コード例 #1
def resample_track_list(track, step, include_existing_points=True):
    if len(track) == 0:
        return []
    distance = 0
    target_distance = step
    old_location = eV.LatLon(track[0][1], track[0][0])
    new_track = [_get_lonlat(old_location)]
    for _location in track[1:]:
        current_location = eV.LatLon(_location[1], _location[0])
        segment_length, bearing = old_location.distanceTo3(
        segment_end = distance + segment_length
        for target_distance in np.arange(target_distance, segment_end, step):
            old_location = old_location.destination(target_distance - distance,
            distance = target_distance
        existing_point = _get_lonlat(current_location)
        distance = segment_end
        if include_existing_points and existing_point != new_track[-1]:
            target_distance = segment_end + step
        elif not include_existing_points:
            target_distance += step
        old_location = current_location
    last_item = _get_lonlat(old_location)
    if not include_existing_points and new_track[-1] != last_item:
    return new_track
コード例 #2
ファイル: HelperFunctions.py プロジェクト: GSazheniuk/XFF
def next_point(pointA, pointB, speed):
    start_point = ellipsoidalVincenty.LatLon(pointA.Lat, pointA.Long)
    end_point = ellipsoidalVincenty.LatLon(pointB.Lat, pointB.Long)
    new_point = start_point.destination(speed, start_point.initialBearingTo(end_point))
    point = Point()
    point.new(lat=new_point.lat, long= new_point.lon)
    return point
コード例 #3
ファイル: terr50.py プロジェクト: jaluebbe/HeightMap
 def get_min_height(self, lat_ll, lon_ll, lat_ur, lon_ur):
     result = {
         'location_min': [],
         'h_min': self.NODATA,
         'counter_min': 0,
         'source': self.attribution_name,
         'attributions': [self.attribution]
     if not (-90 <= lat_ll <= 90 and -180 <= lon_ll <= 180
             and -90 <= lat_ur <= 90 and -180 <= lon_ur <= 180):
         raise ValueError('invalid coordinates ({}, {}), ({}, {})'.format(
             lat_ll, lon_ll, lat_ur, lon_ur))
     # consider only correctly defined rectangle:
     if lat_ll > lat_ur or lon_ll > lon_ur:
         return result
         osgr_ll = toOsgr(eV.LatLon(lat_ll, lon_ll))
         if len(osgr_ll.toStr()) == 0:
             raise ValueError('not a valid OSGR coordinate')
     except ValueError:
         return result
         osgr_ur = toOsgr(eV.LatLon(lat_ur, lon_ur))
         if len(osgr_ur.toStr()) == 0:
             raise ValueError('not a valid OSGR coordinate')
     except ValueError:
         return result
     file_list = {}
         self.create_filelist(osgr_ll, osgr_ur, file_list)
     except IOError:
         return result
     return result
コード例 #4
def cal_route_dist_time_diff(route: list) -> list:
    calculate each route distance and time firstly, and then calculate the difference of distance and time between each route.

    :param route: list
    :return:[['distance', 'time'], [...], [...], ...]
    route_latlon_time = []

    if (len(route) > 1):
        for i in range(1, len(route)):
            latlon = ev.LatLon(route[i - 1][4], route[i - 1][5])
            latlon_next = ev.LatLon(route[i][4], route[i][5])
            date = route[i - 1][0] + route[i - 1][1]
            date_next = route[i][0] + route[i][1]

            route_latlon_time = route_latlon_time + [[
                hour_diff_in_hr(date, date_next)

        route_latlon_time = [[0.0, 1.0]]

    return route_latlon_time
コード例 #5
def get_storm_maxspeed(eachstorm: dict) -> float:
    extract the maximum speed for each storm moving track

    :param eachstorm: a dictionary contains keys (coordinate, time, id and so on)
    :return: each storm max speed as a float

    max_speed = - math.inf
    storm_coordinate = eachstorm["coordinate"]   # list
    storm_time = eachstorm["time"]   # list

    if len(storm_coordinate) <= 1:
        return 0.0
    for i in range(1, len(storm_coordinate)):
        a = ev.LatLon(storm_coordinate[i - 1][0], storm_coordinate[i - 1][1])
        b = ev.LatLon(storm_coordinate[i][0], storm_coordinate[i][1])
        if a == b:
            d = 0.0
            d = a.distanceTo(b)

        ta = datetime.strptime(''.join(storm_time[i - 1]), "%Y%m%d%H%M")
        tb = datetime.strptime(''.join(storm_time[i]), "%Y%m%d%H%M")
        t = (tb - ta).total_seconds() / 3600
        speed = (d / 1852) / t
        max_speed = max(speed, max_speed)

    return max_speed
コード例 #6
def get_storm_avespeed(eachstorm: dict) -> float:
    calculate each storm average moving speed

    :param eachstorm: a dictionary contains keys (coordinate, time, id and so on)
    :return: each storm average speed as float

    total = 0
    storm_coordinate = eachstorm["coordinate"]   # list
    storm_time = eachstorm["time"]   # list

    start = datetime.strptime(''.join(storm_time[0]), "%Y%m%d%H%M")
    stop = datetime.strptime(''.join(storm_time[-1]), "%Y%m%d%H%M")
    total_time = (stop - start).total_seconds() / 3600

    if len(storm_coordinate) <= 1:
        return 0.0
    for i in range(1, len(storm_coordinate)):
        a = ev.LatLon(storm_coordinate[i][0], storm_coordinate[i][1])
        b = ev.LatLon(storm_coordinate[i - 1][0], storm_coordinate[i - 1][1])
        if a == b:
            d = 0.0
            d = a.distanceTo(b)
        total += d

    return (total / 1852) / total_time
コード例 #7
def calulate_distance_and_speed(lat_list: list, lon_list: list,
                                data_set_cur_time_list: list):
    Calculates the maximum and mean speed the storm centre has moved. Also calculates the total distance the storm has moved.
    :param lat_list: Inputs a list of latitudes
    :param lon_list: Inputs a list of latitudes
    :param data_set_cur_time_list: Inputs a list of times
    dist_meters = 0
    tot_dist_meters = 0
    for i in range(len(lon_list) - 1):
        ini_pos = ev.LatLon(lat_list[i], lon_list[i])
        fin_pos = ev.LatLon(lat_list[i + 1], lon_list[i + 1])
            dist_meters = ini_pos.distanceTo(
                fin_pos) / 1852  #Convert to nautical miles
        except ev.VincentyError:
            dist_meters = 0
        tot_dist_meters = tot_dist_meters + dist_meters
        time_diff = calc_time_diff(data_set_cur_time_list[i],
                                   data_set_cur_time_list[i + 1])
        data_set_speed_list.append(dist_meters / time_diff)
    if not data_set_speed_list:
    print("Max speed is: ", round(max(data_set_speed_list), 5),
          " Nautical Miles/Minute")
    print("Mean speed is: ", round(mean(data_set_speed_list), 5),
          " Nautical Miles/Minute")
    print("Total distance the storm was tracked", round((tot_dist_meters), 5),
          " Nautical Miles")
    return tot_dist_meters
コード例 #8
def disCalculate(location1,
                 location2):  # function to calculate storm moving distance
    distance = []  # prepare all the lists for calculating variables
    Lation = []
    total = 0
    for a in range(
    ):  # calculation all the lat long to find the distance then add them together
        Lation.append(ev.LatLon(location1[a], location2[a]))
    for b in range((len(location1) - 1)):
        distance.append(Lation[b].distanceTo(Lation[b + 1]) / 1852.0)
    for c in range(len(distance)):
        total = total + distance[c]
    distance.clear()  # clear variable list for next use
    if total == 0:
        line_list.append("N/A")  # this append to output table
#         print('The Storm did not move!')
        total = str(round(total, 2))

#         print('The distance it traveled is:', total)
    return total
コード例 #9
def speed_cal(locations, time):
    calculate the speed of the storm
    :param locations: a list of nodes containing the longitude and the latitude of locations
    :param time: a list of time containing the time that a storm travels from one spot to another
    :return: a list of storm speed
    if len(locations) == 1:
        speed1 = 0
        node = []
        p = 0
        while p < len(locations):
            node.append(ev.LatLon(locations[p][0], locations[p][1]))
            p += 1
        j = 0
        temp_dis = []
        while j < (len(locations) - 1):
            temp_dis.append(node[j].distanceTo(node[j + 1]))
            j += 1

        speed1 = []
        for p in range(len(time)):
            if time == 0:
                speed1.append((int(temp_dis[p]) / 1852.0) / time[p])
    return speed1
コード例 #10
def get_hypo_quadrant(coordinate_1, coordinate_2: tuple) -> int:
    calculate hypothesized quadrant for a moving direction of a storm

    :param coordinate_1: for each storm, each track coordinate as a tuple
    :param coordinate_2: for each storm, each track coordinate as a tuple
    :return: int: quadrant index

    a = ev.LatLon(coordinate_1[0], coordinate_1[1])
    b = ev.LatLon(coordinate_2[0], coordinate_2[1])
    if a == b:
        bearing = 90
        bearing = (int(a.bearingTo(b)) + 90) % 360
    return bearing // 90
コード例 #11
ファイル: class4_examples.py プロジェクト: chensikl1991/IS590
def myLatLon(lat: str, lon: str) -> ev.LatLon:
    """Given a latitude and longitude, normalize the longitude if necessary,
    to return a valid ellipsoidalVincenty.LatLon object.

    :param lat: the latitude as a string
    :param lon: the longitude as a string

    >>> a = ev.LatLon('45.1N', '2.0E')
    >>> my_a = myLatLon('45.1N', '2.0E')
    >>> a == my_a
    >>> my_b = myLatLon('45.1N', '358.0W')
    >>> a == my_b  # make sure it normalizes properly
    >>> myLatLon('15.1', '68.0')
    LatLon(15°06′00.0″N, 068°00′00.0″E)

    if lon[-1] in ['E', 'W']:
        # parse string to separate direction from number portion:
        lon_num = float(lon[:-1])
        lon_dir = lon[-1]
        lon_num = float(lon)
    if lon_num > 180.0:  # Does longitude exceed range?
        lon_num = 360.0 - lon_num
        lon_dir = flip_direction(lon_dir)
        lon = str(lon_num) + lon_dir

    return ev.LatLon(lat, lon)
コード例 #12
def get_degree(points):
    Calculating directional changes between samples
    :param points: A list of latitude and longitude pairs
    :return:  degree: a list of diretional changes.
    loc = []
    degree = []
    for i in range(len(points)):
        loc.append(ev.LatLon(points[i][0], points[i][1]))
    for j in range(len(loc) - 1):
        if loc[j] != loc[j + 1]:
            d = loc[j].bearingTo(loc[j + 1])
            if d <= 180:
                    360 - d
                )  # For example, a directional change of 200 degrees, clockwise,
                # in fact, would be the same with a directional change of 160 degrees, anticlockwise.
            )  # bearingTo funcion would report error when two same latitude and longitude pairs are given
    return degree
コード例 #13
def get_track_length(track: List[Location]):
    distance = 0
    old_location = None
    for _location in track:
        current_location = eV.LatLon(_location.lat, _location.lon)
        if old_location:
            distance += old_location.distanceTo(current_location)
        old_location = current_location
    return round(distance, 3)
コード例 #14
    def connect_building_and_street(self):
        this function will connect building and each street connected to the building
        this will add the edge between two nodes in path_graph

        :return: None
        for x in range(self.edges.shape[0]):
            edge = self.edges.iloc[x]
            street = self.path_graph.node[edge.node_a + "-" + edge.node_b]
            building = ""
            if edge.node_a in self.path_graph.node:
                building = edge.node_a
            if edge.node_b in self.path_graph.node:
                building = edge.node_b

            if building != "":
                start = self.path_graph.node[building]
                if "coor" in start:
                    coor = start["coor"].split(",")
                    start_coor = ev.LatLon(coor[0], coor[1])

                if "coor" in street:
                    coor = street["coor"].split(",")
                    end_coor = ev.LatLon(coor[0], coor[1])
                    dist, bearing, _ = start_coor.distanceTo3(end_coor)
                    goto = self.convert_bearing_to_direction(bearing)
                    # directed graph
                                             edge.node_a + "-" + edge.node_b, {
                                                 "weight": dist,
                                                 "bearing": bearing,
                                                 "goto": goto
                    bearing = bearing + 180
                    bearing = (bearing - 360) if bearing > 360 else bearing
                    goto = self.convert_bearing_to_direction(bearing)
                    self.path_graph.add_edge(edge.node_a + "-" + edge.node_b,
                                             building, {
                                                 "weight": dist,
                                                 "bearing": bearing,
                                                 "goto": goto
コード例 #15
def wind_distance():
    wind_d = []
    wind_dper = []
    for j in range(count):
            Lat_sum1, Lont_sum1 = Lat_sums[j], Lont_sums[j]
            x = []
            x.append(ev.LatLon(Lat_sum1[0], Lont_sum1[0]))
            xs = []
            for i in range(recordP_sum[j] - 1):
                x.append(ev.LatLon(Lat_sum1[i + 1], Lont_sum1[i + 1]))
                xs.append(x[i + 1].distanceTo(x[i]) / 1852)
                sum(xs))  # sum the distances for one storm and append them
                xs)  # append per distance between two points for every storm
        except Exception:
    return [wind_d, wind_dper]
コード例 #16
def get_storm_distance(storm_coordinate: list) -> float:
    get each storm total moving distance

    :param storm_coordinate: list of tuples, each tuple contains a latitude and longitude
    :return: each storm total distance as a float

    total = 0
    if len(storm_coordinate) <= 1:
        return 0.0
    for i in range(1, len(storm_coordinate)):
        a = ev.LatLon(storm_coordinate[i][0], storm_coordinate[i][1])
        b = ev.LatLon(storm_coordinate[i - 1][0], storm_coordinate[i - 1][1])
        if a == b:
            d = 0.0
            d = a.distanceTo(b)
        total += d
    return total / 1852 # Divide to convert meters into nautical miles
コード例 #17
def SpeedCalculate(location1, location2, date,
                   time):  # function to calculate propagation speed
    epoch = []
    distance = []
    Lation = []
    speed = []
    total = 0
    epc = 0
    for a in range(len(location1)):
        Lation.append(ev.LatLon(location1[a], location2[a]))
    for b in range((len(location1) - 1)):
        distance.append(Lation[b].distanceTo(Lation[b + 1]) / 1852.0)
        if (int(date[b + 1]) - int(date[b])) > 0:
            ep = int(time[b + 1]) - int(time[b]) + 2400
            ep = int(time[b + 1]) - int(time[b])
        if ep % 100 == 0:
            epo = float(ep / 100)
            epo = ep // 100 + float((ep % 100) / 60)
    for c in range(len(distance)):
        speed.append(distance[c] / epoch[c])
        total = total + distance[c]
        epc = epc + epoch[c]
    if speed == []:
        line_list.append('N/A')  # append to table

#         print('The Storm did not have speed!')
        mean_speed = total / epc
        max_speed = max(speed)
        #         if max_speed == 0.0:
        #             max_speed = str(max_speed)+"\t\t"
        #         if mean_speed == 0.0:
        #             mean_speed = str(mean_speed)+"\t\t"
        if mean_speed == 0.0:
        if max_speed == 0.0:
            mean_speed, 2)))  # append to table, rounded to 2 significant digit
        line_list.append(str(round(max_speed, 2)))
        #         print('The mean propagation speed is: (Knots)', mean_speed, 'The maximum propagation speed is: (Knots)', max_speed)
        return mean_speed, max_speed
コード例 #18
def degree(storm: list) -> list:
    This function defines how to caluclate from text data to the time interval and distance interval
    between lines next to each other.
    :param storm: a list containing the whole information for a single strom. eg: list[0]
    :return: a list, a dataframe containing delta (unit: hour), delta_accu(unit:hour), dist(unit:meter),
    and dist_accu (unit:degree).
    # time is not processed yet.

    de = []
    dist_accu = 0
    delta_accu = 0
    for line in range(1, len(storm) - 1):
        c = time2(storm[line][0], storm[line][1])
        d = time2(storm[line + 1][0], storm[line + 1][1])
        delta1 = d - c
        delta_accu = d - time2(storm[1][0], storm[1][1])
        #        a = ev.LatLon(latlon(list[0][line][4]), latlon(list[0][line][5]))
        #        b = ev.LatLon(latlon(list[0][line + 1][4]), latlon(list[0][line + 1][5]))
        a = ev.LatLon(storm[line][4], storm[line][5])
        b = ev.LatLon(storm[line + 1][4], storm[line + 1][5])
        if a != b:
            #           ee = a.distanceTo3(b)
            #           dist1=ee[0];
            #           degree1=ee[1];
            dist1 = a.distanceTo(b)
            degree1 = a.bearingTo(b)
            dist_accu += dist1
            #de.append([delta1, delta_accu, dist1, dist_accu, degree1, velocity])
                delta1.total_seconds() / 3600,
                delta_accu.total_seconds() / 3600, dist1, dist_accu, degree1,
                (dist1) / (delta1.total_seconds() / 3600)
        #print('same location')

    return de
コード例 #19
def match_pair(driver, rider, interval, driver_prefer_time):
    # TODO: Calculate distance from the coordinations of riders and drivers...
    d1 = ev.LatLon(driver.start[1], driver.start[0])
    r1 = ev.LatLon(rider.start[1], rider.start[0])
    pickup_distance = d1.distanceTo(r1) * 0.00062137  #in miles
    pickup_time = pickup_distance * 7
    pickup_slots = pickup_time / interval

    d2 = ev.LatLon(driver.destination[1], driver.destination[0])
    r2 = ev.LatLon(rider.destination[1], rider.destination[0])
    dropoff_distance = r2.distanceTo(d2) * 0.00062137  #in miles
    dropoff_time = dropoff_distance * 7
    dropoff_slots = dropoff_time / interval

    driver_start_slot = driver.start_slot + pickup_slots
    driver_end_slot = driver.end_slot + pickup_slots
    driver_increase_slots = pickup_slots + dropoff_slots
    if driver_end_slot > rider.start_slot-1 and driver_start_slot-1 <= rider.end_slot \
            and driver_increase_slots<=driver_prefer_time:
        return ('matched', pickup_time + dropoff_time)
        return 'unmatched'
コード例 #20
def find_hurricanes_hitting_location(lat: float, lon: float) -> list:
    Find out those storms will hit the specific location assigned
    :param lat: float
    :param lon: float
    :param storms_profile: list
    :return: ['str', ...]
    dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    dirname = Path(dirname)

    storms_profile = read_stroms_txt(
        str(dirname.parent) + '/data/atl.txt',
        str(dirname.parent) + '/data/pac.txt')
    assign_loc = ev.LatLon(lat, lon)
    hit_storm = []

    for storm in storms_profile:
        qualify_storm = False

        for each_route in storm['route']:
            # print(each_route)
            latlon = ev.LatLon(each_route[4], each_route[5])

            if meter_to_nm(latlon.distanceTo(assign_loc)) <= 5.0 and int(
                    each_route[6]) >= 64:
                qualify_storm = True

            quadrant_index = int(latlon.distanceTo3(assign_loc)[-1] // 90)
            quadrant_distance = float(each_route[16:20][quadrant_index])

            if meter_to_nm(quadrant_distance >= latlon.distanceTo(assign_loc)):
                qualify_storm = True

        if qualify_storm == True:

    return hit_storm
コード例 #21
def test_ll_to_osgr_to_ll():
    # location on the Isles of Scilly
    lat = 49.926244
    lon = -6.297934
    ll_orig = eV.LatLon(lat, lon)
    osgr = toOsgr(ll_orig)
    ll_osgr = osgr.toLatLon(eV.LatLon)
    assert ll_orig.distanceTo(ll_osgr) < 1
    parsed_osgr = parseOSGR(str(osgr))
    ll_parsed_osgr = parsed_osgr.toLatLon(eV.LatLon)
    assert ll_orig.distanceTo(ll_parsed_osgr) < 1
    osgr_new = Osgr(osgr.easting, osgr.northing)
    ll_osgr_new = osgr_new.toLatLon(eV.LatLon)
    assert ll_orig.distanceTo(ll_osgr) < 1
コード例 #22
def get_bearing():
    bear_sum = []
    for j in range(count):
        Lat_sum1, Lont_sum1 = Lat_sums[j], Lont_sums[j]
        x = []
        xs = []
        x.append(ev.LatLon(Lat_sum1[0], Lont_sum1[0]))
        excep = x[0]
        for i in range(recordP_sum[j] - 1):
            # only one record or there are similar latitude and longitutude for two knots
            if recordP_sum[j] == 1 or (Lat_sum1[i] == Lat_sum1[i + 1]
                                       and Lont_sum1[i] == Lont_sum1[i + 1]):
                x.append(ev.LatLon(Lat_sum1[i + 1], Lont_sum1[i + 1]))
                    xs.append(excep.bearingTo(x[i + 1]))
                except AttributeError:
                    print("there is something wrong here")
                excep = x[i + 1]
# find the previous one which is not 0.
    return bear_sum
コード例 #23
def get_track_position(data: PositionRequest):
    distance = 0
    old_location = None
    for _location in data.track:
        current_location = eV.LatLon(_location.lat, _location.lon)
        if old_location:
            segment_length, bearing = old_location.distanceTo3(
            if distance + segment_length >= data.distance:
                position = old_location.destination(data.distance - distance,
                return {'lat': position.lat, 'lon': position.lon}
            distance += segment_length
        old_location = current_location
    return {}
コード例 #24
ファイル: terr50.py プロジェクト: jaluebbe/HeightMap
 def get_height(self, lat, lon):
     if not (-90 <= lat <= 90 and -180 <= lon <= 180):
         raise ValueError('invalid coordinates ({}, {})'.format(lat, lon))
     result = {
         'altitude_m': self.NODATA,
         'source': self.attribution_name,
         'lat': lat,
         'lon': lon,
         'distance_m': 0,
         'attributions': [self.attribution]
     if lat < 49.7 or lat > 62 or lon < -10 or lon > 4:
         return result
         osgr = toOsgr(eV.LatLon(lat, lon))
         if len(osgr.toStr()) == 0:
             raise ValueError('not a valid OSGR coordinate')
     except ValueError:
         return result
     # fit request to the grid
     osgr = osgr_to_grid(osgr)
     latlon = osgr.toLatLon(eV.LatLon)
     lat_found = latlon.lat
     lon_found = latlon.lon
     filename = get_filename(osgr)
     full_path = os.path.join(self.path, filename[:2].lower(), filename)
     if not os.path.isfile(full_path):
         return result
     x = get_x(osgr)
     y = get_y(osgr)
     with open(full_path, "rb") as f:
         # go to the right spot,
         f.seek((y * NCOLS + x) * 4)
         # read four bytes and convert them:
         buf = f.read(4)
         # ">f" is a four byte float
         val = struct.unpack('>f', buf)[0]
             round(lat_found, 6),
             round(lon_found, 6),
             round(val, 2),
             round(calculate_distance(lat, lon, lat_found, lon_found), 3)
         return result
コード例 #25
def myLatLon(lat: str, lon: str):
    """Given a latitude and longitude, normalize them if necessary,
    to return a valid ellipsoidalVincenty.LatLon object.

    :param lat: the latitude as a string
    :param lon: the longitude as a string
    # get number portion:
    if lon[-1] in ['E', 'W']:
        lon_num = float(lon[:-1])
        lon_dir = lon[-1]
        lon_num = float(lon)
    if lon_num > 180.0:  # Does longitude exceed range?
        lon_num = 360.0 - lon_num
        lon_dir = flip_direction(lon_dir)
        lon = str(lon_num) + lon_dir

    return ev.LatLon(lat, lon)
コード例 #26
def get_distance(list):
     Get a list whose elements are distances between each two adjacent samples, according to given latitude and longitude pairs.
    :param list: A list whose elements are sublists. Each sublist has two elements, latitude (string) and longitude (string).
    :return: distance: A list which elements are distances (nautical miles).
    loc = []
    distance = []
    for i in range(len(list)):
        loc.append(ev.LatLon(list[i][0], list[i][1]))
    for j in range(
            len(loc) - 1
    ):  # Only N-1 distances would be got if N pairs of latitude and longitude pairs are given
        if loc[j] != loc[j + 1]:
            d = loc[j].distanceTo(loc[j + 1]) / 1852.0
    return distance
コード例 #27
def point(data: str):
    Find the lon & lat of a line of record.
    :param data:
    lat = data.split(',')[4]
    lon = data.split(',')[5]
    # return ev.LatLon(point_n, point_w)
    if lon[-1] in ['E', 'W']:
        lon_num = float(lon[:-1])
        lon_dir = lon[-1]
        lon_num = float(lon)
    if lon_num > 180.0:  # Does longitude exceed range?
        lon_num = 360.0 - lon_num
        lon_dir = flip_direction(lon_dir)
        lon = str(lon_num) + lon_dir

    return ev.LatLon(lat, lon)
コード例 #28
def distance_cal(locations):
    calculate the distance in nautical miles by longitude and the latitude
    :param locations: a list of nodes containing the longitude and the latitude of locations
    :return:total distance between locations
    if len(locations) == 1:
        t_dis = 0
        node = []
        i = 0
        while i < len(locations):
            node.append(ev.LatLon(locations[i][0], locations[i][1]))
            i += 1
        j = 0
        temp_dis = []
        while j < (len(locations) - 1):
            temp_dis.append(node[j].distanceTo(node[j + 1]))
            j += 1
        t_dis = sum(temp_dis) / 1852.0
    return t_dis
コード例 #29
        sphericalNvector.LatLon(50, -20)
    mean = sphericalNvector.meanOf(points)  # XXX meanOf
    t.test(7, 'meanOf', mean.toStr(F_D, prec=4), '67.2362°N, 006.9175°W')
    #   t.test(7, 'meanOfLatLon', mean.__class__, "<class 'sphericalNvector.LatLon'>")  # ++

    # Example 8: A and azimuth/distance to B
    a = sphericalNvector.LatLon(80, -90)
    b = a.destination(1000, 200)  # JSname: destinationPoint
    t.test(8, 'destination(sphNv)', b.toStr(F_D), '79.991549°N, 090.017698°W')

    a = sphericalTrigonometry.LatLon(80, -90)  # +++
    b = a.destination(1000, 200)  # JSname: destinationPoint
    t.test(8, 'destination(sphTy)', b.toStr(F_D), '79.991549°N, 090.017698°W')

    a = ellipsoidalVincenty.LatLon(80, -90)  # +++
    b = a.destination(1000, 200)
    t.test(8, 'destination(elVincenty)', b.toStr(F_D),
           '79.991584°N, 090.017621°W')

    # Example 9: Intersection of two paths
    a1 = sphericalNvector.LatLon(10, 20)
    a2 = sphericalNvector.LatLon(30, 40)
    b1 = sphericalNvector.LatLon(50, 60)
    b2 = sphericalNvector.LatLon(70, 80)
    c = sphericalNvector.intersection(a1, a2, b1, b2)
    t.test(9, 'intersection', c, '40.318643°N, 055.901868°E')

    # Example 10: Cross track distance
    a1 = sphericalNvector.LatLon(0, 0)
    a2 = sphericalNvector.LatLon(10, 0)
コード例 #30
def parse_records(headline, records, range2true):

    total_distance = 0
    propagation_sum = 0
    max_propagation = 0
    sub_count = 0
    total_hour_difference = 0

    if len(records) > 0:
        for i in range(len(records)):
            # last record, skip
            if i == len(records) - 1:

            # get latitude and longitude
            cur_latitude = records[i].split(',')[4].strip()
            cur_longitude = records[i].split(',')[5].strip()
            cur_position = ev.LatLon(cur_latitude, cur_longitude)
            next_latitude = records[i + 1].split(',')[4].strip()
            next_longitude = records[i + 1].split(',')[5].strip()
            next_position = ev.LatLon(next_latitude, next_longitude)

            # calculate distance
            distance = cur_position.distanceTo(next_position) / 1852.0
            total_distance += distance

            # calculate speed
            day_difference = int(records[i + 1].split(',')[0].strip()) - int(
            minute_difference = int(
                records[i + 1].split(',')[1].strip()) - int(
            hour_difference = (day_difference * 2400 + minute_difference) / 100
            speed = distance / hour_difference

            total_hour_difference += hour_difference

            propagation_sum += speed
            if speed > max_propagation:
                max_propagation = speed

            # investigate scientific hypothesis
            bearing = cur_position.bearingTo(next_position)
            max_quadrant = []
            flag = True  # whether segment is eligible
            for j in range(2, -1, -1):  # from 64, 50 to 34-kt
                start = 8 + j * 4
                northeastern_extent = int(records[i].split(',')[start].strip())
                southeastern_extent = int(records[i].split(',')[start +
                southwestern_extent = int(records[i].split(',')[start +
                northwestern_extent = int(records[i].split(',')[start +

                if northeastern_extent == -999:  # invalid
                    flag = False

                if northeastern_extent + southeastern_extent + southwestern_extent + northwestern_extent == 0:
                    if j == 0:  # no wind, not eligible segment
                        flag = False
                else:  # find expected quadrants
                    max_extent = max(northeastern_extent, southeastern_extent,
                                     southwestern_extent, northwestern_extent)
                    if northeastern_extent == max_extent:
                    if southeastern_extent == max_extent:
                    if southwestern_extent == max_extent:
                    if northwestern_extent == max_extent:

            if not flag:

            # eligible segment
            sub_count += 1
            for k in range(70, 111):
                degree = (bearing + k) % 360
                if 0 <= degree <= 90 and 1 in max_quadrant or 90 <= degree <= 180 and 2 in max_quadrant \
                        or 180 <= degree <= 270 and 3 in max_quadrant or (270 <= degree <= 359 or degree == 0) and 4 in max_quadrant:
                    range2true[k] += 1

        if total_hour_difference != 0:
            mean_speed = total_distance / total_hour_difference

    return sub_count