def histo1D(tF, histn, title, log, rleft=0, rright=0, xlabel='log10(r) [m]', ylabel='#N', rfac=1): f = TFile(tF) histoAll1D=f.Get(histn) h, redges = ToNumpy(histoAll1D) h, redges = binReduce1D(h, redges, rfac) if rright-rleft == 0: #no bounds set plt.xlim(min(redges), max(redges)) else: #bounds set plt.xlim(min(rleft), max(rright)) if log=="log": plt.xlabel('log10(r) [m]') plt.ylabel('#N') else: plt.xlabel('r [m]') plt.ylabel('dN/rdr') plt.title(title) plot_hist(redges,h) #pyik! #plt.semilogy(nonposy="clip") #bins = 0.5*(redges[1:] + redges[:-1]) #plt.plot(bins, h) #smooth ### Resolution ### binsiz = np.zeros(redges.size-1) for i in xrange(binsiz.size): binsiz[i] = 10**redges[i+1]-10**redges[i]
def histoLat(self,hname,ax,b=None): #todo ueberlegen was man hier braucht! if b is None: b = self xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() msk = (xmin<self.xedges[:-1])*(self.xedges[:-1]<xmax) ws = self.means[hname]/ #density v=ws[msk] vsort = sorted(v) for i in np.arange(len(vsort)): if (vsort[i]>0): vmin = vsort[i] break vmax = v.max() if (self.par in ['r','L','E']): vmax = vmax*10. vmin = vmin*0.1 if (vmin <= self.ymin and vmin>0): self.ymin = vmin if (vmax >= self.ymax): self.ymax = vmax #labels lb = r"$r/\mathrm{m}$ = "[0] #murks, wie geht das richtig??? #plotting plot_hist(xedges=self.xedges,ws=ws,axes=ax,label=lb)
def histoLat(self,hname,ax,b=None): if b is None: b = self if (self.par in ['r','L','E','LM']): #todo also for M? xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() msk = (xmin<self.xedges[:-1])*(self.xedges[:-1]<xmax) if (self.par in ['r','L','LM']): ws = self.means[hname]/self.area #density elif (self.par == 'E'): ws = self.means[hname]/ #density v=ws[msk] vsort = sorted(v) for i in np.arange(len(vsort)): if (vsort[i]>0): vmin = vsort[i] break vmax = v.max() if (self.par in ['r','L','E']): vmax = vmax*10. vmin = vmin*0.1 if (vmin <= self.ymin and vmin>0): self.ymin = vmin if (vmax >= self.ymax): self.ymax = vmax ### color code for plotting ### if (self.par in ['X','L','M','LM']): if (self.primary=='proton'): c='c' elif (self.primary=='carbon'): c='r' elif (self.primary=='iron'): c='b' elif (self.primary=='helium'): c='m' elif (self.primary=='nitrogen'): c='y' elif (self.primary=='silicon'): c='g' ### Plot X ### if (self.par == 'X'): points = (np.vstack((self.xMax[hname],np.log10(self.hSum[hname])))).T innerpoints, hullpoints = Quantile(points,.684) hullpoints = np.vstack((hullpoints, hullpoints[0])) #f2 = interp1d(x, y, kind='cubic') ax.plot(hullpoints[:,0], hullpoints[:,1], 'k-', c=c) ax.scatter(points[:,0], points[:,1], marker='o', c=c,alpha=0.5, lw=0, s=6) ax.scatter(hullpoints[:,0], hullpoints[:,1], marker='o', c=c, lw=0, s=6, label=self.primary) ax.scatter(innerpoints[:,0], innerpoints[:,1], marker='o', c=c, lw=0, s=6) vy = np.log10(self.hSum[hname]) vx = self.xMax[hname] vysort = sorted(vy) vxsort = sorted(vx) vymax = vy.max() vxmax = vx.max() for i in np.arange(len(vysort)): if (vysort[i]>0): vymin = vysort[i] break for i in np.arange(len(vxsort)): if (vxsort[i]>0): vxmin = vxsort[i] break if (self.primary == 'proton'): #hack!!!! does not work with iron 10**20 ! ymin = vymin xmin = vxmin ymax = vymax xmax = vxmax else: ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() if (vymin <= ymin and vymin>0): ymin = vymin if (vxmin <= xmin and vxmin>0): xmin = vxmin if (vymax >= ymax): ymax = vymax if (vxmax >= xmax): xmax = vxmax ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax) ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ### Plot r,E,L ### else: #labels if (self.par == 'r'): if (self.particle == 'muon'): lb = r"$E_{\mu}/\mathrm{GeV} \geq\ $"[0] elif (self.particle == 'electron'): lb = r"$E_e/\mathrm{MeV} \geq\ $"[0] elif (self.particle == 'photon'): lb = r"$E_{\gamma}/\mathrm{MeV} \geq\ $"[0] elif (self.par == 'E'): lb = r"$r/\mathrm{m}$ = "[0] #murks, wie geht das richtig??? elif (self.par == 'L'): #todo anders loesen??? if (hname == "histoGa0MeV1D"): lb = r'$\gamma$' elif (hname == "histoE0MeV1D"): lb = r'$e^{\pm}$' elif (hname == "histoMu0GeV1D"): lb = r'$\mu^{\pm}$' elif (hname == "histoRest0GeV1D"): lb = 'rest' #plotting if (self.par == 'L'): if (self.rnge=='all'): #plot e,mu,ga and REST cond = (hname != "histoAll1D") elif (self.rnge=='zoom'): #only plot e,mu,ga cond = (hname != "histoAll1D" and hname != "histoRest0GeV1D") if cond: xmeans = self.xmeans[hname] means = self.means[hname]/self.area stds = self.stds[hname]/self.area if (hname == "histoMu0GeV1D"): ax.plot(xmeans,means,label=str(self.primary),lw=0.5,color=c) else: ax.plot(xmeans,means,lw=0.5,color=c) positive = means-stds > 0 ax.fill_between(xmeans,means-stds,means+stds,where=positive,color=c,alpha=.4) if (self.primary == 'proton'): #ax.annotate(lb, xy=None, xytext=((self.xmeans[hname])[20],(self.means[hname])[20]+2*(self.stds[hname])[20]), xycoords='data',textcoords='data', arrowprops=None, **kwargs) #annotate(lb, xy=((self.xmeans[hname])[20],(self.means[hname])[20]+2*(self.stds[hname])[20]), xytext=None, xycoords='data',textcoords='data', arrowprops=None, **kwargs) ax.text(xmeans[75],means[75]+3*stds[75],lb,fontsize=20) elif (self.par == 'LM'): xmeans = self.xmeans[hname] means = self.means[hname]/self.area stds = self.stds[hname]/self.area #set_trace() ax.plot(xmeans,means,label=str(self.primary),lw=1,color=c) positive = means-stds > 0 ax.fill_between(xmeans,means-stds,means+stds,where=positive,color=c,alpha=.4) elif (self.par == 'M'): xmeans1 = self.xmeans[hname] means1 = self.means[hname]/self.area stds1 = self.stds[hname]/self.area xmeans2 = b.xmeans[hname] means2 = b.means[hname]/b.area stds2 = b.stds[hname]/b.area y = (self.means[hname]-b.means[hname])/np.sqrt(self.stds[hname]**2+b.stds[hname]**2) #y = (means1-means2)/np.sqrt(stds1**2+stds2**2) #print "np.sqrt(stds1**2+stds2**2)", np.sqrt(stds1**2+stds2**2) #print "std "+str(self.primary), stds1 #print "std "+str(b.primary), stds2 #print "meandiff", means1-means2 #print str(self.primary), means1 #print str(b.primary), means2 prims = {'proton': 'p', 'iron': 'Fe', 'helium': 'He', 'nitrogen': 'Ni', 'carbon': 'C', 'silicon': 'Si'} lb = prims[self.primary]+" - "+prims[b.primary] if (b.primary in ['nitrogen','carbon']): c='c' if (b.primary == 'silicon'): c='y' ax.plot(xmeans1,y,lw=2,color=c,label=lb) else: #i.e. E or r plot_hist(xedges=self.xedges,ws=ws,axes=ax,label=lb)