def mad_fltr(dem, mad_sigma=2): """Median absolute deviation * factor filter """ med = mad = malib.mad(dem) rangelim = (med - mad_sigma * mad, med + mad_sigma * mad) print('Excluding values outside of range defined by {0} mad sigma: {1:0.1f} to {2:0.1f} m'.format(mad_sigma, *rangelim)) out = range_fltr(dem, rangelim) return out
def mad_fltr(dem, n=3): """Median absolute deviation * factor filter Robust outlier removal """ mad, med = malib.mad(dem, return_med=True) print('Excluding values outside of range: {1:0.3f} +/- {0}*{2:0.3f}'.format(n, med, mad)) rangelim = (med - n*mad, med + n*mad) out = range_fltr(dem, rangelim) return out
def make_plot(x,y,yerr=None,c='k',ms=4,label=None,abs=False): y_mean = y.mean() y_std = y.std() y_med = y_nmad = malib.mad(y) #plt.plot(x, y, label=label, color=c, marker='o', linestyle='None') plt.scatter(x, y, label=label, color=c, marker='o', s=ms) if yerr is not None: plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yerr, color=c, linestyle='None', elinewidth=0.5, capsize=np.sqrt(ms), alpha=0.5) plt.axhline(y_med, color=c, linestyle='--', alpha=0.5) plt.axhline(y_med + y_nmad, color=c, linestyle=':', alpha=0.5) plt.axhline(y_med - y_nmad, color=c, linestyle=':', alpha=0.5) plt.axhline(0, color='k', linewidth=0.5, linestyle='-', alpha=0.5) ax = plt.gca() plt.minorticks_on() #ax.tick_params(axis='y',which='minor',left='on') if abs: ax.set_ylim(bottom=0.0)
z1_bin_areas = z1_bin_counts * ds_res[0] * ds_res[1] / 1E6 z2_bin_counts, z2_bin_edges = np.histogram(z2, bins=z_bin_edges) z2_bin_areas = z2_bin_counts * ds_res[0] * ds_res[1] / 1E6 #dz_bin_edges, dz_bin_centers = get_bins(dz, 1.) #dz_bin_counts, dz_bin_edges = np.histogram(dz, bins=dz_bin_edges) #dz_bin_areas = dz_bin_counts * ds_res * ds_res / 1E6 dz_bin_med = dz_bin_mad = idx = np.digitize(z1, z_bin_edges) for bin_n in range(z_bin_centers.size): dz_bin_samp = mb[(idx == bin_n + 1)] #dz_bin_samp = dhdt[(idx == n+1)] if dz_bin_samp.count() > 0: dz_bin_med[bin_n] = malib.fast_median(dz_bin_samp) dz_bin_mad[bin_n] = malib.mad(dz_bin_samp) dz_bin_med[bin_n] = dz_bin_samp.mean() dz_bin_mad[bin_n] = dz_bin_samp.std() print("Generating map plot") f, axa = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10, 7.5)) f.suptitle(feat_fn) alpha = 1.0 hs = True if hs: z1_hs = geolib.gdaldem_wrapper(out_z1_fn, product='hs', returnma=True) z2_hs = geolib.gdaldem_wrapper(out_z2_fn, product='hs', returnma=True)
plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel('Mass balance (m we/yr)') ax.set_ylabel('Number of glaciers') hist_clim = (-1.0, 1.0) ax.set_xlim(*hist_clim) glac_df_mb['mb_mwea'].hist(range=hist_clim, bins=256, label='Before outlier filter') outlier_perc = (0.01, 0.99) #outlier_perc = (0.001, 0.999) #outlier_clim = (glac_df_mb['mb_mwea'].quantile(outlier_perc[0]), glac_df_mb['mb_mwea'].quantile(outlier_perc[1])) std_f = 3.0 #outlier_clim = glac_df_mb['mb_mwea'].mean() - std_f*glac_df_mb['mb_mwea'].std() outlier_clim = glac_df_mb['mb_mwea'].median() - std_f * malib.mad( glac_df_mb['mb_mwea'].values) outlier_clim = (outlier_clim, -outlier_clim) print("Removing outliers (%0.2f, %0.2f)" % (outlier_clim)) #inlier_idx = np.abs(glac_df_mb['mb_mwea'] - glac_df_mb['mb_mwea'].mean()) <= (3*glac_df_mb['mb_mwea'].std()) inlier_idx = (glac_df_mb['mb_mwea'] >= outlier_clim[0]) & (glac_df_mb['mb_mwea'] <= outlier_clim[1]) print("%i records before outlier removal" % (glac_df_mb.shape[0])) glac_df_mb = glac_df_mb[inlier_idx] print("%i records after outlier removal" % (glac_df_mb.shape[0])) if plot: glac_df_mb['mb_mwea'].hist(range=hist_clim, bins=256, label='After outlier filter') ax.axvline(0, linewidth=0.5, color='k')
def hist_plot(gf, outdir, bin_width=10.0): #print("Generating histograms") #Create bins for full range of input data and specified bin width #NOTE: these counts/areas are for valid pixels only #Not necessarily a true representation of actual glacier hypsometry #Need a void-filled DEM for this z_bin_edges, z_bin_centers = malib.get_bins(gf.z1, bin_width) z1_bin_counts, z1_bin_edges = np.histogram(gf.z1, bins=z_bin_edges) z1_bin_areas = z1_bin_counts * gf.res[0] * gf.res[1] / 1E6 #RGI standard is integer thousandths of glaciers total area #Should check to make sure sum of bin areas equals total area z1_bin_areas_perc = 100. * z1_bin_areas / np.sum(z1_bin_areas) z2_bin_counts, z2_bin_edges = np.histogram(gf.z2, bins=z_bin_edges) z2_bin_areas = z2_bin_counts * gf.res[0] * gf.res[1] / 1E6 z2_bin_areas_perc = 100. * z2_bin_areas / np.sum(z2_bin_areas) #Create arrays to store output mb_bin_med = mb_bin_mad = mb_bin_mean = mb_bin_std = dz_bin_med = dz_bin_mad = dz_bin_mean = dz_bin_std = if gf.debris_class is not None: perc_clean = perc_debris = perc_pond = debris_thick_med = debris_thick_mad = #Loop through each bin and extract stats idx = np.digitize(gf.z1, z_bin_edges) for bin_n in range(z_bin_centers.size): mb_bin_samp = gf.mb[(idx == bin_n + 1)] if mb_bin_samp.count() > 0: mb_bin_med[bin_n] = malib.fast_median(mb_bin_samp) mb_bin_mad[bin_n] = malib.mad(mb_bin_samp) mb_bin_mean[bin_n] = mb_bin_samp.mean() mb_bin_std[bin_n] = mb_bin_samp.std() dz_bin_samp = gf.dhdt[(idx == bin_n + 1)] if dz_bin_samp.count() > 0: dz_bin_med[bin_n] = malib.fast_median(dz_bin_samp) dz_bin_mad[bin_n] = malib.mad(dz_bin_samp) dz_bin_mean[bin_n] = dz_bin_samp.mean() dz_bin_std[bin_n] = dz_bin_samp.std() if gf.debris_class is not None: debris_class_bin_samp = gf.debris_class[(idx == bin_n + 1)] if debris_class_bin_samp.count() > 0: perc_clean[bin_n] = 100. * ( debris_class_bin_samp == 1).sum() / debris_class_bin_samp.count() perc_debris[bin_n] = 100. * ( debris_class_bin_samp == 2).sum() / debris_class_bin_samp.count() perc_pond[bin_n] = 100. * ( debris_class_bin_samp == 3).sum() / debris_class_bin_samp.count() debris_thick_bin_samp = gf.debris_thick[(idx == bin_n + 1)] debris_thick_med[bin_n] = malib.fast_median(debris_thick_bin_samp) debris_thick_mad[bin_n] = malib.mad(debris_thick_bin_samp) outbins_header = 'bin_center_elev_m, z1_bin_count_valid, z1_bin_area_valid_km2, z1_bin_area_perc, z2_bin_count_valid, z2_bin_area_valid_km2, z2_bin_area_perc, dhdt_bin_med_ma, dhdt_bin_mad_ma, dhdt_bin_mean_ma, dhdt_bin_std_ma, mb_bin_med_mwea, mb_bin_mad_mwea, mb_bin_mean_mwea, mb_bin_std_mwea' fmt = '%0.1f, %i, %0.3f, %0.2f, %i, %0.3f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f' outbins = [ z_bin_centers, z1_bin_counts, z1_bin_areas, z1_bin_areas_perc, z2_bin_counts, z2_bin_areas, z2_bin_areas_perc, dz_bin_med, dz_bin_mad, dz_bin_mean, dz_bin_std, mb_bin_med, mb_bin_mad, mb_bin_mean, mb_bin_std ] if gf.debris_class is not None: outbins_header += ', debris_thick_med_m, debris_thick_mad_m, perc_debris, perc_pond, perc_clean' fmt += ', %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f' debris_thick_med[debris_thick_med == -(np.inf)] = 0.00 debris_thick_mad[debris_thick_mad == -(np.inf)] = 0.00 outbins.extend([ debris_thick_med, debris_thick_mad, perc_debris, perc_pond, perc_clean ]) #print(len(outbins), len(fmt.split(',')), len(outbins_header.split(','))) outbins ='float32'), -9999.0) outbins_fn = os.path.join(outdir, gf.feat_fn + '_mb_bins.csv') #print(outbins.shape) np.savetxt(outbins_fn, outbins, fmt=fmt, delimiter=',', header=outbins_header) #print("Generating aed plot") #f,axa = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(6, 6)) f, axa = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10, 7.5)) f.suptitle(gf.feat_fn) axa[0].plot(z1_bin_areas, z_bin_centers, label='%0.2f' % gf.t1) axa[0].plot(z2_bin_areas, z_bin_centers, label='%0.2f' % gf.t2) axa[0].axhline(gf.z1_ela, ls=':', c='C0') axa[0].axhline(gf.z2_ela, ls=':', c='C1') axa[0].legend(prop={'size': 8}, loc='upper right') axa[0].set_ylabel('Elevation (m WGS84)') axa[0].set_xlabel('Area $\mathregular{km^2}$') pltlib.minorticks_on(axa[0]) axa[1].axvline(0, lw=1.0, c='k') axa[1].axvline(gf.mb_mean, lw=0.5, ls=':', c='k', label='%0.2f m w.e./yr' % gf.mb_mean) axa[1].legend(prop={'size': 8}, loc='upper right') axa[1].plot(mb_bin_med, z_bin_centers, color='k') axa[1].fill_betweenx(z_bin_centers, mb_bin_med - mb_bin_mad, mb_bin_med + mb_bin_mad, color='k', alpha=0.1) axa[1].fill_betweenx(z_bin_centers, 0, mb_bin_med, where=(mb_bin_med < 0), color='r', alpha=0.2) axa[1].fill_betweenx(z_bin_centers, 0, mb_bin_med, where=(mb_bin_med > 0), color='b', alpha=0.2) #axa[1].set_ylabel('Elevation (m WGS84)') #axa[1].set_xlabel('dh/dt (m/yr)') axa[1].set_xlabel('mb (m w.e./yr)') pltlib.minorticks_on(axa[1]) #Hide y-axis labels axa[1].axes.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) #axa[1].set_xlim(-2.0, 2.0) #axa[1].set_xlim(-8.0, 8.0) axa[1].set_xlim(-3.0, 3.0) if gf.debris_class is not None: axa[2].errorbar(debris_thick_med * 100., z_bin_centers, xerr=debris_thick_mad * 100, color='k', fmt='o', ms=3, label='Thickness', alpha=0.6) axa[2].plot(perc_debris, z_bin_centers, color='sienna', label='Debris Coverage') axa[2].plot(perc_pond, z_bin_centers, color='turquoise', label='Pond Coverage') axa[2].set_xlim(0, 100) pltlib.minorticks_on(axa[2]) axa[2].legend(prop={'size': 8}, loc='upper right') axa[2].set_xlabel('Debris thickness (cm), coverage (%)') axa[2].yaxis.tick_right() axa[2].yaxis.set_label_position("right") plt.tight_layout() #Make room for suptitle plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) #print("Saving aed plot") fig_fn = os.path.join(outdir, gf.feat_fn + '_mb_aed.png') plt.savefig(fig_fn, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) plt.close(f) return z_bin_edges
def main(): parser = getparser() args = parser.parse_args() t_unit = args.dt plot = args.plot remove_offsets = args.remove_offsets mask_fn = args.mask_fn if mask_fn is not None: remove_offsets = True #Input is 3-band disparity map, extract bands directly src_fn = args.disp_fn if not iolib.fn_check(src_fn): sys.exit("Unable to locate input file: %s" % src_fn) src_ds = iolib.fn_getds(src_fn) if src_ds.RasterCount != 3: sys.exit("Input file must be ASP disparity map (3 bands: x, y, mask)") #Extract pixel resolution h_res, v_res = geolib.get_res(src_ds) #Horizontal scale factor #If running on disparity_view output (gdal_translate -outsize 5% 5% F.tif F_5.tif) #h_res /= 20 #v_res /= 20 #Load horizontal and vertical disparities h = iolib.ds_getma(src_ds, bnum=1) v = iolib.ds_getma(src_ds, bnum=2) #ASP output has northward motion as negative values in band 2 v *= -1 t1, t2 = timelib.fn_getdatetime_list(src_fn) dt = t2 - t1 #Default t_factor is in 1/years t_factor = timelib.get_t_factor(t1, t2) #Input timestamp arrays if inputs are mosaics if False: t1_fn = '' t2_fn = '' if os.path.exists(t1_fn) and os.path.exists(t2_fn): t_factor = timelib.get_t_factor_fn(t1_fn, t2_fn) if t_factor is None: sys.exit("Unable to determine input timestamps") if t_unit == 'day': t_factor *= 365.25 print("Input dates:") print(t1) print(t2) print(dt) print(t_factor, t_unit) #Scale values for polar stereographic distortion srs = geolib.get_ds_srs(src_ds) proj_scale_factor = 1.0 #Want to scale to get correct distances for polar sterographic if srs.IsSame(geolib.nps_srs) or srs.IsSame(geolib.sps_srs): proj_scale_factor = geolib.scale_ps_ds(src_ds) #Convert disparity values in pixels to m/t_unit h_myr = h * h_res * proj_scale_factor / t_factor h = None v_myr = v * v_res * proj_scale_factor / t_factor v = None #Velocity Magnitude m =**2 + v_myr**2) print("Velocity Magnitude stats") malib.print_stats(m) #Remove x and y offsets over control surfaces offset_str = '' if remove_offsets: if mask_fn is None: from demcoreg.dem_mask import get_mask print( "\nUsing demcoreg to prepare mask of stable control surfaces\n" ) #TODO: Accept mask_list as in demcoreg #mask_list = args.mask_list # for now keep it simple, limit to non-glacier surfaces mask_list = [ 'glaciers', ] mask = get_mask(src_ds, mask_list=mask_list, dem_fn=src_fn) else: print("\nWarping input raster mask") #This can be from previous run (e.g. *rockmask.tif) mask_ds = warplib.memwarp_multi_fn([ mask_fn, ], res=src_ds, extent=src_ds, t_srs=src_ds)[0] mask = iolib.ds_getma(mask_ds) #The default from ds_getma is a masked array, so need to isolate boolean mask #Assume input is 0 for masked, 1 for unmasked (valid control surface) mask = mask.filled().astype('bool') #This should work, as the * is 1 for unmasked, 0 for masked, with ndv=0 #mask = #Vector mask - untested if os.path.splitext(mask_fn)[1] == 'shp': mask = geolib.shp2array(mask_fn, src_ds) print("\nRemoving median x and y offset over static control surfaces") h_myr_count = h_myr.count() h_myr_static_count =, mask=mask).count() h_myr_mad, h_myr_med = malib.mad(, mask=mask), return_med=True) v_myr_mad, v_myr_med = malib.mad(, mask=mask), return_med=True) print("Static pixel count: %i (%0.1f%%)" % (h_myr_static_count, 100 * float(h_myr_static_count) / h_myr_count)) print("median (+/-NMAD)") print("x velocity offset: %0.2f (+/-%0.2f) m/%s" % (h_myr_med, h_myr_mad, t_unit)) print("y velocity offset: %0.2f (+/-%0.2f) m/%s" % (v_myr_med, v_myr_mad, t_unit)) h_myr -= h_myr_med v_myr -= v_myr_med offset_str = '_offsetcorr_h%0.2f_v%0.2f' % (h_myr_med, v_myr_med) #Velocity Magnitude m =**2 + v_myr**2) print("Velocity Magnitude stats after correction") malib.print_stats(m) if plot: fig_fn = os.path.splitext(src_fn)[0] + '.png' label = 'Velocity (m/%s)' % t_unit f, ax = make_plot(m, fig_fn, label) plotvec(h_myr, v_myr) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(fig_fn, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, edgecolor='none') print("Writing out files") gt = src_ds.GetGeoTransform() proj = src_ds.GetProjection() dst_fn = os.path.splitext(src_fn)[0] + '_vm%s.tif' % offset_str iolib.writeGTiff(m, dst_fn, create=True, gt=gt, proj=proj) dst_fn = os.path.splitext(src_fn)[0] + '_vx%s.tif' % offset_str iolib.writeGTiff(h_myr, dst_fn, create=True, gt=gt, proj=proj) dst_fn = os.path.splitext(src_fn)[0] + '_vy%s.tif' % offset_str iolib.writeGTiff(v_myr, dst_fn, create=True, gt=gt, proj=proj) src_ds = None
def sample_stack(ex, ey, geoid_offset=False, pad=3): if ex > m.shape[2]-1 or ey > m.shape[1]-1: print "Input coordinates are outside stack extent:" print ex, ey print m.shape v = None else: print "Sampling with pad: %i" % pad if pad == 0: v = m[:,ey,ex] else: window_x = np.around(np.clip([ex-pad, ex+pad+1], 0, m.shape[2]-1)).astype(int) window_y = np.around(np.clip([ey-pad, ey+pad+1], 0, m.shape[1]-1)).astype(int) print window_x print window_y v = m[:,window_y[0]:window_y[1],window_x[0]:window_x[1]].reshape(m.shape[0], np.ptp(window_x)*np.ptp(window_y)) #v = v.mean(axis=1) v =, axis=1) if v.count() == 0: print "No valid values" else: mx, my = geolib.pixelToMap(ex, ey, gt) print ex, ey, mx, my print "Count: %i" % v.count() #Hack to get elevations relative to geoid #Note: this can be added multiple times if clicked quickly if geoid_offset: #geoid_offset = geolib.sps2geoid(mx, my, 0.0)[2] geoid_offset = geolib.nps2geoid(mx, my, 0.0)[2] print "Removing geoid offset: %0.1f" % geoid_offset v += geoid_offset #Should filter here #RS1 has some values that are many 1000s of m/yr below neighbors if filter_outliers: if True: med = malib.fast_median(v) mad = malib.mad(v) min_v = med - mad*4 f_idx = (v < min_v).filled(False) if np.any(f_idx): print med, mad print "Outliers removed by absolute filter: (val < %0.1f)" % min_v print timelib.o2dt(d[f_idx]) print v[f_idx] v[f_idx] = if True: v_idx = ([0] #This tries to maintain fixed window in time f = filtlib.rolling_fltr(v, size=7) #This uses fixed number of neighbors f = filtlib.rolling_fltr(v[v_idx], size=7) #f_diff = np.abs(f - v) #Note: the issue is usually that the velocity values are too low #f_diff = f - v f_diff = f - v[v_idx] diff_thresh = 2000 #f_idx = (f_diff > diff_thresh).filled(False) #f_idx = (f_diff < diff_thresh).filled(False) f_idx = np.zeros_like( f_idx[v_idx] = (f_diff > diff_thresh) if np.any(f_idx): print "Outliers removed by rolling median filter: (val < %0.1f)" % diff_thresh print timelib.o2dt(d[f_idx]) print v[f_idx] v[f_idx] = return v
def hist_plot(gf, outdir, bin_width=10.0): #print("Generating histograms") z_bin_edges, z_bin_centers = get_bins(gf.z1, bin_width) z1_bin_counts, z1_bin_edges = np.histogram(gf.z1, bins=z_bin_edges) z1_bin_areas = z1_bin_counts * gf.res[0] * gf.res[1] / 1E6 #RGI standard is integer thousandths of glaciers total area #Should check to make sure sum of bin areas equals total area z1_bin_areas_perc = 100. * z1_bin_areas / np.sum(z1_bin_areas) z2_bin_counts, z2_bin_edges = np.histogram(gf.z2, bins=z_bin_edges) z2_bin_areas = z2_bin_counts * gf.res[0] * gf.res[1] / 1E6 z2_bin_areas_perc = 100. * z2_bin_areas / np.sum(z2_bin_areas) #dz_bin_edges, dz_bin_centers = get_bins(dz, 1.) #dz_bin_counts, dz_bin_edges = np.histogram(dz, bins=dz_bin_edges) #dz_bin_areas = dz_bin_counts * res * res / 1E6 mb_bin_med = mb_bin_mad = dz_bin_med = dz_bin_mad = idx = np.digitize(gf.z1, z_bin_edges) for bin_n in range(z_bin_centers.size): mb_bin_samp = gf.mb[(idx == bin_n + 1)] if mb_bin_samp.count() > 0: mb_bin_med[bin_n] = malib.fast_median(mb_bin_samp) mb_bin_mad[bin_n] = malib.mad(mb_bin_samp) mb_bin_med[bin_n] = mb_bin_samp.mean() mb_bin_mad[bin_n] = mb_bin_samp.std() dz_bin_samp = gf.dhdt[(idx == bin_n + 1)] if dz_bin_samp.count() > 0: dz_bin_med[bin_n] = malib.fast_median(dz_bin_samp) dz_bin_mad[bin_n] = malib.mad(dz_bin_samp) dz_bin_med[bin_n] = dz_bin_samp.mean() dz_bin_mad[bin_n] = dz_bin_samp.std() #Should also export original dh/dt numbers, not mb #outbins_header = 'bin_center_elev, bin_count, dhdt_bin_med, dhdt_bin_mad, mb_bin_med, mb_bin_mad' #outbins =[z_bin_centers, z1_bin_counts, dz_bin_med, dz_bin_mad, mb_bin_med, mb_bin_mad]).astype('float32')[0] #fmt='%0.2f' outbins_header = 'bin_center_elev_m, z1_bin_count_valid, z1_bin_area_valid_km2, z1_bin_area_perc, z2_bin_count_valid, z2_bin_area_valid_km2, z2_bin_area_perc, dhdt_bin_med_ma, dhdt_bin_mad_ma, mb_bin_med_mwe, mb_bin_mad_mwe' fmt = '%0.1f, %i, %0.3f, %0.2f, %i, %0.3f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f' outbins =[ z_bin_centers, z1_bin_counts, z1_bin_areas, z1_bin_areas_perc, z2_bin_counts, z2_bin_areas, z2_bin_areas_perc, dz_bin_med, dz_bin_mad, mb_bin_med, mb_bin_mad ]).astype('float32')[0], -9999.0) outbins_fn = os.path.join(outdir, gf.feat_fn + '_mb_bins.csv') np.savetxt(outbins_fn, outbins, fmt=fmt, delimiter=',', header=outbins_header) #print("Generating aed plot") f, axa = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(6, 6)) f.suptitle(gf.feat_fn) axa[0].plot(z1_bin_areas, z_bin_centers, label='%0.2f' % gf.t1) axa[0].plot(z2_bin_areas, z_bin_centers, label='%0.2f' % gf.t2) axa[0].axhline(gf.z1_ela, ls=':', c='C0') axa[0].axhline(gf.z2_ela, ls=':', c='C1') axa[0].legend(prop={'size': 8}, loc='upper right') axa[0].set_ylabel('Elevation (m WGS84)') axa[0].set_xlabel('Area $\mathregular{km^2}$') axa[0].minorticks_on() axa[1].yaxis.tick_right() axa[1].yaxis.set_label_position("right") axa[1].axvline(0, lw=1.0, c='k') axa[1].axvline(gf.mb_mean, lw=0.5, ls=':', c='k', label='%0.2f m w.e./yr' % gf.mb_mean) axa[1].legend(prop={'size': 8}, loc='upper right') axa[1].plot(mb_bin_med, z_bin_centers, color='k') axa[1].fill_betweenx(z_bin_centers, 0, mb_bin_med, where=(mb_bin_med < 0), color='r', alpha=0.2) axa[1].fill_betweenx(z_bin_centers, 0, mb_bin_med, where=(mb_bin_med > 0), color='b', alpha=0.2) #axa[1].set_ylabel('Elevation (m WGS84)') #axa[1].set_xlabel('dh/dt (m/yr)') axa[1].set_xlabel('mb (m w.e./yr)') axa[1].minorticks_on() axa[1].set_xlim(-2.0, 2.0) #axa[1].set_xlim(-8.0, 8.0) plt.tight_layout() #Make room for suptitle plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) #print("Saving aed plot") fig_fn = os.path.join(outdir, gf.feat_fn + '_mb_aed.png') plt.savefig(fig_fn, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) return z_bin_edges
def make_plot3d(x, y, z, title=None, orthogonal_fig=True): cmean = np.mean([x, y, z], axis=1) cstd = np.std([x, y, z], axis=1) cmed = np.median([x, y, z], axis=1) cnmad = malib.mad([x, y, z], axis=1) x_corr = x - cmean[0] y_corr = y - cmean[1] z_corr = z - cmean[2] ce90 = geolib.CE90(x, y) ce90_corr = geolib.CE90(x_corr, y_corr) le90 = geolib.LE90(z) le90_corr = geolib.LE90(z_corr) coefs = [ce90, ce90, le90] #maxdim = np.ceil(np.max([np.max(np.abs([x, y, z])), ce90, le90])) maxdim = np.ceil(np.max([np.percentile(np.abs([x, y, z]), 99), ce90, le90])) if orthogonal_fig: from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse #fig_ortho, axa = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(10,5)) fig_ortho, axa = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10, 5)) title = 'Co-registration Translation Vector Components, n=%i\n' % x.shape[ 0] title += 'mean: (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f), std: (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)\n' % ( tuple(cmean) + tuple(cstd)) title += 'med: (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f), nmad: (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)\n' % ( tuple(cmed) + tuple(cnmad)) title += 'CE90: %0.2f (Bias-corrected: %0.2f), LE90: %0.2f (Bias-corrected: %0.2f)' % ( ce90, ce90_corr, le90, le90_corr) plt.suptitle(title) dot_prop = { 'color': 'k', 'linestyle': 'None', 'marker': '.', 'ms': 3, 'label': 'ICP correction vector', 'alpha': 0.5 } mean_prop = { 'color': 'r', 'linestyle': 'None', 'marker': 'o', 'label': 'Mean' } for ax in axa: ax.set_xlim(-maxdim, maxdim) ax.set_ylim(-maxdim, maxdim) ax.minorticks_on() ax.set_aspect('equal') axa[0].plot(x, y, **dot_prop) axa[0].plot(cmean[0], cmean[1], **mean_prop) axa[0].set_xlabel('X offset (m)') axa[0].set_ylabel('Y offset (m)') e = Ellipse((0, 0), 2 * ce90, 2 * ce90, linewidth=0, alpha=0.1) axa[0].add_artist(e) axa[0].legend(prop={'size': 8}, numpoints=1, loc='upper left') axa[1].plot(x, z, **dot_prop) axa[1].plot(cmean[0], cmean[2], **mean_prop) axa[1].set_xlabel('X offset (m)') axa[1].set_ylabel('Z offset (m)') e = Ellipse((0, 0), 2 * ce90, 2 * le90, linewidth=0, alpha=0.1) axa[1].add_artist(e) axa[2].plot(y, z, **dot_prop) axa[2].plot(cmean[1], cmean[2], **mean_prop) axa[2].set_xlabel('X offset (m)') axa[2].set_ylabel('Z offset (m)') e = Ellipse((0, 0), 2 * ce90, 2 * le90, linewidth=0, alpha=0.1) axa[2].add_artist(e) plt.tight_layout() #Note: postscript doesn't properly handle tansparency fig_fn = '%s_translation_vec_local_meters_orthogonal.pdf' % out_fn_prefix plt.savefig(fig_fn, dpi=600, bbox_inches='tight')