コード例 #1
ファイル: modis_level2.py プロジェクト: m4sth0/satpy
    def read(self, filename, **kwargs):
        """Read the data"""
        from pyhdf.SD import SD
        import datetime

        # print "*** >>> Read the hdf-eos file!"
        root = SD(filename)

        # Get all the Attributes:
        # Common Attributes, Data Time,
        # Data Structure and Scene Coordinates
        for key in root.attributes().keys():
            self._eoshdf_info[key] = root.attributes()[key]

        # Start Time - datetime object
        starttime = datetime.datetime.strptime(self._eoshdf_info['Start Time'][0:13],
        msec = float(self._eoshdf_info['Start Time'][13:16]) / 1000.
        self.starttime = starttime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=msec)

        # End Time - datetime object
        endtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(self._eoshdf_info['End Time'][0:13],
        msec = float(self._eoshdf_info['End Time'][13:16]) / 1000.
        self.endtime = endtime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=msec)

        # What is the leading 'H' doing here?
        sensor_name = self._eoshdf_info['Sensor Name'][1:-1].lower()
            self.satid = EOS_SATELLITE[sensor_name]
        except KeyError:
            LOG.error("Failed setting the satellite id - sat-name = ",

        self.orbit = self._eoshdf_info['Orbit Number']
        self.shape = (self._eoshdf_info['Number of Scan Control Points'],
                      self._eoshdf_info['Number of Pixel Control Points'])

        # try:
        if 1:
            value = root.select(self.name)
            attr = value.attributes()
            data = value.get()

            self.attr = attr
            band = data
            if self.name in FLAGS_QUALITY:
                self.data = band
                nodata = attr['bad_value_scaled']
                self.data = (np.ma.masked_equal(band, nodata) *
                             attr['slope'] + attr['intercept'])

        # except:
        #    pass

        self.filled = True
コード例 #2
ファイル: modis_level2.py プロジェクト: Pelgrum/mpop
    def read(self, filename, **kwargs):
        """Read the data"""
        from pyhdf.SD import SD
        import datetime

        #print "*** >>> Read the hdf-eos file!"
        root = SD(filename)
        # Get all the Attributes:
        # Common Attributes, Data Time,
        # Data Structure and Scene Coordinates
        for key in root.attributes().keys():
            self._eoshdf_info[key] = root.attributes()[key]

        # Start Time - datetime object
        starttime = datetime.datetime.strptime(self._eoshdf_info['Start Time'][0:13], 
        msec = float(self._eoshdf_info['Start Time'][13:16])/1000.
        self.starttime = starttime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=msec)
        # End Time - datetime object
        endtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(self._eoshdf_info['End Time'][0:13], 
        msec = float(self._eoshdf_info['End Time'][13:16])/1000.
        self.endtime = endtime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=msec)

        # What is the leading 'H' doing here?
        sensor_name = self._eoshdf_info['Sensor Name'][1:-1].lower()
            self.satid = EOS_SATELLITE[sensor_name]
        except KeyError:
            LOG.error("Failed setting the satellite id - sat-name = ", 
        self.orbit = self._eoshdf_info['Orbit Number']
        self.shape = (self._eoshdf_info['Number of Scan Control Points'],
                      self._eoshdf_info['Number of Pixel Control Points'])

        if 1:
            value = root.select(self.name)
            attr = value.attributes()
            data = value.get()

            self.attr = attr
            band = data
            if self.name in FLAGS_QUALITY:
                self.data = band
                nodata = attr['bad_value_scaled']
                self.data = (np.ma.masked_equal(band, nodata) * 
                             attr['slope'] + attr['intercept'])
        #    pass

        self.filled= True
コード例 #3
 def shape(self):
     from pyhdf.SD import SD
         return self._shape
     except AttributeError:
         n = 0
         for f in self.filenames:
             prod = SD(f)
             n += prod.attributes()['Number of Scans']
         self._shape = (10 * n, prod.attributes()['Max Earth Frames'])
         return self._shape
コード例 #4
ファイル: nasa_hdf.py プロジェクト: raphaeldussin/njord
 def _l3read_hdf(self, fieldname='l3m_data'):
     self.vprint( "Reading hdf file")
     sd = SD(self.filename, SDC.READ)
     ds = sd.select(fieldname)
     field     = ds[self.j1:self.j2, self.i1:self.i2].copy()
     intercept = ds.attributes()['Intercept']
     slope     = ds.attributes()['Slope']
         nanval = ds.attributes()['Fill']
         nanval = 65535
         base  = ds.attributes()['Base']
     except KeyError:
         base = -999
     if 'Scaled Data Maximum' in sd.attributes().keys():
         self.maxval = sd.attributes()['Scaled Data Maximum']
         self.minval = sd.attributes()['Scaled Data Minimum']
     elif 'Suggested Image Scaling Maximum' in sd.attributes().keys():
         self.maxval = sd.attributes()['Suggested Image Scaling Maximum']
         self.minval = sd.attributes()['Suggested Image Scaling Minimum']
         self.minval = self.vc[fld][2]
         self.maxval = self.vc[fld][3]
     start_iso = (pl.date2num(dtm(
                     sd.attributes()['Period Start Year'],1,1)) + 
                     sd.attributes()['Period Start Day'] - 1)
     end_iso   = (pl.date2num(dtm(
                     sd.attributes()['Period End Year'],1,1)) + 
                     sd.attributes()['Period End Day'] - 1)
     self.jd   = ((start_iso+end_iso)/2)
     self.date = pl.num2date(self.jd)
     return field,base,intercept,slope
コード例 #5
ファイル: pb_drc_hdf.py プロジェクト: NingAnMe/pb
 def read_file_attr(in_file):
         hdf4 = SD(in_file, SDC.READ)
         return attrs2dict(hdf4.attributes())
     except Exception as why:
         print 'ReadHDF4.read_file_attr: {}'.format(why)
コード例 #6
 def prepare(self):
         Handles reprojection of file, conversion of hdf into GeoTIFF
     data_file = SD(self.input_file, SDC.READ)
     extracted_data = list()
     for band in self.bands:
         band_data = data_file.select(band)
     self.attributes = data_file.attributes()
     extracted_data = np.array(extracted_data)
         extracted_data <= self.low_thres)] = self.low_value
     extracted_data = np.log(extracted_data)
     extracted_data[np.where(extracted_data >= self.high_thres)] = HIGH_VAL
     indices = np.where((extracted_data > self.low_thres)
                        & (extracted_data < self.high_thres))
     extracted_data[indices] = (HIGH_VAL *
                                (extracted_data[indices] - self.low_thres) /
     extracted_data = extracted_data.astype(rasterio.uint8)
     file_name = self.input_file.split("/")[-1]
     self.prepare_thumbnail(extracted_data, file_name)
コード例 #7
ファイル: codigo_TRMM.py プロジェクト: ThainaLessa/final_ICD
def ler_hdf_precipitacao(arquivo, pasta):
    diret = pasta + arquivo
    hdf = SD(diret, SDC.READ)

    #Conjuntos de dados disponíveis

    #Obter resolução espacial e as coordenadas das "bordas"
    lista = hdf.attributes()['GridHeader'].replace(';', '').split('\n')
    atrs = {}
    for atr in [
            'LatitudeResolution=', 'LongitudeResolution=',
            'NorthBoundingCoordinate=', 'SouthBoundingCoordinate=',
            'EastBoundingCoordinate=', 'WestBoundingCoordinate='
        valor = [
            float(lista[n][len(atr):]) for n, x in enumerate(lista) if atr in x
        atrs[atr] = valor[0]

    #Selecionar o conjunto de dados desejado ('precipitation'): dados de precipitação
    precip = hdf.select('precipitation')
    precip = precip[:]  #Array com os dados de precipitação no formato nlon x nlat
    precip = np.transpose(precip)  #Matriz transposta para termos nlat x nlon
    #  Missing value = -9999.9; Set all the missing values less than 0 to NaNs
    np.putmask(precip, precip < 0, np.nan)
    return precip
コード例 #8
def read_MODIS_file(fname):
    hdf = SD(fname, SDC.READ)
    metadata = hdf.attributes()
    firepix = metadata['FirePix']
    if firepix == 0:
        print('no fire pixel in %s' % (fname))
        return []
    print('%s fire pixel in %s' % (firepix, fname))
    data = np.zeros((firepix, 5))
    sds = hdf.select('FP_latitude')
    latdata = sds.get()
    sds = hdf.select('FP_longitude')
    londata = sds.get()
    sds = hdf.select('FP_power')
    FRPdata = sds.get()
    sds = hdf.select('FP_confidence')
    FRPcondata = sds.get()
    sds = hdf.select('FP_ViewZenAng')
    vzadata = sds.get()
    data[:, 0] = latdata
    data[:, 1] = londata
    data[:, 2] = FRPdata
    data[:, 3] = vzadata
    data[:, 4] = FRPcondata

    return data
コード例 #9
def get_flip(filename):
    hdf = SD(filename, SDC.READ)
    global_attributes = hdf.attributes()

    if 'CoreMetadata.0' in global_attributes:
        # modis l1b
        coreMetaData = global_attributes['CoreMetadata.0']
        odlParser = MiniODLParser()
        coreMetaDict = odlParser.parseFromString(coreMetaData, ['all'])

        platform = coreMetaDict['ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME:VALUE']
        dnflag = coreMetaDict['DAYNIGHTFLAG:VALUE']

        print >> stderr, "platform ", platform
        print >> stderr, "dnflag ", dnflag

        if platform == 'Aqua' and dnflag == 'Day':
            print 'flipXY'
        elif platform == 'Terra' and dnflag == 'Night':
            print 'flipXY'
        startNode = global_attributes['Start Node']
        print >> stderr, 'start node', startNode
        endNode = global_attributes['End Node']
        print >> stderr, 'end node', endNode

        if startNode == 'Ascending' and endNode == 'Ascending':
            print 'flipXY'
コード例 #10
def ancillary_interp_ozone(file, lon, lat, dataset='ozone', kind='linear'):
    from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC

    f = SD(file, SDC.READ)
    datasets_dic = f.datasets()
    meta = f.attributes()
    sds_obj = f.select(dataset)
    data = sds_obj.get()
    f = None

    from numpy import linspace
    from scipy import interpolate

    ## make lons and lats for this file
    lons = linspace(meta["Westernmost Longitude"],
                    meta["Easternmost Longitude"],
                    num=meta['Number of Columns'])
    lats = linspace(meta["Northernmost Latitude"],
                    meta["Southernmost Latitude"],
                    num=meta['Number of Rows'])

    ## do interpolation in space
    if kind == 'nearest':
        xi, xret = min(enumerate(lons), key=lambda x: abs(x[1] - float(lon)))
        yi, yret = min(enumerate(lats), key=lambda x: abs(x[1] - float(lat)))
        uoz = data[yi, xi] / 1000.
        interp = interpolate.interp2d(lons, lats, data, kind=kind)
        uoz = (interp(lon, lat))[0] / 1000.

    anc_ozone = {'ozone': {'interp': uoz}}
    return (anc_ozone)
コード例 #11
ファイル: sdf.py プロジェクト: yaswant/ypylib
    def get_sds(self, fieldnames=None):
        """Return specific or all SDS in the hdf file as dictionary.

        SDS arrays can be accessed using the 'data' key. Note that no scaling
        is applied to the data in get() method (use get_scaled() to achieve
        that). However, the scaling and missing data information can be
        accessed using the following keys:

        # Convert scalar fieldnames to sequence
        if isinstance(fieldnames, basestring):
            fieldnames = (fieldnames, )

        # Open file to read SDs
            h4 = SD(self.filename, mode=SDC.READ)
            sclinfo = None
            if 'Slope_and_Offset_Usage' in h4.attributes():
                sclinfo = 'Slope_and_Offset_Usage'

            # Get all available SDS from file if fieldnames in not given
            if fieldnames is None:
                fieldnames = []
                for key in sorted(h4.datasets()):

            # Create and empty dataset dictionary with all available
            # fields fill in data from SDS
            sds = dict.fromkeys(fieldnames, {})
            for key in sds:
                attrs = h4.select(key).attributes()
                if sclinfo:
                    attrs[sclinfo] = h4.attributes()[sclinfo]

                sds[key] = attrs
                sds[key]['data'] = h4.select(key).get()

            # Close hdf interface
        except HDF4Error as e:
            raise HDF4Error(e)

        # Return raw (possibly un-calibrated) SDS/attributes dictionary
        return sds
コード例 #12
class HDFeos:
    def __init__(self, file_path):
        self.lats = None
        self.lons = None
        self.gring_lats = None
        self.gring_lons = None
        self.hdf = SD(file_path)
        self.file_path = file_path

    def read_laton(self):
        self.lons = self.hdf.select('Longitude').get().astype(numpy.double)
        self.lats = self.hdf.select('Latitude').get().astype(numpy.double)

    def get_metadata_group(self, group_name):
        metadata_group = {}
        keys = [s for s in self.hdf.attributes().keys() if group_name in s]
        for key in keys:
            string = self.hdf.attributes()[key]
            m = parse_hdfeos_metadata(string)
            metadata_group = {**metadata_group, **m}
        return metadata_group

    def create_sidecar(self, workers, cover_res, out_path):

        sids = staremaster.conversions.latlon2stare(self.lats,

        if not cover_res:
            cover_res = staremaster.conversions.min_level(sids)

        cover_sids = staremaster.conversions.gring2cover(
            self.gring_lats, self.gring_lons, cover_res)

        i = self.lats.shape[0]
        j = self.lats.shape[1]
        l = cover_sids.size

        sidecar = Sidecar(self.file_path, out_path)
        sidecar.write_dimensions(i, j, l, nom_res=self.nom_res)
        sidecar.write_lons(self.lons, nom_res=self.nom_res)
        sidecar.write_lats(self.lats, nom_res=self.nom_res)
        sidecar.write_sids(sids, nom_res=self.nom_res)
        sidecar.write_cover(cover_sids, nom_res=self.nom_res)
        return sidecar
コード例 #13
 def __init__(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info):
     super(HDF4FileHandler, self).__init__(filename, filename_info, filetype_info)
     self.file_content = {}
     file_handle = SD(self.filename, SDC.READ)
     self._collect_attrs('', file_handle.attributes())
     for k, v in file_handle.datasets().items():
         self.collect_metadata(k, file_handle.select(k))
     del file_handle
コード例 #14
ファイル: hdf4_utils.py プロジェクト: davidh-ssec/satpy
 def __init__(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info):
     super(HDF4FileHandler, self).__init__(filename, filename_info, filetype_info)
     self.file_content = {}
     file_handle = SD(self.filename, SDC.READ)
     self._collect_attrs('', file_handle.attributes())
     for k, v in file_handle.datasets().items():
         self.collect_metadata(k, file_handle.select(k))
     del file_handle
コード例 #15
def get_colloc_crap(i, file_col):
    from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC
    from libtools import dbg
    hdf = SD(file_col, SDC.READ)
    x = hdf.select('Master_Index_1')[i]
    a = hdf.select('Master_Index_2')[i]
    return x, a, hdf.attributes()['fname_AIRS']  #_WRS
コード例 #16
 def extract_attributes(self):
     # extract the attributes from the data file
         granule = SD(self.data_path, 1)
     except TypeError:
         granule = SD(self.data_path.encode("utf-8"), 1)
     self.attributes = granule.attributes()
コード例 #17
    def get(self, fieldnames=[]):
        '''Returns specific or all SDS in the hdf file as dictionary.
        SDS arrays can be accessed using the 'data' key. Note that no scaling
        is applied to the data in get() method (use get_scaled() to achieve
        that). However, the scaling and missing data information can be
        accessed using the following keys:
        if not isinstance(fieldnames, list):
            fieldnames = [fieldnames]

            # Open hdf4 interface in read mode
            h4 = SD(self.filename, mode=SDC.READ)
            sclinfo = None
            if 'Slope_and_Offset_Usage' in h4.attributes():
                sclinfo = 'Slope_and_Offset_Usage'

            if len(fieldnames) == 0:
                # Get all available field names from hdf
                fieldnames = []
                for key in sorted(h4.datasets()):
            # Create and empty dataset dictionary with all available
            # fields fill in data from SDS
            datasets = dict.fromkeys(fieldnames, {})
            for key in datasets:
                attrs = h4.select(key).attributes()
                if sclinfo:
                    attrs[sclinfo] = h4.attributes()[sclinfo]

                datasets[key] = attrs
                datasets[key]['data'] = h4.select(key).get()
            # Close hdf interface
        except HDF4Error as e:
            print "HDF4Error", e

        # Return un-calibrated datasets/attributes dictionary
        return datasets
コード例 #18
def open_file(filename):
    A = SD(filename)

    # retrieve data SDS
    d = A.datasets()
    sds_name = list(d.keys())[0]  # name of sds. Dictionary method.
    sds = A.select(sds_name)
    pin = A.attributes()

    return sds, pin
コード例 #19
def open_file(filename):
    A = SD(filename)

    # retrieve data SDS
    d = A.datasets()
    sds_name = d.keys()[0]  # name of sds. Dictionary method.
    sds = A.select(sds_name)
    pin = A.attributes()

    return sds, pin
コード例 #20
def get_core(filename):
    given the path to a Modis hdf4 file with a "CoreMetadata.0" attribute
    return that value as a string
    filename = str(filename)
    the_file = SD(filename, SDC.READ)
    metaDat = the_file.attributes()["CoreMetadata.0"]
    core_meta = str(metaDat).rstrip(" \t\r\n\0")
    return core_meta
コード例 #21
ファイル: download_hdf.py プロジェクト: xmd-sysu/aeroct
    def _populate_SD(self):
        """Populate SDs and their shape attributes"""

            h4 = SD(self.filename, mode=SDC.READ)
            self.sds = sorted(h4.datasets().keys())
            for k, v in sorted(h4.datasets().viewitems()):
                self.items.append((k, v[1]))
        except HDF4Error as e:
            raise HDF4Error('{}: {}'.format(e, self.filename))
コード例 #22
def readHDF4(inFile, bands=[1]):
    '''Reads HDF4 images as Raster instances using pyhdf'''

    from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC

    g = SD(inFile, mode=SDC.READ)
    cellSize = g.attributes()['PixelSize']

    m = g.attributes()['StructMetadata.0']
    start = m.find('(', m.find('UpperLeft')) + 1
    Xll = float(m[start:m.find(',', start)])

    start = m.find(',', m.find('LowerRight')) + 1
    Yll = float(m[start:m.find(')', start)])

    rastList = []
    for band in bands:
        b = g.select(band - 1)

        attribs = b.attributes()
        scale = 1.0
        offset = 0.0

        if attribs.has_key('scale_factor'):
            scale = attribs['scale_factor']
        if attribs.has_key('add_offset'):
            offset = attribs['add_offset']

        NoData = b.getfillvalue()
        arr = ma.masked_values(b.get(), NoData)
        arr = arr.astype('float32')
        arr = scale * (arr - offset)


        rastList.append(raster.Raster(arr, cellSize, Xll, Yll, NoData))


    return rastList
コード例 #23
ファイル: thin_modis.py プロジェクト: 3Geo/mpop
def load_thin_modis(satscene, options):
    """Read modis data from file and load it into *satscene*.
    filename = satscene.time_slot.strftime("thin_MYD021KM.A%Y%j.%H%M.005.NRT.hdf")
    filename = os.path.join(options["dir"], filename)
    data = SD(filename)

    datasets = ['EV_250_Aggr1km_RefSB',

    for dataset in datasets:
        subdata = data.select(dataset)
        band_names = subdata.attributes()["band_names"].split(",")
        if len(satscene.channels_to_load & set(band_names)) > 0:
            uncertainty = data.select(dataset+"_Uncert_Indexes")
            if dataset == 'EV_1KM_Emissive':
                array = calibrate_tb(subdata, uncertainty)
                array = calibrate_refl(subdata, uncertainty)
            for (i, band) in enumerate(band_names):
                if band in satscene.channels_to_load:
                    satscene[band] = array[i]

    mda = data.attributes()["CoreMetadata.0"]
    orbit_idx = mda.index("ORBITNUMBER")
    satscene.orbit = mda[orbit_idx + 111:orbit_idx + 116]

    lat, lon = get_lat_lon(satscene, None)
    from pyresample import geometry
    satscene.area = geometry.SwathDefinition(lons=lon, lats=lat)

    # trimming out dead sensor lines
    if satscene.satname == "aqua":
        for band in ["6", "27"]:
            if not satscene[band].is_loaded() or satscene[band].data.mask.all():
            width = satscene[band].data.shape[1]
            height = satscene[band].data.shape[0]
            indices = satscene[band].data.mask.sum(1) < width
            if indices.sum() == height:
            satscene[band] = satscene[band].data[indices, :]
            satscene[band].area = geometry.SwathDefinition(
            satscene[band].area.area_id = ("swath_" + satscene.fullname + "_"
                                           + str(satscene.time_slot) + "_"
                                           + str(satscene[band].shape) + "_"
                                           + str(band))
コード例 #24
ファイル: hdf4.py プロジェクト: geoedf/idata-metadata
def getMetadata(filepath):
    metadata = {}
    hdf_file = SD(filepath, SDC.READ)
    dataset = gdal.Open(filepath, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)

    # Construct the grid.  The needed information is in a global attribute
    # called 'StructMetadata.0'.  Use regular expressions to tease out the
    # extents of the grid.
    fattrs = hdf_file.attributes(full=1)
    ga = fattrs["StructMetadata.0"]
    gridmeta = ga[0]

    ul_regex = re.compile(
                          \)''', re.VERBOSE)
    match = ul_regex.search(gridmeta)
    x0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_x'))
    y0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_y'))

    lr_regex = re.compile(
                          \)''', re.VERBOSE)
    match = lr_regex.search(gridmeta)
    x1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_x'))
    y1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_y'))

    metadata['xmax'] = x0
    metadata['xmin'] = x1
    metadata['ymax'] = y1
    metadata['ymin'] = y0

    # determine the projection GCTP code from the grid metadata
    proj_regex = re.compile(r'''Projection=(?P<projection>\w+)''', re.VERBOSE)
    match = proj_regex.search(gridmeta)
    proj = match.group('projection')

    # support MODIS sinusoidal projection for now, add others later
    if proj == 'GCTP_SNSOID':
        sinu = pyproj.Proj("+proj=sinu +R=6371007.181 +nadgrids=@null +wktext")
        wgs84 = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:4326")
        metadata['lonmin'], metadata['latmin'] = pyproj.transform(
            sinu, wgs84, x0, y0)
        metadata['lonmax'], metadata['latmax'] = pyproj.transform(
            sinu, wgs84, x1, y1)

    return metadata
コード例 #25
def check_if_day(hdf_file):

    hdf_filename = sys.argv[1]
    hdf_file = SD(hdf_filename, SDC.READ)

    core_metadata0_string = hdf_file.attributes()['CoreMetadata.0']
    daynight_start_index = core_metadata0_string.find('DAYNIGHT')
    #print('test: |' + core_metadata0_string[daynight_start_index:daynight_start_index+120] + '|')
    daynight_info_block = core_metadata0_string[daynight_start_index:daynight_start_index+120]

    is_day = (daynight_info_block.find('\"Day\"') != -1)
    return is_day
コード例 #26
def gethv(Datadir, x0, y0, **kwargs):

    files = glob.glob(Datadir + '2008.06.18/*.hdf')
    strhv = []
    for Aerfile in files:
        ds = SD(Aerfile, SDC.READ)
        lookup1 = 'UpperLeftPointMtrs'
        lookup2 = 'LowerRightMtrs'
        StrMeta = ds.attributes()['StructMetadata.0']
        for line in StrMeta.splitlines():
            if lookup1 in line:
                xy = (line.split('('))[1].split(',')
                xul = np.float(xy[0])
                yul = np.float((xy[1].split(')'))[0])
            if lookup2 in line:
                xy = (line.split('('))[1].split(',')
                xlr = np.float(xy[0])
                ylr = np.float((xy[1].split(')'))[0])

        Aobj = ds.select('Optical_Depth_047')
        AOD = Aobj.get()
        [nx, ny] = AOD[0, :, :].shape
        XDim = xul + (0.5 + np.arange(nx)) * (xlr - xul) / nx
        YDim = yul + (0.5 + np.arange(ny)) * (ylr - yul) / ny
        # YDim=np.flip(YDim)
        xv, yv = np.meshgrid(XDim, YDim)
        # In basemap, the sinusoidal projection is global, so we won't use it.
        # Instead we'll convert the grid back to lat/lons.
        sinu = pyproj.Proj("+proj=sinu +R=6371007.181 +nadgrids=@null +wktext")
        wgs84 = pyproj.Proj("+proj=latlong +R=6371007.181")
        lon, lat = pyproj.transform(sinu, wgs84, xv, yv)

        if 'mindist' in kwargs:
            mindist = kwargs['mindist']
            distance = (lat - y0)**2 + (lon - x0)**2
            if np.min(distance) < mindist:
                strhv = np.append(strhv,

        if 'dx' in kwargs:
            dx = kwargs['dx']
            dy = kwargs['dy']
            if (np.min(np.absolute(lat - y0)) < dy) & (np.min(
                    np.absolute(lon - x0)) < dx):
                strhv = np.append(strhv,

    return strhv
コード例 #27
 def read_modis_sd(filename):
     product = SD(filename)
     Nfire = product.attributes()['FirePix']
     if Nfire == 0:
         return np.zeros((1, 8))
     datasets = [
         'FP_power', 'FP_latitude', 'FP_longitude', 'FP_ViewZenAng',
         'FP_MeanT21', 'FP_MAD_T21', 'FP_sample', 'FP_T21'
     datasetList = []
     for sds in datasets:
         selection = product.select(sds).get()
     return (np.array(datasetList).transpose())
コード例 #28
def HDF_proj_WKT(hdf_filepath):
    # returns the projection of the HDF file in Well Known Text (WKT) format

    # first determine the HDF type
    hdf_type = HDF_type(hdf_filepath)

    if hdf_type == 'hdf4':
        # for HDF4 assume corner coordinates are stored in the StructMetadata.0 section
        hdf_file = SD(hdf_filepath, SDC.READ)

            # access grid metadata section of StructMetadata.0
            fattr = hdf_file.attributes(full=1)
            structmeta = fattr['StructMetadata.0']
            gridmeta = structmeta[0]

            # determine the projection GCTP code from the grid metadata
            proj_regex = re.compile(r'''Projection=(?P<projection>\w+)''',
            match = proj_regex.search(gridmeta)
            proj = match.group('projection')

            # support MODIS sinusoidal projection for now, add others later
            if proj == 'GCTP_SNSOID':
                sinu_proj4 = "+proj=sinu +R=6371007.181 +nadgrids=@null +wktext"
                srs = osr.SpatialReference()
                return srs.ExportToWkt()
            #prjfile = open('/home/rkalyana/GeoEDF/GeoEDF/connector/filter/modis/6933.prj', 'r')
            #prj_txt = prjfile.read()
            #srs = osr.SpatialReference()
            #return srs.ExportToWkt()
            raise GeoEDFError(
                'Error determining the projection or unsupported projection')

    else:  # HDF5 file; only SMAP files in EASE Grid 2.0 are supported at the moment
        hdf_file = h5py.File(hdf_filepath, mode='r')

        # check to see if this is a EASE Grid 2.0 file
        if 'EASE2_global_projection' in hdf_file.keys():
            ease_proj4 = "+proj=cea +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=30 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m"
            srs = osr.SpatialReference()
            return srs.ExportToWkt()
            raise GeoEDFError(
                'Error determining the projection or unsupported projection')
コード例 #29
ファイル: convert.py プロジェクト: evas-ssec/geo_converter
def read_hdf4_info(input_file_path) :
    get information about variable names and attributes (both global and variable specific) from the
    given file. The file is assumed to exist and be a valid hdf4 file

    returns something in the form:

            GLOBAL_ATTRS_KEY    : a dictionary of attribute values keyed by the attribute names
            VAR_LIST_KEY        : [list of variable names]
            VAR_INFO_KEY        :   {
                                        <var_name> :    {
                                                            SHAPE_KEY: (shape of variable data)
                                                            VAR_ATTRS_KEY: a dictionary of attribute values keyed by the attribute names


        TODO, depending on what changes need to be made for CF compliance this data structure may need to change a lot

    file_info = { }

    # open the file
    file_object = SD(input_file_path, SDC.READ)

    # get information on the global attributes in the file
    global_attrs = file_object.attributes()
    file_info[GLOBAL_ATTRS_KEY] = global_attrs

    # get information on the variables in the file
    variable_list = file_object.datasets().keys()
    file_info[VAR_LIST_KEY] = variable_list

    # for each variable in a file, get more specific information about it
    file_info[VAR_INFO_KEY] = { }
    sets_temp = file_object.datasets()
        # this should return a dictionary with entries for each variable in the form
        #       <variable name>: ((dimension names), (data shape), type, index num)
    for var_name in variable_list :
        var_object = file_object.select(var_name)
        var_attrs  = var_object.attributes()
        file_info[VAR_INFO_KEY][var_name] = {
                                                SHAPE_KEY: sets_temp[var_name][1],
                                                VAR_ATTRS_KEY: var_attrs,

    return file_info, file_object
コード例 #30
ファイル: pb_drc_AIRS.py プロジェクト: NingAnMe/pb
 def set_file_attr(self):
     get hdf5 file attrs self.file_attr
     if self.resolution == 13500:
         satellite_type = ['AQUA', 'TERRA']
         if self.satellite in satellite_type:
             h4r = SD(self.in_file, SDC.READ)
             self.file_attr = attrs2dict(h4r.attributes())
             raise ValueError('Cant read this satellite`s data.: {}'.format(
         raise ValueError("Cant handle this resolution: ".format(
コード例 #31
ファイル: amsr.py プロジェクト: adybbroe/atrain_match
def read_amsr_hdf4(filename):
    from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC
    from pyhdf.HDF import HDF, HC
    import pyhdf.VS 

    retv = AmsrObject()
    h4file = SD(filename, SDC.READ)
    datasets = h4file.datasets()
    attributes = h4file.attributes()
    #for idx,attr in enumerate(attributes.keys()):
    #    print idx, attr
    for sds in ["Longitude", "Latitude", "High_res_cloud"]:
        data = h4file.select(sds).get()
        if sds in ["Longitude", "Latitude"]:
            retv.all_arrays[sds.lower()] = data.ravel()
        elif sds in ["High_res_cloud"]:
            lwp_gain = h4file.select(sds).attributes()['Scale']
            retv.all_arrays["lwp_mm"] = data.ravel() * lwp_gain

        #print h4file.select(sds).info()
    h4file = HDF(filename, SDC.READ)
    vs = h4file.vstart()
    data_info_list = vs.vdatainfo()
    #print "1D data compound/Vdata"
    for item in data_info_list:
        #1D data compound/Vdata
        name = item[0]
        #print name
        if name in ["Time"]:
            data_handle = vs.attach(name)
            data = np.array(data_handle[:])
            retv.all_arrays["sec1993"] = data 
            #print name
        #data = np.array(data_handle[:])
        #attrinfo_dic = data_handle.attrinfo()
        #factor = data_handle.findattr('factor')
        #offset = data_handle.findattr('offset')
        #print data_handle.factor
    #print data_handle.attrinfo()
    #for key in retv.all_arrays.keys():
    #    print key, retv.all_arrays[key]
    return retv
コード例 #32
ファイル: raw.py プロジェクト: dmsul/data-maiac
def get_corners(hdf: SD) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]]:
    metadata_str = hdf.attributes()['StructMetadata.0'].replace('\x00', '')
    wtf = metadata_str.replace('\t', '').split('\n')
    points = [
        x for x in wtf if 'UpperLeftPointMtrs' in x or 'LowerRightMtrs' in x
    assert len(points) == 4

    a, b = points[0].split('=')
    assert a == 'UpperLeftPointMtrs'
    UpperLeftPointMtrs = eval(b)

    a, b = points[1].split('=')
    assert a == 'LowerRightMtrs'
    LowerRightMtrs = eval(b)

    return UpperLeftPointMtrs, LowerRightMtrs
コード例 #33
class MODIS02File(object):
    """ """
    def __init__(self, modis02fname):
        """ """
        self._sd = SD(modis02fname, SDC.READ)

    def close(self):
        """ """

    def read_radiance(self, band):
        """ """
        sds = self._sd.select('EV_1KM_Emissive')
        att = sds.attributes()
        bands = np.array(att['band_names'].split(','), dtype='int32')
        iband = int(np.where(bands == band)[0][0])
        scale = att['radiance_scales'][iband]
        offset = att['radiance_offsets'][iband]
        fillvalue = att['_FillValue']
        rad = (ma.masked_equal(sds[iband, :, :], fillvalue).astype('float32') \
               - offset) * scale
        return rad

    def read_attributes(self):
        attrs = {}
        sdattrs = self._sd.attributes()
        coremd = sdattrs['CoreMetadata.0'].split('\n')
        for iline, line in enumerate(coremd):
            if 'OBJECT                 = RANGEENDINGDATE' in line:
                enddate = coremd[iline + 2].split('"')[1]
            elif 'OBJECT                 = RANGEENDINGTIME' in line:
                endtime = coremd[iline + 2].split('"')[1]
            elif 'OBJECT                 = RANGEBEGINNINGDATE' in line:
                begindate = coremd[iline + 2].split('"')[1]
            elif 'OBJECT                 = RANGEBEGINNINGTIME' in line:
                begintime = coremd[iline + 2].split('"')[1]
            elif 'OBJECT                 = ASSOCIATEDSENSORSHORTNAME' in line:
                attrs['sensor'] = coremd[iline + 3].split('"')[1]
            elif 'OBJECT                 = ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME' in line:
                attrs['platform'] = coremd[iline + 3].split('"')[1]
        attrs['start_time'] = datetime.strptime(begindate + 'T' + begintime,
        attrs['stop_time'] = datetime.strptime(enddate + 'T' + endtime,
        return attrs
コード例 #34
ファイル: pb_drc_MVISR.py プロジェクト: NingAnMe/pb
 def set_file_attr(self):
     根据 self.file_level_1 获取 L1 文件的属性
     set self.level_1_attr
     if self.resolution == 1000:
         satellite_type1 = ['FY1C', 'FY1D']
         if self.satellite in satellite_type1:
             hdf4 = SD(self.in_file, SDC.READ)
             self.file_attr = attrs2dict(hdf4.attributes())
             raise ValueError('Cant read this satellite`s data.: {}'.format(
         raise ValueError("Cant handle this resolution: ".format(
コード例 #35
def is_daily_product(hdf_filename):

    hdf_file = SD(hdf_filename, SDC.READ)

    # get CoreMetadata.0 attribute (which is a very long string) and just extract and analyze the substring
    # with the DAYNIGHT info:
    core_metadata0_string = hdf_file.attributes()['CoreMetadata.0']
    daynight_start_index = core_metadata0_string.find('DAYNIGHT')

    if daynight_start_index != -1:
        #print('test: |' + core_metadata0_string[daynight_start_index:daynight_start_index+120] + '|')
        daynight_info_block = core_metadata0_string[daynight_start_index:daynight_start_index+120]

        is_daily = (daynight_info_block.find('\"Day\"') != -1)
        return is_daily
        return false
コード例 #36
ファイル: procEVDC.py プロジェクト: alpha-zou/TAMP
def extractEVDCData(fileAbsPath):
    inFile = SD(fileAbsPath, SDC.READ)
    outFileName = os.path.split(fileAbsPath)[1][0:-3] + 'xml'
    outFile = open(outFileName, 'w')
    siteName = inFile.attributes(True)['DATA_LOCATION'][0]
    siteLatitude = inFile.select('LATITUDE.INSTRUMENT')[0]
    siteLongitude = inFile.select('LONGITUDE.INSTRUMENT')[0]
    siteElevation = inFile.select('ALTITUDE.INSTRUMENT')[0]
    outFile.write('    <siteName>' + siteName + '</siteName>\n')
    outFile.write('    <siteLatitude>' + str(siteLatitude) + '</siteLatitude>\n')
    outFile.write('    <siteLongitude>' + str(siteLongitude) + '</siteLongitude>\n')
    outFile.write('    <siteElevation>' + str(siteElevation) + '</siteElevation>\n')
    timestamps = inFile.select('DATETIME')
    timestampCount = timestamps.info()[2]
    so2absorption = inFile.select('SO2.COLUMN_ABSORPTION.SOLAR')
    field = so2absorption.attributes(True)['VAR_NAME'][0]
    for i in range(0, timestampCount):
        referenceDate = datetime.date(2000,1,1)
        days = int(timestamps[i])
        hours = int((timestamps[i]-days) * 24)
        minutes = int(((timestamps[i]-days)*24-hours) * 60)
        seconds = int(((((timestamps[i]-days)*24-hours)*60)-minutes) * 60)
        date = referenceDate + datetime.timedelta(days)
        measurementTime = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT') + str(hours).zfill(2) + ':' + str(minutes).zfill(2) + ':' + str(seconds).zfill(2) + 'Z'
        outFile.write('    <data>\n')
        outFile.write('        <timeStart>' + measurementTime + '</timeStart>\n')
        outFile.write('        <timeEnd>' + measurementTime + '</timeEnd>\n')
        outFile.write('        <field>'+ field + '</field>\n')
        outFile.write('        <value>' + str(so2absorption[i]) + '</value>\n')
        outFile.write('    </data>\n')
    return [outFileName]
コード例 #37
ファイル: calipso.py プロジェクト: adybbroe/atrain_match
def read_calipso_hdf4(filename, retv):
    from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC
    from pyhdf.HDF import HDF, HC
    import pyhdf.VS 
    def convert_data(data):
        if len(data.shape) == 2:
            if data.shape[1] == 1:
                return data[:, 0]
            elif data.shape[0] == 1:
                return data[0, :]
        return data
    if filename is not None:
        h4file = SD(filename, SDC.READ)
        datasets = h4file.datasets()
        attributes = h4file.attributes()
        singleshotdata = {}
        for idx, dataset in enumerate(datasets.keys()):
            if dataset in scip_these_larger_variables_until_needed.keys():        
            elif dataset[0:8] == 'Surface_':
            if dataset in ["ssNumber_Layers_Found", 
                singleshotdata[dataset] = h4file.select(dataset).get()
            if dataset[0:2] == "ss":
                #already saved temporarly what we need
            name = dataset.lower()
            #print idx, dataset
            if dataset in atrain_match_names.keys():
                name = atrain_match_names[dataset]
            data = np.array(h4file.select(dataset).get())
            setattr(retv, name, data) 
        if "ssNumber_Layers_Found" in singleshotdata.keys():
            # Extract number of cloudy single shots (max 15)
            # plus average cloud base and top
            # in 5 km FOV
            logger.info("Reading single shot information")
            retv = rearrange_calipso_the_single_shot_info(
    return retv 
コード例 #38
ファイル: l2.py プロジェクト: brorfred/satmap
 def _read_hdf(self, fieldname='l3m_data'):
     sd = SD(self.filename, SDC.READ)
     ds = sd.select(fieldname)
     attrdict = ds.attributes()
     for d in attrdict.keys(): attrdict[d.lower()] = attrdict.pop(d)
     field      = ds[self.j1:self.j2, self.i1:self.i2].copy()
     intercept  = ds.attributes()['intercept']
     slope      = ds.attributes()['slope']
         nanval = ds.attributes()['fill']
         nanval = ds.attributes()['bad_value_scaled']
         base   = ds.attributes()['base']
     except KeyError:
         base   = -999
     dstr = sd.attributes()['Start Time'] 
     self.jd = pl.datestr2num(dstr[:4] + "-1-1") + float(dstr[4:7]) - 1
     return field,base,intercept,slope,nanval
コード例 #39
def write_interpolated(filename, f0, f1, fact, datasetNames):
    interpolate two hdf files f0 and f1 using factor fact, and
    write the result to filename

    hdf = SD(filename, SDC.WRITE|SDC.CREATE)
    for datasetName in datasetNames:

            info = SD(f0).select(datasetName).info()
            print >> stderr, 'Error loading %s in %s' % (datasetName, f0)

        typ  = info[3]
        shp  = info[2]
        sds_in1 = SD(f0).select(datasetName)
        met0 = sds_in1.get()
        met1 = SD(f1).select(datasetName).get()

        interp = (1-fact)*met0 + fact*met1

        interp = interp.astype({
                SDC.INT16: 'int16',
                SDC.FLOAT32: 'float32',
                SDC.FLOAT64: 'float64',

        # write
        sds = hdf.create(datasetName, typ, shp)
        sds[:] = interp[:]

        # copy attributes
        attr = sds_in1.attributes()
        if len(attr) > 0:
            for name in attr.keys():
                setattr(sds, name, attr[name])

コード例 #40
def run(FILE_NAME):
    # Identify the data field.
    DATAFIELD_NAME = 'Day_CMG_Snow_Cover'

    if USE_GDAL:    
        import gdal
        GRID_NAME = 'MOD_CMG_Snow_5km'    
        gname = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"{0}":{1}:{2}'.format(FILE_NAME,
        gdset = gdal.Open(gname)
        data = gdset.ReadAsArray()
        # Read projection parameters.
        x0, xinc, _, y0, _, yinc = gdset.GetGeoTransform()
        nx, ny = (gdset.RasterXSize, gdset.RasterYSize)

        del gdset

        from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC
        hdf = SD(FILE_NAME, SDC.READ)

        # Read dataset.
        data2D = hdf.select(DATAFIELD_NAME)
        data = data2D[:,:].astype(np.float64)

        # Read global attribute.
        fattrs = hdf.attributes(full=1)
        ga = fattrs["StructMetadata.0"]
        gridmeta = ga[0]
        # Read projection parameters. 
        # The needed information is in a global attribute called 'StructMetadata.0'.  
        # Use regular expressions to tease out the extents of the grid. 
        ul_regex = re.compile(r'''UpperLeftPointMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
        match = ul_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_x')) / 1e6
        y0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_y')) / 1e6

        lr_regex = re.compile(r'''LowerRightMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
        match = lr_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_x')) / 1e6
        y1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_y')) / 1e6
        ny, nx = data.shape
        xinc = (x1 - x0) / nx
        yinc = (y1 - y0) / ny
    # Construct the grid.  It's already in lat/lon.
    x = np.linspace(x0, x0 + xinc*nx, nx)
    y = np.linspace(y0, y0 + yinc*ny, ny)
    lon, lat = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    m = Basemap(projection='cyl', resolution='l',
                llcrnrlat=-90, urcrnrlat = 90,
                llcrnrlon=-180, urcrnrlon = 180)
    m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90., 120., 30.), labels=[1, 0, 0, 0])
    m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 180., 45.), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1])

    # Bin the data as follows:
    # 0% snow
    # 1-99% snow
    # 100% snow
    # lake ice (107)
    # night (111)
    # cloud-obscured water (250)
    # water mask (254)
    # fill (255)
    lst = ['#00ff00', 
    cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(lst)
    bounds = [0, 1, 100, 107, 111, 250, 254, 255, 256]
    norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)
    # Render the image in the projected coordinate system.
    m.pcolormesh(lon[::2,::2], lat[::2,::2], data[::2,::2],
                 latlon=True, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)

    long_name = 'Day CMG Snow Cover'
    basename = os.path.basename(FILE_NAME)
    plt.title('{0}\n{1}'.format(basename, long_name))
    fig = plt.gcf()

    color_bar = plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal')
    color_bar.set_ticks([0.5, 50, 103, 109, 180, 252, 254.5, 255.5])
    color_bar.set_ticklabels(['0%\nsnow', '1-99%\nsnow', '100%\nsnow', 'lake\nice',
                              'night', 'cloud\n-obscured\nwater', 'water\nmask',

    # plt.show()
    pngfile = "{0}.py.png".format(basename)
コード例 #41
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import numpy as np
from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC

# Open HDF4 file.
FILE_NAME = 'S1999001.L3m_DAY_CHL_chlor_a_9km.hdf'

# The lat and lon should be calculated using lat and lon of southwest point.
# Then, we need number of lines and columns to calculate the lat and lon
# step. Assume even space between lat and lon points to get all lat and lon
# data.
# Extract southwest point from global attribute.
gattrs =  hdf.attributes(full=1)
swlata = gattrs['SW Point Latitude']
swlat = swlata[0]
swlona = gattrs['SW Point Longitude']
swlon = swlona[0]
linesa = gattrs['Number of Lines']
nlat = linesa[0]
colsa = gattrs['Number of Columns']
nlon = colsa[0]
latstepa = gattrs['Latitude Step']
latstep = latstepa[0]
lonstepa = gattrs['Longitude Step']
lonstep = lonstepa[0]

nmlat = swlat + (nlat)*latstep;
コード例 #42
def run(FILE_NAME):

    DATAFIELD_NAME = 'Local albedo average - 1 deg'

    from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC

    # Read dataset.
    data3D = hdf.select(DATAFIELD_NAME)
    data = data3D[:,:,3].astype(np.double)

    # Read file attribute.
    fattrs = hdf.attributes(full=1)
    ga = fattrs["StructMetadata.0"]
    gridmeta = ga[0]

    # Read dataset attribute.
    attrs = data3D.attributes(full=1)
    _FillValue = fva[0]

    # Apply the fill value.
    data[data == _FillValue] = np.nan
    datam = np.ma.masked_array(data, mask=np.isnan(data))

    # Construct the grid.  The needed information is in a global attribute
    # called 'StructMetadata.0'.  Use regular expressions to tease out the
    # extents of the grid.
    ul_regex = re.compile(r'''UpperLeftPointMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
    match = ul_regex.search(gridmeta)
    x0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_x')) / 1000000.0
    y0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_y')) / 1000000.0

    lr_regex = re.compile(r'''LowerRightMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
    match = lr_regex.search(gridmeta)
    x1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_x')) / 1000000.0
    y1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_y')) / 1000000.0

    data = data.T
    nx, ny = data.shape
    x = np.linspace(x0, x1, nx)
    y = np.linspace(y0, y1, ny)
    lon, lat = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    m = Basemap(projection='cyl', resolution='l',
                llcrnrlat=-90, urcrnrlat = 90,
                llcrnrlon=-180, urcrnrlon = 180)
    m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90., 120., 30.), labels=[1, 0, 0, 0])
    m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180., 181., 45.), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1])
    m.pcolormesh(lon, lat, datam, latlon=True)

    cb = m.colorbar()

    # Albedo doesn't have a unit according to the specification [1].
    cb.set_label('No Units')

    basename = os.path.basename(FILE_NAME)
    plt.title('{0}\n{1} at Band=3'.format(basename, DATAFIELD_NAME))
    fig = plt.gcf()
    # plt.show()
    pngfile = "{0}.py.png".format(basename)
コード例 #43
ファイル: hdfeos_l1b.py プロジェクト: pytroll/satpy
class HDFEOSFileReader(BaseFileHandler):

    def __init__(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info):
        self.filename = filename
            self.sd = SD(str(self.filename))
        except HDF4Error as err:
            raise ValueError("Could not load data from " + str(self.filename)
                             + ": " + str(err))
        self.sd = SD(self.filename)
        self.mda = self.read_mda(self.sd.attributes()['CoreMetadata.0'])

    def start_time(self):
        return datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')

    def end_time(self):
        return datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')

    def read_mda(self, attribute):
        lines = attribute.split('\n')
        mda = {}
        current_dict = mda
        path = []
        for line in lines:
            if not line:
            if line == 'END':
            key, val = line.split('=')
            key = key.strip()
            val = val.strip()
                val = eval(val)
            except NameError:
            if key in ['GROUP', 'OBJECT']:
                new_dict = {}
                current_dict[val] = new_dict
                current_dict = new_dict
            elif key in ['END_GROUP', 'END_OBJECT']:
                if val != path[-1]:
                    raise SyntaxError
                path = path[:-1]
                current_dict = mda
                for item in path:
                    current_dict = current_dict[item]
            elif key in ['CLASS', 'NUM_VAL']:
                current_dict[key] = val
        return mda
コード例 #44
def run(FILE_NAME):
    # Identify the data field.
    DATAFIELD_NAME = 'High_res_cloud'

    if USE_GDAL:    
        import gdal
        GRID_NAME = 'GlobalGrid'    
        gname = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"{0}":{1}:{2}'.format(FILE_NAME,
        gdset = gdal.Open(gname)
        data = gdset.ReadAsArray().astype(np.float64)

        # Read projection parameters.
        meta = gdset.GetMetadata()
        x0, xinc, _, y0, _, yinc = gdset.GetGeoTransform()
        nx, ny = (gdset.RasterXSize, gdset.RasterYSize)

        # Read attributes.
        units = meta['Unit']
        scale_factor = float(meta['Scale'])

        # Construct the grid.  The projection is GEO, so this immediately 
        # gives us latitude and longitude.
        x = np.linspace(x0, x0 + xinc*nx, nx)
        y = np.linspace(y0, y0 + yinc*ny, ny)
        del gdset
        from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC
        hdf = SD(FILE_NAME, SDC.READ)

        # Read dataset.
        data2D = hdf.select(DATAFIELD_NAME)
        data = data2D[:,:].astype(np.float64)

        # Read global attribute.
        fattrs = hdf.attributes(full=1)
        ga = fattrs["StructMetadata.0"]
        gridmeta = ga[0]
        # Construct the grid.  The needed information is in a global attribute
        # called 'StructMetadata.0'.  Use regular expressions to tease out the
        # extents of the grid. 
        ul_regex = re.compile(r'''UpperLeftPointMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
        match = ul_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_x')) / 1e6
        y0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_y')) / 1e6

        lr_regex = re.compile(r'''LowerRightMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
        match = lr_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_x')) / 1e6
        y1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_y')) / 1e6
        ny, nx = data.shape
        x = np.linspace(x0, x1, nx)
        y = np.linspace(y0, y1, ny)

        # Retrieve attributes.
        attrs = data2D.attributes(full=1)
        scale_factor = sfa[0]        
        units = ua[0]

    # Apply the attributes information.
    data[data == -9999] = np.nan
    data = data * scale_factor
    data = np.ma.masked_array(data, np.isnan(data))

    long_name = DATAFIELD_NAME
    longitude, latitude = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    m = Basemap(projection='cyl', resolution='l', lon_0=0,
                llcrnrlat=-90, urcrnrlat = 90,
                llcrnrlon=-180, urcrnrlon = 180)
    m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 91, 45), labels=[1, 0, 0, 0])
    m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 181, 45), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1])
    m.pcolormesh(longitude, latitude, data, latlon=True)

    cb = m.colorbar()

    basename = os.path.basename(FILE_NAME)
    plt.title('{0}\n{1}'.format(basename, long_name))
    fig = plt.gcf()
    # plt.show()
    pngfile = "{0}.py.png".format(basename)
コード例 #45
ファイル: rs_data.py プロジェクト: rdussurget/py-altimetry
def modis_oc(file_name,
#  ;Example of setting up flag level for non SST images
#  ;--> cf http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/DOCS/Ocean_Level-2_Data_Products.pdf
#  flagtable=REPLICATE(0B,32) ;32 bits flag
#  ;flaglevel[[0,1,2,3,4,5,8,9,10,12,14,15,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,25,26,28,29]]=1B ;RQ: remove 1 for table correspondance in documentation (table 3)
#  IF (~exist(sfglevel)) THEN sfglevel=1
#  case (flaglevel) of
#    1: flagTable[[  1,  3,  5,            15,16,      19,         25,26]]=1B
#    2: flagTable[[0,1,  3,4,5,8,9,10,  14,15,16,      19,21,22,23,25,26]]=1B
#    3: flagTable[[0,1,  3,4,5,8,9,10,  14,15,16,      19,21,22,23,25,26]]=1B
#    else: flagTable[[0,1,  3,4,5,8,9,10,  14,15,16,      19,21,22,23,25,26]]=1B
#  endcase
#;   flaglevel[[  1,  3,  5,       12,   15,16,      19,         25,26]]=1B ;low value flag
#;  ;flaglevel[[0,1,  3,4,5,8,9,10,12,14,15,16,      19,21,22,23,25,26]]=1B ;operational flag (strong removal)
    #Read MODIS HDF4 data
    f = SD(file_name, SDC.READ)

    #Load coordinates

    #Shrink image
    #scene dimensions
    #Get points within domain
    if limit is not None :
       indvec,flagvec=in_limits(lonvec, latvec, limit)
    rowsum=np.sum(flagmat, 0)
    colsum=np.sum(flagmat, 1)
    yflag=rowsum >= 1
    xflag=colsum >= 1

    #Shrink lon & lat
    lon_var=lon.get(start=[xst,yst], count=[xcnt,ycnt])
    lat_var=lat.get(start=[xst,yst], count=[xcnt,ycnt])
    #Load SST image
    sst_var=sst.get(start=[xst,yst], count=[xcnt,ycnt]) #Shrink sst image
    #Compute mask
    fg_var=fg.get(start=[xst,yst], count=[xcnt,ycnt])
    if flagLevel is None :
        mask=sst_var == flagValue
    else :
        mask= (sst_var == flagValue) | (fg_var >= flagLevel)
    sst_var=np.ma.masked_array(sst_var*slope + intercept, mask=mask,type=float)
コード例 #46
ファイル: hdfeos_l1b.py プロジェクト: meteoswiss-mdr/mpop
def load_generic(satscene, filename, resolution, cores):
    """Read modis data, generic part.

        data = SD(str(filename))
    except HDF4Error as err:
        logger.warning("Could not load data from " + str(filename)
                       + ": " + str(err))

    datadict = {
        1000: ['EV_250_Aggr1km_RefSB',
        500: ['EV_250_Aggr500_RefSB',
        250: ['EV_250_RefSB']}

    datasets = datadict[resolution]

    loaded_bands = []

    # process by dataset, reflective and emissive datasets separately

    for dataset in datasets:
        subdata = data.select(dataset)
        band_names = subdata.attributes()["band_names"].split(",")
        if len(satscene.channels_to_load & set(band_names)) > 0:
            # get the relative indices of the desired channels
            indices = [i for i, band in enumerate(band_names)
                       if band in satscene.channels_to_load]
            uncertainty = data.select(dataset + "_Uncert_Indexes")
            if dataset.endswith('Emissive'):
                array = calibrate_tb(subdata, uncertainty, indices, band_names)
                array = calibrate_refl(subdata, uncertainty, indices)
            for (i, idx) in enumerate(indices):
                satscene[band_names[idx]] = array[i]
                # fix the resolution to match the loaded data.
                satscene[band_names[idx]].resolution = resolution

    # Get the orbit number
    if not satscene.orbit:
        mda = data.attributes()["CoreMetadata.0"]
        orbit_idx = mda.index("ORBITNUMBER")
        satscene.orbit = mda[orbit_idx + 111:orbit_idx + 116]

    # Get the geolocation
    # if resolution != 1000:
    #    logger.warning("Cannot load geolocation at this resolution (yet).")
    #    return

    lat, lon = get_lat_lon(satscene, resolution, filename, cores)
    area = geometry.SwathDefinition(lons=lon, lats=lat)
    for band_name in loaded_bands:
        satscene[band_name].area = area

    # Trimming out dead sensor lines (detectors) on aqua:
    # (in addition channel 21 is noisy)
    if satscene.satname == "aqua":
        for band in ["6", "27", "36"]:
            if not satscene[band].is_loaded() or satscene[band].data.mask.all():
            width = satscene[band].data.shape[1]
            height = satscene[band].data.shape[0]
            indices = satscene[band].data.mask.sum(1) < width
            if indices.sum() == height:
            satscene[band] = satscene[band].data[indices, :]
            satscene[band].area = geometry.SwathDefinition(
                lons=satscene[band].area.lons[indices, :],
                lats=satscene[band].area.lats[indices, :])
            satscene[band].area.area_id = ("swath_" + satscene.fullname + "_"
                                           + str(satscene.time_slot) + "_"
                                           + str(satscene[band].shape) + "_"
                                           + str(band))

    # Trimming out dead sensor lines (detectors) on terra:
    # (in addition channel 27, 30, 34, 35, and 36 are nosiy)
    if satscene.satname == "terra":
        for band in ["29"]:
            if not satscene[band].is_loaded() or satscene[band].data.mask.all():
            width = satscene[band].data.shape[1]
            height = satscene[band].data.shape[0]
            indices = satscene[band].data.mask.sum(1) < width
            if indices.sum() == height:
            satscene[band] = satscene[band].data[indices, :]
            satscene[band].area = geometry.SwathDefinition(
                lons=satscene[band].area.lons[indices, :],
                lats=satscene[band].area.lats[indices, :])
            satscene[band].area.area_id = ("swath_" + satscene.fullname + "_"
                                           + str(satscene.time_slot) + "_"
                                           + str(satscene[band].shape) + "_"
                                           + str(band))
コード例 #47
ファイル: io.py プロジェクト: evas-ssec/uwglance
class hdf (object):
    """wrapper for HDF4 dataset for comparison
    __call__ yields sequence of variable names
    __getitem__ returns individual variables ready for slicing to numpy arrays
    _hdf = None
    def __init__(self, filename, allowWrite=False):
        if pyhdf is None:
            LOG.error('pyhdf is not installed and is needed in order to read hdf4 files')
            assert(pyhdf is not None)
        mode = SDC.READ
        if allowWrite:
            mode = mode | SDC.WRITE
        self._hdf = SD(filename, mode)
        self.attributeCache = CaseInsensitiveAttributeCache(self)

    def __call__(self):
        "yield names of variables to be compared"
        return self._hdf.datasets().keys()
    # this returns a numpy array with a copy of the full, scaled
    # data for this variable, if the data type must be changed to allow
    # for scaling it will be (so the return type may not reflect the
    # type found in the original file)
    def __getitem__(self, name):
        # defaults
        scale_factor = 1.0
        add_offset = 0.0
        data_type = None 
        scaling_method = None
        # get the variable object and use it to
        # get our raw data and scaling info
        variable_object = self.get_variable_object(name)
        raw_data_copy = variable_object[:]
        try :
            # TODO, this currently won't work with geocat data, work around it for now
            scale_factor, scale_factor_error, add_offset, add_offset_error, data_type = SDS.getcal(variable_object)
        except HDF4Error:
            # load just the scale factor and add offset information by hand
            temp = self.attributeCache.get_variable_attributes(name)
            if ADD_OFFSET_STR in temp.keys() :
                add_offset = temp[ADD_OFFSET_STR]
                data_type = np.dtype(type(add_offset))
            if SCALE_FACTOR_STR in temp.keys() :
                scale_factor = temp[SCALE_FACTOR_STR]
                data_type = np.dtype(type(scale_factor))
            if SCALE_METHOD_STR in temp.keys() :
                scaling_method = temp[SCALE_METHOD_STR]
        # don't do lots of work if we don't need to scale things
        if (scale_factor == 1.0) and (add_offset == 0.0) :
            return raw_data_copy
        # at the moment geocat has several scaling methods that don't match the normal standards for hdf
        please see constant.f90 for a more up to date version of this information:
            INTEGER(kind=int1) :: NO_SCALE              ! 0
            INTEGER(kind=int1) :: LINEAR_SCALE          ! 1
            INTEGER(kind=int1) :: LOG_SCALE             ! 2
            INTEGER(kind=int1) :: SQRT_SCALE            ! 3 
        if (scaling_method == 0) :
            return raw_data_copy
        if not ((scaling_method is None) or (int(scaling_method) <= 1)) :
            LOG.warn ('Scaling method of \"' + str(scaling_method) + '\" will be ignored in favor of hdf standard method. '
                      + 'This may cause problems with data consistency')
        # if we don't have a data type something strange has gone wrong
        assert(not (data_type is None))
        # get information about where the data is the missing value
        missing_val = self.missing_value(name)
        missing_mask = np.zeros(raw_data_copy.shape, dtype=np.bool)
        missing_mask[raw_data_copy == missing_val] = True
        # create the scaled version of the data
        scaled_data_copy                = np.array(raw_data_copy, dtype=data_type)
        scaled_data_copy[~missing_mask] = (scaled_data_copy[~missing_mask] * scale_factor) + add_offset #TODO, type truncation issues?
        return scaled_data_copy 
    def get_variable_object(self, name):
        return self._hdf.select(name)
    def missing_value(self, name):
        return self.get_attribute(name, fillValConst1)
    def create_new_variable(self, variablename, missingvalue=None, data=None, variabletocopyattributesfrom=None):
        create a new variable with the given name
        optionally set the missing value (fill value) and data to those given
        the created variable will be returned, or None if a variable could not
        be created
        raise IOUnimplimentedError('Unable to create variable in hdf file, this functionality is not yet available.')
        return None
    def add_attribute_data_to_variable(self, variableName, newAttributeName, newAttributeValue) :
        if the attribute exists for the given variable, set it to the new value
        if the attribute does not exist for the given variable, create it and set it to the new value
        raise IOUnimplimentedError('Unable add attribute to hdf file, this functionality is not yet available.')
    def get_variable_attributes (self, variableName, caseInsensitive=True) :
        returns all the attributes associated with a variable name
        toReturn = None
        if caseInsensitive :
            toReturn = self.attributeCache.get_variable_attributes(variableName)
        else :
            toReturn = self.get_variable_object(variableName).attributes()
        return toReturn
    def get_attribute(self, variableName, attributeName, caseInsensitive=True) :
        returns the value of the attribute if it is available for this variable, or None
        toReturn = None
        if caseInsensitive :
            toReturn = self.attributeCache.get_variable_attribute(variableName, attributeName)
        else :
            temp_attributes = self.get_variable_attributes(variableName, caseInsensitive=False)
            if attributeName in temp_attributes :
                toReturn = temp_attributes[attributeName]
        return toReturn
    def get_global_attributes(self, caseInsensitive=True) :
        get a list of all the global attributes for this file or None
        toReturn = None
        if caseInsensitive :
            toReturn = self.attributeCache.get_global_attributes()
        else :
            toReturn = self._hdf.attributes()
        return toReturn
    def get_global_attribute(self, attributeName, caseInsensitive=True) :
        returns the value of a global attribute if it is available or None
        toReturn = None
        if caseInsensitive :
            toReturn = self.attributeCache.get_global_attribute(attributeName)
        else :
            if attributeName in self._hdf.attributes() :
                toReturn = self._hdf.attributes()[attributeName]
        return toReturn
    def is_loadable_type (self, name) :
        check to see if the indicated variable is a type that can be loaded
        # TODO, are there any bad types for these files?
        return True
コード例 #48
ファイル: modis_level2.py プロジェクト: Pelgrum/mpop
def load(satscene, **kwargs):
    """Read data from file and load it into *satscene*.  Load data into the
    *channels*. *Channels* is a list or a tuple containing channels we will
    load data into. If None, all channels are loaded.
    del kwargs

    conf = ConfigParser()
    conf.read(os.path.join(CONFIG_PATH, satscene.fullname + ".cfg"))
    options = {}
    for option, value in conf.items(satscene.instrument_name+"-level3",
                                    raw = True):
        options[option] = value

    pathname = os.path.join(options["dir"], options['filename'])    
    filename = satscene.time_slot.strftime(pathname)
    for prodname in GEO_PHYS_PRODUCTS + FLAGS_QUALITY:
        if prodname in satscene.channels_to_load:
            prod_chan = ModisEosHdfLevel2(prodname)
            prod_chan.satid = satscene.satname.capitalize()
            prod_chan.resolution = 1000.0
            prod_chan.shape = prod_chan.data.shape

            # All this for the netCDF writer:
            prod_chan.info['var_name'] = prodname
            prod_chan.info['var_data'] = prod_chan.data
            resolution_str = str(int(prod_chan.resolution))+'m'
            prod_chan.info['var_dim_names'] = ('y'+resolution_str,
            prod_chan.info['long_name'] = prod_chan.attr['long_name'][:-1]
                prod_chan.info['standard_name'] = prod_chan.attr['standard_name'][:-1]
            except KeyError:
            valid_min = np.min(prod_chan.data)
            valid_max = np.max(prod_chan.data)
            prod_chan.info['valid_range'] = np.array([valid_min, valid_max])
            prod_chan.info['resolution'] = prod_chan.resolution

            if prodname == 'l2_flags':
                # l2 flags definitions
                for i in range(1, 33):
                    key =  "f%02d_name"%i
                    prod_chan.info[key] = prod_chan.attr[key][:-1]

            if prodname in CHANNELS:
                satscene[prodname].info['units'] = '%'
                satscene[prodname].info['units'] = prod_chan.attr['units'][:-1]

            LOG.info("Loading modis lvl2 product '%s' done"%prodname)

    # Check if there are any bands to load:
    channels_to_load = False
    for bandname in CHANNELS:
        if bandname in satscene.channels_to_load:
            channels_to_load = True

    if channels_to_load:
        #print "FILE: ", filename
        eoshdf = SD(filename)
        # Get all the Attributes:
        # Common Attributes, Data Time,
        # Data Structure and Scene Coordinates
        info = {}
        for key in eoshdf.attributes().keys():
            info[key] = eoshdf.attributes()[key]

        dsets = eoshdf.datasets()
        selected_dsets = []

        for bandname in CHANNELS:
            if (bandname in satscene.channels_to_load and
                bandname in dsets):

                value = eoshdf.select(bandname)
                # Get only the selected datasets
                attr = value.attributes()
                band = value.get()

                nodata = attr['bad_value_scaled']
                mask = np.equal(band, nodata)
                satscene[bandname] = (np.ma.masked_where(mask, band) * 
                                      attr['slope'] + attr['intercept'])

                satscene[bandname].info['units'] = '%'
                satscene[bandname].info['long_name'] = attr['long_name'][:-1]

        for dset in selected_dsets:

        LOG.info("Loading modis lvl2 Remote Sensing Reflectances done")

    lat, lon = get_lat_lon(satscene, None)

    from pyresample import geometry
    satscene.area = geometry.SwathDefinition(lons=lon, lats=lat)

    #print "Variant: ", satscene.variant 
    satscene.variant = 'regional' # Temporary fix!

    LOG.info("Loading modis data done.")
コード例 #49
ファイル: hdf4.py プロジェクト: BoldingBruggeman/gotm
class HDF4Store(xmlplot.common.VariableStore,xmlstore.util.referencedobject):

    class Variable(xmlplot.common.Variable):
        def __init__(self,store,hdfvar):
            self.hdfvar = hdfvar
            self.info = self.hdfvar.info()
        def getName_raw(self):
            return self.info[0]
        def getDimensions_raw(self):
            dimnames = []
            for idim in range(self.info[1]):
                dim = self.hdfvar.dim(idim)
            return dimnames
        def getLongName(self):
            atts = self.getProperties()
            if 'long_name' in atts: return atts['long_name']
            return xmlplot.common.Variable.getLongName(self)

        def getUnit(self):
            atts = self.getProperties()
            if 'units' in atts: return atts['units']
            return xmlplot.common.Variable.getUnit(self)
        def getShape(self):
            shape = self.info[2]
            if isinstance(shape,int): shape = (shape,)
            return shape
        def getDataType(self):
            return datatypes.get(self.info[3],None)
        def getProperties(self):
            return self.hdfvar.attributes()
        def getSlice(self,bounds=None,dataonly=False,transfercoordinatemask=True):
            dimnames = self.getDimensions_raw()
            shape = self.getShape()

            # Determine final slice
            if bounds is None: bounds = (Ellipsis,)
            newbounds = []
            for bound,dimlen,dimname in zip(xmlplot.common.processEllipsis(bounds,shape),shape,dimnames):
                if isinstance(bound,int):
                    # Integer value provided as index.
                    assert bound>=-dimlen, 'Slice index %i lies below the lowest possible index for dimension %s (%i).' % (bound,dimname,-dimlen  )
                    assert bound<  dimlen, 'Slice index %i exceeds the highest possible index for dimension %s (%i).'   % (bound,dimname, dimlen-1)
                    if bound<0: bound += dimlen
                elif isinstance(bound,slice):
                    start,stop,step = bound.indices(dimlen)
                    bound = slice(start,stop,step)
            bounds = tuple(newbounds)

            # Get data
            dat = numpy.asarray(self.hdfvar[bounds])

            # Mask fill value
            fillvalue = self.hdfvar.attributes().get('_FillValue',None)
            if fillvalue is None: fillvalue = self.hdfvar.attributes().get('Fill',None)
            if fillvalue is not None: dat = numpy.ma.array(dat,mask=(dat==fillvalue),copy=False)

            # Determine scale factor and offset, and cast data to acommodating type if needed.
            scale  = self.hdfvar.attributes().get('scale_factor',None)
            offset = self.hdfvar.attributes().get('add_offset',  None)
            if scale is not None or offset is not None and dat.dtype!=numpy.float:
                dat = dat.astype(numpy.float)
            if scale  is not None: dat *= scale
            if offset is not None: dat += offset

            if dataonly: return dat

            newdimnames = [d for d,b in zip(dimnames,bounds) if not isinstance(b,int)]
            varslice = self.Slice(newdimnames)
            varslice.data = dat
            inewdim = 0
            for dimname,bound in zip(dimnames,bounds):
                 # Get the coordinate variable          
                coordvar = self.store.getVariable_raw(dimname)
                if coordvar is None:
                    # No coordinate variable available: use indices
                    if not isinstance(bound,slice): continue
                    coorddims = [dimname]
                    coords = numpy.arange(bound.start,bound.stop,bound.step,dtype=numpy.float)
                    # Coordinate variable present: use it.
                    coorddims = list(coordvar.getDimensions())

                    # Debug check: see if all coordinate dimensions are also used by the variable.
                    for cd in coorddims:
                        assert cd in dimnames, 'Coordinate dimension %s is not used by this variable (it uses %s).' % (cd,', '.join(dimnames))

                    # Get coordinate values
                    coordslice = [bounds[dimnames.index(cd)] for cd in coorddims]
                    coords = coordvar.getSlice(coordslice, dataonly=True)

                # Get the list of coordinate dimensions after the ones with single index have been sliced out.
                newcoorddims = [cd for cd in coorddims if isinstance(bounds[dimnames.index(cd)],slice)]

                # Transfer the coordinate mask to the data if desired.
                coordmask = numpy.ma.getmask(coords)
                if transfercoordinatemask and coordmask is not numpy.ma.nomask:
                    coordmask = xmlplot.common.broadcastSelective(coordmask,newcoorddims,dat.shape,newdimnames)
                    if datamask is numpy.ma.nomask:
                        datamask = coordmask
                        datamask |= coordmask

                # If we take a single index for this dimension, it will not be included in the output.
                if not isinstance(bound,slice): continue
                # Coordinates should not have a mask - undo the masking.
                if coordmask is not numpy.ma.nomask:
                    coords = numpy.ma.getdata(coords)

                # Auto-generate staggered coordinates
                coords_stag = xmlplot.common.stagger(coords)

                # Insert data dimensions where they are lacking in coordinate
                coords      = xmlplot.common.broadcastSelective(coords,     (dimname,),dat.shape,               newdimnames)
                coords_stag = xmlplot.common.broadcastSelective(coords_stag,(dimname,),[l+1 for l in dat.shape],newdimnames)

                # Assign coordinate values
                varslice.coords     [inewdim] = coords
                varslice.coords_stag[inewdim] = coords_stag

                inewdim += 1

            return varslice

    def __init__(self,path):
        from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC
        self.file = SD(str(path),SDC.READ)

    def getVariable_raw(self,varname):
        """Returns a Variable object for the given original short variable name.
        The method must be implemented by derived classes.
        if varname not in self.file.datasets().keys(): return None
        return self.Variable(self,self.file.select(varname))

    def getVariableNames_raw(self):
        """Returns a list of original short names for all variables present in the store.
        The method must be implemented by derived classes.
        return self.file.datasets().keys()

    def getProperties(self):
        return self.file.attributes()

    def unlink(self):
コード例 #50
ファイル: MYD17A2_Gpp_1km.py プロジェクト: hdfeos/zoo_python
def run(FILE_NAME):
    DATAFIELD_NAME = 'Gpp_1km'
    if USE_GDAL:
        import gdal

        GRID_NAME = 'MOD_Grid_MOD17A2'
        gname = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"{0}":{1}:{2}'.format(FILE_NAME,
        gdset = gdal.Open(gname)
        data = gdset.ReadAsArray().astype(np.float64)
        # Get any needed attributes.
        meta = gdset.GetMetadata()
        scale_factor = np.float(meta['scale_factor'])
        add_offset = np.float(meta['add_offset'])
        _FillValue = np.float(meta['_FillValue'])
        valid_range = [np.float(x) for x in meta['valid_range'].split(', ')]
        units = meta['units']
        long_name = meta['long_name']
        # Construct the grid.
        x0, xinc, _, y0, _, yinc = gdset.GetGeoTransform()
        nx, ny = (gdset.RasterXSize, gdset.RasterYSize)
        x = np.linspace(x0, x0 + xinc*nx, nx)
        y = np.linspace(y0, y0 + yinc*ny, ny)
        xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)

        del gdset
        if USE_NETCDF:

            from netCDF4 import Dataset

            nc = Dataset(FILE_NAME)
            ncvar = nc.variables[DATAFIELD_NAME]

            # The scaling equation isn't "scale * data + offset", 
            # so turn automatic scaling off.
            data = ncvar[:].astype(np.float64)

            # Get any needed attributes.
            scale_factor = ncvar.scale_factor
            add_offset = ncvar.add_offset
            _FillValue = ncvar._FillValue
            valid_range = ncvar.valid_range
            units = ncvar.units
            long_name = ncvar.long_name
            gridmeta = getattr(nc, 'StructMetadata.0')

            from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC
            hdf = SD(FILE_NAME, SDC.READ)

            # Read dataset.
            data2D = hdf.select(DATAFIELD_NAME)
            data = data2D[:,:].astype(np.double)

            # Read attributes.
            attrs = data2D.attributes(full=1)
            long_name = lna[0]
            valid_range = vra[0]
            add_offset = aoa[0]
            _FillValue = fva[0]
            scale_factor = sfa[0]        
            units = ua[0]
            fattrs = hdf.attributes(full=1)
            ga = fattrs["StructMetadata.0"]
            gridmeta = ga[0]

        # Construct the grid.  The needed information is in a global attribute
        # called 'StructMetadata.0'.  Use regular expressions to tease out the
        # extents of the grid.  In addition, the grid is in packed decimal
        # degrees, so we need to normalize to degrees.

        ul_regex = re.compile(r'''UpperLeftPointMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
        match = ul_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_x'))
        y0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_y'))

        lr_regex = re.compile(r'''LowerRightMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
        match = lr_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_x'))
        y1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_y'))
        ny, nx = data.shape
        x = np.linspace(x0, x1, nx)
        y = np.linspace(y0, y1, ny)
        xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    # In basemap, the sinusoidal projection is global, so we won't use it.
    # Instead we'll convert the grid back to lat/lons so we can use a local 
    # projection.
    sinu = pyproj.Proj("+proj=sinu +R=6371007.181 +nadgrids=@null +wktext")
    wgs84 = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:4326") 
    lon, lat= pyproj.transform(sinu, wgs84, xv, yv)

    # Apply the attributes to the data.
    invalid = np.logical_or(data < valid_range[0], data > valid_range[1])
    invalid = np.logical_or(invalid, data ==_FillValue)
    data[invalid] = np.nan
    data = (data - add_offset) * scale_factor
    data = np.ma.masked_array(data, np.isnan(data))

    m = Basemap(projection='cyl', resolution='l',
                llcrnrlat=2.5, urcrnrlat=12.5,
                llcrnrlon=-87.5, urcrnrlon = -77.5)
    m.drawparallels(np.arange(0, 15, 5), labels=[1, 0, 0, 0])
    m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-90, 75, 5), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1])
    m.pcolormesh(lon, lat, data, latlon=True)

    cb = m.colorbar()

    basename = os.path.basename(FILE_NAME)
    plt.title('{0}\n{1}'.format(basename, long_name))
    fig = plt.gcf()
    # plt.show()
    pngfile = "{0}.py.png".format(basename)
def run(FILE_NAME):
    # Identify the data field.
    DATAFIELD_NAME = 'Sea_Ice_by_Reflectance'

    if USE_GDAL:
        import gdal
        GRID_NAME = 'MOD_Grid_Seaice_1km'

        gname = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"{0}":{1}:{2}'.format(FILE_NAME,
        gdset = gdal.Open(gname)
        data = gdset.ReadAsArray()

        # Construct the grid.
        meta = gdset.GetMetadata()
        x0, xinc, _, y0, _, yinc = gdset.GetGeoTransform()
        nx, ny = (gdset.RasterXSize, gdset.RasterYSize)
        del gdset

        from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC
        hdf = SD(FILE_NAME, SDC.READ)

        # Read dataset.
        data2D = hdf.select(DATAFIELD_NAME)
        data = data2D[:,:].astype(np.float64)

        # Read global attribute.
        fattrs = hdf.attributes(full=1)
        ga = fattrs["StructMetadata.0"]
        gridmeta = ga[0]

        # Construct the grid.  The needed information is in a global attribute
        # called 'StructMetadata.0'.  Use regular expressions to tease out the
        # extents of the grid. 
        ul_regex = re.compile(r'''UpperLeftPointMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
        match = ul_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_x')) 
        y0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_y')) 

        lr_regex = re.compile(r'''LowerRightMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
        match = lr_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_x'))
        y1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_y'))
        ny, nx = data.shape
        xinc = (x1 - x0) / nx
        yinc = (y1 - y0) / ny

    x = np.linspace(x0, x0 + xinc*nx, nx)
    y = np.linspace(y0, y0 + yinc*ny, ny)
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    # Reproject the coordinates out of lamaz into lat/lon.
    lamaz = pyproj.Proj("+proj=laea +a=6371228 +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +units=m")
    wgs84 = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:4326") 
    lon, lat= pyproj.transform(lamaz, wgs84, xv, yv)

    # Draw a lambert equal area azimuthal basemap.
    m = Basemap(projection='laea', resolution='l', lat_ts=50,
                lat_0=50, lon_0=150,
    m.drawparallels(np.arange(50, 91, 10), labels=[1, 0, 0, 0])
    m.drawmeridians(np.arange(110, 181, 10), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1])

    # Use a discretized colormap since we have only a few levels.
    # 0=missing data
    # 1=no decision
    # 11=night
    # 25=land
    # 37=inland water
    # 39=ocean
    # 50=cloud
    # 200=sea ice
    # 253=no input tile expected    
    # 254=non-production mask"
    # 255=fill
    lst = ['#727272',
    cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(lst)
    bounds = [0, 1, 11, 25, 37, 39, 50, 200, 253, 254, 255, 256]
    norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)
    m.pcolormesh(lon, lat, data, latlon=True, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
    color_bar = plt.colorbar()
    color_bar.set_ticks([0.5, 5.5, 18, 31, 38, 44.5, 125, 226.5, 253.5, 254.5, 255.5])
    color_bar.set_ticklabels(['missing', 'no decision', 'night', 'land',
                              'inland water', 'ocean', 'cloud', 'sea ice',
                              'no input tile\nexpected', 'non-production\nmask',
    basename = os.path.basename(FILE_NAME)
    long_name = DATAFIELD_NAME
    plt.title('{0}\n{1}'.format(basename, long_name))
    fig = plt.gcf()
    # plt.show()
    pngfile = "{0}.py.png".format(basename)
def run(FILE_NAME):
    DATAFIELD_NAME = 'Sea_Ice_by_Reflectance_SP'

    if USE_NETCDF4:
        from netCDF4 import Dataset
        nc = Dataset(FILE_NAME)
        ncvar = nc.variables[DATAFIELD_NAME]
        data = ncvar[:].astype(np.float64)
        gridmeta = getattr(nc, 'StructMetadata.0')
        from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC
        hdf = SD(FILE_NAME, SDC.READ)

        # Read dataset.
        data2D = hdf.select(DATAFIELD_NAME)
        data = data2D[:,:].astype(np.float64)

        # Read global attribute.
        fattrs = hdf.attributes(full=1)
        ga = fattrs["StructMetadata.0"]
        gridmeta = ga[0]

    # Construct the grid.  The needed information is in a global attribute
    # called 'StructMetadata.0'.  Use regular expressions to tease out the
    # extents of the grid.  
    ul_regex = re.compile(r'''UpperLeftPointMtrs=\(
                              \)''', re.VERBOSE)
    match = ul_regex.search(gridmeta)
    x0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_x'))
    y0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_y'))

    lr_regex = re.compile(r'''LowerRightMtrs=\(
                              \)''', re.VERBOSE)
    match = lr_regex.search(gridmeta)
    x1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_x'))
    y1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_y'))
    ny, nx = data.shape
    x = np.linspace(x0, x1, nx)
    y = np.linspace(y0, y1, ny)
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    # Reproject into latlon
    # Reproject the coordinates out of lamaz into lat/lon.
    lamaz = pyproj.Proj("+proj=laea +a=6371228 +lat_0=-90 +lon_0=0 +units=m")
    wgs84 = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:4326") 
    lon, lat= pyproj.transform(lamaz, wgs84, xv, yv)

    # Use a south polar azimuthal equal area projection.
    m = Basemap(projection='splaea', resolution='l',
                boundinglat=-20, lon_0=180)
    m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 0, 15), labels=[1, 0, 0, 0])
    m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 180, 45), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1])

    # Use a discretized colormap since we have only a few levels.
    # 0=missing data
    # 1=no decision
    # 11=night
    # 25=land
    # 37=inland water
    # 39=ocean
    # 50=cloud
    # 200=sea ice
    # 253=no input tile expected    
    # 254=non-production mask"
    lst = ['#727272',
    cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(lst)
    bounds = [0, 1, 11, 25, 37, 39, 50, 200, 253, 254, 255]
    norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)
    # Render only a subset of the mesh.
    rows = slice(500, 4000, 5)
    cols = slice(500, 4000, 5)
    m.pcolormesh(lon[rows,cols], lat[rows,cols], data[rows,cols],
                 latlon=True, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
    color_bar = plt.colorbar()
    color_bar.set_ticks([0.5, 5.5, 18, 31, 38, 44.5, 125, 226.5, 253.5, 254.5])
    color_bar.set_ticklabels(['missing', 'no decision', 'night', 'land',
                              'inland water', 'ocean', 'cloud', 'sea ice',
                              'no input tile\nexpected',

    basename = os.path.basename(FILE_NAME)
    long_name = DATAFIELD_NAME

    plt.title('{0}\n{1}'.format(basename, long_name))
    fig = plt.gcf()
    # plt.show()
    pngfile = "{0}.py.png".format(basename)
コード例 #53
def run(FILE_NAME):

    if USE_GDAL:
        # GDAL
        import gdal

        gname = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"{0}":{1}:{2}'.format(FILE_NAME,
        gdset = gdal.Open(gname)
        # data = gdset.ReadAsArray().astype(np.float64)[::4, ::4]
        data = gdset.ReadAsArray().astype(np.float64)[:,:]
        # Get any needed attributes.
        meta = gdset.GetMetadata()
        scale_factor = np.float(meta['scale_factor'])
        add_offset = np.float(meta['add_offset'])
        _FillValue = np.float(meta['_FillValue'])
        valid_range = [np.float(x) for x in meta['valid_range'].split(', ')]
        units = meta['units']
        long_name = meta['long_name']
        # Construct the grid.  Subset by a factor of 4.
        x0, xinc, _, y0, _, yinc = gdset.GetGeoTransform()
        # nx, ny = (gdset.RasterXSize / 4, gdset.RasterYSize / 4)
        nx, ny = (gdset.RasterXSize, gdset.RasterYSize)
        # x = np.linspace(x0, x0 + xinc*4*nx, nx)
        # y = np.linspace(y0, y0 + yinc*4*ny, ny)
        x = np.linspace(x0, x0 + xinc*nx, nx)
        y = np.linspace(y0, y0 + yinc*ny, ny)
        lon, lat = np.meshgrid(x, y)

        del gdset

        if USE_NETCDF:

            from netCDF4 import Dataset

            # The scaling equation isn't what netcdf4 expects, so turn it off.
            nc = Dataset(FILE_NAME)
            ncvar = nc.variables[DATAFIELD_NAME]
            data = ncvar[::4, ::4].astype(np.float64)

            # Get any needed attributes.
            scale_factor = ncvar.scale_factor
            add_offset = ncvar.add_offset
            _FillValue = ncvar._FillValue
            valid_range = ncvar.valid_range
            units = ncvar.units
            long_name = ncvar.long_name
            gridmeta = getattr(nc, 'StructMetadata.0')

            from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC
            hdf = SD(FILE_NAME, SDC.READ)

            # Read dataset.
            data2D = hdf.select(DATAFIELD_NAME)
            data = data2D[:,:].astype(np.double)

            # Read attributes.
            attrs = data2D.attributes(full=1)
            long_name = lna[0]
            valid_range = vra[0]
            add_offset = aoa[0]
            _FillValue = fva[0]
            scale_factor = sfa[0]        
            units = ua[0]
            fattrs = hdf.attributes(full=1)
            ga = fattrs["StructMetadata.0"]
            gridmeta = ga[0]

        # Construct the grid.  The needed information is in a global attribute
        # called 'StructMetadata.0'.  Use regular expressions to tease out the
        # extents of the grid.  In addition, the grid is in packed decimal
        # degrees, so we need to normalize to degrees.
        ul_regex = re.compile(r'''UpperLeftPointMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
        match = ul_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_x')) / 1e6
        y0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_y')) / 1e6

        lr_regex = re.compile(r'''LowerRightMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
        match = lr_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_x')) / 1e6
        y1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_y')) / 1e6
        ny, nx = data.shape
        x = np.linspace(x0, x1, nx)
        y = np.linspace(y0, y1, ny)
        lon, lat = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    # Apply the attributes to the data.
    invalid = np.logical_or(data < valid_range[0], data > valid_range[1])
    invalid = np.logical_or(invalid, data ==_FillValue)
    data[invalid] = np.nan
    data = (data - add_offset) * scale_factor
    data = np.ma.masked_array(data, np.isnan(data))
    m = Basemap(projection='cyl', resolution='l',
                llcrnrlat=-90, urcrnrlat=90,
                llcrnrlon=-180, urcrnrlon = 180)
    m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 91, 30), labels=[1, 0, 0, 0])
    m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 181, 45), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1])

    m.pcolormesh(lon, lat, data, latlon=True)
    cb = m.colorbar()

    basename = os.path.basename(FILE_NAME)
    plt.title('{0}\n{1}'.format(basename, long_name))
    fig = plt.gcf()
    # plt.show()
    pngfile = "{0}.py.png".format(basename)
コード例 #54
ファイル: hdfeos_l1b.py プロジェクト: meteoswiss-mdr/mpop
class ModisReader(Reader):

    pformat = "hdfeos_l1b"

    res = {"1": 1000,
           "Q": 250,
           "H": 500}

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Reader.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.datafiles = {}
        self.geofile = None
        self.filename = None
        self.data = None
        self.areas = {}

    def load(self, satscene, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read data from file and load it into *satscene*.
        del args
        conf = ConfigParser()
        conf.read(os.path.join(CONFIG_PATH, satscene.fullname + ".cfg"))
        options = dict(conf.items(satscene.instrument_name + "-level2",
        options["resolution"] = 1000
        options["geofile"] = os.path.join(options["dir"], options["geofile"])

        if isinstance(kwargs.get("filename"), (list, set, tuple)):
            # we got the entire dataset.
            for fname in kwargs["filename"]:
                if fnmatch(os.path.basename(fname), "M?D02?km*"):
                    resolution = self.res[os.path.basename(fname)[5]]
                    self.datafiles[resolution] = fname
                elif fnmatch(os.path.basename(fname), "M?D03*"):
                    self.geofile = fname
        elif ((kwargs.get("filename") is not None) and
              fnmatch(os.path.basename(options["filename"]), "M?D02?km*")):
            # read just one file
            logger.debug("Reading from file: " + str(options["filename"]))
            filename = options["filename"]
            resolution = self.res[os.path.basename(filename)[5]]
            self.datafiles[resolution] = filename
            # find files according to config
            resolution = int(options["resolution"]) or 1000

            for res in [250, 500, 1000]:
                datafile = os.path.join(options['dir'],
                                        options["filename" + str(res)])
                    self.datafiles[res] = get_filename(datafile,
                except IOError:
                    self.datafiles[res] = None
                    logger.warning("Can't find file for resolution %s with template: %s",
                                   str(res), datafile)

                self.geofile = get_filename(options["geofile"],
            except IOError:
                self.geofile = None
                logger.warning("Can't find geofile with template: %s",

        resolution = options["resolution"]
        cores = options.get("cores", max(multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 4, 1))

        datadict = {
            1000: ['EV_250_Aggr1km_RefSB',
            500: ['EV_250_Aggr500_RefSB',
            250: ['EV_250_RefSB']}

        loaded_bands = []

        # process by dataset, reflective and emissive datasets separately

        resolutions = [250, 500, 1000]

        for res in resolutions:
            if res < resolution:
            logger.debug("Working on resolution %d", res)
            self.filename = self.datafiles[res]

            logger.debug("Using " + str(cores) + " cores for interpolation")

                self.data = SD(str(self.filename))
            except HDF4Error as err:
                logger.warning("Could not load data from " + str(self.filename)
                               + ": " + str(err))

            datasets = datadict[res]
            for dataset in datasets:
                subdata = self.data.select(dataset)
                band_names = subdata.attributes()["band_names"].split(",")
                if len(satscene.channels_to_load & set(band_names)) > 0:
                    # get the relative indices of the desired channels
                    indices = [i for i, band in enumerate(band_names)
                               if band in satscene.channels_to_load]
                    uncertainty = self.data.select(dataset + "_Uncert_Indexes")
                    if dataset.endswith('Emissive'):
                        array = calibrate_tb(
                            subdata, uncertainty, indices, band_names)
                        array = calibrate_refl(subdata, uncertainty, indices)
                    for (i, idx) in enumerate(indices):
                        if band_names[idx] in loaded_bands:
                        satscene[band_names[idx]] = array[i]
                        # fix the resolution to match the loaded data.
                        satscene[band_names[idx]].resolution = res

        # Get the orbit number
        if not satscene.orbit:
            mda = self.data.attributes()["CoreMetadata.0"]
            orbit_idx = mda.index("ORBITNUMBER")
            satscene.orbit = mda[orbit_idx + 111:orbit_idx + 116]

        # Get the geolocation
        # if resolution != 1000:
        #    logger.warning("Cannot load geolocation at this resolution (yet).")
        #    return

        for band_name in loaded_bands:
            lon, lat = self.get_lonlat(satscene[band_name].resolution, cores)
            area = geometry.SwathDefinition(lons=lon, lats=lat)
            satscene[band_name].area = area

        # Trimming out dead sensor lines (detectors) on aqua:
        # (in addition channel 21 is noisy)
        if satscene.satname == "aqua":
            for band in ["6", "27", "36"]:
                if not satscene[band].is_loaded() or satscene[band].data.mask.all():
                width = satscene[band].data.shape[1]
                height = satscene[band].data.shape[0]
                indices = satscene[band].data.mask.sum(1) < width
                if indices.sum() == height:
                satscene[band] = satscene[band].data[indices, :]
                satscene[band].area = geometry.SwathDefinition(
                    lons=satscene[band].area.lons[indices, :],
                    lats=satscene[band].area.lats[indices, :])

        # Trimming out dead sensor lines (detectors) on terra:
        # (in addition channel 27, 30, 34, 35, and 36 are nosiy)
        if satscene.satname == "terra":
            for band in ["29"]:
                if not satscene[band].is_loaded() or satscene[band].data.mask.all():
                width = satscene[band].data.shape[1]
                height = satscene[band].data.shape[0]
                indices = satscene[band].data.mask.sum(1) < width
                if indices.sum() == height:
                satscene[band] = satscene[band].data[indices, :]
                satscene[band].area = geometry.SwathDefinition(
                    lons=satscene[band].area.lons[indices, :],
                    lats=satscene[band].area.lats[indices, :])

        for band_name in loaded_bands:
            band_uid = hashlib.sha1(satscene[band_name].data.mask).hexdigest()
            satscene[band_name].area.area_id = ("swath_" + satscene.fullname + "_"
                                                + str(satscene.time_slot) + "_"
                                                    band_name].shape) + "_"
                                                + str(band_uid))
            satscene[band_name].area_id = satscene[band_name].area.area_id

    def get_lonlat(self, resolution, cores=1):
        """Read lat and lon.
        if resolution in self.areas:
            return self.areas[resolution]
        logger.debug("generating lon, lat at %d", resolution)
        if self.geofile is not None:
            coarse_resolution = 1000
            filename = self.geofile
            coarse_resolution = 5000
            logger.info("Using 5km geolocation and interpolating")
            filename = (self.datafiles.get(1000) or
                        self.datafiles.get(500) or

        logger.debug("Loading geolocation from file: " + str(filename)
                     + " at resolution " + str(coarse_resolution))

        data = SD(str(filename))
        lat = data.select("Latitude")
        fill_value = lat.attributes()["_FillValue"]
        lat = np.ma.masked_equal(lat.get(), fill_value)
        lon = data.select("Longitude")
        fill_value = lon.attributes()["_FillValue"]
        lon = np.ma.masked_equal(lon.get(), fill_value)

        if resolution == coarse_resolution:
            self.areas[resolution] = lon, lat
            return lon, lat

        from geotiepoints import modis5kmto1km, modis1kmto500m, modis1kmto250m
        logger.debug("Interpolating from " + str(coarse_resolution)
                     + " to " + str(resolution))
        if coarse_resolution == 5000:
            lon, lat = modis5kmto1km(lon, lat)
        if resolution == 500:
            lon, lat = modis1kmto500m(lon, lat, cores)
        if resolution == 250:
            lon, lat = modis1kmto250m(lon, lat, cores)

        self.areas[resolution] = lon, lat
        return lon, lat

    # These have to be interpolated...
    def get_height(self):
        return self.data.select("Height")

    def get_sunz(self):
        return self.data.select("SolarZenith")

    def get_suna(self):
        return self.data.select("SolarAzimuth")

    def get_satz(self):
        return self.data.select("SensorZenith")

    def get_sata(self):
        return self.data.select("SensorAzimuth")
コード例 #55
def run(FILE_NAME):

    # Identify the data field.

    if USE_GDAL:
        import gdal

        GRID_NAME = "NpPolarGrid06km"

        gname = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"{0}":{1}:{2}'.format(FILE_NAME, GRID_NAME, DATAFIELD_NAME)
        gdset = gdal.Open(gname)
        data = gdset.ReadAsArray().astype(np.float64)

        # Read projection parameters from global attribute.
        meta = gdset.GetMetadata()
        x0, xinc, _, y0, _, yinc = gdset.GetGeoTransform()
        nx, ny = (gdset.RasterXSize, gdset.RasterYSize)
        del gdset
        from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC

        hdf = SD(FILE_NAME, SDC.READ)

        # Read dataset.
        data2D = hdf.select(DATAFIELD_NAME)
        data = data2D[:, :].astype(np.float64)

        # Read global attribute.
        fattrs = hdf.attributes(full=1)
        ga = fattrs["StructMetadata.0"]
        gridmeta = ga[0]

        # Construct the grid.  The needed information is in a global attribute
        # called 'StructMetadata.0'.  Use regular expressions to tease out the
        # extents of the grid.
        ul_regex = re.compile(
        match = ul_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x0 = np.float(match.group("upper_left_x"))
        y0 = np.float(match.group("upper_left_y"))

        lr_regex = re.compile(
        match = lr_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x1 = np.float(match.group("lower_right_x"))
        y1 = np.float(match.group("lower_right_y"))
        ny, nx = data.shape
        xinc = (x1 - x0) / nx
        yinc = (y1 - y0) / ny

    # Apply the attributes information.
    # Ref:  http://nsidc.org/data/docs/daac/ae_si6_6km_tbs.gd.html#2
    data[data == 0] = np.nan
    data *= 0.1
    data = np.ma.masked_array(data, np.isnan(data))

    x = np.linspace(x0, x0 + xinc * nx, nx)
    y = np.linspace(y0, y0 + yinc * ny, ny)
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    args = [
    pstereo = pyproj.Proj(" ".join(args))
    wgs84 = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:4326")
    lon, lat = pyproj.transform(pstereo, wgs84, xv, yv)

    units = "K"
    long_name = DATAFIELD_NAME

    m = Basemap(projection="npstere", resolution="l", boundinglat=30, lon_0=0)
    m.drawparallels(np.arange(0, 91, 20), labels=[1, 0, 0, 0])
    m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 181, 45), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1])
    m.pcolormesh(lon, lat, data, latlon=True)
    cb = m.colorbar()

    basename = os.path.basename(FILE_NAME)
    plt.title("{0}\n{1}".format(basename, long_name))
    fig = plt.gcf()
    # plt.show()
    pngfile = "{0}.py.png".format(basename)
コード例 #56
def run(FILE_NAME):
    # Identify the data field.
    DATAFIELD_NAME = 'Extent'

    if USE_GDAL:
        import gdal
        GRID_NAME = 'Northern Hemisphere'
        gname = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"{0}":{1}:{2}'.format(FILE_NAME,
        gdset = gdal.Open(gname)
        data = gdset.ReadAsArray()

        meta = gdset.GetMetadata()
        x0, xinc, _, y0, _, yinc = gdset.GetGeoTransform()
        nx, ny = (gdset.RasterXSize, gdset.RasterYSize)
        del gdset

        from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC
        hdf = SD(FILE_NAME, SDC.READ)

        # Read dataset.
        data2D = hdf.select(DATAFIELD_NAME)
        data = data2D[:,:].astype(np.float64)

        # Read global attribute.
        fattrs = hdf.attributes(full=1)
        ga = fattrs["StructMetadata.0"]
        gridmeta = ga[0]

        # Construct the grid.  The needed information is in a global attribute
        # called 'StructMetadata.0'.  Use regular expressions to tease out the
        # extents of the grid. 
        ul_regex = re.compile(r'''UpperLeftPointMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
        match = ul_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_x')) 
        y0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_y')) 

        lr_regex = re.compile(r'''LowerRightMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
        match = lr_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_x'))
        y1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_y'))
        ny, nx = data.shape
        xinc = (x1 - x0) / nx
        yinc = (y1 - y0) / ny
    x = np.linspace(x0, x0 + xinc*nx, nx)
    y = np.linspace(y0, y0 + yinc*ny, ny)
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    # Reproject into WGS84
    lamaz = pyproj.Proj("+proj=laea +a=6371228 +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +units=m")
    wgs84 = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:4326") 
    lon, lat= pyproj.transform(lamaz, wgs84, xv, yv)

    # Use a north polar azimuthal equal area projection.
    m = Basemap(projection='nplaea', resolution='l',
                boundinglat=40, lon_0=0)
    m.drawparallels(np.arange(0, 90, 15), labels=[1, 0, 0, 0])
    m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 180, 45), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1])

    # Bin the data as follows:
    # 0 -- snow-free land
    # 1-20% sea ice -- blue
    # 21-40% sea ice -- blue-cyan
    # 41-60% sea ice -- blue
    # 61-80% sea ice -- cyan-blue
    # 81-100% sea ice -- cyan
    # 101 -- permanent ice
    # 103 -- dry snow
    # 252 mixed pixels at coastlines
    # 255 ocean
    lst = ['#004400', 
    cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(lst)
    bounds = [0, 1, 21, 41, 61, 81, 101, 103, 104, 252, 255]
    tickpts = [0.5, 11, 31, 51, 71, 91, 102, 103.5, 178, 253.5] 
    norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)
    # The corners cause trouble, so chop them out.
    idx = slice(5, 721)
    m.pcolormesh(lon[idx, idx], lat[idx, idx], data[idx, idx],
                 latlon=True, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
    color_bar = plt.colorbar()
                              '1-20% sea ice',
                              '21-40% sea ice',
                              '41-60% sea ice',
                              '61-80% sea ice',
                              '81-100% sea ice',
                              'mixed pixels\nat coastlines',

    basename = os.path.basename(FILE_NAME)
    long_name = DATAFIELD_NAME
    plt.title('{0}\n{1}'.format(basename, long_name))
    fig = plt.gcf()
    # plt.show()
    pngfile = "{0}.py.png".format(basename)
コード例 #57
def run(FILE_NAME):
    # Identify the data field.
    from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC

    # Read dataset.
    data2D = hdf.select(DATAFIELD_NAME)
    data = data2D[:,:].astype(np.float64)

    # Read global attribute.
    fattrs = hdf.attributes(full=1)
    ga = fattrs["StructMetadata.0"]
    gridmeta = ga[0]
    # Construct the grid.  The needed information is in a global attribute
    # called 'StructMetadata.0'.  Use regular expressions to tease out the
    # extents of the grid. 
    ul_regex = re.compile(r'''UpperLeftPointMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
    match = ul_regex.search(gridmeta)
    x0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_x')) 
    y0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_y')) 

    lr_regex = re.compile(r'''LowerRightMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
    match = lr_regex.search(gridmeta)
    x1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_x'))
    y1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_y'))
    ny, nx = data.shape
    xinc = (x1 - x0) / nx
    yinc = (y1 - y0) / ny

    # Handle land mask.
    # http://nsidc.org/data/docs/daac/ae_si12_12km_seaice/data.html
    data[data > 100.0] = np.nan
    data = np.ma.masked_array(data, np.isnan(data))

    # Construct the grid.  
    # Reproject out of the GCTP stereographic into lat/lon.
    x = np.linspace(x0, x0 + xinc*nx, nx)
    y = np.linspace(y0, y0 + yinc*ny, ny)
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    args = ["+proj=stere",
    pstereo = pyproj.Proj(' '.join(args))
    wgs84 = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:4326") 
    lon, lat= pyproj.transform(pstereo, wgs84, xv, yv)

    units = 'Percent'
    long_name = DATAFIELD_NAME

    m = Basemap(projection='npstere', resolution='l', boundinglat=30, lon_0 = 0)
    m.drawparallels(np.arange(0, 91, 20), labels=[1, 0, 0, 0])
    m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 181, 45), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1])
    m.pcolormesh(lon, lat, data, latlon=True)

    cb = m.colorbar()

    basename = os.path.basename(FILE_NAME)
    plt.title('{0}\n{1}'.format(basename, long_name))
    fig = plt.gcf()
    # plt.show()
    pngfile = "{0}.n.py.png".format(basename)
コード例 #58
def run(FILE_NAME):

    # Identify the data field.
    DATAFIELD_NAME = "TbOceanRain"

    if USE_GDAL:
        import gdal

        GRID_NAME = "MonthlyRainTotal_GeoGrid"
        gname = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"{0}":{1}:{2}'.format(FILE_NAME, GRID_NAME, DATAFIELD_NAME)
        gdset = gdal.Open(gname)
        data = gdset.ReadAsArray().astype(np.float64)

        # Apply the attributes information.
        meta = gdset.GetMetadata()

        # Construct the grid.  The projection is GEO, so this immediately
        # gives us latitude and longitude.
        x0, xinc, _, y0, _, yinc = gdset.GetGeoTransform()
        nx, ny = (gdset.RasterXSize, gdset.RasterYSize)
        x = np.linspace(x0, x0 + xinc * nx, nx)
        y = np.linspace(y0, y0 + yinc * ny, ny)
        longitude, latitude = np.meshgrid(x, y)
        del gdset

        from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC

        hdf = SD(FILE_NAME, SDC.READ)

        # Read dataset.
        data2D = hdf.select(DATAFIELD_NAME)
        data = data2D[:, :].astype(np.float64)

        # Read global attribute.
        fattrs = hdf.attributes(full=1)
        ga = fattrs["StructMetadata.0"]
        gridmeta = ga[0]

        # Construct the grid.  The needed information is in a global attribute
        # called 'StructMetadata.0'.  Use regular expressions to tease out the
        # extents of the grid.  In addition, the grid is in packed decimal
        # degrees, so we need to normalize to degrees.

        ul_regex = re.compile(
        match = ul_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x0 = np.float(match.group("upper_left_x")) / 1e6
        y0 = np.float(match.group("upper_left_y")) / 1e6

        lr_regex = re.compile(
        match = lr_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x1 = np.float(match.group("lower_right_x")) / 1e6
        y1 = np.float(match.group("lower_right_y")) / 1e6

        ny, nx = data.shape
        x = np.linspace(x0, x1, nx)
        y = np.linspace(y0, y1, ny)
        longitude, latitude = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    # Apply the attributes information.
    data[data == -1] = np.nan
    data = np.ma.masked_array(data, np.isnan(data))

    long_name = DATAFIELD_NAME
    units = "mm"

    m = Basemap(projection="cyl", resolution="l", lon_0=0, llcrnrlat=-90, urcrnrlat=90, llcrnrlon=-180, urcrnrlon=180)
    m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 91, 45), labels=[1, 0, 0, 0])
    m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180, 181, 45), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1])
    m.pcolormesh(longitude, latitude, data, latlon=True)
    cb = m.colorbar()

    basename = os.path.basename(FILE_NAME)
    plt.title("{0}\n{1}".format(basename, long_name))
    fig = plt.gcf()
    # plt.show()
    pngfile = "{0}.py.png".format(basename)
コード例 #59
def run(FILE_NAME):
    if USE_GDAL:    

        # Gdal
        import gdal

        gname = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"{0}":{1}:{2}'.format(FILE_NAME,

        # Scale down the data by a factor of 5 so that low-memory machines
        # can handle it.
        gdset = gdal.Open(gname)
        data = gdset.ReadAsArray().astype(np.float64)[::5, ::5]
        # Get any needed attributes.
        meta = gdset.GetMetadata()
        scale = np.float(meta['scale_factor'])
        fillvalue = np.float(meta['_FillValue'])
        valid_range = [np.float(x) for x in meta['valid_range'].split(', ')]
        units = meta['units']
        # Construct the grid.
        x0, xinc, _, y0, _, yinc = gdset.GetGeoTransform()
        ny, nx = (gdset.RasterYSize / 5, gdset.RasterXSize / 5)
        x = np.linspace(x0, x0 + xinc*5*nx, nx)
        y = np.linspace(y0, y0 + yinc*5*ny, ny)
        xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)

        del gdset

        if USE_NETCDF:

            from netCDF4 import Dataset

            # Scale down the data by a factor of 5 so that low-memory machines
            # can handle it.
            nc = Dataset(FILE_NAME)
            ncvar = nc.variables[DATAFIELD_NAME]
            data = ncvar[::5, ::5].astype(np.float64)

            # Get any needed attributes.
            scale = ncvar.scale_factor
            fillvalue = ncvar._FillValue
            valid_range = ncvar.valid_range
            units = ncvar.units
            gridmeta = getattr(nc, 'StructMetadata.0')
            from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC
            hdf = SD(FILE_NAME, SDC.READ)

            # Read dataset.
            data2D = hdf.select(DATAFIELD_NAME)
            data = data2D[:,:].astype(np.double)

            # Scale down the data by a factor of 6 so that low-memory machines
            # can handle it.
            data = data[::6, ::6]

            # Read attributes.
            attrs = data2D.attributes(full=1)
            valid_range = vra[0]
            fillvalue = fva[0]
            scale = sfa[0]        
            units = ua[0]
            fattrs = hdf.attributes(full=1)
            ga = fattrs["StructMetadata.0"]
            gridmeta = ga[0]
        # Construct the grid.  The needed information is in a global attribute
        # called 'StructMetadata.0'.  Use regular expressions to tease out the
        # extents of the grid.  

        ul_regex = re.compile(r'''UpperLeftPointMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
        match = ul_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_x'))
        y0 = np.float(match.group('upper_left_y'))

        lr_regex = re.compile(r'''LowerRightMtrs=\(
                                  \)''', re.VERBOSE)
        match = lr_regex.search(gridmeta)
        x1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_x'))
        y1 = np.float(match.group('lower_right_y'))
        ny, nx = data.shape
        x = np.linspace(x0, x1, nx)
        y = np.linspace(y0, y1, ny)
        xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    # Apply the attributes to the data.
    invalid = np.logical_or(data < valid_range[0], data > valid_range[1])
    invalid = np.logical_or(invalid, data == fillvalue)
    data[invalid] = np.nan
    data = data * scale
    data = np.ma.masked_array(data, np.isnan(data))
    # Convert the grid back to lat/lon.  The 1st and 2nd standard parallels,
    # the center meridian, and the latitude of projected origin are in the
    # projection parameters contained in the "StructMetadata.0" global
    # attribute.  The following regular expression could have been used to 
    # retrieve them.
    # Ref:  HDF-EOS Library User's Guide for the EOSDIS Evolution and
    #       Development (EED) Contract, Volume 2, Revision 02:  Function
    #       Reference Guide, pages 1-6 through 1-13.
    # aea_regex = re.compile(r'''Projection=GCTP_ALBERS\s+ProjParams=
    #                            \(\d+,\d+
    #                            (?P<stdpr1>[-]?\d+),
    #                            (?P<stdpr2>[-]?\d+),
    #                            (?P<centmer>[-]?\d+),
    #                            (?P<origlat>[-]?\d+)
    #                            ,0{7}\)''', re.VERBOSE)
    aea = pyproj.Proj("+proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat2=45.5 +lon_0=-96 +lat_0=23")
    wgs84 = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:4326") 
    lon, lat= pyproj.transform(aea, wgs84, xv, yv)

    m = Basemap(projection='aea', resolution='i',
                lat_1=29.5, lat_2=45.5, lon_0=-96, lat_0=23,
                llcrnrlat=37.5, urcrnrlat = 42.5,
                llcrnrlon=-127.5, urcrnrlon = -122.5)
    m.drawparallels(np.arange(35, 45, 1), labels=[1, 0, 0, 0])
    m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-130, -120, 1), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1])

    m.pcolormesh(lon, lat, data, latlon=True)
    cb = m.colorbar()

    long_name = DATAFIELD_NAME
    basename = os.path.basename(FILE_NAME)
    plt.title('{0}\n{1}'.format(basename, long_name))
    fig = plt.gcf()
    # plt.show()
    pngfile = "{0}.py.png".format(basename)
コード例 #60
ファイル: rs_data.py プロジェクト: rdussurget/py-altimetry
def modis_sst(file_name,
    #Setup flag tables for L2 data
    if flagLevel == 0 : flagTable[[1]]=True
    elif flagLevel == 1 :flagTable[[  1,  3,  5,            15,16,      19,         25,26]]=True
    elif flagLevel == 2 : flagTable[[0,1,  3,4,5,8,9,10,  14,15,16,      19,21,22,23,25,26]]=True
    elif flagLevel >= 3 : flagTable[[0,1,  3,4,5,8,9,10,  14,15,16,      19,21,22,23,25,26]]=True

    #Read MODIS HDF4 data
    f = SD(file_name, SDC.READ)
    #Get dimensions
    nScans=fattr['Number of Scan Lines']
    sCtl=fattr['Number of Scan Control Points']
    pCtl=fattr['Number of Pixel Control Points']
    nPix=fattr['Pixels per Scan Line']

    #Load coordinates 
#    pCtl_ind=np.arange(pCtl,dtype=np.float32)
#    p_ind=(pCtl-1)*np.arange(nPix,dtype=np.float32)/(nPix-1)
#    sCtl_ind=np.arange(sCtl,dtype=np.float32)
#    s_ind=(sCtl-1)*np.arange(nScans,dtype=np.float32)/(nScans-1)
#    dum=interp2d2d(sCtl_ind, pCtl_ind, lonsel.get(), s_ind, p_ind)
#    dumlon=interp1d(p_ind, lonsel.get(), pCtl_ind, spline=True)
#    dumlat=interp1d(p_ind, lonsel.get(), pCtl_ind, spline=True)

#    shlon=shlat=lon.dimensions().values()

    #Shrink image
    #scene dimensions
    #Get points within domain
    if limit is not None :
       indvec,flagvec=in_limits(lonvec, latvec, limit)
    rowsum=np.sum(flagmat, 0)
    colsum=np.sum(flagmat, 1)
    yflag=rowsum >= 1
    xflag=colsum >= 1

    if xcnt == 0: raise Exception('Error : no longitude within limits')
    if ycnt == 0: raise Exception('Error : no latitude within limits')
    #Get start points

    #Shrink lon & lat
    lon_var=lonsel.get(start=[xst,yst], count=[xcnt,ycnt])
    lat_var=latsel.get(start=[xst,yst], count=[xcnt,ycnt])
    #Load SST image
    sst_var=sst.get(start=[xst,yst], count=[xcnt,ycnt]) #Shrink sst image
    #Compute mask
    if (param == 'sst') or (param == 'sst4') :
        fg_var=fg.get(start=[xst,yst], count=[xcnt,ycnt])
        if flagLevel is None :
            mask=sst_var == flagValue
        else :
            mask= (sst_var == flagValue) | (fg_var >= flagLevel)
    elif param == 'chlor_a'  :
        fg_var=fg.get(start=[xst,yst], count=[xcnt,ycnt]).flatten()
#        dumvar=[False]*(xcnt*ycnt)#np.zeros((xcnt,ycnt,32),dtype=str).reshape((xcnt*ycnt*32))
        dumfg=[[np.int(b) for b in np.binary_repr(f,32)[::-1]] for f in fg_var] #Rq : bits should be read from end to start
        dumvar=np.sum(np.array(dumfg)[:,flags],1) >= 1
#        for i,f in enumerate(fg_var) :
#            dumvar[i] =  (np.array([b for b in np.binary_repr(f,32)])[flags] == '1').any()
    #Check flags
#    plt.bar(np.arange(1,33),np.sum(dumfg,0)[::-1]/np.float64(xcnt*ycnt)); plt.show()
    sst_var=np.ma.masked_array(sst_var*slope + intercept, mask=mask,type=float)
    #Image reprojection to avoid bow tie effect
#    import pyresample as pr
#    swath_def=pr.geometry.SwathDefinition(lons=lon_var, lats=lat_var)
#    lons,lats=np.meshgrid(np.arange(lon_var.min(),lon_var.max(),0.005), np.arange( lat_var.min(),lat_var.max(),0.005))
#    grid_def = pr.geometry.GridDefinition(lons=lons, lats=lats)
#    area_id = 'NWMEd'
#    area_name = 'NWMed'
#    proj_id = 'cyl'
#    proj4_args = '+proj=eqc +lat_ts=0 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +units=m'
#    x_size = 601
#    y_size = 351
#    area_extent = (5., 41., 11., 44.5)
#    area_def = pr.utils.get_area_def(area_id, area_name, proj_id, proj4_args, x_size, y_size, area_extent )
#    res = pr.kd_tree.resample_gauss(swath_def, sst_var.data, grid_def, radius_of_influence=10000.,sigmas=500.,fill_value=None)

    #Quality control
#    sstfg=f.select('qual_sst')
#    l2fg=f.select('l2_flags')

    #Return output dictionary
    return {'lon':lon_var,'lat':lat_var,'sst':sst_var}