def plot_missing_data(): d = open("attr_counter") profile_counter = pickle.load(d) attr_counter = pickle.load(d) missing = {} for key in attr_counter: missing[key] = float(2985414 - attr_counter[key]) / 2985414 from collections import OrderedDict from pylab import arange ordered_missing = OrderedDict(sorted(missing.items(), key=lambda k: k[1])), sorted(missing.values())) plt.xticks(arange(len(missing)) + 0.4, ordered_missing.keys(), rotation="vertical") plt.plot(missing) plt.savefig("missing_data.png") profile_missing = {} for i in profile_counter.keys(): profile_missing[16 - i] = profile_counter[i], profile_missing.values()) plt.xticks(arange(len(profile_missing)) + 0.4, profile_missing.keys()) m_dump = open("missing_data1") p_dump = open("person_missing_data1") missing_data = pickle.load(m_dump) person_missing_data = pickle.load(p_dump)
def DirectSearch(Range1, Range2, f, N=10.0, tol=.00001, output=False): PrevBest = None for i in range(100): if output: print Range1, Range2 Width1 = Range1[1] - Range1[0] xs = m.arange(Range1[0], Range1[1] + Width1/N, Width1 / N) Width2 = Range2[1] - Range2[0] ys = m.arange(Range2[0], Range2[1] + Width2/N, Width2 / N) if abs(Width1) < tol or abs(Width2) < tol: return PrevBest Best, BestVal = (xs[0], ys[0]), f(xs[0], ys[0]) for x in xs: for y in ys: val = f(x,y) if val < BestVal: BestVal = val Best = (x, y) if Best == PrevBest or PrevBest!=None and abs(Best[0]-PrevBest[0])+abs(Best[1]-PrevBest[1])<.000001: Range1 = (Best[0] - Width1 / 4, Best[0] + Width1 / 4) Range2 = (Best[1] - Width2 / 4, Best[1] + Width2 / 4) else: Range1 = (Best[0] - Width1 / 2, Best[0] + Width1 / 2) Range2 = (Best[1] - Width2 / 2, Best[1] + Width2 / 2) PrevBest = Best if output: print BestVal, Best return Best
def plot_multiple_roc(rocList,title='',labels=None, include_baseline=False, equal_aspect=True): """ Plots multiple ROC curves on the same chart. Parameters: rocList: the list of ROCData objects title: The tile of the chart labels: The labels of each ROC curve include_baseline: if it's True include the random baseline equal_aspect: keep equal aspect for all roc curves """ pylab.clf() pylab.ylim((0,1)) pylab.xlim((0,1)) pylab.xticks(pylab.arange(0,1.1,.1)) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(0,1.1,.1)) pylab.grid(True) if equal_aspect: cax = pylab.gca() cax.set_aspect('equal') pylab.xlabel("1 - Specificity") pylab.ylabel("Sensitivity") pylab.title(title) if not labels: labels = [ '' for x in rocList] _remove_duplicate_styles(rocList) for ix, r in enumerate(rocList): pylab.plot([x[0] for x in r.derived_points], [y[1] for y in r.derived_points], r.linestyle, linewidth=1, label=labels[ix]) if include_baseline: pylab.plot([0.0,1.0], [0.0, 1.0], 'k-', label= 'random') if labels: pylab.legend(loc='lower right')
def InvokeMap(coastfile='/media/sda4/map-data/aust-coast-noaa-2000000-1.dat', lllon=80, urlon=166, lllat=-47, urlat=-9, draw_map=True): global PYLIB_PATH map = Basemap(projection='cyl', llcrnrlon=lllon, urcrnrlon=urlon, llcrnrlat=lllat, urcrnrlat=urlat, #lat_ts=-35, lat_0=-35, lon_0=120, resolution='l', area_thresh=1000.) try: coast = p.load(coastfile) coast = p.load(coastfile) coast_x,coast_y = map(coast[:,0],coast[:,1]) p.plot(coast_x,coast_y,color='black') except IOError: map.drawcoastlines() map.drawmapboundary() map.drawmeridians(p.arange(0,360,10),labels=[0,0,1,0]) map.drawparallels(p.arange(-90,0,10),labels=[1,0,0,0]) return map
def plot(self,title='',include_baseline=False,equal_aspect=True): """ Method that generates a plot of the ROC curve Parameters: title: Title of the chart include_baseline: Add the baseline plot line if it's True equal_aspect: Aspects to be equal for all plot """ pylab.clf() pylab.plot([x[0] for x in self.derived_points], [y[1] for y in self.derived_points], self.linestyle) if include_baseline: pylab.plot([0.0,1.0], [0.0,1.0],'k-.') pylab.ylim((0,1)) pylab.xlim((0,1)) pylab.xticks(pylab.arange(0,1.1,.1)) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(0,1.1,.1)) pylab.grid(True) if equal_aspect: cax = pylab.gca() cax.set_aspect('equal') pylab.xlabel('1 - Specificity') pylab.ylabel('Sensitivity') pylab.title(title)
def get_minmax(data, deg=2): """ returns the interpolated extremum and position (in fractions of frames) :args: data (iterable): data to be fitted with a <deg> degree polynomial deg (int): degree of polynomial to fit :returns: val, pos: a tuple of floats indicating the position """ x = arange(len(data)) p = polyfit(x, data, deg) d = (arange(len(p))[::-1] * p)[:-1] r = roots(d) cnt = 0 idx = None for nr, rx in enumerate(r): if isreal(r): idx = nr cnt +=1 if cnt > 1: raise ValueError("Too many real roots found." + "Reduce order of polynomial!") x0 = r[nr].real return x0, polyval(p, x0)
def fBM_nd(dims, H, return_mat = False, use_eig_ev = True): """ creates fractional Brownian motion parameters: dims is a tuple of the shape of the sample path (nxd); H: Hurst exponent this is the slow version of fBM. It might, however, be more precise than fBM, however - sometimes, the matrix square root has a problem, which might induce inaccuracy use_eig_ev: use eigenvalue decomposition for matrix square root computation (faster) """ n = dims[0] d = dims[1] Gamma = zeros((n,n)) print ('building ...\n') for t in arange(n): for s in arange(n): Gamma[t,s] = .5*((s+1)**(2.*H) + (t+1)**(2.*H) - abs(t-s)**(2.*H)) print('rooting ...\n') if use_eig_ev: ev,ew = eig(Gamma.real) Sigma = dot(ew, dot(diag(sqrt(ev)),ew.T) ) else: Sigma = sqrtm(Gamma) if return_mat: return Sigma v = randn(n,d) return dot(Sigma,v)
def updateColorTable(self, cItem): print "now viz!"+str(cItem.row())+","+str(cItem.column()) row = cItem.row() col = cItem.column() pl.clf() #pl.ion() x = pl.arange(self.dataDimen+1) y = pl.arange(self.dataDimen+1) X, Y = pl.meshgrid(x, y) pl.subplot(1,2,1) pl.pcolor(X, Y, self.mWx[row*self.dataMaxRange+col]) pl.gca().set_aspect('equal') pl.colorbar() pl.gray() pl.title("user 1") pl.subplot(1,2,2) pl.pcolor(X, Y, self.mWy[row*self.dataMaxRange+col]) pl.gca().set_aspect('equal') pl.colorbar() pl.gray() pl.title("user 2") #pl.tight_layout() pl.draw()
def makecoords(expr, BL,UR,gridspacing=.1): from pylab import arange, array X=arange(BL[0],UR[0],gridspacing) Y=arange(BL[1],UR[1],gridspacing) fn=deriv(expr) Z=array([[fn(x=x,y=y) for x in X] for y in Y]) return X,Y,Z
def surface(self) : x = pl.arange(-self.dimension[0],self.dimension[0]+1e-8,self.dimension[0]/5) y = pl.arange(-self.dimension[1],self.dimension[1]+1e-8,self.dimension[1]/5) xx,yy = pl.meshgrid(x,y) zz = 1/self.placement.orientation[2]*(,self.placement.location)-self.placement.orientation[0]*xx-self.placement.orientation[1]*yy) return [xx,yy,zz]
def visualize_labeled_z(): x_batch, label_batch = sample_x_and_label_from_data_distribution(len(dataset), sequential=True) z_batch = gen(x_batch, test=True) z_batch = # if z_batch[0].shape[0] != 2: # raise Exception("Latent code vector dimension must be 2.") fig = pylab.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(20.0, 16.0) pylab.clf() colors = ["#2103c8", "#0e960e", "#e40402","#05aaa8","#ac02ab","#aba808","#151515","#94a169", "#bec9cd", "#6a6551"] for n in xrange(z_batch.shape[0]): result = pylab.scatter(z_batch[n, 0], z_batch[n, 1], c=colors[label_batch[n]], s=40, marker="o", edgecolors='none') classes = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"] recs = [] for i in range(0, len(colors)): recs.append(mpatches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=colors[i])) ax = pylab.subplot(111) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) ax.legend(recs, classes, loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 0.5)) pylab.xticks(pylab.arange(-4, 5)) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(-4, 5)) pylab.xlabel("z1") pylab.ylabel("z2") pylab.savefig("%s/labeled_z.png" % args.visualization_dir)
def length_stats_chart(path, prefixes, sortby=1): stats = [] for prefix in prefixes: med, m,s = length_stats(prefix) stats.append((prefix,med,m,s)) stats.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(sortby)) prefixes, med_list, mean_list, std_list = zip(*stats) blockSize = 8 ind = p.arange(0, blockSize*len(prefixes), blockSize) # y location for groups height = 3 # bar height p3 = p.barh(ind, std_list, 2 * height, color = 'b', linewidth = 0) p2 = p.barh(ind, med_list, height, color = 'g', linewidth = 0) p1 = p.barh(ind+height, mean_list, height, color = 'r', linewidth = 0) p.ylim(-height, len(prefixes) * blockSize) yfontprop = FontProperties(size=4) xfontprop = FontProperties(size='smaller') p.xlabel('Unicode Codepoints') p.ylabel('Language Code') p.title('Descriptive Statistics for Document Lengths') p.gca().yaxis.tick_left() p.yticks(ind+height, prefixes, fontproperties = yfontprop) xmin, xmax = p.xlim() p.xticks( p.arange(xmin,xmax,1000),fontproperties = xfontprop) p.gca().xaxis.grid(linestyle = '-', linewidth=0.15) p.legend((p1[0], p2[0], p3[0]), ('Mean','Median','Standard Deviation'), prop = xfontprop, loc = 'lower right' ) p.savefig(path, dpi=300) p.close() p.clf()
def redshift(): """ Evolution with redshift of matter power spectrum """ zs = M.arange(0.,5.,2.) for z in zs: print z c = pt.Camb(hubble = 70., ombh2 = 0.05*(0.7)**2, omch2 = 0.25*(0.7)**2,transfer_redshift = [z]) ps = pt.PowerSpectrum(c.cp) c.kextend(-10,60) #To ensure accurate sigma(r) -- if it doesn't, a warning will ensue pt.normalizePk(c,0.8*ps.d1(z)/ps.d1(0.)) #sigma_8 at redshift z #Sheth-Tormen h = halo.HaloModel(c,st_big_a = 0., st_little_a=0.707, stq = 0.3, k = 10**M.arange(-2,2.01,0.2),massdivsperdex=5) h.pmm = halo.getHaloPknl(c,h) M.loglog(h.k, h.pmm, label='z='+str(z)) M.loglog(h.k,,'k:',label='linear') cp_halofit = c.cp cp_halofit['do_nonlinear'] = 1 # Halofit (Smith et al) fit chalofit = pt.Camb(cambParam=cp_halofit) wheretoplot = N.where(chalofit.k > 1e-2)[0] M.loglog(chalofit.k[wheretoplot[::10]],[wheretoplot[::10]],'--',label='halofit') M.legend()
def _pvoc(self, X_hat, Phi_hat=None, R=None): """ :: a phase vocoder - time-stretch inputs: X_hat - estimate of signal magnitude [Phi_hat] - estimate of signal phase [R] - resynthesis hop ratio output: updates self.X_hat with modified complex spectrum """ N = self.nfft W = self.wfft H = self.nhop R = 1.0 if R is None else R dphi = (2*P.pi * H * P.arange(N/2+1)) / N print "Phase Vocoder Resynthesis...", N, W, H, R A = P.angle(self.STFT) if Phi_hat is None else Phi_hat phs = A[:,0] self.X_hat = [] n_cols = X_hat.shape[1] t = 0 while P.floor(t) < n_cols: tf = t - P.floor(t) idx = P.arange(2)+int(P.floor(t)) idx[1] = n_cols-1 if t >= n_cols-1 else idx[1] Xh = X_hat[:,idx] Xh = (1-tf)*Xh[:,0] + tf*Xh[:,1] self.X_hat.append(Xh*P.exp( 1j * phs)) U = A[:,idx[1]] - A[:,idx[0]] - dphi U = U -*P.pi))*2*P.pi phs += (U + dphi) t += P.randn()*P.sqrt(PVOC_VAR*R) + R # 10% variance self.X_hat =
def _pvoc2(self, X_hat, Phi_hat=None, R=None): """ :: alternate (batch) implementation of phase vocoder - time-stretch inputs: X_hat - estimate of signal magnitude [Phi_hat] - estimate of signal phase [R] - resynthesis hop ratio output: updates self.X_hat with modified complex spectrum """ N, W, H = self.nfft, self.wfft, self.nhop R = 1.0 if R is None else R dphi = P.atleast_2d((2*P.pi * H * P.arange(N/2+1)) / N).T print "Phase Vocoder Resynthesis...", N, W, H, R A = P.angle(self.STFT) if Phi_hat is None else Phi_hat U = P.diff(A,1) - dphi U = U -*P.pi))*2*P.pi t = P.arange(0,n_cols,R) tf = t - P.floor(t) phs = P.c_[A[:,0], U] phs += U[:,idx[1]] + dphi # Problem, what is idx ? Xh = (1-tf)*Xh[:-1] + tf*Xh[1:] Xh *= P.exp( 1j * phs) self.X_hat = Xh
def makeGridPlots( histos, filename, ext="png" ) : # old code : doesnt owrk nplot = len( histos.keys() ) sh = sqrt( nplot ) fl = floor( sh ) ce = ceil( sh ) if sh - fl > 0.5 : fl = ce f = r2m.RootFile(filename) hists = [ f.get(hist) for hist in sorted(histos.keys()) ] opts = [ histos[key] for key in sorted(histos.keys()) ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=[ce*(sml_plot_size[0]+fl),fl*(sml_plot_size[1]+fl)]) #fig.subplots_adjust(left=1, right=2, top=2, bottom=1) ax_list = [] for h, (hist,opt) in enumerate(zip(hists,opts)) : ax_list.append( fig.add_subplot(ce, fl, h )) ax_list[-1].set_xlabel( hist.xlabel ) ax_list[-1].set_ylabel( hist.ylabel ) xmin, xmax = hist.xedges[0], hist.xedges[-1] ymin, ymax = hist.yedges[0], hist.yedges[-1] plt.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]) hist.contour( levels=opt["contours"], colors = opt["colors"], linewidths=2 ) hist.colz() plt.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]) plt.clim(opt["zrange"][0],opt["zrange"][1]) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(ymin, ymax, opt["yticks"])) pylab.xticks(pylab.arange(xmin, xmax, opt["xticks"])) ax_list[-1].set_title( opt["title"] ) plt.savefig( grid_name( filename ) + ".%s" % ext )
def _make_log_freq_map(self): """ :: For the given ncoef (bands-per-octave) and nfft, calculate the center frequencies and bandwidths of linear and log-scaled frequency axes for a constant-Q transform. """ fp = self.feature_params bpo = float(self.nbpo) # Bands per octave self._fftN = float(self.nfft) hi_edge = float( self.hi ) lo_edge = float( self.lo ) f_ratio = 2.0**( 1.0 / bpo ) # Constant-Q bandwidth self._cqtN = float( P.floor(P.log(hi_edge/lo_edge)/P.log(f_ratio)) ) self._dctN = self._cqtN self._outN = float(self.nfft/2+1) if self._cqtN<1: print "warning: cqtN not positive definite" mxnorm = P.empty(self._cqtN) # Normalization coefficients fftfrqs = self._fftfrqs #P.array([i * self.sample_rate / float(self._fftN) for i in P.arange(self._outN)]) logfrqs=P.array([lo_edge * P.exp(P.log(2.0)*i/bpo) for i in P.arange(self._cqtN)]) logfbws=P.array([max(logfrqs[i] * (f_ratio - 1.0), self.sample_rate / float(self._fftN)) for i in P.arange(self._cqtN)]) #self._fftfrqs = fftfrqs self._logfrqs = logfrqs self._logfbws = logfbws self._make_cqt()
def initialise_axes(axes,hists,options,filename=None): # hists is a list with potentially only one element # try: hists[0] # except:TypeError , hists=[hists] xmins = [ hist.xedges[0] for hist in hists ] ymins = [ hist.yedges[0] for hist in hists ] xmaxs = [ hist.xedges[-1] for hist in hists ] ymaxs = [ hist.yedges[-1] for hist in hists ] xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = min(xmins), min(xmaxs), min(ymins), max(ymaxs) axes.set_xlabel( hists[0].xlabel ) axes.set_ylabel( hists[0].ylabel ) plt.axis( [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] ) if options.get("xlog") : axes.set_xscale('log') if options.get("ylog") : axes.set_yscale('log') if options.get('yticks') : pylab.yticks(pylab.arange( ymin, ymax*1.001, options["yticks"] ) ) if options.get('xticks') : pylab.xticks(pylab.arange( xmin, xmax*1.001, options["xticks"] ) ) if options.get('title') : if filename: # axes.set_title( file_dict.get(filename,{}).get('title')) title=file_dict.get(filename,{}).get('title') plt.text(0.5, 1.05, title, ha='center', fontsize=30,transform=axes.transAxes)
def observation_locns(spacestep,estimation_field_width,Delta_s): '''Define the center of sensors along x and y Atguments: ---------- spacestep: the spatial step in the simulated field observedwidthfield: the width of the observed field Delta_s: distance between sensors in mm Returns ------- observation_locns_mm: the observation location along x or y directions in mm''' steps_in_field = (2*estimation_field_width)/spacestep + 1; inv_spacestep = 1./spacestep; Nspacestep_in_observed_field = inv_spacestep*estimation_field_width+1 observation_offest = estimation_field_width/2; # mm observation_offset_units = observation_offest / spacestep -1; field_space=pb.arange(-estimation_field_width,estimation_field_width+spacestep,spacestep) spatial_location_num=(len(field_space))**2 Delta_s_units = Delta_s/spacestep nonsymmetric_obs_location_units = pb.arange(1,Nspacestep_in_observed_field,Delta_s_units) offset = ((Nspacestep_in_observed_field - nonsymmetric_obs_location_units[-1])/2.) symmetricobslocation_units = nonsymmetric_obs_location_units + offset + observation_offset_units observation_locs_mm = symmetricobslocation_units*spacestep - estimation_field_width return observation_locs_mm
def plot2d(self,key1='a',key2='b',scale1=0.1,scale2=0.1): """ under development plot the least_squared around the minimum assuming a quadratic approximation given by the hessian """ import pylab key1,key2=key2,key1 keys=self.last_variables.keys() keys.sort() nv=len(self.last_variables) for k in range(len(keys)): if keys[k]==key1: i,vi=k, self.last_variables[key1] if keys[k]==key2: j,vj=k, self.last_variables[key2] ax=pylab.arange(vi*(1.0-10*scale1),vi*(1.0+12*scale1),vi*scale1)[:21] ay=pylab.arange(vj*(1.0-10*scale2),vj*(1.0+12*scale2),vj*scale2)[:21] dv=[0.0]*nv z=[[0 for ik in ax] for jk in ay] i0=0 for x in ax: j0=0 for y in ay: dv[i],dv[j]=x-vi,y-vj least_squares=0.0 for ik in range(nv): for jk in range(nv): least_squares+=0.5*dv[ik]*dv[jk]*self.last_hessian[ik][jk] z[i0][j0]=least_squares-self.last_least_squares j0+=1 i0+=1 pylab.contour(z,extent=(min(ay),max(ay),min(ax),max(ax)))
def figurepoimsimple_small(poim, l, start, savefile, show): R = poim py.figure(figsize=(14, 12)) motivelen = int(np.log(len(poim)) / np.log(4)) ylabel = [] for i in range(int(math.pow(4, motivelen))): label = [] index = i for j in range(motivelen): label.append(index % 4) index = int(index / 4) label.reverse() ylabel.append(veclisttodna(label)) py.pcolor(R[:, start:start + l]) cb=py.colorbar() for t in t.set_fontsize(40) diff = int((l / 5)) - 1 x_places = py.arange(0.5, l, diff) xa = np.arange(start, start + l, diff) diff = int((l / 4)) x_places = py.arange(0.5, l , diff) xa = np.arange(start + 1, start + 1 + l, diff) py.xlabel("Position", fontsize=46) py.ylabel("Motif", fontsize=46) py.yticks(np.arange(math.pow(4, motivelen)) + 0.5, (ylabel),fontsize=40) py.xticks(x_places, (xa.tolist()),fontsize=40) if savefile != "": py.savefig(savefile) print "the poim should show up here" if show:
def plot_multiple_roc(rocList,title='',labels=None, include_baseline=False, equal_aspect=True,plot_average =True): pylab.figure() pylab.clf() pylab.ylim((0,1)) pylab.xlim((0,1)) pylab.xticks(pylab.arange(0,1.1,.1)) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(0,1.1,.1)) pylab.grid(True) if equal_aspect: cax = pylab.gca() cax.set_aspect('equal') pylab.xlabel("1 - Specificity") pylab.ylabel("Sensitivity") pylab.title(title) if not labels: labels = [ '' for x in rocList] _remove_duplicate_styles(rocList) for ix, r in enumerate(rocList): pylab.plot([x[0] for x in r.derived_points], [y[1] for y in r.derived_points], r.linestyle, linewidth=1, label=labels[ix]) if include_baseline: pylab.plot([0.0,1.0], [0.0, 1.0], 'k-', label= 'random') if labels: pylab.legend(loc='lower right') if plot_average: stepsize=.1 av = multiple_roc_average(rocList,binstep=stepsize) x=np.arange(stepsize/2,1,stepsize) pylab.plot(x,[np.average(a) for a in av])
def adjuster(file_name, threshold=0.9): record = collections.OrderedDict() total = 0 for data in open(file_name).readlines(): curr = data.strip().split('\t') record[curr[0]] = int(curr[1]) total += int(curr[1]) curr_count = 0 curr_list = list() ratio_list = list() for item in record.items(): curr_count += item[1] curr_list.append(item[0]) ratio_list.append(curr_count / float(total)) if curr_count / float(total) >= threshold: break x = pylab.arange(1, len(ratio_list) + 1, 1) plt.plot(x, ratio_list) dx = 1 dy = diff(ratio_list) / dx print len(dy) print len(x) x = pylab.arange(1, len(ratio_list), 1) plt.plot(x, dy) print dy return curr_list
def test_expert_model_level_value(): d = data.ModelData() ages=pl.arange(101) # create model with no priors vars = {} vars.update(age_pattern.age_pattern('test', ages, knots=pl.arange(0,101,5), smoothing=.01)) vars.update(expert_prior_model.level_constraints('test', {}, vars['mu_age'], ages)) # fit model m = mc.MCMC(vars) m.sample(3) # create model with expert priors parameters = {} parameters['level_value'] = dict(value=.1, age_below=15, age_above=95) parameters['level_bound'] = dict(upper=.01, lower=.001) vars = {} vars.update(age_pattern.age_pattern('test', ages, knots=pl.arange(0,101,5), smoothing=.01)) vars.update(expert_prior_model.level_constraints('test', parameters, vars['mu_age'], ages)) # fit model m = mc.MCMC(vars) m.sample(3)
def drawROC(points,zeTitle,zeFilename,visible,show_fig,save_fig=True, special_point=None,special_value=None,special_label=None): AUC=computeAUC(points) import pylab pylab.clf() pylab.grid(color='#aaaaaa', linestyle='-', linewidth=1,alpha=0.5) pylab.plot([x[0] for x in points], [y[1] for y in points], '-', linewidth=3,color="#000088",zorder=3) pylab.fill_between([x[0] for x in points], [y[1] for y in points],0,color='0.9') pylab.plot([0.0,1.0], [0.0, 1.0], '-',color="#AAAAAA") pylab.ylim((-0.01,1.01)) pylab.xlim((-0.01,1.01)) pylab.xticks(pylab.arange(0,1.1,.1)) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(0,1.1,.1)) pylab.grid(True) ax=pylab.gca() r = pylab.Rectangle((0,0), 1, 1, edgecolor='#444444', facecolor='none',zorder=1) ax.add_patch(r) [spine.set_visible(False) for spine in ax.spines.values()] if len(points)<10: for i in range(1,len(points)-1): pylab.plot(points[i][0],points[i][1],'o',color="#000066",zorder=6) pylab.xlabel('False positive rate') pylab.ylabel('True positive rate') if special_point is not None: pylab.plot(special_point[0],special_point[1],'o',color="#DD9999",zorder=6) if special_value is not None: pylab.text(special_point[0]+0.01,special_point[1]-0.01, special_value, {'color' : '#DD5555', 'fontsize' : 10}, horizontalalignment = 'left', verticalalignment = 'top', rotation = 0, clip_on = False) if special_label is not None: if special_label!="": labels=[special_label] colors=['#DD9999'] circles=[pylab.Circle((0, 0), 1, fc=colors[0])] legend_location = 'lower right' pylab.legend(circles, labels, loc=legend_location) pylab.text(0.5, 0.3,'AUC=%f'%AUC, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=18) pylab.title(zeTitle) if save_fig: pylab.savefig(zeFilename,dpi=300) print("\n result in "+zeFilename) if show_fig:
def multi_plot_search_on_eval_metrics(roc_search_em, score_thresholds, labels, metrics, line_styles, query_id='Query'): import pylab pylab.clf() pylab.xlim((0, 1)) pylab.xticks(pylab.arange(0,1.1,.1)) pylab.ylim((-0.5, 1)) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(0,1.1,.1)) pylab.grid(True) pylab.xlabel('Score Thresholds') for iix, score_key in enumerate(metrics): for ix, eval_dict in enumerate(roc_search_em): pylab.plot(score_thresholds, eval_dict[score_key], linewidth=2, label=labels[ix] + '(%s)' % score_key, color=METRIC_COLORS[ix], linestyle=line_styles[iix]) pylab.ylabel(' '.join(METRICS_DICT[score_key] for score_key in metrics)) pylab.title(' '.join(METRICS_DICT[score_key] for score_key in metrics)) if labels: pylab.legend(loc='lower left', prop={'size':9}) eval_file_name = '%s_%s.png' % (query_id, '_'.join(METRICS_DICT[score_key] for score_key in metrics)) pylab.savefig(eval_file_name, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1) print 'Saved figure: ', eval_file_name print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
def plotcp(nelem, chord, thick, u): # Geometry xnode = geomwing(nelem, chord, thick) TEat1 = 1 dt = 1.0 # Boundary conditions chisrf = bcondvel(xnode, u) # Integral equation solution B, C = srfmatbc(xnode) phisrf = solvephi(B, C, chisrf) cpoint = collocation(xnode) # Pressure figure spl = subplot(111) spl.set_aspect("equal", "box") plotgeom(xnode) # Pressure calculation and plotting U = u.reshape((1, 2)) cp = calccp(xnode, TEat1, dt, U, phisrf, chisrf) cl = calchalfcl(xnode, TEat1, dt, U, phisrf, chisrf) print cl plot(cpoint[: nelem / 2 + 1, 0], cp[: nelem / 2 + 1, 0]) title(r"Stationary pressure coefficient, $c_L = %9.3f$" % cl[0]) ylabel(r"$c_p$", size=18) xlabel(r"$x/c$", size=18) xticks(arange(-0.2, 1.3, 0.2)) yticks(arange(-0.8, 1.3, 0.2))
def bars(data, figname, fig = None): if fig == None: P.ioff() fig = P.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) save = True else: ax = fig fig = ax.get_figure() save = False ind = P.arange(len(data[0][0])) # the x locations for the groups width = 0.20 # the width of the bars #colors = ['r','b','g','y'] bar_groups = [ ind+width*i, grp[0], width,color=colors[i],\ yerr=grp[1], ecolor='k')\ for i,grp in enumerate(data)] barsLegend = tuple([grp[0] for grp in bar_groups]) etiquetas = [str(i) for i in ctoa_list] P.legend( barsLegend, ctoa_list, shadow=True) #ax.set_title('Incremento de RT frente a CTD en distintos CTOAS', font, fontsize=12) #ax.set_xlabel('CTD distance (cm)', font) #ax.set_ylabel('RT increment (ms)', font) ax.set_xticks(ind+width) ax.set_xticklabels( ctd_names[:-1] ) ax.set_yticks(P.arange(-50,50,5)) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position("bottom") ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("left") ax.set_xlim(-width,len(ind)) ax.set_ylim(-60,60) if save == True: fig.savefig(figname+'bar'+graphext,dpi=dpi) P.close(fig)
def fresnelConvolutionTransform(self,d) : # make intensity distribution i2 = Intensity2D(self.nx,self.startx,self.endx, self.ny,self.starty,self.endy, self.wl) # FT on inital distribution u1ft = pl.fft2(self.i) # 2d convolution kernel k = 2*pl.pi/i2.wl # make spatial frequency matrix maxsfx = 2*pl.pi/self.dx maxsfy = 2*pl.pi/self.dy dsfx = 2*maxsfx/(self.nx) dsfy = 2*maxsfy/(self.ny) self.sfx = pl.arange(-maxsfx/2,maxsfx/2+1e-15,dsfx/2) self.sfy = pl.arange(-maxsfy/2,maxsfy/2+1e-15,dsfy/2) [self.sfxgrid, self.sfygrid] = pl.fftshift(pl.meshgrid(self.sfx,self.sfy)) # make convolution kernel kern = pl.exp(1j*d*(self.sfxgrid**2+self.sfygrid**2)/(2*k)) # apply convolution kernel and invert i2.i = pl.ifft2(kern*u1ft) return i2
def main(): # Create the grid x = arange(-100, 101) y = arange(-100, 101) # Create the meshgrid Y, X = meshgrid(x, y) A = 1 B = 2 V = 6*pi / 201 W = 4*pi / 201 F = A*sin(V*X) + B*cos(W*Y) Fx = V*A*cos(V*X) Fy = W*B*-sin(W*Y) # Show the images show_image(F) show_image(Fx) show_image(Fy) # Create the grid for the quivers xs = arange(-100, 101, 10) ys = arange(-100, 101, 10) # Here we determine the direction of the quivers Ys, Xs = meshgrid(ys, xs) FFx = V*A*cos(V*Xs) FFy = W*B*-sin(W*Ys) # Draw the quivers and the image clf() imshow(F, cmap=cm.gray, extent=(-100, 100, -100, 100)) quiver(ys, xs, -FFy, FFx, color='red') show()
def show_iq(self, out, pr, q=None): """ Display computed I(q) """ qtemp = pr.x if q is not None: qtemp = q # Make a plot maxq = -1 for q_i in qtemp: if q_i > maxq: maxq = q_i minq = 0.001 # Check for user min/max if pr.q_min is not None: minq = pr.q_min if pr.q_max is not None: maxq = pr.q_max x = pylab.arange(minq, maxq, maxq / 301.0) y = np.zeros(len(x)) err = np.zeros(len(x)) for i in range(len(x)): value =, x[i]) y[i] = value try: err[i] = math.sqrt(math.fabs(value)) except: err[i] = 1.0 print("Error getting error", value, x[i]) new_plot = Data1D(x, y) new_plot.symbol = GUIFRAME_ID.CURVE_SYMBOL_NUM = IQ_FIT_LABEL new_plot.xaxis("\\rm{Q}", 'A^{-1}') new_plot.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity} ", "cm^{-1}") title = "I(q)" new_plot.title = title # If we have a group ID, use it if 'plot_group_id' in new_plot.group_id =["plot_group_id"] = IQ_FIT_LABEL self.parent.update_theory(data_id=self.data_id, theory=new_plot) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title=title)) # If we have used slit smearing, plot the smeared I(q) too if pr.slit_width > 0 or pr.slit_height > 0: x = pylab.arange(minq, maxq, maxq / 301.0) y = np.zeros(len(x)) err = np.zeros(len(x)) for i in range(len(x)): value = pr.iq_smeared(out, x[i]) y[i] = value try: err[i] = math.sqrt(math.fabs(value)) except: err[i] = 1.0 print("Error getting error", value, x[i]) new_plot = Data1D(x, y) new_plot.symbol = GUIFRAME_ID.CURVE_SYMBOL_NUM = IQ_SMEARED_LABEL new_plot.xaxis("\\rm{Q}", 'A^{-1}') new_plot.yaxis("\\rm{Intensity} ", "cm^{-1}") # If we have a group ID, use it if 'plot_group_id' in new_plot.group_id =["plot_group_id"] = IQ_SMEARED_LABEL new_plot.title = title self.parent.update_theory(data_id=self.data_id, theory=new_plot) wx.PostEvent(self.parent, NewPlotEvent(plot=new_plot, title=title))
""" Demonstrates the"reshape with non-integer intevals" and the optimization of the reshape interval by minimizing the standard deviation of the overlap. """ import pylab as p from segment_psp_trace import segment, optimize_segment if __name__ == '__main__': data ="traces/spiketrace_1.npz")["arr_0"][:2400000] dt = 1. p.figure() m = lambda interval: p.sum(p.var(segment(data, dt, interval), axis=0)) shift_values = p.arange(3841, 3842, .01) p.plot(shift_values, map(m, shift_values), 'x') r = optimize_segment(data, 1., 3840) print r p.figure() seg = segment(data, 1., r) print len(seg) mean = p.mean(seg, axis=0) std = p.std(seg, axis=0) dt = 1. time = p.arange(len(std)) * dt p.plot(time, mean, "r-") p.fill_between(time, mean - std, mean + std, alpha=.2)
m = Basemap(resolution='c', projection='sinu', lon_0=0) ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.7]) # make a filled contour plot. x, y = m(lons, lats) CS = m.contour(x, y, hgt, 15, linewidths=0.5, colors='k') CS = m.contourf(x, y, hgt, 15, cmap=cm.jet) l, b, w, h = ax.get_position() cax = axes([l + w + 0.075, b, 0.05, h]) # setup colorbar axes colorbar(drawedges=True, cax=cax) # draw colorbar axes(ax) # make the original axes current again # draw coastlines and political boundaries. m.drawcoastlines() m.drawmapboundary() m.fillcontinents() # draw parallels and meridians. parallels = arange(-60., 90, 30.) m.drawparallels(parallels, labels=[1, 0, 0, 0]) meridians = arange(-360., 360., 30.) m.drawmeridians(meridians) title('Sinusoidal Filled Contour Demo') print 'plotting with sinusoidal basemap ...' # create new figure fig = figure() # setup of mollweide basemap m = Basemap(resolution='c', projection='moll', lon_0=0) ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.7]) # make a filled contour plot. x, y = m(lons, lats) CS = m.contour(x, y, hgt, 15, linewidths=0.5, colors='k') CS = m.contourf(x, y, hgt, 15, cmap=cm.jet)
out(a1,a2) endin schedule(1,0,1,0dbfs*.9,60) ''' cs = csound.Csound() cs.setOption('-n') cs.compileOrc(code) cs.start() spout = cs.spout() sr = N = int(sr) // 10 sig = pl.zeros(N) n = 0 for i in range(0, int(len(sig) / (2 * cs.ksmps()))): cs.performKsmps() for i in spout: sig[n] = i / cs.get0dBFS() n += 1 pl.figure(figsize=(8, 3)) pl.title('PWM') t = pl.arange(0, N // 2) / float(sr) pl.xlim(0, max(t)) pl.ylim(-1.1, 1.1) pl.xlabel("time (s)") pl.plot(t, sig[1::2], 'k--', linewidth=2) pl.plot(t, sig[0::2])
from scipy.stats import binom import pylab as plt n, p = 5, 0.4 x = plt.arange(6) y = binom.pmf(x, n, p) plt.subplot(121) plt.plot(x, y, 'ro') plt.vlines(x, 0, y, 'k', lw=3, alpha=0.5) plt.subplot(122) plt.stem(x, y, use_line_collection=True)
#Py Matplotlib Test 3 from pylab import show,arange,sin, plot, pi t = arange(0,2,0.01) s = sin(2*pi*t) plot(t,s) show()
def plot(self, to_plot=None, do_save=None, fig_path=None, fig_args=None, plot_args=None, scatter_args=None, axis_args=None, legend_args=None, as_dates=True, dateformat=None, interval=None, n_cols=1, font_size=18, font_family=None, use_grid=True, use_commaticks=True, log_scale=False, do_show=True, verbose=None): ''' Plot the results -- can supply arguments for both the figure and the plots. Args: to_plot (dict): Nested dict of results to plot; see default_sim_plots for structure do_save (bool or str): Whether or not to save the figure. If a string, save to that filename. fig_path (str): Path to save the figure fig_args (dict): Dictionary of kwargs to be passed to pl.figure() plot_args (dict): Dictionary of kwargs to be passed to pl.plot() scatter_args (dict): Dictionary of kwargs to be passed to pl.scatter() axis_args (dict): Dictionary of kwargs to be passed to pl.subplots_adjust() legend_args (dict): Dictionary of kwargs to be passed to pl.legend() as_dates (bool): Whether to plot the x-axis as dates or time points dateformat (str): Date string format, e.g. '%B %d' interval (int): Interval between tick marks n_cols (int): Number of columns of subpanels to use for subplot font_size (int): Size of the font font_family (str): Font face use_grid (bool): Whether or not to plot gridlines use_commaticks (bool): Plot y-axis with commas rather than scientific notation log_scale (bool or list): Whether or not to plot the y-axis with a log scale; if a list, panels to show as log do_show (bool): Whether or not to show the figure verbose (bool): Display a bit of extra information Returns: fig: Figure handle ''' if verbose is None: verbose = self['verbose'] sc.printv('Plotting...', 1, verbose) if to_plot is None: to_plot = cvd.default_sim_plots to_plot = sc.odict(to_plot) # In case it's supplied as a dict # Handle input arguments -- merge user input with defaults fig_args = sc.mergedicts({'figsize':(16,14)}, fig_args) plot_args = sc.mergedicts({'lw':3, 'alpha':0.7}, plot_args) scatter_args = sc.mergedicts({'s':70, 'marker':'s'}, scatter_args) axis_args = sc.mergedicts({'left':0.1, 'bottom':0.05, 'right':0.9, 'top':0.97, 'wspace':0.2, 'hspace':0.25}, axis_args) legend_args = sc.mergedicts({'loc': 'best'}, legend_args) fig = pl.figure(**fig_args) pl.subplots_adjust(**axis_args) pl.rcParams['font.size'] = font_size if font_family: pl.rcParams[''] = font_family res = self.results # Shorten since heavily used # Plot everything n_rows = np.ceil(len(to_plot)/n_cols) # Number of subplot rows to have for p,title,keylabels in to_plot.enumitems(): if p == 0: ax = pl.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, p+1) else: ax = pl.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, p + 1, sharex=ax) if log_scale: if isinstance(log_scale, list): if title in log_scale: ax.set_yscale('log') else: ax.set_yscale('log') for key in keylabels: label = res[key].name this_color = res[key].color y = res[key].values pl.plot(res['t'], y, label=label, **plot_args, c=this_color) if is not None and key in data_t = (['start_day'])/np.timedelta64(1,'D') # Convert from data date to model output index based on model start date pl.scatter(data_t,[key], c=[this_color], **scatter_args) if is not None and len( pl.scatter(pl.nan, pl.nan, c=[(0,0,0)], label='Data', **scatter_args) pl.legend(**legend_args) pl.grid(use_grid) sc.setylim() if use_commaticks: sc.commaticks() pl.title(title) # Optionally reset tick marks (useful for e.g. plotting weeks/months) if interval: xmin,xmax = ax.get_xlim() ax.set_xticks(pl.arange(xmin, xmax+1, interval)) # Set xticks as dates if as_dates: @ticker.FuncFormatter def date_formatter(x, pos): return (self['start_day'] + dt.timedelta(days=x)).strftime('%b-%d') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(date_formatter) if not interval: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) # Plot interventions for intervention in self['interventions']: intervention.plot(self, ax) # Ensure the figure actually renders or saves if do_save: if fig_path is None: # No figpath provided - see whether do_save is a figpath if isinstance(do_save, str) : fig_path = do_save # It's a string, assume it's a filename else: fig_path = 'covasim.png' # Just give it a default name fig_path = sc.makefilepath(fig_path) # Ensure it's valid, including creating the folder pl.savefig(fig_path) if do_show: else: pl.close(fig) return fig
def fitnoise(pool): allIntensities = 10 - pool['allIntensities'] allResponses = pool['allResponses'] # reverse the response ntrial = pool['ntrial'] # curve fitting and plotting for each condition res = {} # print('label: ' + 'centre, ' + 'std, ' + 'ssq') fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, len(pool['allIntensities']), figsize=(16, 6)) fig.suptitle(str(ntrial) + 'trials') for idx, label in enumerate(allResponses.index): res[label] = {} res[label]['intensities'] = allIntensities[label] res[label]['responses'] = allResponses[label] # plt.scatter(res[label]['intensities'], res[label]['responses']) res[label]['combinedInten'], res[label]['combinedResp'], res[label]['combinedN'] = \ data.functionFromStaircase(res[label]['intensities'], res[label]['responses'], bins=10) # bin data and fit to PF # plt.scatter(res[label]['combinedInten'], res[label]['combinedResp']) res[label]['sems'] = [ 1.0 / (n / sum(res[label]['combinedN'])) for n in res[label]['combinedN'] ] # sems is defined as 1/weight in Psychopy guess = [5, 0.5] # if label == 'hue_1p' or label == 'hue_2p': # print('detected') # guess = [8, 0.5] res[label]['fit'] = FitCumNormal( res[label]['combinedInten'], res[label]['combinedResp'], sems=res[label]['sems'], guess=None, expectedMin=0.5, lapse=0.01) # customized cumulative Gaussian # print(label + ':' + str(res[label]['fit'].params) + ', ' + str( # res[label]['fit'].ssq)) # a list with [centre, sd] for the Gaussian distribution forming the cumulative res[label]['thresh'] = res[label]['fit'].inverse(0.75) # threshold this_res = res[label] # print(label + ':' + str(this_res['fit'].params) + ', ' + str( # this_res['fit'].ssq)) # a list with [centre, sd] for the Gaussian distribution forming the cumulative ax = axes.flatten()[idx] fontsize = 8 for inten, resp, se in zip( this_res['combinedInten'], this_res['combinedResp'], this_res['sems']): # plot combined data points ax.plot(inten, resp, '.', alpha=0.5, markersize=100 / se) smoothResp = pylab.arange(0.01, 0.96, .02) smoothInt = this_res['fit'].inverse(smoothResp) # smoothInt = pylab.arange(0, 6.0, 0.05) # smoothResp = this_res['fit'].eval(smoothInt) ax.plot(smoothInt, smoothResp, '-') # plot fitted curve ax.plot([this_res['thresh'], this_res['thresh']], [0, 0.75], '--', color='grey') ax.plot([0, this_res['thresh']], [0.75, 0.75], '--', color='grey') ssq = np.round(this_res['fit'].ssq, decimals=3) # sum-squared error ax.text(3.5, 0.55, 'ssq = ' + str(ssq), fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_title(label + ' ' + 'threshold = %0.3f' % this_res['thresh'], fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylim([0.5, 1]) # ax.set_xlim([0, 6]) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=fontsize - 2) ax.set_xlabel('level of consistence (10 - std)') ax.set_ylabel('correctness') # plt.setp(axes[:], xlabel='hue angle') # plt.setp(axes[:, 0], ylabel='correctness')
def pyprops(datafile, fluxfile, assignfile, root, assignfile2=None, montecarlo=0, doplots=False): import sys gitpaths = ['/Users/remy/local/github/pyprops/'] for gitpath in gitpaths: if not gitpath in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, gitpath) print("importing modules and data") import as fits from astropy.table import Table from measure_moments import measure_moments from extrap import extrap from deconvolve_gauss import deconvolve_gauss from ellfit import ellfit from add_noise_to_cube import add_noise_to_cube import pylab as pl import numpy as np pl.ion() datacube = fits.getdata(datafile) s = datacube.shape if len(s) == 4: if s[0] == 1: # cube has the trailing stokes axis which turns into a leading degenerate axis in python datacube = datacube[0] fluxmap = fits.getdata(fluxfile) hdr = fits.getheader(datafile) bmaj = hdr['bmaj'] # degrees bmin = hdr['bmin'] # degrees bpa = hdr['bpa'] * np.pi / 180 # ->rad from astropy import wcs w = wcs.WCS(hdr) # pix=pl.sqrt(-pl.det(w.celestial.pixel_scale_matrix)) # degrees pix = np.absolute(w.wcs.get_cdelt()[0]) # degrees bmaj_pix = bmaj / pix bmin_pix = bmin / pix bm_pix = [bmaj_pix, bmin_pix, bpa] import time x = time.localtime() datestr = str(x.tm_year) + ("%02i" % x.tm_mon) + ("%02i" % x.tm_mday) import pickle from cube_to_moments import cube_to_moments assigncube = fits.getdata(assignfile) moments, mcmoments = cube_to_moments(datacube, assigncube, montecarlo=montecarlo, bm_pix=bm_pix, fluxmap=fluxmap) moments['posang'] = moments['posang'] % np.pi moments['de_posang'] = moments['de_posang'] % np.pi pickle.dump([moments, bm_pix, mcmoments], open(root + ".pyprops.pkl", "wb")) if assignfile2: assigncube2 = fits.getdata(assignfile2) moments2, mcmoments2 = cube_to_moments(datacube, assigncube2, montecarlo=montecarlo, bm_pix=bm_pix, fluxmap=fluxmap) moments2['posang'] = moments2['posang'] % np.pi moments2['de_posang'] = moments2['de_posang'] % np.pi pickle.dump([moments2, bm_pix, mcmoments2], open(root2 + "pyprops.pkl", "wb")) ####################################################################### # diagnostic plots if doplots: pl.clf() ellrad = np.sqrt(moments['halfmax_ell_maj'] * moments['halfmax_ell_min']) pl.plot(ellrad, moments['mom2v'], '.') if assignfile2: ellrad2 = np.sqrt(moments2['halfmax_ell_maj'] * moments2['halfmax_ell_min']) pl.plot(ellrad2, moments2['mom2v'], '.') pl.xlabel("size") pl.ylabel("linewidth") pl.xscale("log") pl.yscale("log") pl.savefig(root + ".pyprops.sizeline.png") if doplots: pl.clf() u = np.argsort(moments['flux'])[::-1] pl.plot((moments['flux'][u]), pl.arange(len(u))) if assignfile2: u2 = np.argsort(moments2['flux'])[::-1] pl.plot((moments2['flux'][u2]), np.arange(len(u2))) pl.yscale("log") pl.xscale("log") pl.xlabel("flux") pl.xlim(pl.xlim()[::-1]) pl.ylabel("cumulative number") pl.savefig(root + ".pyprops.cumfluxdist.png") if doplots and montecarlo > 0: pl.clf() fnu = 0.5 * (moments['fnu_maxintchan'] + moments['fnu_maxchan']) delfnu = np.absolute(moments['fnu_maxintchan'] - moments['fnu_maxchan']) dfnu = 0.5 * np.sqrt(moments['dfnu_maxchan']**2 + moments['dfnu_maxintchan']**2) z = np.where(delfnu > dfnu)[0] if len(z) > 0: dfnu[z] = delfnu[z] pl.errorbar(fnu, moments['flux'], xerr=dfnu, yerr=moments['dflux'], fmt='.') pl.xlabel("I [Bunit * vpix]") pl.ylabel("F [Bunit * pix^2 * vpix") pl.xscale("log") pl.yscale("log") pl.xlim(.1, 100) pl.ylim(.5, 500) pl.plot(pl.xlim(), pl.array(pl.xlim()) * 3) pl.savefig(root + ".pyprops.I_F.png") # size comparisons if doplots and montecarlo > 0: pl.clf() bmarea = bmaj_pix * bmin_pix * np.pi / 4 # not a beam "volume" area1 = moments['de_mom2maj'] * moments[ 'de_mom2min'] * 2.354**2 * np.pi / 4 / bmarea darea1 = area1 * np.sqrt( (moments['dde_mom2maj'] / moments['de_mom2maj'])**2 + (moments['dde_mom2min'] / moments['de_mom2min'])**2) area2 = moments['de_halfmax_ell_maj'] * moments[ 'de_halfmax_ell_min'] * np.pi / 4 / bmarea darea2 = area2 * np.sqrt((moments['dde_halfmax_ell_maj'] / moments['de_halfmax_ell_maj'])**2 + (moments['dde_halfmax_ell_min'] / moments['de_halfmax_ell_min'])**2) pl.errorbar(moments['flux'], area1, xerr=moments['dflux'], yerr=darea1, fmt='.', label="mom2") pl.errorbar(moments['flux'], area2, xerr=moments['dflux'], yerr=darea2, fmt='.', label="ellfit") pl.ylabel("area [beams]") pl.xlabel("F [Bunit * pix^2 * vpix]") pl.legend(loc="best", prop={"size": 10}, numpoints=1) pl.xscale("log") pl.savefig(root + ".pyprops.F_area.png") bmarea = bmaj_pix * bmin_pix * np.pi / 4 # not a beam "volume" area1 = moments['mom2maj'] * moments[ 'mom2min'] * 2.354**2 * np.pi / 4 / bmarea darea1 = area1 * np.sqrt( (moments['dmom2maj'] / moments['mom2maj'])**2 + (moments['dmom2min'] / moments['mom2min'])**2) de_area1 = moments['de_mom2maj'] * moments[ 'de_mom2min'] * 2.354**2 * np.pi / 4 / bmarea dde_area1 = de_area1 * np.sqrt( (moments['dde_mom2maj'] / moments['de_mom2maj'])**2 + (moments['dde_mom2min'] / moments['de_mom2min'])**2) area2 = moments['halfmax_ell_maj'] * moments[ 'halfmax_ell_min'] * np.pi / 4 / bmarea darea2 = area2 * np.sqrt( (moments['dhalfmax_ell_maj'] / moments['halfmax_ell_maj'])**2 + (moments['dhalfmax_ell_min'] / moments['halfmax_ell_min'])**2) de_area2 = moments['de_halfmax_ell_maj'] * moments[ 'de_halfmax_ell_min'] * np.pi / 4 / bmarea dde_area2 = de_area2 * np.sqrt((moments['dde_halfmax_ell_maj'] / moments['de_halfmax_ell_maj'])**2 + (moments['dde_halfmax_ell_min'] / moments['de_halfmax_ell_min'])**2) pl.clf() pl.subplot(211) pl.errorbar(area1, de_area1, xerr=darea1, yerr=dde_area1, fmt='.', label="success") z = np.where(np.isnan(de_area1))[0] pl.errorbar(area1[z], area1[z], xerr=darea1[z], fmt='.', label="failed") z = np.where(de_area1 == 0)[0] pl.errorbar(area1[z], area1[z], xerr=darea1[z], fmt='.', label="ptsrc") pl.ylabel("area [beams, deconv]") pl.xlabel("area [beams, meas]") pl.legend(loc="best", prop={"size": 10}, numpoints=1) pl.subplot(212) pl.errorbar(area2, de_area2, xerr=darea2, yerr=dde_area2, fmt='.', label="success") z = np.where(np.isnan(de_area2))[0] pl.errorbar(area2[z], area2[z], xerr=darea2[z], fmt='.', label="failed") z = np.where(de_area2 == 0)[0] pl.errorbar(area2[z], area2[z], xerr=darea2[z], fmt='.', label="ptsrc") pl.ylabel("area [beams, deconv]") pl.xlabel("area [beams, meas]") pl.legend(loc="best", prop={"size": 10}, numpoints=1) #pl.xscale("log") pl.savefig(root + ".pyprops.area_dearea.png") raterr = area2 / area1 draterr = raterr * np.sqrt((darea2 / area2)**2 + (darea1 / area1)**2) pl.clf() pl.errorbar(area2, raterr, xerr=darea2, yerr=draterr, fmt='.') pl.xlabel("ell area") pl.ylabel("ell area / mom2 area") pl.savefig(root + ".pyprops.ellarea_momarea.png") # fluxes and integrated spectra: if doplots and montecarlo > 0: ratiofnu = moments['fnu_maxintchan'] / moments['fnu_maxchan'] dratio = ratiofnu * np.sqrt( (moments['dfnu_maxchan'] / moments['fnu_maxchan'])**2 + (moments['dfnu_maxintchan'] / moments['fnu_maxintchan'])**2) difffnu = moments['fnu_maxintchan'] - moments['fnu_maxchan'] ddiff = np.sqrt(moments['dfnu_maxchan']**2 + moments['dfnu_maxintchan']**2) fnu = 0.5 * (moments['fnu_maxintchan'] + moments['fnu_maxchan']) pl.clf() z = np.where(difffnu > 0)[0] pl.errorbar(moments['fnu_maxchan'][z], (difffnu / fnu)[z], xerr=moments['dfnu_maxchan'][z], yerr=(ddiff / fnu)[z], fmt='.') pl.xlabel("Fnu @max [Bunit * pix^2]") pl.ylabel("(Fnu @maxint - Fnu @max)/Fnu") pl.xscale("log") pl.xlim(.3, 40) pl.ylim(-.3, 1.5) pl.savefig("pyprops." + datestr + ".F_maxint_v_max.png") # convergence of errors with MC iterations: if doplots and montecarlo > 100: pl.clf() k = 'max' k = 'de_mom2min' if montecarlo > 100: pl.plot(moments[k], moments['d10' + k], '.', label='10') pl.plot(moments[k], moments['d30' + k], '.', label='30') pl.plot(moments[k], moments['d100' + k], '.', label='100') pl.plot(moments[k], moments['d' + k], '.', label=str(montecarlo)) pl.legend(loc="best", prop={"size": 10}, numpoints=1) pl.xlabel(k) pl.ylabel("d" + k) if k == 'max': pl.plot(pl.xlim(), [0.003, 0.003], 'k') pl.plot(pl.xlim(), [0.005, 0.005], 'k', linestyle="dashed") pl.xlim(0, 0.35) if montecarlo > 100: pl.savefig(root + ".pyprops." + k + ".mciters.png") else: pl.savefig(root + ".pyprops." + k + ".png") if doplots: # previously, we did # if maj<bmaj*1.1: set de_maj,de_min to bmaj/2, bmin/2 # elif min<bmin*1.1: de_maj=pl.sqrt(maj**2-bmaj**2), de_min=bmin/2 pl.clf() pl.plot(moments['halfmax_ell_maj'], moments['halfmax_ell_min'], '.') pl.xlabel("measured major ell @halfmax") pl.ylabel("measured minor ell @halfmax") pl.plot([bm_pix[0], pl.xlim()[1]], [bm_pix[1], bm_pix[1]], 'k', linestyle='dotted') pl.plot([bm_pix[0], bm_pix[0]], [bm_pix[1], pl.ylim()[1]], 'k', linestyle='dotted') # if its something half the beamsize, convolved with the beam, # it'll end up with size=pl.sqrt(1+.5**2)=1.12*bm pl.plot([bm_pix[0] * 1.12, pl.xlim()[1]], [bm_pix[1] * 1.12, bm_pix[1] * 1.12], 'k', linestyle='dotted') pl.plot([bm_pix[0] * 1.12, bm_pix[0] * 1.12], [bm_pix[1] * 1.12, pl.ylim()[1]], 'k', linestyle='dotted') z = np.where(np.isnan(moments['de_halfmax_ell_maj']))[0] pl.plot(moments['halfmax_ell_maj'][z], moments['halfmax_ell_min'][z], 's', label='dec=nan') z = np.where((moments['de_halfmax_ell_min'] == 0) * (moments['de_halfmax_ell_maj'] > 0))[0] pl.plot(moments['halfmax_ell_maj'][z], moments['halfmax_ell_min'][z], 'cd', label='dec min=0') z = np.where((moments['de_halfmax_ell_min'] == 0) * (moments['de_halfmax_ell_maj'] == 0))[0] pl.plot(moments['halfmax_ell_maj'][z], moments['halfmax_ell_min'][z], 'r*', label='dec both=0') pl.legend(loc="best", prop={"size": 10}, numpoints=1) pl.savefig(root + ".pyprops.measured_ellipses.png") pl.clf() pl.plot(moments['posang'], moments['halfmax_ell_min'], '.') pl.xlabel("posang") pl.ylabel("measured minor ell @halfmax") pl.plot([bm_pix[2], bm_pix[2]], pl.ylim(), 'k', linestyle='dashed') pl.plot(pl.xlim(), [bm_pix[1], bm_pix[1]], 'k', linestyle='dotted') pl.plot(pl.xlim(), [bm_pix[1] * 1.12, bm_pix[1] * 1.12], 'k', linestyle='dotted') z = np.where(np.isnan(moments['de_halfmax_ell_maj']))[0] pl.plot(moments['posang'][z], moments['halfmax_ell_min'][z], 's', label='dec=nan') z = np.where((moments['de_halfmax_ell_min'] == 0) * (moments['de_halfmax_ell_maj'] > 0))[0] pl.plot(moments['posang'][z], moments['halfmax_ell_min'][z], 'cd', label='dec min=0') z = np.where((moments['de_halfmax_ell_min'] == 0) * (moments['de_halfmax_ell_maj'] == 0))[0] pl.plot(moments['posang'][z], moments['halfmax_ell_min'][z], 'r*', label='dec both=0') pl.legend(loc="best", prop={"size": 10}, numpoints=1) pl.savefig(root + ".pyprops.measured_ellipses_angles.png") p = moments['posang'].copy() dp = moments['de_posang'].copy() p = (p - bm_pix[2] + np.pi / 2) % np.pi + bm_pix[2] - np.pi / 2 dp = (dp - bm_pix[2] + np.pi / 2) % np.pi + bm_pix[2] - np.pi / 2 pl.clf() pl.plot(p, dp, '.') pl.plot([bm_pix[2], bm_pix[2]], pl.ylim(), 'k') pl.plot(pl.xlim(), [bm_pix[2], bm_pix[2]], 'k') pl.xlabel("meas posang") pl.ylabel("deconv posang") pl.plot(pl.xlim(), [bm_pix[2] + np.pi / 2, bm_pix[2] + np.pi / 2], 'k', linestyle='dotted') pl.savefig(root + ".pyprops.dec_ellipses_angles.png")
p.rc('ytick', labelsize=TickSize) genMeans = p.genfromtxt("GenotypeEnvelMean.dat") genSTD = p.genfromtxt("GenotypeEnvelSTD.dat") GenerData = p.genfromtxt("GeneralData.dat") l = re.split(" ", ln.getline("ModelParams.dat", 7)) xResolution = float(l[6]) l = re.split(" ", ln.getline("ModelParams.dat", 6)) T = float(l[6]) print "Turbulence level = ", T xSize = 2.0 / xResolution if (genMeans.shape[1] != xSize): print "ERROR: Env space size does not match genMeans space size!", print "Check them." exit() x = p.arange(-1.0, 1.0, xResolution) # -- trimmig rows fullPlot = GenerData[:, 0:2] lastRow = genMeans[-1, :] genMeans = genMeans[::everyOtherRow] genMeans = p.vstack([genMeans, lastRow]) lastRow = genSTD[-1, :] genSTD = genSTD[::everyOtherRow] genSTD = p.vstack([genSTD, lastRow]) lastRow = GenerData[-1, :] GenerData = GenerData[::everyOtherRow] GenerData = p.vstack([GenerData, lastRow]) # -- trimmed fig = p.figure(1, figsize=(15, 9))
sizes = pylab.array([vm.size for vm in vm_data.values()]) if not all(sizes == sizes[0]): #if not pcsim_data.shape == nest_data.shape == neuron_data.shape: errmsg = "Data has different lengths. " + ", ".join([ "%s: %s" % (simulator, vm.shape) for simulator, vm in vm_data.items() ]) errmsg += "Trimming to the length of the shortest." warnings.warn(errmsg) new_length = min([vm.shape[0] for vm in vm_data.values()]) for simulator in vm_data: vm_data[simulator] = vm_data[simulator][:new_length, :] for simulator in gsyn_data: gsyn_data[simulator] = gsyn_data[simulator][:new_length, :] t = dt * pylab.arange(vm_data[vm_data.keys()[0]].shape[0]) for label, vm in vm_data.items(): pylab.plot(t, vm[:, 0], label=label) pylab.legend() pylab.title(example) pylab.xlabel("Time (ms)") pylab.ylabel("Vm (mV)") pylab.savefig("Results/%s.png" % example) if gsyn_data: pylab.figure(2) for label, gsyn in gsyn_data.items(): pylab.plot(t, gsyn[:, 0], label="%s (exc)" % label) pylab.plot(t, gsyn[:, 1], label="%s (inh)" % label)
# Get info about dataset from header of .v file exec( get_header("Results/VAbenchmark_%s_exc_%s_np%d.v" % (benchmark, simulator, num_nodes))) # Plot membrane potential trace allvdata = pylab.load("Results/VAbenchmark_%s_exc_%s_np%d.v" % (benchmark, simulator, num_nodes), comments='#') cell_ids = allvdata[:, 1].astype(int) allvdata = allvdata[:, 0] sortmap = pylab.argsort(cell_ids, kind='mergesort') cell_ids = pylab.take(cell_ids, sortmap) allvdata = pylab.take(allvdata, sortmap) for i in 0, 1: tdata = pylab.arange(0, (n + 1) * dt, dt) vdata = allvdata.compress(cell_ids == i) vdata = pylab.where(vdata >= v_thresh - 0.05, 0.0, vdata) # add fake APs for plotting if len(tdata) > len(vdata): print "Warning. Shortening tdata from %d to %d elements (%s)" % ( len(tdata), len(vdata), simulator) tdata = tdata[0:len(vdata)] assert len(tdata) == len( vdata), "%d != %d (%s)" % (len(tdata), len(vdata), simulator) subplot.plot(tdata, vdata) # Plot spike rasters subplot = figure.add_axes([x, y0 + 2 * dy, w, h]) exc_spikedata = signals.loadSpikeList( "Results/VAbenchmark_%s_exc_%s_np%d.ras" %
def solve(param): jsp = JSP(param['data']) lib = param['solver'] verb = param['verbose'] model = JSP_Model(jsp) if lib == 'Mistral': solver = model.load(lib, model.sequence) else: solver = model.load(lib) solver.setHeuristic('Scheduling', 'Promise') solver.setVerbosity(param['verbose'] - 1) (lb, ub) = (jsp.lower_bound() - 1, jsp.upper_bound()) (lb, ub, best) = dichotomic_search(model, solver, lb, ub, verb, param['tcutoff']) if verb > 0: print('start branch & bound in [' + str(lb) + '..' + str(ub) + ']') if lb + 1 < ub: (lb, ub, best) = branch_and_bound(model, lib, lb, ub, verb, best) ## finalize the solution (tasks) solver.reset() if lib == 'Mistral': for disjunct in model.sequence: == best[disjunct]) solver.propagate() for task in model.tasks: == task.get_min()) solver.propagate() best = solver.get_solution() schedule = [[-1] * ub for job in jsp.job] index = 0 for machine in jsp.machine: index += 1 for m in machine: start = model.Jobs[m].get_value() for i in range(model.Jobs[m].duration): schedule[m[0]][start + i] = index out = '' if solver.is_sat(): out = str(schedule) out += ('\nNodes: ' + str(solver.getNodes())) return out if param['print'] == 'yes': ############################################### ############# Output (Matplotlib) ############# ############################################### print('\n display schedule') width = 60 print_schedule = [] for row in schedule: print_schedule.extend([row] * width) import pylab pylab.yticks( pylab.arange(int(width / 2), width * (len(jsp.job) + 1), width), ['job' + str(i + 1) for i in range(len(jsp.job))]) cmap ='jet', len(jsp.machine) + 1) cmap.set_under(color='w') pylab.imshow(print_schedule, cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest', vmin=0) #pylab.colorbar()
import pylab as pl sr = 44100. f1 = 3000 f2 = 200. N = 10 t = pl.arange(0, sr) w = 2 * pl.pi * f1 * t / sr o = 2 * pl.pi * f2 * t / sr a = 0.5 sinw = pl.sin(w) cosmo = pl.cos((N + 1) * o) cosno = pl.cos(N * o) den = 1. - 2 * a * pl.cos(o) + a * a scal = pl.sqrt(1. - a * a / (1 + a * a * -2 * a**(2 * N + 2))) s = sinw * (1 - a * a - (2 * a**(N + 1)) * (cosmo - a * cosno)) / den s *= scal pl.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) pl.subplot(211) pl.plot(t[0:440] / sr, s[0:440] / max(abs(s)), 'k-') pl.xlabel("time (s)") sig = s N = 32768 start = 0 x = pl.arange(0, N / 2) bins = x * sr / N
def cf(d): return pylab.arange(1.0, float(len(d)) + 1.0) / float(len(d))
GRC_norm_model = pandas.read_csv('/home/j/Project/dismod/gbd/data/applications-fruit_GRC_norm_model.csv') ISL_model = pandas.read_csv('/home/j/Project/dismod/gbd/data/applications-fruit_ISL_model.csv') ISL_log_model = pandas.read_csv('/home/j/Project/dismod/gbd/data/applications-fruit_ISL_log_model.csv') ISL_norm_model = pandas.read_csv('/home/j/Project/dismod/gbd/data/applications-fruit_ISL_norm_model.csv') GRC_data = pandas.DataFrame(pl.zeros((len(GRC_model.columns),3)), columns=['0','1','2']) ISL_data = pandas.DataFrame(pl.zeros((len(ISL_model.columns),3)), columns=['0','1','2']) # age standardizing import as pd aw_file = pandas.DataFrame(pd.genfromdta('/home/j/Project/COD/envelope/data/age_weights_final.dta')) for a in range(len(aw_file['age'])): aw_file['age'][a] = round(aw_file['age'][a],3) aw_file = pandas.DataFrame(aw_file['weight'], index=list(aw_file['age'])) age_weights = pl.vstack((pl.arange(101), pl.zeros(101))).transpose() for a in range(101): if a == 0: age_weights[a,1] = aw_file.ix[0.0] + aw_file.ix[0.01] + aw_file.ix[0.1] elif (a>=1) & (a<5): age_weights[a,1] = aw_file.ix[1.0]/4 elif (a>=5) & (a<10): age_weights[a,1] = aw_file.ix[5.0]/5 elif (a>=10) & (a<15): age_weights[a,1] = aw_file.ix[10.0]/5 elif (a>=15) & (a<20): age_weights[a,1] = aw_file.ix[15.0]/5 elif (a>=20) & (a<25): age_weights[a,1] = aw_file.ix[20.0]/5 elif (a>=25) & (a<30): age_weights[a,1] = aw_file.ix[25.0]/5 elif (a>=30) & (a<35): age_weights[a,1] = aw_file.ix[30.0]/5 elif (a>=35) & (a<40): age_weights[a,1] = aw_file.ix[35.0]/5 elif (a>=40) & (a<45): age_weights[a,1] = aw_file.ix[40.0]/5 elif (a>=45) & (a<50): age_weights[a,1] = aw_file.ix[45.0]/5 elif (a>=50) & (a<55): age_weights[a,1] = aw_file.ix[50.0]/5 elif (a>=55) & (a<60): age_weights[a,1] = aw_file.ix[55.0]/5 elif (a>=60) & (a<65): age_weights[a,1] = aw_file.ix[60.0]/5
import pylab as pl pi = pl.pi T = 1000 t = pl.arange(0, T) x = 0.51 - 0.49 * pl.cos(2 * pi * t / T) y = pl.sin(2 * pi * 10 * t / T) X = pl.rfft(y * x) pl.plot(pl.irfft(X))
def main(): args = parseCMD() fileNames = args.fileName Order = args.order Smoothness = args.smoothness matplotlib.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True linestyles = ['-', '--'] colors = [(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0, 0), (1, 0.5, 0)] # Set up plots with shared axes fig1 = pl.figure(1, figsize=(12, 12)) pl.connect('key_press_event', ax1 = pl.subplot(311) pl.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) pl.ylabel(r'$\mathrm{E\ [K]}$', fontsize=20) ax1.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=20) ax1.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=20) pl.grid() ax2 = pl.subplot(312, sharex=ax1) pl.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) pl.ylabel(r'$\mathrm{C_V}$', fontsize=20) ax2.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=20) ax2.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=20) pl.grid() ax3 = pl.subplot(313, sharex=ax1) pl.xlabel(r'$\mathrm{T\ [K]}$', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel(r'${\mathrm{Entropy}}$', fontsize=20) ax3.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=20) ax3.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=20) pl.grid() # do spline fitting for each data file for k, fileName in enumerate(fileNames): data = np.loadtxt(fileName) ATemps = data[:, 0] #ATemps = data[:,0] # Bohdan's test data AEners = data[:, 1] #AEners = data[:,5] AEnerE = data[:, 2] #AEnerE = data[:,6] weights = 1 / AEnerE ax1.errorbar(ATemps, AEners, AEnerE, linestyle='None', linewidth=2, marker='D', markeredgewidth=0.8, color=colors[k], markeredgecolor=colors[k], markerfacecolor='white', markersize=6, capsize=3) lowTRegL = 0 lowTRegH = len(ATemps[ATemps < args.LT * 1.0001]) - 1 highTRegL = lowTRegH + 1 highTRegH = len(ATemps) - 1 # Spline fit to T>Tc SEners, SdEners, HSpline = SplineFitToData(ATemps[highTRegL:highTRegH], AEners[highTRegL:highTRegH], AEnerE[highTRegL:highTRegH], Smoothness) # Spline fit to T<Tc #SLE,SLcv,LSpline = SplineFitToData(ATemps[lowTRegL:lowTRegH], # AEners[lowTRegL:lowTRegH],AEnerE[lowTRegL:lowTRegH],Smoothness) # Polynomial fit to T<Tc SegRange = range(lowTRegL, lowTRegH) FitCoefs, DerCoefs = PolyFitToData(ATemps[SegRange], AEners[SegRange], AEnerE[SegRange], [Order]) polyf = np.poly1d(FitCoefs[0]) Dpolyf = np.poly1d(DerCoefs[0]) interT = IntersectionPoint(HSpline, Dpolyf, ATemps[lowTRegH], ATemps[highTRegL]) #interT2S = IntersectionPoint2S(LSpline,HSpline,ATemps[lowTRegH], # ATemps[highTRegL]) stepT = 0.01 newLTs = pl.arange(ATemps[0], interT, stepT) highLTs = pl.arange(interT, ATemps[highTRegH], stepT) lowLTs = pl.arange(ATemps[0], interT, stepT) ax1.plot(newLTs, polyf(newLTs), linestyle=linestyles[0], linewidth=0.5, marker='None', color=colors[k], markerfacecolor=colors[k], label='Pol. %s order fit for T: %s - %s K' % (Order, ATemps[0], ATemps[lowTRegH])) ax1.plot(highLTs, interpolate.splev(highLTs, HSpline, der=0), linestyle=':', linewidth=1.5, color=colors[k], markerfacecolor='white', label='Spline fit for T: %s - %s K; smoothness: %s' % (ATemps[highTRegL], ATemps[highTRegH], Smoothness)) #ax1.plot(lowLTs, interpolate.splev(lowLTs,LSpline,der=0), # linestyle=linestyles[0],linewidth=0.5, # marker='None',color=colors[k],markerfacecolor=colors[k], # label='Spline fit' ) ax2.plot(newLTs, Dpolyf(newLTs), linestyle=linestyles[0], linewidth=2, marker='None', color=colors[k], markerfacecolor=colors[k]) ax2.plot(highLTs, interpolate.splev(highLTs, HSpline, der=1), linestyle='-', linewidth=2, color=colors[k], markerfacecolor='white') #ax2.plot(lowLTs, interpolate.splev(lowLTs,LSpline,der=1), # linestyle=':', linewidth=1.5, # color=colors[k],markerfacecolor='white') ticks = ax2.xaxis.get_major_ticks() np.insert(ticks, 3, 2) zeroT = ZeroPoint(Dpolyf, interT) ax2.xaxis.set_ticks( np.insert(ax2.xaxis.get_majorticklocs(), 0, round(zeroT, 2))) ax2.text(interT, interpolate.splev(interT, HSpline, der=1), r'${\mathrm{T_c = %s}} $' % (round(interT, 3)), fontsize=18) ax2.plot([interT, interT], [0, interpolate.splev(interT, HSpline, der=1)], color='black', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.3) ax2.plot([zeroT, zeroT], [ ax2.yaxis.get_majorticklocs()[0], ax2.yaxis.get_majorticklocs()[-1] ], color='black', linewidth=0.3, linestyle='--') ax2.plot([ ax2.xaxis.get_majorticklocs()[0], ax2.xaxis.get_majorticklocs()[-1] ], [0, 0], color='black', linewidth=0.3, linestyle='--') #if zeroT < 1: # newETs = pl.arange(1,ATemps[-1], stepT) # Entrops= [Entropy(T,interT,1,Dpolyf,HSpline) for T in newETs] #else: newETs = pl.arange(zeroT, ATemps[highTRegH], stepT) print 'Zero T:', zeroT print 'Critical T', interT Entrops = [Entropy(T, interT, zeroT, Dpolyf, HSpline) for T in newETs] ax3.plot(newETs, Entrops, linestyle='-', linewidth=2, color=colors[k]) lgd1 = ax1.legend(loc='best') lgd3 = ax3.legend(loc='best') lgd1.draggable(state=True) pl.tight_layout() pl.savefig('Helium_Critical_E_Cv_S.pdf', format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
dt2 = 0.0005 # time step for the synthetics dt3 = 0.0005 # time step for the synthetics dt_ref = 0.0002 # time step for the DWT x0 = 11000.0 # position of the first receiver dx = 25.0 # spacing between two receivers NL = 12 # number of levels for DWT fv0 = numpy.fromfile(dirname0 + '/' + filename0, 'f4') fv1 = numpy.fromfile(dirname1 + '/OUTPUT_FILES/' + filename1, 'f4') fv2 = numpy.fromfile(dirname2 + '/OUTPUT_FILES/' + filename2, 'f4') fv3 = numpy.fromfile(dirname3 + '/OUTPUT_FILES/' + filename3, 'f4') v0 = numpy.reshape(fv0, (nr, nt0)) v1 = numpy.reshape(fv1, (nr, nt1)) v2 = numpy.reshape(fv2, (nr, nt2)) v3 = numpy.reshape(fv3, (nr, nt3)) t0 = pylab.arange(0.0, nt0 * dt0, dt0) t1 = pylab.arange(0.0, nt1 * dt1, dt1) t2 = pylab.arange(0.0, nt2 * dt2, dt2) t3 = pylab.arange(0.0, nt3 * dt3, dt3) t_ref = pylab.arange(0.0, nt_ref * dt_ref, dt_ref) f_ref = pylab.arange(0.0, (0.5 * (nt_ref - 1) + 1) / ((nt_ref - 1) * dt_ref), 1.0 / ((nt_ref - 1) * dt_ref)) # Loop on receivers for i in range(0, nr): seism0 = v0[i, :] seism1 = -50.0 * v1[i, :] seism2 = -50.0 * v2[i, :] seism3 = -50.0 * v3[i, :] f0 = interpolate.interp1d(t0, seism0) f1 = interpolate.interp1d(t1, seism1)
def feature_plot(self, feature=None, normalize=False, dbscale=False, norm=False, interp='nearest', labels=True, nofig=False, **kwargs): """ :: Plot the given feature, default is self.feature, returns an error if feature not extracted Inputs: feature - the feature to plot self.feature features are extracted in the following hierarchy: stft->cqft->mfcc->[lcqft,hcqft]->chroma, if a later feature was extracted, then an earlier feature can be plotted normalize - column-wise normalization ['alse] dbscale - transform linear power to decibels: 20*log10(X) [False] norm - make columns unit norm [False] interp - how to interpolate values in the plot ['nearest'] labels - whether to plot labels nofig - whether to make new figure **kwargs - keyword arguments to imshow or plot """ feature = self._check_feature_params( )['feature'] if feature is None else feature # check plots if feature == 'stft': if not self._have_stft: print("Error: must extract STFT first") else: feature_plot(P.absolute(self.STFT), normalize, dbscale, norm, title_string="STFT", interp=interp, nofig=nofig, **kwargs) if labels: self._feature_plot_xticks( float(self.nhop) / float(self.sample_rate)) self._feature_plot_yticks( float(self.sample_rate) / (self.nfft)) P.xlabel('Time (secs)') P.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)') elif feature == 'power': if not self._have_power: print("Error: must extract POWER first") else: if not nofig: P.figure() P.plot(feature_scale(self.POWER, normalize, dbscale) / 20.0) if labels: self._feature_plot_xticks( float(self.nhop) / float(self.sample_rate)) P.title("Power") P.xlabel("Time (s)") P.ylabel("Power (dB)") elif feature == 'cqft': if not self._have_cqft: print("Error: must extract CQFT first") else: feature_plot(self.CQFT, normalize, dbscale, norm, title_string="CQFT", interp=interp, nofig=nofig, **kwargs) if labels: self._feature_plot_xticks( float(self.nhop) / float(self.sample_rate)) # self._feature_plot_yticks(1.) P.yticks(P.arange(0, self._cqtN, self.nbpo), (self.lo * 2**(P.arange(0, self._cqtN, self.nbpo) / self.nbpo)).round(1)) P.xlabel('Time (secs)') P.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)') elif feature == 'mfcc': if not self._have_mfcc: print("Error: must extract MFCC first") else: fp = self._check_feature_params() X = self.MFCC[self.lcoef:self.lcoef + self.ncoef, :] feature_plot(X, normalize, dbscale, norm, title_string="MFCC", interp=interp, nofig=nofig, **kwargs) if labels: self._feature_plot_xticks( float(self.nhop) / float(self.sample_rate)) P.xlabel('Time (secs)') P.ylabel('Cepstral coeffient') elif feature == 'lcqft': if not self._have_lcqft: print("Error: must extract LCQFT first") else: feature_plot(self.LCQFT, normalize, dbscale, norm, title_string="LCQFT", interp=interp, nofig=nofig, **kwargs) if labels: self._feature_plot_xticks( float(self.nhop) / float(self.sample_rate)) P.yticks(P.arange(0, self._cqtN, self.nbpo), (self.lo * 2**(P.arange(0, self._cqtN, self.nbpo) / self.nbpo)).round(1)) elif feature == 'hcqft': if not self._have_hcqft: print("Error: must extract HCQFT first") else: feature_plot(self.HCQFT, normalize, dbscale, norm, title_string="HCQFT", interp=interp, nofig=nofig, **kwargs) if labels: self._feature_plot_xticks( float(self.nhop) / float(self.sample_rate)) P.yticks(P.arange(0, self._cqtN, self.nbpo), (self.lo * 2**(P.arange(0, self._cqtN, self.nbpo) / self.nbpo)).round(1)) P.xlabel('Time (secs)') P.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)') elif feature == 'chroma' or feature == 'hchroma': if not self._have_chroma: print("Error: must extract CHROMA first") else: feature_plot(self.CHROMA, normalize, dbscale, norm, title_string="CHROMA", interp=interp, nofig=nofig, **kwargs) if labels: self._feature_plot_xticks( float(self.nhop) / float(self.sample_rate)) P.yticks(P.arange(0, self.nbpo, self.nbpo / 12.), [ 'C', 'C#', 'D', 'Eb', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'Bb', 'B' ]) P.xlabel('Time (secs)') P.ylabel('Pitch Class') else: print("Unrecognized feature, skipping plot: ", feature)
def do_solve(maxIter, solver, display, test_interval, test_iters): # SET PLOTS DATA train_loss_C = zeros(maxIter / display) train_top1 = zeros(maxIter / display) # train_top5 = zeros(maxIter/display) val_loss_C = zeros(maxIter / test_interval) val_top1 = zeros(maxIter / test_interval) # val_top5 = zeros(maxIter/test_interval) it_axes = (arange(maxIter) * display) + display it_val_axes = (arange(maxIter) * test_interval) + test_interval _, ax1 = subplots() ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax1.set_xlabel('iteration') ax1.set_ylabel('train loss C (r), val loss C (y)') ax2.set_ylabel( 'train TOP1 (b), val TOP1 (g)') # train TOP-5 (c), val TOP-5 (k)') ax2.set_autoscaley_on(False) ax2.set_ylim([0, 1]) lossC = np.zeros(maxIter) acc1 = np.zeros(maxIter) acc5 = np.zeros(maxIter) #RUN TRAINING for it in range(niter): #st = time.time() solver.step(1) # run a single SGD step in Caffepy() #en = time.time() #print "Time step: " + str((en-st)) #PLOT if it % display == 0 or it + 1 == niter: lossC[it] =['loss3/loss3'].data.copy() acc1[it] =['loss3/top-1'].data.copy() # acc5[it] =['loss3/top-5'].data.copy() loss_disp = 'loss3C= ' + str(lossC[it]) + ' top-1= ' + str( acc1[it]) print '%3d) %s' % (it, loss_disp) train_loss_C[it / display] = lossC[it] train_top1[it / display] = acc1[it] # train_top5[it / display] = acc5[it] ax1.plot(it_axes[0:it / display], train_loss_C[0:it / display], 'r') ax2.plot(it_axes[0:it / display], train_top1[0:it / display], 'b') # ax2.plot(it_axes[0:it / display], train_top5[0:it / display], 'c') #ax1.set_ylim([0, 10]) plt.title(training_id) plt.ion() plt.grid(True) plt.pause(0.001) #VALIDATE if it % test_interval == 0 and it > 0: loss_val_C = 0 top1_val = 0 # top5_val = 0 for i in range(test_iters): solver.test_nets[0].forward() loss_val_C += solver.test_nets[0].blobs['loss3/loss3'].data top1_val += solver.test_nets[0].blobs['loss3/top-1'].data # top5_val += solver.test_nets[0].blobs['loss3/top-5'].data loss_val_C /= test_iters top1_val /= test_iters # top5_val /= test_iters print("Val loss C: {:.3f}".format(loss_val_C)) val_loss_C[it / test_interval - 1] = loss_val_C val_top1[it / test_interval - 1] = top1_val # val_top5[it / test_interval - 1] = top5_val ax1.plot(it_val_axes[0:it / test_interval], val_loss_C[0:it / test_interval], 'y') ax2.plot(it_val_axes[0:it / test_interval], val_top1[0:it / test_interval], 'g') # ax2.plot(it_val_axes[0:it / test_interval], val_top5[0:it / test_interval], 'k') #ax1.set_ylim([0, 10]) plt.title(training_id) plt.ion() plt.grid(True) plt.pause(0.001) title = '../../../datasets/EmotionDataset/models/training/' + training_id + str( it) + '.png' # Save graph to disk savefig(title, bbox_inches='tight') return
3, 4, ], [1, 2, 3, 4]), axis=[60, 104, .3, 4.5]), ] for i, params in enumerate(param_list): ax = pl.subplot(2, 2, i + 1) if params['type'] == 'pf':'csmr'), color='grey') else:['type']), color='grey') pl.plot(pl.arange(101), pl.array(output['model_' + params['type']]), 'k-', linewidth=2, label='Posterior Mean') pl.plot(pl.arange(101), pl.array(output['model_' + params['type'] + 'l']), 'k-', linewidth=1, label='95% HPD interval') pl.plot(pl.arange(101), pl.array(output['model_' + params['type'] + 'u']), 'k-', linewidth=1) pl.xlabel('Age (years)')
exit if __name__=="__main__": """ var and es granularity adjustment as a function of the correlation """ #percentile = 0.99 #num_of_credits = 40 #default_probability = 0.01 #loss_given_default = 1.0 if len(sys.argv) != 5 and len(sys.argv) != 8: usage() else: if len(sys.argv) == 5: percentile, num_of_credits, pd, lgd = sys.argv[1:5] x_min, x_max, x_step = (0.01, 1.00, 0.01) else: percentile, num_of_credits, pd, lgd, x_min, x_max, x_step = sys.argv[1:8] import pylab x_list = pylab.arange(float(x_min), float(x_max), float(x_step)) var_values, es_values = main(x_list, float(percentile), int(num_of_credits), float(pd), float(lgd)) pylab.suptitle('First Order Granularity Adjustment', fontsize=12) pylab.xlabel("correlation") pylab.ylabel("function values") pylab.plot(x_list, var_values, 'b--', label='var adjustment') pylab.plot(x_list, es_values, 'g-' , label='es adjustment') pylab.legend()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Sep 14 18:16:40 2020 @author: Marie """ from pylab import arange, sqrt x = arange(1, 11) y = sqrt(x) print(x) print(y) def kvadrer(x): return x**2 z = kvadrer(x) print(z) for y_verdi in y: print(f"{y_verdi:.2f}") print(y[0])
def plotContig(contig, tracks, options, plot_legend=False, extra_features=None): """plot data for contig.""" if extra_features and "figure" in extra_features: figure = pylab.figure(**enterParams(extra_features['figure'], (("figsize", lambda x: list(map(int, x.split(",")))), ("dpi", int), "facecolor", "edgecolor"))) else: figure = pylab.figure() if plot_legend: if extra_features and "legend" in extra_features: legend = pylab.figure(**enterParams(extra_features['legend'], (("figsize", lambda x: list(map(int, x.split(",")))), ("dpi", int), "facecolor", "edgecolor"))) else: legend = pylab.figure() lx = legend.add_axes((0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9)) lx.set_title("Legend") lx.set_axis_off() else: legend = None axes = [] ywidth = 0.8 / float(len(tracks)) yoffset = 0.1 axprops = {} ayprops = {} min_x, max_x = 1000000000, 0 for track in tracks: if track.mData: min_x = min(min_x, min([(x[0]) for x in track.mData[contig]])) max_x = max(max_x, max([(x[1]) for x in track.mData[contig]])) # make sure that we use the same view for all axes axprops['xlim'] = (min_x, max_x) nplotted = 0 for track in tracks: labels, plots = [], [] ax = figure.add_axes( (0.1, track.mYOffset, 0.8, track.mYWidth), **axprops) if 'sharex' not in axprops: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(formatGenomicCoordinate)) ax.set_xlabel("Genomic position / Mb") axprops['sharex'] = ax else: pylab.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax.set_ylabel(track.mTitle, **ayprops) if track.mSubTracks: # compute maximum extent of y-axis in all of subtracks first = True for tt in track.mSubTracks: if first: min_y = min([x[2] for x in tt.mData[contig]]) max_y = max([x[2] for x in tt.mData[contig]]) first = False else: min_y = min( min_y, min([x[2] for x in tt.mData[contig]])) max_y = max( max_y, max([x[2] for x in tt.mData[contig]])) nsubplotted = 0 for tt in track.mSubTracks: plot = addPlot(ax, tt, contig, nplotted, nsubplotted, len(track.mSubTracks), min_y, max_y) nsubplotted += 1 plots.append(plot) if hasattr(tt, "legend"): labels.append(tt.legend) else: labels.append(tt.mTitle) else: min_y = min([x[2] for x in track.mData[contig]]) max_y = max([x[2] for x in track.mData[contig]]) if options.global_colours: n_for_colour = nplotted else: n_for_colour = 0 plot = addPlot(ax, track, contig, n_for_colour) plots.append(plot) if hasattr(track, "legend"): lables.append(track.legend) else: labels.append(track.mTitle) # reduce number of ticks by 2 old_ticks = ax.get_yticks() step_size = (old_ticks[1] - old_ticks[0]) * 2 new_ticks = list(pylab.arange(old_ticks[0], old_ticks[-1], step_size)) ax.set_yticks(new_ticks) if nplotted % 2 == 0: ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("right") ax.yaxis.set_label_position("right") else: ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("left") ax.yaxis.set_label_position("left") # deal with extra_features if extra_features: for key, config in list(extra_features.items()): if key == "vlines": if contig not in config.mData: continue lines = [] for start, end, value in config.mData[contig]: lines.append(start) lines.append(end) ax.vlines( lines, min_y, max_y, **enterParams(config, ("colour", "linewidth"))) nplotted += 1 if legend: lx = legend.add_axes((0.1, track.mYOffset, 0.8, track.mYWidth)) pylab.setp(lx.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) lx.set_xticks([]) lx.set_yticks([]) lx.text(0.4, 0.5, track.mTitle) lx.legend(plots, labels, 'center left') if hasattr(track, "text"): lx.text(0.6, 0.2, track.text, size="smaller", clip_on=True) ax.set_title(contig) # has to be set at the end, otherwise re-scaled? ax.set_xlim(min_x, max_x) return figure, legend
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from supreme.lib import pywt import time import pylab #r = pywfdb.Record('d:/mitdb/101') #data =, 5050, 1024) data1 = pylab.array(range(1, 400) + range(398, 600) + range(601, 1024)) / 1024. data2 = pylab.arange(612 - 80, 20, -0.5) / 250. data2 = pylab.sin(40 * pylab.log(data2)) * pylab.sign((pylab.log(data2))) from sample_data import ecg as data3 mode = pywt.MODES.sp1 DWT = 1 def plot(data, w, title): w = pywt.Wavelet(w) a = data ca = [] cd = [] if DWT: for i in xrange(5): (a, d) = pywt.dwt(a, w, mode) ca.append(a) cd.append(d) else: for a, d in pywt.swt(data, w, 5):
'kernel': 0.5, 'weights': { 'uniform': { 'min': 0.5, 'max': 2.0 } }, 'delays': 1.0 } topo.ConnectLayers(a, b, conndict) # first, clear existing figure, get current figure pylab.clf() fig = pylab.gcf() # plot targets of two source neurons into same figure, with mask for src_pos in [[15, 15], [0, 0]]: # obtain node id for center src = topo.GetElement(a, src_pos) topo.PlotTargets(src, b, mask=conndict['mask'], fig=fig) # beautify pylab.axes().set_xticks(pylab.arange(-1.5, 1.55, 0.5)) pylab.axes().set_yticks(pylab.arange(-1.5, 1.55, 0.5)) pylab.grid(True) pylab.axis([-2.0, 2.0, -2.0, 2.0]) pylab.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'box') pylab.title('Connection targets') # pylab.savefig('conncon_targets.pdf')
center_plot = 0, 0 for i in range(0, 100): points_plot.append([0, 0]) # Get default camera window size ret, frame = Height, Width = frame.shape[:2] frame_count = 0 # Initialize time varaible then = time.time() #####################################Plot Start####################################### # Initialize plot parameters xAchse = pylab.arange(0, 100, 1) yAchse = pylab.array([0] * 100) fig = pylab.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(121) ay = fig.add_subplot(122) ax.grid(True) ay.grid(True) ax.set_title("X vs Time") ay.set_title("Y vs Time") ax.set_xlabel("Time") ax.set_ylabel("X Value") ay.set_xlabel("Time") ay.set_ylabel("Y Value") ax.axis([0, 100, -1000, 1000])
#Cs = m.arange(18.5, 19.15, .005) #C2s = m.arange(-100.0, -103, -.2) #def Fit(C, beta, C2): #return C * m.exp(beta * t) + C2 #BEST 1430.84646506 (18.644999999999971, 6.8319999999999856, -102.0) # Blowup model #Cs = m.arange(193, 199, .125) #betas = m.arange(5.5, 5.95, .0125) #C2s = m.arange(1.32, 1.38, .00125) #def Fit(C, beta, C2): #return C / (C2 - t)**beta #BEST 78624.1696635 (198.625, 5.8875000000000055, 1.3637499999999991) # Exponential model betas = m.arange(7.2, 8, .001) Cs = m.arange(9, 11, .0025) C2s = [0] def Fit(C, beta, C2): return C * m.exp(beta * t) #BEST 16703.0662184 (10.000000000000313, 7.6779999999999031, 0) def Error(C, beta, C2): fit = Fit(C, beta, C2) #beta / (C - t) error = (fit - sup) return, error)
def createKerdenSOMPlots(self): apFile.removeFilePattern( os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.spectraTemporalFilesMask + ".png")) #logging.debug('Inside createKerdenSOMPlots') apDisplay.printMsg("Create Plots") codeVectorFileName = os.path.join(self.params['rundir'], self.timestamp + '.cod') f1 = open(codeVectorFileName, 'r') #Read first line, I need number of harmonic plus size line = f1.readline() splitline = line.split() numberHarmonic = int(splitline[0]) xx = int(splitline[2]) yy = int(splitline[3]) numberCodevectors = xx * yy xmin = int(self.params['spectralowharmonic']) xmax = int(self.params['spectrahighharmonic']) #array with x and y values xvalues = [] #fill x array with harmonic number for colNo in pylab.arange(xmin, xmax + 1): xvalues.append(colNo) #figure size in inches pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 1, 1 pylab.rc("lines", linewidth=1.5) pylab.rc(('xtick', 'ytick', 'axes'), labelsize=4.0) #fontsize #read code vector #compute y maximum ymax = 0. ymin = 150. for rowNo in range(numberCodevectors): line = f1.readline() splitLine = line.split() for colNo in pylab.arange(numberHarmonic): yval = float(splitLine[colNo]) if ymax < yval: ymax = yval if ymin > yval: ymin = yval f1.close() ymax = math.ceil(ymax) + 1 print "ymax ", ymax ymin = max(math.floor(ymin) - 1, 0) print "ymin ", ymin f1 = open(codeVectorFileName, 'r') #skip first line line = f1.readline() for rowNo in range(numberCodevectors): line = f1.readline() splitLine = line.split() #print line data = [] for colNo in pylab.arange(numberHarmonic): data.append(float(splitLine[colNo])) print xvalues print data #clear previous plot pylab.clf() lines = pylab.plot(xvalues, data) pylab.ylim(ymin, ymax) pylab.xlim(xmin, xmax) pylab.xlabel('fold symmetry') pylab.ylabel('likelihood') pylab.xticks(xvalues) basefilename = os.path.join( self.params['rundir'], self.spectraTemporalFiles % (int(rowNo / yy), rowNo % xx)) pylab.savefig(basefilename + ".png", dpi=256, format='png')