def run(self, s1_a, s2_a, s1_w, s2_w, s1_m, s2_m, dt): """ Run the SSRO algorithm on the data from two body-segment adjacent sensors. Rotation quaternion is from the second sensor to the first sensor. Parameters ---------- s1_w : numpy.ndarray Sensor 1 angular velocity in rad/s. s2_w : numpy.ndarray Sensor 2 angular velocity in rad/s. s1_a : numpy.ndarray Sensor 1 acceleration in m/s^2. s2_a : numpy.ndarray Sensor 2 acceleration in m/s^2. s1_m : numpy.ndarray Sensor 1 magnetometer readings. s2_m : numpy.ndarray Sensor 2 magnetometer readings. dt : float, optional Sample rate in seconds. Returns ------- q : numpy.ndarray Rotation quaternion containing the rotation from sensor 2's frame to that of sensor 1's """ # initialize values self.x = zeros(10) # state vector g1_init = mean(s1_a[:self.init_window, :], axis=0) g2_init = mean(s2_a[:self.init_window, :], axis=0) self.x[:3] = g1_init / norm(g1_init) self.x[3:6] = g2_init / norm(g2_init) m1_init = mean(s1_m[:self.init_window, :], axis=0) m2_init = mean(s2_m[:self.init_window, :], axis=0) mg1_init = m1_init - sum(m1_init * self.x[0:3]) * self.x[0:3] mg2_init = m2_init - sum(m2_init * self.x[3:6]) * self.x[3:6] q_g = utility.vec2quat(self.x[3:6], self.x[:3]) q_m = utility.vec2quat(utility.quat2matrix(q_g) @ mg2_init, mg1_init) self.x[6:] = utility.quat_mult(q_m, q_g) self.P = identity(10) * 0.01 self.a1, self.a2 = zeros(3), zeros(3) self.a1_, self.a2_ = zeros(s1_w.shape), zeros(s1_w.shape) self.eps1, self.eps2 = zeros((3, 3)), zeros((3, 3)) # storage for the states self.x_ = zeros((s1_w.shape[0], 10)) # run the update step over all the data for i in range(s1_w.shape[0]): self.update(s1_a[i, :], s2_a[i, :], s1_w[i, :], s2_w[i, :], s1_m[i, :], s2_m[i, :], dt, i) self.x_[i] = self.x self.a1_[i] = self.a1 self.a2_[i] = self.a2 return self.x_
def run(self, s1_a, s2_a, s1_w, s2_w, s1_h, s2_h, dt): """ Run the filter on the data from the joint. Rotate from sensor 2 to sensor 1 Parameters ---------- s1_a : numpy.ndarray Nx3 array of accelerations from the first sensor. s2_a : numpy.ndarray Nx3 array of accelerations from the second sensor s1_w : numpy.ndarray Nx3 array of angular velocities from the first sensor. s2_w : numpy.ndarray Nx3 array of angular velocities from the second sensor. s1_h : numpy.ndarray Nx3 array of magnetometer readings from the first sensor. s2_h : numpy.ndarray Nx3 array of magnetometer readings from the second sensor. dt : float Sampling period in seconds. Returns ------- q : numpy.ndarray Nx4 array of quaternions representing the rotation from sensor 2 to sensor 1. """ # number of elements n = s1_a.shape[0] # get the mean of the first few samples of acceleration which will be used to compute an initial guess for the # gravity vector esimation. s1_a0 = mean(s1_a[:self.init_window], axis=0) s2_a0 = mean(s2_a[:self.init_window], axis=0) # get the rotation from the initial accelerations to the global gravity vector s1_q_init = utility.vec2quat(s1_a0, array([0, 0, 1])) s2_q_init = utility.vec2quat(s2_a0, array([0, 0, 1])) # setup the AHRS algorithms s1_ahrs = MadgwickAHRS(dt, q_init=s1_q_init, beta=self.s1_ahrs_beta) s2_ahrs = MadgwickAHRS(dt, q_init=s2_q_init, beta=self.s2_ahrs_beta) # run the algorithms s1_q = zeros((n, 4)) s2_q = zeros((n, 4)) for i in range(n): s1_q[i] = s1_ahrs.updateIMU(s1_w[i], s1_a[i] / self.g) s2_q[i] = s2_ahrs.updateIMU(s2_w[i], s2_a[i] / self.g) # get the gravity axis from the rotation matrices s1_z = utility.quat2matrix(s1_q)[:, 2, :] s2_z = utility.quat2matrix(s2_q)[:, 2, :] # get the magnetometer readings that are not in the direction of gravity s1_m = s1_h - sum(s1_h * s1_z, axis=1, keepdims=True) * s1_z s2_m = s2_h - sum(s2_h * s2_z, axis=1, keepdims=True) * s2_z # get the initial guess for the orientation. Used to initialize the UKF # Initial guess from aligning gravity axes q_z_init = utility.vec2quat(s2_z[0], s1_z[0]) # Initial guess from aligning non-gravity vector magnetometer readings q_m_init = utility.vec2quat( utility.quat2matrix(q_z_init) @ s2_m[0], s1_m[0]) q_init = utility.quat_mult(q_m_init, q_z_init) # Initial Kalman Filter parameters P_init = identity(4) * 0.1 # assume our initial guess is fairly good R = identity(4) # Measurement will have some error ukf = UnscentedKalmanFilter(q_init, P_init, OldSROFilter._F, OldSROFilter._H, self.Q, R) self.q_ = zeros((n, 4)) # storage for ukf output self.q_[0] = q_init # store the initial guess self.err = zeros(n) for i in range(1, n): # get the measurement guess for the orientation q_z = utility.vec2quat(s2_z[i], s1_z[i]) q_m = utility.vec2quat(utility.quat2matrix(q_z) @ s2_m[i], s1_m[i]) q = utility.quat_mult(q_m, q_z).reshape((4, 1)) # get an estimate of the measurement error, based on how dynamic the motion is err = abs(norm(s1_a[i]) - self.g) + abs(norm(s2_a[i]) - self.g) if self.error_mode == 'linear': err *= self.error_factor elif self.error_mode == 'exp' or self.error_mode == 'exponential': err = err**self.error_factor else: raise ValueError( 'error_mode must either be linear or exp (exponential)') self.err[i] = err # update the measurement noise matrix based upon this error estimate ukf.R = identity(4) * err self.q_[i] =, f_kwargs=dict(s1_w=s1_w[i], s2_w=s2_w[i], dt=dt)).flatten() self.q_[i] /= norm( self.q_[i] ) # output isn't necessarily normalized as rotation quaternions need to be if self.smooth: q = self.q_.copy() pad = 16 for i in range(pad, self.q_.shape[0] - pad): self.q_[i] = utility.quat_mean(q[i - pad:i + pad, :]) return self.q_
def update(self, y_a1, y_a2, y_w1, y_w2, y_m1, y_m2, dt, j): """ Update the state vector and covariance for the next time point. """ # short hand names for parts of the state vector g1 = self.x[:3] g2 = self.x[3:6] q_21 = self.x[6:] # compute the difference in angular velocities in the second sensor's frame R_21 = utility.quat2matrix(q_21) # rotation from sensor 2 to sensor 1 y_w1_2 = R_21.T @ y_w1 # sensor 1 angular velocity in sensor 2 frame diff_y_w = y_w2 - y_w1_2 # create the state transition matrix A = zeros((10, 10)) A[0:3, 0:3] = identity(3) - dt * SSRO._skew(y_w1) A[3:6, 3:6] = identity(3) - dt * SSRO._skew(y_w2) A[6:, 6:] = identity(4) - 0.5 * dt * SSRO._skew_quat(diff_y_w) # state transition covariance Q = zeros((10, 10)) Q[0:3, 0:3] = -dt**2 * SSRO._skew(g1) @ (self.sigma_g**2 * identity(3)) @ SSRO._skew(g1) Q[3:6, 3:6] = -dt**2 * SSRO._skew(g2) @ (self.sigma_g**2 * identity(3)) @ SSRO._skew(g2) Q[6:, 6:] = -dt**2 * SSRO._skew_quat(q_21) @ ( self.sigma_g**2 * identity(4)) @ SSRO._skew_quat(q_21) # predicted state and covariance xhat = A @ self.x Phat = A @ self.P @ A.T + Q # create the measurements zt = zeros(10) zt[0:3] = y_a1 - self.c * self.a1 zt[3:6] = y_a2 - self.c * self.a2 # quaternion measurement q_g = utility.vec2quat(g2, g1) mg1 = y_m1 - sum(y_m1 * g1) * g1 mg2 = y_m2 - sum(y_m2 * g2) * g2 q_m = utility.vec2quat(utility.quat2matrix(q_g) @ mg2, mg1) zt[6:] = utility.quat_mult(q_m, q_g) # measurement estimation matrix H = zeros((10, 10)) H[:6, :6] = identity(6) * self.grav H[6:, 6:] = identity(4) # update estimates of the acceleration variance self.eps1 += self.c**2 / self.N * outer(self.a1, self.a1) self.eps1 -= self.c**2 / self.N * outer(self.a1_[j - self.N], self.a1_[j - self.N]) self.eps2 += self.c**2 / self.N * outer(self.a2, self.a2) self.eps2 -= self.c**2 / self.N * outer(self.a2_[j - self.N], self.a2_[j - self.N]) # measurement covariance - essentially how much we trust the measurement vector M = zeros((10, 10)) M[0:3, 0:3] = self.sigma_a**2 * identity(3) + self.eps1 M[3:6, 3:6] = self.sigma_a**2 * identity(3) + self.eps2 M[6:, 6:] = identity(4) * self.err_factor * (norm(self.a1) + norm(self.a2)) # kalman gain and state estimation K = Phat @ H.T @ np_inv(H @ Phat @ H.T + M) xbar = xhat + K @ (zt - H @ xhat) # not yet normalized self.P = (identity(10) - K @ H) @ Phat # normalize the state vector self.x[0:3] = xbar[0:3] / norm(xbar[0:3]) self.x[3:6] = xbar[3:6] / norm(xbar[3:6]) self.x[6:] = xbar[6:] / norm(xbar[6:]) # acceleration values self.a1 = y_a1 - self.x[0:3] * self.grav self.a2 = y_a2 - self.x[3:6] * self.grav