def __init__(self, queue_dict): super().__init__(width=1280, height=720, caption='PACHINKO') # self.minimize() # self.config = gl.Config(double_buffer=True) # self.window = window.Window(1280, 720,config=self.config,caption='PACHINKO') self.queue_dict = queue_dict self.game_objects = {} self.object_batch = graphics.Batch() self.text_batch = graphics.Batch() self.spawn_circles()
def setBattleField(self, playerArchive, playerInd, header): self._status = PLAYING self.batch = pyGra.Batch() self.ocean = mdl.gif(oceanBG, [0, 0], glb.wh, self.batch, gOcean) # Top Panel topPanelXY = [0, reduceTo(glb.wh[1], 90)] topPanelWH = [glb.wh[0], glb.wh[1] - topPanelXY[1]] mdl.quad(topPanelXY, topPanelWH, [0, 0, 0, 120], self.batch, group=gTopPanel, blend=True) self.topPanelXY = topPanelXY # Divider dividerWH = [15, topPanelXY[1]] dividerXY = [int(topPanelWH[0] / 2 - dividerWH[0] / 2), 0] mdl.quad(dividerXY, dividerWH, [0, 0, 0, 120], self.batch, group=gTopPanel, blend=True) self.setPlayerLayout(0, header[0], topPanelXY, topPanelWH) self.setPlayerLayout(1, header[1], topPanelXY, topPanelWH) self.extractPlayer1(playerArchive[0]) self.extractPlayer2(playerArchive[1]) self.setPlayerTurn(playerInd) glb.Aud.gameplay()
def __init__(self, doctype, *args, **kwargs): super(TestWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.batch = graphics.Batch() self.document = doctype() self.layout = layout.IncrementalTextLayout(self.document, self.width, self.height, batch=self.batch)
def __init__(self, game: 'Game', x: int, y: int): self.pos: vec2 = vec2(x, y) = game self.batch = graphics.Batch() self.e_boxes = [] for pos in box = shapes.Rectangle(x + (pos.x * Map.size), y + ((Map.rows - pos.y) * Map.size), Map.size, Map.size, color=(50, 50, 50), batch=self.batch) self.e_boxes.append(box) self.e_player = shapes.Rectangle(x, y, Map.size, Map.size, color=(255, 255, 255), batch=self.batch)
def on_enter(self): super(PythonInterpreterLayer, self).on_enter() vw, vh = cocos.director.director.get_window_size() # format the code self.document = document.FormattedDocument(self.content) self.document.set_style( 0, len(self.document.text), { 'font_name': self.cfg['code.font_name'], 'font_size': self.cfg['code.font_size'], 'color': self.cfg['code.color'], }) self.batch = graphics.Batch() # generate the document self.layout = layout.IncrementalTextLayout(self.document, vw, vh, multiline=True, batch=self.batch) self.layout.anchor_y = 'top' self.caret = caret.Caret(self.layout, color=self.cfg['caret.color']) self.caret.on_activate() self.on_cocos_resize(vw, vh) self.start_of_line = len(self.document.text)
def __init__(self, number): self.keysdown = [] self.controllable = False self.entities = [] self.level = number self.musicres = [['epikboss_INTRO.ogg'),'epikboss_loop.wav') ]] self.musicplayer = media.Player() self.batch = graphics.Batch() self.expsfx = media.Player() self.expsfx.queue(World.explo) self.expsfx.eos_action = "pause" self.s1sfx = media.Player() self.s1sfx.queue(World.s1) self.s1sfx.eos_action = "pause" self.s2sfx = media.Player() self.s2sfx.queue(World.s2) self.s2sfx.eos_action = "pause" self.s3sfx = media.Player() self.s3sfx.queue(World.s3) self.s3sfx.eos_action = "pause" self.layers = (,,,, self.ui = UI(self)
def __init__(self, width=1280, height=720, pathfinder=None, queue=None, semaphore=None): if pathfinder: self.win_size = {'width': width, 'height': height} self.pathfinder = pathfinder self.queue = queue self.semaphore = semaphore else: self.win_size = {'width': width, 'height': height} # create window super(PygletRenderer, self).__init__(width=self.win_size['width'], height=self.win_size['height'], resizable=True, fullscreen=False, caption="hiddenpath") self.set_minimum_size(32, 32) self.decorate_events() # setup the tick counter and Frames Per Second counter self.dt_count = clock.tick() self.fps_display = pyglet.clock.ClockDisplay() # rendering variables pyglet.options['debug_gl'] = False self.primitives = { 'points': GL_POINTS, 'square_points': GL_QUADS, 'stripe': GL_LINE_STRIP, 'line_loop': GL_LINE_LOOP, 'quads': GL_QUADS } self.points_mode = { 'mode': 'square_points', 'points': 1, 'square_points': 2 } self.fov_y = 60.0 = { 'x_pan': 0.0, 'y_pan': 0.0, 'z_zoom': 1.0, 'z_offset': 0, # z coordinate at which primitives are drawn 'zoom_factor': 1.1, 'scene_scale': 0 } self.set_camera_scale(self.points_mode[self.points_mode['mode']]) # objects to draw self.const_drawings = [] self.batches = {'const': pg.Batch()} glEnable(GL_BLEND) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH)
def __init__(self): self.fps_display = clock.ClockDisplay() self.init_frame() self.frame = graphics.Batch() # -*- WARNING -*- # -*- Python magic -*- # Luckily this only has to be called once per renderer # and per program there is on average 1.0 renderer # (Actually it might be useful to have two of these...) # Finds all classes in Renderer that inherit Primitive # at some point, and for each, creates a copy for this # instance and sets the renderer attribute for each # to this instance. # This is just so we can do stuff like renderer.Rectangle() # without having to pass in the renderer because that doesn't # make any sense. # -*- Python magic -*- # -*- WARNING -*- for name in dir(self): cls = getattr(self, name) if hasattr(cls, '__mro__') and Primitive in cls.__mro__: setattr(self, name, type(name, (cls, ), dict(renderer=self)))
def resize(width, height): global imageWall global imageWallSprites imageWall = graphics.Batch() imageWallSprites = [] for y in range(ceil(height / hexImg.height)): for x in range(ceil(width / hexImg.width)): imageWallSprites.append(sprite.Sprite(hexImg, hexImg.width*x, hexImg.height*y, batch=imageWall))
def set_particles(self, points, colors): self.particles = [] self.particle_batch = graphics.Batch() for point, color in zip(points, colors): new_p = self.particle_batch.add(1, gl.GL_POINTS, None, ('v2f/stream', point), ('c3B', color)) self.particles += [new_p]
def set_particles(self, particles): self.particles = [] self.particle_batch = graphics.Batch() for p in particles: c = np.random.randint(126, 256) new_p = self.particle_batch.add(1, gl.GL_POINTS, None, ('v2f/stream', p), ('c3B', (c, c, c))) self.particles += [new_p]
def __init__(self, doctype, *args, **kwargs): super(TestWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.batch = graphics.Batch() self.document = doctype() self.layout = layout.IncrementalTextLayout(self.document, self.width, self.height, batch=self.batch) self.document.set_style(0, len(self.document.text), {"bold": True})
def __init__( self ) : global menu ; menu = self self.initInfo() ; self.socket = CustomSocket.CustomSocket() super().__init__( self.mainMenuInfo [ 0 ], self.mainMenuInfo [ 1 ], batch = pyGra.Batch(), group = 0 , bg = 'bg' ) self.mainMenu()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # batch for efficient drawing self.batch = graphics.Batch() background = graphics.OrderedGroup(0) foreground = graphics.OrderedGroup(1) self.gamelayer = graphics.OrderedGroup(2) toplayer = graphics.OrderedGroup(3) # window size self.size = self.get_size() # start with empty asteroid set self.asteroids = set() # empty explosions set self.explosions = set() # background and moving foreground sprites self.background = physicalobject.ScaledMovingSprite(img=resources.background_image, screensize=self.size, batch=self.batch, group=background) self.debris = load.debris(screensize=self.size, batch=self.batch, group=foreground) self.splashscreen = load.ClickableSprite(hook_function=self.start, img=resources.splashscreen, x = self.size[0] / 2.0, y=self.size[1] / 2.0, batch=self.batch, group=toplayer) # player ship self.player = load.ship(screensize=self.size, batch=self.batch, group=self.gamelayer) self.score = 0 self.lives = LIVES self.started = False self.fps_display = clock.ClockDisplay() # Lives and score labels self.lives_label = text.Label(font_size=20, text="Lives: %d" % self.lives, x=40, y=self.size[1]-40, batch=self.batch, group=toplayer) self.score_label = text.Label(font_size=20, anchor_x='right', text="Score: %d" % self.score, x=self.size[0]-40, y=self.size[1]-40, batch=self.batch, group=toplayer) # update frequency clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 1 / 120) # spawn a new asteroid each second clock.schedule_interval(self.spawn_asteroid, 1) # add event handlers to the ship and splashscreen self.push_handlers(self.player) self.push_handlers(self.splashscreen)
def batch(self, batch): if self._batch == batch: return if batch is None: batch = graphics.Batch() for group, vlist in zip(self.groups, self.vertex_lists): self._batch.migrate(vlist, gl.GL_TRIANGLES, group, batch) self._batch = batch
def image(self): """ dummy method that returns the graphical representation of a random map tile as a vertex_list, just for debugging""" # global tex if not tex: tex = load_tex() if tex: #glEnable( if self.batch is None: self.batch = gfx.Batch() glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 0) glBindTexture(, txmx = tex.tex_coords[3] - tex.tex_coords[0] txmy = tex.tex_coords[7] - tex.tex_coords[4] for x in range(0, self.width): for y in range(0, self.height): tile = self.tiles[(x, y)] val = 200 for cx, cy in [(1, 0), (1, 1)]: nn = self.tiles.get((x + cx, y + cy), None) if nn: val += int(nn.elevation - tile.elevation) cols = (max(0, min(255, val)), ) * 12 # schoen auch die ecken! nn = [(tile.waterlevel, tile.vegetation)] for d in ['e', 'ne', 'n']: if d in tile.neighbours: nn.append((tile.neighbours.get(d).waterlevel, tile.neighbours.get(d).vegetation)) else: nn.append((None, 0)) # elevation? cns = [(e > 1, w > 0) for (w, e) in nn] # gras, wasser tex ids gx = 15 - sum( [int(v[0]) * 2**i for i, v in enumerate(cns)]) wx = sum([int(v[1]) * 2**i for i, v in enumerate(cns)]) coor = (wx * txmx / 16, gx * txmy / 16, (wx + 1) * txmx / 16, gx * txmy / 16, (wx + 1) * txmx / 16, (gx + 1) * txmy / 16, wx * txmx / 16, (gx + 1) * txmy / 16) self.batch.add_indexed( 4,, None, [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3], ('v2i', tile.get_bounds()), ('t2f', coor), #(0., 0., .12, 0., .12, .12, 0., .12)), ('c3B', cols)) return self.batch
def __init__(self): self.player, self.turnLbl = [None] * 2, [None] * 2 self.batch = self.fadeQuad = None self._status = SETUP glb.Aud.baseSetup() self.pausePanel = sp.SidePanel( 'Paused', [['Resume', self.unPause], ['Main Menu', Menu.display], [], [], [], [], ['Cancel', self.unPause]], batch=pyGra.Batch(), group=Player.gCrosshair + 1, fullScreenBlend=True, bgObj=self)
def __init__(self, width, height, caption='Window Caption', bg=(0, 0, 0), ticktime=0, *args, **kwargs): """ Window constructor. :type width: int :param width: width :type height: int :param height: height :type caption: str :param caption: caption :type bg: list(int * 3) :param bg: background color :type ticktime: float :param ticktime: interval between ticks in seconds, zero to disable ticking """ super().__init__(width=width, height=height, caption=caption, *args, **kwargs) self.set_minimum_size(width, height) self.real_width, self.real_height = width, height self.set_bg(bg) self._batch = _graphics.Batch() self.screens = {} self.buttons = {} self.labels = {} self.fields = {} self.sliders = {} self.labelrows = {} self.boxes = {} self.valset = ValSet() self.focus = None self.hover = None self.mousedown = False self.set_vars() self.update_labels() self.ticktime = ticktime if ticktime > 0: _clock.schedule_interval(self.tick, ticktime) '''
def __init__( self, turn: Turn, board: TicTacToeBoard, width=None, height=None, caption=None, resizable=False, style=None, fullscreen=False, visible=True, vsync=True, file_drops=False, display=None, screen=None, config=None, context=None, mode=None, ): super().__init__(turn, board) super(pyglet.window.Window, self).__init__( width=width, height=height, caption=caption, resizable=resizable, style=style, fullscreen=fullscreen, visible=visible, vsync=vsync, file_drops=file_drops, display=display, screen=screen, config=config, context=context, mode=mode, ) self.square_batch: graphics.Batch = graphics.Batch() self.square_buttons: graphics.Batch = graphics.Batch() self.inp = ()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.batch = graphics.Batch() self.document = text.decode_attributed(doctext) self.margin = 2 self.layout = layout.IncrementalTextLayout(self.document, self.width - self.margin * 2, self.height - self.margin * 2, multiline=True, batch=self.batch) self.caret = caret.Caret(self.layout) self.push_handlers(self.caret) self.set_mouse_cursor(self.get_system_mouse_cursor('text'))
def __init__(self, document, col_width, width=None, height=None, dpi=None, batch=None, group=None): '''Create a text layout. :Parameters: `document` : `AbstractDocument` Document to display. `col_width` : int Fixed column width for glyphs `width` : int Width of the layout in pixels, or None `height` : int Height of the layout in pixels, or None `dpi` : float Font resolution; defaults to 96. `batch` : `Batch` Optional graphics batch to add this layout to. `group` : `Group` Optional rendering group to parent all groups this text layout uses. Note that layouts with different rendered simultaneously in a batch. ''' self.content_width = 0 self.content_height = 0 self.groups = {} self._init_groups(group) self._col_width = col_width if batch is None: batch = graphics.Batch() self._own_batch = True self.batch = batch self._width = width if height is not None: self._height = height if dpi is None: dpi = 96 self._dpi = dpi self.document = document
def draw(self): if self.path: if not self.batch: self.batch = gfx.Batch() coords = [] for n in self.path: coords += n.coord self.batch.add_indexed(len(self.path),, None, [ j for i in range(len(self.path) - 1) for j in range(i, i + 2) ], ('v2i', tuple(coords)), ('c3B', (255, 0, 0) * len(self.path))) self.batch.draw()
def __init__(self, menuWidth, menuHeight, x=0, y=0): '''Menu Width: width of menu Menu Height: height of menu #used as relative positioning for buttons x: Position of menu Horizontally inside of the window y: Position of menu Vertically inside of the window buttonShift: the shift of buttons from mid height''' self.batch = graphics.Batch() self.title = None self.buttons = [] self.width = menuWidth self.height = menuHeight self.x = x self.y = y self.buttonShift = 0
def __init__(self, multiline, wrap_lines, msg, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.batch = graphics.Batch() self.document = text.decode_attributed(msg) self.margin = 2 self.layout = layout.IncrementalTextLayout( self.document, (self.width - self.margin * 2), self.height - self.margin * 2, multiline=multiline, wrap_lines=wrap_lines, batch=self.batch) self.caret = caret.Caret(self.layout) self.push_handlers(self.caret) self.wrap_lines = wrap_lines self.set_mouse_cursor(self.get_system_mouse_cursor('text'))
def __init__(self, parent, x, y, width, height, bg=(255, 255, 255), visible=True, active=True): """ Screen constructor. :type x: int :param x: x coord :type y: int :param y: y coord :type width: int :param width: width :type height: int :param height: height :type valset: ValSet :param valset: the window's value set :type bg: list(int * 3) :param bg: background color :type visible: bool :param visible: determines if the screen is drawn :type active: bool :param active: determines if the screen is updated """ self.parent = parent self.valset = parent.valset self.x = x self.y = y self.w = width self.h = height self.visible = visible = active self._batch = _graphics.Batch() self._vertex_lists = {} self._vertices = {} self._colors = {} self._vertex_lists['bg'] = None for vtype in self._vertex_types: self._vertex_lists[vtype] = None self._vertices[vtype] = [] self._colors[vtype] = [] = bg self.set_bg(bg)
def setPlayer(self, playerName, onConfirm): self.onConfirm = onConfirm self.batch = pyGra.Batch() self.ocean = mdl.gif(oceanBG, [0, 0], glb.wh, self.batch, gOcean) topPanelWHPerc = [30, 100] self.sidePanel = sp.SidePanel( playerName, whPercent=topPanelWHPerc, optionList=[['Place your ships'], ['Drag : To move'], ['Right click : '], [' To Rotate'], [], ['Confirm', self.setupConfirmSeq], ['Cancel', Menu.display]], batch=self.batch, group=gSidePanel) remainingWH = [reduceTo(glb.wh[0], 100 - topPanelWHPerc[0]), glb.wh[1]] wh = [600, 600] x = glb.wh[0] - remainingWH[0] + (remainingWH[0] - wh[0]) // 2 y = (glb.wh[1] - wh[1]) // 2 return Player.Player([x, y], wh, batch=self.batch, group=gPlayer)
global particles for particle in particles: particle.dy += GRAVITY * dt vertices = particle.vertices vertices[0] += particle.dx * dt vertices[1] += particle.dy * dt if vertices[1] <= 0: particle.delete() particle.dead = True particles = [p for p in particles if not p.dead] def loop(dt): update_particles(dt) for i in range(min(MAX_ADD_PARTICLES, MAX_PARTICLES - len(particles))): add_particles() win = window.Window(vsync=False) batch = graphics.Batch() particles = list() @win.event def on_draw(): win.clear() batch.draw() clock = clock.schedule(loop)
def batch(self, batch=None, show_basis_vectors=True, show_endpoint_coordinates=True): ''' Returns a containing vertex lists for all vectors in self.vectors, the basis vectors, and gridlines. ''' if batch is None: batch = graphics.Batch() if self.gridlines > 1: i_hat = self.basis[0] j_hat = self.basis[1] for i in range(0, self.gridlines): y = -j_hat + i * (j_hat*2/self.gridlines) v0 = self._transform_to_window_coordinates([-i_hat, y]) v1 = self._transform_to_window_coordinates([i_hat, y]) batch.add(2, gl.GL_LINES, None, ('v2f', [v0[0], v0[1], v1[0], v1[1]]), ('c4B', [64, 64, 64, 1]*2) ) for j in range(0, self.gridlines): x = -i_hat + j * (i_hat*2/self.gridlines) v0 = self._transform_to_window_coordinates([x, -j_hat]) v1 = self._transform_to_window_coordinates([x, j_hat]) batch.add(2, gl.GL_LINES, None, ('v2f', [v0[0], v0[1], v1[0], v1[1]]), ('c4B', [64, 64, 64, 1]*2) ) if show_basis_vectors is True: # Add basis vector lines to batch # i^ v0 = self._transform_to_window_coordinates([0, 0]) v1 = self._transform_to_window_coordinates([self.basis[0], 0]) color = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] batch.add(2, gl.GL_LINES, None, ('v2f', [v0[0], v0[1], v1[0], v1[1]]), ('c3f', color*2) ) # j^ v0 = self._transform_to_window_coordinates([0, 0]) v1 = self._transform_to_window_coordinates([0, self.basis[1]]) color = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] batch.add(2, gl.GL_LINES, None, ('v2f', [v0[0], v0[1], v1[0], v1[1]]), ('c3f', color*2) ) for vector in self.vectors: # Add vector lines to batch v0 = self._transform_to_window_coordinates(vector.origin) v1 = self._transform_to_window_coordinates(vector.endpoint) batch.add(2, gl.GL_LINES, None, ('v2f', [v0[0], v0[1], v1[0], v1[1]]), ('c3f', vector.color*2) ) if show_endpoint_coordinates is True: # Display planespace coordinates x = round(vector.endpoint[0], 3) y = round(vector.endpoint[1], 3) text.Label(str(x) + ", " + str(y), font_name='Consolas', font_size=12, x=v1[0]+10, y=v1[1]+10).draw() return batch
def __init__(self, width, height, interface_width, window, smell_score=100, position=[0, 0], title="abcdefghijklmno"): self.width = width self.height = height #iw = self.cnvCoor((interface_width,0))[0] iw = interface_width self.interface_width = iw ih = self.height self.position = position self.fore_batch = graphics.Batch() self.back_batch = graphics.Batch() background = foreground = self.objectlist = [] self.strategy_activity = [] self.detected_shroom = {} self.detected_square = {} self.detected_garden = {} self.interface_box = self.back_batch.add( 4, GL_QUADS, background, ('v2f', (position[0], position[1], position[0] + iw, position[1], position[0] + iw, position[1] + ih, position[0], position[1] + ih)), ('c4B', (255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255))) db = DBConnector() gui_textures = db.execute( "SELECT * FROM visualpropertypath WHERE type = 'gui texture'") self.texture_paths = {} for texture in gui_textures: self.texture_paths[texture[1]] = texture[3] del db # project title self.title = pyglet.text.Label(title, font_size=17, x=position[0] + 10, y=position[1] + ih - 10, width=iw - 20, anchor_x="left", anchor_y="top", color=(0, 0, 0, 255), align="center", multiline=True, batch=self.fore_batch) #code score self.scoreboard = pyglet.image.load(self.texture_paths['score']) self.scoreboard.anchor_y = self.scoreboard.height // 2 self.scoreboard.anchor_x = self.scoreboard.width // 2 self.score_pos = (position[0] + iw // 2, position[1] + ih - self.scoreboard.height // 2 - 30 - self.title.content_height) self.score = pyglet.text.Label("", font_size=42, x=self.score_pos[0] - 5, y=self.score_pos[1] + 17, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center', color=(255, 255, 255, 255), batch=self.fore_batch) self.set_score(smell_score) # making detection strategies box self.strategies_box = GUIBox( 8, ih // 2 - 12 - iw // 2 - self.title.content_height, iw - 16, iw + 14, self.back_batch, foreground) strategieslabel = pyglet.text.Label("Code Smell", font_name='Calibri', font_size=18, x=10, y=ih // 2 + iw // 2 + 8 - self.title.content_height, color=(0, 0, 0, 255), batch=self.fore_batch, group=foreground) self.checkbox = pyglet.image.load(self.texture_paths['checkbox empty']) self.checkedbox = pyglet.image.load( self.texture_paths['checkbox checked'])
#transform player's options o_rock_pos = (950, 350) o_paper_pos = (950, 250) o_scissors_pos = (950, 150) #transform big choice players_choice_pos = (650, 200) comps_choice_pos = (150, 200) questionmark_pos = (50, 250) its_a_tie = 0 # if the game is evaluated as "its a tie", the value turns 1 #image properties play_image_size = (265, 215) choice_image_size = (94, 76) #players options options_all = graphics.Batch() image_dir = Path(__file__).parent / "images" image_option_player_rock = image.load(image_dir / "small_choice_player-01.png") image_option_player_paper = image.load(image_dir / "small_choice_player-02.png") image_option_player_scissors = image.load(image_dir / "small_choice_player-03.png") option_player_rock = sprite.Sprite(image_option_player_rock, o_rock_pos[0], o_rock_pos[1], batch = options_all) option_player_paper = sprite.Sprite(image_option_player_paper, o_paper_pos[0], o_paper_pos[1], batch = options_all) option_player_scissors = sprite.Sprite(image_option_player_scissors, o_scissors_pos[0], o_scissors_pos[1], batch = options_all) # player choice image_player_rock = image.load(image_dir / "choice_player-01.png") image_player_paper = image.load(image_dir / "choice_player-02.png") image_player_scissors = image.load(image_dir / "choice_player-03.png") chosen_image = image_player_rock player_start = sprite.Sprite(chosen_image, players_choice_pos[0], players_choice_pos[1], batch = options_all)