster to shapefile (for subbasin and basin)
        print('Generating subbasin vector...')
        VectorUtilClass.raster2shp(output_subbasin_file, subbasin_vector_file, 'subbasin',
        mask_file = cfg.spatials.mask
        basin_vector = cfg.vecs.bsn
        print('Generating basin vector...')
        VectorUtilClass.raster2shp(mask_file, basin_vector, 'basin', FieldNames.basin)
        # delineate hillslope
        DelineateHillslope.downstream_method_whitebox(output_stream_link_file, flow_dir_file_tau,
コード例 #49
ファイル: sp_terrain_field.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
    def add_channel_width_to_shp(reach_shp_file, stream_link_file,
                                 width_data, default_depth=1.5):
        """Add channel/reach width and default depth to ESRI shapefile"""
        stream_link = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(stream_link_file)
        n_rows = stream_link.nRows
        n_cols = stream_link.nCols
        nodata_value = stream_link.noDataValue
        data_stream = stream_link.data

        ch_width_dic = dict()
        ch_num_dic = dict()

        for i in range(n_rows):
            for j in range(n_cols):
                if abs(data_stream[i][j] - nodata_value) > UTIL_ZERO:
                    tmpid = int(data_stream[i][j])
                    ch_num_dic.setdefault(tmpid, 0)
                    ch_width_dic.setdefault(tmpid, 0)
                    ch_num_dic[tmpid] += 1
                    ch_width_dic[tmpid] += width_data[i][j]

        for k in ch_num_dic:
            ch_width_dic[k] /= ch_num_dic[k]

        # add channel width_data field to reach shp file
        ds_reach = ogr_Open(reach_shp_file, update=True)
        layer_reach = ds_reach.GetLayer(0)
        layer_def = layer_reach.GetLayerDefn()
        i_link = layer_def.GetFieldIndex(ImportReaches2Mongo._LINKNO)
        i_width = layer_def.GetFieldIndex(ImportReaches2Mongo._WIDTH)
        i_depth = layer_def.GetFieldIndex(ImportReaches2Mongo._DEPTH)
        if i_width < 0:
            new_field = ogr_FieldDefn(ImportReaches2Mongo._WIDTH, OFTReal)
        if i_depth < 0:
            new_field = ogr_FieldDefn(ImportReaches2Mongo._DEPTH, OFTReal)
            # grid_code:feature map
        # ftmap = {}
        ft = layer_reach.GetNextFeature()
        while ft is not None:
            tmpid = ft.GetFieldAsInteger(i_link)
            w = 1
            if tmpid in list(ch_width_dic.keys()):
                w = ch_width_dic[tmpid]
            ft.SetField(ImportReaches2Mongo._WIDTH, w)
            ft.SetField(ImportReaches2Mongo._DEPTH, default_depth)
            ft = layer_reach.GetNextFeature()

        del ds_reach
コード例 #50
ファイル: sp_terrain.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
    def calculate_channel_width_depth(acc_file, chwidth_file, chdepth_file):
        """Calculate channel width and depth according to drainage area (km^2).

        The equations used in the BASINS software to estimate channel width and depth are adopted.

        W = 1.29 * A ^ 0.6
        D = 0.13 * A ^ 0.4

        where W is bankfull channel width (m), D is bankfull channel depth (m), and A is drainage
          area (km^2)

            Ames, D.P., Rafn, E.B., Kirk, R.V., Crosby, B., 2009.
              Estimation of stream channel geometry in Idaho using GIS-derived watershed
              characteristics. Environ. Model. Softw. 24, 444–448.

        acc_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(acc_file)
        xsize = acc_r.nCols
        ysize = acc_r.nRows
        dx = acc_r.dx
        cell_area = dx * dx * 0.000001  # m^2 ==> km^2

        tmp_ones = numpy.ones((ysize, xsize))
        width = tmp_ones * DEFAULT_NODATA
        depth = tmp_ones * DEFAULT_NODATA
        valid_values = numpy.where(acc_r.validZone, acc_r.data, tmp_ones)
        width = numpy.where(acc_r.validZone,
                            numpy.power((1.29 * (valid_values + 1) * cell_area), 0.6),
        depth = numpy.where(acc_r.validZone,
                            numpy.power((0.13 * (valid_values + 1) * cell_area), 0.4),

        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(chwidth_file, ysize, xsize, width, acc_r.geotrans,
                                         acc_r.srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, GDT_Float32)
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(chdepth_file, ysize, xsize, depth, acc_r.geotrans,
                                         acc_r.srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, GDT_Float32)
コード例 #51
ファイル: sp_landuse.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
    def generate_cn2(maindb, landuse_file, hydrogroup_file, cn2_filename):
        """Generate CN2 raster."""
        query_result = maindb['LANDUSELOOKUP'].find()
        if query_result is None:
            raise RuntimeError("LanduseLoop Collection is not existed or empty!")
        # cn2 list for each landuse type and hydrological soil group
        cn2_map = dict()
        for row in query_result:
            lu_id = row.get('LANDUSE_ID')
            cn2_list = [row.get('CN2A'), row.get('CN2B'), row.get('CN2C'), row.get('CN2D')]
            cn2_map[lu_id] = cn2_list
        # print(cn2Map)
        lu_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(landuse_file)
        data_landuse = lu_r.data
        xsize = lu_r.nCols
        ysize = lu_r.nRows
        nodata_value = lu_r.noDataValue

        hg_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(hydrogroup_file)
        data_hg = hg_r.data

        def cal_cn2(lucc_id, hg):
            """Calculate CN2 value from landuse ID and Hydro Group number."""
            lucc_id = int(lucc_id)
            if lucc_id < 0 or MathClass.floatequal(lucc_id, nodata_value):
                return DEFAULT_NODATA
                hg = int(hg) - 1
                if lucc_id not in cn2_map:
                    print("lucc %d not existed in cn2 lookup table!" % lucc_id)
                    return DEFAULT_NODATA
                return cn2_map[lucc_id][hg]

        cal_cn2_numpy = np_frompyfunc(cal_cn2, 2, 1)
        data_prop = cal_cn2_numpy(data_landuse, data_hg)
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(cn2_filename, ysize, xsize, data_prop, lu_r.geotrans,
                                         lu_r.srs, nodata_value, GDT_Float32)
コード例 #52
ファイル: sp_terrain_field.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
    def calculate_channel_width(acc_file, chwidth_file):
        """Calculate channel width."""
        acc_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(acc_file)
        xsize = acc_r.nCols
        ysize = acc_r.nRows
        dx = acc_r.dx
        cell_area = dx * dx

        # storm frequency   a      b
        # 2                 1      0.56
        # 10                1.2    0.56
        # 100               1.4    0.56
        a = 1.2
        b = 0.56
        # TODO: Figure out what's means, and move it to text.py or config.py. LJ

        tmp_ones = numpy.ones((ysize, xsize))
        width = tmp_ones * DEFAULT_NODATA
        valid_values = numpy.where(acc_r.validZone, acc_r.data, tmp_ones)
        width = numpy.where(acc_r.validZone, numpy.power((a * (valid_values + 1)
                                                          * cell_area / 1000000.), b), width)
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(chwidth_file, ysize, xsize, width, acc_r.geotrans,
                                         acc_r.srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, GDT_Float32)
        return width
コード例 #53
ファイル: sd_delineation.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
 def output_wgs84_geojson(cfg):
     """Convert ESRI shapefile to GeoJson based on WGS84 coordinate."""
     src_srs = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(cfg.dem).srs
     proj_srs = src_srs.ExportToProj4()
     if not proj_srs:
         raise ValueError('The source raster %s has not '
                          'coordinate, which is required!' % cfg.dem)
     # print(proj_srs)
     wgs84_srs = 'EPSG:4326'
     geo_json_dict = {'reach': [cfg.vecs.reach, cfg.vecs.json_reach],
                      'subbasin': [cfg.vecs.subbsn, cfg.vecs.json_subbsn],
                      'basin': [cfg.vecs.bsn, cfg.vecs.json_bsn],
                      'outlet': [cfg.vecs.outlet, cfg.vecs.json_outlet]}
     for jsonName, shp_json_list in list(geo_json_dict.items()):
         # delete if geojson file already existed
         if FileClass.is_file_exists(shp_json_list[1]):
         VectorUtilClass.convert2geojson(shp_json_list[1], proj_srs, wgs84_srs,
コード例 #54
ファイル: sp_terrain.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
    def calculate_flow_length(flow_dir_file, weight, flow_dir_code='TauDEM'):
        """Generate flow length with weight."""
        flow_dir_raster = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(flow_dir_file)
        fdir_data = flow_dir_raster.data
        xsize = flow_dir_raster.nCols
        ysize = flow_dir_raster.nRows
        nodata_value = flow_dir_raster.noDataValue
        # geotransform = flow_dir_raster.srs
        cellsize = flow_dir_raster.dx
        length = numpy.zeros((ysize, xsize))

        for i in range(0, ysize):
            for j in range(0, xsize):
                if abs(fdir_data[i][j] - nodata_value) < UTIL_ZERO:
                    length[i][j] = nodata_value
                TerrainUtilClass.flow_length_cell(i, j, ysize, xsize, fdir_data, cellsize, weight,
                                                  length, flow_dir_code)
        return length
コード例 #55
ファイル: sp_terrain.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/SEIMS
    def std_of_flow_time_to_stream(streamlink, flow_dir_file, slope, radius, velocity, delta_s_file,
        """Generate standard deviation of t0_s (flow time to the workflow channel from each cell).
        strlk_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(streamlink)
        strlk_data = strlk_r.data
        rad_data = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(radius).data
        slo_data = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(slope).data

        vel_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(velocity)
        vel_data = vel_r.data
        xsize = vel_r.nCols
        ysize = vel_r.nRows
        nodata_value = vel_r.noDataValue

        def initial_variables(vel, strlk, slp, rad):
            """initial variables"""
            if abs(vel - nodata_value) < UTIL_ZERO:
                return DEFAULT_NODATA
            if strlk <= 0:
                tmp_weight = 1
                tmp_weight = 0
            # 0 is river
            if slp < 0.0005:
                slp = 0.0005
            # dampGrid = vel * rad / (slp / 100. * 2.) # No need to divide 100
            # in my view. By LJ
            damp_grid = vel * rad / (slp * 2.)
            celerity = vel * 5. / 3.
            tmp_weight *= damp_grid * 2. / numpy.power(celerity, 3.)
            return tmp_weight

        initial_variables_numpy = numpy.frompyfunc(initial_variables, 4, 1)
        weight = initial_variables_numpy(vel_data, strlk_data, slo_data, rad_data)

        delta_s_sqr = TerrainUtilClass.calculate_flow_length(flow_dir_file, weight, flow_dir_code)

        def cal_delta_s(vel, sqr):
            """Calculate delta s"""
            if abs(vel - nodata_value) < UTIL_ZERO:
                return nodata_value
                return sqrt(sqr) / 3600.

        cal_delta_s_numpy = numpy.frompyfunc(cal_delta_s, 2, 1)
        delta_s = cal_delta_s_numpy(vel_data, delta_s_sqr)

        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(delta_s_file, ysize, xsize, delta_s, strlk_r.geotrans,
                                         strlk_r.srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, GDT_Float32)
コード例 #56
    def get_subbasin_cell_count(subbsn_file, subdict=None):
        """Get cell number of each subbasin.
            subbsn_file: subbasin raster file.
            subdict: default is None

            subbasin cell count dict and cell width
        wtsd_raster = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(subbsn_file)

        values, counts = numpy.unique(wtsd_raster.data, return_counts=True)
        if not subdict:
            subdict = dict()
        for v, c in zip(values, counts):
            if abs(v - wtsd_raster.noDataValue) < UTIL_ZERO:
            subdict[int(v)][ImportReaches2Mongo._NUMCELLS] = int(c)
            subdict[int(v)][ImportReaches2Mongo._AREA] = int(c) * wtsd_raster.dx ** 2
        return subdict
コード例 #57
def main():
    """Read GeoTiff raster data and print statistics.
    The output will be::

        rows: 130, cols: 100
        LLCornerX: 755145.28, LLCornerY: 654294.06
        cell size: 10.0
        mean: 203.92, max: 284.07, min: 139.11
        std: 32.32, sum: 2650967.00

    input_tif = "../tests/data/Jamaica_dem.tif"
    rst = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(input_tif)
    # metadata information
    print("rows: %d, cols: %d" % (rst.nRows, rst.nCols))
    print("LLCornerX: %.2f, LLCornerY: %.2f" % (rst.xMin, rst.yMin))
    print("cell size: %.1f" % rst.dx)
    # basic statistics, nodata is excluded
    print("mean: %.2f, max: %.2f, min: %.2f" % (rst.get_average(), rst.get_max(), rst.get_min()))
    print("std: %.2f, sum: %.2f" % (rst.get_std(), rst.get_sum()))
コード例 #58
ファイル: postTauDEM.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/PyGeoC
    def output_compressed_dinf(dinfflowang, compdinffile, weightfile):
        """Output compressed Dinf flow direction and weight to raster file
            dinfflowang: Dinf flow direction raster file
            compdinffile: Compressed D8 flow code
            weightfile: The correspond weight
        dinf_r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(dinfflowang)
        data = dinf_r.data
        xsize = dinf_r.nCols
        ysize = dinf_r.nRows
        nodata_value = dinf_r.noDataValue

        cal_dir_code = frompyfunc(DinfUtil.compress_dinf, 2, 3)
        updated_angle, dir_code, weight = cal_dir_code(data, nodata_value)

        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(dinfflowang, ysize, xsize, updated_angle,
                                         dinf_r.geotrans, dinf_r.srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, GDT_Float32)
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(compdinffile, ysize, xsize, dir_code,
                                         dinf_r.geotrans, dinf_r.srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, GDT_Int16)
        RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(weightfile, ysize, xsize, weight,
                                         dinf_r.geotrans, dinf_r.srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, GDT_Float32)
コード例 #59
ファイル: TauDEM.py プロジェクト: crazyzlj/PyGeoC
    def watershed_delineation(np, dem, outlet_file=None, thresh=0, singlebasin=False,
                              workingdir=None, mpi_bin=None, bin_dir=None,
                              logfile=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None):
        """Watershed Delineation."""
        # 1. Check directories
        if not os.path.exists(dem):
            TauDEM.error('DEM: %s is not existed!' % dem)
        dem = os.path.abspath(dem)
        if workingdir is None:
            workingdir = os.path.dirname(dem)
        namecfg = TauDEMFilesUtils(workingdir)
        workingdir = namecfg.workspace
        # 2. Check log file
        if logfile is not None and FileClass.is_file_exists(logfile):
        # 3. Get predefined intermediate file names
        filled_dem = namecfg.filldem
        flow_dir = namecfg.d8flow
        slope = namecfg.slp
        flow_dir_dinf = namecfg.dinf
        slope_dinf = namecfg.dinf_slp
        dir_code_dinf = namecfg.dinf_d8dir
        weight_dinf = namecfg.dinf_weight
        acc = namecfg.d8acc
        stream_raster = namecfg.stream_raster
        default_outlet = namecfg.outlet_pre
        modified_outlet = namecfg.outlet_m
        stream_skeleton = namecfg.stream_pd
        acc_with_weight = namecfg.d8acc_weight
        stream_order = namecfg.stream_order
        ch_network = namecfg.channel_net
        ch_coord = namecfg.channel_coord
        stream_net = namecfg.streamnet_shp
        subbasin = namecfg.subbsn
        dist2_stream_d8 = namecfg.dist2stream_d8

        # 4. perform calculation
        UtilClass.writelog(logfile, '[Output] %d..., %s' % (10, 'pitremove DEM...'), 'a')
        TauDEM.pitremove(np, dem, filled_dem, workingdir, mpi_bin, bin_dir,
                         log_file=logfile, runtime_file=runtime_file, hostfile=hostfile)
        UtilClass.writelog(logfile, '[Output] %d..., %s' %
                           (20, 'Calculating D8 and Dinf flow direction...'), 'a')
        TauDEM.d8flowdir(np, filled_dem, flow_dir, slope, workingdir,
                         mpi_bin, bin_dir, log_file=logfile,
                         runtime_file=runtime_file, hostfile=hostfile)
        TauDEM.dinfflowdir(np, filled_dem, flow_dir_dinf, slope_dinf, workingdir,
                           mpi_bin, bin_dir, log_file=logfile,
                           runtime_file=runtime_file, hostfile=hostfile)
        DinfUtil.output_compressed_dinf(flow_dir_dinf, dir_code_dinf, weight_dinf)
        UtilClass.writelog(logfile, '[Output] %d..., %s' % (30, 'D8 flow accumulation...'), 'a')
        TauDEM.aread8(np, flow_dir, acc, None, None, False, workingdir, mpi_bin, bin_dir,
                      log_file=logfile, runtime_file=runtime_file, hostfile=hostfile)
        UtilClass.writelog(logfile, '[Output] %d..., %s' %
                           (40, 'Generating stream raster initially...'), 'a')
        min_accum, max_accum, mean_accum, std_accum = RasterUtilClass.raster_statistics(acc)
        TauDEM.threshold(np, acc, stream_raster, mean_accum, workingdir,
                         mpi_bin, bin_dir, log_file=logfile,
                         runtime_file=runtime_file, hostfile=hostfile)
        UtilClass.writelog(logfile, '[Output] %d..., %s' % (50, 'Moving outlet to stream...'), 'a')
        if outlet_file is None:
            outlet_file = default_outlet
            TauDEM.connectdown(np, flow_dir, acc, outlet_file, wtsd=None,
                               workingdir=workingdir, mpiexedir=mpi_bin, exedir=bin_dir,
                               log_file=logfile, runtime_file=runtime_file, hostfile=hostfile)
        TauDEM.moveoutletstostrm(np, flow_dir, stream_raster, outlet_file,
                                 modified_outlet, workingdir, mpi_bin, bin_dir,
                                 log_file=logfile, runtime_file=runtime_file, hostfile=hostfile)
        UtilClass.writelog(logfile, '[Output] %d..., %s' %
                           (60, 'Generating stream skeleton...'), 'a')
        TauDEM.peukerdouglas(np, filled_dem, stream_skeleton, workingdir,
                             mpi_bin, bin_dir, log_file=logfile,
                             runtime_file=runtime_file, hostfile=hostfile)
        UtilClass.writelog(logfile, '[Output] %d..., %s' %
                           (70, 'Flow accumulation with outlet...'), 'a')
        tmp_outlet = None
        if singlebasin:
            tmp_outlet = modified_outlet
        TauDEM.aread8(np, flow_dir, acc_with_weight, tmp_outlet, stream_skeleton, False,
                      workingdir, mpi_bin, bin_dir, log_file=logfile,
                      runtime_file=runtime_file, hostfile=hostfile)

        if thresh <= 0:  # find the optimal threshold using dropanalysis function
            UtilClass.writelog(logfile, '[Output] %d..., %s' %
                               (75, 'Drop analysis to select optimal threshold...'), 'a')
            min_accum, max_accum, mean_accum, std_accum = \
            if mean_accum - std_accum < 0:
                minthresh = mean_accum
                minthresh = mean_accum - std_accum
            maxthresh = mean_accum + std_accum
            numthresh = 20
            logspace = 'true'
            drp_file = namecfg.drptxt
            TauDEM.dropanalysis(np, filled_dem, flow_dir, acc_with_weight,
                                acc_with_weight, modified_outlet, minthresh, maxthresh,
                                numthresh, logspace, drp_file, workingdir, mpi_bin, bin_dir,
                                log_file=logfile, runtime_file=runtime_file, hostfile=hostfile)
            if not FileClass.is_file_exists(drp_file):
                raise RuntimeError('Dropanalysis failed and drp.txt was not created!')
            with open(drp_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as drpf:
                temp_contents = drpf.read()
                (beg, thresh) = temp_contents.rsplit(' ', 1)
        UtilClass.writelog(logfile, '[Output] %d..., %s' % (80, 'Generating stream raster...'), 'a')
        TauDEM.threshold(np, acc_with_weight, stream_raster, float(thresh),
                         workingdir, mpi_bin, bin_dir, log_file=logfile,
                         runtime_file=runtime_file, hostfile=hostfile)
        UtilClass.writelog(logfile, '[Output] %d..., %s' % (90, 'Generating stream net...'), 'a')
        TauDEM.streamnet(np, filled_dem, flow_dir, acc_with_weight, stream_raster,
                         modified_outlet, stream_order, ch_network,
                         ch_coord, stream_net, subbasin, workingdir, mpi_bin, bin_dir,
                         log_file=logfile, runtime_file=runtime_file, hostfile=hostfile)
        UtilClass.writelog(logfile, '[Output] %d..., %s' %
                           (95, 'Calculating distance to stream (D8)...'), 'a')
        TauDEM.d8hdisttostrm(np, flow_dir, stream_raster, dist2_stream_d8, 1,
                             workingdir, mpi_bin, bin_dir, log_file=logfile,
                             runtime_file=runtime_file, hostfile=hostfile)
        UtilClass.writelog(logfile, '[Output] %d.., %s' %
                           (100, 'Original subbasin delineation is finished!'), 'a')