コード例 #1
class Test_AlgorithmMethods_UKF:
    def setUp(self):
        self.model = load_fmu(get_fmu())
        self.x_0 = {'x2': 0, 'x1': 1}
        measurements = ['x1']
        h = 0.01
        self.options = UKFOptions()
        self.options.update(P_0={'x2': 1, 'x1': 2})
        self.options.update(P_v={'x2': 1e-3, 'x1': 1e-1})
        self.options.update(P_n={'x1': 1e-4})
        self.ukf = UKF(self.model, self.x_0, measurements, h, self.options)

    def tearDown(self):
        self.model = None
        self.ukf = None
        self.x_0 = None
        self.options = None

    def test_calc_sigma(self):
        #Test that sigma points are calculated correctly
        sigma = self.ukf._calc_sigma(self.ukf.x, self.ukf.P, self.ukf.P_v,
                                     self.ukf.P_n, self.ukf.options)
        assert N.allclose(
            N.array([[1.0, 1.002000000000029, 1.0, 0.997999999999971, 1.0],
                     [0.0, 0.0, 0.001414213562393, 0.0, -0.001414213562393]]))

    def test_update_private(self):
        #Test that the private update method is performed correctly
        K = N.array([[0.1], [0.3]])
        xp = N.array([[1.2], [0.1]])
        yp = N.array([[1.18]])
        y = N.array([[1.24]])
        assert N.allclose(self.ukf._update(y, xp, yp, K),
                          N.array([[1.206000000000000], [0.118000000000000]]))

    def test_update_public(self):
        #Test that the public update method calculates estimates correctly
        self.ukf.K = N.array([[0.1], [0.3]])
        self.ukf.xp = N.array([[1.2], [0.1]])
        self.ukf.yp = N.array([[1.18]])
        x = self.ukf.update({'x1': 1.24})
        assert N.allclose(x['x1'], 1.206000000000000)
        assert N.allclose(x['x2'], 0.118000000000000)

    def test_predict_private(self):
        #Produce sigma points
        sigma = self.ukf._calc_sigma(self.ukf.x, self.ukf.P, self.ukf.P_v,
                                     self.ukf.P_n, self.ukf.options)
        #Have a constant input of 0.1 over the sample interval
        u = (['u'], N.transpose(N.vstack((0.0, 0.1))))
        #No known state values
        known_values = {}
        #Do prediction
        [xp, yp, K,
         P] = self.ukf._predict(sigma, self.ukf.model, self.ukf.x, u,
                                known_values, self.ukf.P_v, self.ukf.P_n,
                                self.ukf.currTime, self.ukf.h, self.ukf.mes,
                                self.ukf.Wm, self.ukf.Wc)

        #Assert predicted mean and measurement
        assert N.allclose(xp, [[1.00988634], [0.0172094]])
        assert N.allclose(yp, N.array([[1.00988634]]))

        #Assert covariance and gain
        assert N.allclose(K, [[0.99995099], [0.00497003]])
        assert N.allclose(P, [[1.00099995e-01, 4.97003235e-07],
                              [4.97003235e-07, 1.00115269e+00]])

    def test_predict_public(self):
        #Have a constant input of 0.1 over the sample interval
        u = (['u'], N.transpose(N.vstack((0.0, 0.1))))
        #No known state values
        known_values = {}
        self.ukf.predict(u, known_values)
        #Assert predicted mean and measurement
        assert N.allclose(self.ukf.xp, [[1.00988634], [0.0172094]])
        assert N.allclose(self.ukf.yp, [[1.00988634]])

        #Assert covariance and gain
        assert N.allclose(self.ukf.K, [[0.99995099], [0.00497003]])
        assert N.allclose(self.ukf.P, [[1.00099995e-01, 4.97003235e-07],
                                       [4.97003235e-07, 1.00115269e+00]])
コード例 #2
class Test_Create_UKF:
    def setUp(self):
        self.model = load_fmu(get_fmu())
        self.x_0 = {'x2': 0, 'x1': 1}
        measurements = ['x1']
        h = 0.01
        self.options = UKFOptions()
        self.options.update(P_0={'x2': 1, 'x1': 2})
        self.options.update(P_v={'x2': 1e-3, 'x1': 1e-1})
        self.options.update(P_n={'x1': 1e-4})
        self.ukf = UKF(self.model, self.x_0, measurements, h, self.options)

    def tearDown(self):
        self.model = None
        self.ukf = None
        self.x_0 = None
        self.options = None

    def test_create_ukf(self):

        #Test that initialization of scaled state estimate vector is correct
        names = []
        for state in self.ukf.x:
            names = names + [state.get_name()]
        assert names == ['x1', 'x2']

        for state in self.ukf.x:
            assert state.get_actual_value() == self.x_0[state.get_name()]
            assert type(state.get_actual_value()) == float
            assert state.get_nominal_value(
            ) == self.model.get_variable_nominal(state.get_name())
            assert type(state.get_nominal_value()) == float

        #Test that initialization of measurement vector is correct
        names = []
        for meas in self.ukf.mes:
            names = names + [meas.get_name()]
        assert names == ['x1']

        for meas in self.ukf.mes:
            assert meas.get_nominal_value() == self.model.get_variable_nominal(
            assert type(meas.get_nominal_value()) == float

        #Test that initialization of covariance matrices is correct
        assert N.all(self.ukf.P == N.array([[
            2.0 / self.model.get_variable_nominal('x1'), 0.0
        ], [0.0, 1.0 / self.model.get_variable_nominal('x2')]]))
        assert N.all(self.ukf.P_v == N.array([[
            1e-1 / self.model.get_variable_nominal('x1'), 0.0
        ], [0.0, 1e-3 / self.model.get_variable_nominal('x2')]]))
        assert N.all(self.ukf.P_n == N.array(
            [1e-4 / self.model.get_variable_nominal('x1')]))

    def test_calc_weights(self):
        #Test that the weights are calculated correctly
        [Wm, Wc] = self.ukf._calc_weights(self.options)
        assert N.all(Wm == N.array([
            -9.999989999712444e05, 2.499999999928111e05, 2.499999999928111e05,
            2.499999999928111e05, 2.499999999928111e05
        assert N.all(Wc == N.array([
            -9.999959999722444e+05, 2.499999999928111e05, 2.499999999928111e05,
            2.499999999928111e05, 2.499999999928111e05

    def test_update_options(self):
        #Test that weights and covariances are updated correctly
                                    'x2': 1e-2,
                                    'x1': 1e-3
        assert N.all(self.ukf.Wm == N.array([0.0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]))
        assert N.all(self.ukf.Wc == N.array([0.0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]))
        assert N.all(self.ukf.P_v == N.array([[
            1e-3 / self.model.get_variable_nominal('x1'), 0.0
        ], [0.0, 1e-2 / self.model.get_variable_nominal('x2')]]))

    def test_get_options(self):
        assert self.options == self.ukf.get_options()
コード例 #3
def run_demo():
    #Compile model used in tests to fmu
    fmu = compile_fmu('VDP_pack.VDP',
                      get_files_path() + '/Modelica/VDP.mop',
    model = load_fmu(fmu)  #Observer model
    process = load_fmu(fmu)  #Actual process

    #Set options for UKF
    opt = UKFOptions()
    v1 = 1e-3
    v2 = 1e-3
    n1 = 0.5
    P_v = {'x1': v1, 'x2': v2}  #Covariance of process noise
    P_n = {'x1': n1}  #covariance of measurement noise
    P_0 = {'x1': 1.0, 'x2': 1.0}  #Initial state covariance
    alpha = 1.0
    beta = 2.0
    kappa = 0.0
    opt.update(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, kappa=kappa, P_0=P_0, P_v=P_v, P_n=P_n)

    #Set initial state estimate, measured variables, and sampling interval
    x1_0 = 1.0
    x2_0 = -1.0
    x_0 = {'x1': x1_0, 'x2': x2_0}
    measurements = ['x1']
    h = 0.1

    #Create a UKF object
    ukf = UKF(model, x_0, measurements, h, opt)

    #Retrieve simulation options for the process
    processOpt = process.simulate_options()
    processOpt['CVode_options']['atol'] = 1e-8
    processOpt['CVode_options']['rtol'] = 1e-6

    #Save time vectors and state values for post-processing
    t_sampled = [0.0]
    t_sim = [0.0]
    x1_process_sim = [process.get('x1_0')[-1]]
    x2_process_sim = [process.get('x2_0')[-1]]
    x1_process = [process.get('x1_0')[-1]]
    x2_process = [process.get('x2_0')[-1]]
    x1_estimate = [x1_0]
    x2_estimate = [x2_0]
    measurement_vector = [x1_0]

    #Perform simulate iteratively for T samples, and estimate.
    T = 100
    tStart = 0.0

    for i in range(0, T):
        #Make a prediction with the UKF. No input or known state values

        #Simulate process for one time-step
        simResProcess = process.simulate(start_time=tStart,
                                         final_time=tStart + h,

        #Retrieve last state value of simulation and apply
        #gaussian process noise
        x1 = simResProcess['x1'][-1] + random.gauss(0, N.sqrt(v1))
        x2 = simResProcess['x2'][-1] + random.gauss(0, N.sqrt(v2))

        #Apply measurement noise to measurement. Form measurement input
        meas = x1 + random.gauss(0, N.sqrt(n1))
        y = {'x1': meas}

        #Perform a measurement update and retrieve the estimates
        x = ukf.update(y)

        #Update the time-step
        tStart = tStart + h

        #Update post-processing vectors
        t_sampled = t_sampled + [tStart]
        t_sim = t_sim + simResProcess['time'].tolist()
        x1_process = x1_process + [x1]
        x2_process = x2_process + [x2]
        x1_process_sim = x1_process_sim + simResProcess['x1'].tolist()
        x2_process_sim = x2_process_sim + simResProcess['x2'].tolist()
        x1_estimate = x1_estimate + [x['x1']]
        x2_estimate = x2_estimate + [x['x2']]
        measurement_vector = measurement_vector + [meas]

        #Update process starting states for next iteration
        process.set('x1_0', x1)
        process.set('x2_0', x2)

    #Compute MSE
    MSEx1 = N.sum(
        ((N.array(x1_estimate) - N.array(x1_process))**2)) / len(x1_estimate)
    MSEx2 = N.sum(
        ((N.array(x2_estimate) - N.array(x2_process))**2)) / len(x2_estimate)

    print 'Mean square error x1: ' + str(MSEx1)
    print 'Mean square error x2: ' + str(MSEx2)

    #Plot simulation results
    fig1 = plt.figure(1)
    ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(211)
    ax1.set_title('UKF Estimation of the VDP-process')
    actualx1, = ax1.plot(t_sim, x1_process_sim, 'b', label='true')
    estimatex1, = ax1.plot(t_sampled, x1_estimate, 'go', label='UKF')
    measurex1, = ax1.plot(t_sampled,
    ax1.set_xlabel('time (sec)')
    ax1.set_xlim([0, h * T])
    ax1.legend([actualx1, estimatex1, measurex1],
               ["true", "UKF", "Measurement"])
    ax2 = fig1.add_subplot(212)
    ax2.plot(t_sim, x2_process_sim, 'b')
    ax2.plot(t_sampled, x2_estimate, 'go')
    ax2.set_xlim([0, h * T])
    ax2.set_xlabel('time (sec)')

    fig2 = plt.figure(2)
    ax3 = fig2.add_subplot(211)
    ax3.set_title('Estimation Errors')
    x1err = ax3.plot(t_sampled,
                     N.array(x1_estimate) - N.array(x1_process),
    ax3.set_xlabel('time (sec)')
    ax3.set_ylabel('Error x1')
    ax3.set_xlim([0, h * T])
    ax4 = fig2.add_subplot(212)
    x2err = plt.plot(t_sampled,
                     N.array(x2_estimate) - N.array(x2_process),
    ax4.set_ylabel('Error x2')
    ax4.set_xlim([0, h * T])
    ax4.set_xlabel('time (sec)')