def submit_to_queue(self, sub_job: Submission_job) -> int: """ submitt a local job """ orig_dir = os.getcwd() if isinstance(sub_job.submit_from_dir, str) and os.path.isdir( sub_job.submit_from_dir): os.chdir(sub_job.submit_from_dir) command_file_path = sub_job.submit_from_dir + "/job_" + str( sub_job.jobName) + ".sh" else: command_file_path = "./job_" + str(sub_job.jobName) + ".sh" sub_job.command = sub_job.command.strip() # remove trailing linebreaks if self._nomp >= 1: command = "export OMP_NUM_THREADS=" + str( self._nomp) + ";\n " + sub_job.command + "" else: command = sub_job.command if sub_job.sumbit_from_file: command_file = open(command_file_path, "w") command_file.write("#!/bin/bash\n") command_file.write(command.replace("&& ", ";\n") + ";\n") command_file.close() command = command_file_path bash.execute("chmod +x " + command_file_path, env=self.environment) # finalize string if self.verbose: print("Submission Command: \t", " ".join(command)) if self.submission: try: process = bash.execute(command=command, catch_STD=True, env=self.environment) std_out_buff = map(str, process.stdout.readlines()) std_out = "\t" + "\n\t".join(std_out_buff) # next sopt_job is queued with id: if self.verbose: print("STDOUT: \n\t" + std_out + "\nEND\n") if os.path.exists(orig_dir): os.chdir(orig_dir) return 0 except ChildProcessError: try: print(process) except ChildProcessError: pass raise ChildProcessError("command failed: \n" + str(command)) else: print("Did not submit: ", command) return -1
def make_topolog(input_arg, build, param, seq, solve="H2O"): # define python command command = "make_top " + input_arg + " " + param + " " + seq + " " + solve + " \n" # execute command try: bash.execute(command=command) except Exception as err: bash.increment_error_level(err_prefix="Could not make_topology due to: ", old_err=err) return command
def _make_clean(build_dir: str, nCore: int = 1, verbose: bool = True, _timing_dict: dict = {}, _timing_prefix: str = ""): """ This function triggers make clean and removes the build_dir. Parameters ---------- build_dir : str directory prepared for make. nCore : int, optional how many cores for each make command?, by default 1 verbose: bool, optional cleaning, cleaning, every thing gets so shiny and I can sing!, by default True _timing_dict : dict, optional structure for storing timings of process, by default {} _timing_prefix : str, optional prefix for timing keys, by default "" """ os.chdir(build_dir) cmd = "make -j" + str(nCore) + " clean" _timing_dict[_timing_prefix + "make_clean_start"] = if verbose: print("command: ", cmd) print("start time: ", _timing_dict[_timing_prefix + "make_clean_start"]) try: bash.execute(cmd) except Exception: pass if verbose: print("remove dir: ", build_dir) bash.remove_file(build_dir, recursive=True) _timing_dict[_timing_prefix + "make_clean_end"] = if verbose: print( "duration: ", str(_timing_dict[_timing_prefix + "make_clean_end"] - _timing_dict[_timing_prefix + "make_clean_start"]), "\n", )
def kill_jobs(self, job_name: str = None, regex: bool = False, job_ids: Union[List[int], int] = None): """ this function can be used to terminate or remove pending jobs from the queue. Parameters ---------- job_name : str name of the job to be killed regex : bool if true, all jobs matching job_name get killed! job_ids : Union[List[int], int] job Ids to be killed """ if job_name is not None: job_ids = list( self.search_queue_for_jobname(job_name, regex=regex).index) elif job_ids is not None: if isinstance(job_ids, int): job_ids = [job_ids] else: raise ValueError("Please provide either job_name or job_ids!") if self.verbose: print("Stopping: " + ", ".join(map(str, job_ids))) try: bash.execute("bkill " + " ".join(map(str, job_ids))) except Exception as err: if any(["Job has already finished" in x for x in err.args]): print("Job has already finished") else: raise ChildProcessError("could not execute this command: \n" + str(err.args))
def submit_jobAarray_to_queue(self, sub_job: Submission_job) -> int: """ submitt a local job array """ # generate submission_string: submission_string = "" if isinstance(sub_job.submit_from_dir, str) and os.path.isdir( sub_job.submit_from_dir): submission_string += "cd " + sub_job.submit_from_dir + " && " if self._nomp > 1: command = submission_string + " export OMP_NUM_THREADS=" + str( self._nomp) + " && " + sub_job.command else: command = submission_string + sub_job.command if self.verbose: print("Submission Command: \t", " ".join(submission_string)) if self.submission: try: for jobID in range(sub_job.start_job, sub_job.end_job + 1): std_out_buff = bash.execute(command="export JOBID=" + str(jobID) + " && " + command, env=self.environment) std_out = "\n".join(std_out_buff.readlines()) if self.verbose: print("sdtout : " + str(std_out)) return 0 except ChildProcessError: raise ChildProcessError("could not submit this command: \n" + submission_string) else: print("Did note submit: ", command) return -1
def md_run( self, in_topo_path: str, in_coord_path: str, in_imd_path: str, out_prefix: str, in_pert_topo_path: str = None, in_disres_path: str = None, in_posresspec_path: str = None, in_refpos_path: str = None, in_qmmm_path: str = None, nomp: int = 1, nmpi: int = 1, out_trc: bool = False, out_tre: bool = False, out_trv: bool = False, out_trf: bool = False, out_trs: bool = False, out_trg: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, _binary_name: str = "md", ) -> str: """ This function is a wrapper for gromosXX md_mpi. You can directly execute the gromosXX md_mpi in a bash enviroment here. Warnings -------- Hybrid jobs are possible, but very difficult to implement correctly to Euler and performance gain is questionable. If OMP should be used, I suggest the md_run - function. Parameters ---------- in_topo_path : str This is the path to the input topology file ( in_coord_path : str This is the path to the input coordinate file (x.cnf) in_imd_path : str This is the path to the input simulation parameter file (x.imd) out_prefix : str This prefix, define the output name. in_pert_topo_path : str, optional This is the path to the pertubation file (x.ptp) in_disres_path : str, optional This is the path to the distance restraint file (x.dat) in_posresspec_path : str, optional This is the path to the position restraint file (x.pos) in_refpos_path : str, optional This is the path to the reference position file (x.rpf) nomp : int, optional How many omp cores shall be used? Prerequesite, gromos was compiled with -enableOMP nmpi : int, optional How many mpi cores shall be used? Prerequesite, gromos was compiled with -enableMPI (and suggested to have -disableOMP) out_trc : bool, optional do you want to output a coordinate trajectory (x.trc) file? (needs also an output number in write block of imd!) out_tre : bool, optional do you want to output a coordinate trajectory (x.trc) file? (needs also an output number in write block of imd!) out_trs : bool, optional do you want to output a coordinate trajectory (x.trc) file? (needs also an output number in write block of imd!) out_trg : bool, optional do you want to output the free energy trajectory (x.trg) file? (needs also an output number in write block of imd!) Returns ------- str returns the log_file_path of the simulation. Raises ------ ChildProcessError If the execution of the simulation fails, this error is raised. See Also -------- md_run, repex_mpi """ # BUILD UP str. Command command = [] if nmpi > 1 and nomp > 1: raise ValueError( "There are no Hybrid NMPI and NOMP jobs possible with gromos!") elif nmpi > 1: command += ["mpirun -n " + str(nmpi * nomp) + " " ] # --loadbalance " --cpus-per-proc " + + " " command += [self._bin + _binary_name + "_mpi"] elif nomp >= 1: command += ["export OMP_NUM_THREADS=" + str(nomp) + " && "] command += [self._bin + _binary_name] else: command += [self._bin + _binary_name] command += ["@topo", str(in_topo_path)] command += ["@conf", str(in_coord_path)] command += ["@input", str(in_imd_path)] if in_pert_topo_path is not None: command += ["@pttopo", str(in_pert_topo_path)] if in_disres_path is not None: command += ["@distrest", str(in_disres_path)] if in_posresspec_path is not None: print("POSRES", in_posresspec_path) command += ["@posresspec", str(in_posresspec_path)] if in_refpos_path is not None: command += ["@refpos", str(in_refpos_path)] if in_qmmm_path is not None: command += ["@qmmm", str(in_qmmm_path)] if isinstance(out_prefix, str): command += ["@fin", str(out_prefix) + ".cnf"] log_file_path = out_prefix + ".omd" if out_trc: command += ["@trc", str(out_prefix) + ".trc"] if out_trv: command += ["@trv", str(out_prefix) + ".trv"] if out_trf: command += ["@trf", str(out_prefix) + ".trf"] if out_tre: command += ["@tre", str(out_prefix) + ".tre"] if out_trs: command += ["@trs", str(out_prefix) + ".trs"] if out_trg: command += ["@trg", str(out_prefix) + ".trg"] else: raise ValueError("Outprefix needs to be string got: " + type(out_prefix) + " - " + str(out_prefix)) command_text = " ".join(command) + " > " + log_file_path + "\n" if verbose: print("COMMAND: ", command_text) start_time = process = bash.execute(command_text) md_run_return = process.poll() # bash.wait_for_fileSystem(out_prefix+".cnf") end_time = duration = end_time - start_time time.sleep(time_wait_s_for_filesystem) log_file = open(log_file_path, "a") log_file.write("\n\nREMARKS\n") failed = False if md_run_return == 0: log_file.write("\tRUN:\tSUCESSFUL\n") else: log_file.write("\tRUN:\tFAILED\n") omd_file_content = open(log_file_path, "r").read_lines() if len(omd_file_content) > 0: print("\t" + "\n\t".join(omd_file_content)) else: print("\t None") failed = True log_file.write("\tTIME:\n\tstart: " + str(start_time) + "\tend: " + str(end_time) + "\n") log_file.write("\tDuration:\t " + str(duration) + "\n") log_file.write("END\n") log_file.close() if failed: raise ChildProcessError( "GromosXX MD Run Failed!\n\nLOG:" + "\n".join(open(log_file_path, "r").readlines())) return log_file_path
def calculate_solvation_free_energy(self, n_points: int = None): """ Function to Calculate solvation free energy by integrating over lambda points Parameters ---------- n_points : int Number of Lambda points used Returns ------- solv_energy : float Solvation Free Energy error : float Error Estimate """ if n_points is None: n_points = self.n_points # Get dhdl information Metrics = pd.DataFrame() # Setup Storage lambdas = [] averages = [] rmsds = [] ees = [] # Set Lambda Points lambda_points = n_points for lambda_point in range(lambda_points): rlam = lambda_point / (lambda_points - 1) rlam = np.round(rlam, 3) # Get system Name iteration = 2 system_name = self.system_name + "_L" + str(rlam) + "_" + str(iteration) path = self.groSys_liq.work_folder + "/ti/" + system_name + "/" + system_name + "/" if os.path.isfile(path + "simulation.tar"): sim_tar_exists = True # Extract files command = "tar" + " " command += "-xf" + " " command += path + "simulation.tar " command += "-C " + path bash.execute(command, verbose=False) else: sim_tar_exists = False # get trg info if os.path.isfile(path + "simulation/" + system_name + "_1/" + system_name + "_1.trg.gz"): trg = Trg(path + "simulation/" + system_name + "_1/" + system_name + "_1.trg.gz") elif os.path.isfile(path + "simulation/" + system_name + "_1/" + system_name + "_1.trg"): warnings.warn("Simulation did not finish correctly using limited data!") trg = Trg(path + "simulation/" + system_name + "_1/" + system_name + "_1.trg") else: print(path + "simulation/" + system_name + "_1/" + system_name) exit("No Files have been found") dhdls = [trg.database.totals[i][2] for i in range(len(trg.database.totals))] # Remove simulation directory if sim_tar_exists: bash.remove_file(path + "simulation", recursive=True) # Get values lambdas.append(rlam) averages.append(np.mean(dhdls)) rmsds.append(error_estimator(dhdls).calculate_rmsd()) ees.append(error_estimator(dhdls).calculate_error_estimate()) Metrics["Lambda"] = lambdas Metrics["avg"] = averages Metrics["rmsd"] = rmsds Metrics["ee"] = ees # Integrate over lambda points for value and error solv_energy = integrate.simpson(Metrics["avg"], Metrics["Lambda"]) * -1 error = integrate.simpson(Metrics["ee"], Metrics["Lambda"]) * -1 if self.verbose: print(Metrics) print("Solvation Free Energy:", solv_energy, "pm", error) return solv_energy, error
def _make_compile(build_dir: str, nCore: int = 1, verbose: bool = True, _timing_dict: dict = {}, _timing_prefix: str = ""): """ This function triggers make and make install in the build_dir. Parameters ---------- build_dir : str directory prepared for make. nCore : int, optional how many cores for each make command?, by default 1 verbose : bool, optional make, make things and talk loudly about it! , by default True _timing_dict : dict, optional structure for storing timings of process, by default {} _timing_prefix : str, optional prefix for timing keys, by default "" """ os.chdir(build_dir) _timing_dict[_timing_prefix + "make_start"] = log_file = build_dir + "/make.log" cmd = "make -j" + str(nCore) # Compile if verbose: print(spacer2 + "\t\t> MAKE \n" + spacer2) print("start time: ", _timing_dict[_timing_prefix + "make_start"]) print("log_file: ", log_file) print("command: ", cmd, "\n") bash.execute(cmd, catch_STD=log_file) _timing_dict[_timing_prefix + "make_end"] = if verbose: print( "duration: ", str(_timing_dict[_timing_prefix + "make_end"] - _timing_dict[_timing_prefix + "make_start"]), "\n", ) # Create Binaries log_file = build_dir + "/makeInstall.log" _timing_dict[_timing_prefix + "make_install_start"] = log_file = build_dir + "/make_install.log" cmd = "make -j" + str(nCore) + " install" if verbose: print(spacer2 + "\t\t> INSTALL \n" + spacer2) print("start time: ", _timing_dict[_timing_prefix + "make_start"]) print("log_file: ", log_file) print("command: ", cmd) bash.execute(cmd, catch_STD=log_file) _timing_dict[_timing_prefix + "make_install_end"] = if verbose: print( "duration: ", str(_timing_dict[_timing_prefix + "make_install_end"] - _timing_dict[_timing_prefix + "make_install_start"]), "\n", )
def _configure_gromosXX_autotools( build_dir: str, binary_dir: str = None, with_cuda_dir: str = None, with_omp: bool = False, with_mpi: bool = False, with_debug: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, _timing_dict: dict = {}, ): """ Setting the configurations for the compiling gromosXX process. (uses autotools) Parameters ---------- build_dir : str directory, that should be used for building binary_dir : str, optional directory in which the binaries should be written to, by default None with_cuda_dir : str, optional use the following cuda path and activate cuda support, by default None with_omp : bool, optional should gromosXX be compiled with omp - Warning dont combine wiht mpi!, by default False with_mpi : bool, optional should gromosXX be compiled wiht mpi - Warning dont combine with omp!, by default False with_debug : bool, optional set gromos debug flag, by default False verbose : bool, optional compiling is fun, I can tell you more!, by default True _timing_dict : dict, optional structure for storing timings of process, by default {} Raises ------ ValueError if wrong value was passed """ root_dir = os.path.dirname(build_dir) os.chdir(root_dir) # Initial config _timing_dict["gromosXX_init_start"] = if verbose: print(spacer2 + "\t\t> INIT \n" + spacer2) print("start time: ", _timing_dict["gromosXX_init_start"]) print("workdir:", os.getcwd()) bash.execute("./") _timing_dict["gromosXX_init_end"] = if verbose: print( "duration: ", str(_timing_dict["gromosXX_init_end"] - _timing_dict["gromosXX_init_start"]), "\n") # Configure bash.make_folder(build_dir) os.chdir(build_dir) log_file = build_dir + "/configure.log" _timing_dict["gromosXX_conf_start"] = if verbose: print(spacer2 + "\t\t> CONFIGURE \n" + spacer2) print("start time: ", _timing_dict["gromosXX_conf_start"]) print("workdir:", os.getcwd()) print("log_file: ", log_file) options = {} if binary_dir is not None: options.update({"--bindir": binary_dir}) if with_cuda_dir is not None: options.update({"--with-cuda": with_cuda_dir}) flags = [] if with_omp and with_mpi: raise ValueError("Can not use with_omp and with_mpi at the same time!") if with_omp: flags.append("--enable-openmp") if with_mpi: flags.append("--enable-mpi") if with_debug: flags.append("--enable-debug") cmd = ("../configure " + " ".join([key + "=" + val for key, val in options.items()]) + " " + " ".join([flag for flag in flags])) if verbose: print("command: ", cmd) bash.execute(cmd, catch_STD=log_file) _timing_dict["gromosXX_conf_end"] = if verbose: print( "duration: ", str(_timing_dict["gromosXX_conf_end"] - _timing_dict["gromosXX_conf_start"]), "\n")
def _configure_gromosPP_autotools( build_dir: str, binary_dir: str = None, with_omp: bool = False, with_debug: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, _timing_dict: dict = {}, ): """ Setting the configurations for the compiling gromosPP process. (uses autotools) Parameters ---------- build_dir : str directory, that should be used for building binary_dir : str, optional directory in which the binaries should be written to, by default None with_omp : bool, optional should gromosPP be compiled with omp, by default False with_debug : bool, optional set gromos debug flag, by default False verbose : bool, optional compiling is fun, I can tell you more!, by default True _timing_dict : dict, optional structure for storing timings of process, by default {} """ root_dir = os.path.dirname(build_dir) os.chdir(root_dir) # Initial config _timing_dict["gromosPP_init_start"] = if verbose: print(spacer2 + "\t\t> INIT \n" + spacer2) print("start time: ", _timing_dict["gromosPP_init_start"]) print("workdir:", os.getcwd()) bash.execute("./") _timing_dict["gromosPP_init_end"] = if verbose: print( "duration: ", str(_timing_dict["gromosPP_init_end"] - _timing_dict["gromosPP_init_start"]), "\n") # Configure bash.make_folder(build_dir) os.chdir(build_dir) _timing_dict["gromosPP_conf_start"] = log_file = build_dir + "/configure.log" if verbose: print(spacer2 + "\t\t> CONFIGURE \n" + spacer2) print("start time: ", _timing_dict["gromosPP_conf_start"]) print("log_file: ", log_file) options = {} if binary_dir is not None: options.update({"--bindir": binary_dir}) flags = [] if with_omp: flags.append("--enable-openmp") if with_debug: flags.append("--enable-debug") flags.append( " --with-gsl=$(gsl-config --prefix) ") # this is required for gromosPP cmd = ("../configure " + " ".join([key + "=" + val for key, val in options.items()]) + " " + " ".join([flag for flag in flags])) if verbose: print("command: ", cmd) bash.execute(cmd, catch_STD=log_file) _timing_dict["gromosPP_conf_end"] = if verbose: print( "duration: ", str(_timing_dict["gromosPP_conf_end"] - _timing_dict["gromosPP_conf_start"]), "\n")
def submit_to_queue(self, sub_job: Submission_job) -> int: """ This function submits the given command to the LSF QUEUE Parameters ---------- submission_job : Submission_job the job to be submitted ------- """ # job_properties:Job_properties=None, <- currently not usd orig_dir = os.getcwd() # generate submission_string: submission_string = "" # QUEUE checking to not double submit if self._block_double_submission and self._submission: if self.verbose: print("check queue") ids = list(self.search_queue_for_jobname(sub_job.jobName).index) if len(ids) > 0: if self.verbose: print("\tSKIP - FOUND JOB: \t\t" + "\n\t\t".join(map(str, ids)) + "\n\t\t with jobname: " + sub_job.jobName) return ids[0] if isinstance(sub_job.submit_from_dir, str) and os.path.isdir( sub_job.submit_from_dir): os.chdir(sub_job.submit_from_dir) command_file_path = sub_job.submit_from_dir + "/job_" + str( sub_job.jobName) + ".sh" else: command_file_path = "./job_" + str(sub_job.jobName) + ".sh" submission_string += "bsub " submission_string += " -J" + sub_job.jobName + " " submission_string += " -W " + str(self._job_duration) + " " if not isinstance(sub_job.post_execution_command, type(None)): submission_string += '-Ep "' + sub_job.post_execution_command + '" ' if not isinstance(sub_job.outLog, str) and not isinstance( sub_job.errLog, str): outLog = sub_job.jobName + ".out" submission_string += " -o " + outLog elif isinstance(sub_job.outLog, str): submission_string += " -o " + sub_job.outLog if isinstance(sub_job.errLog, str): submission_string += " -e " + sub_job.errLog nCPU = self._nmpi * self._nomp submission_string += " -n " + str(nCPU) + " " # TODO: add GPU support # add_string = "" # add_string= "-R \"select[model==XeonGold_5118 || model==XeonGold_6150 || model==XeonE3_1585Lv5 || model==XeonE3_1284Lv4 || model==XeonE7_8867v3 || model == XeonGold_6140 || model==XeonGold_6150 ]\"" if isinstance(self._max_storage, int): submission_string += " -R rusage[mem=" + str( self._max_storage) + "] " if isinstance(sub_job.queue_after_jobID, (int, str)) and (sub_job.queue_after_jobID != 0 or sub_job.queue_after_jobID != "0"): submission_string += ' -w "' + self._chain_prefix + "(" + str( sub_job.queue_after_jobID) + ')" ' if self._begin_mail: submission_string += " -B " if self._end_mail: submission_string += " -N " sub_job.command = sub_job.command.strip( ) # remove trailing line breaks if self._nomp >= 1: command = "export OMP_NUM_THREADS=" + str( self._nomp) + ";\n " + sub_job.command + " " else: command = "\n " + sub_job.command + "" if sub_job.sumbit_from_file: if self.verbose: print("writing tmp-submission-file to: ", command_file_path) command_file = open(command_file_path, "w") command_file.write("#!/bin/bash\n") command_file.write(command + ";\n") command_file.close() command = command_file_path bash.execute("chmod +x " + command_file_path, env=self._environment) # finalize string submission_string = list( map(lambda x: x.strip(), submission_string.split())) + [command] if self.verbose: print("Submission Command: \t", " ".join(submission_string)) if self._submission and not self._dummy: try: out_process = bash.execute(command=submission_string, catch_STD=True, env=self._environment) std_out = "\n".join(map(str, out_process.stdout.readlines())) # next sopt_job is queued with id: id_start = std_out.find("<") id_end = std_out.find(">") job_id = int(str(std_out[id_start + 1:id_end]).strip()) if self.verbose: print("process returned id: " + str(job_id)) if str(job_id) == "" and job_id.isalnum(): raise ValueError("Did not get at job ID!") except Exception as e: raise ChildProcessError("could not submit this command: \n" + str(submission_string) + "\n\n" + str(e)) else: job_id = -1 os.chdir(orig_dir) sub_job.jobID = job_id return job_id
def get_queued_jobs(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ This function updates the job-list of the queueing system in the class. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame returns the job_queue as pandas dataFrame. """ # Do we need an update of the job list? check_job_list = True if hasattr(self, "_job_queue_time_stamp"): last_update = - self._job_queue_time_stamp check_job_list = last_update.seconds > self._refresh_job_queue_list_all_s if not self._submission: # shortcut to reduce queue calls! self._job_queue_list = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ "JOBID USER STAT QUEUE FROM_HOST EXEC_HOST JOB_NAME SUBMIT_TIME" .split() ]) return self._job_queue_list if check_job_list: # try getting the lsf queue if not self._dummy: try: # get all running and pending jobs if self.bjobs_only_same_host: out_process = bash.execute( "bjobs -w | grep '$HOSTNAME|JOBID'", catch_STD=True) else: out_process = bash.execute("bjobs -w", catch_STD=True) job_list_str = list( map(lambda x: x.decode("utf-8"), out_process.stdout.readlines())) # get all finished jobs if self.bjobs_only_same_host: out_process = bash.execute( "bjobs -wd | grep '$HOSTNAME|JOBID'", catch_STD=True) else: out_process = bash.execute("bjobs -wd", catch_STD=True) job_list_finished_str = list( map(lambda x: x.decode("utf-8"), out_process.stdout.readlines())) self._job_queue_time_stamp = except Exception as err: raise Exception("Could not get job_list!\nerr:\n" + "\n".join(err.args)) else: job_list_str = [] job_list_finished_str = [] # format information: jlist = list(map(lambda x: x.strip().split(), job_list_str)) jlist_fin = list( map(lambda x: x.strip().split(), job_list_finished_str)) if len(jlist) > 1: header = jlist[0] jobs = jlist[1:] + jlist_fin[1:] jobs_dict = {} for job in jobs: jobID = int(job[0].split("[")[0]) user = job[1] status = job[2] queue = job[3] from_host = job[4] exec_host = job[5] job_name = " ".join(job[6:-3]) submit_time = datetime.strptime( str( + " " + " ".join(job[-3:]), "%Y %b %d %H:%M") values = [ jobID, user, status, queue, from_host, exec_host, job_name, submit_time ] jobs_dict.update({ jobID: {key: value for key, value in zip(header, values)} }) self._job_queue_list = pd.DataFrame(jobs_dict, index=None).T else: self._job_queue_list = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ "JOBID USER STAT QUEUE FROM_HOST EXEC_HOST JOB_NAME SUBMIT_TIME" .split() ]) else: if self.verbose: print("Skipping refresh of job list, as the last update is " + str(last_update) + "s ago") return self._job_queue_list
def submit_jobAarray_to_queue(self, sub_job: Submission_job) -> int: """ This functioncan be used for submission of a job array. The ammount of jobs is determined by the difference: end_job-start_job An array index variable is defined called ${JOBID} inside the command representing job x in the array. Parameters ---------- sub_job: Submission_job the job to be submitted Returns ------- int return job ID """ # QUEUE checking to not double submit if self._submission and self._block_double_submission: if self.verbose: print("check queue") ids = self.search_queue_for_jobname(sub_job.jobName) if len(ids) > 0: if self.verbose: print("\tSKIP - FOUND JOB: \t\t" + "\n\t\t".join(map(str, ids)) + "\n\t\t with jobname: " + sub_job.jobName) return ids[0] # generate submission_string: submission_string = "" if isinstance(sub_job.submit_from_dir, str) and os.path.isdir( sub_job.submit_from_dir): submission_string += "cd " + sub_job.submit_from_dir + " && " if sub_job.jobLim is None: jobLim = sub_job.end_job - sub_job.start_job jobName = str(sub_job.jobName) + "[" + str( sub_job.start_job) + "-" + str( sub_job.end_job) + "]%" + str(jobLim) submission_string += 'bsub -J " ' + jobName + ' " -W "' + str( self._job_duration) + '" ' if isinstance(sub_job.jobGroup, str): submission_string += " -g " + sub_job.jobGroup + " " if not isinstance(sub_job.outLog, str) and not isinstance( sub_job.errLog, str): outLog = jobName + ".out" submission_string += " -oo " + outLog elif isinstance(sub_job.outLog, str): submission_string += " -oo " + sub_job.outLog if isinstance(sub_job.errLog, str): submission_string += " -eo " + sub_job.errLog nCPU = self._nmpi * self._nomp submission_string += " -n " + str(nCPU) + " " if isinstance(self.max_storage, int): submission_string += ' -R "rusage[mem=' + str( self._max_storage) + ']" ' if isinstance(sub_job.queue_after_jobID, (int, str)): submission_string += " -w " + self._chain_prefix + "(" + str( sub_job.queue_after_jobID) + ')" ' if self._begin_mail: submission_string += " -B " if self._end_mail: submission_string += " -N " if self._nomp > 1: command = " export OMP_NUM_THREADS=" + str( self._nomp) + " && " + sub_job.command + " " else: command = " " + sub_job.command + " " # finalize string submission_string = list( map(lambda x: x.strip(), submission_string.split())) + [command] if self.verbose: print("Submission Command: \t", " ".join(submission_string)) if self._submission and not self._dummy: try: std_out_buff = bash.execute(command=submission_string, env=self._environment) std_out = "\n".join(std_out_buff.readlines()) # next sopt_job is queued with id: id_start = std_out.find("<") id_end = std_out.find(">") job_id = str(std_out[id_start + 1:id_end]).strip() if self.verbose: print("process returned id: " + str(job_id)) if job_id == "" and job_id.isalnum(): raise ValueError("Did not get at job ID!") except Exception as e: raise ChildProcessError("could not submit this command: \n" + " ".join(submission_string) + "\n\n" + str(e)) else: job_id = -1 sub_job.jobID = job_id return int(job_id)