コード例 #1
class WaterFacilityRestoration(BaseAnalysis):
    """Computes water facility restoration for an earthquake, tsunami, tornado, or hurricane exposure.


    def __init__(self, incore_client):
        self.restorationsvc = RestorationService(incore_client)
        super(WaterFacilityRestoration, self).__init__(incore_client)

    def run(self):
        """Performs Water facility restoration analysis by using the parameters from the spec
        and creates an output dataset in csv format

            bool: True if successful, False otherwise
        mapping_set = self.get_input_dataset("dfr3_mapping_set")

        restoration_key = self.get_parameter("restoration_key")
        if restoration_key is None:
            restoration_key = "Restoration ID Code"

        end_time = self.get_parameter("end_time")
        if end_time is None:
            end_time = 365.0

        time_interval = self.get_parameter("time_interval")
        if time_interval is None:
            time_interval = 1

        pf_interval = self.get_parameter("pf_interval")
        if pf_interval is None:
            pf_interval = 0.05

        (pf_results, time_results) = self.waterfacility_restoration(mapping_set, restoration_key, end_time,
                                                                    time_interval, pf_interval)

        self.set_result_csv_data("pf_results", time_results, name="percentage_of_functionality_" +
        self.set_result_csv_data("time_results", pf_results, name="reptime_" + self.get_parameter("result_name"))

        return True

    def waterfacility_restoration(self, mapping_set, restoration_key, end_time, time_interval,

        """Gets applicable restoration curve set and calculates restoration time and functionality

            mapping_set (class): Restoration Mapping Set
            restoration_key (str): Restoration Key to determine which curve to use. E.g. Restoration ID Code
            end_time (float): User specified end repair time
            time_interval (float): Increment interval of repair time. Default to 1 (1 day)
            pf_interval (float): Increment interval of percentage of functionality. Default 0.1 (10%)

            time_results (list): Given Percentage of functionality, the change of repair time
            pf_results (list): Given Repair time, change of the percentage of functionality

        time_results = []
        pf_results = []

        for mapping in mapping_set.mappings:
            # parse rules to get inventory class. e.g. treatment plan, tank, pump etc
            if isinstance(mapping.rules, list):
                inventory_class = RestorationService.extract_inventory_class_legacy(mapping.rules)
            elif isinstance(mapping.rules, dict):
                inventory_class = RestorationService.extract_inventory_class(mapping.rules)
                raise ValueError("Unsupported mapping rules!")

            # get restoration curves
            # if it's string:id; then need to fetch it from remote and cast to restorationcurveset object
            restoration_curve_set = mapping.entry[restoration_key]
            if isinstance(restoration_curve_set, str):
                restoration_curve_set = RestorationCurveSet(self.restorationsvc.get_dfr3_set(restoration_curve_set))

            # given time calculate pf
            time = np.arange(0, end_time + time_interval, time_interval)
            for t in time:
                    "inventory_class": inventory_class,
                    "time": t,

            # given pf calculate time
            pf = np.arange(0, 1 + pf_interval, pf_interval)
            for p in pf:
                new_dict = {}
                t_res = restoration_curve_set.calculate_inverse_restoration_rates(time=p)
                for key, value in t_res.items():
                    new_dict.update({"time_" + key: value})
                    "inventory_class": inventory_class,
                    "percentage_of_functionality": p,

        return pf_results, time_results

    def get_spec(self):
        return {
            'name': 'water-facility-restoration',
            'description': 'water facility restoration analysis',
            'input_parameters': [
                    'id': 'restoration_key',
                    'required': False,
                    'description': 'restoration key to use in mapping dataset',
                    'type': str
                    'id': 'result_name',
                    'required': True,
                    'description': 'result dataset name',
                    'type': str
                    'id': 'end_time',
                    'required': False,
                    'description': 'end time in days. Default to 365.',
                    'type': float
                    'id': 'time_interval',
                    'required': False,
                    'description': 'incremental interval for time in days. Default to 1',
                    'type': float
                    'id': 'pf_interval',
                    'required': False,
                    'description': 'incremental interval for percentage of functionality. Default to 0.05',
                    'type': float
            'input_datasets': [
                    'id': 'dfr3_mapping_set',
                    'required': True,
                    'description': 'DFR3 Mapping Set Object',
                    'type': ['incore:dfr3MappingSet'],
            'output_datasets': [
                    'id': 'pf_results',
                    'parent_type': '',
                    'description': 'A csv file recording functionality change with time for each class and limit '
                    'type': 'incore:waterFacilityRestorationFunc'
                    'id': 'time_results',
                    'parent_type': '',
                    'description': 'A csv file recording repair time at certain functionality recovery for each class '
                                   'and limit state.',
                    'type': 'incore:waterFacilityRestorationTime'
コード例 #2
class WaterFacilityRestoration(BaseAnalysis):
    """Computes water facility restoration for an earthquake, tsunami, tornado, or hurricane exposure.

    def __init__(self, incore_client):
        self.restorationsvc = RestorationService(incore_client)
        super(WaterFacilityRestoration, self).__init__(incore_client)

    def run(self):
        """Performs Water facility restoration analysis by using the parameters from the spec
        and creates an output dataset in csv format

            bool: True if successful, False otherwise
        inventory_list = list(
        mapping_set = self.get_input_dataset("dfr3_mapping_set")

        restoration_key = self.get_parameter("restoration_key")
        if restoration_key is None:
            restoration_key = "Restoration ID Code"

        end_time = self.get_parameter("end_time")
        if end_time is None:
            end_time = 365.0

        time_interval = self.get_parameter("time_interval")
        if time_interval is None:
            time_interval = 1

        pf_interval = self.get_parameter("pf_interval")
        if pf_interval is None:
            pf_interval = 0.05

        (inventory_restoration_map, pf_results,
         time_results) = self.waterfacility_restoration(
             inventory_list, mapping_set, restoration_key, end_time,
             time_interval, pf_interval)

                                 name="inventory_restoration_map_" +
                                 name="percentage_of_functionality_" +
                                 name="reptime_" +

        return True

    def waterfacility_restoration(self, inventory_list, mapping_set,
                                  restoration_key, end_time, time_interval,
        """Gets applicable restoration curve set and calculates restoration time and functionality

            inventory_list (list): Multiple water facilities from input inventory set.
            mapping_set (class): Restoration Mapping Set
            restoration_key (str): Restoration Key to determine which curve to use. E.g. Restoration ID Code
            end_time (float): User specified end repair time
            time_interval (float): Increment interval of repair time. Default to 1 (1 day)
            pf_interval (float): Increment interval of percentage of functionality. Default 0.1 (10%)

            inventory_restoration_map (list): A map between inventory and restoration being applied
            time_results (list): Given Percentage of functionality, the change of repair time
            pf_results (list): Given Repair time, change of the percentage of functionality

        # Obtain the restoration id for each water facility
        inventory_restoration_map = []
        restoration_sets = self.restorationsvc.match_inventory(
            self.get_input_dataset("dfr3_mapping_set"), inventory_list,
        for inventory in inventory_list:
            if inventory["id"] in restoration_sets.keys():
                restoration_set_id = restoration_sets[inventory["id"]].id
                restoration_set_id = None

        time_results = []
        pf_results = []

        for mapping in mapping_set.mappings:
            # get restoration curves
            # if it's string:id; then need to fetch it from remote and cast to restorationcurveset object
            restoration_curve_set = mapping.entry[restoration_key]
            if isinstance(restoration_curve_set, str):
                restoration_curve_set = RestorationCurveSet(

            # given time calculate pf
            time = np.arange(0, end_time + time_interval, time_interval)
            for t in time:

            # given pf calculate time
            pf = np.arange(0, 1 + pf_interval, pf_interval)
            for p in pf:
                new_dict = {}
                t_res = restoration_curve_set.calculate_inverse_restoration_rates(
                for key, value in t_res.items():
                    new_dict.update({"time_" + key: value})
                    "restoration_id": restoration_curve_set.id,
                    "percentage_of_functionality": p,

        return inventory_restoration_map, pf_results, time_results

    def get_spec(self):
        return {
            'water facility restoration analysis',
            'input_parameters': [{
                'id': 'restoration_key',
                'required': False,
                'description': 'restoration key to use in mapping dataset',
                'type': str
            }, {
                'id': 'result_name',
                'required': True,
                'description': 'result dataset name',
                'type': str
            }, {
                'id': 'end_time',
                'required': False,
                'description': 'end time in days. Default to 365.',
                'type': float
            }, {
                'id': 'time_interval',
                'required': False,
                'incremental interval for time in days. Default to 1',
                'type': float
            }, {
                'id': 'pf_interval',
                'required': False,
                'incremental interval for percentage of functionality. Default to 0.05',
                'type': float
            'input_datasets': [{
                'id': 'water_facilities',
                'required': True,
                'description': 'Water Facility Inventory',
                'type': ['ergo:waterFacilityTopo'],
            }, {
                'id': 'dfr3_mapping_set',
                'required': True,
                'description': 'DFR3 Mapping Set Object',
                'type': ['incore:dfr3MappingSet'],
            'output_datasets': [
                    'A csv file recording the mapping relationship between GUID and restoration id '
                    'A csv file recording functionality change with time for each class and limit '
                    'A csv file recording repair time at certain functionality recovery for each class '
                    'and limit state.',