def main(): """Go Main""" log = logger() mesosite = get_dbconn("mesosite") postgis = get_dbconn("postgis") mcursor = mesosite.cursor() mcursor2 = mesosite.cursor() pcursor = postgis.cursor() # Find sites we need to check on mcursor.execute(""" select, s.iemid,, st_x(geom) as lon, st_y(geom) as lat from stations s WHERE (s.wfo IS NULL or s.wfo = '') and = 'US' """) for row in mcursor: sid = row[0] iemid = row[1] network = row[2] # Look for matching WFO pcursor.execute( """ WITH s as ( SELECT ST_SetSrid(ST_GeomFromEWKT('POINT(%s %s)'), 4326) as geom ) select u.wfo, ST_Distance(u.geom, s.geom) as dist from s, ugcs u WHERE ST_Intersects(u.geom, s.geom) and u.end_ts is null and wfo is not null ORDER by dist ASC LIMIT 1 """, (row[3], row[4]), ) if pcursor.rowcount > 0: row2 = pcursor.fetchone() wfo = row2[0][:3] "Assinging WFO: %s to IEMID: %s ID: %s NETWORK: %s", wfo, iemid, sid, network, ) mcursor2.execute(""" UPDATE stations SET wfo = '%s' WHERE iemid = %s """ % (wfo, iemid)) else: "ERROR assigning WFO to IEMID: %s ID: %s NETWORK: %s", iemid, sid, network, ) mcursor.close() mcursor2.close() mesosite.commit() mesosite.close()
def main(argv): """Go main Go.""" scenario = int(argv[1]) log = logger() myhucs = [] if os.path.isfile("myhucs.txt"): log.warning("Using myhucs.txt to filter job submission") myhucs = [s.strip() for s in open("myhucs.txt").readlines()] idep = get_dbconn("idep") icursor = idep.cursor() icursor.execute(""" SELECT huc_12, fpath, climate_file from flowpaths where scenario = %s """ % (scenario, )) totaljobs = icursor.rowcount connection = pika.BlockingConnection( pika.ConnectionParameters(host="iem-rabbitmq.local")) channel = channel.queue_declare(queue="dep", durable=True) sts = for row in icursor: if myhucs and row[0] not in myhucs: continue wr = WeppRun(row[0], row[1], row[2], scenario) channel.basic_publish( exchange="", routing_key="dep", body=wr.make_runfile(), properties=pika.BasicProperties( delivery_mode=2 # make message persistent ), ) # Wait a few seconds for the dust to settle time.sleep(10) percentile = 1.0001 while True: now = cnt = channel.queue_declare(queue="dep", durable=True).method.message_count done = totaljobs - cnt if (cnt / float(totaljobs)) < percentile: "%6i/%s [%.3f /s]", cnt, totaljobs, done / (now - sts).total_seconds(), ) percentile -= 0.1 if (now - sts).total_seconds() > 36000: log.error("ERROR, 10 Hour Job Limit Hit") break if cnt == 0:"%s Done!", now.strftime("%H:%M")) break time.sleep(30) connection.close()
def main(): """Go Main Go.""" log = logger() pgconn = get_dbconn("postgis") cursor = pgconn.cursor() avwx = requests.get("") avwx = avwx.json() mine = {} cursor.execute(""" SELECT valid at time zone 'UTC', ST_x(geom::geometry), ST_y(geom::geometry), report from pireps WHERE valid > (now() - '60 minutes'::interval) """) for row in cursor: key = "/".join(row[3].replace(" ", "").split("/")[:3]) mine[key] = row floor = None for feature in avwx["features"]: if feature["properties"]["airepType"] != "PIREP": continue ts = datetime.datetime.strptime(feature["properties"]["obsTime"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") if floor is None: floor = ts lon, lat = feature["geometry"]["coordinates"] key = "/".join(feature["properties"]["rawOb"].replace( " ", "").split("/")[:3]) if key not in mine:"IEM MISS %s %s", ts, feature["properties"]["rawOb"]) else: error = ((mine[key][1] - lon)**2 + (mine[key][2] - lat)**2)**0.5 if error > 0.1: location = "/".join( feature["properties"]["rawOb"].split("/")[:2]) "ERROR: %5.2f IEM: %8.3f %6.3f AWX: %7.2f %5.2f %s", error, mine[key][1], mine[key][2], lon, lat, location, ) del mine[key] for key in mine: if mine[key][0] < floor: continue"AVWX MISS %s %s", mine[key][0], mine[key][3])
def main(argv): """Go Main Go.""" log = logger() if len(argv) == 6: valid = utc(int(argv[1]), int(argv[2]), int(argv[3]), int(argv[4])) ncfn = iemre.get_hourly_ncname(valid.year) idx = iemre.hourly_offset(valid) else: valid =[1]), int(argv[2]), int(argv[3])) ncfn = iemre.get_daily_ncname(valid.year) idx = iemre.daily_offset(valid) ds = iemre.get_grids(valid) with ncopen(ncfn, 'a', timeout=600) as nc: for vname in ds: if vname not in nc.variables: continue log.debug("copying database var %s to netcdf", vname) nc.variables[vname][idx, :, :] = ds[vname].values
""" Main script that adds a site into the appropriate tables called from """ import datetime import psycopg2.extras from pyiem.util import get_dbconn, logger LOG = logger() def add_summary(cursor, date, iemid): """Add a summary entry for the given date.""" table = "summary_%s" % (date.year, ) cursor.execute( """ SELECT iemid from """ + table + """ WHERE day = %s and iemid = %s """, (date, iemid), ) if cursor.rowcount == 1:"%s entry already exists for date %s", table, date) return cursor.execute( """ INSERT into """ + table + """ (day, iemid) values (%s, %s) """, (date, iemid), )
def test_logger(): """Can we emit logs.""" log = util.logger() assert log is not None
def main(argv): """Go Main""" log = logger() if len(argv) < 2: print("USAGE: python FILENAME") return dbconn = get_dbconn("postgis", user="******") cursor = dbconn.cursor()" - Connected to database: postgis") fn = argv[1] uri = "" % (fn,)" - Fetching file: %s", uri) req = requests.get(uri) updated = 0 new = 0 bad = 0 for linenum, line in enumerate(req.content.decode("ascii").split("\n")): if line.strip() == "": continue tokens = line.strip().split(",") if len(tokens) != 7: " + Linenum %s had %s tokens, instead of 7\n%s", linenum + 1, len(tokens), line, ) bad += 1 continue (nwsli, river_name, proximity, name, state, lat, lon) = tokens if len(nwsli) != 5: ' + Linenum %s had a NWSLI "%s" not of 5 character length\n%s', linenum + 1, nwsli, line, ) bad += 1 continue cursor.execute( """ DELETE from hvtec_nwsli WHERE nwsli = %s """, (nwsli,), ) if cursor.rowcount == 1: updated += 1 else: new += 1 sql = """ INSERT into hvtec_nwsli (nwsli, river_name, proximity, name, state, geom) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, 'SRID=4326;POINT(%s %s)') """ args = ( nwsli, river_name, proximity, name, state, 0 - float(lon), float(lat), ) cursor.execute(sql, args) cursor.close() dbconn.commit()" - DONE! %s updated %s new, %s bad entries", updated, new, bad)
Site Identifier CameraID (may have more than one camera in the future) ViewID GMT Timestamp.... """ import os import re import subprocess # third party from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import psycopg2.extras import pytz import pyiem.util as util LOG = util.logger() FONT = ImageFont.truetype("veramono.ttf", 10) def do_imagework(cameras, cid, tokens, now): """Process the images""" # Hard coded... drct = cameras[cid]["pan0"] drct_text = util.drct2text(drct) # Create 320x240 variant fn = "" % ("-".join(tokens), ) try: i0 = i320 = i0.resize((320, 240), Image.ANTIALIAS) except Exception:
def main(argv): """Go Main Go.""" log = logger() year = int(argv[1]) sts =, 1, 1) ets = min([, 12, 31),]) current = {} now = ets while now >= sts: ds = iemre.get_grids(now, varnames="power_swdn") maxval = ds["power_swdn"].values.max() if np.isnan(maxval) or maxval < 0: log.debug("adding %s as currently empty", now) current[now] = {"data": ds, "dirty": False} now -= datetime.timedelta(days=1) sts = min(list(current.keys())) ets = max(list(current.keys())) log.debug("running between %s and %s", sts, ets) queue = [] for x0 in np.arange(iemre.WEST, iemre.EAST, 5.0): for y0 in np.arange(iemre.SOUTH, iemre.NORTH, 5.0): queue.append([x0, y0]) for x0, y0 in tqdm(queue, disable=not sys.stdout.isatty()): url = ("" "request=execute&identifier=Regional&" "parameters=ALLSKY_SFC_SW_DWN&" "startDate=%s&endDate=%s&userCommunity=SSE&" "tempAverage=DAILY&bbox=%s,%s,%s,%s&user=anonymous&" "outputList=NETCDF") % ( sts.strftime("%Y%m%d"), ets.strftime("%Y%m%d"), y0, x0, min([y0 + 5.0, iemre.NORTH]) - 0.1, min([x0 + 5.0, iemre.EAST]) - 0.1, ) req = requests.get(url, timeout=60) js = req.json() if "outputs" not in js: print(url) print(js) continue fn = js["outputs"]["netcdf"] req = requests.get(fn, timeout=60, stream=True) ncfn = "/tmp/" % (year, ) with open(ncfn, "wb") as fh: for chunk in req.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: fh.write(chunk) fh.close() with ncopen(ncfn) as nc: for day, _ in enumerate(nc.variables["time"][:]): date = sts + datetime.timedelta(days=day) if date not in current: continue # kwh to MJ/d 3600 * 1000 / 1e6 data = nc.variables["ALLSKY_SFC_SW_DWN"][day, :, :] * 3.6 # Sometimes there are missing values? if data[data.mask] = np.mean(data) i, j = iemre.find_ij(x0, y0) # resample data is 0.5, iemre is 0.125 data = np.repeat(np.repeat(data, 4, axis=0), 4, axis=1) data = np.where(data < 0, np.nan, data) shp = np.shape(data) jslice = slice(j, j + shp[0]) islice = slice(i, i + shp[1]) # get currentdata present = current[date]["data"]["power_swdn"].values[jslice, islice] if present.mean() == data.mean(): continue current[date]["data"]["power_swdn"].values[jslice, islice] = data current[date]["dirty"] = True for date in current: if not current[date]["dirty"]: continue log.debug("saving %s", date) iemre.set_grids(date, current[date]["data"]) "python ../iemre/ %s" % (date.strftime("%Y %m %d"), ), shell=True, )
def logger(): """Get a logger""" return util.logger()