def _warn_conflict(self, nonterminal, terminal, area): "Emits a warning for a conflictive state." msg = '' msg += i18n.i18n('Conflictive rule for: ("%s", "%s")\n') % ( nonterminal, terminal) msg += i18n.i18n('Will choose first production:\n') msg += utils.indent(bnf_rule_to_str( self._parse_table[(nonterminal, terminal)])) self.warn(ParserException(msg, area))
def backtrace(self, msg): def describe(ar, indent_): loc = ar.routine.nearby_elems.get(ar.ip, self.program.tree).pos_begin.file_row() return '%s%s %s %s' % (' ' * indent_, ar.routine.prfn,, loc) cs = self.callstack + [] res = '' res += msg + '\n\n' res += i18n.i18n('At:') + '\n' res += indent('\n'.join([ describe(x, y) for x, y in zip(cs, range(0, len(cs))) ])) + '\n' bindings = [(k, v) for k, v in seq_sorted( if k[0] != '_'] if len(bindings) > 0: res += i18n.i18n('Locals:') + '\n' res += indent('\n'.join(['%s: %s' % (k, v) for k, v in bindings])) return res
def reraise(self, new_class, old_exception, new_msg, new_area): if self._source_filename == self._toplevel_filename: raise new_class( new_msg + '\n' + utils.indent( '%s\n%s' % (old_exception.area, old_exception.msg) ), new_area ) else: raise old_exception
def parse_error(self, top, _previous_token, token): "Raises a ParserException describing a parse error." if is_nonterminal(top): follow = self._followups(top) else: follow = [Token.type_description(top)] if len(follow) == 1: msg = i18n.i18n('Found: %s\nExpected: %s') % (token, follow[0]) else: msg = '' msg += i18n.i18n('\n'.join([ 'Found: %s', 'Expected one of the following tokens:'])) % ( token,) msg += '\n' + utils.indent('\n'.join(follow)) raise ParserException(msg, position.ProgramAreaNear(token))
def report_error(errtype, msg): LOGGER.error('%s:\n' % (errtype,)) LOGGER.error('%s\n' % (utils.indent(msg),))