def helpm(output_dir): manager = HelpManager(workdir=output_dir, path_to_grid=INPUT_FILES['grid'], path_to_precip=INPUT_FILES['precip'], path_to_airtemp=INPUT_FILES['airtemp'], path_to_solrad=INPUT_FILES['solrad']) return manager
def test_read_weather_incomplete(testvar, workdir): """ Test that the HelpManager throws an error if the weather are not complete for one or more years in the dataset. """ kwargs = { 'workdir': workdir, 'path_to_grid': osp.join(DATAFOLDER, 'input_grid.csv') } for var in ['precip', 'airtemp', 'solrad']: if var == testvar: filename = f'{var}_input_data_incomplete.csv' else: filename = f'{var}_input_data_2001-2002.csv' kwargs[f'path_to_{var}'] = osp.join(DATAFOLDER, filename) with pytest.raises(ValueError): HelpManager(**kwargs)
def test_read_weather_dates_nomatch(testvar, workdir): """ Test that the HelpManager throws an error if the len of the weather data do not match. """ kwargs = { 'workdir': workdir, 'path_to_grid': osp.join(DATAFOLDER, 'input_grid.csv') } for var in VARNAMES: if var == testvar: kwargs[f'path_to_{var}'] = osp.join( DATAFOLDER, f'{var}_input_data_2002-2003.csv') else: kwargs[f'path_to_{var}'] = osp.join( DATAFOLDER, f'{var}_input_data_2001-2002.csv') with pytest.raises(ValueError): HelpManager(**kwargs)
def test_read_input(workdir): """ Test that the input files are read as expected by the HelpManager. """ helpm = HelpManager( workdir, path_to_grid=osp.join(DATAFOLDER, 'input_grid.csv'), path_to_precip=osp.join(DATAFOLDER, 'precip_input_data_2001-2002.csv'), path_to_airtemp=osp.join(DATAFOLDER, 'airtemp_input_data_2001-2002.csv'), path_to_solrad=osp.join(DATAFOLDER, 'solrad_input_data_2001-2002.csv')) assert len(helpm.airtemp_data) == 365 * 2 assert list(helpm.airtemp_data.index.year.unique()) == [2001, 2002] assert list(helpm.airtemp_data.columns.get_level_values('lat_dd')) == [ 46.1, 45.9, 45.8, 45.9, 46, 46.1 ] assert list(helpm.airtemp_data.columns.get_level_values('lon_dd')) == [ -74, -74.4, -74.1, -74, -74.1, -74.1 ] assert len(helpm.precip_data) == 365 * 2 assert list(helpm.precip_data.index.year.unique()) == [2001, 2002] assert list(helpm.precip_data.columns.get_level_values('lat_dd')) == [ 46.1, 45.9, 45.8 ] assert list(helpm.precip_data.columns.get_level_values('lon_dd')) == [ -74, -74.4, -74.1 ] assert len(helpm.solrad_data) == 365 * 2 assert list(helpm.solrad_data.index.year.unique()) == [2001, 2002] assert list( helpm.solrad_data.columns.get_level_values('lat_dd')) == [45.47] assert list( helpm.solrad_data.columns.get_level_values('lon_dd')) == [-73.74]
helpm.build_help_input_files() output = helpm.calc_help_cells(help_output_hdf5, cellnames, tfsoil=-3) return output if __name__ == '__main__': # For an explanation of why (on Windows) the if __name__ == '__main__' # part is necessary, please see : # # multiprocessing.html#programming-guidelines # Instantiate the HelpManager and calculate the monthrly water budget # for the 2000-2010 period. workdir = "C:/Users/User/pyhelp/example" helpm = HelpManager(workdir, year_range=(2000, 2010)) output = run_help(helpm) # Export and save the data to an ESRI shapefile. help_output_shp = osp.join(workdir, 'help_example.shp') output.save_to_shp(help_output_shp) # Plot some results. output.plot_area_monthly_avg() output.plot_area_yearly_avg() output.plot_area_yearly_series() # Calculate the yearly water budget for surface water cells. evp_surf = 650 surf_output_hdf5 = osp.join(workdir, 'surf_example.out') output_surf = helpm.calc_surf_water_cells(evp_surf, surf_output_hdf5)
import pyhelp.bilan as HelpBilan if __name__ == '__main__': # For an explanation of why (on Windows) the if __name__ == '__main__' # part is necessary, please see : # # multiprocessing.html#programming-guidelines # Define the working directory. workdir = "D:/Projets/pyhelp/example/" # Instantiate the HelpManager and provide the paths to the grid and # weather input data files so that they are loaded automatically. helpm = HelpManager(workdir, path_to_grid=workdir + 'input_grid.csv', path_to_precip=workdir + 'precip_input_data.csv', path_to_airtemp=workdir + 'airtemp_input_data.csv', path_to_solrad=workdir + 'solrad_input_data.csv') # Note that you can access the grid input data through # the 'grid' attribute of the HelpManager. # Note that you can access the weather input data through the # 'precip_data', 'airtemp_data', and 'solrad_data' attributes # of the HelpManager. # ========================================================================= # Run HELP simulation for all the cells in cellnames. # ========================================================================= # We want to run HELP only for the cells that are located within
# rname = "LAUALL_inputHELP_0416t3_0.15edepth" rname = "BTALL_inputHELP_0416base_0.35edepth" figname_sufix = rname riv = 2 rootdir = "C:\\Users\\User\\pyhelp\\RADEAU2\\calage_inputHELP_0416" workdir = osp.join(rootdir, rname) os.chdir(workdir) path_help_output = osp.join(workdir, "help_%s.out" % rname) path_surf_output = osp.join(workdir, "surface_%s.out" % rname) # %% Load the HELP grid path_togrid = osp.join(rootdir, 'inputHELP_0416t3.csv') helpm = HelpManager(workdir, year_range=(1965, 2014)) grid = helpm.load_grid(path_togrid) # %% Compute yearly values # Compute monthly values for cells that were run in HELP. help_output = h5py.File(path_help_output, mode='r+') cellnames = list(help_output.keys()) years = help_output[cellnames[0]]['years'].value # urbancells = grid['maille'][grid['Urbain'] == 1][grid['run'] == 1][grid['BT'] == 1].tolist() # # ruralcells = grid['maille'][grid['Urbain'] == 0][grid['BT'] == 1] # urbancells = grid['maille'][grid['Urbain'] == 1][grid['Contexte'] == 0][grid['BT'] == 1].tolist() Np = len(cellnames)
def helpm(example_folder): manager = HelpManager(example_folder, year_range=(2000, 2010)) return manager