コード例 #1
def pygmentify_html(text, **kwargs):
    text = smart_text(text)
    lang = default_lang = 'text'
    # a tuple of known lexer names
        lexers_iter = LEXERS.itervalues()
    except AttributeError:
        lexers_iter = LEXERS.values()
    lexer_names = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b[2], lexers_iter, ())
    # custom formatter
    formatter = ListHtmlFormatter(encoding='utf-8', **kwargs)
    subs = []
    pre_re = re.compile(r'(<pre[^>]*>)(.*?)(</pre>)', re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE)
    br_re = re.compile(r'<br[^>]*?>', re.UNICODE)
    p_re = re.compile(r'<\/?p[^>]*>', re.UNICODE)
    lang_re = re.compile(r'lang=["\'](.+?)["\']', re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE)
    for pre_match in pre_re.findall(text):
        work_area = pre_match[1]
        work_area = br_re.sub('\n', work_area)
        match = lang_re.search(pre_match[0])
        if match:
            lang = match.group(1).strip()
            if lang not in lexer_names:
                lang = default_lang
        lexer = get_lexer_by_name(lang, stripall=True)
        work_area = work_area.replace(u'&nbsp;', u' ').replace(
            u'&').replace(u'&lt;', u'<').replace(u'&gt;', u'>').replace(
                u'&quot;', u'"').replace(u'&#39;', u"'")
        work_area = p_re.sub('', work_area)
        work_area = highlight(work_area, lexer, formatter)
        subs.append([u''.join(pre_match), smart_text(work_area)])
    for sub in subs:
        text = text.replace(sub[0], sub[1], 1)
    return text
コード例 #2
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: fdemmer/django-pygments
def pygmentify_html(text, **kwargs):
    text = smart_text(text)
    lang = default_lang = 'text'
    # a tuple of known lexer names
        lexers_iter = LEXERS.itervalues()
    except AttributeError:
        lexers_iter = LEXERS.values()
    lexer_names = reduce(lambda a,b: a + b[2], lexers_iter, ())
    # custom formatter
    formatter = ListHtmlFormatter(encoding='utf-8', **kwargs)
    subs = []
    pre_re = re.compile(r'(<pre[^>]*>)(.*?)(</pre>)', re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE)
    br_re = re.compile(r'<br[^>]*?>', re.UNICODE)
    p_re = re.compile(r'<\/?p[^>]*>', re.UNICODE)
    lang_re = re.compile(r'lang=["\'](.+?)["\']', re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE)
    for pre_match in pre_re.findall(text):
        work_area = pre_match[1]
        work_area = br_re.sub('\n', work_area)
        match = lang_re.search (pre_match[0])
        if match:
            lang = match.group(1).strip()
            if lang not in lexer_names:
                lang = default_lang
        lexer = get_lexer_by_name(lang, stripall=True)
        work_area = work_area.replace(u'&nbsp;', u' ').replace(u'&amp;', u'&').replace(u'&lt;', u'<').replace(u'&gt;', u'>').replace(u'&quot;', u'"').replace(u'&#39;', u"'")
        work_area = p_re.sub('', work_area)
        work_area = highlight(work_area, lexer, formatter)
        subs.append([u''.join(pre_match), smart_text(work_area)])
    for sub in subs:
        text = text.replace(sub[0], sub[1], 1)
    return text
コード例 #3
def get_pygments_lexer(name):
    name = name.lower()
    if name == 'ipython2':
        from IPython.lib.lexers import IPythonLexer
        return IPythonLexer
    elif name == 'ipython3':
        from IPython.lib.lexers import IPython3Lexer
        return IPython3Lexer
        for module_name, cls_name, aliases, _, _ in LEXERS.values():
            if name in aliases:
                return find_lexer_class(cls_name)

        warn("No lexer found for language %r. Treating as plain text." % name)
        from pygments.lexers.special import TextLexer
        return TextLexer
コード例 #4
ファイル: ptshell.py プロジェクト: wilywampa/jupyter_console
def get_pygments_lexer(name):
    name = name.lower()
    if name == 'ipython2':
        from IPython.lib.lexers import IPythonLexer
        return IPythonLexer
    elif name == 'ipython3':
        from IPython.lib.lexers import IPython3Lexer
        return IPython3Lexer
        for module_name, cls_name, aliases, _, _ in LEXERS.values():
            if name in aliases:
                return find_lexer_class(cls_name)

        warn("No lexer found for language %r. Treating as plain text." % name)
        from pygments.lexers.special import TextLexer
        return TextLexer
コード例 #5
import posixpath
import pygments.lexers.web

pygments_lexer_cache = {}

file_ext_to_lexer_alias_cache = {
    '.pycon': 'pycon',
    '.rbcon': 'rbcon',
    '.Rd': 'latex',
    '.svg': 'xml',
    '.jinja': 'jinja'

# Add all pygments standard mappings.
for module_name, name, alias_or_aliases, file_extensions, mime_types in list(
        alias = alias_or_aliases[0]
    except IndexError:
        alias = alias_or_aliases

    for ext in file_extensions:
        ext = ext.lstrip("*")
        file_ext_to_lexer_alias_cache[ext] = alias

class SyntaxHighlightMarkdownFilter(DexyFilter):
    Surrounds code with highlighting instructions for Markdown
    aliases = ['pyg4md']
コード例 #6
ファイル: render.py プロジェクト: nakamuray/blikit

@register_for('*.png', '*.jpg', '*.jpeg', '*.gif')
def render_images(ctx, blob_obj):
    w, h = utils.calc_thumb_size(blob_obj.data, (640, 480))
    url = ctx.url_for('view_obj',
                      rev=blob_obj.commit.name, path=blob_obj.root_path)
    raw_url = url + '?raw=1'
    body = '<a href="%s"><img src="%s" width="%d" height="%s"></a>' % \
               (raw_url, raw_url, w, h)
    return Document(title=blob_obj.name, body=body)

formatter = HtmlFormatter(noclasses=True, linenos=True)

@register_for(*[p for l in LEXERS.values() for p in l[3]])
def render_sourcecode(ctx, blob_obj):
        data = blob_obj.data.decode('utf-8')

    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        data = blob_obj.data

        lexer = guess_lexer_for_filename(blob_obj.name, data)
    except ValueError:
        # no lexer found - use the text one instead of an exception
        lexer = TextLexer()

    return Document(title=blob_obj.name,