def test(target=None, show=False, onlydoctests=False, coverage=False, htmlreport=False): """Run docstring examples and additional tests. Examples -------- >>> from pygimli.utils import boxprint >>> test(target=boxprint) Parameters ---------- target : function, optional Function or method to test. By default everything is tested. show : boolean, optional Show matplotlib windows during test run. They will be closed automatically. onlydoctests : boolean, optional Run test files in ../tests as well. coverage : boolean, optional Create a coverage report. Requires the pytest-cov plugin. htmlreport : str, optional Filename for HTML report such as Requires pytest-html plugin. """ if target: import doctest doctest.run_docstring_examples(target, globals()) return try: import pytest except ImportError: raise ImportError("pytest is required to run test suite. " + \ "Try 'sudo pip install pytest'.") from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from pygimli.utils import opt_import pc = opt_import("pytest_cov", "create a code coverage report") ph = opt_import("pytest_html", "create a html report") old_backend = plt.get_backend() if not show: plt.switch_backend("Agg") cwd = os.path.realpath(__path__[0]) cfg = os.path.join(cwd, "../tests/setup.cfg") cmd = "" if os.path.exists(cfg): cmd += "-c %s " % cfg if pc and coverage: cmd += "--cov pygimli --cov-report term " + \ "--cov-config %s " % cfg.replace("setup.cfg", ".coveragerc") if ph and htmlreport: cmd += "--html %s " % htmlreport cmd += "%s " % cwd if not onlydoctests and os.path.exists(cfg): cmd += os.path.join(cwd, "../tests") exitcode = pytest.main(cmd) plt.switch_backend(old_backend) plt.close('all') sys.exit(exitcode)
def GKtoUTM(R, H=None, zone=32, gk=None, gkzone=None): """Transforms any Gauss-Krueger to UTM autodetect GK zone from offset.""" if gk is None and gkzone is None: if H is None: rr = R[0][0] else: if isinstance(R, list) or isinstance(R, tuple): rr = R[0] else: rr = R gkzone = int(floor(rr * 1e-6)) print(gkzone) if gkzone <= 0 or gkzone >= 5: print("cannot detect valid GK zone") pyproj = opt_import('pyproj', 'coordinate transformations') if pyproj is None: return None gk = pyproj.Proj(init="epsg:"+str(31464+gkzone)) wgs84 = pyproj.Proj(init="epsg:4326") # pure ellipsoid to doubel transform utm = pyproj.Proj(proj='utm', zone=zone, ellps='WGS84') # UTM if H is None: # two-column matrix lon, lat = pyproj.transform(gk, wgs84, R[0], R[1]) else: lon, lat = pyproj.transform(gk, wgs84, R, H) return utm(lon, lat)
def test(show=False, coverage=False): """Test all code examples in docstrings using pytest.""" try: import pytest except ImportError: raise ImportError("pytest is required to run test suite. " + "Try 'sudo pip install pytest'.") from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from pygimli.utils import opt_import pc = opt_import("pytest_cov", "create a coverage report") old_backend = plt.get_backend() if not show: plt.switch_backend("Agg") cwd = __path__[0] cfg = os.path.join(cwd, "../tests/setup.cfg") cmd = "" if os.path.exists(cfg): cmd += "-c %s " % cfg if pc and coverage: cmd += "--cov pygimli --cov-report coveralls --cov-report html " + "--cov-config %s " % cfg.replace( "setup.cfg", ".coveragerc" ) cmd += "%s" % cwd try: pytest.main(cmd) finally: plt.switch_backend(old_backend)
def _load(self, polyfile): """ Read polygon info from XML file. Example of XML file: """ ET = opt_import("xml.etree.cElementTree", "read in XML files") self.doc = ET.parse(polyfile) self._parse()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pygimli.gui.mpl import AppResourceMPL from pygimli.importexport import readGPX, readSimpleLatLon from pygimli.mplviewer import underlayMap from pygimli.utils import opt_import pyproj = opt_import('pyproj', 'coordinate transformations of EM data') def findUTMZone(lon, lat): """ find utm zone for lon and lat values. Return str(zone)+hemisphere lon -180 -- -174 -> 1 ... 174 -- 180 -> 60 lat < 0 hemisphere = S, > 0 hemisphere = N """ zone = (int(lon) + 180) / 6 + 1 if lat > 0: return str(zone) + 'N' else: return str(zone) + 'S' # def findUTMZone(...) class GPSViewerApp(AppResourceMPL): """
def readHEMData(self, filename, takeevery=1, choosevcp=True): """ read RESOLVE type airborne EM data from .XYZ file """ self.header = {} keyword = '' with open(filename) as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): if line[0] == '/': line = line[1:].strip('\n').replace(',', '').replace('AND', '') try: result = [float(co) for co in line.split()] except: result = line.split() if len(result) == 1: result = result[0] if keyword: if isinstance(keyword, list): for kw, res in zip(keyword, result): self.header[kw] = res else: self.header[keyword] = result keyword = '' else: keyword = result else: break line = f.readline() print(line) # tmp = np.genfromtxt(fname=f, autostrip=True, comments='/', # skip_header=0, dtype=float, names=1, case_sensitive='lower', # missing_values='*', filling_values=-9999, skip_footer=1) tmp = np.genfromtxt( fname=filename, autostrip=True, comments='/', skip_header=i+1, dtype=float, names=True, case_sensitive='lower', missing_values='*', filling_values=-9999, skip_footer=1) # read properties from header if choosevcp: ivcp = np.nonzero(np.array(self.header['COILGEOMETRY']) == 1)[0] else: ivcp = range(len(self.header['FREQUENCY'])) self.frequencies = np.array(self.header['FREQUENCY'])[ivcp] self.coilSpacing = np.array(self.header['COILSEPERATION'])[ivcp] # read properties from data block names = tmp.dtype.names pyproj = opt_import('pyproj', 'coordinate transformations EM lon,lat values') if 'lon' in names and 'lat' in names and pyproj is not None: utm = pyproj.Proj(proj='utm', zone=32, ellps='WGS84') # projection x, y = utm(tmp['lon'], tmp['lat']) else: x, y = tmp['x'], tmp['y'] self.pos = np.column_stack((x, y))[::takeevery] dx = np.sqrt(np.diff(self.pos[:, 0])**2 + np.diff(self.pos[:, 1])**2) self.x = np.hstack((0., np.cumsum(dx))) self.z = tmp['h_laser'][::takeevery] self.topo = tmp['topo'][::takeevery] IP = np.column_stack([tmp['real_'+str(i+1)] for i in ivcp]) OP = np.column_stack([tmp['quad_'+str(i+1)] for i in ivcp]) # better do a decimation or running average here self.IP = IP[::takeevery, :] self.OP = OP[::takeevery, :] self.isActiveFreq = self.frequencies > 0.0 self.activeFreq = np.nonzero(self.isActiveFreq)[0]
from pygimli.utils import opt_import json = opt_import("json", "read and write inversion settings") class InversionSettings(dict): """ Extends the built-in dict with methods for saving and loading a file. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize the settings object by either using a file or sepcifying the settings directly. Works exatly like a dict(), only with extended capabilities like saving and loading to disk. """ try: self.filename = kwargs.pop('filename') except KeyError: print('Creating new settings object.') else: print('Loading settings from: "{}".'.format(self.filename)) finally: super(InversionSettings, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if hasattr(self, 'filename'): self.update(InversionSettings.loadtxt(self.filename)) def save(self, f): """ Saves the settings object to disk.