def square_root_diffusion_exact(initial_val=0.05, kappa=3.0, theta=0.02, sigma=0.1, time_year=2, num_samples=10000, num_time_interval_discretization=50): x = np.zeros((num_time_interval_discretization + 1, num_samples)) x[0] = initial_val dt = time_year / num_time_interval_discretization for t in range(1, num_time_interval_discretization + 1): df = 4 * theta * kappa / sigma**2 c = (sigma**2 * (1 - np.exp(-kappa * dt))) / (4 * kappa) nc = np.exp(-kappa * dt) / c * x[t - 1] x[t] = c * npr.noncentral_chisquare(df, nc, size=num_samples) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.hist(x[-1], bins=50) plt.title("Square root diffusion Exact") plt.xlabel('value') plt.ylabel('frequency') plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.plot(x[:, :10], lw=1.5) plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel('index level') plt.title('Sample Path SRD Exact') return x
def hexbin_plot(self, var1, var2, force=False): fig_name = "{}/hexbin_{}_{}.pdf".format(self.fig_folder, var1, var2) if path.exists(fig_name) and not force: return if var1 == "customer_extra_view_choices" and var2 == "delta_position": print("Doing hexbin plot '{}' against '{}'.".format(var2, var1)) x = np.asarray([var1]) y = np.asarray([var2]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.xlim(self.range_var[var1]) plt.ylim(self.range_var[var2]) plt.xlabel(self.format_label(var1)) plt.ylabel(self.format_label(var2)) hb = ax.hexbin(x=x, y=y, gridsize=20, cmap='inferno') ax.set_facecolor('black') cb = fig.colorbar(hb, ax=ax) cb.set_label('counts') plt.savefig(fig_name) if self.display: plt.close()
def test_screenstate_1(self): from gdesk import gui from pylab import plt from pathlib import Path gui.load_layout('console') samplePath = Path(r'./samples') / 'kodim05.png') gui.img.zoom_fit() plt.plot(gui.vs.mean(2).mean(1)) plt.title('Column means of image 1') plt.xlabel('Column Number') plt.ylabel('Mean') plt.grid() / 'kodim23.png') gui.img.zoom_full() plt.figure() plt.plot(gui.vs.mean(2).mean(0)) plt.title('Row means of image 2') plt.xlabel('Row Number') plt.ylabel('Mean') plt.grid()
def plot2(self, figNum, time1, data1, time2, data2, title='', units='', options=''): plt.figure(figNum) # plt.hold(True); plt.grid(True) if title: self.title = title if not units: self.units = units # plt.cla() if self.preTitle: fig = plt.gcf() fig.canvas.set_window_title("Figure %d - %s" % (figNum, self.preTitle)) plt.title("%s" % (self.title)) plt.plot(time1, data1, options) plt.plot(time2, data2, options) plt.ylabel('(%s)' % (self.units)) plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.margins(0.04)
def CHART_Running_Annual_Vol_with_Daily_Samples_on_Specific_Time_of_Day(frequency,sampling_time,window,trading_hours_per_day): Original_DAILY_Sample=data['Price'][sampling_time-1::trading_hours_per_day] #Grabs the Hourly Data and Converts it into Daily Data based on Sampling Time of Day AND Trading Hours per Day NEW_Sample=Original_DAILY_Sample[frequency-1::frequency] #Creates New Sampling list based on sampling frequency input Returns=np.log(NEW_Sample) - np.log(NEW_Sample.shift(1)) #Calculates Returns on New Sample Running_Variance=Returns.rolling(window).var() #Calculates daily running variance based on 'window size' input Running_Annual_Vol=np.sqrt(Running_Variance)*np.sqrt(252/frequency) #Place NEW Sampled data (prices) and Running Vols in DataFrame DF=pd.DataFrame(NEW_Sample) DF['Running_Vol']=Running_Annual_Vol #Create Plot DF.Price.plot() plt.legend() #data.Price.plot() plt.ylabel('Yield (%)') DF.Running_Vol.plot(secondary_y=True, style='g',rot=90) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylabel('Running Vol') plt.title('10 Year Bund Yield vs Annualized Running Vol ') plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.8, 1)) plt.text(0.8, 3.5, "Sampling Time={}. Window Size={}. Trading Hours per Day={}".format(sampling_time, window,trading_hours_per_day)) return plt
def draw(cls, t_max, agents_proportions, eco_idx, parameters): color_set = ["green", "blue", "red"] for agent_type in range(3): plt.plot(np.arange(t_max), agents_proportions[:, agent_type], color=color_set[agent_type], linewidth=2.0, label="Type-{} agents".format(agent_type)) plt.ylim([-0.1, 1.1]) plt.xlabel("$t$") plt.ylabel("Proportion of indirect exchanges") # plt.suptitle('Direct choices proportion per type of agents', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=12) print(parameters) plt.title( "Workforce: {}, {}, {}; displacement area: {}; vision area: {}; alpha: {}; tau: {}\n" .format( parameters["x0"], parameters["x1"], parameters["x2"], parameters["movement_area"], parameters["vision_area"], parameters["alpha"], parameters["tau"] ), fontsize=12) if not path.exists("../../figures"): mkdir("../../figures") plt.savefig("../../figures/figure_{}.pdf".format(eco_idx))
def print_statistics(a1, a2, a1_type, a2_type): ''' Prints selected statistics. Parameters ========== a1, a2: ndarray objects results objects from simulation ''' sta1 = scs.describe(a1) sta2 = scs.describe(a2) print('%14s %14s %14s' % ('statistic', 'data set 1', 'data set 2')) print(45 * "-") print('%14s %14.0f %14.0f' % ('size', sta1[0], sta2[0])) print('%14s %14.3f %14.3f' % ('min', sta1[1][0], sta2[1][0])) print('%14s %14.3f %14.3f' % ('max', sta1[1][1], sta2[1][1])) print('%14s %14.3f %14.3f' % ('mean', sta1[2], sta2[2])) print('%14s %14.3f %14.3f' % ('std', np.sqrt(sta1[3]), np.sqrt(sta2[3]))) print('%14s %14.3f %14.3f' % ('skew', sta1[4], sta2[4])) print('%14s %14.3f %14.3f' % ('kurtosis', sta1[5], sta2[5])) a1_sort = np.sort(a1) a2_sort = np.sort(a2) plt.scatter(x=a1_sort, y=a2_sort, marker='.', color='darkred') plt.plot(a1_sort, a1_sort, linestyle='dashed', color='darkblue', alpha=0.4) plt.xlabel(a1_type) plt.ylabel(a2_type)
def CHART_Running_Annual_Vol_with_Hourly_Samples(frequency,window,trading_hours_per_day): Trading_Hours_in_Trading_Year=252*trading_hours_per_day #Calculates Trading Hours in a year Sample=data['Price'][frequency-1::frequency] #Creates New Sampling list based on frequency input Returns=np.log(Sample) - np.log(Sample.shift(1)) #Calculates Returns on New Sample Running_Variance=Returns.rolling(window).var() #Calculates hourly running variance based on 'window size' input Running_Annual_Vol=np.sqrt(Running_Variance)*np.sqrt(Trading_Hours_in_Trading_Year/frequency) #Place Running Vols and Time Series in DataFrame DF=pd.DataFrame(Sample) DF['Running_Vol']=Running_Annual_Vol #Create Plot DF.Price.plot() plt.legend() plt.ylabel('Yield (%)') DF.Running_Vol.plot(secondary_y=True, style='g',rot=90) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylabel('Running Vol') plt.title('10 Year Bund Yield vs Annualized Running Vol (Window Size=200)') plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.8, 1)) plt.text(0.8, 5.4, "Frequency={}. Window Size={}. Trading Hours per Day={}".format(frequency, window,trading_hours_per_day)) return plt
def plot_roc_curve(fpr, tpr, label=None): """ Plots Rceiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve from false_positive_rate(fpr), true_positive_rate(tpr) Requires imports: from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve Returns: Nothing """ from pylab import mpl, plt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np'seaborn') mpl.rcParams[''] = 'arial' np.random.seed(1000) np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4) plt.plot(fpr, tpr, linewidth=2, label=label) plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--') plt.axis([0, 1, 0, 1]) plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate') plt.ylabel('True Negatove Rate') plot_roc_curve(fpr, tpr)
def plot_precision_recall(precisions, recalls, thresholds): """ Plots precision and recall by thresholds. Requires imports: from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve, cross_val_predict Returns: Nothing """ from pylab import mpl, plt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np'seaborn') mpl.rcParams[''] = 'arial' np.random.seed(1000) np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=4) plt.plot(thresholds, precisions[:-1], 'b--', label='Precision') plt.plot(thresholds, recalls[:-1], 'g-', label='Recall') plt.xlabel('Threshold') plt.legend(loc='center left') plt.ylim([0, 1])
def lagger(): global cols, scores lag_counts = range(1, lags + 1) cols = [] scores = [] for lag in range(1, lags + 1): col = 'lag_{}'.format(lag) data[col] = np.sign(data['returns'].shift(lag)) cols.append(col) data.dropna(inplace=True) print('Iteration number: {}'.format(lag)) %time[cols], np.sign(data['returns'])) model.predict(data[cols]) data['prediction'] = model.predict(data[cols]) data['prediction'].value_counts() score = accuracy_score(data['prediction'], np.sign(data['returns'])) scores.append(score) plt.figure() plt.plot(lag_counts, scores, lw=2) plt.xlabel('# of Lags') plt.ylabel('Test Score') return scores, cols
def serve_css(name, length, keys, values): from pylab import plt, mpl mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] mpl.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties # font = FontProperties(fname="d:\Users\ll.tong\Desktop\msyh.ttf", size=12) font = FontProperties(fname="/usr/share/fonts/msyh.ttf", size=11) plt.xlabel(u'') plt.ylabel(u'出现次数',fontproperties=font) plt.title(u'词频统计',fontproperties=font) plt.grid() keys = keys.decode("utf-8").split(' ') values = values.split(' ') valuesInt = [] for value in values: valuesInt.append(int(value)) plt.xticks(range(int(length)), keys) plt.plot(range(int(length)), valuesInt) plt.xticks(rotation=defaultrotation, fontsize=9,fontproperties=font) plt.yticks(fontsize=10,fontproperties=font) name = name + str(':', '') + '.png' imgUrl = 'static/temp/' + name fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(12.2, 2) plt.savefig(imgUrl, bbox_inches='tight', figsize=(20,4), dpi=100) plt.close() tempfile = static_file(name, root='./static/temp/') #os.remove(imgUrl) return tempfile
def plot_comfort(fingers_org=range(1, 6, 1), fingers_dst=range(1, 6, 1), jumps=range(-12, 13, 1)): import seaborn from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from pylab import plt xs, ys, zs, cs = calculate_comforts(fingers_org, fingers_dst, jumps) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, c=cs) ax.set_zlabel("Interval (half steps)", fontsize=15) ax.set_zlim(jumps[0], jumps[-1]) # ax.set_zticks(jumps) plt.xticks(fingers_org) plt.xlim(fingers_org[0], fingers_org[-1]) plt.xlabel("From finger", fontsize=15) plt.yticks(fingers_dst) plt.ylim(fingers_dst[0], fingers_dst[-1]) plt.ylabel("To finger", fontsize=15) plt.title("Difficulty of finger passages", fontsize=25) plt.savefig('./figures/image.png', figsize=(16, 12), dpi=300)
def jump_diffusion(): S0 = 100.0 r = 0.05 sigma = 0.2 lamb = 0.05 mu = -0.6 delta = 0.25 rj = lamb * (math.exp(mu + 0.5 * delta**2) - 1) T = 1.0 M = 50 I = 10000 dt = T / M S = np.zeros((M + 1, I)) S[0] = S0 sn1 = npr.standard_normal((M + 1, I)) sn2 = npr.standard_normal((M + 1, I)) poi = npr.poisson(lamb * dt, (M + 1, I)) for t in range(1, M + 1, 1): S[t] = S[t - 1] * (np.exp( (r - rj - 0.5 * sigma**2) * dt + sigma * math.sqrt(dt) * sn1[t]) + (np.exp(mu + delta * sn2[t]) - 1) * poi[t]) S[t] = np.maximum(S[t], 0) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.hist(S[-1], bins=50) plt.xlabel('value') plt.ylabel('frequency') plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.plot(S[:, :100], lw=1.) plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel('index level')
def geometric_brownian_motion_option_pricing( initial_val=100, num_samples=10000, riskless_rate=0.05, volatility_sigma=0.25, time_year=2.0, num_time_interval_discretization=50): dt = time_year / num_time_interval_discretization samples = np.zeros((num_time_interval_discretization + 1, num_samples)) samples[0] = initial_val for t in range(1, num_time_interval_discretization + 1): samples[t] = samples[t - 1] * np.exp( (riskless_rate - 0.5 * (volatility_sigma**2)) * dt + volatility_sigma * np.sqrt(dt) * npr.standard_normal(num_samples)) print(45 * "=") print(samples[1]) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.hist(samples[50], bins=50) plt.title("Geometric Brownian Motion") plt.xlabel('index level') plt.ylabel('frequency') plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.plot(samples[:, :10], lw=1.5) plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel('index level') plt.title('Sample Path') return samples
def plot_zipf(*freq): ''' basic plotting using matplotlib and pylab ''' ranks, frequencies = [], [] langs, colors = [], [] langs = ["English", "German", "Finnish"] colors = ['#FF0000', '#00FF00', '#0000FF'] if bonus_part: colors.extend(['#00FFFF', '#FF00FF', '#FFFF00']) langs.extend(["English (Stemmed)", "German (Stemmed)", "Finnish (Stemmed)"]) plt.subplot(111) # 1, 1, 1 num = 6 if bonus_part else 3 for i in xrange(num): ranks.append(range(1, len(freq[i]) + 1)) frequencies.append([e[1] for e in freq[i]]) # log x and y axi, both with base 10 plt.loglog(ranks[i], frequencies[i], marker='', basex=10, color=colors[i], label=langs[i]) plt.legend() plt.grid(True) plt.title("Zipf's law!") plt.xlabel('Rank') plt.ylabel('Frequency')
def hexbin_plot(self, var1, var2): print("Doing hexbin plot '{}' against '{}'.".format(var2, var1)) x = np.asarray([var1]) y = np.asarray([var2]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.xlim(self.range_var[var1]) plt.ylim(self.range_var[var2]) plt.xlabel(self.format_label(var1)) plt.ylabel(self.format_label(var2)) hb = ax.hexbin(x=x, y=y, gridsize=20, cmap='inferno') ax.set_facecolor('black') cb = fig.colorbar(hb, ax=ax) cb.set_label('counts') plt.savefig("{}/hexbin_{}_{}.pdf".format(self.fig_folder, var1, var2)) if self.display: plt.close()
def MakePlot(x, y, styles, labels, axlabels): plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) for i in range(len(x)): plt.plot(x[i], y[i], styles[i], label=labels[i]) plt.xlabel(axlabels[0]) plt.ylabel(axlabels[1]) plt.legend(loc=0)
def draw(cls, t_max, agents_proportions, eco_idx, parameters): color_set = ["green", "blue", "red"] for agent_type in range(3): plt.plot(np.arange(t_max), agents_proportions[:, agent_type], color=color_set[agent_type], linewidth=2.0, label="Type-{} agents".format(agent_type)) plt.ylim([-0.1, 1.1]) plt.xlabel("$t$") plt.ylabel("Proportion of indirect exchanges") # plt.suptitle('Direct choices proportion per type of agents', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=12) print(parameters) plt.title( "Workforce: {}, {}, {}; displacement area: {}; vision area: {}; alpha: {}; tau: {}\n" .format(parameters["x0"], parameters["x1"], parameters["x2"], parameters["movement_area"], parameters["vision_area"], parameters["alpha"], parameters["tau"]), fontsize=12) if not path.exists("../../figures"): mkdir("../../figures") plt.savefig("../../figures/figure_{}.pdf".format(eco_idx))
def visual_results(Image_data, preds, Labels=None, Top=0): from pylab import plt pred_age_value = preds['age'] pred_gender_value = preds['gender'] pred_smile_value = preds['smile'] pred_glass_value = preds['glass'] Num = Image_data.shape[0] if Top == 0 else Top for k in xrange(Num): print k, Num plt.figure(1) plt.imshow(de_preprocess_image(Image_data[k])) title_str = 'Prediction: Age %0.1f, %s, %s, %s.' % ( pred_age_value[k], gender_list[pred_gender_value[k]], glass_list[pred_glass_value[k]], smile_list[pred_smile_value[k]]) x_label_str = 'GT: ' try: x_label_str = x_label_str + 'Age %0.1f' % Labels['age'][k] except: pass try: x_label_str = x_label_str + '%s, %s, %s' % (gender_list[int( Labels['gender'][k])], glass_list[int( Labels['glass'][k])], smile_list[int(Labels['smile'][k])]) except: pass plt.title(title_str) plt.xlabel(x_label_str)
def example_filterbank(): from pylab import plt import numpy as np x = _create_impulse(2000) gfb = GammatoneFilterbank(density=1) analyse = gfb.analyze(x) imax, slopes = gfb.estimate_max_indices_and_slopes() fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(gfb.centerfrequencies), 1) for (band, state), imx, ax in zip(analyse, imax, axs): ax.plot(np.real(band)) ax.plot(np.imag(band)) ax.plot(np.abs(band)) ax.plot(imx, 0, 'o') ax.set_yticklabels([]) [ax.set_xticklabels([]) for ax in axs[:-1]] axs[0].set_title('Impulse responses of gammatone bands') fig, ax = plt.subplots() def plotfun(x, y): ax.semilogx(x, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(y)**2)) gfb.freqz(nfft=2 * 4096, plotfun=plotfun) plt.grid(True) plt.title('Absolute spectra of gammatone bands.') plt.xlabel('Normalized Frequency (log)') plt.ylabel('Attenuation /dB(FS)') plt.axis('Tight') plt.ylim([-90, 1]) return gfb
def plot_weightings(): """Plots all weighting functions defined in :module: splweighting.""" from scipy.signal import freqz from pylab import plt, np sample_rate = 48000 num_samples = 2*4096 fig, ax = plt.subplots() for name, weight_design in sorted( _weighting_coeff_design_funsd.items()): b, a = weight_design(sample_rate) w, H = freqz(b, a, worN=num_samples) freq = w*sample_rate / (2*np.pi) ax.semilogx(freq, 20*np.log10(np.abs(H)+1e-20), label='{}-Weighting'.format(name)) plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.xlabel('Frequency / Hz') plt.ylabel('Damping / dB') plt.grid(True) plt.axis([10, 20000, -80, 5]) return fig, ax
def plot_weightings(): """Plots all weighting functions defined in :module: splweighting.""" from scipy.signal import freqz from pylab import plt, np sample_rate = 48000 num_samples = 2 * 4096 fig, ax = plt.subplots() for name, weight_design in sorted(_weighting_coeff_design_funsd.items()): b, a = weight_design(sample_rate) w, H = freqz(b, a, worN=num_samples) freq = w * sample_rate / (2 * np.pi) ax.semilogx(freq, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(H) + 1e-20), label='{}-Weighting'.format(name)) plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.xlabel('Frequency / Hz') plt.ylabel('Damping / dB') plt.grid(True) plt.axis([10, 20000, -80, 5]) return fig, ax
def square_root_diffusion_euler(): x0 = 0.25 kappa = 3.0 theta = 0.15 sigma = 0.1 I = 10000 M = 50 dt = T / M xh = np.zeros((M + 1, I)) x = np.zeros_like(xh) xh[0] = x0 x[0] = x0 for t in range(1, M + 1): xh[t] = (xh[t - 1] + kappa * (theta - np.maximum(xh[t - 1], 0)) * dt + sigma * np.sqrt(np.maximum(xh[t - 1], 0)) * math.sqrt(dt) * npr.standard_normal(I)) x = np.maximum(xh, 0) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.hist(x[-1], bins=50) plt.xlabel('value(SRT(T)') plt.ylabel('frequency') plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.plot(x[:, :100], lw=1.5) plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel('index level') return x
def plot_inv_conv(fvals, name, direc): plt.figure() plt.semilogy(fvals, 'ko-') plt.xlabel('Iterations') plt.ylabel('Cost Function') plt.savefig(os.path.join(direc, name + '.png'), dpi=300) plt.close()
def square_root_diffusion_euler(initial_val=0.05, kappa=3.0, theta=0.02, sigma=0.1, time_year=2, num_samples=10000, num_time_interval_discretization=50): dt = time_year / num_time_interval_discretization xh = np.zeros((num_time_interval_discretization + 1, num_samples)) x = np.zeros_like(xh) xh[0] = initial_val x[0] = initial_val for t in range(1, num_time_interval_discretization + 1): xh[t] = (xh[t - 1] + kappa * (theta - np.maximum(xh[t - 1], 0)) * dt + sigma * np.sqrt(np.maximum(xh[t - 1], 0)) * math.sqrt(dt) * npr.standard_normal(num_samples)) x = np.maximum(xh, 0) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.hist(x[-1], bins=50) plt.xlabel('value') plt.ylabel('frequency') plt.title('Square root diffusion Approx Euler') plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.plot(x[:, :10], lw=1.5) plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel('index level') plt.title('Sample Path SRD approx') return x
def plot_response(data, plate_name, save_folder = 'Figures/'): """ """ if not os.path.isdir(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) for block in data: # group = group_similar(data[block].keys()) names = data[block].keys() names.sort() # plt.figure(figsize=(16, 4 + len(names)/8), dpi=300) # for i, name in enumerate(names): a, b, c = get_index(group, name) color, pattern = color_shade_pattern(a, b, c, group) mean = data[block][name]['mean'][0] std = data[block][name]['std'][0] plt.barh([i], [mean], height=1.0, color=color, hatch=pattern) plt.errorbar([mean], [i+0.5], xerr=[std], ecolor = [0,0,0], linestyle = '') plt.yticks([i+0.5 for i in xrange(len(names))], names, size = 8) plt.title(plate_name) plt.ylim(0, len(names)) plt.xlabel('change') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(save_folder + 'response_' + str(block + 1)) # return None
def pure_data_plot(self,connect=False,suffix='',cmap=cm.jet,bg=cm.bone(0.3)): #fig=plt.figure() ax=plt.axes() plt.axhline(y=0,color='grey', zorder=-1) plt.axvline(x=0,color='grey', zorder=-2) if cmap is None: if connect: ax.plot(self.x,self.y, 'b-',lw=2,alpha=0.5) ax.scatter(self.x,self.y, marker='o', c='b', s=40) else: if connect: if cmap in [cm.jet,cm.brg]: ax.plot(self.x,self.y, 'c-',lw=2,alpha=0.5,zorder=-1) else: ax.plot(self.x,self.y, 'b-',lw=2,alpha=0.5) c=[cmap((f-self.f[0])/(self.f[-1]-self.f[0])) for f in self.f] #c=self.f ax.scatter(self.x, self.y, marker='o', c=c, edgecolors=c, zorder=True, s=40) #, cmap=cmap) #plt.axis('equal') ax.set_xlim(xmin=-0.2*amax(self.x), xmax=1.2*amax(self.x)) ax.set_aspect('equal') #, 'datalim') if cmap in [cm.jet,cm.brg]: ax.set_axis_bgcolor(bg) if self.ZorY == 'Z': plt.xlabel(r'resistance $R$ in Ohm'); plt.ylabel(r'reactance $X$ in Ohm') if self.ZorY == 'Y': plt.xlabel(r'conductance $G$ in Siemens'); plt.ylabel(r'susceptance $B$ in Siemens') if else: plt.savefig(join(self.sdc.plotpath,'c{}_{}_circle_data'.format(,self.ZorY)+self.sdc.suffix+self.sdc.outsuffix+suffix+'.png'), dpi=240) plt.close()
def curve_plot(self, variable, t_max): print("Doing curve plot for variable '{}'.".format(variable)) var = Variable(name=variable) if is None: self.extract_single_dimension(var, t_max=t_max) x = np.arange(t_max) mean =["mean"] std =["std"] plt.plot(x, mean, c='black', lw=2) plt.plot(x, mean + std, c='black', lw=.1) plt.plot(x, mean - std, c='black', lw=.1) plt.fill_between(x, mean + std, mean - std, color='black', alpha=.1) plt.xlabel("t") plt.ylabel(self.format_label(variable)) plt.savefig("{}/curve_plot_{}.pdf".format(self.fig_folder, variable)) if self.display: plt.close()
def example_filterbank(): from pylab import plt import numpy as np x = _create_impulse(2000) gfb = GammatoneFilterbank(density=1) analyse = gfb.analyze(x) imax, slopes = gfb.estimate_max_indices_and_slopes() fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(gfb.centerfrequencies), 1) for (band, state), imx, ax in zip(analyse, imax, axs): ax.plot(np.real(band)) ax.plot(np.imag(band)) ax.plot(np.abs(band)) ax.plot(imx, 0, 'o') ax.set_yticklabels([]) [ax.set_xticklabels([]) for ax in axs[:-1]] axs[0].set_title('Impulse responses of gammatone bands') fig, ax = plt.subplots() def plotfun(x, y): ax.semilogx(x, 20*np.log10(np.abs(y)**2)) gfb.freqz(nfft=2*4096, plotfun=plotfun) plt.grid(True) plt.title('Absolute spectra of gammatone bands.') plt.xlabel('Normalized Frequency (log)') plt.ylabel('Attenuation /dB(FS)') plt.axis('Tight') plt.ylim([-90, 1]) return gfb
def generate_start_time_figures(self): recording_time_grouped_by_patient = self.pain_data[["PatientID", "NRSTimeFromEndSurgery_mins"]].groupby("PatientID") recording_start_minutes = recording_time_grouped_by_patient.min() fig1 = "fig1.pdf" fig2 = "fig2.pdf" plt.figure(figsize=[8,4]) plt.title("Pain score recording start times", fontsize=14).set_y(1.05) plt.ylabel("Occurrences", fontsize=14) plt.xlabel("Recording Start Time (minutes)", fontsize=14) plt.hist(recording_start_minutes.values, bins=20, color="0.5") plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.tmp_directory, fig1), bbox_inches="tight") plt.figure(figsize=[8,4]) plt.title("Pain score recording start times, log scale", fontsize=14).set_y(1.05) plt.ylabel("Occurrences", fontsize=14) plt.xlabel("Recording Start Time (minutes)", fontsize=14) plt.hist(recording_start_minutes.values, bins=20, log=True, color="0.5") plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.tmp_directory, fig2), bbox_inches="tight") #save the figures in panel format f = open(os.path.join(self.tmp_directory, "tmp.tex"), 'w') f.write(r""" \documentclass[% ,float=false % this is the new default and can be left away. ,preview=true ,class=scrartcl ,fontsize=20pt ]{standalone} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \usepackage{varwidth} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[justification=centering]{caption} \usepackage{subcaption} \usepackage[caption=false,font=footnotesize]{subfig} \renewcommand{\thesubfigure}{\Alph{subfigure}} \begin{document} \begin{preview} \begin{figure}[h] \begin{subfigure}{0.5\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{""" + fig1 + r"""} \caption{Normal scale} \end{subfigure}\begin{subfigure}{0.5\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{""" + fig2 + r"""} \caption{Log scale} \end{subfigure} \end{figure} \end{preview} \end{document} """) f.close()["pdflatex", "-halt-on-error", "-output-directory", self.tmp_directory, os.path.join(self.tmp_directory, "tmp.tex")]) shutil.move(os.path.join(self.tmp_directory, "tmp.pdf"), os.path.join(self.output_directory, "pain_score_start_times.pdf"))
def plot_charts(self): print(self.final_portfolio_valuation) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.hist( self.final_portfolio_valuation, bins=100) plt.title("Final Exit Valuation complete Portfolio after {} year as Geometric Brownian Motion".format(self.max_year)) plt.xlabel('Exit Valuation') plt.ylabel('frequency');
def plot(self, new_plot=False, xlim=None, ylim=None, title=None, figsize=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, fontsize=None, show_legend=True, grid=True): """ Plot data using matplotlib library. Use show() method for matplotlib to see result or :: %pylab inline in IPython to see plot as cell output. :param bool new_plot: create or not new figure :param xlim: x-axis range :param ylim: y-axis range :type xlim: None or tuple(x_min, x_max) :type ylim: None or tuple(y_min, y_max) :param title: title :type title: None or str :param figsize: figure size :type figsize: None or tuple(weight, height) :param xlabel: x-axis name :type xlabel: None or str :param ylabel: y-axis name :type ylabel: None or str :param fontsize: font size :type fontsize: None or int :param bool show_legend: show or not labels for plots :param bool grid: show grid or not """ xlabel = self.xlabel if xlabel is None else xlabel ylabel = self.ylabel if ylabel is None else ylabel figsize = self.figsize if figsize is None else figsize fontsize = self.fontsize if fontsize is None else fontsize self.fontsize_ = fontsize self.show_legend_ = show_legend title = self.title if title is None else title xlim = self.xlim if xlim is None else xlim ylim = self.ylim if ylim is None else ylim new_plot = self.new_plot or new_plot if new_plot: plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fontsize) plt.title(title, fontsize=fontsize) plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=fontsize) plt.grid(grid) if xlim is not None: plt.xlim(xlim) if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(ylim) self._plot() if show_legend: plt.legend(loc='best', scatterpoints=1)
def create_plot(x, y, styles, labels, axlabels): plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.scatter(x[0], y[0]) plt.scatter(x[1], y[1]) plt.xlabel(axlabels[0]) plt.ylabel(axlabels[1]) plt.legend(loc=0)
def convert_all_to_png(vis_path, out_dir="maps_png", size=None): units = { 'gas_density': 'Gas Density [g/cm$^3$]', 'Tm': 'Temperature [K]', 'Tew': 'Temperature [K]', 'S': 'Entropy []', 'dm': 'DM Density [g/cm$^3$]', 'v': 'Velocity [km/s]' } log_list = ['gas_density'] for vis_file in os.listdir(vis_path): if ".dat" not in vis_file: continue print "converting %s" % vis_file map_type ='sigma_(.*)_[xyz]', vis_file).group(1) (image, pixel_size, axis_values) = read_visualization_data(vis_path + "/" + vis_file, size) print "image width in Mpc/h: ", axis_values[-1] * 2.0 x, y = np.meshgrid(axis_values, axis_values) cmap_max = image.max() cmap_min = image.min() ''' plotting ''' plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4)) if map_type in log_list: plt.pcolor(x, y, image, norm=LogNorm(vmax=cmap_max, vmin=cmap_min)) else: plt.pcolor(x, y, image, vmax=cmap_max, vmin=cmap_min) cbar = plt.colorbar() if map_type in units.keys():[map_type]) plt.axis( [axis_values[0], axis_values[-1], axis_values[0], axis_values[-1]]) del image plt.xlabel(r"$Mpc/h$", fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(r"$Mpc/h$", fontsize=18) out_file = vis_file.replace("dat", "png") plt.savefig(out_dir + "/" + out_file, dpi=150) plt.close() plt.clf()
def plot_treward(agent): ''' Function to plot the total reward per training eposiode. ''' plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) x = range(1, len(agent.averages) + 1) y = np.polyval(np.polyfit(x, agent.averages, deg=3), x) plt.plot(x, agent.averages, label='moving average') plt.plot(x, y, 'r--', label='regression') plt.xlabel('episodes') plt.ylabel('total reward') plt.legend()
def plot2piFft(self, func, Fs, L): ''' Fs is the sampling freq. L is length of signal list. This plot is for a func that has period of 2pi. If you found the time domain wave is not very accurate, that is because you set too small Fs, which leads to to big step Ts. ''' base_freq = 1.0/(2*np.pi) #频域横坐标除以基频,即以基频为单位,此处的基频为 2*pi rad/s Ts = 1.0/Fs t = [el*Ts for el in range(0,L)] x = [func(el) for el in t] # # 小明给的代码: # sampleF = Fs # print('小明:') # for f, Y in zip( # np.arange(0, len(x)*sampleF,1) * 1/len(x) * sampleF, # np.log10(np.abs(np.fft.fft(x) / len(x))) # ): # print('\t', f, Y) L_4pi = int(4*np.pi / Ts) +1 # 画前两个周期的 self.fig_plot2piFft = plt.figure(7) plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(t[:L_4pi], x[:L_4pi]) #title('Signal in Time Domain') #xlabel('Time / s') #ylabel('x(t)') plt.title('Winding Function') plt.xlabel('Angular location along air gap [mech. rad.]') plt.ylabel('Current Linkage by unit current [Ampere]') NFFT = 2**nextpow2(L) print('NFFT =', NFFT, '= 2^%g' % (nextpow2(L)), '>= L =', L) y = fft(x,NFFT) # y is a COMPLEX defined in numpy Y = [2 * el.__abs__() / L for el in y] # /L for spectrum aplitude consistent with actual signal. 2* for single-sided. abs for amplitude. f = Fs/2.0/base_freq*linspace(0,1,int(NFFT/2+1)) # unit is base_freq Hz #f = Fs/2.0*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1) # unit is Hz plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(f, Y[0:int(NFFT/2+1)]) plt.title('Single-Sided Amplitude Spectrum of x(t)') plt.xlabel('Frequency divided by base_freq [base freq * Hz]') #plt.ylabel('|Y(f)|') plt.ylabel('Amplitude [1]') plt.xlim([0,50])
def compute_bsm_logNormal_options(current_val=100.0, riskless_rate=0.05, volatility_sigma=0.25, time_year=2.0, num_samples=10000): val_at_T = current_val * npr.lognormal((riskless_rate - 0.5 * (volatility_sigma ** 2)) * time_year, \ volatility_sigma * math.sqrt(time_year), size=num_samples) plt.hist(val_at_T, bins=50) plt.xlabel('Index Value') plt.ylabel('Frequency') print(val_at_T) return val_at_T
def plot_smoothed_alpha_comparison(self,rmsval,suffix=''): plt.plot(self.f,self.alpha,'ko',label='data set') plt.plot(self.f,self.salpha,'c-',lw=2,label='smoothed angle $\phi$') plt.xlabel('frequency in Hz') plt.ylabel('angle $\phi$ in coordinates of circle') plt.legend() ylims=plt.axes().get_ylim() plt.yticks((arange(9)-4)*0.5*pi, ['$-2\pi$','$-3\pi/2$','$-\pi$','$-\pi/2$','$0$','$\pi/2$','$\pi$','$3\pi/2$','$2\pi$']) plt.ylim(ylims) plt.title('RMS offset from smooth curve: {:.4f}'.format(rmsval)) if else: plt.savefig(join(self.sdc.plotpath,'salpha','c{}_salpha_on_{}_circle'.format(,self.ZorY)+self.sdc.suffix+self.sdc.outsuffix+suffix+'.png'), dpi=240) plt.close()
def convert_all_to_png(vis_path, out_dir = "maps_png", size = None) : units = { 'gas_density' : 'Gas Density [g/cm$^3$]', 'Tm' : 'Temperature [K]', 'Tew' : 'Temperature [K]', 'S' : 'Entropy []', 'dm' : 'DM Density [g/cm$^3$]', 'v' : 'Velocity [km/s]' } log_list = ['gas_density'] for vis_file in os.listdir(vis_path) : if ".dat" not in vis_file : continue print "converting %s" % vis_file map_type ='sigma_(.*)_[xyz]', vis_file).group(1) (image, pixel_size, axis_values) = read_visualization_data(vis_path+"/"+vis_file, size) print "image width in Mpc/h: ", axis_values[-1]*2.0 x, y = np.meshgrid( axis_values, axis_values ) cmap_max = image.max() cmap_min = image.min() ''' plotting ''' plt.figure(figsize=(5,4)) if map_type in log_list: plt.pcolor(x,y,image, norm=LogNorm(vmax=cmap_max, vmin=cmap_min)) else : plt.pcolor(x,y,image, vmax=cmap_max, vmin=cmap_min) cbar = plt.colorbar() if map_type in units.keys() :[map_type]) plt.axis([axis_values[0], axis_values[-1],axis_values[0], axis_values[-1]]) del image plt.xlabel(r"$Mpc/h$", fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(r"$Mpc/h$", fontsize=18) out_file = vis_file.replace("dat", "png") plt.savefig(out_dir+"/"+out_file, dpi=150 ) plt.close() plt.clf()
def plot_fault_framework(fault_framework): fm = fault_framework plt.plot(fm.Y_PC, fm.DEP, '-o') plt.axis('equal') plt.axhline(0, color='black') plt.gca().set_yticks(fm.DEP) plt.gca().set_xticks(fm.Y_PC) plt.grid('on') plt.xlabel('From trench to continent(km)') plt.ylabel('depth (km)') for xi, yi, dip in zip(fm.Y_PC, fm.DEP, fm.DIP_D): plt.text(xi, yi, 'dip = %.1f'%dip) plt.gca().invert_yaxis()
def plot_overview(self,suffix=''): x=self.x; y=self.y; r=self.radius; cx,, ax=plt.axes() plt.scatter(x,y, marker='o', c='b', s=40) plt.axhline(y=0,color='grey', zorder=-1) plt.axvline(x=0,color='grey', zorder=-2) t=linspace(0,2*pi,201) circx=r*cos(t) + cx circy=r*sin(t) + cy plt.plot(circx,circy,'g-') plt.plot([cx],[cy],'gx',ms=12) if self.ZorY == 'Z': philist,flist=[self.phi_a,self.phi_p,self.phi_n],[self.fa,self.fp,self.fn] elif self.ZorY == 'Y': philist,flist=[self.phi_m,self.phi_s,self.phi_r],[,self.fs,] for p,f in zip(philist,flist): if f is not None: xpos=cx+r*cos(p); ypos=cy+r*sin(p); xos=0.2*(xpos-cx); yos=0.2*(ypos-cy) plt.plot([0,xpos],[0,ypos],'co-') ax.annotate('{:.3f} Hz'.format(f), xy=(xpos,ypos), xycoords='data', xytext=(xpos+xos,ypos+yos), textcoords='data', #textcoords='offset points', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", shrinkA=0, shrinkB=10) ) #plt.xlim(0,0.16) #plt.ylim(-0.1,0.1) plt.axis('equal') if self.ZorY == 'Z': plt.xlabel(r'resistance $R$ in Ohm'); plt.ylabel(r'reactance $X$ in Ohm') if self.ZorY == 'Y': plt.xlabel(r'conductance $G$ in Siemens'); plt.ylabel(r'susceptance $B$ in Siemens') plt.title("fitting the admittance circle with Powell's method") tx1='best fit (fmin_powell):\n' tx1+='center at G+iB = {:.5f} + i*{:.8f}\n'.format(cx,cy) tx1+='radius = {:.5f}; '.format(r) tx1+='residue: {:.2e}'.format(self.resid) txt1=plt.text(-r,cy-1.1*r,tx1,fontsize=8,ha='left',va='top') txt1.set_bbox(dict(facecolor='gray', alpha=0.25)) idxlist=self.to_be_annotated('triple') ofs=self.annotation_offsets(idxlist,factor=0.1,xshift=0.15) for i,j in enumerate(idxlist): xpos,ypos = x[j],y[j]; xos,yos = ofs[i].real,ofs[i].imag ax.annotate('{:.1f} Hz'.format(self.f[j]), xy=(xpos,ypos), xycoords='data', xytext=(xpos+xos,ypos+yos), textcoords='data', #textcoords='offset points', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", shrinkA=0, shrinkB=10) ) if else: plt.savefig(join(self.sdc.plotpath,'c{}_fitted_{}_circle'.format(,self.ZorY)+suffix+'.png'), dpi=240) plt.close()
def update_img((expected, output)): plt.cla() plt.ylim((vmin, vmin+vmax)) plt.xlim((vmin, vmin+vmax)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.plot([vmin, vmin+vmax], [vmin, vmin+vmax]) ax.grid(True) plt.xlabel("expected output") plt.ylabel("network output") plt.legend() expected = expected*vmax + vmin output = output*vmax + vmin #scat.set_offsets((expected, output)) scat = ax.scatter(expected, output) return scat
def test_dep(self): xf = arange(0, 425) deps = plt.plot(xf,deps) plt.gca().set_yticks( plt.gca().set_xticks( plt.grid('on') plt.title('Ground x versus depth') plt.xlabel('Ground X (km)') plt.ylabel('depth (km)') plt.axis('equal') plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.savefig(join(self.outs_dir, '~Y_PC_vs_deps.png')) plt.close()
def plot_baseline(data, plate_name, save_folder = r'Figures/'): """ """ colors = ((0.2, 0.2, 0.2), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), (0.3, 0.3, 0.3)) names = data.keys() names.sort() fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,3)) for index, name in enumerate(names): for value in data[name]['original_data']: plot_color = colors[index % len(colors)] if abs(value - data[name]['mean'][0]) > data[name]['std'][0] * 2.0: axs.plot([value], [index], 'ko', markerfacecolor = [1,1,1]) else: axs.plot([value], [index], 'ko', color = plot_color) axs.plot([data[name]['mean'][0] for _ in xrange(2)], [index-0.25, index+0.25], 'k-') axs.plot([data[name]['mean'][0] - data[name]['std'][0] for _ in xrange(2)], [index-0.25, index+0.25], 'k--') axs.plot([data[name]['mean'][0] + data[name]['std'][0] for _ in xrange(2)], [index-0.25, index+0.25], 'k--') plt.yticks([i for i in xrange(len(names))], names, size = 10) plt.title(plate_name) plt.ylim(-0.5,len(names)-0.5) plt.xlabel('Fluorescent intensity') plt.tight_layout() save_filename = save_folder + 'baseline_average' pdf = PdfPages(save_filename.split('.')[0] + '.pdf') pdf.savefig(fig) pdf.close() plt.savefig(save_filename) # return None
def start_plot(self,w=1.3,connect=False): self.fig=plt.figure() plt.axhline(y=0,color='grey', zorder=-1) plt.axvline(x=0,color='grey', zorder=-2) self.plot_data(connect=connect) #plt.axis('equal')'equal', 'datalim') if is not None: cx,,; r=self.radius[cx-w*r,cx+w*r,cy-w*r,cy+w*r]) else: xmx=amax(self.x); ymn,ymx=amin(self.y),amax(self.y) cx=0.5*xmx; cy=0.5*(ymn+ymx); r=0.5*(ymx-ymn)[cx-w*r,cx+w*r,cy-w*r,cy+w*r]) if self.ZorY == 'Z': plt.xlabel(r'resistance $R$ in Ohm'); plt.ylabel(r'reactance $X$ in Ohm') if self.ZorY == 'Y': plt.xlabel(r'conductance $G$ in Siemens'); plt.ylabel(r'susceptance $B$ in Siemens')
def _plot_base(dep, val, deplim_small, xlim_small, xlabel): plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.plot(val, dep) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.grid('on') plt.ylabel('depth/km') plt.xlabel(xlabel) locs, labels = plt.xticks() plt.setp(labels, rotation=-45) plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.plot(val, dep) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.grid('on') plt.ylim(deplim_small) plt.xlim(xlim_small) plt.xlabel(xlabel) locs, labels = plt.xticks() plt.setp(labels, rotation=-45)
def plotter(mode,Bc,Tc,Q): col = ['#000080','#0000FF','#4169E1','#6495ED','#00BFFF','#B0E0E6'] plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111) for p in range(Bc.shape[1]): plt.plot(Tc[:,p],Bc[:,p],'-',color=str(col[p])) plt.xlabel('Tc [TW]') plt.ylabel('Bc normalised to total EU load') plt.title(str(mode)+' flow') # Shrink current axis by 25% to make room for legend box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.75, box.height]) plt.legend(\ ([str(Q[i]*100) for i in range(len(Q))]),\ loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5),title='Quantiles') plt.savefig('figures/bctc_'+str(mode)+'.eps')
def freqz(sosmat, nsamples=44100, sample_rate=44100, plot=True): """Plots Frequency response of sosmat.""" from pylab import np, plt, fft, fftfreq x = np.zeros(nsamples) x[nsamples/2] = 0.999 y, states = sosfilter_double_c(x, sosmat) Y = fft(y) f = fftfreq(len(x), 1.0/sample_rate) if plot: plt.grid(True) plt.axis([0, sample_rate / 2, -100, 5]) L = 20*np.log10(np.abs(Y[:len(x)/2]) + 1e-17) plt.semilogx(f[:len(x)/2], L, lw=0.5) plt.hold(True) plt.title('freqz sos filter') plt.xlabel('Frequency / Hz') plt.ylabel('Damping /dB(FS)') plt.xlim((10, sample_rate/2)) plt.hold(False) return x, y, f, Y
def plotLive(combine_Type, combine_Name, lat_Name, long_Name, massFlow_Name, filename): data = pd.read_csv(filename) if combine_Type != 0: comb_df = data[data[combine_Name] == combine_Type] lat_df = comb_df[lat_Name] lon_df = comb_df[long_Name] y = comb_df[massFlow_Name] else: lat_df = data[lat_Name] lon_df = data[long_Name] y = data[massFlow_Name] e,n = convertToUTM(lat_df, lon_df) def makeFig(): plt.plot(x,y) plt.ylabel('Easting') plt.xlabel('Northing') plt.ion() # enable interactivity plt.grid() fig = plt.figure() # make a figure x=list() y=list() for i in arange(len(n)): x.append(n[i]) y.append(e[i]) i+=1 drawnow(makeFig)
def plot_L_curve(files, nlin_pars = ['log10_He_','log10_visM_','rake'], nlin_pars_ylabels = [r'$log_{10}(He)$', r'$log_{10}(visM)$', 'rake'], ): nreses = collect_from_result_files(files, 'residual_norm_weighted') nroughs = collect_from_result_files(files, 'roughening_norm') num_subplots = 1 + len(nlin_pars) x1 = amin(nreses) x2 = amax(nreses) dx = x2 - x1 xlim = (x1-dx*0.02, x2+dx*0.2) xticks = range(int(x1), int(x2),5) plt.subplot(num_subplots,1,1) plt.loglog(nreses, nroughs,'o-') plt.xlim(xlim) plt.gca().set_xticks(xticks) plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) plt.ylabel('roughening') plt.xlabel('Residual Norm') plt.grid('on') nth = 2 for par, par_label in zip(nlin_pars, nlin_pars_ylabels): y = collect_from_result_files(files, par) plt.subplot(num_subplots,1,nth) plt.semilogx(nreses, y,'o-') plt.xlim(xlim) plt.gca().set_xticks(xticks) plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) plt.ylabel(par_label) plt.xlabel('Residual Norm') plt.grid('on') nth += 1
############################################################################### pv = [] Fv = [] # For each frequency bin, estimate the stats t_init = time() for i in range(covmats.shape[3]): p_test = PermutationDistance(1000, metric='riemann', mode='pairwise') p, F = p_test.test(covmats[:, :, :, i], labels, verbose=False) pv.append(p) Fv.append(F[0]) duration = time() - t_init # plot result fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=[6, 3], sharey=True) sig = 0.05 axes.plot(fr, Fv, lw=2, c='k') plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.ylabel('Score') a = np.where(np.diff(np.array(pv) < sig))[0] a = a.reshape(int(len(a)/2), 2) st = (fr[1]-fr[0])/2.0 for p in a: axes.axvspan(fr[p[0]]-st, fr[p[1]]+st, facecolor='g', alpha=0.5) axes.legend(['Score', 'p<%.2f' % sig]) axes.set_title('Pairwise distance - %.1f sec.' % duration) sns.despine() plt.tight_layout()
import h5py from pylab import plt def collect_results(outs_files, key): outs = [] for file in outs_files: with h5py.File(file, 'r') as fid: out = fid[key][...] outs.append(out) return outs files = sorted(glob.glob('../outs/ano_??.h5')) nrough1 = collect_results(files, 'regularization/roughening/norm') nres1 = collect_results(files, 'misfit/norm_weighted') files = sorted(glob.glob('../../run0/outs/ano_??.h5')) nrough0 = collect_results(files, 'regularization/roughening/norm') nres0 = collect_results(files, 'misfit/norm_weighted') plt.loglog(nres0, nrough0, '.', label='Result0') plt.loglog(nres1, nrough1, '.', label='Result1') plt.grid('on') plt.xlabel('norm of weighted residual') plt.ylabel('norm of solution roughness') plt.xlim([.7,5]) plt.legend() plt.savefig('compare_misfit.png')
label=r'vel ($yr^{-1}$)') #ax2.set_xlim([0,10]) ax2.set_ylabel(r'$yr^{-1}$') #ax2.set_ylim([-1e-6, 2e-6]) ax2.legend(loc=0) ax2.set_position(pos2) align_yaxis(ax1, 0, ax2, 0) plt.title('%s - %s'%(site, cmpt)) plt.savefig('%s_%s.png'%(site, cmpt)) plt.xlabel('year') plt.grid('on') ########### plt.close()
Fv = [] # For each frequency bin, estimate the stats t_init = time() for t in time_bins: covmats = covest.fit_transform(epochs_data[:, ::1, t:(t+window)]) p_test = PermutationDistance(1000, metric='riemann', mode='pairwise') p, F = p_test.test(covmats, labels, verbose=False) pv.append(p) Fv.append(F[0]) duration = time() - t_init # plot result fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=[6, 3], sharey=True) sig = 0.05 times = np.array(time_bins)/float(Fs) + tmin axes.plot(times, Fv, lw=2, c='k') plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') plt.ylabel('Score') a = np.where(np.diff(np.array(pv) < sig))[0] a = a.reshape(int(len(a)/2), 2) st = (times[1] - times[0])/2.0 for p in a: axes.axvspan(times[p[0]]-st, times[p[1]]+st, facecolor='g', alpha=0.5) axes.legend(['Score', 'p<%.2f' % sig]) axes.set_title('Pairwise distance - %.1f sec.' % duration) sns.despine() plt.tight_layout()
import numpy as np from pylab import plt import h5py from epochs import epochs def read_inland_rms_from_files(files): rms = [] for file in files: with h5py.File(file) as fid: rms.append(fid['misfit/rms_inland'][...]) return np.asarray(rms) nrough = 10 files = sorted(glob.glob('../outs/epoch_????_rough_%02d.h5'%nrough)) rms = read_inland_rms_from_files(files) plt.plot(epochs, rms*100., 'o-', label='RMS (afterslip only model)') with open('rms_deconv.pkl','rb') as fid: t,y = pickle.load(fid) plt.plot(t, np.asarray(y)*100., 'o-', label='RMS (afterslip + viscoelastic relax.)') plt.xlabel('days after the mainshock') plt.ylabel('RMS misfit (cm)') plt.grid('on') plt.title('Slip only RMS misfit') plt.legend(loc=0) plt.savefig('rms_static_vs_deconv.png')
Hes = [] for f in files: nth_epochs = int(f.split('_')[-5]) print(nth_epochs) reader = vj.inv.ResultFileReader(f) log_vis = reader.get_nlin_par_solved_value('log10(visM)') log_He = reader.get_nlin_par_solved_value('log10(He)') vis = 10**log_vis He = 10**log_He vises.append(vis) Hes.append(He) max_time = [max(epochs) for epochs in epochs_list] ax1 = plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(max_time, vises, 'x-') plt.grid('on') plt.ylabel(r'viscosity $(Pa \cdot s)$') plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.subplot(212, sharex=ax1) plt.plot(max_time, Hes, '^-') plt.ylabel(r'He (km)') plt.grid('on') plt.xlabel('days of data used') plt.savefig('diff_days_span.png')
def get_linear_model_histogramDouble(code, ptype='f', dtype='d', start=None, end=None, vtype='close', filter='n', df=None): # 399001','cyb':'zs399006','zxb':'zs399005 # code = '999999' # code = '601608' # code = '000002' # asset = ts.get_hist_data(code)['close'].sort_index(ascending=True) # df = tdd.get_tdx_Exp_day_to_df(code, 'f').sort_index(ascending=True) # vtype='close' # if vtype == 'close' or vtype=='' # ptype= if start is not None and filter == 'y': if code not in ['999999', '399006', '399001']: index_d, dl = tdd.get_duration_Index_date(dt=start) log.debug("index_d:%s dl:%s" % (str(index_d), dl)) else: index_d = cct.day8_to_day10(start) log.debug("index_d:%s" % (index_d)) start = tdd.get_duration_price_date(code, ptype='low', dt=index_d) log.debug("start:%s" % (start)) if df is None: # df = tdd.get_tdx_append_now_df(code, ptype, start, end).sort_index(ascending=True) df = tdd.get_tdx_append_now_df_api(code, ptype, start, end).sort_index(ascending=True) if not dtype == 'd': df = tdd.get_tdx_stock_period_to_type(df, dtype).sort_index(ascending=True) asset = df[vtype]"df:%s" % asset[:1]) asset = asset.dropna() dates = asset.index if not code.startswith('999') or not code.startswith('399'): if code[:1] in ['5', '6', '9']: code2 = '999999' elif code[:1] in ['3']: code2 = '399006' else: code2 = '399001' df1 = tdd.get_tdx_append_now_df_api(code2, ptype, start, end).sort_index(ascending=True) # df1 = tdd.get_tdx_append_now_df(code2, ptype, start, end).sort_index(ascending=True) if not dtype == 'd': df1 = tdd.get_tdx_stock_period_to_type(df1, dtype).sort_index(ascending=True) asset1 = df1.loc[asset.index, vtype] startv = asset1[:1] # asset_v=asset[:1] # print startv,asset_v asset1 = asset1.apply(lambda x: round(x / asset1[:1], 2)) # print asset1[:4] # 画出价格随时间变化的图像 # _, ax = plt.subplots() # fig = plt.figure() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10)) # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi=72) # fig.autofmt_xdate() #(no fact) # plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, right=0.8, top=0.9) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, bottom=0.08, right=0.95, top=0.95, wspace=0.15, hspace=0.25) # set (gca,'Position',[0,0,512,512]) # fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 10.5) # fig=plt.fig(figsize=(14,8)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(321) # asset=asset.apply(lambda x:round( x/asset[:1],2)) ax1.plot(asset) # ax1.plot(asset1,'-r', linewidth=2) ticks = ax1.get_xticks() # start, end = ax1.get_xlim() # print start, end, len(asset) # print ticks, ticks[:-1] # (ticks[:-1] if len(asset) > end else np.append(ticks[:-1], len(asset) - 1)) ax1.set_xticklabels([dates[i] for i in (np.append(ticks[:-1], len(asset) - 1))], rotation=15) # Label x-axis with dates # 拟合 X = np.arange(len(asset)) x = sm.add_constant(X) model = regression.linear_model.OLS(asset, x).fit() a = model.params[0] b = model.params[1] #"a:%s b:%s" % (a, b))"X:%s a:%s b:%s" % (len(asset), a, b)) Y_hat = X * b + a # 真实值-拟合值,差值最大最小作为价值波动区间 # 向下平移 i = (asset.values.T - Y_hat).argmin() c_low = X[i] * b + a - asset.values[i] Y_hatlow = X * b + a - c_low # 向上平移 i = (asset.values.T - Y_hat).argmax() c_high = X[i] * b + a - asset.values[i] Y_hathigh = X * b + a - c_high plt.plot(X, Y_hat, 'k', alpha=0.9); plt.plot(X, Y_hatlow, 'r', alpha=0.9); plt.plot(X, Y_hathigh, 'r', alpha=0.9); # plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel('Price', fontsize=12) plt.title(code + " | " + str(dates[-1])[:11], fontsize=14) plt.legend([asset.iat[-1]], fontsize=12, loc=4) plt.grid(True) # plt.legend([code]); # plt.legend([code, 'Value center line', 'Value interval line']); # fig=plt.fig() # fig.figsize = [14,8] scale = 1.1 zp = zoompan.ZoomPan() figZoom = zp.zoom_factory(ax1, base_scale=scale) figPan = zp.pan_factory(ax1) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(323) # ax2.plot(asset) # ticks = ax2.get_xticks() ax2.set_xticklabels([dates[i] for i in (np.append(ticks[:-1], len(asset) - 1))], rotation=15) # plt.plot(X, Y_hat, 'k', alpha=0.9) n = 5 d = (-c_high + c_low) / n c = c_high while c <= c_low: Y = X * b + a - c plt.plot(X, Y, 'r', alpha=0.9); c = c + d # asset=asset.apply(lambda x:round(x/asset[:1],2)) ax2.plot(asset) # ax2.plot(asset1,'-r', linewidth=2) # plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel('Price', fontsize=12) plt.grid(True) # plt.title(code, fontsize=14) # plt.legend([code]) # 将Y-Y_hat股价偏离中枢线的距离单画出一张图显示,对其边界线之间的区域进行均分,大于0的区间为高估,小于0的区间为低估,0为价值中枢线。 ax3 = fig.add_subplot(322) # distance = (asset.values.T - Y_hat) distance = (asset.values.T - Y_hat)[0] if code.startswith('999') or code.startswith('399'): ax3.plot(asset) plt.plot(distance) ticks = ax3.get_xticks() ax3.set_xticklabels([dates[i] for i in (np.append(ticks[:-1], len(asset) - 1))], rotation=15) n = 5 d = (-c_high + c_low) / n c = c_high while c <= c_low: Y = X * b + a - c plt.plot(X, Y - Y_hat, 'r', alpha=0.9); c = c + d ax3.plot(asset) # plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel('Price-center price', fontsize=14) plt.grid(True) else: as3 = asset.apply(lambda x: round(x / asset[:1], 2)) ax3.plot(as3) ax3.plot(asset1, '-r', linewidth=2) plt.grid(True) zp3 = zoompan.ZoomPan() figZoom = zp3.zoom_factory(ax3, base_scale=scale) figPan = zp3.pan_factory(ax3) # plt.title(code, fontsize=14) # plt.legend([code]) # 统计出每个区域内各股价的频数,得到直方图,为了更精细的显示各个区域的频数,这里将整个边界区间分成100份。 ax4 = fig.add_subplot(325)"assert:len:%s %s" % (len(asset.values.T - Y_hat), (asset.values.T - Y_hat)[0])) # distance = map(lambda x:int(x),(asset.values.T - Y_hat)/Y_hat*100) # now_distanse=int((asset.iat[-1]-Y_hat[-1])/Y_hat[-1]*100) # log.debug("dis:%s now:%s"%(distance[:2],now_distanse)) # log.debug("now_distanse:%s"%now_distanse) distance = (asset.values.T - Y_hat) now_distanse = asset.iat[-1] - Y_hat[-1] # distance = (asset.values.T-Y_hat)[0] pd.Series(distance).plot(kind='hist', stacked=True, bins=100) # plt.plot((asset.iat[-1].T-Y_hat),'b',alpha=0.9) plt.axvline(now_distanse, hold=None, label="1", color='red') # plt.axhline(now_distanse,hold=None,label="1",color='red') # plt.axvline(asset.iat[0],hold=None,label="1",color='red',linestyle="--") plt.xlabel('Undervalue ------------------------------------------> Overvalue', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel('Frequency', fontsize=14) # plt.title('Undervalue & Overvalue Statistical Chart', fontsize=14) plt.legend([code, asset.iat[-1], str(dates[-1])[5:11]], fontsize=12) plt.grid(True) # # import os # print(os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)) ax5 = fig.add_subplot(326) # fig.figsize=(5, 10)"assert:len:%s %s" % (len(asset.values.T - Y_hat), (asset.values.T - Y_hat)[0])) # distance = map(lambda x:int(x),(asset.values.T - Y_hat)/Y_hat*100) distance = (asset.values.T - Y_hat) / Y_hat * 100 now_distanse = ((asset.iat[-1] - Y_hat[-1]) / Y_hat[-1] * 100) log.debug("dis:%s now:%s" % (distance[:2], now_distanse)) log.debug("now_distanse:%s" % now_distanse) # n, bins = np.histogram(distance, 50) # print n, bins[:2] pd.Series(distance).plot(kind='hist', stacked=True, bins=100) # plt.plot((asset.iat[-1].T-Y_hat),'b',alpha=0.9) plt.axvline(now_distanse, hold=None, label="1", color='red') # plt.axhline(now_distanse,hold=None,label="1",color='red') # plt.axvline(asset.iat[0],hold=None,label="1",color='red',linestyle="--") plt.xlabel('Undervalue ------------------------------------------> Overvalue', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('Frequency', fontsize=12) # plt.title('Undervalue & Overvalue Statistical Chart', fontsize=14) plt.legend([code, asset.iat[-1]], fontsize=12) plt.grid(True) ax6 = fig.add_subplot(324) h = df.loc[:, ['open', 'close', 'high', 'low']] highp = h['high'].values lowp = h['low'].values openp = h['open'].values closep = h['close'].values lr = LinearRegression() x = np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(0, len(closep), len(closep))).T, closep) LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, n_jobs=1, normalize=False) xt = np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(0, len(closep) + 200, len(closep) + 200)).T yt = lr.predict(xt) bV = [] bP = [] for i in range(1, len(highp) - 1): if highp[i] <= highp[i - 1] and highp[i] < highp[i + 1] and lowp[i] <= lowp[i - 1] and lowp[i] < lowp[i + 1]: bV.append(lowp[i]) bP.append(i) d, p = LIS(bV) idx = [] for i in range(len(p)): idx.append(bP[p[i]]) lr = LinearRegression() X = np.atleast_2d(np.array(idx)).T Y = np.array(d), Y) estV = lr.predict(xt) ax6.plot(closep, linewidth=2) ax6.plot(idx, d, 'ko') ax6.plot(xt, estV, '-r', linewidth=3) ax6.plot(xt, yt, '-g', linewidth=3) plt.grid(True) # plt.tight_layout() zp2 = zoompan.ZoomPan() figZoom = zp2.zoom_factory(ax6, base_scale=scale) figPan = zp2.pan_factory(ax6) # plt.ion()
plt.xlim(xlim) plt.gca().set_xticks(xticks) plt.grid('on') plt.ylabel('log10(visM/(Pa.s))') plt.subplot(412) plt.semilogx(nreses, Hes,'o') plt.xlim(xlim) plt.gca().set_xticks(xticks) plt.grid('on') plt.ylabel('He/km') plt.subplot(413) plt.semilogx(nreses, rakes,'o') plt.xlim(xlim) plt.gca().set_xticks(xticks) plt.ylabel('rake') plt.grid('on') plt.subplot(414) vj.plot_L(nreses, nroughs) plt.xlim(xlim) plt.gca().set_xticks(xticks) plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) plt.ylabel('roughening') plt.xlabel('Residual Norm') plt.grid('on') plt.savefig('plots/nlin_par_curve.png')