コード例 #1
ファイル: reduce.py プロジェクト: aerler/pygeode
  def getview (self, view, pbar):
    import numpy as np
    from pygeode.tools import loopover, npnansum
    out = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)
    out *= np.nan
    N = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)
    N *= np.nan
    for outsl, (indata,) in loopover(self.var, view, pbar=pbar):
      # Must increment in a nan-safe way
      out[outsl] = np.nansum([out[outsl], npnansum(indata, self.indices)], 0)
      # Sum of weights (kludge to get masking right)
      N[outsl] = np.nansum([N[outsl], npnansum(1. + indata*0., self.indices)], 0) 

    return out / N
コード例 #2
ファイル: reduce.py プロジェクト: wdjlover/pygeode
  def getview (self, view, pbar):
    import numpy as np
    from pygeode.tools import loopover, npnansum
    out = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)
    out *= np.nan
    N = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)
    N *= np.nan
    for outsl, (indata,) in loopover(self.var, view, pbar=pbar):
      # Must increment in a nan-safe way
      out[outsl] = np.nansum([out[outsl], npnansum(indata, self.indices)], 0)
      # Sum of weights (kludge to get masking right)
      N[outsl] = np.nansum([N[outsl], npnansum(1. + indata*0., self.indices)], 0) 

    return out / N
コード例 #3
ファイル: reduce.py プロジェクト: aerler/pygeode
  def getview (self, view, pbar):
  # {{{
    import numpy as np
    from pygeode.tools import loopover, npnansum
    out = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)
    out *= np.nan
    W = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)
    W *= np.nan
    for outsl, (indata, inw) in loopover([self.var, self.mweights], view, self.var.axes, pbar=pbar):
      # Must increment in a nan-safe way
      out[outsl] = np.nansum([out[outsl], \
              npnansum(indata * inw, self.indices)], 0)     # Product of data and weights
      W[outsl] = np.nansum([W[outsl], \
              npnansum(inw + indata*0., self.indices)], 0)  # Sum of weights (kludge to get masking right)

    return out / W
コード例 #4
ファイル: reduce.py プロジェクト: wdjlover/pygeode
  def getview (self, view, pbar):
  # {{{
    import numpy as np
    from pygeode.tools import loopover, npnansum
    out = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)
    out *= np.nan
    W = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)
    W *= np.nan
    for outsl, (indata, inw) in loopover([self.var, self.mweights], view, self.var.axes, pbar=pbar):
      # Must increment in a nan-safe way
      out[outsl] = np.nansum([out[outsl], \
              npnansum(indata * inw, self.indices)], 0)     # Product of data and weights
      W[outsl] = np.nansum([W[outsl], \
              npnansum(inw + indata*0., self.indices)], 0)  # Sum of weights (kludge to get masking right)

    return out / W
コード例 #5
 def getview(self, view, pbar):
     import numpy as np
     from pygeode.tools import loopover, npnansum
     out = np.full(view.shape, np.nan, self.dtype)
     for outsl, (indata, ) in loopover(self.var, view, pbar=pbar):
         # Accumulation must be nan-safe
         out[outsl] = np.nansum(
             [out[outsl], npnansum(indata, self.indices)], 0)
     return out
コード例 #6
    def getview(self, view, pbar):
        import numpy as np
        from pygeode.tools import loopover, npnansum
        out = np.full(view.shape, np.nan, self.dtype)
        N = np.full(view.shape, np.nan, self.dtype)
        for outsl, (indata, ) in loopover(self.var, view, pbar=pbar):
            # Must increment in a nan-safe way
            out[outsl] = np.nansum(
                [out[outsl], npnansum(indata, self.indices)], 0)
            # Sum of weights (kludge to get masking right)
            N[outsl] = np.nansum(
                [N[outsl], npnansum(~np.isnan(indata), self.indices)], 0)

        nmsk = (N > 0.)
        out[nmsk] /= N[nmsk]
        out[~nmsk] = np.nan

        return out
コード例 #7
ファイル: reduce.py プロジェクト: aerler/pygeode
 def getview (self, view, pbar):
   import numpy as np
   from pygeode.tools import loopover, npnansum
   out = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)
   out *= np.nan
   for outsl, (indata,) in loopover(self.var, view, pbar=pbar):
     # Accumulation must be nan-safe
     out[outsl] = np.nansum([out[outsl], npnansum(indata, self.indices)], 0)
   return out
コード例 #8
    def getview(self, view, pbar):
        # {{{
        import numpy as np
        from pygeode.tools import loopover, npnansum
        out = np.full(view.shape, np.nan, self.dtype)
        W = np.full(view.shape, np.nan, self.dtype)
        for outsl, (indata, inw) in loopover([self.var, self.mweights],
            # Must increment in a nan-safe way
            out[outsl] = np.nansum([out[outsl], \
                    npnansum(indata * inw, self.indices)], 0)     # Product of data and weights
            W[outsl] = np.nansum([W[outsl], \
                    npnansum((~np.isnan(indata)) * inw, self.indices)], 0)  # Sum of weights (kludge to get masking right)

        nmsk = (W > 0.)
        out[nmsk] /= W[nmsk]
        out[~nmsk] = np.nan

        return out
コード例 #9
ファイル: reduce.py プロジェクト: aerler/pygeode
  def getview (self, view, pbar):
  # {{{
    import numpy as np
    from pygeode.tools import loopover, npnansum
    out = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)
    out *= np.nan
    for outsl, (indata, inw) in loopover([self.var, self.mweights], view, self.var.axes, pbar=pbar):
      # Accumulation must be nan-safe
      out[outsl] = np.nansum([out[outsl], \
              npnansum(indata * inw, self.indices)], 0)     # Product of data and weights

    return out
コード例 #10
ファイル: reduce.py プロジェクト: wdjlover/pygeode
  def getview (self, view, pbar):
  # {{{
    import numpy as np
    from pygeode.tools import loopover, npnansum
    out = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)
    out *= np.nan
    for outsl, (indata, inw) in loopover([self.var, self.mweights], view, self.var.axes, pbar=pbar):
      # Accumulation must be nan-safe
      out[outsl] = np.nansum([out[outsl], \
              npnansum(indata * inw, self.indices)], 0)     # Product of data and weights

    return out
コード例 #11
ファイル: reduce.py プロジェクト: wdjlover/pygeode
  def getview (self, view, pbar):
    import numpy as np
    from pygeode.tools import loopover, npnansum
    x = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)
    x *= np.nan
    x2 = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)
    x2 *= np.nan
    N = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)
    N *= np.nan
    for outsl, (indata,) in loopover(self.var, view, pbar=pbar):
      x[outsl] = np.nansum([x[outsl],\
                  npnansum(indata, self.indices)], 0)
      x2[outsl] = np.nansum([x2[outsl],\
                  npnansum(indata**2, self.indices)], 0)  
      N[outsl] = np.nansum([N[outsl],\
                  npnansum(1. + indata*0., self.indices)], 0)
    zeros = np.asarray(N <= 1.)
    x[zeros] = np.nan
    x2[zeros] = np.nan

    return (x2 - x**2/N) / (N - 1.)
コード例 #12
ファイル: reduce.py プロジェクト: aerler/pygeode
  def getview (self, view, pbar):
    import numpy as np
    from pygeode.tools import loopover, npnansum
    x = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)
    x *= np.nan
    x2 = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)
    x2 *= np.nan
    N = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)
    N *= np.nan
    for outsl, (indata,) in loopover(self.var, view, pbar=pbar):
      x[outsl] = np.nansum([x[outsl],\
                  npnansum(indata, self.indices)], 0)
      x2[outsl] = np.nansum([x2[outsl],\
                  npnansum(indata**2, self.indices)], 0)  
      N[outsl] = np.nansum([N[outsl],\
                  npnansum(1. + indata*0., self.indices)], 0)
    zeros = np.asarray(N <= 1.)
    x[zeros] = np.nan
    x2[zeros] = np.nan

    return (x2 - x**2/N) / (N - 1.)
コード例 #13
    def getview(self, view, pbar):
        import numpy as np
        from pygeode.tools import loopover, npnansum
        x = np.full(view.shape, np.nan, self.dtype)
        x2 = np.full(view.shape, np.nan, self.dtype)
        N = np.full(view.shape, np.nan, self.dtype)

        out = np.zeros(view.shape, self.dtype)

        for outsl, (indata, ) in loopover(self.var, view, pbar=pbar):
            x[outsl] = np.nansum([x[outsl],\
                        npnansum(indata, self.indices)], 0)
            x2[outsl] = np.nansum([x2[outsl],\
                        npnansum(indata**2, self.indices)], 0)
            N[outsl] = np.nansum(
                [N[outsl], npnansum(~np.isnan(indata), self.indices)], 0)

        nmsk = (N > 1.)
        out[nmsk] = x2[nmsk] - x[nmsk]**2 / N[nmsk]
        out[nmsk] /= N[nmsk] - 1.
        out[~nmsk] = np.nan

        return out
コード例 #14
def paired_difference(X,
    # {{{
    r'''Computes the mean value and statistics of X - Y, assuming that individual elements
  of X and Y can be directly paired. In contrast to :func:`difference`, X and Y must have the same

  X, Y : :class:`Var`
    Variables to difference. Must share all axes over which the means are being computed.

  axes : list, optional
    Axes over which to compute means; if nothing is specified, the mean
    is computed over all axes common to X and Y.

  alpha : float
    Confidence level for which to compute confidence interval.

  N_fac : integer
    A factor by which to rescale the estimated number of degrees of freedom of
    X and Y; the effective number will be given by the number estimated from the
    dataset divided by ``N_fac``.

  output : string, optional
    A string determining which parameters are returned; see list of possible outputs
    in the Returns section. The specifications must be separated by a comma. Defaults 
    to 'd,p,ci'.

  pbar : progress bar, optional
    A progress bar object. If nothing is provided, a progress bar will be displayed
    if the calculation takes sufficiently long.

  results : :class:`Dataset` 
    The returned variables are specified by the ``output`` argument. The names
    of the variables match the output request string (i.e. if ``ds`` is the
    returned dataset, the average of the difference can be obtained by
    ``ds.d``). The following four quantities can be computed:

    * 'd': The difference in the means, X - Y
    * 'df': The effective number of degrees of freedom, :math:`df`
    * 'p': The p-value; see notes.
    * 'ci': The confidence interval of the difference at the level specified by ``alpha``

  See Also

  Following section 6.6.6 of von Storch and Zwiers 1999, a one-sample t test is used to test the
  hypothesis. The number of degrees of freedom is the sample size scaled by N_fac, less one. This
  provides a means of taking into account serial correlation in the data (see sections 6.6.7-9), but
  the appropriate number of effective degrees of freedom are not calculated explicitly by this
  routine. The p-value and confidence interval are computed based on the t-statistic in eq

    from pygeode.tools import loopover, whichaxis, combine_axes, shared_axes, npnansum
    from pygeode.view import View

    # Split output request now
    ovars = ['d', 'df', 'p', 'ci']
    output = [o for o in output.split(',') if o in ovars]
    if len(output) < 1:
        raise ValueError(
            'No valid outputs are requested from correlation. Possible outputs are %s.'
            % str(ovars))

    srcaxes = combine_axes([X, Y])
    oiaxes, riaxes = shared_axes(srcaxes, [X.axes, Y.axes])
    if axes is not None:
        ri_new = []
        for a in axes:
            i = whichaxis(srcaxes, a)
            if i not in riaxes:
                raise KeyError('%s axis not shared by X ("%s") and Y ("%s")' %
                               (a, X.name, Y.name))
        oiaxes.extend([r for r in riaxes if r not in ri_new])
        riaxes = ri_new

    oaxes = [a for i, a in enumerate(srcaxes) if i not in riaxes]
    oview = View(oaxes)

    ixaxes = [X.whichaxis(n) for n in axes if X.hasaxis(n)]
    Nx = np.product([len(X.axes[i]) for i in ixaxes])

    iyaxes = [Y.whichaxis(n) for n in axes if Y.hasaxis(n)]
    Ny = np.product([len(Y.axes[i]) for i in iyaxes])

    assert ixaxes == iyaxes and Nx == Ny, 'For the paired difference test, X and Y must have the same size along the reduction axes.'

    if pbar is None:
        from pygeode.progress import PBar
        pbar = PBar()

    assert Nx > 1, '%s has only one element along the reduction axes' % X.name
    assert Ny > 1, '%s has only one element along the reduction axes' % Y.name

    # Construct work arrays
    d = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')
    dd = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')
    N = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')

    # Accumulate data
    for outsl, (xdata, ydata) in loopover([X, Y],
        ddata = xdata.astype('d') - ydata.astype('d')
        d[outsl] = np.nansum([d[outsl], npnansum(ddata, ixaxes)], 0)
        dd[outsl] = np.nansum([dd[outsl], npnansum(ddata**2, ixaxes)], 0)

        # Count of non-NaN data points
        N[outsl] = np.nansum([N[outsl], npnansum(~np.isnan(ddata), ixaxes)], 0)

    # remove the mean (NOTE: numerically unstable if mean >> stdev)
    imsk = (N > 1)
    dd[imsk] -= (d * d)[imsk] / N[imsk]
    dd[imsk] /= (N[imsk] - 1)
    d[imsk] /= N[imsk]

    # Ensure variance is non-negative
    dd[dd <= 0.] = 0.

    if N_fac is not None: eN = N // N_fac
    else: eN = N

    emsk = (eN > 1)

    den = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
    p = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
    ci = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')

    den = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
    den[emsk] = np.sqrt(dd[emsk] / (eN[emsk] - 1))
    dmsk = (den > 0.)

    p[dmsk] = np.abs(d[dmsk] / den[dmsk])
    p[dmsk] = 2. * (1. - tdist.cdf(p[dmsk], eN[dmsk] - 1))
    ci[dmsk] = tdist.ppf(1. - alpha / 2, eN[dmsk] - 1) * den[dmsk]

    # Construct dataset to return
    xn = X.name if X.name != '' else 'X'
    yn = Y.name if Y.name != '' else 'Y'

    from pygeode.var import Var
    from pygeode.dataset import asdataset

    rvs = []

    if 'd' in output:
        d = Var(oaxes, values=d, name='d')
        d.atts['longname'] = 'Difference (%s - %s)' % (xn, yn)

    if 'df' in output:
        df = Var(oaxes, values=eN - 1, name='df')
        df.atts['longname'] = 'Degrees of freedom used for t-test'

    if 'p' in output:
        p = Var(oaxes, values=p, name='p')
            'longname'] = 'p-value for t-test of paired difference (%s - %s)' % (
                xn, yn)

    if 'ci' in output:
        ci = Var(oaxes, values=ci, name='ci')
            'longname'] = 'Confidence Interval (alpha = %.2f) of paired difference (%s - %s)' % (
                alpha, xn, yn)

    ds = asdataset(rvs)
    ds.atts['alpha'] = alpha
    ds.atts['N_fac'] = N_fac
    ds.atts['description'] = 't-test of paired difference (%s - %s)' % (yn, xn)

    return ds
コード例 #15
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: wdjlover/pygeode
def difference(X, Y, axes, alpha=0.05, Nx_fac = None, Ny_fac = None, pbar=None):
# {{{
  r'''Computes the mean value and statistics of X - Y.

  X, Y : :class:`Var`
    Variables to difference. Must have at least one axis in common.

  axes : list, optional
    Axes over which to compute means; if nothing is specified, the mean
    is computed over all axes common to X and Y.

  alpha : float
    Confidence level for which to compute confidence interval.

  Nx_fac : integer
    A factor by which to rescale the estimated number of degrees of freedom of
    X; the effective number will be given by the number estimated from the
    dataset divided by ``Nx_fac``.

  Ny_fac : integer
    A factor by which to rescale the estimated number of degrees of freedom of
    Y; the effective number will be given by the number estimated from the
    dataset divided by ``Ny_fac``.

  pbar : progress bar, optional
    A progress bar object. If nothing is provided, a progress bar will be displayed
    if the calculation takes sufficiently long.

  results : tuple or :class:`Dataset` instance.
    Four quantities are computed:

    * The difference in the means, X - Y
    * The effective number of degrees of freedom, :math:`df`
    * The probability of the computed difference if the population difference was zero
    * The confidence interval of the difference at the level specified by alpha

    If the average is taken over all axes of X and Y resulting in a scalar,
    the above values are returned as a tuple in the order given. If not, the
    results are provided as :class:`Var` objects in a dataset. 

  See Also

  The effective number of degrees of freedom is estimated using eq (6.20) of 
  von Storch and Zwiers 1999, in which :math:`n_X` and :math:`n_Y` are scaled by
  Nx_fac and Ny_fac, respectively. This provides a means of taking into account
  serial correlation in the data (see sections 6.6.7-9), but the number of effective
  degrees of freedom are not calculated explicitly by this routine. The p-value and 
  confidence interval are computed based on the t-statistic in eq (6.19).'''

  from pygeode.tools import combine_axes, whichaxis, loopover, npsum, npnansum
  from pygeode.view import View

  srcaxes = combine_axes([X, Y])
  riaxes = [whichaxis(srcaxes, n) for n in axes]
  raxes = [a for i, a in enumerate(srcaxes) if i in riaxes]
  oaxes = [a for i, a in enumerate(srcaxes) if i not in riaxes]
  oview = View(oaxes) 

  ixaxes = [X.whichaxis(n) for n in axes if X.hasaxis(n)]
  Nx = np.product([len(X.axes[i]) for i in ixaxes])

  iyaxes = [Y.whichaxis(n) for n in axes if Y.hasaxis(n)]
  Ny = np.product([len(Y.axes[i]) for i in iyaxes])
  if pbar is None:
    from pygeode.progress import PBar
    pbar = PBar()

  assert Nx > 1, '%s has only one element along the reduction axes' % X.name
  assert Ny > 1, '%s has only one element along the reduction axes' % Y.name

  # Construct work arrays
  x = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
  y = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
  xx = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
  yy = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')

  Nx = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
  Ny = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')

  x[()] = np.nan
  y[()] = np.nan
  xx[()] = np.nan
  yy[()] = np.nan
  Nx[()] = np.nan
  Ny[()] = np.nan

  # Accumulate data
  for outsl, (xdata,) in loopover([X], oview, pbar=pbar):
    xdata = xdata.astype('d')
    x[outsl] = np.nansum([x[outsl], npnansum(xdata, ixaxes)], 0)
    xx[outsl] = np.nansum([xx[outsl], npnansum(xdata**2, ixaxes)], 0)
    # Sum of weights (kludge to get masking right)
    Nx[outsl] = np.nansum([Nx[outsl], npnansum(1. + xdata*0., ixaxes)], 0) 

  for outsl, (ydata,) in loopover([Y], oview, pbar=pbar):
    ydata = ydata.astype('d')
    y[outsl] = np.nansum([y[outsl], npnansum(ydata, iyaxes)], 0)
    yy[outsl] = np.nansum([yy[outsl], npnansum(ydata**2, iyaxes)], 0)
    # Sum of weights (kludge to get masking right)
    Ny[outsl] = np.nansum([Ny[outsl], npnansum(1. + ydata*0., iyaxes)], 0) 

  # remove the mean (NOTE: numerically unstable if mean >> stdev)
  xx = (xx - x**2/Nx) / (Nx - 1)
  yy = (yy - y**2/Ny) / (Ny - 1)
  x /= Nx
  y /= Ny

  if Nx_fac is not None: eNx = Nx//Nx_fac
  else: eNx = Nx
  if Ny_fac is not None: eNy = Ny//Ny_fac
  else: eNy = Ny
  #print 'average eff. Nx = %.1f, average eff. Ny = %.1f' % (eNx.mean(), eNy.mean())

  d = x - y
  den = np.sqrt(xx/eNx + yy/eNy)
  df = (xx/eNx + yy/eNy)**2 / ((xx/eNx)**2/(eNx - 1) + (yy/eNy)**2/(eNy - 1))

  p = tdist.cdf(abs(d/den), df)*np.sign(d)
  ci = tdist.ppf(1. - alpha/2, df) * den

  xn = X.name if X.name != '' else 'X'
  yn = Y.name if Y.name != '' else 'Y'
  if xn == yn: name = xn
  else: name = '%s-%s'%(xn, yn)

  if len(oaxes) > 0:
    from pygeode import Var, Dataset
    D = Var(oaxes, values=d, name=name)
    DF = Var(oaxes, values=df, name='df_%s' % name)
    P = Var(oaxes, values=p, name='p_%s' % name)
    CI = Var(oaxes, values=ci, name='CI_%s' % name)
    return Dataset([D, DF, P, CI])
  else: # Degenerate case
    return d, df, p, ci
コード例 #16
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: wdjlover/pygeode
def paired_difference(X, Y, axes, alpha=0.05, N_fac = None, pbar=None):
# {{{
  r'''Computes the mean value and statistics of X - Y, assuming that individual elements
  of X and Y can be directly paired. In contrast to :func:`difference`, X and Y must have the same

  X, Y : :class:`Var`
    Variables to difference. Must have at least one axis in common.

  axes : list, optional
    Axes over which to compute means; if nothing is specified, the mean
    is computed over all axes common to X and Y.

  alpha : float
    Confidence level for which to compute confidence interval.

  Nx_fac : integer
    A factor by which to rescale the estimated number of degrees of freedom of
    X; the effective number will be given by the number estimated from the
    dataset divided by ``Nx_fac``.

  Ny_fac : integer
    A factor by which to rescale the estimated number of degrees of freedom of
    Y; the effective number will be given by the number estimated from the
    dataset divided by ``Ny_fac``.

  pbar : progress bar, optional
    A progress bar object. If nothing is provided, a progress bar will be displayed
    if the calculation takes sufficiently long.

  results : tuple or :class:`Dataset` instance.
    Four quantities are computed:

    * The difference in the means, X - Y
    * The effective number of degrees of freedom, :math:`df`
    * The probability of the computed difference if the population difference was zero
    * The confidence interval of the difference at the level specified by alpha

    If the average is taken over all axes of X and Y resulting in a scalar,
    the above values are returned as a tuple in the order given. If not, the
    results are provided as :class:`Var` objects in a dataset. 

  See Also

  Following section 6.6.6 of von Storch and Zwiers 1999, a one-sample t test is used to test the
  hypothesis. The number of degrees of freedom is the sample size scaled by N_fac, less one. This
  provides a means of taking into account serial correlation in the data (see sections 6.6.7-9), but
  the appropriate number of effective degrees of freedom are not calculated explicitly by this
  routine. The p-value and confidence interval are computed based on the t-statistic in eq

  from pygeode.tools import combine_axes, whichaxis, loopover, npsum, npnansum
  from pygeode.view import View

  srcaxes = combine_axes([X, Y])
  riaxes = [whichaxis(srcaxes, n) for n in axes]
  raxes = [a for i, a in enumerate(srcaxes) if i in riaxes]
  oaxes = [a for i, a in enumerate(srcaxes) if i not in riaxes]
  oview = View(oaxes) 

  ixaxes = [X.whichaxis(n) for n in axes if X.hasaxis(n)]
  Nx = np.product([len(X.axes[i]) for i in ixaxes])

  iyaxes = [Y.whichaxis(n) for n in axes if Y.hasaxis(n)]
  Ny = np.product([len(Y.axes[i]) for i in iyaxes])

  assert ixaxes == iyaxes and Nx == Ny, 'For the paired difference test, X and Y must have the same size along the reduction axes.'
  if pbar is None:
    from pygeode.progress import PBar
    pbar = PBar()

  assert Nx > 1, '%s has only one element along the reduction axes' % X.name
  assert Ny > 1, '%s has only one element along the reduction axes' % Y.name

  # Construct work arrays
  d = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
  dd = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')

  N = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')

  d[()] = np.nan
  dd[()] = np.nan
  N[()] = np.nan

  # Accumulate data
  for outsl, (xdata, ydata) in loopover([X, Y], oview, inaxes=srcaxes, pbar=pbar):
    ddata = xdata.astype('d') - ydata.astype('d')
    d[outsl] = np.nansum([d[outsl], npnansum(ddata, ixaxes)], 0)
    dd[outsl] = np.nansum([dd[outsl], npnansum(ddata**2, ixaxes)], 0)
    # Sum of weights (kludge to get masking right)
    N[outsl] = np.nansum([N[outsl], npnansum(1. + ddata*0., ixaxes)], 0) 

  # remove the mean (NOTE: numerically unstable if mean >> stdev)
  dd = (dd - d**2/N) / (N - 1)
  d /= Nx

  if N_fac is not None: eN = N//N_fac
  else: eN = N
  #print 'average eff. Nx = %.1f, average eff. Ny = %.1f' % (eNx.mean(), eNy.mean())

  den = np.sqrt(dd/(eN - 1))

  p = tdist.cdf(abs(d/den), eN - 1)*np.sign(d)
  ci = tdist.ppf(1. - alpha/2, eN - 1) * den

  xn = X.name if X.name != '' else 'X'
  yn = Y.name if Y.name != '' else 'Y'
  if xn == yn: name = xn
  else: name = '%s-%s'%(xn, yn)

  if len(oaxes) > 0:
    from pygeode import Var, Dataset
    D = Var(oaxes, values=d, name=name)
    DF = Var(oaxes, values=eN-1, name='df_%s' % name)
    P = Var(oaxes, values=p, name='p_%s' % name)
    CI = Var(oaxes, values=ci, name='CI_%s' % name)
    return Dataset([D, DF, P, CI])
  else: # Degenerate case
    return d, eN-1, p, ci
コード例 #17
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: wdjlover/pygeode
def correlate(X, Y, axes=None, pbar=None):
# {{{
  r'''Computes correlation between variables X and Y.

  X, Y : :class:`Var`
    Variables to correlate. Must have at least one axis in common.

  axes : list, optional
    Axes over which to compute correlation; if nothing is specified, the correlation
    is computed over all axes common to  shared by X and Y.

  pbar : progress bar, optional
    A progress bar object. If nothing is provided, a progress bar will be displayed
    if the calculation takes sufficiently long.

  rho, p : :class:`Var`
    The correlation coefficient :math:`\rho_{XY}` and p-value, respectively.

  The coefficient :math:`\rho_{XY}` is computed following von Storch and Zwiers
  1999, section 8.2.2. The p-value is the probability of finding the given
  result under the hypothesis that the true correlation coefficient between X
  and Y is zero. It is computed from the t-statistic given in eq (8.7), in
  section 8.2.3, and assumes normally distributed quantities.'''

  from pygeode.tools import loopover, whichaxis, combine_axes, shared_axes, npnansum
  from pygeode.view import View

  # Put all the axes being reduced over at the end 
  # so that we can reshape 
  srcaxes = combine_axes([X, Y])
  oiaxes, riaxes = shared_axes(srcaxes, [X.axes, Y.axes])
  if axes is not None:
    ri_new = []
    for a in axes:
      i = whichaxis(srcaxes, a)
      if i not in riaxes: 
        raise KeyError('%s axis not shared by X ("%s") and Y ("%s")' % (a, X.name, Y.name))
    oiaxes.extend([r for r in riaxes if r not in ri_new])
    riaxes = ri_new
  oaxes = [srcaxes[i] for i in oiaxes]
  inaxes = oaxes + [srcaxes[i] for i in riaxes]
  oview = View(oaxes) 
  iview = View(inaxes) 
  siaxes = list(range(len(oaxes), len(srcaxes)))

  # Construct work arrays
  x  = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')*np.nan
  y  = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')*np.nan
  xx = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')*np.nan
  yy = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')*np.nan
  xy = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')*np.nan
  Na = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')*np.nan

  if pbar is None:
    from pygeode.progress import PBar
    pbar = PBar()

  for outsl, (xdata, ydata) in loopover([X, Y], oview, inaxes, pbar=pbar):
    xdata = xdata.astype('d')
    ydata = ydata.astype('d')
    xydata = xdata*ydata

    xbc = [s1 // s2 for s1, s2 in zip(xydata.shape, xdata.shape)]
    ybc = [s1 // s2 for s1, s2 in zip(xydata.shape, ydata.shape)]
    xdata = np.tile(xdata, xbc)
    ydata = np.tile(ydata, ybc)
    xdata[np.isnan(xydata)] = np.nan
    ydata[np.isnan(xydata)] = np.nan

    # It seems np.nansum does not broadcast its arguments automatically
    # so there must be a better way of doing this...
    x[outsl] = np.nansum([x[outsl], npnansum(xdata, siaxes)], 0)
    y[outsl]  = np.nansum([y[outsl], npnansum(ydata, siaxes)], 0)
    xx[outsl] = np.nansum([xx[outsl], npnansum(xdata**2, siaxes)], 0)
    yy[outsl] = np.nansum([yy[outsl], npnansum(ydata**2, siaxes)], 0)
    xy[outsl] = np.nansum([xy[outsl], npnansum(xydata, siaxes)], 0)

    # Sum of weights
    Na[outsl] = np.nansum([Na[outsl], npnansum(~np.isnan(xydata), siaxes)], 0)

  eps = 1e-14
  imsk = ~(Na < eps)

  xx[imsk] -= (x*x)[imsk]/Na[imsk]
  yy[imsk] -= (y*y)[imsk]/Na[imsk]
  xy[imsk] -= (x*y)[imsk]/Na[imsk]

  # Compute correlation coefficient, t-statistic, p-value
  den = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
  rho = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')

  den[imsk] = np.sqrt((xx*yy)[imsk])
  rho[den > 0.] = xy[den > 0.] / np.sqrt(xx*yy)[den > 0.]

  den = 1 - rho**2
  # Saturate the denominator (when correlation is perfect) to avoid div by zero warnings
  den[den < eps] = eps

  t = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
  p = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')

  t[imsk] = np.abs(rho)[imsk] * np.sqrt((Na[imsk] - 2.)/den[imsk])
  p[imsk] = tdist.cdf(t[imsk], Na[imsk]-2) * np.sign(rho[imsk])
  p[~imsk] = np.nan
  rho[~imsk] = np.nan

  # Construct and return variables
  xn = X.name if X.name != '' else 'X' # Note: could write:  xn = X.name or 'X'
  yn = Y.name if Y.name != '' else 'Y'

  from pygeode.var import Var
  Rho = Var(oaxes, values=rho, name='C(%s, %s)' % (xn, yn))
  P = Var(oaxes, values=p, name='P(C(%s,%s) != 0)' % (xn, yn))
  return Rho, P
コード例 #18
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: wdjlover/pygeode
def isnonzero(X, axes, alpha=0.05, N_fac = None, pbar=None):
# {{{
  r'''Computes the mean value and statistics of X, against the hypothesis that it is 0.

  X : :class:`Var`
    Variable to average.

  axes : list, optional
    Axes over which to compute the mean; if nothing is specified, the mean is
    computed over all axes.

  alpha : float
    Confidence level for which to compute confidence interval.

  N_fac : integer
    A factor by which to rescale the estimated number of degrees of freedom;
    the effective number will be given by the number estimated from the dataset
    divided by ``N_fac``.

  pbar : progress bar, optional
    A progress bar object. If nothing is provided, a progress bar will be displayed
    if the calculation takes sufficiently long.

  results : tuple or :class:`Dataset` instance.
    Three quantities are computed:

    * The mean value of X
    * The probability of the computed value if the population mean was zero
    * The confidence interval of the mean at the level specified by alpha

    If the average is taken over all axes of X resulting in a scalar,
    the above values are returned as a tuple in the order given. If not, the
    results are provided as :class:`Var` objects in a dataset. 

  See Also

  The number of effective degrees of freedom can be scaled as in :meth:`difference`. 
  The p-value and confidence interval are computed for the t-statistic defined in 
  eq (6.61) of von Storch and Zwiers 1999.'''

  from pygeode.tools import combine_axes, whichaxis, loopover, npsum, npnansum
  from pygeode.view import View

  riaxes = [X.whichaxis(n) for n in axes]
  raxes = [a for i, a in enumerate(X.axes) if i in riaxes]
  oaxes = [a for i, a in enumerate(X.axes) if i not in riaxes]
  oview = View(oaxes) 

  N = np.product([len(X.axes[i]) for i in riaxes])

  if pbar is None:
    from pygeode.progress import PBar
    pbar = PBar()

  assert N > 1, '%s has only one element along the reduction axes' % X.name

  # Construct work arrays
  x = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
  xx = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
  Na = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')

  x[()] = np.nan
  xx[()] = np.nan
  Na[()] = np.nan

  # Accumulate data
  for outsl, (xdata,) in loopover([X], oview, pbar=pbar):
    xdata = xdata.astype('d')
    x[outsl] = np.nansum([x[outsl], npnansum(xdata, riaxes)], 0)
    xx[outsl] = np.nansum([xx[outsl], npnansum(xdata**2, riaxes)], 0)
    # Sum of weights (kludge to get masking right)
    Na[outsl] = np.nansum([Na[outsl], npnansum(1. + xdata*0., riaxes)], 0) 

  # remove the mean (NOTE: numerically unstable if mean >> stdev)
  xx = (xx - x**2/Na) / (Na - 1)
  x /= Na

  if N_fac is not None: 
    eN = N//N_fac
    eNa = Na//N_fac
    eN = N
    eNa = Na
  #print 'eff. N = %.1f' % eN

  sdom = np.sqrt(xx/eNa)

  p = tdist.cdf(abs(x/sdom), eNa - 1)*np.sign(x)
  ci = tdist.ppf(1. - alpha/2, eNa - 1) * sdom

  name = X.name if X.name != '' else 'X'

  if len(oaxes) > 0:
    from pygeode import Var, Dataset
    X = Var(oaxes, values=x, name=name)
    P = Var(oaxes, values=p, name='p_%s' % name)
    CI = Var(oaxes, values=ci, name='CI_%s' % name)
    return Dataset([X, P, CI])
  else: # Degenerate case
    return x, p, ci
コード例 #19
def isnonzero(X, axes=None, alpha=0.05, N_fac=None, output='m,p', pbar=None):
    # {{{
    r'''Computes the mean value of X and statistics relevant for a test against
  the hypothesis that it is 0.

  X : :class:`Var`
    Variable to average.

  axes : list, optional
    Axes over which to compute the mean; if nothing is specified, the mean is
    computed over all axes.

  alpha : float
    Confidence level for which to compute confidence interval.

  N_fac : integer
    A factor by which to rescale the estimated number of degrees of freedom;
    the effective number will be given by the number estimated from the dataset
    divided by ``N_fac``.

  output : string, optional
    A string determining which parameters are returned; see list of possible outputs
    in the Returns section. The specifications must be separated by a comma. Defaults 
    to 'm,p'.

  pbar : progress bar, optional
    A progress bar object. If nothing is provided, a progress bar will be displayed
    if the calculation takes sufficiently long.

  results : :class:`Dataset` 
    The names of the variables match the output request string (i.e. if ``ds``
    is the returned dataset, the mean value can be obtained through ``ds.m``).
    The following quantities can be calculated.

    * 'm': The mean value of X
    * 'p': The probability of the computed value if the population mean was zero
    * 'ci': The confidence interval of the mean at the level specified by alpha

    If the average is taken over all axes of X resulting in a scalar,
    the above values are returned as a tuple in the order given. If not, the
    results are provided as :class:`Var` objects in a dataset. 

  See Also

  The number of effective degrees of freedom can be scaled as in :meth:`difference`. 
  The p-value and confidence interval are computed for the t-statistic defined in 
  eq (6.61) of von Storch and Zwiers 1999.'''

    from pygeode.tools import combine_axes, whichaxis, loopover, npsum, npnansum
    from pygeode.view import View

    riaxes = [X.whichaxis(n) for n in axes]
    raxes = [a for i, a in enumerate(X.axes) if i in riaxes]
    oaxes = [a for i, a in enumerate(X.axes) if i not in riaxes]
    oview = View(oaxes)

    N = np.product([len(X.axes[i]) for i in riaxes])

    if pbar is None:
        from pygeode.progress import PBar
        pbar = PBar()

    assert N > 1, '%s has only one element along the reduction axes' % X.name

    # Construct work arrays
    x = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
    xx = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
    Na = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')

    x[()] = np.nan
    xx[()] = np.nan
    Na[()] = np.nan

    # Accumulate data
    for outsl, (xdata, ) in loopover([X], oview, pbar=pbar):
        xdata = xdata.astype('d')
        x[outsl] = np.nansum([x[outsl], npnansum(xdata, riaxes)], 0)
        xx[outsl] = np.nansum([xx[outsl], npnansum(xdata**2, riaxes)], 0)

        # Sum of weights (kludge to get masking right)
        Na[outsl] = np.nansum(
            [Na[outsl], npnansum(~np.isnan(xdata), riaxes)], 0)

    imsk = (Na > 0.)

    # remove the mean (NOTE: numerically unstable if mean >> stdev)
    xx[imsk] -= x[imsk]**2 / Na[imsk]
    xx[imsk] = xx[imsk] / (Na[imsk] - 1)

    x[imsk] /= Na[imsk]

    if N_fac is not None:
        eN = N // N_fac
        eNa = Na // N_fac
        eN = N
        eNa = Na

    sdom = np.zeros((oview.shape), 'd')
    p = np.zeros((oview.shape), 'd')
    t = np.zeros((oview.shape), 'd')
    ci = np.zeros((oview.shape), 'd')

    sdom[imsk] = np.sqrt(xx[imsk] / eNa[imsk])
    dmsk = (sdom > 0.)

    t[dmsk] = np.abs(x[dmsk]) / sdom[dmsk]
    p[imsk] = 2. * (1. - tdist.cdf(t[imsk], eNa[imsk] - 1))
    ci[imsk] = tdist.ppf(1. - alpha / 2, eNa[imsk] - 1) * sdom[imsk]

    name = X.name if X.name != '' else 'X'

    from pygeode.var import Var
    from pygeode.dataset import asdataset

    rvs = []

    if 'm' in output:
        m = Var(oaxes, values=x, name='m')
        m.atts['longname'] = 'Mean value of %s' % (name, )

    if 'p' in output:
        p = Var(oaxes, values=p, name='p')
        p.atts['longname'] = 'p-value of test %s is 0' % (name, )

    if 'ci' in output:
        ci = Var(oaxes, values=ci, name='ci')
            'longname'] = 'Confidence intervale of the mean value of %s' % (
                name, )

    return asdataset(rvs)
コード例 #20
def regress(X, Y, axes=None, N_fac=None, output='m,b,p', pbar=None):
    # {{{
    r'''Computes least-squares linear regression of Y against X.

  X, Y : :class:`Var`
    Variables to regress. Must have at least one axis in common.

  axes : list, optional
    Axes over which to compute correlation; if nothing is specified, the correlation
    is computed over all axes common to X and Y.

  N_fac : integer
    A factor by which to rescale the estimated number of degrees of freedom; the effective
    number will be given by the number estimated from the dataset divided by ``N_fac``.

  output : string, optional
    A string determining which parameters are returned; see list of possible outputs
    in the Returns section. The specifications must be separated by a comma. Defaults 
    to 'm,b,p'.

  pbar : progress bar, optional
    A progress bar object. If nothing is provided, a progress bar will be displayed
    if the calculation takes sufficiently long.

  results : :class:`Dataset` 
    The returned variables are specified by the ``output`` argument. The names of the 
    variables match the output request string (i.e. if ``ds`` is the returned dataset, the 
    linear coefficient of the regression can be obtained by ``ds.m``). 
    A fit of the form :math:`Y = m X + b + \epsilon` is assumed, and the
    following parameters can be returned:

    * 'm': Linear coefficient of the regression
    * 'b': Constant coefficient of the regression
    * 'r2': Fraction of the variance in Y explained by X (:math:`R^2`)
    * 'p': p-value of regression; see notes.
    * 'sm': Standard deviation of linear coefficient estimate
    * 'se': Standard deviation of residuals

  The statistics described are computed following von Storch and Zwiers 1999,
  section 8.3. The p-value 'p' is computed using the t-statistic given in
  section 8.3.8, and confidence intervals for the slope and intercept can be
  computed from 'se' and 'se' (:math:`\hat{\sigma}_E` and
  :math:`\hat{\sigma}_E/\sqrt{S_{XX}}` in von Storch and Zwiers, respectively).
  The data is assumed to be normally distributed.'''

    from pygeode.tools import loopover, whichaxis, combine_axes, shared_axes, npnansum
    from pygeode.view import View

    # Split output request now
    ovars = ['m', 'b', 'r2', 'p', 'sm', 'se']
    output = [o for o in output.split(',') if o in ovars]
    if len(output) < 1:
        raise ValueError(
            'No valid outputs are requested from regression. Possible outputs are %s.'
            % str(ovars))

    srcaxes = combine_axes([X, Y])
    oiaxes, riaxes = shared_axes(srcaxes, [X.axes, Y.axes])
    if axes is not None:
        ri_new = []
        for a in axes:
            i = whichaxis(srcaxes, a)
            if i not in riaxes:
                raise KeyError('%s axis not shared by X ("%s") and Y ("%s")' %
                               (a, X.name, Y.name))
        oiaxes.extend([r for r in riaxes if r not in ri_new])
        riaxes = ri_new

    oaxes = [srcaxes[i] for i in oiaxes]
    inaxes = oaxes + [srcaxes[i] for i in riaxes]
    oview = View(oaxes)
    siaxes = list(range(len(oaxes), len(srcaxes)))

    if pbar is None:
        from pygeode.progress import PBar
        pbar = PBar()

    assert len(riaxes) > 0, '%s and %s share no axes to be regressed over' % (
        X.name, Y.name)

    # Construct work arrays
    x = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')
    y = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')
    xx = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')
    yy = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')
    xy = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')
    Na = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')

    # Accumulate data
    for outsl, (xdata, ydata) in loopover([X, Y], oview, inaxes, pbar=pbar):
        xdata = xdata.astype('d')
        ydata = ydata.astype('d')
        xydata = xdata * ydata

        xbc = [s1 // s2 for s1, s2 in zip(xydata.shape, xdata.shape)]
        ybc = [s1 // s2 for s1, s2 in zip(xydata.shape, ydata.shape)]
        xdata = np.tile(xdata, xbc)
        ydata = np.tile(ydata, ybc)
        xdata[np.isnan(xydata)] = np.nan
        ydata[np.isnan(xydata)] = np.nan

        # It seems np.nansum does not broadcast its arguments automatically
        # so there must be a better way of doing this...
        x[outsl] = np.nansum([x[outsl], npnansum(xdata, siaxes)], 0)
        y[outsl] = np.nansum([y[outsl], npnansum(ydata, siaxes)], 0)
        xx[outsl] = np.nansum([xx[outsl], npnansum(xdata**2, siaxes)], 0)
        yy[outsl] = np.nansum([yy[outsl], npnansum(ydata**2, siaxes)], 0)
        xy[outsl] = np.nansum([xy[outsl], npnansum(xydata, siaxes)], 0)

        # Sum of weights
        Na[outsl] = np.nansum(
            [Na[outsl], npnansum(~np.isnan(xydata), siaxes)], 0)

    if N_fac is None:
        N_eff = Na - 2.
        N_eff = Na / N_fac - 2.

    nmsk = (N_eff > 0.)

    xx[nmsk] -= (x * x)[nmsk] / Na[nmsk]
    yy[nmsk] -= (y * y)[nmsk] / Na[nmsk]
    xy[nmsk] -= (x * y)[nmsk] / Na[nmsk]

    dmsk = (xx > 0.)

    m = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
    b = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
    r2 = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')

    m[dmsk] = xy[dmsk] / xx[dmsk]
    b[nmsk] = (y[nmsk] - m[nmsk] * x[nmsk]) / Na[nmsk]

    r2den = xx * yy
    d2msk = (r2den > 0.)

    r2[d2msk] = xy[d2msk]**2 / r2den[d2msk]

    sige = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
    sigm = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
    t = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
    p = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')

    sige[nmsk] = (yy[nmsk] - m[nmsk] * xy[nmsk]) / N_eff[nmsk]
    sigm[dmsk] = np.sqrt(sige[dmsk] / xx[dmsk])
    sige[nmsk] = np.sqrt(sige[dmsk])
    t[dmsk] = np.abs(m[dmsk]) / sigm[dmsk]
    p[nmsk] = 2. * (1. - tdist.cdf(t[nmsk], N_eff[nmsk]))

    msk = nmsk & dmsk

    m[~msk] = np.nan
    b[~msk] = np.nan
    sige[~msk] = np.nan
    sigm[~msk] = np.nan
    p[~msk] = np.nan

    msk = nmsk & d2msk
    r2[~msk] = np.nan

    xn = X.name if X.name != '' else 'X'
    yn = Y.name if Y.name != '' else 'Y'

    from pygeode.var import Var
    from pygeode.dataset import asdataset

    rvs = []

    if 'm' in output:
        M = Var(oaxes, values=m, name='m')
        M.atts['longname'] = 'slope'

    if 'b' in output:
        B = Var(oaxes, values=b, name='b')
        B.atts['longname'] = 'intercept'

    if 'r2' in output:
        R2 = Var(oaxes, values=r2, name='r2')
        R2.atts['longname'] = 'fraction of variance explained'

    if 'p' in output:
        P = Var(oaxes, values=p, name='p')
        P.atts['longname'] = 'p-value'

    if 'sm' in output:
        SM = Var(oaxes, values=sigm, name='sm')
        SM.atts['longname'] = 'standard deviation of slope parameter'

    if 'se' in output:
        SE = Var(oaxes, values=sige, name='se')
        SE.atts['longname'] = 'standard deviation of residual'

    ds = asdataset(rvs)
        'description'] = 'linear regression parameters for %s regressed against %s' % (
            yn, xn)

    return ds
コード例 #21
def difference(X,
    # {{{
    r'''Computes the mean value and statistics of X - Y.

  X, Y : :class:`Var`
    Variables to difference. Must have at least one axis in common.

  axes : list, optional, defaults to None
    Axes over which to compute means; if othing is specified, the mean
    is computed over all axes common to X and Y.

  alpha : float, optional; defaults to 0.05
    Confidence level for which to compute confidence interval.

  Nx_fac : integer, optional: defaults to None
    A factor by which to rescale the estimated number of degrees of freedom of
    X; the effective number will be given by the number estimated from the
    dataset divided by ``Nx_fac``.

  Ny_fac : integer, optional: defaults to None
    A factor by which to rescale the estimated number of degrees of freedom of
    Y; the effective number will be given by the number estimated from the
    dataset divided by ``Ny_fac``.

  output : string, optional
    A string determining which parameters are returned; see list of possible outputs
    in the Returns section. The specifications must be separated by a comma. Defaults 
    to 'd,p,ci'.

  pbar : progress bar, optional
    A progress bar object. If nothing is provided, a progress bar will be displayed
    if the calculation takes sufficiently long.

  results : :class:`Dataset` 
    The returned variables are specified by the ``output`` argument. The names
    of the variables match the output request string (i.e. if ``ds`` is the
    returned dataset, the average of the difference can be obtained by
    ``ds.d``). The following four quantities can be computed:

    * 'd': The difference in the means, X - Y
    * 'df': The effective number of degrees of freedom, :math:`df`
    * 'p': The p-value; see notes.
    * 'ci': The confidence interval of the difference at the level specified by ``alpha``

  See Also

  The effective number of degrees of freedom is estimated using eq (6.20) of 
  von Storch and Zwiers 1999, in which :math:`n_X` and :math:`n_Y` are scaled by
  Nx_fac and Ny_fac, respectively. This provides a means of taking into account
  serial correlation in the data (see sections 6.6.7-9), but the number of effective
  degrees of freedom are not calculated explicitly by this routine. The p-value and 
  confidence interval are computed based on the t-statistic in eq (6.19).'''

    from pygeode.tools import loopover, whichaxis, combine_axes, shared_axes, npnansum
    from pygeode.view import View

    # Split output request now
    ovars = ['d', 'df', 'p', 'ci']
    output = [o for o in output.split(',') if o in ovars]
    if len(output) < 1:
        raise ValueError(
            'No valid outputs are requested from correlation. Possible outputs are %s.'
            % str(ovars))

    srcaxes = combine_axes([X, Y])
    oiaxes, riaxes = shared_axes(srcaxes, [X.axes, Y.axes])
    if axes is not None:
        ri_new = []
        for a in axes:
            i = whichaxis(srcaxes, a)
            if i not in riaxes:
                raise KeyError('%s axis not shared by X ("%s") and Y ("%s")' %
                               (a, X.name, Y.name))
        oiaxes.extend([r for r in riaxes if r not in ri_new])
        riaxes = ri_new

    oaxes = [a for i, a in enumerate(srcaxes) if i not in riaxes]
    oview = View(oaxes)

    ixaxes = [X.whichaxis(n) for n in axes if X.hasaxis(n)]
    iyaxes = [Y.whichaxis(n) for n in axes if Y.hasaxis(n)]

    Nx = np.product([len(X.axes[i]) for i in ixaxes])
    Ny = np.product([len(Y.axes[i]) for i in iyaxes])
    assert Nx > 1, '%s has only one element along the reduction axes' % X.name
    assert Ny > 1, '%s has only one element along the reduction axes' % Y.name

    if pbar is None:
        from pygeode.progress import PBar
        pbar = PBar()

    # Construct work arrays
    x = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')
    y = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')
    xx = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')
    yy = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')
    Nx = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')
    Ny = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')

    # Accumulate data
    for outsl, (xdata, ) in loopover([X], oview, pbar=pbar):
        xdata = xdata.astype('d')
        x[outsl] = np.nansum([x[outsl], npnansum(xdata, ixaxes)], 0)
        xx[outsl] = np.nansum([xx[outsl], npnansum(xdata**2, ixaxes)], 0)

        # Count of non-NaN data points
        Nx[outsl] = np.nansum(
            [Nx[outsl], npnansum(~np.isnan(xdata), ixaxes)], 0)

    for outsl, (ydata, ) in loopover([Y], oview, pbar=pbar):
        ydata = ydata.astype('d')
        y[outsl] = np.nansum([y[outsl], npnansum(ydata, iyaxes)], 0)
        yy[outsl] = np.nansum([yy[outsl], npnansum(ydata**2, iyaxes)], 0)

        # Count of non-NaN data points
        Ny[outsl] = np.nansum(
            [Ny[outsl], npnansum(~np.isnan(ydata), iyaxes)], 0)

    # remove the mean (NOTE: numerically unstable if mean >> stdev)
    imsk = (Nx > 1) & (Ny > 1)
    xx[imsk] -= (x * x)[imsk] / Nx[imsk]
    xx[imsk] /= (Nx[imsk] - 1)

    x[imsk] /= Nx[imsk]

    yy[imsk] -= (y * y)[imsk] / Ny[imsk]
    yy[imsk] /= (Ny[imsk] - 1)

    y[imsk] /= Ny[imsk]

    # Ensure variances are non-negative
    xx[xx <= 0.] = 0.
    yy[yy <= 0.] = 0.

    if Nx_fac is not None: eNx = Nx // Nx_fac
    else: eNx = Nx
    if Ny_fac is not None: eNy = Ny // Ny_fac
    else: eNy = Ny

    emsk = (eNx > 1) & (eNy > 1)

    # Compute difference
    d = x - y

    den = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
    df = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
    p = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
    ci = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')

    # Convert to variance of the mean of each sample
    xx[emsk] /= eNx[emsk]
    yy[emsk] /= eNy[emsk]

    den[emsk] = xx[emsk]**2 / (eNx[emsk] - 1) + yy[emsk]**2 / (eNy[emsk] - 1)
    dmsk = (den > 0.)

    df[dmsk] = (xx[dmsk] + yy[dmsk])**2 / den[dmsk]

    den[emsk] = np.sqrt(xx[emsk] + yy[emsk])

    dmsk &= (den > 0.)

    p[dmsk] = np.abs(d[dmsk] / den[dmsk])
    p[dmsk] = 2. * (1. - tdist.cdf(p[dmsk], df[dmsk]))

    ci[dmsk] = tdist.ppf(1. - alpha / 2, df[dmsk]) * den[dmsk]

    df[~dmsk] = np.nan
    p[~dmsk] = np.nan
    ci[~dmsk] = np.nan

    # Construct dataset to return
    xn = X.name if X.name != '' else 'X'
    yn = Y.name if Y.name != '' else 'Y'

    from pygeode.var import Var
    from pygeode.dataset import asdataset

    rvs = []

    if 'd' in output:
        d = Var(oaxes, values=d, name='d')
        d.atts['longname'] = 'Difference (%s - %s)' % (xn, yn)

    if 'df' in output:
        df = Var(oaxes, values=df, name='df')
        df.atts['longname'] = 'Degrees of freedom used for t-test'

    if 'p' in output:
        p = Var(oaxes, values=p, name='p')
        p.atts['longname'] = 'p-value for t-test of difference (%s - %s)' % (
            xn, yn)

    if 'ci' in output:
        ci = Var(oaxes, values=ci, name='ci')
            'longname'] = 'Confidence Interval (alpha = %.2f) of difference (%s - %s)' % (
                alpha, xn, yn)

    ds = asdataset(rvs)
    ds.atts['alpha'] = alpha
    ds.atts['Nx_fac'] = Nx_fac
    ds.atts['Ny_fac'] = Ny_fac
    ds.atts['description'] = 't-test of difference (%s - %s)' % (yn, xn)

    return ds
コード例 #22
def correlate(X, Y, axes=None, output='r2,p', pbar=None):
    # {{{
    r'''Computes correlation between variables X and Y.

  X, Y : :class:`Var`
    Variables to correlate. Must have at least one axis in common.

  axes : list, optional
    Axes over which to compute correlation; if nothing is specified, the correlation
    is computed over all axes common to  shared by X and Y.

  output : string, optional
    A string determining which parameters are returned; see list of possible outputs
    in the Returns section. The specifications must be separated by a comma. Defaults
    to 'r2,p'.

  pbar : progress bar, optional
    A progress bar object. If nothing is provided, a progress bar will be displayed
    if the calculation takes sufficiently long.

  results : :class:`Dataset` 
    The names of the variables match the output request string (i.e. if ``ds``
    is the returned dataset, the correlation coefficient can be obtained
    through ``ds.r2``).

    * 'r2': The correlation coefficient :math:`\rho_{XY}`
    * 'p':  The p-value; see notes.

  The coefficient :math:`\rho_{XY}` is computed following von Storch and Zwiers
  1999, section 8.2.2. The p-value is the probability of finding a correlation
  coeefficient of equal or greater magnitude (two-sided) to the given result
  under the hypothesis that the true correlation coefficient between X and Y is
  zero. It is computed from the t-statistic given in eq (8.7), in section
  8.2.3, and assumes normally distributed quantities.'''

    from pygeode.tools import loopover, whichaxis, combine_axes, shared_axes, npnansum
    from pygeode.view import View

    # Split output request now
    ovars = ['r2', 'p']
    output = [o for o in output.split(',') if o in ovars]
    if len(output) < 1:
        raise ValueError(
            'No valid outputs are requested from correlation. Possible outputs are %s.'
            % str(ovars))

    # Put all the axes being reduced over at the end
    # so that we can reshape
    srcaxes = combine_axes([X, Y])
    oiaxes, riaxes = shared_axes(srcaxes, [X.axes, Y.axes])
    if axes is not None:
        ri_new = []
        for a in axes:
            i = whichaxis(srcaxes, a)
            if i not in riaxes:
                raise KeyError('%s axis not shared by X ("%s") and Y ("%s")' %
                               (a, X.name, Y.name))
        oiaxes.extend([r for r in riaxes if r not in ri_new])
        riaxes = ri_new

    oaxes = [srcaxes[i] for i in oiaxes]
    inaxes = oaxes + [srcaxes[i] for i in riaxes]
    oview = View(oaxes)
    iview = View(inaxes)
    siaxes = list(range(len(oaxes), len(srcaxes)))

    # Construct work arrays
    x = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')
    y = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')
    xx = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')
    yy = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')
    xy = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')
    Na = np.full(oview.shape, np.nan, 'd')

    if pbar is None:
        from pygeode.progress import PBar
        pbar = PBar()

    for outsl, (xdata, ydata) in loopover([X, Y], oview, inaxes, pbar=pbar):
        xdata = xdata.astype('d')
        ydata = ydata.astype('d')
        xydata = xdata * ydata

        xbc = [s1 // s2 for s1, s2 in zip(xydata.shape, xdata.shape)]
        ybc = [s1 // s2 for s1, s2 in zip(xydata.shape, ydata.shape)]
        xdata = np.tile(xdata, xbc)
        ydata = np.tile(ydata, ybc)
        xdata[np.isnan(xydata)] = np.nan
        ydata[np.isnan(xydata)] = np.nan

        # It seems np.nansum does not broadcast its arguments automatically
        # so there must be a better way of doing this...
        x[outsl] = np.nansum([x[outsl], npnansum(xdata, siaxes)], 0)
        y[outsl] = np.nansum([y[outsl], npnansum(ydata, siaxes)], 0)
        xx[outsl] = np.nansum([xx[outsl], npnansum(xdata**2, siaxes)], 0)
        yy[outsl] = np.nansum([yy[outsl], npnansum(ydata**2, siaxes)], 0)
        xy[outsl] = np.nansum([xy[outsl], npnansum(xydata, siaxes)], 0)

        # Count of non-NaN data points
        Na[outsl] = np.nansum(
            [Na[outsl], npnansum(~np.isnan(xydata), siaxes)], 0)

    imsk = (Na > 0)

    xx[imsk] -= (x * x)[imsk] / Na[imsk]
    yy[imsk] -= (y * y)[imsk] / Na[imsk]
    xy[imsk] -= (x * y)[imsk] / Na[imsk]

    # Ensure variances are non-negative
    xx[xx <= 0.] = 0.
    yy[yy <= 0.] = 0.

    # Compute correlation coefficient, t-statistic, p-value
    den = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
    rho = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')

    den[imsk] = np.sqrt((xx * yy)[imsk])
    dmsk = (den > 0.)

    rho[dmsk] = xy[dmsk] / np.sqrt(xx * yy)[dmsk]

    den = 1 - rho**2
    # Saturate the denominator (when correlation is perfect) to avoid div by zero warnings
    den[den < eps] = eps

    t = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')
    p = np.zeros(oview.shape, 'd')

    t[imsk] = np.abs(rho)[imsk] * np.sqrt((Na[imsk] - 2.) / den[imsk])
    p[imsk] = 2. * (1. - tdist.cdf(t[imsk], Na[imsk] - 2))

    p[~imsk] = np.nan
    rho[~imsk] = np.nan

    p[~dmsk] = np.nan
    rho[~dmsk] = np.nan

    # Construct and return variables
    xn = X.name if X.name != '' else 'X'  # Note: could write:  xn = X.name or 'X'
    yn = Y.name if Y.name != '' else 'Y'

    from pygeode.var import Var
    from pygeode.dataset import asdataset

    rvs = []

    if 'r2' in output:
        r2 = Var(oaxes, values=rho, name='r2')
        r2.atts['longname'] = 'Correlation coefficient between %s and %s' % (
            xn, yn)

    if 'p' in output:
        p = Var(oaxes, values=p, name='p')
            'longname'] = 'p-value for correlation coefficient between %s and %s' % (
                xn, yn)

    ds = asdataset(rvs)
    ds.atts['description'] = 'correlation analysis %s against %s' % (yn, xn)

    return ds