コード例 #1
# Pygeode interface for HDF4 files
#TODO: bring out EOSGRID stuff into a separate module?

from pygeode.libhelper import load_lib
    lib1 = load_lib('df', Global=True)  # so we have symbol 'error_top'
    lib = load_lib('mfhdf')
except OSError as e:
    print('Failed to load HDF libraries; no HDF support available.')

del load_lib

import numpy as np
numpy_type = {
    20: np.int8,
    21: np.uint8,
    22: np.int16,
    23: np.uint16,
    24: np.int32,
    25: np.uint32,
    5: np.float32,
    6: np.float64
del np

hdf_type = {
    'int8': 20,
    'uint8': 21,
    'int16': 22,
    'uint16': 23,
    'int32': 24,
コード例 #2
ファイル: netcdf.py プロジェクト: neishm/pygeode
#TODO: when saving, convert NaN to another fill value?
# Pygeode interface for netCDF files

from ctypes import c_char_p
from pygeode.libhelper import load_lib
lib = load_lib('netcdf')
lib.nc_strerror.restype = c_char_p
del c_char_p

# Map netcdf types to numpy types
import numpy as np
numpy_type = {1:np.int8, 2:np.dtype('|S1'), 3:np.int16, 4:np.int32,
              5:np.float32, 6:np.float64, 7:np.uint8, 8:np.uint16,
              9:np.uint32, 10:np.int64, 11:np.uint64}
del np

NC_MAX_DIMS = 1024

nc_type_v3 = {'int8':1, 'string8':2, 'bytes8':2, 'int16':3, 'int32':4,
           'float32':5, 'float64':6, 'uint8':3, 'uint16':4,
           'uint32':4, 'int64':6, 'uint64':6}

nc_type_v4 = {'int8':1, 'string8':2, 'int16':3, 'int32':4,
           'float32':5, 'float64':6, 'uint8':7, 'uint16':8,
           'uint32':9, 'int64':10, 'uint64':11}

nc_type = {3:nc_type_v3, 4:nc_type_v4}

get_att_f = {1:lib.nc_get_att_schar, 2:lib.nc_get_att_text,
コード例 #3
#TODO: when saving, convert NaN to another fill value?
# Pygeode interface for netCDF files

from ctypes import c_char_p
from pygeode.libhelper import load_lib
lib = load_lib('netcdf')
lib.nc_strerror.restype = c_char_p
del c_char_p

# Map netcdf types to numpy types
import numpy as np
numpy_type = {
    1: np.int8,
    2: np.dtype('|S1'),
    3: np.int16,
    4: np.int32,
    5: np.float32,
    6: np.float64,
    7: np.uint8,
    8: np.uint16,
    9: np.uint32,
    10: np.int64,
    11: np.uint64
del np

NC_MAX_DIMS = 1024

nc_type_v3 = {
コード例 #4
ファイル: hdf4.py プロジェクト: neishm/pygeode
# Pygeode interface for HDF4 files
#TODO: bring out EOSGRID stuff into a separate module?

from pygeode.libhelper import load_lib
  lib1 = load_lib('df', Global=True)  # so we have symbol 'error_top'
  lib = load_lib('mfhdf')
except OSError as e:
  print('Failed to load HDF libraries; no HDF support available.')

del load_lib

import numpy as np
numpy_type = {20:np.int8, 21:np.uint8, 22:np.int16, 23:np.uint16,
              24:np.int32, 25:np.uint32, 5:np.float32, 6:np.float64}
del np

hdf_type = {'int8':20, 'uint8':21, 'int16':22, 'uint16':23,
            'int32':24, 'uint32':25, 'float32':5, 'float64':6}

# Return an attribute dictionary given an HDF id (and expected # of attributes)
def get_attributes (obj_id, natts):
  from ctypes import create_string_buffer, c_long, byref
  import numpy as np
  from pygeode.tools import point
  atts = {}
  for i in range(natts):
    name = create_string_buffer(256)
    type = c_long()
    count = c_long()
    ret = lib.SDattrinfo(obj_id, i, name, byref(type), byref(count))