def print_action_exception(e): if isinstance(e.inner_exception, (ExecCommandFailed, QueryException)): print_exception(e.inner_exception) else: print '-'*79 print highlight(e.traceback, PythonTracebackLexer(), Formatter()) print '-'*79
def htmlize(text, language): from pygments import highlight from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter as Formatter if language == 'Python': from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer as Lexer elif language == 'Perl': from pygments.lexers import PerlLexer as Lexer elif language == 'Ruby': from pygments.lexers import RubyLexer as Lexer elif language == 'PythonConsole': from pygments.lexers import PythonConsoleLexer as Lexer elif language == 'PythonTraceback': from pygments.lexers import PythonTracebackLexer as Lexer elif language == 'RubyConsole': from pygments.lexers import RubyConsoleLexer as Lexer elif language == 'HtmlDjango': from pygments.lexers import HtmlDjangoLexer as Lexer elif language == 'Html': from pygments.lexers import HtmlLexer as Lexer else: from pygments.lexers import TextLexer as Lexer """ Todo: I cant get this to work. lang_lexer = str(language + 'Lexer') Lexer = __import__('pygments.lexers', globals(), locals(), [lang_lexer, ]) Or from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name Lexer = get_lexer_by_name(language.lower()) """ htmld = highlight(text, Lexer(), Formatter(linenos='table')) return htmld
def repl_loop(filename): # Load the database of symbols. symrpl = SYMRepl(filename) while 1: query = str(prompt( u'symrepl> ', history=FileHistory('history.txt'), auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), lexer=Lexer, )) if query == 'quit': break # Query the DB. found_types = symrpl.getTypes(query) if not len(found_types): print 'Could not find any types that match `{}`'.format(query) continue # Display each type that matches. print 'Found {} types matching `{}`'.format(len(found_types), query) for output in found_types: print highlight(output, Lexer(), Formatter()) print
def main(): args = parse_args() try: text = except Exception as e: raise SystemExit(e) try: try: style = get_style_by_name( except ClassNotFound: style = Solarized256Style try: lexer = get_lexer_by_name(args.lexer) except ClassNotFound: lexer = guess_lexer(text) if sys.stdout.isatty() or args.force_color: print(highlight( text, lexer, Formatter(style=style), ), end='') else: print(text, end='') except IOError: pass
def _print_output(self, output1, output2): output1 = output1.splitlines(1) output2 = output2.splitlines(1) diff = ''.join(difflib.unified_diff(output1, output2)) print print 'Diff....' print print highlight(diff, DiffLexer(), Formatter()) return diff
def diff(self): """ Show changes to be written to the file. (diff between the current and the new config.) """ # Split new and existing content in lines current_content = self.current_content.splitlines(1) new_content = self.content.splitlines(1) # Call difflib diff = ''.join(difflib.unified_diff(current_content, new_content)) print highlight(diff, DiffLexer(), Formatter()) return diff
def show(self): """ Show the currently installed configuration file. """ print highlight(self.current_content, self.lexer(), Formatter())
def show_new_config(self): """ Show the new configuration file. (What will be installed on 'setup') """ print highlight(self.content, self.lexer(), Formatter())
def print_cli_exception(cli_entry, stdout): """ When an action, called from the interactive shell fails, print the exception. """ e = cli_entry.exception def print_exec_failed_exception(e): # failed? Print error information. print print termcolor.colored('FAILED !!', 'red', attrs=['bold']) print termcolor.colored('Command: ', 'yellow'), print termcolor.colored(e.command, 'red', attrs=['bold']) print termcolor.colored('Host: ', 'yellow'), print termcolor.colored(, 'red', attrs=['bold']) print termcolor.colored('Status code: ', 'yellow'), print termcolor.colored(str(e.status_code), 'red', attrs=['bold']) print def print_query_exception(e): print print termcolor.colored('FAILED TO EXECUTE QUERY', 'red', attrs=['bold']) print termcolor.colored('Service: ', 'yellow'), print termcolor.colored(e.service.__repr__(path_only=True), 'red', attrs=['bold']) print termcolor.colored('Attribute: ', 'yellow'), print termcolor.colored(e.attr_name, 'red', attrs=['bold']) print termcolor.colored('Query: ', 'yellow'), print termcolor.colored(e.query, 'red', attrs=['bold']) print if e.inner_exception: print_exception(e.inner_exception) def print_action_exception(e): if isinstance(e.inner_exception, (ExecCommandFailed, QueryException)): print_exception(e.inner_exception) else: print '-'*79 print highlight(e.traceback, PythonTracebackLexer(), Formatter()) print '-'*79 def print_other_exception(e): # Normal exception: print exception print print e print def print_exception(e): if isinstance(e, ActionException): print_action_exception(e) elif isinstance(e, ExecCommandFailed): print_exec_failed_exception(e) elif isinstance(e, QueryException): print_query_exception(e) else: print_other_exception(e) if cli_entry.traceback: print '-'*79 print highlight(cli_entry.traceback, PythonTracebackLexer(), Formatter()) print '-'*79 print_exception(e)
def test_func(test, f, *args, params=tuple(), **kwargs): try: golden = f(torch, *args, **kwargs) except: print(f"\x1b[1;31mgolden eval failed\x1b[m: {test}") raise try: symbols = f(nf, *args, **kwargs) = test except: print(f"\x1b[1;31mconstruct failed\x1b[m: {test}") raise try: ev = symbols.eval() except: symbols.print() print(f"\x1b[1;31meval failed\x1b[m: {test}") raise if not array_close(golden, ev): print("Golden", golden) print("Eval", ev) symbols.print() print(f"\x1b[1;31meval() mismatch\x1b[m: {test}") raise ValueError(f"eval() mismatch: {test}") try: func = symbols.jit(*params) except: symbols.print() try: symbols.build_cfg().print() except: print("Unable to build CFG") print(f"\x1b[1;31mjit failed\x1b[m: {test}") raise try: cv = func(*args) except: print(f"\x1b[1;31mjit function invocation failed\x1b[m: {test}") if not array_close(golden, cv): symbols.print() try: symbols.build_cfg().print() except: print("Unable to build CFG") code = open(func.source).read() print(highlight(code, Lexer(), Formatter())) print("Golden", golden) print("JitEval", cv) print(f"\x1b[1;31mjit() mismatch\x1b[m: {test}") raise ValueError(f"jit() mismatch: {test}") print("\x1b[1;32mOK\x1b[m", test) import timeit iter = 1000 torch_time = timeit.timeit(lambda: f(torch, *args, **kwargs), number=iter) ndaf_time = timeit.timeit(lambda: func(*args), number=iter) print(" Gain", torch_time / ndaf_time)
import json from contextvars import ContextVar from pygments import highlight from pygments.formatters import Terminal256Formatter as Formatter from pygments.lexers import JsonLexer is_verbose: ContextVar[bool] = ContextVar('is_verbose', default=False) lexer = JsonLexer() formatter = Formatter() def colorize_json(data: str, indent: int = 4): global formatter, lexer try: data = json.dumps(json.loads(data), sort_keys=True, indent=indent) except json.JSONDecodeError: return data return highlight(data, lexer, formatter)