コード例 #1
    def loadImage(self, image):
        '''This function should open the image contained in the specified file
        and reset the class' variables'''

        # Reset variables
        self.msFilter = None
        self.msSegment = None

        # Load image
        self.original = PyImage()
コード例 #2
    def loadImage(self, image):
        '''This function should initialize the class by loading an image from
        the function call. It then places that image at the pyramid's lowest
        level, and specifies no pixels were lost in this process.'''

        # Reset pyramid and loss info
        if self.pyramid:
            self.pyramid = []
            self.info_loss = []

        # Create image, append things
        img = PyImage()
        self.info_loss.append((False, False))
コード例 #3
 def __init__(self,
     Constructor - keeps input image filename, image read from the file as a PyImage object, block size (in pixels),
     threshold to decide how many skin color pixels are required to declare a block as a skin-block
     and min number of blocks required for a component. The majority argument says what fraction of
     the block pixels must be skin/hair colored for the block to be a skin/hair block - the default value is
     0.5 (half).
     self.image = PyImage(filename)
     self.block_sz = block_size
     self.min_blocks = min_component_size
     self.fraction_pixel = majority
コード例 #4
ファイル: klttracker.py プロジェクト: Thurler/imgprocess
    def loadFile(self, filepath, nFrames, pyramid=0):
        '''This function should load frames of a video with a regular file
        expression to read filenames. The number of frames is known beforehand
        to ease computing.'''

        # Update variables based on input
        self.pyramid = pyramid
        self.nFrames = nFrames
        self.filepath = filepath

        # Separate name from extension
        path = filepath.split('.')
        extension = '.' + path[-1]
        path = "".join(path[:-1]) + '-'

        # For each frame that will be processed, we will load a single file
        for i in np.arange(1, nFrames + 1):

            print "DEBUG: Loading frame", i

            # Load each frame
            frame = PyImage()
            frame.loadFile(path + str(i) + extension)
            frame.img = frame.img.convert("RGB")

            # Compute its grayscale counterpart
            grayscaleFrame = frame.copy()
            grayscaleFrame.img = grayscaleFrame.img.convert("L")

            # Append frames to lists

            # If pyramids will be used, start a pyramid for every grayscale
            # frame to be used later on
            if pyramid:
                print "DEBUG: Computing pyramids for frame", i
                framePyramid = GaussPyramid(pyramid)
コード例 #5
    def meanshiftSegment(self, hr, filepath=None):
        '''This function should perform a segmentation in an image based on
        each pixel's color. It groups together neighbor pixels that have
        similar colors. By default, it uses the filtered image in the class
        instance, but it can load a file specified as a argument.'''

        # Check where to load image from, default is class instance
        if self.msFilter is None:
            # Check if filepath is specified
            if filepath is None:
                # Neither sources are valid, abort
                print "\nERROR: Please either " + \
                    "specify a file or run meanshiftFilter.\n"
                # Load image from filepath
                img = PyImage()
            # Load image from class
            img = self.msFilter.copy()

        # Start group matrix with zeros
        groups = np.zeros((img.height, img.width), dtype="int32")
        groups -= 1
        pixels = []  # List of pixels per group
        colors = []  # Average color per group
        lastGroup = 0

        # Iterate pixels, assigning group to each pixel
        for j in np.arange(img.height):
            for i in np.arange(img.width):

                # If pixel has no group, set a new group for it
                if groups[j][i] == -1:
                    groups[j][i] = lastGroup
                    lastGroup += 1
                    pixels.append([(j, i)])

                # Get pixel neighbors
                neighbors = []
                if j:
                    neighbors.append((j - 1, i, img.pixels[j - 1][i]))
                    if i:
                            (j - 1, i - 1, img.pixels[j - 1][i - 1]))
                    if i < img.width - 1:
                            (j - 1, i + 1, img.pixels[j - 1][i + 1]))
                if j < img.height - 1:
                    neighbors.append((j + 1, i, img.pixels[j + 1][i]))
                    if i:
                            (j + 1, i - 1, img.pixels[j + 1][i - 1]))
                    if i < img.width - 1:
                            (j + 1, i + 1, img.pixels[j + 1][i + 1]))
                if i:
                    neighbors.append((j, i - 1, img.pixels[j][i - 1]))
                if i < img.width - 1:
                    neighbors.append((j, i + 1, img.pixels[j][i + 1]))

                # For each neighbor, check if color is similar
                group = groups[j][i]
                for neighbor in neighbors:
                    # Compute color difference
                    cDiff = colors[group] - neighbor[2]
                    cDiff = sum(cDiff**2)
                    cDiff **= 0.5
                    if cDiff < hr:
                        # Color is similar in all 3 channels, put neighbor as
                        # same group as current pixel
                        groups[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]] = group
                        oldGroupLen = len(pixels[group])
                        pixels[group].append((neighbor[0], neighbor[1]))
                        color = colors[group]
                        color *= oldGroupLen
                        color += neighbor[2]
                        color /= oldGroupLen + 1
                        colors[group] = color

        print lastGroup

        # Iterate groups
        for g in range(lastGroup):
            # Iterate pixels, updating their colors
            color = colors[g].astype("uint8")
            for pixel in pixels[g]:
                img.pixels[pixel[0]][pixel[1]] = color

        # Store result
        self.msSegment = img